Orcnon Historical SwsleW I Mrll Medford Mail Tribune liNITia) PRESS ASSOCIATION Full tanned Wire Report. TIHC WKATIIHU. Tonight Friday Clear runt warm, Wiidiiomlny'H Toinporatiiros l!li;h 04, low 44, range 57. The only pnpor In tho world published In n city tho size of Medford having a loosed wire. MED FORT) OTMWON, TJllIRSDAY, MARCH 10, 1910. No. 303. FOURTH YEAH. 10.000 RIOTERS BATTLE WITH POLICE NEW LEASE OE EIEE FOR BIG STRIKE Action Taken by State Federation or Labor Gives Strike In Philadelphia Renewed Strength Labor Lead ers Are Elated Claim Non-Union Men Out. MASS MEETING CALLED; POLICE READY TO ACT Every Endeavor Is to Be Made by Business Men to Bring Both Sides to an Amicable Settlement Tired of Discord and Rioting. lllllAI:i.lIIIA, I'ii., March 10.- Ten tluiMMiml mm Vtftv owing"! In rioting In tlio vicinity of (ho city linll nt o'clock tli I iiftcniiHin. Pollco rvNr'M wvm wnt to tlio nccno and orilrr wvrv glv-Mi '' ",,r officer to bruin .flrhig. Rioter nml police- riigiinnl In lmnl-to-lmncl utruKKlf. Mnny policemen woro benten Insensible, tliclr cltilm ami pistols woro tnken from them ami uel ngnlnnt tliclr follow officer. The riot about tho cltjr linll follow ed n sorlc of disorders that lcKmi when tho pollco Interfered with a procession of IIOOO laboring men who aro out on strike. Tho men In tho parado, aftor bo Inir driven from tho column, gathered In an adjoining street, roformcd nnd again mnrchod toward tho city hall. ' Tho pollco charged upon thorn, mounted officers riding thorn down and again succeeding In breaking up the mans. Nowb of tho encounters prond like wlldflro to tho Kensington nnd other outlying portions of tho city. Tho crowds Increased rapidly and soon wore driving tho pollco boforo thorn. Flying squadrons of mountod po llco camo upon tho scono atthls tlrao and snvod tho llvos of many of tho patrolmen, who woro fighting ngalnat overwhelming odds. Tho crowds about tho city nnii soi nn n. domand for admittance Thoro .WAH ft rush for tho doors nnd for a time It lookod as though tho pollco would bo swopt fisldo and tho building entorod by tho rioters. Tho pollco drow their rovolveri and began firing. Aftor a scattering volley of shots rang over tholr heads tho rlotors re treated lo a dletnnco. Tho rioting began when tho crowd bocamo unruly on tholr march toward tho city hall. At half a dozen points tho pollco formed cordons across the etroots and attempted to stop the marchoro. Aided by othor pollco In automo bllos, tho iiatrolmon Biiccoodod In broalclng up the columns. Itopontodly thoy chargod tho crowd and boat thorn down, mon and womon, with tholr mncoB. Scores woro In ured In tho moloos. NEWCASTLE, Pa., March 10. -Tho official of tho Stato Federation of Labor today ordorod tho Philadel phia union now on Btrlko to mako a final offort to Bocuro arbitration pf ifroroucos between, the Rapid Transit company find Its striking plat form mon. It Is Btatod thnt If this offort for poaco falla all organized labor throiiKhout PonnBylvanla will bo cnll- aA nnf nn ntrlltO In ID UUyu. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Mnroh 10. (Contlnuod on Va 5.) TEN PAVING PROPOSITIONS OFFERED Front- 800 Alley but. Sixth nnd Bovonth r.r.o iiartiott 8&52 Conlrnl uvonuo, N 3800 Central avonuo, S y. . 3074 Atijou 1112 Eighth 4300 Fir 4320 Fourth 204(1 (loncHco 1120 Orapo 2000 Holly, N ............... 3000 Holly. 8 7030 Jackson ... - ,. v 2300 Laurel ; .V. 7474 Main 1480 Ornngo, N . . 1410 Orange, B. . . 147H Peach, 8 ... 3S00 Queen Anno 008C Rlvoraldo, N 3C08 Riverside, 8 120S Sixth, B ... 1C00 Sixth, W . .'. 