THE MBDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1910. THE PRECOOLING OF FRUIT W illi! In Menu to (Iik I'riillgiovJiT mill Hit' Hplnnllil ICi-niiIIn Willi Ii Have llci'ii Obtained In ('iillforiilii by llii- (invcriiiiK'iil. A SINGLE HAIR, II)' ItllfllH Hlei'lo. Tint world ut dlnlnut:o In to Know nt 1mI tint flavor of Cali fornia frultu when matured iiimui Hi" trccM. No ntoio will Fifth uvenuo bo HlitlNfloil wlll grnuon Hint wore green wluui thoy lint California no morn will lio Clilntjro 1)0 content with licntilii'w that HoftniHMl tin iho wny. Tim old muthoit Iiiih neon IIh end, for onclniHirlng hUIII mid I Ii w Invimtinutit of mi ouormoun num. of money buvci abrogated Itit iiuroHHlty, Tim now pio-coolliiK nt Itono vllhv Ciil., wliMi had IIh fjriit prac tical dmnonttratloti early In Octobor hint, iuiikoh It i.ohmIIiIo f r r Iho first t nit) to whip "lio fruit to ti t Atlantic Konl.oartl. AIho, H liiHnroH tint Call- By PEnCY .Q. HALL. ICopyrlithl, 1610, liy mrlcn Prom Ao-clnilmi.J uriiin'f' nit; 1:1.500 larlondit of docldu- '''ho editor of tin KxcclMor Magazlin on fnillM. InHi'dliiK fhurrloH, uprlcolH t hi" dek opening envelope con plMU'llOH, IIIIIUH, pi II III IIl)l0M, graOH, I'urKlniinoiiM, olc, (JfiOO carload of vcKotahloH, Including colory, cabbage, raullflowi'r, oii'.t iim, lottueo, tomatooH and potatoes. All lluirn products woro tmcoHKiirlly picked boforo ripening wan complete. They hroiiKht $70,' tabling contribution. Itunnlifg ovr (ho wheels of one to dlHcovcr If It came within thu prem-rHml length, bo found between two of tticrn a Imlr, It wnn too long for it idhij'm Imlr and Iw nbort for n womnii'n. Hut It must ho ono or tho other, and hIiico the mnmmcrlpt wiu Kent In by n woninn ho concluded fornla grown n bettor prlc. thnn ovor) ho hnti received, (whlrli linn two .100-ton refrigerating Twenty yearn ago only tho very jiniicliliicH (capacity In Ico-malclng ICO hardh'Mt CnlTrrnln fruit might bn'tonn ach) and In much tho lnrgctH 000.000 In waul r ii innrkotB howtt It had belonged to tho latter. It nnirh more might thoy havo brought had It been powOljlo na It will bo pOKnllilo to. lot thorn ma'uro on tho ntom 7 Undoubtedly .tho California Krowor may prepare hlmnelf for bet tor retuniM than ever boforo, and loxu through over-rlpenlng !u tho enr will bo nbuted entirely, Tho prn-coollur plnut nt Konovlllo In it iiionL luternmlng plnco to vlnlt. It hi combined with tho Ico plant, .Hhlpped nH far im Halt Lake -tho HhlppliiK ludtintry wnn nlmost nil, Then eaiiio the refrigerator car nnd with It nn iru of now omlbllltleH. Ico plant In California, Tho cooIIiik procen Ih wimple. Two groat fatm drive current of air through a hugo , coll box of nminoiiln pipes and alone The Introduction of thin Ice-packed, j delivery duett through regulating nir-tlglit ear. povldltig rsfn trahpor- vnlveM, flexible canvas connection!) tatUui for highly pnrlnh.iln frultH, j and a falno door Into the car, whoro Iiiih befui repop-lble for the develop- defluctorM dlHtrlbute It evenly, The inent of nn output which, In tho year air paHHo out through two ennvnn npnceit. ll'Oti. reached r.bout (1(1,000 cnrlondH, connect Ioiih above the Ico bunlcem at. That ft pood nnine for MIkh Arrow valued nt ovor $70,000,000. jtho end of the enr and back to tho nltli would be "the fair one with tho Tim ....rruHlntf ..f imt-rnollnir. It In ' fmm nifnln. B"Me leU" cmdtiaD.V llllnuilted It- licllevi'd, wl mean nluioxt n much was not black or brown or red; It wan Koldcn. And the nnmo