t JHEDFORD MEN VIEW BULLFIGHT Jiut They Aro Not Much Enthused With the Entertainment Too Much Blood and the Bull Has Too JJttlo Chance. QcorffO and Charles King, H. U. Eiuinsden and C. I. Hutchisou aro in .Mexico looking ovor sotno mining nd timber investments. Having an .opportunity to see a gonuiuo bull rffehi pulled off in tho regular Span--isk Riylc, tboy attended one at a big Celebration nonr tho city of Mexico dkc other day. Mr. Hutchison writes to his father, IV. Hutchison, that lvhilo the ex hibition was exciting, it wasn't par ticularly pleasant. Six bulls and 18 horses wore kill ,2L The Lorscs were riddou into the ixing blindfolded and had no chance to escupo the sharp horns of the kimlls. Tho bulls didn't have any more of a chance, for after three or lour horses had been killed tho mat- jtdur put tho quietus on the bull. One man was injured by his horse -falling on him when the bull charged, oad the bull was loudly applauded by the' audience for tho act. It didn't save him, however, from tho fatal .sword of the matador. The party expects to be in the in--4erior of Mexico for several weeks before returning Tiome. JriELPS EQUINE OUT OF HOLE; JS KICKED INTO CREEK That the Good Samaritan some times gets tho worst of it was ex emplified Wednesday afternoon on the person of a prominent STcdford craftsman. While returning from feis homestead near Eagle Point the P. E. train upon which L. E. Whit ing was riding was held up by a Ifcorse which had fallen into a bridge across n small watercourse. The "train crow and passengers all turned oat to help extricate the animal, so that the train might proceed. Oar friend was one of the most active of the rescue party and was conse quently nearest the business end of the brute when he lashed out with both hind feet and kicked the benev olent craftsmen into a couple or three feet of mud and water. The things he said when ho came up about the general cusscdness of ferrate creation in general and the ase ingratitude of that particular specimen of the equine breed created the blue haze which was visible around the foothills Thursday morning. Real Estate Transfers. Jl L. Aikins to It. Mauring, 50.03 acres in township 37, 2 west . $17,000 O. Enger to M. T. Jacobson, 160 acres in section 26, township 40, 1 west 1 GEL J. Farlow to Ann H. Rus sell, land in Ashland JL It. Guchis to P. R. Fos ter, 160 acres in section 14, township 38, 2 west... Sadie R. Roddlo to W. H. Meeker, 5 acres in section 36, township 37, 2 west.. Jf. L. Alford to John Kinerk, lot 3, block 0, Imperial ad dition to Medford JT. A. Morey to S. V. Davis, lots 12 and 13, block 1, Highland Park W. 8. Dewing to Kate Cnr tenius, 320 acres in sec tions 20, 26 and 30, town--ship 34, 1 east Q. C. Garrett to Laura Mc Clendon, lots 2 and 3, block 32, Gold Hill D. D. Sage to W. M. Holmes, land in Lumsden addition to Medford Busie E. Bates to W. B. Sherman, 160 acres in section 26, township 37, 3 west W. H. Meeker to A. M. Cary, 5 acres in seetion 36, township 37, 2 -west First National Bank of Ash land to G. W. Owen, land 10 10 10 10 10 10 525 500 10 in Ashland 6,500 Amelia Kingsbury to J. P. Dodge, 100 acres in D. L. C. 45, township 30, 2 east W. N. Jones to T. W. Miles, 320 acres in section 30, 10 township '40, '1 west 3,200 .Ada Blair to W, 'A. Kinsey, 84.12 acres in'D. "L. C. 41, township '38, 1 west O. & C. Land' Co. to Chas. B. Gay, lots 7 and-8. 