THE 3VIEDF0RP MAIL TRIBUNE, atEDUxjRP, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 10,10. S TO BE PUTJJP FOR SALE But tlio Millions They Will Bring Will Not Nearly Meet Her Press ing Needs, Which Must Bo Large, SCENE FROM ST. ELMO, SOON AT BEDFORD ST. PETERSBURG, March 10. TThe Porsian parliament proposes io rniso money by solline; the crown jowels. But tlio proceeds would bo oujy n drop in the bucket of Persia's financial needs, nnd she will be fore sd to accept tho Anglo-Kussinu tonus for n loan,' which 'will n8t be. granted without provision for 'Tar ciffu control of the country's fin ances. Russian troops will remain in Per sin until there is evidence that their withdrawal would not be followed speedily by the necessity of reoceu pation. ' Tho former Persian ministry re signed . because it could not secure the withdrawn! of Russian troops and because it objected to the terms of tho Anglo-Russian loan. Persia must need a vast amount of nionoy if tho state jewels would not brine; enough to bo more than "a Jrop in the bucket." The crown jewels are not only the perns in the crown, which alone are worth a very large sum, but the jewels belonging to the crown, or state. When the present shah's . grand father died three years ago he left jewels then estimated to be worth $200,000,000, which the state un doubtedly seized when the present shah's father was deposed last year and banished. Then there are in the palace nnd hnrcms a multitude of jewelled articles of furniture and adornment and three thrones, each studded with gems of great value the marble throne nnd the $15,000, 000 peacock throne. EZRA MEEKER, PIONEER, TO START ACROSS CONTINENT SPOKANE, Wash., March 9. Lumbering oxen, yoked to a battered prairie schooner, with its tar bucket swinging from the rear axle, will carry Ezra Meeker, a pioneer of the Oregon country, back over the trail "which he and his familv used in mut ing the trip through the wilderness between Kansas City and The Dalles, Vr., 58 years ago. He will be accom panied by W. B. Mnrdon and Mrs. Mnrdon and two helpers, the party following the trail eastward bv wav of Walla Walla, Wash., southwest of Spokane. Though more thnn 80 years of nge, Meeker is endowed with the uncon querable spirit of the western set tler and is hopeful of carrying out the work of marking the trail from east to west in memory of the brave men and women who blazed the way that led to the opening of the Pa cific empire, "before his spirit crosses the great divide. lie retraced the old trail in 1000, erecting granite memorials in the larger towns nnd cities, also visiting President Roose velt nt the White House. Tlio purpose of the trip, upon which the- Meeker pnrty will start, within three months is to secure data and other information necessary 'c map the trail and to arouse interest in n campaign for funds with which to completo tho work. There is n committee bill "before congress ap propriating $50,000 to provide gran ate monuments and mnrkers, bnt a clause requires the father of the idea and the various historical soci eties interested to manifest their sin cerity by subscribing whatever money may be necessary, in addition to the appropriation contemplated by the government. It is planned to select a represen tative from each historical society in the six states covered by the train to assist in locnting the over land route nnd placing the monuments. HUGE BATTLESHIP IS INJURED BY EXPLOSION KIEL, March 0. Examination by navy engineers lodny rovenled Hint only superficial dnningo by fire was inflicted on the new battleship I'o seu. Tho IVen, one of the Dreitd uought type, will be able to undergo her first trial trip within u short time. The fire originated in a magazine .111 winch woorwork luul been stored preparatory for use on tho warship. Uio stool walls ot tlio magazine were made red hot and warped out of po sition. , The firo raged throo hours and 'fittnllv was extinguished by the lei firo force. Considerable damage was ,dtuie to the battleship by water. I Fearful Catastrophe. CHICAGO, Mar., 0. -NVotno who have purcliannl expensive headgear to wear at the Imuquot to bo given , President Tuft by thu Irish Kollow ishlp club hero March 17, nro peeved I today because tho committee has an nounced that no wonum will he al lowed to wear tints In the banquet hall. Following the nunouiicomont edict. Chnlrmnn . James O'Slinugliucag' s.i Id: "I can lmnrluo Iicav n woman fools who has nought n J 150 lint to wear on such an occasion. It la hard for tho cammlttee to bring Itself to Isaac tho edict but It had to bo done. There Is only a limited amount of cpacp In the hall. Wo figured It up mathematical!), that ouo woman's hat takes up space ot two and a quarter persona. . There would bo no room for tho waiters to get a-round." MINE OPERATORS REFUSE DEMANDS OF MINERS . .. CINCINNATI, Ohio. Match t. Tho mine oporntorii ot tlio uuhIoiii and middle ntatemtoday retimed to want domauilR of tho United Mine Workers of America for an InerwiHO of wages mid tho establishment ot an eight hour working dny. Tho doclHlon wiih reached at tho opening of a point conference of mine operators nnd lending mine worker representatives. TO PROBE WHEREFORE OF WELLINGTON AVALANCHE1 Livingston to Rule Elks. ASHLAND, March 10. -Ashland Lodge, No. 044, B. P. 0. E.. held its regular election of officers Saturday