Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 15, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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S Story of
Conrrfefct. 1599, hj 6n But
nnd the overthrow of the royal fam
ily awaited his !onMm Ho was tin
f umu who would irlvu tin word.
1 1 Alas for tho commltti of ten I Tin
wiliest for lu tho hNtory of the world
was never so wily s the Iron Count
Some, day they wore to find out that
ho was using them to pull his choicest
chestnuts from tho tiro.
Tho committee was seated around
tho long table In the stlttluK, breath
less room, the armorer at tho head
Those who came by why of tho sower
had iverformeil ablutions In the queer
toilet room that once had been a secret
3. vault for the storhiR of feudal nlun
T der. What air there was came from
iuu unrruw vciuunior mai uurroweu
Its way up to tho shop of William
Spants or through tho chimney hole
In the celling. Olga Platanova sat far
down the side, a moody. Inscrutable
expression In her dark eyes. At
Spants's right louuged Peter IJrutus.
a lawyer, formerly secretary to the
Iron Count and now his solo represouf
atlvo among theso people. He was n
dark faced, snaky eyed young matt,
with a mop of coarse black hair that
hung ominously low over his high, ro
ceding forehead.
Julius Spantx, the armorer's sou. a
placid young man of goodly physical
proportions. Bat next to Itrutus, while
down the tablo ranged others deep in
the consideration of tho world s grav
not n spy," she said .
"Well." said William Spantx, "we' GAME FOR THIS WOMAN
arc safe If we take no chances with i .
him. He must bo watched all the Sl'OKANK, Vmh.. March IB.
time. If we discover that he Is what Mrs. Madge King, the solf-proclalinod
some of us think he Is there Is a way "queen of matrimony," who. wbh nr
to end his usefulness Now. Itrutus. Vt8,0ll , S,,oknBO ft fow ,,nya K0 on
whal does Count Mar anx say to this . m.. ... .. i
day two weeks? Will ho be ready? ,C,'"rB. ot kindling unsophlstl.
On that day the prince and the court I,1?11 8?'"B vy spinsters and
are to witness the unveiling of the Ye , widows Itv vnrlflu jmrts tit tho la
tlve memorial statue In the plain. It J T lo northwest with tho nuclenl mat
la a full holiday In UraUstark. No ' rlmontnl bureau kiuuo, said in nn In-
man will Ik employed at his usual j torvlew nt tho elly Jail that sho will
task, and"- reform when sho Is permitted to leave
itruius iiiirrrupieu uiiu, "iiuu ir ; ttlO Cell
me very uay tnat tno count mis nsKcti ,
mo to submit to the committee
through tlto streets of Filer, a near
by town, shortly after tho flro was
discovered,1' hurrying away from the
direction of tho bunt tin; homo.
Tho idiorlff or Twin Fnlla county
and a largo powtu are now tiding over
tho country whero tho two suspectH
worq last Been.
DKTKIOT, Mich, Mnruli 15.-- -lied
Her husbiuul Is aUo tinder '"'"I ', florintV window were the
..... 1111 ... A
,,r.,oi .... v ..i... M. iirsi mneoiR 10 imtt tne ovns ot
lint OUUH.U I'.lltltiU. " -
o mora niatr'tnony in mine wnen , ' " " ...
been totally
before hiHt
uvuKvcu ii iu in? iue uaf 01 oil uajs . , -- - i,..l,. ..Pi., I.... I
.... .- I not out nf inn. " mint i Mrs K nv U'Mlll.V Utter SllO lllUl
tWlUlllfe BHlllllll fiU IIUI133. IIU VUll I " -, ....-n.
ouer with a single blow. Ur uoon of i adding: "Mo for tho housework. . ulintl-sitieo the tiny
that day, the 2Cth of July, tho commit-1 whero I belong, Instead ot butting Tlinnksgivmg day.
tco of ten will be In control of the Into Dan Cupid's gamo. I novor wna "t "C( uinmnin, T can see!"
