orenon Histories! tniHi City Had Medford Mail Tribune TIII2 U'llATIIKIl. UNITfSl) PRESS ASSOCIATION Full Leaned Wire Itoport. Tonight and Wiidnwolity--Clour and viirni. Monday's Temperatures High (18, low 42, rungo 57, Tho only papor In iho world nfit.ll.l.. A l -I.- .I..- - m 1'tiuiinuuu III ll 1.11 luu nizt) ill Medford having: n leased wire. MED FOR I ) OK ICCIOX. 'JTEKDAy, SlAftOH 15, 1910. No. 307. M'ltTII YhAK GENERAL RAILROAD STRIKE IS CALLED WALK OUT NOT YET ORDERED; WILL DE SOON 25.000 Firemen Aro Effected AH Lines In West Are Among Those on Which Strike "Is Called Differ ences Arise Over Wage Scale and Working Rules Officials Return. MEDFORD WILL DE SHUT OFF FROM OUTSIDE WORLD Southern Pacific Is Among Lines on Which Strike Is Called Walkout, Will Be Called Before the End of the Week Conference In Chicago Ends. . f 4 f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 The Southern Pacific, Med ford's only conuoction with the outside world, is one of tho ronda Jiffectod by tho de cision of tho Firemon'B Broth erhood. ThU will mean u complete tio-up of nil traffic in mid out of Modford and tho Ions will bo hoavy in thin city as it will bo olsewkero on tho coast. , During thu past two wcoks tho freight tie-up, while it was only for n few dnys and did not offoct pasnongcr trnffio to any oxtont, was of muoh in couvoniouco to local buniness mon. An indofinito tlo-up of tho roads would not only bo of inconvonionco but would prob nbly cnufio much lost to busi noxH mon. 4. f about tho various stock munlnula- Hons by which tho government nt- CHICAOO, March 10. The com-' tornoyB declared tho Standard of Now iiiltteo of railway general managers orsoy acquired control of tho va nnnouiircd this afternoon that Clialr- rlous companies hold by tho circuit man Knnpp of the Interstate com- court to have been parties to tho merto commission and lnbr Coin- monopoly. tnlssloni-r Nelll had accepted their In- Since tho holding company Is tho vltntton to act as mediators In the form under which a number of tho threatened strike of railway firemen, greater alleged trusts oporato, nttor Roon after this announcement Pros- neys who llstonod to tho urgumont Ident Carter of tho brotherhood said .anil tho questions of tho Justlcos, do- that tho firemen probably would nirreo to accept government mediation to prevent n strlko on nil westoniitho anti-trust crusndo. lines, CniCAQO, Ills., Mnrch 15. A gonernl Htriko of moro than 25,000 firomon lias boon cnllod liy tho high officinlfl of tho Brothorhoood. However, it npponrs probnbio today, thnt the nctuni wnlkout of tho men will not bo ordorod boforo tlio end of tho wcok. Tho few days' delay in making tlio 8triko offootlvo is for tho purpose of nllowing tho Pacific ConHt officinls of tlio brothorhood to rot urn to tlioir homcH to diroot oporntions tlioro. Tho ditto for tlio beginning of tlio (Continued on Pn ft.) ROOSEVELT FOR FIRST TIME IN TEN MONTHS LOOKS LIKE A GENTLEMAN, SAYS KERMIT KHARTOUM, March 15. Attired in n milt of twood nnd "looking liko a gentleman for tlio first' timo in ton months" ns onnit expressed 'it, Col. Itoosovolt nppenrod today with his wifo, bo n nnd dauglitor for n orator trip, about tho town. Thoy visited nil tlio "points of In toroHt" nnd Hpont considornblo timo nt Gordon oollogo, in which tlio oolo nol took gront intorost. Mrs. Roosovolt nnd Miss Ethel nro doliglitod nt tho rocoption nnd accom modations here. They had n tiresome STANDARD Oil CASE TAKES ON NEW INTEREST Arc "Holdlnn Companies" a Violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Law? Tho Question Wilt Be Decided ay the Supreme Court In Its Decision Regarding the Standard Oil. MEMBERS OF COURT ASK MANY QUESTIONS ArOUlng oi Ca" Progressing Rapidly Kellogg, "Trust Buster," Waxes Ironical During the Course of His Remarks. WASHINGTON, March IB. That tho decision