tHE MJSDJfOltD MAIL TRIBUNE, MJ5DJT0KU. ORKOON. TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1910. -4- If SOCIAL AND PERSONAL t Ed Root Says: It may bo a jjood UiImk for im (hut what wo mill "lliu "hrinhtor day" 1h always lo come, boonuso ir wo had It with us all of tho tltno vi wouldn't think It wuh luilf hrlKht uiioiikIi. tr-f , Coffoo at Ooodfriond'fi. ' Mr. and Mrs. llort NoyoH of Hydo Park, Vermont, nro horo to nmko tholr future homo in tho Hokiio rlvor vnlloy. I'oaoh trots for nnlo At ton oontti oontu each. II. 1). Pnttorson, Nuxh ho tel. Hort Johnson of Ornntfl I'uhm was In Modford Sunday on a visit. (;eials at Goodfriond's. V. K. I'nyno, who wam In Modford for novoral years whon tho city wnn In its fomatlvo rttnKO, rotnrnud from southnni California, whoro ho has day evening. When ho stopped off boon for tho pant throo years Satur day ovcnlng. . When ho stopped off tho train hu could not ooliovo that ho wuh in tho village ho had loft n few years hko, and if he hadn't found a few familiar fanes ho would hnvo still i Loon iinlieltnvliitr. "It doom! look1 liko tho same town," said Mr. I'ayno.ionst Hide, $1600, termB. Biskiyoti Wear Kldd's Hhues. I I'V T. Handorson, mayor of Klam ' Kill Falls and A. i. Loavltt aro horo lloolui'iK I'ot' polnloi-H In the matter of mutni'lpal advancoment. Klamath Kails wauls to do things, and niitiir all.v n in h lo Iho oity which is dniriK thiiiu" for inl'oritiatioii. Tho Mturivold Hhop has office supplies, ineludliiK files, blank books, memorandum books, pencils, pons, inks, Inkwells, tablets, typowritor Muppllos, envelopes, panto, muuiliiKO and fountain pons. Coma to tho Kantor nnlo I'rcsby terian ohiirch iarlor Thursday, March 17, for homo cooking, kitchen nprous, kimouaH, fancy aprons, nook wear. .'108 K. J. Chamberlain and II. 0. Mid dauuli of Devil's Lake, K. I)., aro !n Modford, looking over tho Hogiio Hiver valloy with a viow of locating. I'hurie 20111, Ooodfriond'h. A musical program will bo given in tho Prosbylerlan church Thursday, March 17 at JJ p. in. In commotion with tho Easter barman Admission free. 308 K. H. Wait of Suthorlln, Oregon, is horn on a business trip. Three fine largo lots in Ttittloi addition, 9800 cash, Siskiyou Realty Co'., room 22, Jackson County Hnnk building. 308 Henry D. Kubli of Anplegato was a Modford visitor Tuesday. Mrs. John D. Olwoll has returned from a visit to Seattle and Portland. Fiveroom hotiso and lot 100x120, "It has grown almost out of my knowledge." Wear Kldd's 8hoo. Ln Cross Chronicle states thvl II. F. Kchroubach, who bus been in charge of tho Monroe County Tele phono company linos, hat resigned lo take effect April 1 to tiiko tho posi tion of general supariuto'ideut of n now telophono company ut Modton', cnpitnlUcd at $2,000,000. Tho Kastor sale in tho Prebytor inu church parlor odtii nt 10 n in. 8nndwichos and coffoo wi'! bo served t noon. IlOH Tho Juvonilo Dancing Club com posed of some fifty Modford married couple will give nuothor of tholr on joynbla parties at Anglo oporn house Wednesday ovening, March 10. Ila olrigg's orchestra will furoiel. tho mil- io. nuy your paints, glass, wallpaper, stains, varnish, brushes and have your plcluro framed at Motcalf's, 318 East Main. 312 Wear Kidd's Shoes. County Judgo Noil was In Modford on humcH Tuesday. Kxtrn.rU nt Ooodfriond's. K. H. Sawyer for survoys. Subdi vision and platting n specially. Room 12, Emerick. A. A. Davis was at Jacksonville Tuesdny on business with tho tax col lector. Perhaps you need a typewriter. You can secure any mako you wish, In a rebuilt typowritor, nt The Morri vold Shop, nt a roasonnblo prico. Mrs. M. II. Autrnrclth of Rorfcburg visited relatives and friends In Mod ford on hor rot urn homo from Snn Francisco. Tens nt Ooodfriond's. " Whitman's candies aro unexcelled. Tho Morrivold Shop has tho exclus ive ngenoy for Modford. Z. Cnmeron of Union, ono of tho prominent oitizons of that locality was in Modford Tuesday on a busi ness trip. Chinnwnro at Ooodfriond's. John IT. Cnrkin, attorney at law, over Jackson County Hnnk. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Dovlia of Ap nlognto woro Modford visitors Tues day. 8ntnon at Ooodfriond's. Wenr Kidd's Shoes. O. A. TTovor was nt Jacksonville Tuesday on business with tho tax collector. Qranitownro nt Ooodfriond's. " Rooks Billies, Prnyor Hooks, po etry, fiction, gift books for children and ndults, Como in and look them over nt Tho Morrivold Shop. W, IT. Noroross of Contrnl Point was among thoso who woro nt Jaok flonvillo Tnosdny. Flower pots at Ooodfriond's. Frank Ennis. ono of tho pionoor minors of Jackson county, who hns boon Rpouding tho winter in Jackson ville,' wan a Modford visitor Tnosdny. WaahtuliB at Ooodfriond's. Cutlery nnd glasswaro at Oood friond's. If you aro n progrosslvo oitUon, you will find something to intorcst you on tho top of pngo 8. Tho King's Tlnughtora will hnve homo-mndo windy nt tho Enstor bn eanr Thursday in tho Prosbytorian ohurcli parlor. 308 Thos. ITorlott nnd J. C. Grnbb of Applognto woro in Modford Tnosdny on businoss mutters. On tho dny that n senro of your host nustomors look in vain for your hd., nnd only find (lint of your oom potltor, you may do well to worry modorntolv hard I Tf you aro n progrosslvo oltiron. you will find something to interest you on tho top of pnge 8. ITnflkins for ITonlth, Ronlty Co., room Jackson Coun ty Rank building. 308 BUSINESS LOCALS 4 SIngor sowing inachinos, 211 S. O street. Phono 2951. 314 Peach troos for oalo chonp. An cntirj cr.rlond nt 10 cents ouch. II. U. Pntorson, Knsh hotol. For wood of all kinds, seo tho Sqiinro Doul Woodvard. Phono 200, Fir street, botwoon Second nnd Third streets. Gould & Lindloy, proprietors. 201 Wear Kldd's Shoes. If you want satisfaction try a wk of Ml. Hood Snow-Fnll For snlo at tho Rubs Mill. Remem ber Ihe nliiiw Polk & Ron. For saleWolf Creek Covo fruit trnets. Tho IT. L. Chnflin Real ty Co., 203 Corbett building, Port land; Or., nrj offering the best of Rogue Rivor vnlloy fruit lands, in smnll tracts, or. easy payments, .it wholesnlo prices. Southom Pacific depot on center of tract. I:ivontii;rt nt once. E. M. Androws, loonl neon I. 310 Paints, wall paper, glass. Mot calfs, 318 E. Main street. 312 INTEREST IN STANDARD CASE fContinuwl from Pnee 1. EZRA MEEKER STARTS MALIO POWELL AT OVERLAND TOMORROW THE MEDFORD TONIGHT Afied Pioneer of 1853-WIII Follow the Lonu Trail Once Again for Purpose of Erecting Additional Monuments. PORTLAND, Oro., March l. Al- though eighty yonrs of ago, Ezra Meokor, pionoor of 1803, will lomor-, row morning bogin nil ox-toarn jour-' noy over tho old Oregon trail, his oh jootivo poin t being Indopondonco, j Kansas. Tho start will bo mndo from , Tho Dalles and tho two faithful oxen t which drow Mcokor'a "prairie sehoon-1 or" over the trail four years ngo, arc shod and roady for their second long ovorlnnd journov. When Ezra Meokor mado Iho 2,200 1 mile trip the first timo he wus seek iug a homo in tho wilds of Oregon. In 1900, the ploncor returned over) the long road as n labor of love. He i wanted the exact course of the Ore-1 gon trail to bo staked and marked, that its traditions might not be lost.j At that timo ho succeeded in estnb- j lishing two monumonts nt promiriiit points. His present trip for the purpose of erecting additional monuments in the WILL EXPLAIN THE OPERA AT MATINEE Mananer Hazclrigo Will Give Free, Matinee and Fine Points of Grand Opera to Be Seen Here Soon. It is tho intention of Manager Hazclrigg to give a little mulinco free