T5HE MEDiTORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOBP OREGON, SUNDAY, MARGE. 13, 1910. 11 m. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS liy A C. Hewlett A fow dnys wo liny llitrnlHh wciil up to Out lilftli 1IIIh to help Hoy Ash iwlo with IiIh cnttlo nnd returned very unexpectedly, nntl when risked why ho returned o soon, replied thnt fvo foot of now was n little too ntnah for him, bo ho emtio home. Thn tloop nnow. in tlio IiIIIh this npritt(f will insuro tin n plenty of wit ter And h n Rood Indication of n lionltliy HenHon n well n a Rood crop Hottflon. ' I hnd tho plcnnnro of meeting A. IT. duet of While nock, 8. I)., lmt Tuesday, wlio in horo to look nftcr his brothor-ln1nw, J. C. Dnhl. who wns nn invnlid ut tho Stinnyslde for name months. Mr. Knlsnt Ih enshier of tho CHirons' Btnto Imnk of Whito Hock, S. D., nnd, liko nil tho rent of tho people who cpme. from tho slntcs nnd territories north of tin, think thnt wo hnvo nn idonl cllmnto here. Also J. C. TTood, the mnn I spoke of in my Inst, wiih iiiKtlttitinr n coin pnrlson between onr cllmnto. nnd thnt of ChlonRO. Ho snid thnt when ho loft thcro was hiiow there three feet deep on n lovol. Who would live In kuoIi n country, when they rnn como to Sonthorn Oregon nnd find such n climnto nn we hnvo here 7 , Tho men who hnvo hecn clonrinc the right of wny for tho P. & K. rnllrond hnve hecn comlnc out for the pnut fow dnyn with their check to ho enslied, buying up supplies for tho fsprinir work. They nil sny thnt the work Is progrcssine; finely, coti sidrring the amount of rnin we hnvo hnd, bnt now thnt tho winter seems to ho broke, the company in pushing more men to tho front. There is ono thine nnticonhle, nnd thnt is thnt tho Hindus nre leaving nnd tho flrccks seem to he taking their plncen. Hnrvey Spencer of Dudley onmo out from Medford Inst Tnrsdny nnd Wednesday morning went on up home. Scott Tlruco, nlso of Dudley. wnM here n fow flnys ngo from Port land, where ho hnd hecn to hnvo hi hnnd treated for Wood poison, lie cut it nome months ngo nnd blood Klhon pet In. no thnt ho hnd to o to Portland for treatment. Alfo El mor Spencer of Dudley, who wns op ernted on In Medford for nppendici lis, went back to tho hospital to have tho woundn dressed the first of tho week. A mnn by tho nnmo of J. M. Mor row enme In looking for relntlven In Exhibit n destitute coiidiliou IiihI Tuesday, lie Iiiim what tlin health officer of Kngciiu culls uiiiiuur of tho jaw, nnd in in a tnrrihlo condition, nnd tho next morning your correspondent Htartcd with a subscription paper nnd raiHcd him $16.2.r nnd ho took tho trnln for Portland WodnoHday. Ho lined to work for John NIcIioIh nnd Koomnd to bo highly rospoclod. I lonrn on whnt I think is good au thority thnt Hnrry Carlton hns Hold 120 ncroH of IiIh ranch for $10,00", nnd that Jo Hndor ban resold bin farm for $42,000 and that thoro nrc Hovornl other dealt on hnnd. Tho Htirvoyoin hnvo boon busy thin weok Inying off what Is known nn tho Hamilton (Ulrich) tract of Innd in nmnll lotH, nnd that they will be placed on tho market eoon. Tho enrpontora aro boing engaged in advance hero to build nnd tho In dication arc that thoro will be quite a rush hero thin Htimmor And ua old tnossbneks nre hoping that wo will hnvo to employ two moro tenchors in our school, S. H. Holmes nnd the Drowns aro putting in a newer system on their placet nnd nre building n septic tank, tnkiug time by tho forelock to pro vent dlscnse when tho town gets full of people I understand thnt Gcorgo Chil droth, who hns been working in the blnckHmith shop with bin brother Wesloy, Ih going to Modford to live nnd work nt brickmnklng. Mesdnmes Itiddlo nnd Money, wives of tho contractor on tho P. & E. rnllrond by thnt nnmo, enmo out Inst Thursday nnd cnlled on Mr. Howlott." Thoy nro camped nt the commissnry stnro on tho P. A K. about three mi!6s from our depot. E. W, Phillips, who hns been spending eomo .months trapping in tho grand cave, near John Ohcn chnin's, camo out Thursdny with n fine lot of fur, no expects to ship them to tho eastern states direct, ns ho snys thnt ho can realize moro for them than ho can horo. Mr. Deter, of tho firm of Detor & Dnle.v. informs mo that ho has jnt bought 10. bend of fino fnttcd heat cattle for tho Englo Point meat mar ket, nnd tlmt thnt concern is n per manent fixture. Mrs. Mnltby of Long nrnnch nt this writing is visiting the fntnily of J. J. Tryor nnd hor dnugghtcr, Miss Doll, who hnB also been visiting the WORD p EOPLE ARE'COLTNG TO LEDFORD AND THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY FROM ALL THU LARGE CITIES OF A"UERf A. TlLESE PEOPLE ARE IN SEARCH OF HIGH CLASS ORCHitRD PROI'ERTLES NOAY IN BEARING WHERE THEY ARE ABLE TO GL'jT RETURNS ON THEIR INVESTMENTS AT ONCE INSTEAD OF BEING COMPELLED TO WAIT FOR THE TREES TO GROW. THEY ARE LOOKING FOR PROPERTIES OF PROVEN MERIT AND WHERE THEY TAKE NO RISK WITH THE MONEY THEY INVEST. THEY ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING THAT IS NOT ONLY HIGH CLASS FROM A MONETARY STANDPOINT, BUT WHERE THEY CAN BUILD THEMSELVES SUITABLE HOMES COMMANDING A VIEW OF THE VALLEY AND HAVE THE COMFORTS AND CONVENIENCES OF THE TELEPHONE, DAILY MAIL, ELECTRIC L IGHTS AND POWER AND WITHIN EASY REACH OF THE BUSINESS AND SOCIAL LIFE OF MEDFORD. IT MAY BE THAT YOU ARE ONE OF THE PEOPLE LOOKING FOR JUST THIS. IF SO, We Have What You Want WE HAVE GOO ACRES IN ONE BODY, ALL IN BEARING, TREES OF THE BEST COMMERCIAL VARIETIES, -AND AREf CUTTING IT IN TRACTS TO SUIT. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE IT ON THE PACIFIC COAST; OR IN OTHER" WORDS, WE OFFER YOU SOMETHING UNEQUALED IN AMERICA. COME AND LET US SHOW YOU. JOHN Building nnmo family, wont up to hor homo Inst Wodnosdny. Hny hauling scorns to bo tho order of tho day now, ns ono can hoo louds of hay drlvon onto tho scales every day. Paints, wnll paper, glass. Mot calf's, 318 E. Main street. TWO LIVH8 HAVHI). I wish to tcotlfy that my husband was suffering for a long tlmo from stomach troublo and n complication that various physicians declared to bo Hrlgbt'e Dlscnso, nnd was given up by thorn to dlo. Ho thon consult ed Dr. T. Wah Hlng nt No. 726 J stroot, Sacramento, who curod tho tTOublo ontlroly. This was sorcn yearn ago and thoro has boon no re turn of the complaint. My littlo boy, Virgil Strickland, was shot through tho stomach nnd Intestines and tho dootorn said bo could not llro unlets bo was oper ated on and Dr. Hlng curod him without a knife. That was In Sopt. 1007, and tbo Uttlo boy Is onjoylng good health ovor slnco, Wo formerly reslsod at No. 21D Eighteenth stroot, and baro since moved to 3307 East Atonuo. Oak Park. I choorfully recommend Dr. Hlng's services to nnyono needing medical attontlon. (Signed) MHS. S. E. 8TIUCKLAND. I verify tho nbovo statement. L. STRICKLAND. Jnnunry 14. 1010. HUM. MI It EXCURSIONS EAST. Tho Southern Pacific company will noil cxcurclon tickets to eastern points nt reduced rates on tho follow- Ifn. .In,.. fm Oil nn.1 Qlli Titnr !r1 .1(1 llll V" I fill ... ...Ar.a, ww.aww . j and 17th nnd 2-tth, July Cth and 22d, rate of 6 per cent per annum from J August 3d nnd aoptembor 8th, going tho 10th day of Augurt, 1909, until' hmlt ten days, total limits 00 days. ' paid, and for costs and disbursements j Itatts to Missouri nivor points and of said suit, including $150 reasons-, return $09.90; to Chlca;o and return. ' bio attorney's fee and the further $82.40. Fo further Information call sum of $2.25 paid for filing nnd re nt local ticket e'llco or ad Mess A. S. cording tho certain lien described In' ItoBonbaum, Local Agent Southern said complaint; tbat said principal Pacific Co. Jsum and interest and cos's and dls- ; t bursomcnta and attorney's roe be de- NOTICE. I creed a Hen upon defendants real All applicants for positions on Med- propcrty mcnUoncd In said complaint ford basobnll team will report to J. and de8crIbcd a8 follows: C. Hall or at tho ball grounds Sunday Tho 80Uthcast QUarter (1.4) of the nftornoon. ;8outhcast quarter (1-t) of section ADMIXlKTItATKIX' NOTICE. j four (4) nnd the southwest quarter Notice is hereby glvon ttiat tho un-; u-4) of tho southwest quarter of Ocrslgncd hns been by tho county section three (3) in township ttalr court of tho stato of Oregon for Jack- ty-seven (37) south of range one (1) son county, duly appointed executrix west of Willamette meridian; that of the estate of J. W. Harrell, do- said described property bo sold under coasod. tbo order and decree- of said court, as All persons owning or holding by law provided, and tbat the pro claims against said cstoto aro hereby coeds, or sufficient thereof, bo applied notlflod and required to present the In payment of sntdJudgment; that D. snmo, duly vorlflod, nn roqutred by law, to mo or my attorney at Modford, Oregon within six months from tho dnto horoof. Dated nt Modford, Oregon, Febru ary 18, 1010, PIBKE L. HAIUIELL, Administratrix of tho KrtsU of J. W. Hnrroll, Deceased. W. E. PH1PP8, Attorney. Dnto of first publication hereof Is tho 20th day of February, 1110. SU5ISK '58. In tho circuit colirt of tho stale of Oregon for tho county of Jaekson. Woods Lttmbor coBpaay, a corpo ration, plaintiff, vs. Caioado Coal Company, a corporation, J. C. Drown and J. W. Droadbest, dotwdaats. Suit to forocloM Ua. To J, W. Broeatutat, oae of the aboro named defeaaaata: In the name of ta state of Oregon, you aro hereby rltilrd to appear and answer tbo 'olaUtlf m complaint now on tllo acalaai 70s la the above ontltlod court aad aaaw on or beforo tho last day or umo prescnuca In the order for aBblleatlon of sum- 1 L - 11. . mons noroin, to-wii; on or Deioro me 28th day of Marea, 1910, said dato being the expiration of six weeks from 1 tho day of first publication of tblsj summons, ana 11 you i 10 appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief demanded In said com plaint, succinctly stated as follows: 1 That tho plaintiff be awarded Judg ment against tbo defendants and each I of them for tho snra of $540.37, to-' gether with interest thereon at the tho dofondnnts and oach tltereof bo barred and forocloscd of all right, title or equity of rodemptlea la or to said property. This summons Is published In tho Medford Mall Trlbuno y order of Hon. F, M. Calkins, judge of tho abovo entitled court, which said or der was made and ontored on tho 12th day of February, 1010, and the first publication hereof is the 13th day of February, 1010. W. E. PHIPPS, Attorney for Plaintiff. A.L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. OFFICE 113 SOUTH FRONT STREET. For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, obes, tents, blankets, wag &n sheets, axle grease and fall curt, as well as all kinds of custom w&rk, see J, C. Smith 314 E. Main. Medford Bakery and Delicatessen All kinds of Bakery Goods and Delicatessen. Lunches prepar ed for fishing nnd picnic par ties. Satisfaction guaranteed. THE OLWELL P. O. Hansen. Tom Mnf fat- We make any kind and style of windows. Wo carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. O. L. DAVIS, President L. E. WAKEMAN, Cashier L. B. NEIDEIIMETER, Vico-Pres. It. L. JACOBS, Asst. Caakier Farmers and Fruitgrowers B&nk CAPITAL STOCK $86,000 HXDPORD PL U MBING Steam and Hot Water Heating. All woric guarantees, races reasonable. j I. F. MOORE AND S. S. SMITH J t Old Tribune Building. mortgage: loans Mney en hand t tean en Real Estate. City and Cwaty Warrants bwtfht. FMlity and ImfwMtty 1whI Furn ished. Fire iMwaace. JAMES CAMPBELL Phone Slain 8231. WISE fi. Medford, 1 OREGON J Phone U931. t T 208 FrHltgrowers' Baafc BnHMsff RESOLVED Th best resolution for yoa to make is to come to ns for your next suit, if you want something out of the ordinary, t We do the best work and charge t the lowest prices. W. W. EEFERT the pKoa&KSsm: tailok Oregon j;