states the new regime will te at hand. lent out for a nintrh-tnnkor. nnvhnw. , tho child cried suddenly ns ulio. was
A new world will be liegun, with Kdel
wctss as the center, about which all
the rest shall revolve. We. the com
mittee ot ten, will be Its truo found-'
IT has been said before that Trux
toa King waa the unsuspecting
object of interest to two sets of
watchers. Tho fact that ho was
Bwr the surveillance of the govern
neat police Is not surprising when we
veasJder the evident thnmiurh
that deiwrtnvnt, but that he should ' cst Prol'ems- Ono tbe women was
lie continually -watched by persons of i Mmc- Brovnasfc. whoso husband had
a Jsabro sinUtop eas q ,.. boon sent to Siberia for life, and the
. .... . . . . . I filhr.1- Ann Ommoi- n iil I
can do cieareu up Dy vis- , r. '' " I ment that Bhould fall swlftlv mon the
tuit'ii vuu uau uwli unv n imn nil i .
nniti RtfM tunnw win, nr.- , assslns of the beloved Prince Hobln.
Wo did not hold them up strong aslu0l"P I1'' "hing tho street by her
they do In Now York. Hoston, Chlcn-!m,", Ami nho removed the big!
go and other eastern cltloo. They , Rowl1 Hint had been fdiiolding her
era. Wo shall ho clortne.1 forover. Tho nle i minimum charge of $2G toriycs i
death of the prince Is the signal for j Introduction to soul mates, while "Whnt do yon see, my child f" the!
tne overthrow of the present govern-tout hero wo were giving tho people mother nuked doubt fully.
ment and the establishment of tho new a regular bnrgalu counter rate, never
order of equal humanity." charging moro than ?li for bringing
Dp In the distant hi Is slept the Iron Rm togother..
Count, dreaming of the day when ho
should rule over the new Graustark I
for he would rulel-a smile on his grit- WHOLESALE' MURDER AND
led face in rctlectlon of recent wak
ing thoughts concerning the punish
Sttng n certain underground room un
known to the police scarce two blocks
Xrom tho Tower of Graustark.
Tbere were two ways of reaching
this windowfess room, with Its low
ceilings and dank airs. If one had
the secret In his possession he could
jro down through the mysterious trap
door In. the workshop of William
Spants, armorer to tho crown, or he
Slight come up through a hidden apcr
'tare la the walla of the great govern
Bicnt sewer which ran directly paral
lel with and far below the walls of
tho quaint old building. One could
take his choice of direction In ap-jwoachtng-
this hole in the huge sewer
he could come up from the river.
kalf a mile away, or he could come
ble husband, an assassin of some dis
tinction and many aliases, at present
foreman In chargo of one of tho bridge
buildlug crews on tho new railroad.
Every man in the party, and there I
were eight, for Olga was not a mem
ber of the "ten," wore over tho lower
part of his faco a false black beard of
huge dimensions not that they were
averse to recognition among them
selves, but In the fear that by some
hook- or crook Dangloss or his agents
might be able to look in upon them.
Brutus was speaking. "The man Is
n spy. Ho has been brought hen
from America to Tullls.
"We shall continue to watch his
"Hod tulips" lnughed the. littlo girl
in delight. 1 nun sho heenmo quiet
nnd .thoughtful nn the second object
Hint mot hor viow was n blind mnn.
Doctors nttrihiite the child's blind
noun to nttnemin. nnd way that the re
turn of night followed the building up
of hor constitution,
-flwreisod, .ehcem nnrs
UOISK. Idaho. March 16.- Whole,
sale murder., fnllowlnc robhorv. In
lie would make short shrift of as-1 n.nM,i in ),.,mn .
MMlns! jcarly yesterday of Theophll Thonl. INSURGENTS SHARPENING
his wlfo and two grown daughters, In
a flro which destroyed tholr homr'
(To Bo Continued.)