of tho girl on whoso head It had douhtlenn grown wan Nnthallo I(05u Arrowmnlth. Mut pcrhapH thin wnn flctltloim. Tho I'scclnlor Mnnilno was pub llnhcd In tho fnr went, where women, being comparatively ncnrce, nre appro elated, rottilbly It wai thin that led tho editor to dream over tho golden hair and Nathalie Hone Arrowmnlth. lie wan a young iiinn of Ideal tnste. I Ho wnn not the owner of tho period ical, but an employee whoao bunlnetif It wan to select nuch contributions n would fit In lctwcfn certain other staplo matter. lie ponncuscd literary discrimination, but was aware that thin delicate faculty was not considered In fixing his salary, What wan expected of him was to read the mmiuncrlpts that came In to kco that there was nothing In them calculated to ofTcnd any of the imignzlnc'if pntrons. select- lug tuote that would fit the empty to the California fruit ludiictry an did tho coming of the refrigerator car. It will create for California fruit a demand Impost Iblo of estimation at I he two fans are each ten feet In , w , of ,Rr ,uc. diameter and each Is capable of do- L,on na(K ,,. u .,,, ,,mItH llverlng r.O.jOo cubic feet of air n nM(U for lim.,nnc,. C1IM0 it con minute. The coll box Is 80 feet long, ' inliiMl iioibtntr oblecllonnlilo. Slean- 112 feet wide, and contains 80,000 j while bin eiH-ratlve mentality was on '1 (his time. Tho tvorago tlmo requlr- feet of two-Inch pipe with more than i bin work, but bin Ideal fa"ultlcs-thoe ed for a car of fruit to nial:o thu trip to Now Yorl. Is nine dayn to Chica go, ftevon days A car of grepes, fnr Instance, lhou,h heavily Iced, would 12,000 nmmonln Joints. The box In'nkln to soul-were on -the fair one made of hollow tile reinforced with 110 10CKH- , V me time hteol. and has an Inch of asphalt ,,; ''''"' wn'HuT matiuHcrlpt he had con- tut. I It u tt r mIh uohl Tli lu'V ' ......... i 1 l ...... 1 rr. ..(! I.. I aimiiui il up an 1111 nun , i nu uuii it it... ... i.. . i i i ii in iiiiiijitii linn iu nre in ii iiii uiiu tart enstwnrd with a tenipornturo of , lu two sections and tho air passes ,., ,irKrcu 0f literary merit. The Inn 70 degrees. Xhotigh tho Ico-bunkors f-om tho upper to tho lower. The de-jBunf;e was "plains" or gulch language. wore regtilnriy ropieniniiei at rro- livery unci is mane or Mi, io gai- ami tno autiior una succeeded in glv quent Int tho fruit Something to Investigate and Consider r 11 -trt 00 acres of the best soil in the valley, lo cated 4 1-2 miles from- Medford and 1 1-4 miles from shipping station. 5 acres planted to Bosc pears 5 years old. 2 acres peaches in full bearing. 22 acres pears and apples 1 year old. 13 acres alfalfa. "i Balance of land ready for planting. No waste land. ' U THne building site; good water; splendid location.' t If this interest you, we will be glad, to give t you full information and price. , 4 ..iv J. Dressier Agency West Main Street. How Are These For Bargains 5-room house on Cottage avenue, East Side, lots 100 xl20 $1500 1 lot on Grape street, East Side, lot 50x120 $400 2 lots on Palm street, 3 blocks from new depot, 56x 124, each $450 ' lots on Hamilton street, 2 blocks from new depot, 56x124, each $600 2 lots on Fourth street, 2 blocks off Oakdale, 56x 100, each $$50 Fine residence lots in Crescent subdivision, close in, Call and look over our list in fruit land. They are some of the best in the valley. SISKIYOU REALTY CO. EOOM 22, JACKSON COUNTY BANK BLDG. PHONE 3311. tMltatl, Uiiillltivi " "' v t aiw w n( v im" (tvvvfvv - ervnls, such wan