GERMANY IS IN RACE FOR TIE SOUTH POLE Lieut. Fllchncr of Army Staff Has Made All Plans for a Start In October. RKRLTK. March IS. A German South Pole expedition has been vir tually arranged by Lieut. Filchner of the army general staff, under tho auspices of tho geographical society. At . n nipctini? of the society this ov- cnincr ha announced that the oxpedi- 4nn will Rtnrt next Octobor if the moAssnn- moiiev is obtainod. An cx pedition with two vessels will need ftr00 (100, with ono vesfl 50,000. Tho plan is to send a vessel with revisions over Shackolton's routo und nslAlilish a deDot about half-way to his winter quarters. Tho regular expedition would start later from Weddell Land, on the opposite side of tho Polo, and make a dash across to the depot Dr. Penck. chairman of tho Geo ,j$Taphical society, announced that an annovmous donor has given $75,000, and Liout. Filchner has promises of S15.000 more. Filchner, a well known explorer, was one of tho first to roach Lhnssa, Thibet. In 1903 and 1905 ho ex plored Turkcctan and Persia. In an interview tonicht ho said: "I am prepared to start at any moment. AI thou eh I have not done any Polnr exploring and do not know any Polar oxplorers personally, l tm ly believe in the practicability of tho nlan. T have obtained leavo of ab sence and already many influential persons are interested in the scheme." Dr. Otto Nordenskjold, an Anarc tio explorer who-was at tho meeting, expressed the opinion that the plan is feasible WASHINGTON, March 15 "The more, tho merrier," was tho comment of President llcnry Gannett of the National Geographical Society today when he learned tho news that the Germans have decided to enter the race for the South Polo. Whether tho Americans finally will be in the race with a joint expedition of tho Peary Arctic Club of New York and the National Geographical Society of Washington depends on tho result of a request made by the geographical society of its 55,000 members for $50,000 as its thare for outfitting the expedition. CORSETS, PERFUMERY FOR RURAL MANIACS DODGEVILLE. Wis., March 15. Maybe a $4 corset is tho propor thing to provide an bmate in a rural Wis consin insane asylum, but tho count board of Iowa county is greatly-aggrieved over tho discovery that this and similar expenditures have boon thj rule for soma years b tho county asylum, which, as the special inves tigating committee reports, cost $4, 000 more then should hr.a t cnfio in tho loot four yoars. There is no charge of improper uso of money by tho superintendent, E. J. Perkins Tho investigating committee found these among the expenditures: Half dozen corsets, $24; perfume, three bottle, at $1.27; perfume, amount not snecifiod. $5.82; perfume, two bottles, $5.50; one-quarter dozen gloves, $3; other items for gloves of higher quality, $15 and $24 per doz en; shoes at from $2.75 to $3.50 per pair. Tho report of tho Btatc bonrd of control declares tho inmates au in as good condition physically as in any asvlum in the stats. ' NOTICE. Notice Is heroby given that the un dersigned will apply at tho meeting ot the city council March 15. 1910, for a retail liquor license at his place of business, lots 12 and 13, block 20, city of Medfora. J. W. BLINDER. Medford, Oregon Thl certifies that we havo sold Hall's Toxas Won dor tor the cure of all kidney, blad der and rheumatic troubles for ten years, and have never had a com plaint. It gives quick and permanent relief. Sixty days' treatment In each bottle. Medford Pharmacy. NOTICE. All real estato men aro notified that my property is no longer on the market at tho former prlco. Prices and terms furnished on ap plication, L. F. LOZIER, Medford, Or. A RARE BARGAIN. 25 acres 3-year-old Spltzenbergs and Newtowns, excellent condltlou, adjoining best bearing orchard here. Best free loam soil. Below tho ditch, S0,000. Terms. Also other bar gain!. A. N, Parsons, Grants Pass, 407 THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDlfORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, 1 LIME-SULPHUR SPRAY AND ITS STRENGTH Professor C'Gara Writes of tho Strepflth of Lime Sulphur Spray and tho Proper Strength. By P. J. O'Gara, Assistant Pathologist U. S. Dept. Agriculture Tho Question Is otton asked, how stronc shoutd tho time-sulphur spray be used; in other words, how should tho commercial llmo-sulphur mixture be diluted so as to produco tho best resutlts tor spraying nt this tlmo ot tho ytfar? It all commercial llme-sul phur sprays were of tho samo degree ot concentration this would be an easy auestlou to answer, but It Is well known that thero Is conslaora blo variation In density, and thoro- foro the amount ot dilution should not be tho oamo tor all brands