8UDJECT NO, 10 WILL TREAT ON "THE MODERN KITCHEN." Home Course In Domestic Science IX. Attractive Tabic Arrangements. Dy EDITH G. CHARLTON, In Clurtfo of Domcitlc Economy, Iowa Slklo Collet. Cftll'l, 1910, by Amirlcin rmi Aittfltllan, "fk TUXT in liitjiortunco to tliu proper I couklni: of tottfl 1h the wny It Ik X 1 ncrvi'd mid tho order lit which tint tablo In laid. Tho uttritc tlVtf MpiKMinillClJ of well cooked fotKl niiponln HtroiiKly to tho Appetite ami prepares the dlgctitlvo orxuuN fur tholi work. Probably every person linn ex jKirlttneed tho feolltiK of bulnjr suddenly hungry wliuu some wpeelnlly iitiruc tire viand ban been dlnplnyed boforu lilin. Iunlly trtiu I It thi(t iilmoHt every ono Ims keuwn biinuor to van lull nt'Mluht of u tublo lulil with soiled IIiioii anil china ami food carelessly arranged on Hervlim dishes. Tho homo ly hiitth litis not n inimical name ami Kuuuriitly 1'illU Ui memories of mien Joynblo meal, yut 1 bavo known it i!att(;r of It to win tin sincere aiiproval iih ttiiN ever bucn boNtowcd on it porter- hotlNo steak. True, tho hash wuh serv i'J plplim hot on a pretty platter. It wan well browned, llnukcd perhaps with poached i'Ukm and icnriilshed with uprlkn of parsley. IIm flavor, too, wan Just nu pleasing ami tempting hn Uh appearance. It may tuko n inoiiient or two longer to garnish tho illnb of meat or vegetables, but It certainly pays fur tho trouble. ituther than neglect It I would suggest omitting oii. or two dlsliea from the menu. He ferring to iiiuiiuh brings to iiilml the fact that In koine hotneti, those In the country especially, thero Ih tt tendency to nerve too many food of the name kind at the name meal. For liiHtance, I have many time Mven thruu kinds of cooked fruit, three or four kludit of vegetable and at leant two klndH of pickles or desserts nerved nt nu ordinary dinner. Thin means unnecessary work, unnecessary expense and mo much time spent In lireparntlou that very likely there wait uouu left for dainty serving. A knowl edge of foods and food values should teach the, housekeeper that ono food of each of tho above mentioned kind la sutllelent nt one time for any family. In many hemes, too. It la tho ctintom to put nil tho food on the table nt Vnro nnd linvo the various dlidics pass lilMI'LK JlltKAKrABT TAIII.r, cd from one person to the next with out any attempt at serving. While 1 am nt nil times nu advocate of sim plicity, 1 do like to see tho head of the house presiding nt table, curving and serving the meat nt leaHt and his wlfo, nt her cud of the table, presid ing over tho coffeo and serving those dishes which rightfully full to her lot. It scorns much more llko truo hoi pltallty whon this la dono than when platters nnd vegetable dishes follow each other In quick succession nrouud thq table, each Individual helping him self. Tho extrn minutes which nerv ing requires In tho bent thing In tho world for tho family, becnuue It al lows moro tlmo to masticate tho food nnd for social conversation, that best of all snuccH for tho digestion. Sottlno th Tabls. Tho koyuoto of good tuuto la situ pllclty, and uowhero Is It displayed to hotter advantage than lu Inylug n ta ble for n meal, bo that nu everyday fumlly alTalr or n formal gathering bf spoclal guests. It Is not my intention to outlluo a set of rules fur tho hostess who plans to entertain on nu clnborntu Hcale. She probably will bavo the ad vlco and nsHlstauco of thu professional caterer. Hut my wish Is to glvo n fow of tho Important points to bo observed in setting the ordinary tablo for tho ordinary meal, And I want to preface what I shall say with tho hopo Unit nil women who preside over homos or who hare tho training of young peo ple lu charge will woo to it that no carclesHiiess Is permitted either In ta blo manners or In tho simple act of sotting tho tablo, because such things leave an Indelible marl: In after life, Tho table, which may boi either round, square or oblong, us preferred, Is to ho llrst covered with n silence cloth, n pad of uidiestus cloth or double faced canton ilauuel, The llrst Is more ox pensive, but Is better because of Its protection to the table nnd because it does not beconifc moist from hot dlshe.1 nnd stick to tlu table. Ovbr tho, pad Is laid