m MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCII 11, 1910. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Cuffeo nt floodfrlmidVi. Initio M. Howard extends nil In vltiitlon to all Indies o ModCord to ntloml Iter spring mlllliiory oimiln fSnlurdny, March 11!, at 100 N. Con Urn I uvontio. 201. Hardon's I'oorlosn Hnnltary Hnmd bi Iho acme of porfootion. .'101 L. A- Nowton of Portland is a 'business visitor lit Modford. Hardon'H oakoH, plos, oto., arci mado from tliu bent materials Hint uionoy can buy which account for their ready sale. 304 ltuubon JoIiiihoii of Trail wan a ."Modford IjiimIiiohh visitor Friday. "3fr. Johnson Ih oiio of tho original Bottlers of tho upper Hoiio, and in -ono of tho lending stock rowora of ithat Hootlon. Poach treos jTor Halo at ton oontn cents oach. II. I). I'nttorson, Nash ho- to!. J. C. Pendleton of Tahlo Hook wan .n Modford visitor Friday. CuunlH nt Ooodfriond'u. Wear Kidd's Shoes. Ad Holms was in Modford from JAshlnud Friday on a businos trip. Itardon'u Hnkory is hoIIIiij,' fancy largo California swoot oranges at UOo po doton. 301 Wear Kldd'n. Shoes. J. H. Cochran loft for northern points Friday morning on business. WnntodTo rent a tonm for plowing. P. W. Hamlll, Modford, Or. 305 D. T. Lnwton wan nt Jnoksonvillo on biitflituHH Friday. . KxtrncU nt QoodfriendVi. Van A. Dunlnp of Tnlont ,wns in Wed ford Friday on business. Clilnnmiro at Cloodfrloml's. John H. Carkln, nttomoy nt law, ovur Jaokmin County Hank. HpiaoH at (loodfiiimd's. J. W. Diamond, lately of Odosm, WIhcoiihIii, hati located In Modford and will opon a jowulry Htoro In the hitlldlng romorly ocouplod by tho U wood Co. Tho Pythian Sisters will onlortnlu with curds at Tomplo hall Friduy evening. All momhoro and friondH oftho oVdor aro cordially invited to attend. . A chnrgo of 26 oontn por portion will ho mado, 301 Wonr Kldd'a Blioes. II. F. Stuckoy of Diinwnulr, Call., In in Modford, looking around. Elinor Doardnloy of Bnlem In in Modford on n business trip. Evory ono should go to MoDrido's to noo tho finont oik hood thoy will iio in n lifetime. Tho ico cronran and candles aro of tho nnmo qual ity. 305 (Iranltowaro jxt Goodfriond's. H. D. Carlson of Portland in among thoso registered nt tho Nnsh. ( -H Corsotn nt Meeker's. Hooka -Bibles, Prnyor Books, po- unDI - nn timie land adults. Como In nnd look them SfcVfcHAL bUUU SALbo jovor nt Tho Morrivold Shop. , ... lge Flower pots nt Goodfriond'a. ' V V . , ' J. B. Stonmnn of Tacomn, Wash., fo"05V" 08 T . is n guost nt tho Nash. 8' Rob"n80fn to . ',son' n2' Wushtubs nt Goodfriond's. . MrM two T.n,cnt .for 2, Wonr Kidd's Shoos. ?" f0' .Thlfl and l" unimproved. Tho Morrivold Shop han off Ico B" 'VT , , ' r"1' supplies, iiicludiiiir TiIch, blank book, flisswililNGl 0,000 " MILES FOR 5000 Tho'Pnlmn rooming house in for saloi Thin in tho bost-pnylng propo sition in town. Benson Inventmont Co. 305 Bingor nowing machines, 244 S. G Uroot. Phono 2051. 314 Poach trcon for nalo chonp. An ontiro carload nt 10 ccntn each. II. B. Pntoraon, Nash Hotel. Wonr Kidd'n Shoen. For wood of all klndo, boo tbo Oqunro Donl Woodykrd. Phone 2001. Fir atreoti botweon Bocono nnd Third Btroetn,' Oould h I.lndloy. proprlotoru. 36 1 K you vant natlufncUon try snck of Mt. Hood Snow-Fnll Flour For aala at tho Rush Mill. Ilomom bor tho plnco. Polk Hull & Boa Cutlory nnd glnnnwnre nt Oood friond'n. . . -y-r-, T lnlinn iim ilirA 1 1 1 a v I ff Tuunu iiiiil uivto nun SAVAGES FOR TWO YEARS MIMVAUKEE, Win., March 11.