tho heat In vnnlzed Iron, Is CO Inches In diameter Ing It ns correctly as If she had kept a at tho time (ho grapes went nnd iOO feet long. cowboy's boarding house. There were Into the enr, that perhaps five days would elapse beforo tho tctnporaturo fell In 10 Jogreen, and ripening, or The first ntep lu cooling Is to ex haust nil tho nlr In tho car by use of a Hoy Hprnguu Intermittent 'vnlvo. tho development of decay, was stop-( Tho exhausting process Is repented pod. Naturally tho grapes had to bo every 15 minutes during the first hour picked green enough to snnd flvo to rid tho car of nil gnscs given off by tho fruit Itself. The cooling shed Is 950 feet In length. Tho 30 loaded enrs to he treat ed nluiultancously nru run Into thu Itattlesnaku Mill and Mexican Pete, as "bad men as ever fanned a 45 or twhttcd a bowle." Then there wan Cactus Kate, not overparticular In her loves, but "a heart as big an Table mountain." The story wa available, but when the editor contemplated offering the inn tin go me nt's limit of compensation for such productions $2.50 his whole Ideal naturo sickened. Yet what could tA .tnl i . . .I1n...llnt ... MM nM - . shed, ten at each end. Tho doom ro' " - ,,m unlocked nnd swung open, tho false onIy mcct wlth n snnr, hs chlef doors clappod Into place, tho. canvas and the remark that "wo ain't In this connections iulckly made, nnd tho ycre business to edecate authors, but process boglns, So perfect Is tho sys- for dust." lie concluded to soften the days of rlpo'ilrg In tho car. Unfor tunately tho full richness of flavor la found only In grapen that maturo upon the vino, and thus Now York, white eating ripe California grapes, novnr hns known how good n Call- fr In its mi t f vl 1 1 it llfc I r iva Tim samn condition has held true with nraetlcally all tho other Impor tant fruits and vegetnblei; raised In Item that tho tempornturo within the.Iow 'or the fair ono with the golden ' ... ... I lUtl.l. ...11.... I -4 . I P. C. Hansen. Tom Mff,n o Tiijiko anv kinii and style of windowa. We carry trl- t anv size on band. Medford Sash & Door Co. tho orrhnnlu and gardens thnt border I cars could be reduced to zoro If do- tho Pacific. Kor several years exper iments havo been In pro.tror.M which sought to roduco tho temperature of fruit fresh nnd hot from limb or vine ni It went Into the car. Most of the ttystoms tried were found expensive nnd Imprncllcnblo. From chilling bns kets or crnten sopnrntoly, tho rofrlg eratlon exportn turned their attention to tho handling of cars after thoy had boen pnekod. I3von whon It was found sired. Kor prnctlcally nil tho prod ucts handled, It Is believed thnt tho Idenl tomporaturo will bo found to vnry from 38 to 40 degrees Fnhren belt, While the connections nro be ing removed nnd tho cars scaled after tho dco'red tomporaturo has been ob tained, n procsslon of liugo Ice-blocks locks by wrltlug her a letter of apolo gy for offering her so pitiful n sum for her production. If he had stopped at this there need have been no harm dono. All editors kindly Insert feather bods under strug gling autlioru before knocking them dowu. It's a feature of the business, nut the gold strand had stuck In bis head, nnd he added some ""soft stuff." O. L. DAVIS, President L. E. WAKEMAN, Cashier L. E. NEIDERMEYER, Vlxe-Pres. L. L. JACOBS, Asst. Cashier Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank "CXrrT. A L tjTOCK $GO,000 MEDFORD OREGON comes along tho platform lovol with " lP'oed the proprlotor'ii cbick for thJcnr roofs on a and 'l0!.? 