Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 11, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford MailTribune L1LLIS WILL GET
A consolidation of Urn MedforUMMl. established
(ahllHhnd no J; tli Democratic Times, established 137 J; the Ashland Tribune.
aUbllghed 1886, andthe Medford Tribune established 106,
Official Paper of tho City of Mcdford.
QEORQE PUTNAM, Editor nnd Mnnngor.
Entered aa second-slass matter November 1. l0. at the poatofflca at Ncdtord.
Oregon, under tho act of March S, IS,9.
On year by mall. . .
sunscntPTiON rates:
js.00 One. month by mall or carrier.....
The Crater Lake highway commission of tho Commer
cial club has begun its campaign for subscriptions to build
& scenic boulevard to the world's greatest natural wonder.
What the mossbacks of the supreme court, through tho
intervention of the Salem hog, has prevented the state
of Oregon from doing will be done by the people of Med
ford, Jackson county and other sections of the state by vol
untary contributions.
Mcdford, undaunted by the failure of its long com-
paign for a highway to the national park a failure due to
the reactionary character and lack of comprehension pn
the part of the provincial citizens of the Willamette val
leyis showing the world a new wrinkle in the way of
aggressive progress, cutting the Gordian knot and solving
the problem in a direct and practical fashion.
The live citizens of Mcdford are freely signing the sub
scription. In the first 30 minutes of solicitation thirty
names were secured, an average of $100 a minute.' In the
first 24 hours of work practically $10,000 has been sub
scribed. Every progressive citizen is placing his name
on the roll of honor, and proving to the entire coast that
Medfordhas the stuff that makes cities, and that Jackson
county is the most enterprising of the counties of Oregon.
The Crater Lake highway subscription will of itself be
the greatest advertisement this community has yet under
taken. It will speak louder to the country at large of the
character of our citizenship than anything else possibly
could, and attract greater attention than the winning of
the sweepstakes prize at the Spokane Apple Show.
After all is said and done, it is the class of citizenship
that makes the city. Energy, enterprise and progressive
ness can create a metropolis and thickly populate a desert,
whereas a place with every natural advantage, whose citi
zenship lacks public spiritedness, will never amount to
anything. Medford not only has the right citizenship, but
the location and the natural advantages. It is to develop
these advantages and make profitable Oregon's greatest
scenic resource that all are signing the popular subscrip
tion to build the Crater Lake highway, to benefit not
only Jackson county, but all Oregon and the entire coast.
Will Carry Harks on Face From
Knife of Jack Cudahy Says Good
-snH J9H ptfuoJM sum ubiuom
n KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 11.
It was given out at St. Mat's hospi
tal thnt Joro F. Llllls, tho hank pres
ident who was slashed with a butchor
knife Saturday by Jack Cudahy, when
found In company with Mrs, Cudahy,
would leave this wook.
Although portions of his body wore
cut badly, all the wounds nro heal
ing rapidly and Indication nro that
ho will carry but ono scar. This will
bo tho ono running from tho loft
check bono to his nock. Tho wound
Is a raggod ono, as tho was torn
Instead of cut In several pieces.
Llllls said:
"Cudahy and his chauffeur snoak
od upon mo from bohlnd. They evi
dently woro In their stocking feot.
Mrs. Cudahy and I woro speaking
on eonio commosplaco subject when
of a sudden I heard an oath and thon
I was struck over tho noso by tho biz
electric searchlleht.
"Ji. great lnjustlco nas been done
a puro woman. I am not saying any
thing about mysolf. Lator, howover,
I might. have somothlng to say wo
will see."
Federal Grand Jury Returns Indlct-J
mcnts Against Officers of Oregon
Lumber Company of Baker City,
i iinnr !
PORTLAND. Or., March 11. Grant
Gothics, Josonh llarton nnd James R.
Smurthwalght, all of Bakor City, of
ficers of tho Oregon Lumbor com
pany and tho Sumntor Vnlloy railroad,
I wish to t entity that my husband
was miffoiliiK for a long time from
stomach trouble and n complication
that vurloiiH physicians doolartid to
ho Bright' Disease, and wnn glvon
up by them to dlo. Ho thou consult
ed Dr. T. Wah llltig nt No, 735 J
street, Sacramento, who cured tho
trouble ontlroly. Thta was seven
yonrs ago and thoro hns boon no re
turn of tho complaint.