--After living tho life of a nnvngo wi'h an Indian tribo for two years, Ninn MorHe, ugod 7, in Imppy today an tho Iflilntilpil Iniii.litor itf Mr. uni'. frn. An- Grantham Who Walked With Weston )KCS ncrHn who rc8i(lo on the wefjt From Hew York to Chicago Is side. Taking 10,000 Mile Hike-Here' .4AccolSi.nRll tho told by the " ' Iittlo child, nho was found by the In- Today diann after sho had boon dencrted by . her father, a wood chopper, who left in ncarch of work. Tho child said , t, n, ,i,A. , vr ibo had ntarved two dayn in tho Norman It. Grantham of how . . . . . ., , . , , .. , ... , . lonely cabin in tho wooan whrn a utU, who walked with Weston onjiflhlnK party ot in(Jinn8 found her tho hiko of tho furuoin pcde.strian and adopted her into tho tribe. from Now York to -Chicago, arrived in Medofrd yentorday evening on walk around thovUnitcd Statos, Grnnthnm loft Now York August 22, 1000, nnd came by way of Portland. Ho in expected to return by way of Now Orlennn nnd reach Now York by August, 1010. He started without adollar and is ex pected to make bin own way. Tho child's mothor had died some tirno before her father loft her. J When Mr. and Mrs. Berlin found the girl among the Indians they read- j ily surrendered her, declaring that it wns best for the child to grow up f among her own people. I Born. In Modford, March 10, 1910, to Mr. and Mr. Patton, Talont, a daughter. SATURDAY Hoisery Day "Wc have several lines that we are closing- out at much below the regular price: 20 dozen boys' extra heavy School Hose, best wearing 25c hose in the city, in sizes 6 to 10, tomorrow, 5 pairs for $1.00 20 dozen boys' School Hose, a good weight; sale price, pair 4......10c 20 dozen misses' School Hose, all sizes, tomorrow, 15c; two pairs for - f...25c memorandum Ijookh, poncllH, pens, inks, inkwells, tablets, tvnowritor . . nupplion, onvolopcs, panto, mucilage LfnIol,iBA,vonuo Phono 2001. Goodfriend'h. Mr. and Mm. Etigcno Shelby of Snn Frnnctoco, aro recent nrrivaln at tho Mooro. V. D. Harrin hns sold to Chan. W. English and W. F, Cnmpbcl) two lots nt. tho corner of Jackson street nnd for n consideration Spring nulllnsry opening Sntur- d-ii. rhumh lny, March 12. Summer stylo in faI t CltUrcll. fantn nnd fnnoy novelties now on dts- , A con Int Invitation s extended to play at Mm. W. J. Hrown, second U ' rtlio to attend tho services at floor, Kentner building. 301 ! tho laptist church, corner Fifth It. P. Cowgill, onginoor in chnrgo "tot and North Central avonuo, A. of tho Fish Lake company oxtcn-;A- Holmea, pnslor. .Sundny school, ..in.. !.. M.lf,ir.l Tlmr-.lAv. "10 n. tin; preaching, 11 n. m. nnd E. It. Snwvor for siin'cvn. Subdi-1 ' :3J P- m- rlU nn.1 iilnlllni n snonlnllv. IPwO V- m n.mm 12. Bmnrink. , OVOtlillg nt ( :30. district Attorney Mulkoy hns bought the A. S. Wells property on A stroot for $2,800. A. II. Miller to C. A. McArthur., twenty acres of tho Itoss tract, $13,-, 000. I W, M. Boyd, Intoly of Texas, has , purchased n bungalow in Tutllo's nd-l dition from irr. Iticd for $1800. F. R. Foster, lately of Venderlin, N. D., hns purchased from R. Guches of Griffin Creek, -10 acres of timber, Rnnlon'fl Bakery in showing a igreat 'variety of fancy novcltlos in tho bakery lino. 301 Cnpt. R. F. C. Astubury, who hns 1 1 !- .1. 1 if ! At 1- ' i.; young people's meeting. umv "cc,u"' I'n,n .; prayer service Thursday 9 . . . c ; a . a. vuiiiiiiiun uiin muu iu u, mi. j Wilson nnd E, N. Cnmpbell two lots . in Wolvcrton addition for $000 each, i Christian Science. Sorvico Sundny moniing nt 11 o'clock, Biibpcot of lesHon-sonnon: been spending tho winter in southern I Substnnco. ' Sundny school nt 10 California, returned to tho Rogue 0 c"k; testimonial mcotmgn Wed River vnllcv Thursdnv ovonlnir. Cant. , ftt .' :30 P- ,n- Th PW o Antbury says ho han been enjoying ; J"'"' nvited to theso sorvicos HALT! an the same kind of wenthor for two (month that we have hero now,' but ?"thare is a different feeling in the .inlr, you know." District Attonioy Mulkoy hns re moved his Inres nnd ponntpn from Jneksonville to Med ford. In plain En glitdir his law Iibrar', offlco furni 'ture. etc., now being installed in his offieo iu tho Jnukson County bank Mmildinir. Mr. Mulkoy hns had tem porary offices horo for sovornl months, while ho wns finding n suit- -able location for Hotting up of bin household goods. That ho has found In tho property recently purchased 'by him on A street from A. S. Wolls. Enrl Reynolds wnn at Jacksonville Thursday in tho Interest of tho Ore gon nJurnal for which ho Is tho lo onl representative. 250 foot, onst frontage,' olone in, prioa $20 por foot, good terms. Thin In a splendid location for cottage or apartment houses; Investigate. J. ,.'W. Dressier Agency, W. Mnln. 305 Mr. nnd Mrs. A. II. MoClollnn wore rat Jneksonvillo Fridny whore "Mao" wan doing nomo missionary work for the Mnll Tribune. Ton acres fine foothill land, lYi acres fine 8-year-old Nowtown np pies. This will produce a nice crop 'tula your; 3y& aorea Nowtown np pies just plnutod, 0 noros brush land, all good, tillnblo laud; fino building slto, one tnilo to good school, 'fine orchards nil around. Prico $2500. J. W. Dresslor Agonoy, Wost Mnln. 305 Owen Dunlnp wnn iu Modford from Tnlont Friday looking nftor business mnttors. Modern bungnlow, five blooks from business oontor, for $1800, tonus. C. B. Rontll, ono of tho loading oltlKenn of Central Point, wnn in Modford on business Friday. Stationory, boxed, in bulk nnd in tablet form, nt Tho Morrivold Shop Tho woodwork for tho Intorior nnd iho nupoprtn for tho socond story of tho St. Murk's building nt tho comer of Holly nnd Mnin streets nro in plnco and tho work on tho sido wnlls of tho building in boing rapidly push ed. Porhapn you uoed n typowritor. 'You enn secure nny mnko you wish, In n rohuilt typowritor, nt Tho Morri vold Shop, nt a ronsonnblo prioo. Tho wnlln of tho sooond story of 1ho Garnott-Coroy building nro. going up. Extonsiona to tho orlginnl plnn oontomplatlng a four-tory building with nil modern improvomontn nro oontomplntod. Toan at Ooodfriond'n. Whitman's onndlos nro unoxoollod, Tho Morrivold Shop han tho exolun Ivo ngenoy for Modford. J. S, MoNalr of Portland, formerly n resident of this vnlloy, is. horo on a 'btiflinosa visit, 128 North Grapo street, north of Sherman, Clay & Co's. music house. REPRESENTATIVE PERKINS DIES IN WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, D. C, March 11. Representative Jnmes B. PorkinB of Rochester, N. Y., died nt 10:15 o'clock this moniing. Ho had been ill nt Garfield Hospital for several wooks. As representative from Now York ho served in tho 57th, 58th, 50th and fiOth congresses nnd wns re-elected to tho 01st by n largo majority over four opponents. His work ton tho committee of for eign nffnlrn of which ho wnn "mnde chnirmnn at tho beginning of this congrosn wns Inrgely instrumental in accomplishing tho recent refornm in tho consular sorvico. ITHMO DANCK AT AXOI.7 OPKRA II0U8K. TI.ero will bo n public danco nt Anglo opora house Saturday (tomor row) night from 9 to 12 o'clock. Mu sic by Hazolrlgg's orchestra of flvo plocs. Everybody Invltod. Do you really want to mako Investment? Weil, wo will nee. , Wo have a proposition that Is a monoy maker nnd wo wont to toll you ' i about It. -f 1 Wo bavo a good , lot, closo In, east front, street to bo paved, sood build-J IngH, sower connection, flno woll, building rented for business purposes: nt $20 a month. Perfect tlllo, undor Tononco syitem. Prlco only $1600. I If you roally want your moneq'a j worth, nak tho owners. Wo also bavo a good buy In a small I boiiEo and ono lot for only $850, and tho