or con centrations. Everyone who wishes to do effec tive spraying with Ume-aulpnur should provide himself with an hy urometer. Hydrometers aro of two kinds, tho Beaume and tho specific Kravity. which dlffor In tho stand ards of measurements on which tho graduated scales aro basod. Readings on the formor aro given In numer als, expressed In degrees, whllo those on tho latter aro mado In decimals. The hydrometer recommended Is tho Beaume, with a range ot 0 to 36 de grees. All manufacturers of llmo sulphur compounds usad for spraying give the test on the contalnero In de grees Beaume. It must bo under stood that hydrometers do not de tect Impurities tn tho llmo-sulphur solutions; such can only be determin ed by chem'cal analysses. Hydrom eters may be purchased from Bausch & Lomb Optical company, San Fran cisco, Cal., or any druggist or op tical company In Medford may fur nish them on short notice. If the brand of concentrated lime sulphur solution Is of uniform strength tho Question of dilution Is not difficult, lut since no two lota are over ot the same density tho amount ot water required will vary In accordance with tho concentration. In order to get tho bost results In spraying at this season of tho year with lime-sulphur tho following table for diluting solutions of varying con centration Is given: Renrilntr on Hydrotn. Lime- Gals. Water. 9 8.1-2 8 7 3-4 7 1-2 7 6 3-4 6 1-2 6 5 3-4 5 1-2 5 1-4 4 3-4 4 1-2 4 1-4 4 3 2-3 3 1-3 3 2 1-5 2 1-2 Degrees Beaume. Sulphur, 35 degrees 1 34 degrees 1 33 degrees 1 32 degrees 1 31 degrees 1 30 degrees . . . 1 29 degrees ......... 1 28 degrees 1 27 degrees 1 2G degrees 1 25 degrees 1 24 degrees 1 23 degrees 1 22 degrees 1 21 degrees 1 20 degrees 1 19 degrees 1 18 dogrees . . 1 17 degrees 1 16 degrees 1 15 'leitroes 1 Tho above extended table Is given so that those who mafco tho home made mixture may bo able to test It. PLANTING BEING. PUSHED AT SUHCREST ORCHARDS "Yes,, I expect to finish up my planting in the Suncrest orchards very soon," said Dr. Pajjo today. "The 450 acres in the tract will be practically all planted this season. Adevrtising will not sell it unless it!s worth your price and t will sell it if it is. TWO LIVES SAVED. I wish to testify that my husband was suffering for a long tlmo from stomach trouble and a complication that various physicians declared to be Brlght's Disease, and was given up by them to die. Ho then consult ed Dr. T. Wah Hlng at No. 725 J street. Sacramento, who cured the trouble entirely. This was soven years ago and thoro has been no re turn ot tho complaint. My little boy, Virgil Strickland was shot through the stomach and InteBtlnoa and the doctors said he could not live unless he was opor ated on and Dr. Hint: cured him without a knife. That was In Sept 1907, and tho IKUo boy Is enjoying good health over since. We formerly reslsed at No. 215 Eighteenth street, and have since moved to 3307 East Avenue, Oak Park. I cheerfully recommend Dr Hlng's services to anyone needing medical attention. (Signed) MRS. S, E. STRICKLAND I verify the above statemont L. STRICKLAND. January 14, 1910. THREE PASTORS OF ONE CHURCH BECOME INSANE ASHTANULA, 0., March 15,Tho Rev. Frank llcitonnn, pastor of tho Finnish Congregational church, was taken to probato court today on nn insanity warrant, and his friends havo asked that ho bo committed to an asylum. His assistant in a series of revival sen-ices which ho held in Jauunry has also since become insnno. His Dredecessor In tho pastorate was committed to an asylum, but lat- or was released and returned to tin land, where lie becamo chief of police of his native town. SUMMEU KXCUBSIOXS RA8T. Tho Southern Pacific company will sell excursion tickets to oaatora foluts nt reduced rates on tho follow tng dales: May 2d and 9th, Juno 2d and 17th and 24tb, July 5th and 22d August 3d and September 8th, going hmlt ten days, total limits 90 days Rates to Missouri Rlvor points and return $69.90; to Chtcao and return, $82.40. Fo- further Information call at local ticket o'ltco or adhoss A. S. Rosenbaum. Local Agont Southern Pacific Co. ' EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE OR TRADE. 60 acres, good for orcnaru, ?xuuv. 10 acres, vineyard in California, sonnn. 840 acres. 30 miles from Grants Pass. FOR SALE. 40 acres near Woodvillo; a snap. 12 acres. elOM in. $1000. 18 acres. 314 miles out, $275 an aore 20 acres, planted to treos, 2Vfc miles out: a snap. 0 acres k bearing, -$3000 0 nnrnn in beanncr. $8000. 24 ni-rsfl. nlanted to armies and pears, $300 an acre. HOUSES FOR SALE. 7- room bungalow, $2500. 5- room house, naw, $2300. 6- room boost, $1800. 8- room hoase, modern, $2300. 10-room bungalow, $5000. 5-room house. $1700. 