Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 09, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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MEDFORD MailTribune
A conmtldaUon of the MeUfotd Mall. V!WV.'
eatabHahed 190S; the Demooratlc Times, established IS7J; tho Ashland Tribune.
MtSl)llsncaI89S,, ftlHJJLUy .Metuoru inuuiwA nwwiauvM vv.
Hy A C. Hewlett
i ' i '"" 1
Official Paper of tlio City of Medford.
npnnnR PtTTNAM. Editor nnd Mannctsr.
entered a. '85? fe'jfflV'Ylfr " ""
IjUUSl lilt ilvii iVf4J. . . tn
......15.00 One month by mall or carrier .60
Out year by matt.
Yerv satisfactory results have been obtained by United
' .... . , .ltn - j
fntpf? armv stimeon m their expennienrs wnn uic tj-
Lnst Friday, as tho people of timo tho nockyoko kvo wnv, onushiK
Eagle Point nud vicinity woro pro- tho tonfruo to strike tho ground. Thon
. ., ,.. tho team emtio loose from tho hack
pan., for dinner there came tei- am, puUod hjp ovflp (h(j d8hl)mm,
riblo stench of a combination ot llbot o0 oet nml j3l tKn, ouo of
sulphur and other chemicals, and tho Lewis hoys cauio nloug and help
wo bewail to look around to sco from ed her up, but she said that she was
whence it oamo and found that Lit- not hurt, but the supposition is thul
tie Butte creek had turned as white by tho next morning she would fool
as thotiRh tho water was half milk, tho effects of tho fall, but it is
and then tho Rood ones liejjan to look thought that no serious damage was
around for the cause. Some thought dons.
'!. .. ,..1..1.ii eiMi'mr llll.l Willi..... 1)., ...!t.
IMMb U JVM.U. JLUI MIIMII. ct'MMh 1 .ill. .111 A I'liJ 4III1I Ui. DUllU
Dhoid nilti-toxin SeCUUl. Soldiers at FOl't WadSWOrtU aUUIbtirstcd into the creek-, while otliors i?alls came out last faunday and wore
i a -r i 1 1 1 1. olnrtfo f. fhn fncf TlioMl"Rl,t ,,int onnt Pitt had opened the guests of Mrs. Howlott Monday
Staten Island have been the subjects foi the tests. Liic) miJ wo wenj ,mv5njj ft vorittibIo n.gbt Ho reiwrta overyth5nR iu J
nv is ondcntlv not far distant When typhoid, Which nOW'voleano, and somo said that the flourishing couditioti in his noich-
m,,,nllv Jftnnn viVrmi in tho "United States. willFs, Lnko Ditcl company had turn- borhood. He lives about throo miles
claims amiuall 40,UW Mttmis m tne uuuea ouutb, m. .n roMrvo,p sou(hwoat of 1)utto Fal(Jt Ho
be fought quickly SUCCeSStUlV Wltil tne 11C seimn. jnt pj8h Lnk(Jt mul 80mo thougght that they have a fine school in their
T nnr rtf wvnrr 5nnifjition .Hid the affOUCV of the llOUSO that n sulphur mino had explodid, new schoolhouse. J. C. Johnson is
- . Pi, rniWM.mia ! bu when tho real cause was teaching,
iiy is uie mam cause ul uiv ayn: 01 ."v-
communicated solely by the way of mouth, and the infec
tious germs are carried by the house fly. Before the sea
son advances further a thorough cleaning up should be
made of all of the backyards, streets, alleys and vacant
grounds around Medford and every pile of refuse which
offers a breeding place for the insects be removed.
There is a city ordinance to the effect that sewer con
nections must be made with all dwellings and the health
-officer is empowered to enforce this ordinance. Anyone
knowing of houses still unconnected, should report the
matter at once, either to the city health officer or to the
city recorder, so that all possible means of spreading ty
phoid may be eliminated.
When the city secures its new water supply, now a mat
ter of but a few weeks, the great cause of typhoid will be
removed. "Well water, receiving the drainage of a city like
Medford, is not fit for drinking and nearly every case of
typhoid that has yet been reported in Medford, can be
traced to the well water. Local dairies should also be in
spected and sanitary regulations enforced. Garbage cans
and stable refuse should be removed daily.
