THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDPORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1910. 15 HERE IT IS Snowy Butte Orchard Tracts Now On Sale Easy Terms BM(HBBbRBMMBBB sMSBBBBBBBaMMpBIBBB r"""""" " """" 1 """""tl ' I 1 ' : L - eusesn u . r""ff.Zr " : M-H .. AgE55l ' A B i C . ,i ,-.. S'r--. n ! . J j ,w,,,r 3Kf:-: : : ?r :: STTX ft ; P Q H - ; 11 &3 7crr Mf 1 "MP - IpiSiB - - -v- - - - - 1 - - - ' Ml M :'. Nsi?, j ft 53 . JSSZz zsx. ' '" . I : , - jLnrcAlX,- trrt - ,-r-S1A-.4l -uZafcJ- ,..r--JlL- Q?S 'VjTSTWl-WWt KMWvrwwao' r- srjcgjftx:' ; i ! 4l ; . r MEDFORD LAND AND ORCHARD COMPANY 18 NORTH FRONT STREET, MEDFORD, OREGON 307-9 LEWIS BUILDING. PORTLAND. OREGON NEW FORMULA 'FOR APPLE MILDEW Appto Mildew, Which Has Been Very Trtublesomo for Some Time Past, May Be Controlled by Use ef New ; Spray. 'Applo mlldow, which haa boon more for loaa trouLltsoine during the put year or two, tony be controlled to a tvery groat pxtont by a spray which Las boon .auggoatod and oxporlmentod wltli'by Mr. W. 8, Dallard, pathologist U. 8. Hopartmont of ngrlculture, sta tlonud In Call torn In, and Mr. W. H. 'Volck, county eatomologlst, Santa -Cruz county, California. This spray consists of Iron sulphide (croon vit riol) and commercial llmo-oulphur, mixed In tho following way: Formula for 60 gallons (Iron sulphide , , ,6 pounds Commorclal llmo-Bulphur solution, 32 dogroos Daumo , , , .1.3 gallons Dlsuolvctho 6 pounds of Iron aul phnto In GO gallons of wator, and then i add tho one and two-tontlm gallons of llmo-Bulphur aolutton. Stir thor- oughly and ullow tho proclpltate to ettlo. Aa soon aa all tlio proolpttato has Hottlod, pouv off tho liquid abore until the proclpltate la reached. Then add froah water to fill the barrel to 'tho original 60 gnllauB, Itopoat tho tprocosa a aocond and third tlmp un til tho wator la entirely clear after tho proclpltalo haa Bottled. Do aure 'to stir tho precipitate thoroughly each tlmo fresh water Is addod. The reason for allowing the proclpltate 'to sottlo and pouring off the wator la to get rid of tho ozcona llmo-aulphur which haa not combined with tho Iron taulphate, Since tula spray la to be used on trooa and planta In foltngo, froo llmo-oulphur In tho mlxturo would burn tho follatco and fruit. Whon tho proclpltate haa been thor oughly washed, fill to 60 rations, put Into spray tank and apply to trees with good pressure Do auro that good agitation Is provided. Uaually tho first spraying for mll dow la dono about tho tlmo tho first codling moth is appllod. If It la nec essary, subsequent apray'ng nfay bo made at Intorrrle of ten dcya, and In caio mlldow Is serious, throe appli cations will probably be nocossary. Whllo tho '.ron aulphldo spray Wy bo usod in the unwashed form boforo the buds opon, it is qulto cortain that tho lime sulphur treatment, which is uaually glvou for acalo, will take Ita place. Dry nulphur alono la found to help Bomo, ospoclally whero thoro ia suf ficient hot woathor to Tolattllzo It fast onough. It Is woll known that dry sulphuring is 'ho gonoral practice of grapo growora on tho Pacific coast In proronttng mlldow of the grape. Tho Iron aulphldo aprav can bo com bined with nraonato of load or to bacco loaf and tho combination has uo burning tondonclos. Howovor, a word of caution st ould be addod hero. Undor abnormal woathor conditions, such ns a rainy spoil, the Iron aul phldo spray my cause a burning, of tho follogo and fruit. For this rea son It la adv.eablo that this new aprny bo usod judiciously, EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. C. Carey were in Mcdfortf last Wednesday. Mrs. Lavica Roames was up In North Talent Monday buying seed potatoes. Owen Duulnp of Phoenix was up to Talent in his auto last Thursday , morning, j An unknown man was found near , tho track nt Talent Tuesday morn ing. From all appoaraucos ho had boon struck by a train. Particulars not yet lonrnod. Miss Mary Stanoliff was a Mod ford shopper last Tuesday. Goorgo McClaiu of North Talont wont to Modford Tuesday to do some plnstorinp. Joshua Patterson of North Talent was a Phoenix visitor Thursday. Al Kelly, a friend of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Croy, arrived ia North Talont last Tuesday from Seattle. C. Carey suffered a very bad homorrhniro from havincr several teeth extracted last Wednesday, and but for timely assistance of Dr. Molmgren of Phoenix, might hnve boon fatal. Grandpa Judd, a' formor Ashland resident, but