12 THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MARCH 13, M10. LABOR LUCKY IF IT ESCAPESJIEW LAWS So Says President of Seamen's Un ion After a Trip to Washington Will Continue War on Steel Trust. FROM $2000 TO WILL OPEN SOON $5000 IN SIX Preliminary Practice to Be Held This Afternoon Valley League to Be Organized Good Teams Promised. Property Sold Two Years Ago for $1500 Brings $5000 Now Brought $2000 Six Months Ago. SAN" .FKANCISCO, Cal., March' The basobnll soasou for 1910 in 12. "If labor is exceptionally lucky jtbo Roruo River valley promises lo there will bo no legislation against it at this session of congress," said Andrew Furnsoth, international president of tha seamen's union to day upon his return from Washing bo a livoly one. Notice has been sent out to prospective players on the Bedford team to show un this forenoon nt tho ball grounds for preliminary nrachco. Thero nro great many nmbitious young players ton, wlupj ho has been for thr30,in this city now and it should not months advocating several measures on tho stnto's behalf. "Moneyed interests are in more be difficult to select a first-class toam from the material in stent. Thero is n wealth of new materia and some of them will mnko the old ... . ... , . . ana some 01 mom win maso mo ok absolute possession of tho adminis- snnd.bys hustlo to hold thoir tration than in any previous year, tions. It may be that Southpaw but the insurgent movement has had Cooper and "Slim ' Purdy will drift its effect upon congress, and for: back this season. A move is on foot to incorporate tho principal teams of tho valley in a local league, establish a regular schedule and play through me sea son. Full arrangements have not been made yet, but a tacit agreement has been reached Tho first game will probably be that reason Aldrich has not the con trol that he had a year or two ago," continued Furnsoth. "There is a seething unrest throughout tho country which the congressmen are beginning to recog nize. They are being hammered by their constituents. I do not beliove that peoplo on this coast realize how importnnt this insurgent movement has become "As for tho sailors, they may got something in tho neck. The bill brought in by Green in bchnlf of the ship commissioners which gives tho commissioners many of the absolute powers over the ocean-point? seamen that the admiralty court now holds, could not have been brought in as it has been without tho hnfHnn rf the department of commerco and la bor. If this law is adopted the sea men will havo two masters instead of one as they have now tho admiralty juasre. played March 27. Players should be on tho grounds at 10 a. m. to day. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK ARE REALLY SPLENDID To My Patrons: I want to tell von a few thin its about the attractions at the Mcdford theater this week. In tho first place we have Mand Powell Tuesdnv nierht I had the nleasure of hcarincr Miss Powell at Portland and I can truly sav she is the Greatest violinist T vur Usui ngmnsi me steel trust, greater, but never having heard him, winch is trying to establish a sys- I cannot compare them. But you will . , "--."nK on me great lakes, certainly get your money's worth. win oc carnoa on just as it has been : On Wednesday we havo Arthur iorine past year. The trust is prac- Alston's company in "As tho Son wv.,., ,uo UOJO opposition to us on Went Down," and some of you may the great lakes, and I do not see tho be prejudiced against this show after cnd of the fight" j reading the notice in the Oregonian. ' f 1 1 want to say that criticism was inl ine i smallest store in tho city could just and misleading. I saw this soon have people going out of their show also and can vouch for it." beaten paths to find it if it were ad- While the play itself is a typical vertised cleverly even though in the melodrama, the compnnv itself is smallest way. nbove the ordinary and is composed Two years ngo S. A. Nyo bought a house ami lot at tho comor of Grape and Sixth streets for $1500. Ho held it until last November and then sold it to Mrs. Eleanor Chris tio for $2000. Fivo hundred profit and rents looked good to S. A. On the 11th of February, Mrs. Christie disposed of tho property to Charles M. English for $2000, and Nyo went out and kicked himself. March 7 Mr. English sola tho same property to S. C. Godlovo for $3000. The property is just two blocks from the now Southorn Pacific depot and if Mr. Godlovo doesn't double his money within a few mouths it will be because ho doesn't wish to soli. of real actors, while tho production is tirst-class, boing mounted in splendid stylo tho scenery is really fine. Bolasco's production of "St. Elmo" rounds out tho week and any one who has read tho book and is I familiar with tho Bolasco reputation in mounting plays can bo assured of a good show. While north I also arranged to so- cure the Lombard! Grand Opera company with its superb orchestra of 40 men, if I can mnko a subscrip tion salo of enough scats at advanc ed pricos to warrant. Tho list will be ready Monday. I will have one and there will also bo' others at the Whetsel Music company's and at Ilaskins' drug store. So if you fail to seo me, drop in at one of theso places and loavj your order. I have conducted opera a long while and can assure you this company is the best I havo ever seen outside the Metropolitan, Now York, and in many ways compares most favorably with that organization. Respect fully, CHAS. D. HAZKLRIGG. Tho store management that shows marked enterprise and business abil ity in advertising may bo presumed to have used the same talents in se-l lectins 9tocks nnd in searching out alues. ii ammmnn mm mm mm win ii sivmttimm mm mi lis mm ma n n . m m hi ii i je&w mm iwim mm mm mium. ii niii mm4 mm mvtm mmm MffiM ill ill 11 III IMk mm mm emm mwm ,mm mm ikw ii fffii EiScB rag;? w mvM rnmm m mm FTJti xzmi "tr ww mm " 1 mmttiaaismmMmmmeiiBmm Knox Hats V) SSaJZJL ii ao.w -iOTniism nil . I I I vjr i r" i . i i t L atx Mjora,j vorraiu -A.cxx.-x.mx?Jir m I Your Spring Suit Is Ready for Inspection What hath. Spring sprung? Como soo. Our now Spring Suits aro now roady to bo admir od or worn. Wo'vo tho boat offorts of tho World's boat Tailors. Como soo comors. tho now It will pay you woll, and you'll find our pricos no barrier to your appoaring in a handsomo Spring Suit. Wilson Bros. Shirts Benson's Bargains If you are looking for a Home or a Safe Investment it will Pay You to Look These Up 10 Acres 10 acres, three-quartera mile from city limits, about five acres in fruit from 3 to 4 years old, 4 acres alfalfa; small, house, barn, etc. Price $6000, terms. 14 Acrei 14 acres One mile from city, all in orchard, about half of which is bearing; good house and other buildings. This property is a producer from the start. $10,000, terms. 55 Acres 20 acres One mile from city; five acres Bartlett pears, 2 to 10 years old; 5 acres other fruit; good house, barn, etc.. $10,500, terms. 88 Acres 88 acres Two and one-half miles from Medford; 30 acres 5-year-old Bosc pears; 20 acres 1-year-old pears and 3 acres Newtowns; five-room house and born. $20,000, easy terms. 115 Acres 115 acres Five miles from city; 100 acres good fruit land; 50 acres 7 and 8-year-old Newtowns; 10 acres Jona thans, in bearing; 10 acres Bartlett pears. This is one of the finest ranches in the valley and will pay for itself in a few years. 25 Acres 25 acres In Sams Valley; 10 acres.cultivated; 5 in fruit trees 2 to 10 years old; small house and other buildings. Price $2100, terms. Some Bungalows Modern five-room bungalow On West Tonth streot; south front; a' bargain at $.1350, terms. Five-room modern bungalow Only fivo blocks from business center. $1800, terms. Now five-room bungalow In West End; good woll; fiiie view. Price $800, terms. We Have Some Good Timber Claims Wc have some good timbor lauds for sale. We havo a cruiser in tho field and can locate you on a claim or home stead. Good south front lot and small houscn Blevonth streot, $C00. Wo have one of the finest homes in the city for sale. Nino room's and bath. Let us show you. 3 The Palm rooming house is for sale, the .best money maker in town. vSUTHERLIN TERRACE IS IN ONE OF THE BEST RESIDENCE SE CTIONS OF THE CITY, SURROUNDED BY FINE HOMES, AND WE HAVE PLACED A BUILDING RESTRICTION ON-THESE LOTS THAT WILL INSURE A GOOD CLASS OF BUILDINGS. THEY ARE THE BEST BUY IN TOWN AT THE PRICE $400. INSURANCE THAT INSURES ;; WE REPRESENT FIVE STRONG OLD LINE INSURANCE COMPANIES AND ARE ;: PROPEKLY EQUIPPED TO HANDLE YOUR BUSINESS. INSURE THATNEW 11- tumu-BILU AtfAJJNWT F1KUJ, ACCIDENT OR THEFT. WIS WRITE PLATE-GLASS INSURANCE AND SELL SURETY BONDS. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. OPEN EVENINGS OVER FRUITGROWERS' BANK, MEDFORD PHONE '541 I