1480 Summit 4 CC0 Tenth A...., V Without curb : With curb Harbor'A" Tho pavomcnt shall constat of a four-Inch Portland ce ment foundation, on top of which shall bo Inld ono-lnch bander coiireo and ono nnd ono-hnlMnch shoot as phalt wearing surface Barber "H" Tho pavomcnt shall consist of a flvo-lnch Portlnnd comont concroto foundation, on top of which thnll bo laid ono Inch bonder courso it ud two-Inch shout asphalt wearing surfaco. Harbor "C" Tho pavement shall consists of n flvc-lnch Portland ce ment concroto foundation, on top of which shall bo laid a ono-lnch bondor surfaco nnd a threo-lnch nsphalt woar- Ing surfaco. LER IS VERY HOPEFUL Affirmative Side Heard by Commit tee and Today Negative Is Ham mering House Arguments Ncwall Prepares a Triphammer Argu ment, By C. E. Whlslcr. WASHINGTON, Mnrcb 10.- Thoso of us who nro horo in an on doavor to defeat the La Fcim apple bill nro very snnguino of succesfc to day, nnd nro convinced that tho bill will bo ndvorsoly reported upon by tho Iioubo committee on agriculture. In fact, I Uavo boon nBBiircd by sov ornl membora of tho committoo thnt thoy would not nRroo to n fnvornble roport. Things look bottor today than nt any tlmo ulnco wo nrnved hero. However, ono cannot bo cer tain until tho roport is mado. Yesterday wob devoted by tho committoo to houring tho nffirmutivo flido of tho question. Thoro wero a multitudo of commission mon pros- ont fnvorinc tho bill. This afternoon wo will prosont tho negative. Nownll of Washington hns propnrod n trip Immmor nrgumont which, I nm oor- tnin, will got results. Two or tlnoo othors of us will nlso spenk. I am vory hopeful of tho ultimato outcome Kaiser Modernizing Jerusalem. HKHMN. March 10. A now phnso of tho unconsing rivalry and jonl ousy botwoon Franco nml Qormnny croppdd out today in Pronc,u opposi tion to tho nisor's plans for tho mod ernization of Jorusnlom, Tho kaisor is Jjohlnd tho Gormrtn mqvomont which is now ongngod in bottoring n modorn Gorman guildinp and n modorn hospital on tho nnoiont Mount of Olives. A Gonqnn olmroh is nlso boing oroctod noar tho noly Sopulchro, tho spiro of which tho lmisor himsolf doslgned, WHIS Wnircn A 2,279.65 3,090.02 52,203.17 24,377.08 10,000.55 0,970.54 23,022.34 20,059.28 7,018.03 0,188.93 10,002.50 21,881.30 44,751.58 12,221.11 40,812.33 5,840.87 0,079.54 5,508.85 10,007.45 55.830.32 18.204.89 8,775.14 14,300.4 I 5,852.40 25.484.08 ..$472,028.71 .$505,192.31 Harber "D" -Tho pavement shall consist of a four-Inch foundation, upon which shnll bo laid tho aBphaltlc concrete pavement four Incbos In thlckncfs. It shnll bo composed of gravel or crushed rock, sand, fine absorbent mineral dust, and aspbaltlc comont In such quantities as to con form tho mixture to tho following pro portions: ( Gravel 55 to 65 per cent Sand 24 to 35 por cent Mineral dust ..5 to 8 por cent Asphaltlc cement 6 to 9 per cent Hnrber "H" Tho pavement shall '.fin.tut r9 Oia rnmA nrAnnrfltlnn nd In I VUH.IO. vy . ..... ... v.. w. - I "D," only It shall be five Inches In; thickness. WIDOW GIVES MITE TO FIGHT SALOONS CHICAGO. 111., March 10. A plain gold wedding ring, tho widow's mile, of n woman whoso nnmo is unknown to tho leadors of tho cause, is ono of tho assets of tho onti " liquor crusaders of Chicago. Accompanied by a letter containing n fon-ont prayer thnt tho contributor's chil drcn might ho guarded from tho temptations of strong drink, tho ring arrived nt tho hendqHortors of tho anti-sn-loon association Inst evening. Tho ritig probably is worth $T, but it is rich in its story of pathos and snorifico. HOME TELEPHONE COMMENCES WORK Construction of Line Between Med ford ahd Jacksonville Has Com mencedWill Follow R. R. V. R. Tho Homo Tolophono company Is ongngod In setting poles for tho lino botweon Jncksonvlllo nnd Modford. Tho lino will follow tho right of way of tho Roguo Rlvor Valley rail way between tho two towns. Poles and cross-arma havo boon strung along tho proposod route be tween tho two plnccB. New Minister to Sail. CHICAGO, UK, March 10. Wil liam J. Calhoun, tho now American ministor to China, oxpoots to. leave tonight for Snn Francisco. Ho will romnin in San Franqisoo until Mnroh 15, whon