of thu supremo court of tho United States hearing thu nrgu- -f'niont In tho appeal from tho circuit court decision dtolvlng tho Standard joil company of Now Joraoy will do f.clde whothor "holding companies" ;nro Illegal undor tho Sborman law ' wm Indicated by tho questions asked f nttorneyo as tho argument proceeded f ' today. fj Under tho docltlon of tho circuit court which ordered tho Standard of f Now Jersey to return Its stock hold-, lings In tho subsidiary companies to ,tlio stockholders of tho company, the form of organization employed by tho f Standard was declared a monopoly, f Tho holding company, by this docl- slon, was specifically referred to, and f was declared tho basis of tho com- blnntlon declared Illegal. 1 f Whon tho nttornoys today roach od f that part of tho argumont describing 4- tho orgnntzntlon of tho Standard tho, f Justices frequently Interrupted tho, questions, asking mor specifically claro tbo dcclalon will bnvo an Im portant bearing upon tho status of Although tho holding company wna declared Illegal by tho circuit court, a numbor of mcrgors have boon con summated slnco tho holding compa nies hnvo played tho loading parts, Corporation nttornoys hnvo declared that tho decision on this particular point will not hold on tho Instances and tho decision of tho supromo court, lawyers say, will sottlo a question of grout Importance to tho big business ontorprlsos. In Bomo Instances tho Justice of tho supremo court united about tho organization of tho Standard from tho time the Standard Oil company (Continued on Pago 5.1 journoy from Cniro nnd from what they hud soon of Egypt on tho way up tho Nilo hnd not oxpoctod to find very fclfptuous quarters nt Khartoum. ' Thoy woro most agreeably Biirpris icd whon shown tho npartmonts pro pnrod for them in tho pnlnce, nnd to 'dny doolnrod that thoy could not hnvo ' found moro coinfortnblo quarters nnd dolightful accommodations in Now York, The colnel is having a great I time and ia enjoying himself so muoh thnt ho finds it hard to think about . tho formal duties and the work that ia before him. Three Leaders of Big Trolley Strike Which Led to Tying IJp lliree or tin leaden or tin- I'liiladelpUia irollej n'ii in the yreat btrtke wbuh tailed out iu sytnputiiy practical ly all of the union men of thu city are V. D. Malum, president of the airwi cur men's uulou of the entire country, known as the .Amalgamated Association of Street and Uittr.c Itnllwnv Uninloiees: C. O. Pratt, ceiierul onranlzer I of the OKKoolatlou, who wax sent to ; ami I'eter Dilscoll. pnwideut of thu 10 MAKE SURVEY Of LOCAL CREEKS H. K. Donnelly, Engineer of State. Board of Water Control, to Arrive Sooon to Determine Amount of Ir rigable Land In Southern Oregon, SALEM, Or., March 15. II. K. Donnelly, nn onginoer for the stnto board of wntor control, will begin surveys with a crow this wook in southern Oregon, to moasuro tho wnt erri of the Althouso crook, the Itoguo river nnd various' tributaries and to dotonnino tho quantity of irrigable land that mny bo roelnimod by tho wntors of tlioso streams. Filings hnvo boon mndo on tlioso streams and hoforo tho board can nrrivo nt nn oauitnblo adjudication of tho rights of usorb, thorough nnd oomploto sur veys must bo mndo, Tho work will consumo about throo months' timo, A short timo ngo II. L. Ilolgate, suporiutoiidont of this district, spent somo time in soutliorn Oregon taking preliminary Btops nnd holding hear ings regarding tho adjudication of wntor rights on cortnin strenms. Weston 72 Years Old. KINSLEY, Knus., March 15. Ed wnrd Pnyson Weston, podostrimii is 72 yenrs of ngo today. Tho famous transcontinental wnlkor oolobrntod (ho occasion by quietly resting nt n point nine miles from hero after n jnunt yostordny in whioh ho oovored 72 mibw, just one mile foY every year of his age. Philadelphia to murine tlie strike beoau.