My llttlo boy, Virgil Strickland,!
was shot through tho ntonmch nnd
Intestines and tho doctors said lie
could not live unless ho was opor-1
ntod on and Dr. lllng cured him
It is questionable -whether the council could legally
let paving contracts under the bids made by paving con
tractors Tuesday night. In the first place, determinate
quantities had not been figured, and in the second, no
estimate of cost had been figured by the city arid property
owners did not know what they were signing for when
the residence streets.
The paving bids were all disappointingly high. How
ever, they demonstrated one thing, and that is that the
cost of hard surface pavement is excessive for some of
the residence streets, and that such pavement is unneces
sary. A crushed rock macadam pavement is sufficient for
many of the residence streets. Such pavement has stood
the test of time, and while not equal to a hard surface
pavement, is good enough for the needs of some streets
and has the merit of cheapness, as well as being easily re
paired. Perhaps an oil macadam might fill the bill.
One reason the bids seem high is that the cost of all in
tersections is included. Last year they were not. On
some of the streets, part of the cost of intersections was
figured, but the balance paid by the city. For instance, a
bid of $5.75 per frontage foot including intersections fig
ures $4.15 without intersections.
The city is handicapped through the fact that only
large concerns with extended financial connections are
able to finance the contracts. If the city could pay in cash
instead of in bonds, smaller contractors could figure, but
as it is only large firms can do so.
Owners on certain streets will be content with rock
macadam. Others will want hard surface, and the only
solution is for the city to readvortise for bids, giving de
terminate quantities and specifications for cither hard sur
face or macadamizing, as desired by property owners.
Prospects are new bids will bring cheaper offers all
around and result in material saving to the city, as well as
to the satisfaction of the property owner.
No Particular Danger of Pipe Deter
iorating Until Ground Thoroughly
Dry Where Water Is Not Turned In.
"I do not think that thoro 13 a great
deal of danger of the plpo decaying
In tho ground where tho water can
not bo turned Into It for several weeks
nt least," said a well known engineer.
"So long as the ground covering tho
plpo Is moist the wood will not decay.
As soon, howover, as tho soli bo
comes dry tho plpo will commonco to
decay on top. Before that occurs the
litigation over the mattershould be
settled and tho plpo saved. There
will have to bo some quick action,
The big tunnel through Rattlesnake
Point is nearly completed, and tho
side chambers and cross-cuts aro
ready for the powder. Thirty tons
of black powder will be placed in
these chambers and cross-cuts and
some giant powder.
The whole of the explosives will be
touched off simultaneously by bat
tery, and Rattlesnake Point will
like Mark Twain's jumping frog of
Calaveras county give one groat
heave, and settle down again. '
Thereafter it will be a simple mat
ter for two steam shovels to take
ont the loosened rock and earth, and
leave behind them a cut through the
offer trt tho nlok niul nffllnted.
"Tomorrow is tho lastt day of our 'without a knlfo. That was In Sopt.
itff.k. t ill atj.1- .....I f4'l!.tft.1 It ai.til .Aft. !. tl.,1.. !... I ntt lf vl 11 If i
, v - 'tis.&u. .v divn tiiiit iiiiiutut4, niiiu.iiiUI, .(111 lliu livwu uw viivinn
who woro arrested on Indictments ro-'a roprcpontlutivo of tho Grontt For-'good health over since. 1
turned yestwrdny by tno touorni graml , Don this mom nc while tnlklnk to nl Wo formerly roslsod nt No. 310
Jury for alloged violation of tho land , roportor. Wo lmvo ndvortisod far nnd Eighteenth stroot, and hare since
4U uwi.w..t uunu- cnr mm tiunng the month or fob- ,noVod to 3307 East Avouuo, OaU
ui fovuu iKicii iuiiuj. ufcuu, uuiuuu-, runry wo would treat those sufton'-K
ants woro uamcd In tho Indictment, from various diseased that could bo
but, acting under Instruc'lons from cured for the cost of tho medicine, ro-
Fodoral Judgo Dean, tho court off I-, nuirod to complete n euro in ovrv
clals rofusod to dlvulgo tholr names ease. . Title- offer oxmros March 112
until tho warrants for tho arrostB lmui wjh positively not bo extended'
have boon sorved. Tho snmo lnstruc- continued For-Don's roprosontntivo.
tlona also appt.ed to tho character Hundreds havotnkon ndvnntngo of
of tho chargo contalnod In tho In- tho groat liberality of these famous
doctors; but ns given out by them,
tcmombor tho offer is withdrawn
dlctmont. It Is bolloved, howovor,
that tho Indictment charges tho ac
cused with conspiracy to defraud tho
government on' of sovoral thousand
ncrcs of timber lands In Bakor coun
ty. Tho defotdants who havo been
arrested aro nssoclatod with David
Eccles, tho ouH Lako mllllonalro, In
tho lumbor business In eastern Ore
gon nnd tho Indictments resulted
Saturday, March 12.
hnvo been a veritable mocca for tho
deaf, tho lamo, the rhoumntio, nnd
in fnct nil sufferers from ohronio
diseases. For-Don's Ettroponu Ex-
from nn Inquiry betweon govornmontj p)Jrt8 nnd Woodless Surgeons have
officials Into the matter of tho aco.ul-, undo an enviable reputation for
sltlon of 100.000 acres of valuable j themselves sinco coming to Med-
timoer tanas uy mo uregon L.umDor,fon
company nnd the Sumptor Vnlloy
Railroad company, of which compa
nies Eccles Is prcsldont.
The men already under arrest nro
officials of these companies.
I'nrk. I choorfully recommend Dr.
Hlng's Rorvlcea to nnyono needing
medical attention.
(Signed) MllS. B. IC. STRICKLAND.
I verify the above statement.
January U, 1910.
Notlco la horoby glvon that tho tin ;
dot-signed will apply at tho mooting I
of tho city council Mnrch IS, 1010, i
tor a retail liquor llcenso at his place j
of buatnoss.Jots 13 and 13, block 30, j
city of Modtora. j
J. W. 8LINOBR. ,
Tho American Women's Lenguo
HALL RTflNFS RFMnum cnnuiwill moot at tho Christian onureii on
nnai impa uidmam Saturday nftornoon nt 2 o'clock for
C0ALINGA WOMAN. !tho p(rp'0M of c,edln(J offioorHi A
Gall stones woro removed from , members aro requested to bo pros
Mrs. W. N. Collins of Conlingn. Shu ; ont.
lives nt the oil fiolds. For-Don's
LAUNDRY MARK FOLLOWED Modicnl Expert gnvo her three doses
UNTIL GOODS ARE FOUND of medicine nnd removed a number
of gnll stones in loss than eighteen
SPOKANE, Wash., Mnrch 11. A j hours,
tiny laundry mark was tho only clttu OFFICES TO BE CLOSED SATUR
Detecttvo Thomns Lister of tho po- DAY EVENING,
lice department held when ho stnrt- Xho offic0;J of (ho For.Don Med
ed this week to investigate tho bur- icnl Exports will bo cloKod Saturday'
glary of tho home of C. F. Jackson. ! evening, Mnrch 12th, when they will
Tho laundry mark led him to n housolcttV" for their office in tho city of
on Indiana avenue and today Glndys ' " "B" V""' w
, ,. , , o . consult htm must call before thon.
Leslie, Amv Barnes, James Sotty nnd,A oh1WJ of onQ doar Jh mndo for
Edwin Turner are in jail and a wng- j oxnminntion.
on load of goods that the Jncksons !
lost in the posutssion of the police j Fcc's L"0 3 Magnate.
as n result. i A. G. Rockofellow of this citv is, his shirt, neckwonr, hat and hosiery
of equal ologanco as his suit.
Our SJrlnz amorttnonts Include the
very cream of tho best manufactur-
you coo worn by tno wou-io-uo
For tho Eastor Parndo, wo'vo evory
thing In Hats and Furnishings for!
tho man and boy who wishes (o have!
Burglars had driven up with an ex-I in receipt of the first remittance
press wagon last Sunday and carried from tho pension bureau of tho in-
away everything of value in thoioroaao or pension allowed him forwnitlo klnd of furnaUngB
house. Tho Jackson laundry mark; his participation in the Roguo River Jiat9 you coo worn by tho woll-
on a lot oi nncn was mo oniy ciue
the police had.
A phonograph was included in the
list of missintr troods. The officials
heard it a block away and confis-, Inrs, which makes him fcol as if he
cated it. Under tho house, in n now-' had suddenly risen to tho exulted
Indian war of 1855-fl, thus swelling classes of largo cities
his quarterly receipts to tho mngni-J Havo us fill your Easter and Bprlng
ficont proportions of forty-eight dol- P"1" and jro,"U 8CCUro lho fuUcat
ly dug "cache" was a trunkful of sil
verware, cutglass nnd costly nppar-el.
The Wardrobe
Volcanoes Terrify Populace.
MANAGUA, Nicaragua, March 10.
