TIIE MKDtfORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MKDITORP, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1910. FARMING EXPERT "BLACK HAND" IS CHOOSES ROGUE' AFTER CARUSO U filTY NOTICES. '. - -f'- i -r-H- -ft' CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. I F T ' ' i f r r OltDINANCH NO. 306. An ordinance nHHoioIng the prop AsBosBinont No. 13- Vnwter. lot 7, block 1'alin-l.owls-, ago 60 foot on tlio west f.ldo of South 72. original i Uy Btrcet nnj Ascribed lc Vol. 73, ty adjacent to A.,d benefitted by 308, county records record, o Hlx mid eight-Inch Intcrnl sower )t Holltl, jy Btmt find d'-Hcrlbcd In "f Jackson countv, Oregon. 50 icot, F. E. Trloo, Who Hns Gnlnctl Wldo Fnmo ns a Writer Upon Farm Problems, Hns Decided to Locale In the Roquo River Valley. Fnmous Sinner Guarded by Detail of Nearly Ono Hundred Policemen Hns Cccn Threatened With Death by Black Hand Society. In ii recent number of Tim Annul can Press, tliu publication of tint American Proiw AhhocIiiIIoii, which funiUhcii tlioiUTiidM upon thousands of pnpors l:i tlio United Hlnteu with ''ready to print" urttcloH. appears tlio folio wInk: "There U no moio vnlunblo fen turo of Itii k Int than 'Km a, Orchard and Harden,' tlj throo column week 1)' review of agricultural nild horti cultural Hiibjccta Itsiucd by Iho Amer ican l'roHM Amtcclatlon and written by V, 13. Trigg of Itockford, In. Tint nuiiiorouB renders of thin dopnrtiuunt will ho Interested In a inovo which Mr. Trim: line decided ui making. Kor tiotuo I'oaru ho linn udltod tlio lleglittor at Itockford and with L. M TrlgK htm opor.'itud Wild wood Fruit Kami, two utiles uorthwoat of that plant. I. nut !,V ho took a trip throned Oregon and looked over thu faniotiH llo'id and Itoguo rlvur vnN b'j'H, Thu result wan ho decided to locate In Central Point In tlio latter valley, which .u Minuted In Jacftson county, In thu (southwestern part of tlio Mate, Speaking of IiIk Intentions, thu editor of Tartu, Orchard and Garden' writes: 'I linvn felt for none time pant that with so in veil of the detail work on my haudi In connection with the newHpapitr U" nt Itockford I wan NKW VOItK, March 0. Nearly one hundred policemen were In Iho audi ence hint nljjht when Caruso eanic at thu Ac-adorny In Hrooklyn. They wero Ihern, not a lovo'B In the drama, but nn a body guard for the famous tenor who recently received two thontonlng letters from the "Mack Hand." The police ore taking extraordinary precaution) to prevent Injury to the Italian singer. A detail of several detectives accompanies CariiRO dally while the the-iter where he appear nightly Ih guarded by eighty men. CartiHO professes not to bollovo that the "Mark Hand" threntB por- 4 . rri... . l .... ...!. i.l- ivmi uunwi. ..iu nuna. iwiii-u ... . ,,.,,..,, by .,mt co:taln M would-be blackmailers and refuses to B0,v..r Hlx anA oi-nt. Inchcn In pay tribute to the wrlterti of the nn-)jdn, cdnatructed o-j BoutL Ivy street otiymoiiH letter. The police fear between Ninth and Thirteenth atrcotB Mint (Jmmo's Jnflanco to the "Illack nn,, t,,nt 1,10 Proportion of the cost of . . .m . . m . "ower which each of wild parcels llnnd" may ro.;ult In nn outraKO that of )fin(j Hlioull boar basol on tho ben would lead to International entangle- nfltn derived respectfully by said bov monts. 