hp intends to sntP'for China, t . Ministor. Culhoun was appointed to tlifi post nt Pokin following tho sonsational recall of. .ChavJoB B Crano ,of Chicago by soorotary of state Knox early in Ootobor, 1009. Falrchlld CJllMK) he WII Ion II Warren R 2,282.00 40,804.00 22,272.20 10,538.12 0,371.70 20,084.00 24,024.00 0,050.40 5.C5G.00 15,421.00 10,902.00 40,886.85 11,165.00 37.295.2C 5,342.80 0,372.00 5,099.10 15,211.08 50,972.40 10,027.92 8,021.14 13,050.00 5,342.80 18,004.00 1,809.00 1,904.60 2,020.80 43,187.60 20,573.80 15,247.04 5,882.48 19,393.00 22,723.20 6,324.00 5,210.20 14,237.00 18,450.00 37,313.00 10,304:00 34,380.40 4,928.40 5.876.40 4,714.82 14,060.36 47,005.48 15,305.04 7,398.00 12,080.00 4,943.20 21,510.26 S424.394.85 $437,510.28 $395,703.58 $457,568.45 $402,382.98 $420,570.28 Olomo Granitoid The pavement shnll consist of five and one-half inches of concrete, and surfaco of sovon Inches. The concrete base Bhall be composed of ono part Port land cement, three parts sand and four parts of crushed stone. Tho Btir fnco blocks consist of stone and ce ment worked Into brick shapes, 4 1-2 x9. Pavement Is guaranteed by tho company against cettlemlS.tB, upheav als or disintegration for a period of flvo years. Warren Construction Co. "A" The foundation first laid to consist of rock, which shall pass a 3 1-2-foot ring. It shall bo rolled with a steam roller weighing not less than 12 tons Studying Specifications and Other Matters in Connection With Bids Received Tuesday Evening Next Session of Council Will Be Closed One No Decision for Some Time. Having succeeded in reducing tho bids of the vninous paving .compan ies to a comparative basis, tho mayor nnd city council aro now studying the specifications in ordor to dotormino which is tho best pave ment to secure for tho money. Tho table published above shows the comparative bids of tho different companies. The figures given nro for tho laying of the pavement and excavation to a depth of six inches. Owing to tho fact that tho specifi cations and cross sections are not out for each stroet, tho total cost cannot now bo estimated. Neithor are tho drain basins nor monuments includod in tho figures given. Tho council has not given out tho dnto for Jho noxt meeting, but it will bo hold in tho near future and will probably bo closed in ordor that tho specifications may bo studied nnd tho best pavement chosen for tho least monoy. Definite notion may not bo taken for somo timo by tho council. COUPLE SUING FOR DIVORCE, BOTH LAWYERS PORTLAND, Or., March 10. Whothor Mrs. Catherine Loot and her husband, W, A. Loot, are to be aopa ratod for tho romalnder of tholr lives will bo dotermlnod by Judge Cloland today or tomorrow. The divorce suit of the Loots ls unlquo In court roo ordjiln thjB city because of the fact that Mrs, Loot, who Is an attorney, conducted hor own,cnso, Hor hus band, who also Is an attorney, Is au Ing to sovor Ills marriage ties. Fulrchlld-Gllmoro-Wilton A 2,100.30 2,805.20 47,720.10 22,735.40 10,845.52 0,505.20 21,467.00 26,142.00 6,097.20 6,T68.00 15,747.20 20.405.70 41,282.80 11,385.00 38,042.00 5,440.40 6,499.44 5.217.34 15,534.72 52.062.78 10,978.72 8,177.40 13,344.00 5,461.20 23,749.94 Mm at WORK ON BIDS Granitoid Harbor A Hurler R 2,625.60 3,628.80 53,877.60 27,213.00 20,134.70 8,006.40 28,208.00 30,240.44 8,670.00 7,267.00 19,636.00 26,128.90 50,016.70 13,764.00 60,649.60 6,732.00 8.071.20 6,429.30 18,626.28 63,602.00 22,240.72 9,735.00 16,448.00 6,748.80 28,462.60 1,002.00 2,336.20 39,08204 19,493.00 14,540.02 5,971.44 19,909.00 21,340.80 7,588.80 4,670.40 14,622.40 18,266.60 37,392.69 9,729.00 31,913.98 4,351.20 5,802.24 4,493.12 17,612.52 46.702.04 17.119.04 7,616.42 13,072.00 4,972.80 20,010.36 1,869.00 2,727.20 45,682.16 22,774.00 16,068.48 6,916.64 23,048.00 24,714.40 8,588.40 5,454.40 16,931.20 21,291.30 43,267.56 11.339.00 36,896.30 5,046.80 