1 tho cars nro Iced with no additional away with n lluttcrlng heart. A few days Inter the young editor posslblo to chl! o carload at n tlino' delay. Three hours after n car ar- heard n stentorian voice In tho man no practicable results had boon oh tnlned, for n fruit trnln could not wait upon a siding while each of Ita ninny rives nt HohovvIHu from tho vineyard I ngur's private room debating sotuo or orchard whoro It wns filled, It may be proceeding on Its way up tho SI cars was separately treated. Andjerra. A crew of 50 mou operntes tho then tho Pacific Fruit Exprens com pany and tho Southern Pnclflc com pnny copcelved tho groat pro-cooling plant nt Kosevllle, 20 mllen north of Sacramento, nt tho Junction of tho Ogdon nnd SJinntn rnutefl, making uso of tho "Intermittent vacuum systom" controlled by h. A, Roj'.of Chicago. Under tho direction of Arthur FngeJI, consulting engineer, nloro thnn n mil lion dollnra wnn spent In erecting n plant which could havo no practical demonstration until It was complet ed, Tho plant wns built Ir. conjunc tion, with tho Ico plnnt of tho com pany, tho Itrgfst In California. Tho 'first tcHt was mado on Octobor 0 last. This Initial demonstration' was with a train of rofrlgerator cars loaded with rlpo grnpoa brought from I,odl nnd run Into tho cooling sheds. Ten cars woro cooled simultaneously. In two hours thu tempornturo within tho cnrB fell from 70 to 38 dogroos, Tho enro woro then dlspntchod to Now York nnd Philadelphia with n dolay of lesn thnn throo hours, Thoro wns no rlponlny, no decay nftor tho cars loft Rosovlllo, and ton dnys lntor thoBo grapos woro oxposod In tho mar kets of tho two Atlantic cities In pro clBoly tho amo condition ns whon they loft California. Tho capacity of tho Rosovlllo plant Is 20 enrs nt n tlmo, nnd tho tinnt will begin oporn tlon nt full cnpaclty with the "first fruit crops of this coming season. Tho oroctlon of nn exactly similar plnnt Is woll under wny nt Colton, In tho southern part of Callfornln, for tho hnndllng of cltnifi fruits nnd vog o tables. An Idon-of tho products to bo nf focted by tho now pro-cooling process, products which now may bo allowod to attnln luscious maturity upon tho otom, may bo galnnd froin an nnnlynts of fruit shipments during tho Benson of 1009, Callfornln shlppod to oast orn mnrkots 45,000 cnrlnnds of citrus fruits. Including oranges, lomons and cooling plant. As this Kosovlllo Ico and cooling plnnt standi) todny It repiesonts nn Investment of over $1, 000,000. Thu fnmo nnd vnltto of pro-cooling will go to eastern mnrkots with the first crop which Is handled' through tho sheds of tho Itoaovlllo or Colton plnutH. A finer product will mean, a wider demand, and a wldor demand will menu a hotter prlco. It would seem thnt tho California growor may expect a Biibstautlnl boneflt without' ntrotchlng out his hand. IS AWARDED $100,000 AFTER LONG LITIGATION SPOKANE, Wnsh., March lf. Ono hundred tliouBand dollnra' damage wiih awarded to Joseph 11. Ho. yd, u pioucor) morchant of Spokane, ngninst tho Nortliorn Pacific Hnilwny oompnny, in n judgment handed down by tho Unitoil States court of appeals tor tho ninth district, acotding to ad vices .1tst received from Sun Fran cisco. The dociflion ia tho end of lit igation started in Idaho '23 years ago and Hinco (lieu tried in a dozen courtN. including the liigliOHt fodorul trihudul, Uoyd's olnnn ngninst tho Coour d'Alono Railway & Nuvigatioti eom- pnny wns for $17,000, which obliga tion was nsHiimed by