People living along the shores of
Lake Nicaragua aro flooing panic-j
stricken to tho hills this afternoon
on account of tho violent eruption of,
the twin volcanoes Alta Grncin nnd;
Madera on the Oinelepo Island. ,
Tho vast majority of the inhabit-1
ants nro suporatittious, and they be
lieve that the eruptions augur nnf
evil outcomo of tho present revolu
tion which is rending tho country.
position of a magnate, not equal yet,
howovor, to thnt reached bv his il-
luBtrous cousin and namesake, JohtH T,IK WAItDItOIlE
D. of coal oil fame. Tidings. Fanners At Fruitgrower' Bank Hldg.
STANFORD, Conn., March 11.
Wllliam Balfour Ker. the artist is
being sued for absolute divorce by
Mrs. Mary Sigsbeo Ker, a daughter
ef rear adminnal Charles D. Sigs
who was in command of the bat
tleship Maine when tho warship was
Mown tip in Havana harbor,
Testimony of witness who lives in
Stamford and Darion was taken here
Frultnrowers, Attention.
Prof. O'Gara, the government ex
pert, will uddresB the fruitgrowers
of Ashland and vicinity, Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the city
hall in Ashland. At this time the
committee to roport a plan of or-
ganiaztion for an horticultural so
ciety is expected to report.
112 H Fourth Street 22.1 Mudion Street.
Portland, Ore. Seattle, Wash.
Agents for all makes of Licensed Motion Picture Slachlnes anfl
Dealers In Song Slldcs-Travellng-Tulkiiig Machines and Record
Electric Pianos and Orchestrions - Novelties, Etc. ,
Portland, Oregon, March 7, 1010.
M'gr Bijou Theater, Medford.
Dear Sir: If you do any newspaper advertising we would re
spectfully request you to put the following on same, which will, we
believe, do you as much good as It will ourselves.
"An exclusive service furnished this theater by the Amalga
mated Film Exchange of Portland, licensed by the Motion Picture
Patents Company, New York. All pictures approved by the board
of censors, New York."
Yours Very Truly,
P. S, The original of this letter can bo seen In lobby of DIJou
Theater, A. L. MI DOLBY, Mgr.
White Streaks
Frcano has furnished many automobile contests during tho mid
winter uoason nnd E. D. Waterman of that city piled up a nlco lot
of winnings with his Ilulck cars.
In n race recently run from Fresno to Coallnga, Watorman succeed
ed In crossing tho finish lino with a llttlo Ilulck Whlto Stroak ahead
of all tho big high poworod cars and not only won tho grilling ovont
with tho llttlo runabout, but loworcd tho formor rocord by 16 1-2 min
Upon arriving nt Coallnga, tho program provldod for a most stronu-
ous hill-climbing contest on what Is doscrlbod as an, 'almost porpondlc
ular" hill. Thoro won sovontoon startors In tho froo for all, tho
ovont bolng won by a Duck-JO driven by Kratur, a Dulck-40 drlvon by
Wntorman was second, and four of tho startors failed ontlroly to reach
tho summit. . jdSftl'lg
Tho Whlto Stroak is tho most popular car ovor sold In tho Roguo
Klvor valley. Those In use for tho past yoar aro as good as now. Ask
tholr owners.
Tho Whlto Streak has successfully mado tho Qrator' Luko, Klam;
ath Falls, tho Dluo Lodgo trip, tho Croscont City trip, tho climb over
tho SIsklyouB to San Francisco and tho Portland trip from Modford
without mishaps.
Tho WMto Streak Is tho best car ovor offorod for tho monoy com
bines speed, powor, simplicity and durability, Prlco f 1160.
Demonstrations by appolntmont. 1
TOU VELLE, Manager
The Addition
Is soiling fnator than any other
residence trait in Medford, for
tho simple reason that It Is go
ing to be more highly improv
ed J cloHur In, nnd lots are
selling for lens than any other
lots with similar advantages.
See Queen Anne
Some of tho vory best lots
nro still unsold, Thorn nro no
long units for Improvements
hero. Kvory contract for Im
provement work In Queen Anno
hns been awarded. The public
appreciates what this means
and tho property Is rolling fast.
January & February
Sales Over
Tho beat proof that tho public
hullovos In tho future of Quoon
Anno Is tho class of pooplo who
nro buying thoro. Whothor you
contemplate building Immedi
ately or not, you should got ono
of tlanto beautiful lots, which
can bo bought on easy tonus.
You will never miss tho monoy
and will have n beautiful placo
to build your homo when you
get' roady,
Call at our offlco and lot us
toll you mnro about It.
Rogue River Orchard
Land Company