6,782.64 5,202.56 19.263.96 53,425.68 19,469.40 '8.774.48 15,136.00 6,683.20 24,123.22 $536,941.00 $390,067.01 $451,275.97 $577.395.50 $423.if31.21 $484.439.57 and shall have a depth after rolling of four Inches. On tho foundation shall bo spread a coating of Warren's bituminous cement. On this is laid a bituminous concrete mixture to, a thickness of two Inches, and upon this shall be laid a thin coating of bituminous flush composition and tlno particles of rock. Warren Construction Co. "B" Samo as preceding excepting the bi tuminous foundation. Faircblld-Gllmore-WIlton Co. The foundation shall consist of a concrete mixture as follows: Portland cement 1 part Sand 3 parts Gravel 6 parts - PORTLAND BANKER TAKES OWN LIFE LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 10. Frederick K. Arnold, president of the Portland Safety Deposit Co. of Portland, Or., committed " suicide in his apartments at the Hollenbock hotel today. Ho shot himself through tho right templo with a revol- ver he purchased a half mi hour previously. H. E. Northrop of Port- land, who also was a guest at the Hollenbeck, deolarod ho knew of no reason for the "" capitalist's self - destruction except that his health had been poor for several wooks. " THEIR LORDSHIPS MAY VOTE THEMSELVES OUT Lord Roseberry Intends to Intro duce Resolutions in House of Lords to Reconstruct Parliament. LONDON, March 10. Tho sot of throo "revolutionary" resolutions which Lord Roseborry will present in tho house of lords Monday whon ho intends to launch his plan for (ho reformation of tho lords has sot all England tnlking today. Should tho lords vote to oarrv out tho resolutions which Rosoborry will present, thoy will bo compelled to voto against themselves and in this, according to prominont politicians. Tho first resolution will point out that n strong second ohnmbor is no cossaryj tho second will deolnro that such a second ohnmbor is only you tninnblu by a reconstruction and re formation of tho house of lords v tho Inst will assort that possession of tho poorngo in itsolf should not give a lord tho right to a sent nnd voto in tho upper house of parliament. Haxber-T-D S 1,424.00 2,077.60 34,721.12 17,331.40 12,910.80 6,348.72 17,802.00 19,094.40 6,936.00 .4,156.20 13,083.20 16,236.00 33,433.19 8,648.00 28,550.68 3,892.40 5,239.20 4,020.16 16,002.20 42,159.04 15,575.52 6,684.70 11,696.00 4,499.20 18,664.00 Rarbcr E 1,940.20 1,780.00 2,598.40 43.444.16 21,693.20 16,169.24 6,605.28 22,016.00 23,587.20 8,262.00 5.196.80 16,161.60 20,295.00 41,282.80 10,810.00 35,277.28 4,810.00 6.471.12 4.966.08 19,058.80 51,154.18 18,662.66 8,359.12 " 14,448.00 5,446.40 23,003.38 2,828.00 47,281.56 23,623.20 18,614.02 7,172.40 23,908.44 25,574.40 8,853.60 6,666.00 17,523.20 22,103.10 44,855.36 11,776.00 38,341.62 5,224.40 7,037.52 5,379.92 20.426.28 55,152.02 20,065.66 9,090.98 J6, 080.00 5,860.80 24,963.10 $468.936.23 $350.184.73 $431.558.60 $502.099.83 $383.348.33 $464.722.20 and shall be four inches In thickness. Upon thU foundation shall be laid a binder courso composed of broken stone and asphaltlc cement, which shall have a thickness of one inch. Upon this Is to be laid a two-Inch wearing surface composed of asphaltlc cement, sand and stone dust In the following proportions: Bitumen, solublo In carbon bisul phide, between 10 and 12 per cent. Balance stone, graded from dust to 20-mesh screened. Falrcblld-Gllmore-Wllton Co., 2 Samo as No. 1, with exception binder course is omitted. NEVADA LINE Southern Pacific Railway Announces That Trains Will Get Through to San Francisco Today 0. R. & N. Having Trouble With Floods Over Idahe. OGDEN, Utah, March 10. Tho Southern Pacific railroad . officials announced this afternoon that the main lino through Nevada would be opened for through traffic this eve ning. The railroad has beon blocked for a week by floods and washouts at various points