to thoso who wish to become fnmil- inr with tho opera nt which time he will give a little talk on the plot and characters in tho opera and play over tho principal themes so that people not familiar with these produc tions will go to tho opera house tho night of the performance with a thor ough knowledge of tho text and the principal musical themes. Thero is no entertainment more en Thos. Hcnriott, directors of the Ap grand opera, those who do not like grand opera are simply those who do not understand it. There is first the text with which ono should be famil iar in order that they may give closer attention to the music. ihe two operas to be given bcrc by the Lombardi company arc trage dies. Tho plot of Cavallerin is laid The Assertions Claims Creeds (Sh Maxims of .shoo manufacturera aro of little account unless the house from which you buy your shoes "MAKES GOOD" That's why wh buy Dorothy Dodds and that is why we urge you to not fail to consider Doorthy Dodds when buying your spring footwear. It would be idle to write such ... .... i ,, iit ,i wnrnit ofi iiriiiiani iccaniouc. skjh- n . o.-.n j i. f ,..,,.. i t - .. ; . in a email lown jn oiciny ana uenm ehnpo nt soctions of gnlvamzcd pipe, fuj bowing" or "unasual ability in ... t. jnoof , a 4t,. a "' j rowon ana men mop mere, one i ,. .. . ., . ,. , . - , , , as far above such mundane phrases venting the strike is that of federal th(j yyM f,ower 0 the mountai intervontion. ttop Pinccd there by nature, is su- Tho railroad officials havo tole- nonor and more divine than tho proud ,,, ;D - u i- -.,--..! graphed a request to Chairman Knapp; iy tended by the gardener in the .. . La fatai end5 nr on Easter time is Easter morning, and by the way some of tho most beautiful East er music occurs in this onera that has evor been written. The cause of of tho intorstato commerce commis- vnlloy bolow, sion and Lnbor Commissioner Neil to ' It is particularly pleasant to know act as mediators under the Erdman ' that this celebrated violinist is a na act, i tivo American one of us. She Question of wages and two working 'shows it not only in hor winning stage rulos nro tho rocks on which the op-; personality, but in hor good sense jn tmsinir sides hnvo split. Working Ilules tho Chum'. Tho rnilrond manngors are willing to nrbitrnto tho wago question but not tho working rules. These they selecting such n representative pro gram. There's n dash of Celtic in her blood, and this must give her the poetry nnd fine sentiment so marked of a wandering race. It is also note- hold to bo mattora of discipline nnd (worthy that hcr's is not an inherited not dobntablo. j nrt not bought with somebody eUe's Ono of tho rules provides for pro-:monoy, but bequeatcd to her ns a tal motion of firemen from seniority in servico while tho othor is a demand that tho firomeii shall havo a reprc- out to bo answered for, nnd tempered by hard, faithful study. How many yonrs no ono but she knows. Her of Ohio was dissolved to tho timo of romplotlon nt tho prosont organiza tion. Tho part playod by stock ox changes and tho Issunnco of "liquid ating certificates" which woro ox chnngod for stock In tho prosont hold ing compnny, tho govornmont nlloges, was tho subject of many of tho ques tions askod from tho bonoh. Prom thoso questions, attorneys hero bo llovo that tho docliton will go Into this pbnso of trust organization Tory fully. "Trust-Dustor" Frank D. Koltogg began his nrgumont for tho govorn mont Into today. John Q. Mllburn, nf counsol for tho Standard, complet ed his dofonso of tho Standard's moth oils nnd Kellogg assailed tho argu ment Ironically. GENERAL STRIKE CALLED (CmitiniMlJ!romPngo 1.) strike which will involvo forty-nino western nnd southern rnilroads will ho announced today to tho committoo of rnilrond goneral manngors. Prosidont Cnrtor of tho Brother hood of Firomon and Enginomcn wns in sossion with tho oxcoutivo commit too of tho brotherhood throughout tho night. Decision at Midnight. Tho decision to striko was ronohod nt midnight by tho genornl foderntion bonrd of westorn railroads of tho brothorhood organization nftor Chair man Nixon of tho mnngor's commit too finnlly had rofusod tho omployeos demands. 