thu Hill corpor ation, whon it uhRovbod tho property following tho failure The claim wns for construction work and wns as siguod to Boyd by tho original con tractor of Iho lino from Coour d'Alono to Mullan by way of Wnllnco, Idaho, built by D, C. Corbin, prosidont of the Spoknno International Railway com pany. T lio rood is now n part of the Nortliorn Pnoifio system. The Hill pooplo repudiated tho claim and suit was brought. Tho enso wns fought through nil tho courts nnd tho costs havo nmonntod to thousnnds of dol lnra, IlaskiiiB for Health. questlou with nil tho Intensity of Inn- gunge of Rattlesnake Dili or Mexican Pete In the story. Then the mnnnger called the editor Into his otllcc. Thcro stood a strapping cowboy whose yel low Imlr hung down under his som brero, There were pistols aud enr fridges In his belt nnd spurs big enough for buzz saws on his heels. He wns Hushed with anger: but. on i scotug the editor, who was a dellcato i fellow of Ave feet two Inches nnd n hundred pounds weight, ho stood as tonished for n moment then burst Into 1 a tit of uncontrollable laughter. 1 "He you the kid ns writ that?" he , asked, holding forth the editor's apolo getic message ' Tho editor stood stupefied. I "Waal, waal. I nju't on the blow about lieeln big wonders, but this la tho ' blnrstedest observation I ever mnde. 1 So y took me for n gnl. And the hair ' ex got lu between the nbcots. A gold- ' en strand. And y' daubed lu somo soft soup on me. I sure never see uothlu' llko this beforo." "Did you write the stuff?" asked the' proprietor of Nathalie Rose Arrow smith "Sartln. I read It to tho boys, nnd ' they Mowed It was tluo." "What made you choose that name?" "Why. pnnl, I was calletl sudden on ( a roundup and lef thestufT with a young feller ex- Jlst come out to tho Peters ranch froin the east to scud to 1 your uinguElno. Ho put on the name. 1 He wild he'd give it a uotn dcr plum." , "It Is a plum." reuinrked tho pro- rirlAtn. .lAtltnliillhlnnaUt "Waal, llttre one. I come up yero to to see what kind of a galoot took mo for n gal. 1 thort as If thero was ary Insult lutended, though I aiu't much on gun suddenness, I'd Jlst bore a. holo In the man as did It. nut you nln't big enough tnrget for my gnus, flood by, Mr. Proprietor; goodby, little ono." And he walked out to tho music of his spurs. Then tho manager turned to his edi tor. "I reckon," ho said, "this ain't do posturo for n moon calf like you? T' hotter go east to some o' them college magazines. Hero's your salary to date." A SNAP IN ORCHARD LAND One hundred and sixty acres of free red soil, 10 to 30 feet depth; two wells, about 25 acres cleared; a very gradual south hill slope; ono-half mild from postoffice, less than one-fourth mile from school nnd soven and one-half miles southwest of Jacksonville. Only $20 per acre. Call on or address JL ' "2. j m m JOE THOMAS 222 SOUTH HOLLY STREET. MEDFORD, OREGON $150 AN ACRE 270 acres, foothill land, about 6 miles from Med ford; there are about 85 acres on this place now planted to fruit, which includes about 26 acres in bearing. The bearing varieties arc Newtown and Spitzenberg apples and Cornice pears. Thero are 25 acres of Newtowns in their second year with peach fillers and about G acres of Newtowns just planted; also 20 acres of Jonathans nnd 10 acres of Bartlett nnd Anjon pears just planted. About 200 acres of first-class fruit land on the place. There are many springs on the place and considerable water could be de veloped for irrigation; two houses, good