The building of a garbage crematory will help settle the
health problem for Medford, and the cost of such an im
provement be infentisimal when compared with the cost in
jruninn life of a typhoid epidemic.
In Case of vSicRriess
1 H O N E 8 0-11
Ncmr Votii Olfioo All Night Sorvioo Froo Dolivory
A channingly written tale of exciting episodes in a lit--tle
kingdom of nowhere in which romantic things still hap
pen and the spirit of the age of chivalry is not dead, begins
today in the Mail Tribune.
A new Graustark story arouses expectations because
those that have preceded have established a sort of cult
for the mythical kingdom where modem adventurers find
an opportunity for their heroic endeavors.
This third story about Graustark deals with the days
following the sudden death in a railway accident of Queen
Tetive and her American husband, Greenfall Lorry. Their
little son sits on the throne under the official guidance of a
council, but the more intimate and effective direction of
"his father's friend, John Tullis. Into Graustark comes
Truxton King, globe trotter and seeker after romance, to
find the little kingdom the scene of plottings and counter
plottings. He is about to leave in the belief that there is
nothing doing there sufficiently exciting for his peculiar
tastes when circumstances command his attention.
There is no lack of excitment for Truxton King, after
that point. Battle, murder and sudden death are all at
Ihand, with thrilling adventures in secret passages and an
imprisonment by conspirators, Iridnapings and assassina
tions all working in sequence to give the young New York
er the liveliest 'adventure in his varied career. Of course
there is a beautiful girl and obstacles in the course of true
love, and finally there is a romantic triumph.
from tho jolting of the wire frighten
ed toe horses and they began to
aun. bbe managed to stop them in
"This Ih tho litBt wools of our of for I
to tho sick and afflicted," enld a rop- j
rvDOtttntlro ot tho Great Kor-Oon
this morulns white talkluc to a ro-'
l.orter. "Wo have ndvorttsod far and
near, that during tho mouth of Kob-,
ruary, wo vould treat thoao auffor
Imr from various UlncascH that could
and they oxpoet as soon I ho cured for tho cost ttf tho modi-1
discovered it was found that Cephus as tuo Iowa Lumber company gots clue that would bo required to com-
Moomaw had started for the Brad- their largo mill erected in that im- uioto a euro in ovory caoe. This offer
shaw orchard with four barrels of mediato neighborhood to havo a full expires March 12, and wilt positively
spray dopo nnd in crossing tho cieok school, ns thoy oxpoot to havw a full not bo extoa led. ' contluued For-
nbout thrco or four miles above here crew of mou. and several of them Don's ronrosontattvo. Iluadroda have
it. - At - I 1. .1 It-.l I ...! 1 . . . .
tureo ot tne oarreia ana roneu ouv wm uavo lamiues wim ouuureu to taken ndvaniaLo of tho gioat llueral
nnd in the smashup had bursted and go to school. tty f these fanous doctors, hut ns 1
the contents had so impregnated the Row M. C. Davis, our Sunday Eivon out by thorn, romombor tho ;
water and air as to produco the school missionary, mot mo at Tablo offor Is wlthdrawu In a vory few days
abovo result. There was a young Rock station last Sunday and no-1 Their offlcoa at tho Mooro hotel i
man standing in tho bnck end of the companiod me to Tablo Rock, audavo heou voiitablo moyca for thoj
wagon and when tho barrels , rolled aftor I had preached gave us a good !,toaf. tho lamo. tho rhouicatlc, and,!
out pushed him out and oue of them, talk, nnd Sunday uight wo wont to a fact, all sufforora from chronic!
struck him. but owing to the depth Moonvillo nnd ho preached to an-1 oisoaoeB. For-Don'a European Ex-'
of tho water ho was not hurt, but other large congregation. We hnvo!u.rts and Uloodleaa Surgeons have
if tho wator had been shallow it a fino Sunday school nt both of j made nn enviable reputation for,
would probably havo kilted him. these points. j themselves since comlnjt to Modford.'