1 i I Al. I., f. A Alipnroimv mo oniy nopo oi pro sentntivo on nil employes committees I violin tono is what may bo called the involving engineers' griovnnces. Pow'cll tono it hns such a peculiar. On 1ho othor bund tho unionists do- warm, musical color. Her technique mnnd arbitration on tho rulos qucs-iR so wedded to her art that in her tion. case it is difficult to say where tech- Tho men nro demanding a genornl niquc begins nnd nrt ends. She plnys increase of 12V per cont in wages. ; on n fovorite Ouadagnini violin, for liinra rtiiccu-o. iwhJch 8,,e id n(u v tu0usands of Tho principnl lines affected by the , dollars, nnd jt probably hns more day. Hi Pnglaicci means in English, the clown. Tho plot is laid in Italy and represents a troupe of strolling play ers who were playing thd old panti mimic play of Columbine. This play is supposed to be a comedy but is made tragic by the husband who play ed the part of Punchenello, finding i out the perfidy of his wife just before he goes on to tho stage and the com edy graduates into a tragedy. If you are n progressive citizen, you will find something to Interest you on the top of pngo 8. If its your property you have a right to select nnd choose your ten ants refusing applicants, occasion ally. And youH be nble to if you. nro a trood ndvortiscr I f I I He Will Enjoy the dainty dishes you may prepare m an Electrical Chafing Dish striko ordor nro tho Santa Fe, Chi cago & Alton, Burlington, St. Paul, Rock Island, Colorndo Southern, Great Northorn, Illinois Contrnl, M. K. & T., Northorn Pacific, Oregon Short Lino, O. It. & N., Frisco, Southom Pncifio nnd Union Pacific. If tho brotherhood carries out its strike ordor, tho second big railroad striko within six months will bo re corded. Switchmen's Striko. Tho switchmen of tho northwostom roads wont out sovoral mouths ago and aro still on striko. It is estimatod that their action hns cost tho rnilroads $10,000,000. It affected but fow roads, howovor, whon its scope is copnrod with tho extent of tho proopsod striko of tho firemen. Tho walkout of the firemen will af fect 140,000 milos of trnckngo nnd half the trnok miloago of tho United Stntes. Lator in the dny tho brothorhood offioinls receivod tolograms from Knapp nnd Noli asking if their pro posed mcdintion would moot with tho npprovnl of tho brothorhood. A Week of Grace. OAKLAND, Cal., March 15. "I do not boliovo that a striko will ho called on the Pacific const until tho various clinirmon of tho Pncifio coast com mittees return from Chicago ready ti assumo commnud of tho situation, j declnred Frank C. Avnnson, secretary of tho griovnnco committeo of tho western division of locomotive firo-f men todny, ' Avnnson doclarod thnt ho received i no instructions from Chicago as yot 1 but ho was oxpooting to hoar from Qonornl Chairman 0. W. Cam of tho western division nt any timo. than n money vnlue. The Morning Oregoninn, Portland, Ore. this city would suffer perhaps more thnn nny other big city on the pacific coast. Only one eolctric lino operates out of San Francisco nnd thnt terminates at San Mateo. The Southern Pacific ferry boats to Alameda. Oakland, Sausalito ,and Tiburon nnd tho Santa Fo to oPint Richmond nil dopnd upon rnilrond connections to n largo oxtcnt. All lines connect with tho Sausalito fer ries but many of tho commuters de