barn and other buildings. Would subdivide nicely. Easy terms. . $2500 Sixty acres, 6 miles from Medford, about 15 acres cleared and partly planted; small building!. $250 AN ACRE 70 acres, about 4 miles from Medford, free soil; 25 acres planted to Newtown nnd Spitzcngerc apples, mostly 3 years old; m addition, abodt 25 acre6 under cultivation, balance easily cleared; good new 0-room plastered house, new bare; also set of old buildings. Could be subdivided into two or three tracts nicely, easy terms. $5500 Six miles from Medford, good new buildings, about 8 acres planted to NewtownB, Spitzonbergs and pears, 1 and 2 years old; about 7 acres additional cleared, balance not hard clearing; good team, wagon and machinery gocs w,th 4118 Plac0 s ,s a 40 acre tract. $275 AN ACRE Seventv acres of level land -within a mile an 1 a half of the city limits of Medford; first-class fruit land; priced at least $50 an acre less than anything in the vicinity: good buildings. Would subdivide nicely. $12,525 Eleven acres in Cornice pears, 10 years old; 9 acres in Bart lett and Anjou pears, 1 to 3 years old; close in; good soil; terms. $12,000 Eleven acres in Cornice and Bbsc pears, 14 years old; these trees are in full bearing and will pay a good income on the price asked. $7000 Thirty-fivo acres of black sticky, 3 miles from Medford, all under the ditch and can be irrigated. $13,000 Thirty-two acres, close to Medford, 8 acres in Newtowns and Spitzenbergs, 5 to 7 years of ago; 14 acres in alfalfa, 3 acres in peaches, 2 acres in berries; irrigated; buildings. $14,000 Thirty-five acres; buildings; exceptionally fine place for n home; 12 acres in apples and penrs 3 years old; about an acre of bearing orchard; 11 acres in alfalfa; all fine deep free soil. $150 to $200 PER ACRE Stowart acre tracts; 2 miles from Medford; tracts nre from 10 to 25 acros in size; fine building spots on all; enn nil bo irrigated; cheapest tracts in Medford neighborhood; easy terms. $300 PER ACRE Finest 5 and 10-ncre orchard and garden tracts in tho valley; easy terms. W. T. YORK & CO. R L U IVI BING Steam and Hot Water Heating. ; . All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. I. P. MOORE AND E. E. SMITH Old Tribune Building. Phone 931. ; MORTGAGE, m LOAM Money on hand to loan on Heal Estate. City and County Warrants bought. Fidelity and Indemnity Bonds Furn ished. Fire Insurance. JAMES CAMPBELL Phono Main 3231. 20N Fruitgrowers' Hank Ilulldlng Haskina for Health. RESOLVED The best to make is resolution for you to come to us for your noxt suit, if you want something out of the ordinary. We do tho best work and charge tho lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE raOQUfSSIVS TAJX.OX For Sale - - - - Splendid Bargains Piecre, Shepherd & Co., 128 East Main Street. A 5-room house, porches, plastered, modern, largo barn, woodshed, new buildings; price $2500 and $.1050 can remain one year at 6 per cent. Lot 50x168 feet. Three-fourths of an acre, South Central avenue, with building; easy terms, $1600. A 6-room bungalow, modorn, maple floors, an extra good buy, $2000; North Riverside; $1000 can remain on place. A fine bungalow in Queen Anno addition, $2100; 5 rooms, bath, electric lights, fireplace, cobblestone foundation, corner lot. Can also sell you two as fino homes as there are in tho city, ono $5000 and ono $6000. Como to office and lot us show you theso special bargains. We also have good'buys in ranches and small tracts, Pierce, Shephard & Co. 128 East Main Street.