evening, in which keen interest wns manifest. As a result of tho elec tion, Alex. Livimrston. tho well known Southern Pacific locomotive engineer, was chosen as exalted ruler lor the ensuing term. The following are tho other nowly elected officers, all of whom will bo installed at the first meeting in April: Esteemed leading knight, G. W. Owens; os toomed loyal knight, Dr. F. G. Swo denburg; esteemed lecturing knight, H. II. Gillette; treasurer, Pierre Pro vost; seoretary, IT. C. Sparr; tyler, J. A. Bailoy; trustee, C. II. Pierce; dclogate to grand lodge, n. C. Sparr; alternate, G, A. Knoblauch. A class of initiates from Klamath Falls was also received into tho mysteries of tho order with due ceremony at the Saturday evening meeting. SEATTLE, March 10. The why and the wherefore of the Well ington avalanje what caused the slide, how it could have been pre vented nnd why it caught the passen gers in its path, will bo probed to the bottom next week by Coroner J. C. Snyder. Practically nil of the survivors, Great Northern officials and train men nnd rescue-workers will be sub poenaed. The first thing to bo investigated, according to Coroner Snyder, is the meeting held the night before tho avalanche in the observation car of tho train, when the passengers re- qucstcd guides to take them down the mountain nnd were refused. Every person who attended that meeting is dend, with the single ex ception of Henry H. Whito of So'at-tle. MILITIA TO CORINTH PERFORM STRIKE DUTY SARATOGA, N. Y., March 0. Two companies of state militia were dispatched to Corinth today for strike duty. General strike orders were issued by the labor union lend ers. These affect 62 mills of the In ternational Paper company. Strikebreakers were taken to the Corinth plant by company officials to replace striking union men. Mcdtord, Oregon Tht fortifies that wo hare sold Hall's Texas Won dor for tho cure ot all kidney, blad der nnd rheumatic troubles for ten rears, and hare norer had a com plaint. It glres quick and pormanont relief. Sixty dnyo' treatment In each bottle. Medtord Pbarmacr. GILT. EDGE INVESTMENTS 88 1-3 noros fruit land, 30 aores pears, 5 nnd 20 noron 1-year-old; nil good fruit land, under Fish Lnke ditch; $22(1 por acre; 'good terms; you can't boat it. 20 aores, apples, pours, 10 years old; nice house, packing house and outbuildings: fiuo well and 2Vi-h. p. gasolino engine for pumping; the finest view in the valley, only Js miles out; only $10,500. Two (1-rooin " bungalows, special design and strictly modorn, east front, nno block from Main, fiuo homos; for a short time, $1000 each; good tonus. 7- room bungnlow, modern, water, lights and sowor ennnoctod, cunt front, ono block from Main; rents for $10 por month; for ouo weok nt $3000; ottsy tonus. Choice conior lot, 180 foot wido, 140 foot deep, in good locality; for quick sale nt .$1330. 8- rooni cottngo, now, with modern conveniences, close in on fmo street; a bargain for .$2100. Only 3 lots loft in Rose Park, fiOx 140, cast front, choico lots; $3.10. easy terms. LET US SHOW YOU. 128 East Main. Wright 6 Ailin 128 Gas' Main Street DRIVERS that know the country RIGS that cover the country QUICKIiV AXO WITH COMl'MU TO YOU AUK ALWAYS TO UK 5 FOOXP A t TIIK I ' PAHLOW & DOWNING, PnOPItlHTOIlfl. WEST SIDE STABLES PHONE 3131 8. GIIAPE STREET Eden Valley Orchard 7 ; is sub-divided , in tracts from 30 to 100 acres. This is some of the finest land in the Rogue River Valley, within two miles of the city of Medf ord. The trees are of the best varities of apples and pears, all in bearing at the present time. The age of the trees run from six to twenty years. We are able to supply people with whatever they may desire in the best bearing orchards in the valley, near the city of Medf ord For full particulars call on John D. Olwell EXHIBIT BUILDING MEDFORD PLUMBING SIEAM AND 1101 WA1CR IILAIING All Work Uuurtintood 1'ricuH Koitnoiuiblo COFFEE.N c& PRICE 11 North l St., Muih'onl.Oro. I'lmno 1108' A SNAP IN ORCHARD LAND Ono hundred and sixty noron of free rod soil, 10 to 30 feet depth ; two wells, about 25 acres cleared; n very gradual south hill slope; one-half mile from poatoffico, less than one-fourth mile from hoIiooI and hovuii and ouu-hnlf miles southwest of Jacksonville. Only $20 por nore. Call on or address JOE THOMAS 222 SOUTH HOLLY STREET. iriinwrrrri ' 'i nif : MEDFORD, OREGON Shur-On AVo can fit most any kind of a noso with Shur-On Mounts. Dr. GOBLE Optical Parlor 18 West Main Street. Wc have no othor business. BARGAINS jZ? j& Grocery ntoro, paying hie; chonp ront. Two lota on Wont Tenth ntrect, $500 onch; clone In. 100x200 foot on Wont Main ntreet, fiuo -department building nito. 380-noro rnneh, 2ft milca from Modford; 120 aores Hot to orchard; prico $170 por acre. 103 ncroH two milos from Phoonix, SO acres young henring orchard; $10,000. MICHIGAN LAND COMPANY HUNTLE.Y-KREME.R Co. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 214 Fruit Growers BanK Building Best Groceries At Prices Strictly in Keeping with the Quality of Our Stock which is Unexcelled A Trial will Convince You Allen Reagan The Square Deal Grocers LOTS I 7 East Front Lots, 5 x 123 at $550 2 South Front Lots 62 1-2 x 100 at $7.50 each. These lots are .only six blocks from depot on the West side, THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Fire Insurance fy. 11 North Central Ave. (