the linen cloth, which Nhould extend ten inches ovor tho edge of tho tnblo on nil Hides, Tho fold Ju tho enter of tho cloth should bo exactly u tho center of the table, lu nrningliig the places allow at oust twenty Indies space nt tliu (utile or eiicli person, The clilnii, glass and .diver set fur each person inn lie what Is commonly known iih a "cover." lu placing tliu silver observe this order l,ay the silver on either side of the platu In the order In which It Is to be used, beginning at the outside. I'lace the ItiilvcH on thu right side, Handles about ono Inch from edge of table, sharp edge turned lu, Lay nil the forks, with tho exception of tho oyster fork, on thu loft hand side, tines up. handles on n lino with tho handle of tint knives, Tho oystor fork In cither placed on tho right sid outaldo the knives or slanting across tho oyster plato, handle toward tho right hand. Tho spoons nro properly placed on tho right side, tho soup spoon outside tho knives. Tho teaspoon nt dinner Is next tho plates. For breakfast It may be outsldo tho knife If it Is to bo used first, It Is considered moro correct for SI 8,000 STOLEN FROM THE MAIL Greatest Robliery In Years Reported from Canada Believed Depart ment Employes May Bo Concerned In It. . vAiii. DHTKOIT, Midi., Mnrch 10, Nowh of thu biggest mail robbery oc curring in Cuiiudit for yearn wnu ro ceived hare today whet) it wuh an nounccd that detectives nro seeking jU 8,000 utoleii from n train on tliu run botwocn Windsor nnd Toronto on Fobrunry 8. Tho monoy wnu in dniftH nnd cliecka and was contnincd in. n mail n formnl dinner to have tho silver bug which wns rifled by thiovoK. brought to tho tnblc with each courso c,0HC((t Hfcre , i(J M mnintnin nftor tho salad has been servwl. , , . Cimiidinn insnectorH but It i Tho tnblo nnpklu Is folded In n slm-l, ..V V 1 1 i 1,'Hp,tUo' ,n,t,it 18 plo square nnd Is ploctil on tho lett ibo,,ovd ,mt, lPrtrtment etripIoyoH sldo nt tho lower edgo of tho pinto. It"'"' bo involved in tho diwipiwnr brend nnd buttor plntes nro uhihI thoso 'unco of tho money, nro plSced on tho loft Just above tho Nearly ovory inrgo bnuk in Winil nnpkln. The water glass Is placed on ' sor Ih involved In tho loss. "The nu the right sldo nt tho top of the knlfo. jihoriilca announce Uml the perpo A pair of snft nnd pepper shnkors I" trutorn" loft no clew plnccl conveniently between each two persons, as a rule. ucc-r ujitu rnmim r- m It Is well to hnvosornodecorntlon on !MEEJ WIISDnA7cTi JrTDrlnn.iPTc the tnblo. oven If It be nothing moro i APPRAISING PRODUCTS than u simple potted plant or somu I ,,, , .,.Tr. sprays of wild dower. A small pot of , WASHINGTON, I). C, Mnrch 10. growing parsley In winter Is better i InquirieH have been made of tho cen thau no dworatlon. Tho centerpiece 'hub hnrenii uliether fmn nmilnniu should bo low nnd flnt rather than should bo valued by fnnnern, in re high, for the latter obstructs the view ' , . ceiiKiis cniiinerntorH nt the' of people sitting on opposite sides or'1' Ji , cniimcraiirH, it u tho tablo. Dishes of celery, olives, pic ''wl wbolonalo prices or nt the kles or confectionery may bo on the "ct"'11 l,r,ct! "btniued by tho pro. , iniuo rrom tno Deginning or tnc meal " n iimuu out uy uie in-' and If ho should bo arranged near the qturerK that many fnnnerH sell n center nrouud tho llontl decorntlon. proportion of their egg for breeding If ten or coffeo U to bo served on the 'n( iuch higher than tho regular tablo i tho cups, saucer nud service ;,)rit.e. othorn sell part or all of their ' "rr" f ,nilk' ,',,,lcr anA "''" l rel- S.rvlno th. M..I. lQ;,il" ,,l,IM,.,or "f! Vrod live- In many homes where thero Is only f0 "f vn"" "t 'ro or ono mold to net as cook nnd waitress lcsB fnilcy PnccH. Tho burenu' cor thu serving must bo a simple us po. , respondent. nro of the opinion that slble. Very often, lu fact, thu house- if snles arc quoted in thin wny in tho keeper must hontolf net as both cook'ceiiMtis reportB tho resnltH might bo nud waitress, nud thou tho serving 1 Houiewlmi nnecHiiin t,u;a f,.r must bo even moro simple. Hut In any ,ho nvcn,go market prices. case try to avoid tho too commou hnb-1 lJn,,,!?:,,,, , It of putting everything on tho tublo r Hc8p0 ',!,,l ,,,ef ''lneS, nt onco nud