-e local liranch of ' r men's uulon LAOIES PLAN A NOVEL EVENING : Entertainment Planned by Ladies of Greater Medford Club for March1 l 29 Will Be Well Worth Patronizing j Novel Form of Eentertalnment The eiitertniument to bo given by the Grentor Medford Glub on Mnreh 21) promises to be a grout success. Owing to tlio crowded condition oi thu social calendar last month the ladies in chui-go of tlio February program ? l IV 1 l .... .1 - If were oungeu 10 give up uio reception, for which ull arrangements had been ! mado. Tho committee in charge of the March program are doing overything 'possible to make it one of the best ever given. Ami with Airs. E, M. An drows. in charge of tho musical part, something very good is assured. The rest of the program, which is being "kept a seorot," is a vory novel idea, not having been presented before iu the west nnd will ptovo vory enter taining and amusing. Tho Indies are working to raiso funds to pay for tho now books which hnvo boon udded to tho library, and also to buy more books, as tho num bor of patrons equals tho total amount of books now in tho library. Sidownlks nro to be oxtondod in the park nnd tho wost end of tho squnro is to bo kept up as well as tho east. Evory ono who has tho interest of Modford nt honrt, will bo willing to holp tho Indies do their part, and kocp up the work thoy liaye so nobly begun. of Philadelphia. of his known ability In such matters. JO PROVIDE REST ROOM IN CITY i . Information Bureau Will Also Be Es- tabllshed by Ladies of Greater Medford Club Will Consider Them at Meeting Tomorrow. Tho ladles of tho Greater Medford club will meet tomorrow afternoon In Smith's hall at 3 o'clock to discuss ways nnd means to establish an In formation bupreau nnd a rest room In tho city for tho use of strnngors and residents of tho rural sections of tho valley. Tho mutter will bo con- sldorod In dotall nnd arrangements mado for carrying tho plans Into cf foct. , The ladles plan to establish nn in formation bureau for visitors and strnngors. It Is planned to thus make It pleasant for tho nowcomors and tho bureau will ovon go to tho extent of finding rooms for arrivals when tho hotels are crowded. Tho rest room will provide a placo whoro the woraou from tho rural dis tricts may bring their lunch and bo comfortable. Probubly for the timo being a tont will bo orocted In a suit ahlo spot near tho contor of tosva and someono plnced In charge Died At Portland, March 0, 1010, nt tlio Sovonth Dny Advent Sanatori um, Elirnboth Huonugnrdt, aged W yoars, 6 months and 10 days. The remains were sent to Ashland and tho interment took place in the Moun tain View cemetery on Sunday, March 13. AMATEUR TRY DUPT MOORE SALOON Masked Man at One O'clock This Morning Suddenly Confronts Bar tender With Command "Hands Up" They Came Up But Brought a Bottle With Them. ROBBER FLEES BEFORE FUSILADE OF GLASS Nerve of Weuld-fee Bad Man is Evi dently in Need of Repair Police Have Clue and May Get the Man. In Near Future. Monday night as Jack McGynn, the night bartender,, was taking up hla cash at 1 o'clock; ipreparatory to clos ing up the Moore' Hotel bar. a man stepped In through the side door and called, "bands .up." In tho saloon at the time were tho bartender.' George Woodln, whoi bad been helping Mc-Gwynu-cleonnp.