The same dny and not but a fowl At Tablo Rock they nre planning (au stones Uemovtsl from Troml.
minutes before the tainted water to build a new schoolhouso, somo- ncnt itcddlne Lady i
uuuiu uuii. iiuj ouiiiu a nuui iuui in )j-,ui uoouou. UUIIO OnO Woman WllO WB3 In tUO TO-1
his horso into the creek to wash him at Moonvillo wo came near having ni ceptlon room stated that hor nnmoi
off and tho horso becamo unman- firo. Mr. Gardner, who owns the Vaa Mrs. J. A. Xowton, and that, alio
agcable and threw him off into the hall and kindly throw it opon for tind been alctt for aovoral yoars. Sho
water, nnd ho had not reached the preaching nnd Sunday school, built iMna.,in,i vorni nhvuioin.iH. Him lm.i
noaso oeroro tno spray nope came, a nre in tne stovo to wnrm tho hall
Somo of our fishermen nre fearful Sunday night, and shortlv aftor ho
that the dope will havo killed nil heard nn nniisual noise, went up
tho fish and thus put a ston to thnt stairs and found that tho" blazo was
line of sport we hnve on tho creek. , funning out of tho stovepipe nnd
J. C. Hood and family arrived on thnt tho firo was raising tho lid otf
tho P. & E. last Monday from Ri- tho littlo airtight heater, but fortu
cine, Wis- to settle pormnnontly nntely there was no damngo done,
among us. Mr. Hood's father-in-1 Tho Roguo River Orchard Land
law, Henry James, had preceded him company, who have purchased the
a short time. Mr. Hood hnd previ- Hamilton tract' in Eagle Point, havo
ously bought what is knovn as the kindly donated a strip of land (10
Jacks place, nbotit a mile above feet wido, beginning nt tho county
town. ' rond near tho bridge and running out
ir t. -i il.- ... , r .1 .
jira. uoioy, nvmg noove nrowns- i" mu uopoi, aim irom tnoro nrouna ,nB muBt como before that tlmo.
boro, enmo down to our town to to intersect the road just below the Th, wlIl bo tho ,a8l cnanco you wi
traao iasi Aionaay, ana among omcr uninouo cnurcn, ana mo citizens
articles she purchased was a bnle turned out last Monday and moved
of barbed wire, and in driving over the fence out of tho middlo of tho
the cobblestones in onr road a short strip to the outsido, so now we can
distance from the store the noise go directly td the depot without go-
Medford Iron Works
E. G. TflOWDniDQE, Proprietor.
Foundry and Machinist
All fc'r.- of Engines, Sprnytncj Outfits, Puntps, Boilers and Ma
chinery Agents In Southern Qreyon for
ing through gates
Died On Saturday night. March
5, 1010, at Derby, tho infant son of
heard ot tho Great For-Don and tho
European -Exports and thoy told hor
that thoy could remove tho Rati
stones In twunty-four hours wllth
Juct thrco doses ot modlclno, and
true to his word, Mrs. Newton waa
rolloved of many gnll atones with
JiiHt three doaea ot medfclne, nnd,
alio han t'lotn In a bottlo.
Saturdny, March i'2 U tho Ij"t Dny
Tho For-Don Medical Exports are
to leavo Modofrd Sunday morning,
Mnrch 13 for their main office In
Sacremento. So all who Intend call-
get to consult this wonderful man.
Offlco at tho Mooro hotol. Hours 10 .
a. m. until noon; 2 to 4, and 7 to. 8'
P. m.
a snort distance nnd then one ot tne u. 11. bwioart. lue remains were
tugs rnme unhitched nnd thnt start- interred in tho Butte Falls cemetery
ed the horses again, and in a short last Monday.
'If there is a theatergoer in any
city or town of prominence on the
Pacific coast who does not recall
-the high standard of excellence pre
served by the Alcazar road company,
when such artists as White Whittle--eey
and Florence Roberts, and such
plays as "The First Born," "The
Dairy Farm," ets., were offered from
the San Francisco home of drama,
"then it is because such theatergoers
dire just outgrowing childhood.