in Nevada. Tho Westom Pacific trains will run ovor the Southern Pacific track botween Elks and Beowae, Nevada, until its lines are ropaired. Tho through trains ovor the Ore gon Short Line running botween Granger, Wyo., and Portland aro bo ing detoured via Ogden on acoount of the washout of tho Bear river bridge near Montpelior, Idaho. All the west-bound passenger trains on tho Southern Pacific hold at Carlin, Nov., will proceed toward San Francisco tonight, according to tho present orders. Tho thrco east bound passengors now stalled at Battlo Mountain, Nov., nro scheduled to arrivo hero tomorrow. It is reported here that the Oregon Short Lino is experiencing much trouble on aocount of various river floods in Idaho. BOY EATS CANDY: GOES TO SLEEP FOR GOOD PENDLETON, Or., March 10.--Local physioians aro baffled today by tho case of Goorgo Moran, tho 1-yoar-old son of sootion foreman M. Moran, of this city. Tho boy was given a quantity of candy by a play mate Sunday nnd has beon in a sound sloop, or comntoso condition, sinco eating it. Barber C OPEN A6AIN 1 COME! FAST;$100 A MINUTE Crater Lake Highway Ceflmisstar Starts Active Work and in First Half Hour Secure Thirty Sl ers Every Is In Um to Kttfi Build the Road. NO HESITATION FOUND ON PART OF BOOSTERS' Medford Doing Herself Prwd Nft-Let-Up Now Until the Money I Subscribed for Building ef tiw. Road. One hundred dollars a minute for the first half-hour. That tells the story of how thV soliciting committee of the Crater Lake highway commission was re ceived by local business men wheat it started out shortly before nooa today. Thirty names had been sign ed pledging $100 each in a shade under 30 minutes. The soliciting committee whick. started at work this morning was composed of J. D. Heard, J. A. Westerlund, J. M. Root and G. L. Davis. Ever' man approached wa strong for tho move. Tho first 30 to sign were: W. M. Colvig, G. L. Davis, J. AV Westerlund, J. D. Heard, John M. Root, Glenn Fabrick, W. M. Payne, E. B. Davis, H. P. Hargrove, E. C. Gaddis, W. I. Vawter, E. B. Pickel, J. F. Ritter, H. Humphrey, F. L. Ton Velle, C H. Snyder, E. M. An drews, C. W. Palm, Toggery Bill, X A. Perry, C. F. Young, James W. Dunlop, John A. Torney, C. L Roames, A. Conro Fiero, B. L. Dodgei and T. W. Osgood. The heading of the petition being' circulated by the committeo reads: ' "Know all men by thoso prosonts that I, tho undersigned, in considera tion of ono dollar ($1.00) paid andl tho further consideration of the benefits derivable from the building and construction of a pnblio highway to Crater Lake from Medford, Ore gon, to tho west lino of the Cascade forest reserve, at or near Proepeol. Oregon, hereby undertake, proBakwrr and agree to pay the amount set op posite my name for tho building; and" construction of said public highway,. -said sum so subscribed to bo prifl? one-half thereof on or boforo the first day of June, 1010, nnd tho re maining hnlf thereof to bo paid on or beforo the first day of Juno, 1911, said sum to becomo duo and pay able and to bo paid unto tho order of the treasurer of the Medford Commorcial club Crater Lake high way commission." The commission held an enthusi astic mooting Wednesday evening, at which time bylaws goyernlng thoir business was adopted. ALL NATIONS' SKY FIGHT CLOSE TO GOTHAM, MAYBE GREENWICH, Conn., March 10. The next international airship trials, it is hoped, will be held in this town if it is decided to hold them in the vicinity of Now York. Tho sito will be Full View, the estate of Jnmos G. Willson, adjoining th estate of I. N. Phelps Stokes. TW placo is only a short distance from Round Hill, tho highest point nlons; the coast. Thoro Is a lovel tract of moro than 50 noros, where flight might be started. It is so 'situatoj that thousands of persons can standi or sit there and get an unobstructed view in all directions for more than 30 miles.