allowing each person to . ?cn Directot: Durnnt slates that help himself. , " lonuiug iih inquiries iiuu inHtnie- Wheu there nro boyH nud girls ltx t tioiiK with reference to tho value of tho family they should be taught to domestic unimalfl and fowls, the con- tuke turus In serving, in that caso or ' buh bureau must neeoKHarilv follow iiiu uie nouHoneeper is nione tuo nrsi ti,c i,I)c8 ja,,i jow (lt! )lw v. course may be placed on the table be- crnill . itf) np,j01 Thnt , . , fore tho meal Is uunounced. If It Is 4 . . ., 1 ' soup servwl from u tureen tho hostess , t,,01 ,,u"nH j "crn' "ber servos It from her end of the tnble. n,ul vnlu of ! and fowlH. The or tho soup amy be served lu the vnlno sought is not the vnluo of some kitchon nnd put ut each placo before lArticitlnr clnss of ainmnls or fowls, tho fatally Is sented. Tho soup plntes, but of all nnimalrt nud fowls. It is nnd tureen are romoved before bring. ,tlio nmount nt whieli the niiimal.4 nnd ng n the next coiinie. Tho meat plat- jf0U.jH enn bo Rt)1(1. G()()(1 e. ter Is placed at the head of tho tnble i1.1.i1i : )u ,.i, , ' before tho host, who should carve It WT ?'1 " "n,nIs Wl11 so" f!,r ,n?w and. putting n jwrtlou on each plate,!""" ,,a.u " Kn,n,,cr vniuc, tlimi pass It to tho person sitting nt his ) l"" lMH,r minimis, vtnero tnero nro right. This person keeps It if po itnnny pure-blooded, ,tho average will clnlly requested to do bo or passes ltibo higher than where tho opHHit on down the tnblo. The potntoes nnd , condition of nffnirs prevails, but, us other vwtnbles may be served by; Inntter of fac, , pure.bIoo,k,(1 tho host if tho faintly Is smut or by ,i ., , . ... , some iwrsou sitting near him. The " 1 ' 1 1 3 c F, thoroughly distnb. dinner dlHhcs-tlmt Is, tho plates on I ' l"Hl "w 'Ul1 1,0 "PPreeinnie in- which tho ment course wns served- ""oneo upon mo nverago pnniistkMl should be removed before bringing In y the JJth census, except in the tho salad or dessert. If both aro in- enso of tho young colts of the'stnte eluded in the menu tho salad is gen- of Now Jersey. orally nerved by the hostess. It Is , No npprecinblo influoneo on tho quite permissible, however, to mvo '.,,;. n vnl,,M . 1M ... tho salad nrrnnged on Individual plntes " i hh ' In the kitchen nnd placed on the table J "Uor ""ed in eonsequen.-e nt the beginning of dinner. Dessert ,,u vravwa mentioned y mo in should bo served by the host while the Iqmrors. Tho high-priced eggs, milk. hostc&H pours tho tou or coffee. I'ud- i buttor, etc., nro lound about as inueli ding snuce nnd cream npd sugnr nro in one part of Iho country ns in nn pnssed. Hrcnd nud butter nro usually other. Tho average which Iho con on tho table throughout the meal nnd B11H wiu ,,,,,;,,,, is ot thllt ,lC ure passed ns needed. Celery nnd i ,.. . c ,iP nttna p , ' produced. It is the sumo for nil nni tnuls, fowls nnd nnimul products. Tho relative number nud valuo of tho animals and pnnliicts to which spo olives nro passed with the soup nud pickles with the incut course. Jelly is often pnssed with chicken, nnd apple snucu should accompany roast pork. In Homo households the business of serving nt tnblo without n mnld tins ' cific attention 1ms been called doos not oxort, for tho country ns n whole or for tunny of the states, nn influ oneo sufficient to innke tho averngo published by the census innterinllv different from tho nvornge marker prices. been brought to a perfection which Is worthy of emulation, in order that It nmy bo absolutely devoid of nwk- wnrdiicB It is necessary for each mem ber of the, fnmlly to bo well schooled lu his or her part. It Is nowadays tho fashion in soino households to dispense with tho services of n mnld, nt least during the simpler meals of the day. Whon thsro is a waltresn sho Is ex pected to tako tho plato from tho host or hostess and placo it before the per son for . whom It wns served. Sho must placo all dishes nt tho right side nnd puss those from which tho person helps himself nt tho loft. All plntes nnd dishes nro removed from tho right side. In clearing the tnblo after each courso all dishes used In serving It must ho romoved as well ns tho iudl Idunl plato nud silver. Aftor tho salad nud before serving tho dessurc nil dishes, bread, buttor