12-room house, Central ave., $4000, O-roora house. Central ave;, $0500. 10-room house. Central ave., $0500 6-room house, Central ave., $3500. 6-room house, $3500. 3 and 4-room bungalows, $2100. 5- room bungalow, modern, $2300 4-room cottage, $1700. FOR RENT. 6- room house, $20.00. 5-room bouse, $12.00. 5-room house, 2 acres, $12.00. 5-room house, acre, $12.00. . LOTS. . 2 lots, 50x120, $300 each. 2 lots on Oakdnld ave., $2500. J Wb nn Oak. $1600. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS 140 acres, price $400. 160 acres, once $350. WANTED. Man and wife, no children, cook for one. Man-and wife, no children, cook for four. Man and wife, no childron, woman to assist. Man and wife, no children, cook for nine or ten. 25 Ranch hands. Chambermaid, out, $25, room and board. Teams wanted, plowing, $5 per day. Clearing land, call, 10 miles ont. Sheenherder. one used to lambing. Have yoa bonse cleaning, carpets or rugs to clenn, chimneys to clean or any other work, hour or dayf I can furnish yon tho help; also sultB cleaned and pressed. E. F. A. BITTNER. 208 Taylor & Phlpps Blq. Phone 4141 A.L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. OFFICE 113 SOUTH FRONT STREET. Medford Bakery and Delicatessen AU kinds of Bakory Goods and Delicatessen, Lunches prepar ed for fishing and picnic par ties. Satisfaction guaranteed, More careful buylnir Is nu enforced penalty of tho Increasing "cost of liv ing." Ad-wntchfulnoss is greatly liolpful. Best Groceries At Prices Strictly in Keeping with the Quality of Our Stock which is Unexcelled A Trial will Convince You Allen .The Square LOTS 7 East Front Lots, 55 x 123 at $550 2 South Front Lots 62 1-2 x 100 at $7 50 each. These lots are only six blocks from depot on the West side, THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Fire Insurance No. 1 1 North Central Ave I For Sale Stock Ranch 55000 200 acres; 50 acres cleared; 50 head of cattle; five horses; 90 chickens; plows, drags, mowing machine, etc; house, barns, shads, all in good condition. miles from Eagle Point. See owner. 1022 West Tenth Street. J. REAL Farm Land Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Room 10, Jackson MAttOinSlgia Learning to spond nionoy wtlli nsi much wisdom ns In required lit nam ing It in "good houBo-wlfory." lloiid tho ads. . Reagan Deal Grocers two ESTATE Realty Co County Bank Building 1 notice: I will show tho pcoplo o Modford and Jackson couujby t.ho largest assortment of loose Diamonds evor shown in southern Oregon, in all sizes and prices, and fino quality. Martin J. Reddy Th Jowler WAA1ED Timber and Coal Lands EisGiNlilEKlNU AMD SURVEYING OON TKAl'TH TAKEN AND ESTIMATES PUHKISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MFDFORD - - - - OREGON Office in Jaoikoou oouuty Bank Upstairs OPEN LETTER" ALMALGAMATED FILM EXCHANGE (Incorpomlfd.) .Hm-evMon. to MOHTO.N FILM ICXCIIANOK At KlUBON DISPLAY CO. 1I2J4 Fourth fltiwt 'JSil Marilnon Street. Portland, Ore. Honttlr, Wnnli. HIGH CLASS FILM SERVICE Alirntn fof nil rtmkr ot IJwb1 Motion Picture Machines unci Pettier In Hour 81ldr-Trnt6llnKTnlkliiK Mnchltir nntl Itccord Klwtric PUho ftitt OrrlicMtrlonit Nnvltlo, Ktr. Portland, Oregon, March 7, 1910. M'or Bijou Theater, Medford. Dear Sir: If you do any newspaper advertising we would re spectfully request you to put the following on same, which will, we believe, do you as much good as It .will ourselves. An exclusive service furnished this theater by the Amalga mated Film Exchange of Portland, licensed by tho Motion Picture Patents Company, New York. All pictures approved by the board of censors, New York." Yours Very Truly, AMALGAMATED FILM EXCHANGE. P. g, Tho original of this lottor can bo mh In lobby ot llljou Theator. A. t. Ml DOLE Y, Mur. Can you itco woll? It not, con ault Dr. Ooblo. Ropnlra of nil kinds. Wo r-,n duplicate any Ions rnnilft MakIc oycslaio cloanors froo, Dr. Goble Optical Parlors No. 18 Woat Main Street. DRIVERS that 5 J -that cover the country Ql'IOKLV AND WITll COMF FOUND FAKLOW & DOWNINO, I'HOPMICTOHfl. WEST SIDE STABILES 1'IIONR SISt H. OltAl'IC HTHUIST Medford E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All k!r. of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Oollers and Ma chinery, Agents In Southern Oregon for , FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. J. B. KNYA-U'I, I'roHidem JOHN H OH I'll ' THE MEDFORD UAPITAL SURPLUS Safety boxes for rent. A we soiici Near Post Office know the country MIT TO YOU AUK AI.WU'H TO lK A t TDK Iron Works J A I'HItUY, Vi(!u-l'robi( W H. JAUKNON. Ahh'I Cannier NATIONAL BANK 550,000 SI&.OOO general Banklnp Business transacted. your pauonage it Haakins for Health. Raskins for Hoaltli.