now of Talent, camo down to Phoenix last Tuesday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Jim Trast. Mrs. Fred Moor has been visiting friends in Phoenix tho past two weeks. FIRST STEP TAKEN TOWARD NATIONAL DEFENSE Advertised Letter List. The following lottors remain un called for at tho postoffico nt Mod ford, Or., March 9: II. C. Ailing, Domes R. Barbour, Rex Chngnon, R. p. Caruok, Mrs. Mnttio Clark, Mrs. C. C. Clendon, Juck Coughlin, Mrs. Ann Cooko, Correction. An error was mado in tho date for holding the civil sorvioo examination, The date should road March 25 in stoad of March 15. Medford, Oregon Thi certifies that we hare sold Haifa Texas Won dor for the cure. of all kidney, blad der and rhoumatto troubles for ten years, and have neror had a com plaint, It gives quick and permanent relief, Sixty daya' treatment ia each bottle, Medford Pharmacy. WASHINGTON, D. C., March 11. Tho initial stops toward tho organi sation of an army of 250,000 trained mon ns tho first lino of national do fouso is bolng takon today in accord ance with an ordor just issued by. ... . ' j i so svtr t i vi Secretary or war Dickinson loont-1 ook os cook, u. vf. uoggosnaii, Jonn injr tho first field armv of the Unit- i Crumloy, Qnbil Donnor, Mrs. B. M. od States. jEddy, Mr?, B. Erwin, Clnudo Foro- This army oonsists of threo divis- sytho, L. A. Frnmo, Tossio and Los ions mado up of the national gaurd,tor Gordon, Mrs. Ella Hall, L. A. of Now York, Connootiout, New j Holdrodgo, Edward Hnrloy, Frod a good Reason. Medford People Can Tell You Why It Is So. Doan's Kidney Pills cure the cause of disease, and that is why the cures are always lasting. This remedy strengthens and tones up the kid neys, helping thorn to drive out of the body tho liquid poisons that cause baokacho, hoadache and distressing kidnoy and urinary complaints. Med ford people testify to pormnnent cures. A. Betz, 10 Front stroot, Med ford, Or., says: "I am just as will ing to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills today as I was in September, 1907, whon I publicly told of my ex perience with them. I suffered from kidney trouble for at least five years and ns timo passed I grow worso in stead of hotter. Sharp pains darted through tho small of my back and sometimes the attacks wero so se vere that I could hardly stoop. At night my back ached intensely and sound sloop was ouo of tho question. Being told to try Doan's Kidney Pills, I did so, and they soon gave mo relief." For sale by all doalers. Price 50 cents. Fostor-Millburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo agonts for tho United States. Remember tho name Doan's nnd take no other. Hampshiro, Massachusetts, Rhode Is laud and Maine and tho full strougth of tho regular army in thoso states. It will consist of 30,000 men. Later othor armios wil Ibe organ ised by oombining tho militia of othor Hanson, L. M. Ham, Doe Jones, Ilolen Jones, Claronco Kolloy, C, E. Marvin, W. C. Millor, J. C. Mitchell, William Mosoman, John Mullor, Mrs. Boll Nelson, Joseph Oariol, Goorge Owings, Jr., Froida Polton, Mablo statos with tho regular army. It is,Roovos, G. S. Stout, Claudo Tidball, oxnooted that all tho govomors wilLO. V. Troop, Lldor Williams' ranch oonsont to tho state troops being us signod to tho tuctical organization in Now Lnglanu. Pnokngo--William Edgloy. Parties calling for tho above let- tors will ploaso say "advertised." A 1 cent will bo mndo upon In times of pone? tho control will, charge of remain with tho states. .delivery. A. M. WOODFORD, P. M. If you've a good placa to offor to a good sorvant, advortiso tho fact, Remember the want columns, NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dorslgned will apply at the meeting of the city council March 10, 1S1G, for a retail liquor license at his place of business, lota 12 and IS, block 20, city of Medfora. J. W. SLINQBR. WAN7ED 1 Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYOR CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MFDFORD - - - - OREGON Office in Jackaoxi county Bank Upstairs To advortiso "olasslfiedly" is to seouro direct, unoquivocal publicity for the classification of your ad. shortons the soaroh for it to a half a minute, . FOR SALE 1 60 Acres Fine, level and smooth. Pear and Ajrple land. Close in. All ready to plant to itroee. PRICE $100.00 PES ACM! Must be sold for reason. Terms, $IOOO audi, balance in one and two years at f psa: omt interest. For infornuttkaai call oa R. P. LITTLE