WILL PROHIBIT KILLING slx mlIos W0Bt o( Tw,n FcU8- When WASHINGTON, Mutch 15.-In-
WHITE HERONS IN SEASON tn0 f,rw wns discovered by neighbors 'snrgontK in both houso nnd sonnto be-
I It was too late to rescue tho occu- 'gnu sharpening their knives nnd tom-
WASIIINGTON, D C., Mnrch 11. .Pnta and ator tho hoinx was con-1 nhwnks today after-rending tho nn
According to rtdvices received here mmeA tho four bodl08 v'oro found In ; noiinccment Hint the National Repult
iuo H9UU9, .ncnii contrresslonnl eomunttnn not
today from Consul Isaac A. Manning
of Gunrin, Venezuela, tho Vcncituelnn
government has passed n law to pro
hibit the killing of whito herons dur
ing the mating season.
Thonl recently arrived In this conn-J only did not intend niding them in
Tins nction was taken owint' to
flown from the hills above If he bad fO' movement." said William Spanu the fact Hint largo numbers of the
, .. . . . i iimr win tpii. wnnn irn nm tma . ..... .
xae courage to urop inrougn one or . , : ' , , , ,
be Is dangerous there Is a way to stop
his operations."
"Dangloss suspects more than one of
us," ventured Brutus, his gaze travel
ing toward Olga. There was lewd ad
miration Iu that steady glance. "But
S&e Intakes.
It is of special significance that the
trapdoor In Snantz's workshop was
Reserved for use by the armorer and
Ids more fnstldlous comrades, of whom
-three were women and one an estab
lished functionary in the royal house-
The committee of ten represented
the brains and the activity of a rabid
coterie In Edelweiss, among them
selves styled the Party of Equals. In
li&In language, they were "reds."
JXha nominal leader was William
Spantx, he who had a soq In the
prlace's household, Julius Spantz, the
master of arms. Far oft In the hills
4&eTe the Danube there lived the real
leader of this deadly group the Iron
Count Marlanx, exile from the land of
Us birth, hated and execrated by ev
.cry loyal Graustarklan, bating and
execrating in return with a tenfold
.greater venom.
Olga Platanova was tho latest ac
quisition to this select circle. A word
concerning her: Sho was the daugh
ter of Professor Platanova, one time
oculist and sociologist in a large Ger
man university. He had been one of
the most brilliant men In Europe nnd
a member of a noblo family. Less
than a year before the opening of this
tale he was executed for treason and
conspiracy against the empire.
His daughter, Olga. was recognized
-AS one of tho roost beautiful and cul
tured young women In Warsaw. Her
suitors seemed to be without number.
Finally there came one who conquered
and was beloved. Die was the son of
a Blighty duke, a prince of the blood.
The young prince pledged himself to
marry her despite1 all opposition; he
was ready to give up his noble Inherit
ance for the sake of love. The all
powerful ruler of an empire learned
ef this proposed mesalliance and was
horxlfletL The will of the crown was
mads known to him and he obeyed.
Olga Platanova was cast aside, but not
forgotten. lie became the husband of
9a unloved, scrawny lady of diadems.
"When the situation bcame more than
he could beur he blew out his brains.
When Olga beard the news of his
death she was not stricken by grief.
She cried out her Joy to a now cloud
Jess sky, for he had Justified the great
love that bad been theirs and would
be theirs to the end of time.
From a passive believer in the doc
trines of her father and bis circle she
hecamo at once their most Impassioned
exponent. She threw herself, heart
und soul Into the deliberations and
transactions of the great red circle;
her father understood and yet was
Then he wns put to death by the
class she had como to bate one more
tone in tho sepulcher of her tender,
girlish ideals. When the time came
she traveled to Graustark tu response
to the call of the committee of teu;uhc
rarao prepared to kill the creature she
would be uskcu to kill. And yet down
in her heart she was sore afraid.
She was there not to kill a man
crown old Iu wrongs to her people, but
to destroy tho Ufo of a gentle, Inno
cent boy of seven!
There were times when her heart
shrank from the unholy deed she had
fceea selected to perform. But there
waa never u thought of receding from
the bloodly task set down for her.