'block 7, 250 J&fcdford 1,150 TJeiford, Oregon Thin certifies that we have sold Hall's Texas Won-abr- fer the cure et all kldaey, der and rhuuwatlo troubles for tea ijrears, atfd hare sever had a com ptetat. It give tt!ek aad pemaaeat relief. Sixty days' treatmeat la each ettle. ' Meafofi Pkamacy. THE AlCYZAR, our'md 2ompan IN ALL HAIL! TO THE NEW KLAMATH CHRONICLE KLAMATH FALLS, March 10. -Klamath Falls will have a third daily evening paper by April 1. This will put the Falls ahead of any city of us sire on tho Pacific coast, and per haps in tho United States, in news papor facilities. With three dailies and three weeklies, everybody here ought to be suited in the newspaper line. The now paper will be called the Klamath Chronicle," will bo a six column, four-page paper and will bo edited by Grant Lincoln, a newspa per man of wide experience. Mr. Lincoln, who has been hero the past few days conferring with the pro moters of tho new paper, will leave for San Francisco this morning to order a press, linotype and other ma terial for tho new plant. NOTICE TO RED 5IEN. All members of Wcatoaka tribe, No. 30, aro requested to bo present at tho meeting Saturday night, March 12, 1910, as final arranomonts will be mado as to tho building of a hall on tho property recently purchased and other Important business will come before he meeting. L. Ii. JACOBS, C. of It. Eden Valley Orchard John D. EXHIBIT St.ELM0 PORTLAND GIRL GETS IN TROUBLE IN SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO, March 0. Miss Frances Gllbrcth of Portland, a comely"glrl of 19,ls la"thoclty pris on today awaiting extradition to Port land on a charge of abduction of Miss Mllly Brlggs, 15 ynrs of ago, also of Portland, Tho g'rls, aciord'ng to th-3 police, camo to this city recently and woro to have married two young men from Oregon. Miss Gllbroth Is said to have been betrothed to Harry Bond, while Miss Brlggs was tho alleged fiance of Georgo Borne. Bond Is said to be a scion of a wealthy family In a small Oregon town. Tho four young persons disappear ed from their homes simultaneously, Tho police of tho coast cities wero no tified of tho disappearance. The arrest of Miss Gllbrcth follow ed and Miss Brlggs is being hold at the detontlon homo. Both will return to Portland. Tho young men aro ox- Ipected hero today and It Is probable Ithey, too, will bo sent to Portland. j If, looking backward, you'ro sorry j you didn't odvertiso more about this jtima last year, try, now, tho esperi jmcnt of. doing tho thing which always scorns right in retrospect. I is sub-divided in tracts This is some of the finest land in the Rogue River Valley, within two miles of the city of Medford. The trees are of the best varities of apples and pears, all in bearing at the present time. The age of the trees run from six to twenty years. We are'able to supply people with whatever they may desire in the best bearing orchards in the valley, near the city of Medford , , For full particulars call on. BUILDING WALL FALLS, 30 MEN BURIED Bodies of Two Women Recovered Nino Injured Rescued Wall Was Portion of Factory Bulldlnrj. PITTSBURG, Pa., March 10. Tho bodios of two women woro re covered today from tho ruins of n wall which collapsed here today and buried between 25 and 30 workmen of the Law: & Sons doll factory be neath it, according to rfolico roport. Policemen and firemen removed nine injured workmen from tho outor debris of tho wall and began an at tempt to oxtriento other victims. The wall was a portion of tho factory building. LOS ANGELES UNION MEN TO TALK OF BIG STRIKE LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 10. Tho central labor council of Los, An geles today indorsed plans for a mass meeting to bo held next Sundny afternoon to discuss tho Philadelphia striko situation. President EhrIo of tho central la bor council, will preside Carl Brown, a labor leador who was a leader in Coxey's famous army, will bo one of tho speakers. Ehglo stated today that a resolu tions committee will bo appointed. This committee probably will prosont to the meeting a statement of sym pathy with, the Philadelphia strikers for indorsement. Evory union in Los Angeles will bo represented of ficially at tho meeting. NOTICE. All members of Canton Daylight are requested to bo present at I. O. O. F hall Frb'ay ovenlng, March 11 at 7:30. B order of commandant. 