nnd relishes should bo romoved nud the crumbs brushed up on crumb trny, Wntor gliiBNes should bo kept II I led as required without removing them from the table. With n llttlo prnntlco uny meal enn bo served simply and correctly, nnd In short tlmo It will bo found thnt Its enjoyment has been greatly increased. In buying china or silver remombor thnt quality Is of much moro conse quence than ornamentation, and lu either tho simpler -designs nud. color ings aro preferable, riuln whlto chlun of good quality la much Moro satlofy lug In the end than elaborate designs lu pronounced colora. lu nothing are artistic hcuho nud fooling moro strong ly shown than In tho nppolutmontu or thu dining table, SECRETARY KNOX PLAYS HEAVY ROLE IN DRAMA WASHINGTON, D. C, March 10.--Secretary of Stnto Knox todny 1b pop- tilnrly assigned In tho rolo of "load ing heavy" ns tho Ira to nnd unfor giving fntUur-ln-lnw. Tho "lendlug man," Phllnudor O. Knox, Jr., la In full rotront to Prov idence, It, I., with hla protty llttlo blonde brldo, tho "heroine" of "Why Knox Loft School," Young Knox arrived horo yostordny to visit his father concerning his clandestine mnrrlngo. Tho Intorviow with pnpn lnstod fif teen minutes and young Knox cmorged looking woo-bogono. Ho wns Jolnod by Mrs. Knox and tho cduplo loft for tho home of tho bride's pnr ents. "I am expecting nnd hoping to hear from father nftor ho gots used to tho idea of my bolng married," young Knox Hiitd sadly ns ho boarded tho train, "No," ho miiBod, "ho didn't seem to lileo tho idea nt all" SNAP 1G0 acres finest pear land in the valley, ad joining two large orchards, living spring on property, enough water to irrigate if nec essary; fine view of valley; five miles from Mcdford. Price $100 per acre. . Vreeland Hotel Nash, Medf ord O. L, DAVI8, President L. 13. WAKKMAN, Cashier L. VS. NEIDEItMEYER, Vlco-Pres. L, L. JACOBS, Awt. Cashlef Farmers and Fruitgrowers B&nk CAPITAL STOCK $00,000 MEDFOKD O It E G O N For Sale - - - - Splendid Bargains Piecre, Shepherd & Co., 128 East Main Street. A 5-room house, porches, plastered, modern, large barn, woodshed, new buildings; price $2500. and $1050 can remain one year at 6 per cent. Lot 50x168 feet. Three-fourths of an acre, South Central avenue, with building; easy terms, $1600. A 6-room bungalow, modern, maple floors, an extra good buy, $2000; North Riverside; $1000 can remain on place. A fine bungalow in Queen Anne addition, $2100; 5 rooms, bath, electric lights, fireplace, cobblestone foundation, corner lot , Can also sell you two as fine homes as there are in the city, one $5000 and one $6000. Come to office and let us show you these special bargains. Wo also have good buys in ranches and small tracts. Pierce, Shephard & Co. 128 East Main Street. Something to Investigate and Consider -50 acres of the best soil in the valley, lo cated 4 1-2 miles from Medford and 1 1-4 miles from shipping station. 5 acres planted to Bosc pears 5 years old. 2 acres poaches in full bearing. 22 acres 'pears and apples 1 year old. 13 acres alfalfa. Balance of land ready for planting. No waste land, Eino building site; good water; splendid location. If this interest you, wo will bo glad to give you full information and price. J. W. Dressier Agency West Main Street. COLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE '' PL U MBING Steam and Hot Water Heating. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. L F. MOORE AND E. E. SMITH Old Tribune Building. Phone ii931. RESOLVED Th best resolution for job to make is to come to ns for your next Bait, if you wnt something oat of the ordinary. We do the best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE FSOO&KBSIVS TAXLOJt JMORTGAGE. LOANS Honey" on hand to loan on Real Estate. City and County Warrants bought. Fidelity 'and Indemnity Bends Furn ished. Fire !it (trance. JAMES CAMPBELL Phoae Main 3231. 208 Fraitgrowers' Bank Hal ding Warm weather will soon be here. Wny not cook with an electric range this summer? Complete outfit on display at our office. We are mak ing especially low rates on electric cooking. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY ,J O. Hansen. Tom Moffat We make any kind and stylo of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. I