16 THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, AffiDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY. MARCH 13, 1010. --- QUEEN ANNE 1 THE ADDITION WITH CHARACTER The Lots for Which You Pay $650 Now Will Be if-. Worth Double in 1912 IF you wish to reside in Medf ord's Be& Residence Section IF you wish to live in the Most Magnificently Improved District IF you would take advantage of your Be& Opportunity You Have Got to Buy Mi in 4 For there can only be One Best and QUEEN ANNE will be the Most Highly Improved Home Property in Medf or d. .if - UEEN ANNE Mrs. J. F. Reddy Starts an $8,000 Home LAST WEDNESDAY GROUND WAS BROKEN FOR THE BEAUTIFUL $8000 RESIDENCE TO BE BUILT BY MRS. J. F. REDDY ON LOTS 5, 6 AND 7, BLOCK 11. TTTTR WILL BE ONE OF MED FORD 'S MOST ELEGANT HOMES, AND IS ONLY ONE OF MANY TO BE BUILT IN QUEEN ANNE THIS YEAR. MrsW-RTurnerstartsbeau-tiM Bungalow next week TOMORROW "WORK WILL COMMENCE ON A BEAUIIFUL ONE ANE ONE-HALF r i STORY BUNGALOW TO BE BUILT ON THREE LOTS BY MRS. W. F. TURNER. THE EXTERIOR WILL BE OF MODERN SWISS PATTERN. THE INTERIOR IwffiEi BE PLANNED AFTER THE CO OPERATIVE APARTMENT IDEA SO MUCH, IN VOGUE IN NEW YORK AT PRESENT. ' Med ford's most pro minent citizens buy lots in Queen Anne John R. Allen C. A. Malboeuf Win. A. Aitken Dr. R. W. Clancy A. L. Anderson Mrs. A. M. Carey R. T. Fritzberg Dr. J. F. Reddy E. E. Kelly A. H. Miller George Putnam Wm. F. Turner A. Conro Fiero Jeff Heard Dr. R. J. Conroy W. G. Aldenhagen F. H. Cook E. B. Davis Wm. Gerig W. W. Harmon J. W. Lyon J. A. Mcintosh F. A. Smith R. H. Hanauer. Over $29,000 worth of lots sold in two months NO OTHER ADDITION IN MEDFORD CAN SHOW THE SAME NUMBER OF SALES IN SO SHORT A TIME. ONLY EIGHT MINUTES' WALK FROM THE POST-OFFICE. THERE IS NO OTHER PLATTED PROPERTY SO CLOSE IN. WHETHER YOU BUY FOR SPEC ULATION OR TO BUILD, YOU WILL MAKE MONEY. Roosevelt Avenue paving starts soon One of the first streets to be paved this spring will be Roosevelt avenue, directly past Queen Anne avenue, which runs through the center of the property. We can offer you a beauti ful and sightly corner right on Queen Anne avenue for only $650. Jackson Boulevard to run entife length of Queen Anne This will be Medford's longest and most beau tiful drive and will run the entire length of Queen Anne addition. Jackson boulevard will be over four and one-half miles 'long. We have some' lots on this boulevard still unsold. Easy Terms makes it possible for you to buy Whether you contemplate building immedi ately or not, you should not let this -opportunity get away from you. When you do get ready prices will be above your reach. Se cure' a lot and the rest is easy. $162,50 is all you need if you act quick. Population pouring into Medf ord forc ing values up Values in close-in city property must go up by leaps and bounds. Fifteen to twenty fam ilies are coming to Mcdford every day. They must have a lot to build on. The Southern Pacific is planning a $10,000 depot, not to accommodate present traffic, but the influx which will soon be in full swing and which vill not end till Mcdford is a city of 25,000 people. Which? A deed to a home or a . bundle of rent receipts You can't start sooner to bo your own land lord. Instead of paying from $15 to $50 a month rent and receiving nothing but sheets of paper, which soon accumulates into a bun dle, make a start by getting one of Queon Anne's best lots. You will bo surprised how easy it is, after you mako the start. Wo are willing to help you. Will' you give us the chanco? The Rogue River Orchard Land Company Inc. I ! 10 NORTH FRONT ST. MEDFORD, OREGON TELEPHONE, MAIN 191 ----