304 DRIVERS that know the country aid? that cover the country QUICKLY' AND WITH COSIKHr FOO.NI A t TIIK FARLOW & DOWNING, PIlOPItlETOItS. . WEST SIDE STABLES rnOXE IMfll 8. G It APE STItKKT from 30 to 100 acres. Olwell HUMMKIl UXCl'lUSlONH HAST. Tito Sotltliorn Pacific company will ooIPoxcurcUm tickets .to oastoni points at reduced rates on the follow ing dates! May 2d and Dili, Juno 2d nml 1 7th nml IMtli, July nth and 22d, AtiKiist ld and Suptoinlior 8th, roIiik limit ton lyn, total lltultH 'JO days. Itntis to Missouri lllvor points and I return t(ti),00: to Chicago and return, '$82,40. Ko- further Information cull at local ticket o-'ilco or ud Mobs A. S. ltnueubnum, Loral Agent Southern Pacific Co. GILT. EDGE INVESTMENTS 88 1-3 ncros fruit land, 30 aoro pears, 5 and 20 acres 1-yenr-old all good fruit land, undor Fish Lako ditch; $22(1 per ncro; good tonuHj you can't boat it. 20 acres, apples, poara, 10 yoars1 old; nice Jiouso,. packing houso audi outbuildings; fino well and 2,j-li. p. I gnsolino engine for pumping; the finost view in tho valloy, only 3V5i miles out; only $10,500. Two 0-room bungalows, special design nnd striotly modorn, oast front, ono blook from Main, fino homes; for a short time, $4000 each; good terms. 7-rooifi bungalow, modorn, water, lights and newer connected, oast front, ono blook from Main; rents for $40 por mouth; for ono week at I $3000; oasy terms. j Choice corner lot, 180 foot wide, i 140 feet deop, in good locality; for! quick snlo at $1350. 8-room cottage, now, with modem conveniences, close in on fine street; a hnrgain for $2100. Only 3 lots loft in Hoso Park, 50.x 1-10, east front, choico lots; $350, easy tormn. LET US SHOW YOU. 128 East Main. Wright 6 Allin 128 East Main Stroot. TO YOU AK ALWAYS TO IlK V MEDFORD IPLUMBINGf SI CAM AND HOI WAIIK HLA11NG All Work Ouurantood IWouh Ronnomiblo COFFEEN & PJEUCE 11 North 1) St., Modford, Oro. IMe HON' A SNAP IN "ORCHARD LAND Ono hundred nud sixty ucre of free rod mill, 10 to 30 foot depth, two wolla, about 25 acres cleared ; a vory gradual south hill alopo, ono-hnlf tnilo from postoffico, less thau ono-fourth mllo from nolmol and seven nnd ono-half miles Hottthwoat of Jaokaonvillo. Only $20 par acre. Call on or address JOE THOMAS 222 SOUTH HOLLY ST11EET. MEDFOltD, OnEOON FOR SALE - - - - Four lots just north ol! and adjoining grounds of the North school. Corner on Oak and Maple street. T ots are selling in this neighborhood for $100 to $500. These four lots can be bought for $1200 cash. In quire at DR. GOBLE 18 WEST MAIN ST. BARGAINS jzt jz? Grocery storo, paying big; cheap rent. Two lota an WoBt Tenth Htrcet, $500 each; closo In. 100x200 foot on Went Main utroct, fino department building nito. 380-ncro ranch, 2V4 milos from Modford; 120 neroa Hot to orchard; price $170 per acre. 103 acres two miles from Phoaulx, 30 acres young hearing orchard; $10,000. MICHIGAN LAND COMPANY HUNTLEY-KREMER Co. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 214 Fruit Growers Bank Builoing Best Groceries At Prices Strictly in Keeping with the Quality of Our Stock which is A Trial will Convince You The Square LOTS 7 East Front Lots, 55 x 123 at $550 2 South Front Lots 62 1-2' x 100 at $7.50 each, These lots are only six blocks from depot on the West side. THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Fire Insurance No. 11 North! Central Ave. J Deal Grocers a?