pend upon on tho North Western rail way. Tho Key Roue ferry lino to Oakland and Berkeley nnd tho elec tric line to San Mateo would be the only lines not nffected. The enormous commutation traffic of the lower peninsula would be cut off if tho trains woro stopped nnd the trnnsbay traffic would be badly crip pled. CITY TltKABUTtKU'S NOTICE. Offlco of City Treasurer, Medford, Orogon, Marchc 14, 1910. Notlco Is horoby gtren that thero aro funds on hand in the city treas ury for tho rodomptton of warrants Nob. C, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 13, tssuod against tho trunk eowor fund, protoatod May IS, 1909. Intorcst on tho samo will ceaso aftor tho above dato. L. L. JACOBS, 307 City Treasurer. Buggy Robes FINEST ASSORTMENT OF BUGGY ROBES IN THE CITY. Single Harness Now is the time to feed Man hattan Stock and Egg Foods. Horses shed coats and look splen did. Egg Supply Wilt Increase One-third. J. e. Smith !J14 east main street The ease and convenience with which so many delicious dishes may be prepared in an electrical chafing dtali make a strong appeal to the young wife as well as the seasoned housekeeper. , She has found that a chafing dish affords not oniy a quick and economical means of preparing impromptu repasts, but also that it enables her to prepare on the dining room table many dishes that' supplement and round out the bill of fare previously prepared on the kitchen stove. If you do not possess one of these useful articles, or are using one of the old style alcohol burners, come in and see the new General Elec tric chafing dish. No fuel is required, consequently there is no flame, smoke or soot to guard against. It can be used in any room where an electric lamp socket is available. It is sanitary, convenient and safe. It is handsomely designed and finished, and males an ideal gift. Rogue River Electric Co MIS DANCING SCHOOL Begins MONDAY NIGHT nt SMITH HALL, on Grape st., after which it will be held ev ery Thursday night in tho week, in addition to second and fourth Mondays. Loam to waltz in six lessons, $1 per lesson, six for $5. Pri vate lessons by appointment. PROF. AND MRS. JEROME, 124 South Central Ave. TYT T Tl flT TTk T I jriuivioirN VJT STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All. Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN (Si PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford Ore. Phone 303 Snn Francisco Will Suffer. SAN FKANCISCO, March 15. In onso of a striko of railroad firomon 1 miun I JUM SPECIAL EASTER EDITION Sunday, March 20. Advortisors, wo will be pleased to cull and help dress up that advortisomont. Our ad man is at your service liso him and note tho hotter offeots of your advertise ments, Nows of intorcst to ovory person in tho county and in fact all ovor tho TJnitod States, will bo found in this issue. , t , See Diamond for DIAMONDS We are prepared to show the people of Modford and vicinity u full and complete lino of watches, jewelry and diamonds. We respectfully solicit a sharo of your patronage. A pleasure to show goods. VISTT THE NEW JEWELRY STORE. PINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY J. W. DIAMOND 115 West Muin St. Medford NOTICE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S Land Department Representative. Mr. S. J. Adler will bo at the Hotol Moore March 17th to April 1st for the pur pose of seeing those who are interested in the company's famous Alberta wheat lands. Ho will be prepared to furnish complete information, including maps, lit erature, prices, etc. Call on Mr. Adler and arrange to take advantage of our low rate semi-monthly oxeursions during this season and inspect these lands. Ide-McCarthy Land Co. COLONIZATION AGENTS CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY