Aim" Medford mail Tribune U.VITKI PRKflH ASSOCIATION Full Leased H'lru Report. FIRST SECTION PAGES 1 TO 8 Tho only paper In the world published In n clcy tho alto of Medford haying a loaned wire. MEDFOBP. OREGON, SUNDAY, MARCH 33, 1910. No. 305. tX)iri?,TH YI3AR. ROAD FUND N0W$13,400i tMedford's Roll of Honor Crows Stcatllly, Now Numbering 134 Name Very Few Are Found Who Dccllno to Sinn, While Many Hunt Up Committee nnd Sign tho List. SPECIAL CAR NORTH IS PLAN OF COMMITTEE Boosters Will Charter Car and In- vade Northern Part of Stato In; Search of Sinners Little Doubt! as to Outcome of Campaign. $13,400. Two dayH gone. And utill tlioy como. Late last evcnlne: tho committee if the Crater Lake highway com- , when ten prisoners awaiting minion who have charge of tho sub., trial rawed away two steel bam and fiuriptiun llHt roiM.rted Ihril -10 a.l- made Rood their oDcapo. In spite of dillonnl alKiioro had been secured rt to locate them, they had since Friday afternoon, nnd as yet not boon found at midnight, the committee lias simply been about I The sheriff and deputies af the Main htrcot mid has not undertaken tlmo of tho delivery woro biiHlly oc n thorough ennvnsiVwhlch will come Cupod with tax payors In tho office l"t". nnd It was Homo time bofore tho dl- The committee reports that great T ,mroedlat0 IntercHt in being taken In tho work. ' Ah yet but Nory few havo declined took tho trail, but up to a lato hour to sign tho lists, while many have "no had been recaptured. hunted the committee up in order Evidently some confodointo on the that they might be enrolled. tB'' ai1 n ,aw l,br0" ' A Himh-JhI Or. tho window to tho prlsonors, who took The committee plans to charter a advantage of the liberty of tho cor- car In the near future, after the rldors which had been srentod l thorn Southern Oregon lowm have been Haw away tho bars of back wln- onnvnHHod, fill it with boosters nnd C8cal)0 from tno WrA invade tho territory to tho north and unseen. secure slgnera to tho roll. Rose- Three bad check artists and four burg, Eugene, Albany, Salem nnd burglars aro In the party. They are Portland will all ho visited and tho. Will Ualley of Frcowntor. George prominent men asked to aid in tho Slmpklns. James Carter. Leo Lent, work. Ah Crater Lake has many ,Ptor Dloom. George Gould and Har friend throughout tho state, it in nr nay. all of this city, oung expected that many tinmen will be 8 Jnthor wa 0,80 ' U, Ju"' n..rm1. T fnnt. a number have'it refused to accompany hla son. as written Iho committoo offering to givo tho $100. Tho Medford boosters havo tnfom charge of tho work of building the road to Crater Lako nnd thoro Is to bo no let-up. SAYS 3000 COUPLES THINK THEY'RE MARRIED, BUT NOT NEW YORK. March 12. Though thoro nro moro than 3000 couples liv ing in this city today who think they nro marriod, thoy are not, nooord ing to a doclfiion hondod by Justico Millor. In rovorsing tho decision of ths supremo court of Now York, Jiutico Millor announced tho mnrringo of Annio Krugor to Ilonry Krugor on tho ground thai Iho consent of par ents does not legalise tho marriage of pemoiiH under nge. Studying Halley's Comet. PARIS, March 12. A soientifio expedition, headed by Professor Iler-gasr-el of Strosshurg, nnd Including n numbor of well-known French and English astronomers, nro journoying today to Tonoriffo to study ITallcy's comet. ECCLES SPEEDING WESTjTO fP ANSWER LAND FRAUD CHARGE PORTLAND, Mnrch 12, David Eaolos, president of tho Sumpter Valjoy railroad and tho Oregon Lum ber company, well known an ono of tho londlng capitalists 'of Iho west nndor indlotmorit for lnud frauds in Eastern Orogon, will roach Portland tomorrow or Mondny nnd will npponr boforo tho Unilod States court and glvo bonds of fffiOOO to Insuro his appoarnnoo for trial. All of tho mou who woro indicted by tho fcdornl grand jury for com plicity In nllogod land frauds in Bn kor county, through whloli it Is snid iiiil I'Jtuunn ill 1 11 ilia iinawvtiMwu uv- ourod 100,000 noros of govornmont land contrary to tho land Inws, hnvo iSEVEN IN ESCAPE JAIL One of Most Darlnrj Jail Deliveries Ever Oocurrlni) In Portland Took t Place Yesterday Afternoon i Seven Out of Ten Prisoners Make I Their Getaway. 'SHERIFF WAS BUSY WITH COLLECTION OF TAXES Some Confederate Passed Saw In to Prisoners, -Who Soon Cut Their Way to Freedom Check Artists and Burglars In the Bunch. PORTLAND, Or, March 12.' Ono of the muni daring Jnll deliveries In tho hlHtory of Multnomah county oc- curred ut 5 o'clock thl afternoon. ' two other prisoners. TOWN DESTROYED WHEN HUGE DAM GIVES WAY JULESHURG, Colo., March 12. Floods resulting from tho breaking of an irrigation dam at Ovid, in NortheaHtorn Colorado, nro roported today to bo weeding. Tho town of Ovid was destroyed and this city thrcnteuod with destruction. Heavy proporty damngo was sustained, but no loss of lifo was reported. Union Pacific tracks woro wnsliod away, but tho wntor has receded from the rondbed and tho damngo in now being repaired,. Llllls Again at Home. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Match 12. -Pnnkor Jerc S. Lillis, who was dis figured for lifo by John Cudnhy, son of tho wonlthy Chicago paokor, wan removed to his homo last night and. according to physicians, will bo nble to be out in a few days. Prosecutor Conklin announced to day that thoro would bo no prosecu tion of Cudnhy for slashing Lillis with a knifo at tho Cudnhy homo, un less Lillis himself filed a complaint. now been sorvod by Iho United States mnrshal, and most of thorn havo giv en the $5000 bond roqulrcd by Judge Wolvorton. Grant Godded, gonoral manager of Iho Sumptor Valley railroad and Or egon Land company, and Joseph Barton, gonoral suporintondont of Ihe Sumptor Valloy railroad, havo both givon thoir bond In Rnkor City, nnd will not ho vonulrod to como to Port land until tha caso Ih called and thoy npponr for arraignment. M. Sliurt liff of tho Orogon Lumber company, Frcdoriok Atkinson and W. A. Groon. all offioinls of tho Orogon Lumber company pr tho Sumptor rood, have nlso put up thoir bonds In Rnkor City, MEDFORD'S ROLL OF HONOR Following arc tho namo of thoso who have subscribed to tho fund W. M. Colvlg J. A. Tornoy I Ooorgo L. Davis A. Conro Floio 3. A. Wostorlund B. L. Dodgo J. D. Hoard T. V. Osgood t J. M. Root -7. D. Olwoll i Glen Fabrlck O. H. Rolchmnn I W. M. I'ayno . . - W. J. Mundy I B. Ii. Davis It. H. Hanauor I II. P. Uargraro W. M. Hodeoa t C. L. neamos " NV. T. York I K. C. Gaddls . W. Koyes I W. I. Vawtor J. n. Wood t E. D. Plckol . ' H. L. Montgomery J. F. Itlttor . j O. A. Moreo I 11. Humphrey E. D. Waterman F. L. Tou Vollo C H. Glalro I C. H. Snydor C. H. Coroy I E. M. Andrews v C. D. Miller I C. W. Palm A. S. Itosonbaara I W. F. Isnacs O. Putnam J. A. Porry C. IJrown I C. F. Youn W. C. Hcagan I J. W. Duulap A. C. Allon F. K. Deuel t " ' W. M. Smith t I). It. Hill A. L. Cuslck t F. C. Pago - O. V. Meyers $ D. II. Palmer J. E. Watt I A. 8. Dllton J. E. Enyart C. W. McDonald W. W. Glasgow It. A. Thomas W. H. Drown t 8. Guilders C. M. English W. M. Holmes D. T. Lawtor. T. E. Daniels 3. H. Dutlor HAMILTON IS NEARLY KILLED Famous Aviator Meets With Accident In Seattle and May Die In Conse quenceMachine Falls With the "Man Bird" Underneath. SEATTLE, March 12. Charles j Tho locnl lodge of Elks are tnk K. Hamilton, tho world-renowned linp tho necessary 6teps to float a aviator, was so bailly hurt today that' bond issuo for tho purposo of erect ile will probably die. Ho is still un- conscious at n Into hour tonight. 1 Hamilton was appearing at tho ( Seattle aviation meet nnd while skimming along tho surfaco of a small lako ho -extended hi3 foot to strike the water. Tho innohino enmo wag cr0atcd and their present nc down with a rush, tho aviator un- tivity was not unexpected. Though domcntht but about six months old, they have Tho crowd went to his rcsciio. ' ovor 200 members. When brought ashoro ho was uncon- ; scions and hns remained so since. Weds Chorus Girl. It is thought that his skull is frac- ILVM,LT0N 0( March 12.Johu tUrOd. W,, .,:,, on.. Tnntmo Pn.l. Tho machlno hns not been taken , from ,h0 TO CLEAN UP THE MARE . Octsel, a chorus girl of 19. ISLAND NAVY-YARD Ho snid that ho mot her three . j weeks ago and followod her from WASHINGTON, D. C, March 12. "3 NasUvillo homo to Lexington, An official closo to tho secretary ' then on to Hamilton, of tho navy Mover is authority for1 "Tins will not bo a case of Knox, tho stntomont that ho "has wanted to Jr.," said Galnos, refornng to the clean up Mara Island navy-yard for.clnndostmo marnago of tho son of a long time" and that tho appoint-, tho soorotary of state.. "Father ment of rear-admiral Hugo Ostor-, didn't know about this, but ho will bans to succeed ronr-admiral Pholpsiot turn mo down." iu I. ut 11 Wirt of his L'ouurnl nlan for . i!TJffi2r.iIITTIMOTTON jlinin. IV nun iiiiiiiuiivti ih.h. yards on tho Pacific coast and ono on tho Atlantic soaboard would ro- coivo spoeiul attention in tho future It is understood Meyer intends to go "down tho lino" nnd placo tho strongest men in tho biggest jobs with a view of getting moro offi- ciout work out of all tho yards. When renr-ndminil Ostorhnus takes charge of tho Mnro Island 1 1 mi 1... ..:.... r..n ou.ii... yarns no win uu kh nm 0111111; with tho powor to deenpitnto tho of- fioial bonds of any subordinates inK tho yards, it is stated. 1 Ostorhnus is n strict disciplinnr-1 J inn, and as a rosult it is oxpootodj"' up nt tho ynrdo soon nftor his nr- rivnj, , Will UU l kuhuhh viviiii- 1 Former Governor Arrested. ST. LOUIS, Mo., March 12, For-, mor aovornor David It. Francis cn- pltultttotl today and furnished S200 for his appoaranco In court attor his arrest yostordny on a warrant result ing from n ohargo that ho failed to n.ako return ot porsonnl taxos. Othor millionaires nrroatod at tho( snmo tlmo promptly furnished ball and woro released, that thoro will bo a gonoral olonn-iT highway H. N. Dutlor B. O. Doeck J. C. Smith T. Hubbard E. II. Prochard O. R. Llndley . H. C. Kentncr V. W. Hollls A. A. Darls M. J. noddy r O. M. Bordeaux, F. H. Hopkins' . g. M. Hamlll glnudo Miles o. M. Selsby C. A. Malboouf W. C. Murphy , Jf E. narklul! , Scott V. Davis JH. 8. Dudley F. H. Walto A. D. Helms Tarren Construction Co. M. L. Alford . O. C. Doggs 5'. 8. Crowell roesler & Antlo 1. C. Washburn Conroy & Clancy E. B. Hanley O. M. Speck . 3. Dascom E. C. Ireland ELKS PLANNING BIG BOND ISSU Local Lodge Will Put .Building on the Lot Recently Purekased by Them on Central Avenue To Cost $30 000 to $40,000. mg n building on tho lot recently purchased by them from Mrs. Tice on North Central avenue. The antlcrcd herd plans to put up mod(jrn fa a T, , , , rnD;aiv since "KO,u- ' " 'admitted his marriage to Annetto IN NORTHWEST SEATTLE, Wash., March 12. Prices of ham, bacon, mutton nnd lamb and prob ably beof, aro' scheduled to go skyward Monday. Thoro is not moro than a onrload of mutton in Seattle today, and P. O. Wright of tha Yakima Shoop company is authority for tho statement that thoro is no mutton iu tho states of Idaho, Oregon and Washing- 4- ton. All tliroo stnios nro ao- pending on Montana, and bad woathor had provonted ranchors from gotting tho i" shoop to tho cars and' tho slioop to tho cars and trains havo boon dolayod by floods nnd snow blookndos. Thoro will bo n full cont ndvnnco on bacon Monday, a half cont on smoked nnd boilod hams, a half-cent on hoof, a cont on mutton and a cont on lnmbs. f .. 4- 4 for tho building of tho Crater Lake ;; Hotel Mooro Warnor, Wortman & Goro Homo Telephone Co. If. C. Donny Dr. H. E. Morrison J. W. Dressier Lucretla Enyrrt B. F, Mtilkoy Gus Nowbury It. C. F. Astbury , Dr. E. II. Secly ' S. M. Mcars, Jr. F. E. Memck II. E. Doydcn C. E. Dado Fred M. Cummlngs R. B. Wilson F. J. Newman J, D, Dawson W. H. Stewart "- Chas. W. Sharp J. G. Goblo S L. Leonard M. Bellinger -V t I. W. Miles William Gcrlg 3. P. Mima . V. G. Emerlck S. I. Brown . Court Hall Queen Anne Addition, Inc. M. F. Hanley N. S. Bennett GROUND BROKEN FOR NEW DEPOT Representative of Contractor Arrives With Twe Men and Stakes Out Foundation Work Is Now to Be Rushed to Completion Huge Fill. Ground was broken Saturday for the new $50,000 Southern Pacific depot, J. C. Bigham, a representative of Robert Wakefield, the Portland contractor, who has the job, arriv ing with two men nnd staking out the lines for the foundation. The excavation for tho foundation will start at tho first of the week and as soon as the foundation is put in a huge fill will bo made to bring the platforms on n level with the rails. From now until its comple tion the work is to bo rushed. "Wo do not expect to be very long in putting this building up," stated Mr. Bigham, "as we are not going to wasto any tirao. Wo will soon call for bids on various parts of tho work from local contractors and sublet much of it." CANNY ANDREW ESCAPES NESWSPAPER MEN SAN' FRANCISCO. March 12. Disappointing a corps of nowspnpor men and a host of frlonds, Andrew Carneglo today loft tho St. Francis hotel by a rear ontranco, leaped Into an automobllo and disappeared. Carneglo, accompanied by Mrs. Car neglo and thoir daughter, Margaret, arrived hero last night from Santa Crur. They remained In hoir apart ments for breakfast. Then canny An drew sneaked. Carneglo was programed this nft ornoon to lay tho cornorstono of tho now Scottish hall hero. Later in the nftornoon ho wns schedu'ed to take luncheon at tho Cliff House as tho guest of tho San Francisco chamber of commerce. Tonight bo will bo the truest of tho San Francisco Merchants' exchnngo nt a banquet to 1)0 given In tho colon ial ball room nt tit St. Francis. It Is xpected that 400 guects will bo In attendance. Carneglo oxpocts to remain In San Francisco until Monday. Because of his short stay, ho has been unable to accept scores of Inventions to en tortalnments, banquets nnd tho like. $11 Per for Hogs. CHICAGO, 111., March ,12. Tho price of hogs on the market contin ued to skyrocket today and a new rooord in porkors was sot with tho high price of $11 per hundred weight. Ono onrload of CO hogs sold at thnt figure for 2110. PRICES SOAR QUAKER CITY Retail Prices for Meat Ranp From Five to Ten Cents a Pound Above Normal Prices and Thousands of Families Suffer In Consequence Minor Disorders Feature of Day. FEDERAL INTERVENTION ONLY HOPE' FOR PEACE President Taft Suggests That Indus trial Peace Commission Founded by Former President Should Inter fere and Effect a Settlement. PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. March 12. The retail prices of meat here tc- day range from five to ten cents a, Wednesday wo wui now j . what the iLouse committee on ag pound above normal prices and thou- rlcuUure wIH do n TOgard to- the sands ot strikers and their families JLafean apple btn And j atn veryr aro suffering In consequence. ,very hopeful for Its defeat. In fact. The retail meat dealers predict an- things' look better than at any tlm other advance on Monday. It Is also the measure was first lntroduc- , ed and we started the war upon iu asserted that other commodities will Wp thoroaghly expjodea tne Coa- follow tho rlso of meat, tcntlon of the commission men that. Tho strike leaders announced to- the northwest box does not contain day that a number of men employed a bushel. I took two boxes of Hood at tho Dlsston saw works at Tacony River apples, unpacked them befora left the company today. The leaders the committee, filled a bushel meas predicted that tbey would bo able to and had threo apples left from close tho plant by nightfall. one box and four from tho other. The Dlsston officials, however, de- This' was rather spectacular, but It nted that the company was crippled was effective,- tor it could not bo aa by tho defection ot tho men. Bwercd. Then the apples were paaa- Mlnor disorders occurred through- ed around, out tho day and in some streets the The hearolng was concluded Friday cars wero stoned. evening and the committee announc- Fcderal Intervention Asked. ed that It would give its, decision oa Federal intervention in the street next Wednesday, car and general strike hero is the 1 All of us who are here fighting tfis" only hope for peace. , bill are confident that the bill will Every effort by both sides in the not be reported in Its presont shape, conflict as well as by tho general if at all, for it admittedly dlscrlmin publlc to havo the question settled ntcs against the Oregon and Wash amicably appears to have failed. Ington apple Industry by Its restrlc- Charles Nogel, secretary of com- tlons. Thoso who were here with merce and labor, and Charles Nelll, me and appeared against the bill commissioner, aro expected to arrive were: L. H. Tltchenal of Wenatcheo hero soon to Investigate conditions Valley; J. A. Wilson of Hood River and make a report to Washington. jand W. K. Newell. Reprecentatlve President Taft has suggested that(Hawley made the closing speech for tho Industrial peace commission the northwestern Interests, founded by former President Theo- s. dore Roosevelt should interfere and, endeavor to effect a settlement Red Tape a Bar. Tho intentions of tho government officials with attending delays Rnd ooks ,iko a roal man to tosg R through red tapo and routine may Rlasa of beor into the face of n morfl bo thwarted by tho action of tho hiffct of lfi0 pounds or 80 waa strike leaders last night in nsondlng demonstrated Saturday evening, an ultimatum that unless tho Phlla- Tb(J two men engnf,ed in an ajter dolphla Rapid Transit company con- cation at tho Mooro bar and th(J b!. sents to arbitration within 48 hours,lKcr man threw ft Rjasg of beor -a every union man in Pennsylvania will' thQ smallor ono.8 facCt They ad bo called out. 'journed to tho sidowalk and the lit- The leaders also declare that every j Uo el,ow procecded to do tUln)8 to union man on strike now or lator hig ,arKor antagonist that would be will demand an Increase of wages worth $10 ft scat in ft hoxinf. cou. before Its members return to worktesh Not benR Batisfied with this, unless tho company quickly consents ho crossed lhe raiiroad tmck nnd to arbitration. ! Btnrted a rough-house in tho horsc Offlclals of the transit company 8hoe ciub About thut tJme he mot still mnlntaln that there Is no ques- p with p0iieemnn Brophy, nnd it tlon pending which demands arbltra- wns Clirtains for b,n, tlon and that they cannot consent to, About tho t;rao Brophy landed tho recognize striking employes until first mtm ; tho bastilo tbo fiecond thoso employes return to work as'onQ Rot noJgy and wag gQon in he individuals and not as mombors ot 1 oppo8it0 cou. will be aafKn. tho enrmen's linlon. ed Monday rooming. YOUNG TURKS LOSE NEARLY ONE-THIRD OF STRENGTH CONSTANTINOPLE, March 12 j dred letters havo already been seized (via Philipoppolis.) Tho recent split i by the police in which tho rivnla in tho Young Turkish organization is , threaten loading members of ono ., . . . ' another's organization with assas- threatening serious consequences. '8hmtion unloss thoy rotiro from pol. Beginning with tho secession ton Hios. Actunl clashes, perhaps, on a days ago of SG Young gTurkish largo scale, nre momentarily threat members of pnrlinmont from tho encd. committoo of union and progress, asj What makos tho situation nil tho tho Young Turkish society is offi- more serious is that tho reactionaries oially known,s thoro havo boen so may bo oxpooted at any tlmo to take many othor dosortions to tho populnr advanthgo of tho dtssontions nraonff party, ns tho socodors torm them-, tho liberals for nn attempt to ro-os-solves, that the Young Turks nro os- tnblish tho old despotism, timatcd to havo lost fully one-third The disagreement botwoon tho of their provious numerical strongth. committee of union and progress and Tho bitterness of tho fooling bo- tho popular party concerns tho prop tweon tho two factions raayibo judg er degreo of power to be entrusted to ed from tho fnf that several linn- tho. central government. LA FEAN 1 HITS A SNA6 Runs Up Against a Demonstration as to Contents of Northwest Applt Bex and it Looks as if th lilt Will Be Unfavorably Reported' Upon Next Wednesday. . WHISLER SAYS HE IS "VERY, VERY HOPEFUL" Northwest Representatives Makt Good Shewing Before Cemnlttee W. K. Newall of Washington Dsm Good Work Before Committee. Br C. K. WhMcr. WASHINGTON. March 12. Next HE WAS SMALL, BUT HE COULD FIGHT" That it is not alwavs safe bccau3a on we;i,s close to tho 200-mark