lot Is worth moro than wo ask I for tho house and lot. Or If you want a good vacant lot, wo bavo It, and It la a monoy makor. Don't pay high prices for young orchards wbon you can got the best In tho valloy, sot to fruit from 1 to 2 years old, for only $325 por aero, and wo havo somo tor loss than that. This Is flrst-claca nnd no fake. Don't forgot tho nddrcss The Western Investment Company BUD SOUTH Git APIS STItKKT I'HOKE 1301. rL? ill Men's Nifty Shoes for Spring Our spring linos aro about tho best wo havo over had tho plensuro of soiling. Wo llko thorn oursolvos bellovo you will, Now shoos In gunmotal calf and vel our calf loathor at, pair , 91.00 Now tan and black calf Oxfords In sovornl dtfforont styles at, pair $4.00 Now lllcyclo Shooa In tan and black loathor at, por pair , $9.00 Now wide plain too Shooa for mon In calfnkln. .$3.00 Now ovorydny 'good for boys Shooa; groat wonrora; sizes from 11 up to 5 1-2; prlcoa, pair $2.00, $U,50, $U.00 Tan high top shoos for boys, Women and mon. Van Dyke's Savoy Theatre TONIGHT CUPIDS D. D. S. (A Laugh Puller) ADORING AN OLD AD (A Long Laugh) THE DUKES PLAN (A Biograph Drama)' EXCELLENT MUSICS-ONE DIME s Nifty Ankle Straps ROMAN SANDALS FOR THE LITTLE TOTS One of the swellest lines of youths' and boys' Shoes ever brought to Medford. Yq are especially well prepared to meet the requirements of the spring trade on all kinds of children's footwear. Ladies' seamless fast col ored Hose, in plain black, also white maco foot, all sizes, 15c pair, 2 pair 25c Men's Wool Socks 30 6 40c Qualities 25c pair The Latest Hair Dressing Novelties 4.1' T All at Popular Prices Here Easter Post Cards Swellest line in the city; sale price, lc each HUSSEY'S Can you seo Trell? If not, con sult Dr. Goble. Repairs of all kinds. Wo can duplicate any lens made, .Magic eyeglass cieaaers irea. Dr. Goble Optical Parlors No. 18 West Main Street. I I Mil HI IMI Rardon's Bakery WILL HAVE FOR Saturday, March 12 A GREAT VARIETY OF Ci'os, Pies, Cookies Etc. ALSO A Full Assortment of Novelties SUCH AS Macaroons Lady Fingers, Cream Puffs etc. Look for the Tag on Peerless Sanitary Bread WHICH IDENTIFIES THE BRAND AS THE Very Highest Quality. WE WILL SELL Saturday and Sunday, Mar. 1 2 & 1 3 20 boxes, Fancy California Sweet Oranges at 20c dozen RARDON'S Bakery and Confectionery Corner Main and Grapo Fhorte 577 YOCIl BAXK DEPOSITS UOLIj UP surprisingly; If you mako It a rule to pay by check only and deposit nil your cash at the Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' Bank. Then you stop to think before you buy and in many cases thinking means re fraining. Ambition to bare a good balanco provents many a spending nnd thus your deposits roll up. COLONISTS RATES OREGON TO AND THE GREAT NORTHWEST The management of the Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon) takes great pleasure in an nouncing that the low rates from Eastern cit ies, which have done so much in past seasons to stimulate travel to and settlement in Ore gon, will prevail again this Spring DAILY from March 1 to April 15, inclusive, PEOPLE OF OREGON The railroads have donG their part; now it's up to you. Tho colonist rate is the greatest of all hoine-builders. Do all you can to let east em people know ahout it, and encourage them to come here, where land is cheap and home-building easv and attractive. FARES CAN BE PREPAID at home if desired. Any agent of the road named is authorized to receive tho required deposit and telegraph ticket to any point in the East. REMEMBER THE RATES From Chicago, $33; from St. Louis, $32; from Omaha and Kanga City, 25. This reduction is proportionate v from all other cities. WM. McKTJRRAY, General Passenger Agent Portland, Or ego