-and a ccjgggtefel man, who was writing a letter In one of the booths. The side entrance Is just nt the end of tho bar and Woodln was the first man that tho holdup saw as he came in. Woodln threw up bis hands nnd the robber then covered Mc- Gwynn with the same demand. Jack threw up his hands, but ono of them bad a bottle in it and he let drive at tho highwayman's head, missing it by a fraction of an inch and spoil ing some Imported soda. Woodln in the meantime had dodged Into a clos et, where other cupplles were kept, and by the time SIcGwynn's second bottle had wrecked Itself against the wall, ho opened f lro. There were bot tles, glasses, cuss words and other things scattered all over the barroom for a minute, then Woodln made a lucky shot and caught the holdup man on the side of the head and the latter departed the way ho came, leaving his hat and a lot of broken glass as a memento. After the excitement was over Mc Gwynn and, Woodln looked for the drummer. He was found jammed un der a settee In tho booth whoro he had been writing a letter, so tightly that it was necessary to remove the set t eo from its moorings to get him out Tbo robber made his escape In the darkness, but tho police believe they havo a clue that will enable them to land hi mln a short time. McGwynn showed considerable onrvo In facing the robber, but had It not been for the flank movomentof his helper the affair might havo re sulted differently. James Bricklin and O. S, Lnupp of Crescent Citv, Calif., nre in Medford lor n business visit. I TO HO GOVERNMENT BRIEF FILED IN CONNECTION WITH THE CORPORATION TAX CASES WASHINGTON'. March 15. Tho j government's brief In connection with I tho corporation tax cases was filed 'with tho supremo court of the United States today by Solicitor General Bowers. The brief was filed In response to each of the appeals mado by IS sep a rate corporations. Dowers argues that tho tax Is not a direct tax on property, as was as sorted. Ho says that It Is an exclso on "car rying on business," therefore needs apportionment among the various HAZELRIGG TO GIVE AN OPERA ROAD BENEFIT Will Present "Martha," "Benfflila Girl" and "The Mikade" and Pr- - ceeds Will Go to Swell the FwnI for the Building of the Crater Lak Highway. FUND TODAY PASSES THE $18,000 MARK. Twenty-two Persons Sign List Sisct Noon Monday Every ane Is lett ing for the Road and It Will At Built Hunt Cammitt&e te Sign. $16,200. Noon, Tuesday. Twenty-two since noon Monday. The list growd and grows. Medford is setting a splendid pace. A pace such as only Medford. knows how to set. .Twenty-five thousand by Saturn day, then, feo; for other fielda. '- Portland business " 'met prB $25,000 more. f Will tho road be built? Hasn't Medford said sot For the benefit of those not yet in itiated it will. Charles D. Hazelrigg has sprang a. new feature in the game. He offers to give three operas "Martha," "Bohemian Girl" and "The Mikado" for the benefit of the fund.- The highway -commission has ac cepted his offer. The prices for tho seats will not be out of reason. Any person can tell the stranger what Medford qan do in tho way oi talent. The operas will be well worth see ing. Some of the seats will be auction ed off. Will it be a success? Isn't it to be pulled off in Med ford. A success yes, in capital letters. Several other stunts aro planned by the commission. They aro n resourcoful bunch. Watch the road fund grow, John M. Hoot, chief of all sccomp lished solicitors, says his feet are sore. Not cold oh no! sore. So be ready with that signature when ho calls, lie says ho doosn't mind calling once, but twico is too much. So help him out. jr keep Just watch Medford got busy. -no, Twenty-five thousand. Noon, Saturday. Medford makes good. Help her out! Read page 8 to find out particulars Geo, P. Johnson of Ashland was In Medford Tuesday on business. states according to tho population ot tho states, undor tho Constitution. Dowors also argues that tho cor porntlon tax Is not tho first tax o stockholders' shares nor upon the la come from corporation share. Ho donles that tho tax la as la fraction on thQ gouoral power of im stares to authorize tho formation of corporations, as Is claimed, It Is expected that tho argumeat of the cases, now oa appeal, will twte before the supreme Court Immediate ly after the hearing arxumaata o the Standard Oil dissolution suit to concluded,