VTt will be pleasurable nows to
"know that the best which the east
produces will be seen in our midst,
without our having to wait years to
try and enthuso over a number three
road company, probably touring un
der doubtful management.
"St. -Elmo," fresh from the Aloa
r Stock company of San Fran
ekeo, 'heads the list of notable pro
duotions, to lie presented in the de
sirable towns and cities of the west
twder the personal direction of
Frederick Belasco, and will be most
ably presented by the Alcazar Tour
ing company. The date of March 17
if 'blng held 'for ,thi8companx:
Dan Peterson and William Lind
say of Lilyglen celebrated the birth
day of the former on February 25
by indulging in a bear hunt. Peter
son, whose homestead is well up to
ward the summit of the Cascados,
in the southern end of tho county,
had had the bear's den spotted for
some time, and when Lindsay came
to visit him they went aftor Bruin.
Thoro wasn't really much to it ex
cept waking 'the bear up and then
killing him with a couple of well
directed shots. He was fat and fine
and Peterson and his friends are
now enjoying bear steaks.
Savoy Theatre
A Trip to Mars A Fantasy.
The Miniature Historical Drama.
A Russian HeroineThrilling War
Count Tolstoi Interesting Person
Special Notice.
Modem Woodmen nnd Royal
Noighbors: Meet nt LooBloy's skat
ing rink Friday evo at 8 o'clock,
Sfarch 11. Bring your wifo nnd
dnughtors and swoethonrts. All vis
iting Noighbors invited. Soo Talent
team drill on skates; also sco Central
Point boys put on seventh degree
work on skates. Skating, feed nnd
danco. 30'2
Have you a friend coming woatT
You ought to bring ono to Mod
ford. Call and sea us.
Tho oolonlst rates will be ffect
Let us talk routea and ratoa with
Informatlu.. cheerfully furnlahed.
Phone, address or call on Southern
Paclfto Company, A. 8. Rooenbauro
at Modford.
The Pythian Sisters will entertain
the Knights and their friends at the
K. of P. hull Friday evening. The
Knights and Sisters are especially
invited to be present.
A pleasing program will be render
ed and equally pleasing refreshments
served. The small sum of 25 cents
will be charged.
A Genuine Snap
for some one who wants a good home and doesn't care to pay booin prices for
land, that is just as good as can bo found in Oregon, suitable for either fruit or
stock farm and consisting of
480 acres, 8 miles from good railroad town, two and one-half miles from
store. Unlimited water, splendid soil, well improved as to buildings, nearly
five million feet of timber, only one and one-half miles to sawmill and the en
' tire tract easily accessible to unlimited outrange. If you do not care for the
entire 480 acres, will subdivide as follows:
200 acres, 2 good houses, 2 barns, 12 acres in orchard, 30 acres in cultiva
tion, balance pasture and timber land. Planty of water.
160 acres, fair house, 2 barns, small family orchard, 50 acres in cultivation,
40 acres timber, Well watered.
120 acres, good house., etc., 8 acres in bearing orchard, good agricultural
land, well watered.
This land is located, in Linn county, Oregon, near Albany. Price $30.00 per
Will sell for cash or trade for property in or near Medford.
Rardon's Bakery
Two bKors worlttnrf all night and two dultntf
the day
Store Open Every Day and Evening
A Great Variety
Cakes, Pies, Cookies Etc.
Ualted rrn Sally
A Wonderful Success
Peerless Sanitary Bread
Every, loaf wrapped In wax paper aa it leaves the
Forty boxen Fancy Large
California Oranges, per doz. 20c
Bakery and Confectionery
Corner Main and Grape
Phone 377
Something to Investigate
and Consider
50 acres of the best soil in the valley, lo
cated 4 1-2 miles from Medford and 1 1-4
miles from shipping station.
5 acres planted to Bosc pears 5 years old.
2 acres peaches in full bearing,
22 acres pears and apples 1 year old.
13 acres alfalfa.
Balance of land ready for planting. No
waste land.
Fino building site; good water; splendid
If this interest you, wo will bo glad to give
you full information and price.
J. W. Dressier Agency
West Main Street.