On a Saturday night, following the
last visit of Truxton King to the
armorer, tho committee of ten met iu
the tondcrground room to bear tho lat-
wt word from one who could not be
"flwk them in person, but was always
ifcwe In spirit, if thoy were to believe
Ids Biost zealous utterances. The Iron
'.Gewtt Marlaux. professed hater of all
that was rich and noble, was the
Jww behind the committee of ten.
?w assassination of the little prince I
iry irom .xeurnsKn. iiurcnnsing n mcir lllfltnotH. but were going 0
ranch. He was known to possess con- send speakers nnd literature into
slderablo means. The two daughters j their bailiwicks netting forth nothing!
wno losi uieir lives una ueen eiiucnt-(iMit purr, regular Republican doctrine
ed In Europe. The statement bears the stump of
birds were killed yearly by hunters j J "or8--'"en BCOn ""K npprovnl of the lulministrntion.
for the nigrete, which is much used , TT 7T." ".T7r". ... . ". 1 - .
in millinery for decorating women s
hats. ' i f
...... . .
Accoramg to tno new mw, eneii
hunter is now compelled to secure n
permit to gather heron fenthors from
we'll fool the old fox. The tlmo will Ux, .u : i.:i. i.
... . . . .... ! LltVE-ltlUlli Ul iUU lilii.' Ill WUiril Hi- I
soon ho Iir, fnr tlm lilnw t!ifr frniu I I
Graustark from the yoke."
tt appeared In the course of his re
marks that Marians bad friends and
supporters In all parts of Graustark
Hundreds of men In the bills, Includ
lng honest shepherds and the dishonest
brigands who thrived on them, coal
miners and wood stealers, hunters and
outlaws were ready to do his bidding
when the time was ripe. Moreover.
Marlanx had been successful In his
design to fill the railway construction
crews with the riffraff of all Europe,
all of whom were under the control of
leaders who could sway them In any
movement provided It was against law
and order.
With a cunning that commands ad
miration, the. Iron Count deliberately
sanctioned the assassination of the lit
the prince of the reds, knowing that
the condemnation of the world would
fall upon them Instead of upon him
and that his own actions following the
regicide would at once stamp him as
Irrevocably opposed to anarchy nnd all
of its practices!
In the course of bis remarks Peter
Brutus touched hastily upon the sub
ject of the little prince.
He's not very big." said he, with a
laugh, "and It won't require a very
big bomb to blow him to smithereens
Ho wJH"
Stop!" cried Olga Platanova, spring
ing to her feet "I cannot listen to
youl You shall not speak of It in that
proopscs to operate nnd under no cir-
vuuisiuiiijcs i tiiu auiiigiiii.-r in uu-ix
birds nllowed. 1 1
CINCINNATI. Mnrch 15. Rela
tives of Charles Hinterborgcr, nged
fifty, single, thought his denth today
was from natural causes, although
But the coroner's constable, Chas.
Stngnnro, came across this note:
"Rats iu this house nnd continued
pains from rheunmtism drove me t
this, so iorgive me. Good bye to nil
Charlie." It is thought that the mnu
took paris green.
Notlco is horcby given, that the un
dersigned has, by tho county court of
the state of Oregon for tho county of
Jackson, been appointed administra
tor with tho will annexed of tho es
tate of Syllsicea Scuddor, deceased.
All persons owning or holding
claims nnglnst said cotalo aro hereby '
notified and required to present the
same, duly verified, as required by!
law, to mo In Modford, Oregon, with-!
in six monthn after tho ( ot this!
notice; and all persons owing said
estate aro notified to maUo lmmedl-!
nto payment, i
Dated Mirch tho 8tb, 1910; date'
of first publication March 8, 1910. !
Administrator, with will annexed, of
tho estate ot Sy lis toon Scuddor, do-,
1 60 Acres
Fine, level and smooth. Pear and Apple
land. Close in. All ready to plant to trees.
Must be sold for reason. Terms, $8000 cash,
balance in one and two years at 6 per cent
interest. For information call on
! i .. . .. I 1. 1mi-L J.j. 1 JUUl imjy;
wayl Peter Brutus, you are not to
speak of of what I am to do! Never
-never again."
She shuddered violently us she stood
there before them, her eyes closed as
If to shut out the horrible picture her
mind was painting.
"She will bungle It." sneered Anna
Olg.i's lids were lifted. Her dark
eyes looked straight Into those of the
older woman
"No." she id quietly, her body re
luxlng, "J shall not bungle it."
The discussion went back to Truxton
King. "Isu't It possible that he is
merely attracted by the beauty of our
charming young friend here?" ven
tured Mme. Drovnask.
"It is part of his game," said Julius
Spantz. "He knows Olga's past. He
is waiting for a chance to catch her
off her guard. Ho may even go so far
as to make pretty love to you, cousin,
in the hope that- No offense, my dear,
nopKeasej" Her look bad silenced him.
88 acres fruit land 3 miles out; CO
acres pears, 1 to C years old; all
under ditch; a good investment; 1 226
per aero; good torms.
14 acres, apples, Nowtown and
Spitz; nico C-room house; modern
improvements; one mllo out; ?12,
000; easy terms.
Mco 7-room bungalow; 5 rooms
finished; 100x108 foot lot; nice oak
shado trees; high lot; a dandy homo
buy; only $2350; $500 will handle It
ONE ACRE of fino land, half sot
to B-yoar-oId fruit; nico 6-room
hoiiso; east front; close to Main St.;
only $3500.
A flno corner lot 60x150, improved,
just off of Oakdale; a snap at $1000,
Take a look at our Ross Park lots,
They are A No, 1; only $350; terms
to suit you.
Nice 8-room bungalow, all modern
conveniences; best resident district
in city; close to Main street; only
$4500; terms; lot 50x200.
128 East Main.
Wright & AUIn
128 Bast Main Street.
214 FruitGrowers Banll Building
In Case of .Sickness
PHONE 3041
Near PoHt Olfice All Night Service Froo Delivery
Office: 209 West Main St., Medfoid, Ore.
Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon
149 Firsts
The BUIOK closed the season with tho irrentcat rec
ord history of uutomohile contests bv winning
I'iv urns in per com. or entries -thereby defeating
II... I i . i t. ...
iuu lUKuuHi-niiriMi loreimi aim American ears m roan
i.Mi . i i i i
races, nui cunius ana endurance contests, ana
A Few of the
Big Wins
COBE CUP RACE 100 miles at an average speed
of 50 miles an hour.
YORICK CLUB TROPHY l?irst and second, ISO
miles at an average speed of ol miles an hour.
VESPER CLUB TROPHY 212 miles at nn aver
age speed of 5D.o miles per hour.
RIVERHEAD, L. I., CLASS 4113 miles at an av
erage speed of 70 miles an hour.
ATLANTA -200 miles at an average speed of 72.2
miles per hour.
In winning tho Los Angeles-Phoenix
Desert Race tho BUICK
achieved ono of tho goratest victo
ries of tho year. This raco, run over
hills and through fields of sand
such as a car seldom encounters,
was entered upon with great enthu
sira by the manufacturers of high
priced cars, because thoy know that
tho "popular-priced" car could not
stand tho grind. But it was tho
samo old story tho BUICK won,
defeating its nearest competitor
nearly four hours and lowering tho
record 12 hours, thereby achioving
ono of tho greatest victories for the
"popular-priced" car in tho history
of tho automobile.
Why Then is the Buick
Pigure it out for yourself. It won't take you loner.
You will find moro Buick Cars throughout tho west'
than an other makes combined. It has provon tho
Best Car for the Rogue River
Valley. Ask Any Owner.
There will bo a greater shortage of automobiles of
all kinds this year than over before Last year'1?
shortage will be nothing in comparison, Perhaps you'
juive not noiicea it yoi, one you win wnen you- ouy a
car. So order NOW and have it in time for tho
"Good Roads."
Buick Co.
(Bulokfl Exclusively.)
Demonstrations by Appointment.