'ernl tract of land Is tho p.raount sot opponlte trio iiescrinuon oi oncu such or 1 1 Im i constructed nloiu; Bouth Ivy street for tho cost Of confltrucliritf tno nmo and provldltiK lh manner or carry. InK nn I (I nsHCKsmentn Into full effect. Tho City of Modford doth ordain tin follows: Knctlon 1. WhoieaH, tho council did horotoforo provide by ordlnnnco fnr the sorvlntt of tho ownors of prop erty ndjncont to and uononuca 07 the construction of the lateral sower hereinafter described to appear be fore said council and ehow cause, If ntiv. wliv oronortv sliouiu not uo ns- sesned for tho construction of said sewer, and did fix a time for hearing any such protesto, which notlco was given In accordnnco with nald ordl nnnco more than ten days boforo tho beginning of the const'ctlon of said sower, but no protests nitalnRt said construction or nsioiMjmont of tho cost thorCjOf was made by anyone and said sowor was, by Bald council or dered constructed. And whereas, the coat of tho con struction of Bald sowor haB boon and hereby Is determined to to tho sum or $nr,2.ir., Now, therefore, eld city doth or dnln and doclaro that cacl. parcel of property dcacrlbcd bolow Ib adjacent AMERICAN EXPOSITION IN BERLIN IS PLANNED linill.IN, Mur., 9. Tho American Imposition will be held hore during tint coming summer an originally lilanni'd, the directors having today rejected the suC'stlon of tho Ameri can commlsloners that tho exposition ' be posponed until 1911 nnd then be -onverted Into an American-German not In 11 uoiltloii to kIvo tho nretiara-1 exposition. M011 of mv nvn.llrato mattor tho at-' 't decided that Horr Delbru- tenllon wbhli tt deserves, nnd quit ck, remark thnl the Helchstag and Hi., umlor iiioilv.. In the fo.itomi.lnt-. bo Oovernment had given no "moral ed move west Is that I may hnve more time In which to prepare It. Asldu' from tint consideration of Bcenery, climate, people aad future of Die country In a business wny, tend ing to mnko tho Itoguo river country n section one would desire to live In, It has a groator versatility agricultu rally and horticultural)' than any support," to the enterprlte had been fully explained. Oonernl Manager Wllltr.er was au thorized to callo the American com mittee tho dlclslou of the directors tud to state that In tho light of all clrctimbtiuci'R any obstlcvle to hold ing the exposition ns planned had bi-en removed. other section with which I nm ac- dunlntod In tliu United Btates. Wheat, I $22,000,000 FOR BUILDINGS barley, clover and alfalfa aro grown AND SITE FOR GOVERNMENT with great success, while corn does! . better than anywhoro e'so on tho WASHINGTON, Mar., 9. A bill Htconst. In the lino of fruit It pro- appropriating! 0.000.000 for all tho duces ntinle In remarkable abund-, Kroumi soutn or i-cuusywinia nve- nnro and of tho finest quality, Is tho greatest pear belt In tho world, While peaches, apricots, prunoJ, chorrlcs, al monds, walnuts, figs, crr.pes nnd a long list of small fruits grow to greatest perfection. It has seomod to me, In view of this stnte of things, that resldenco hero, where I could seciiro first hnnd Information con cerning so great a variety of products would bo of great asslstrnco to mo. For tho present nt loast It Is our In tontlon to live on a ranch and devel op It with such assistance c may bo needed. In ndi'ltlon to morn tlmo spent In preparation of my notes, I plan to travel through tho south nnd nue, not now owned by tho govern ment, was taken up by tho Senate this afternoon. It Is not believed that 10,000,000 will bo suffrcont to secure all the ground desired, nnd the Secretnry of the Treasury would be authorized to pay that much on ncrount. It Is Intended to hold all tho loud, when acquired, for tho erec tion of government buildings. Tho bill will meet with stubborn opposition In both branches of the Congress. An nppropjrlntlon of 112,000,000 wbb today recommended by tho Son ato Committee on Public Hulldlngs and Grounds, for the erection of ono i,iit iu iiiuvi I'liuiiKH 1 1 1 w otjiiiii tuiu 1 " . - - east and acquaint myself with agrl- or more bulldlngo on tho ground nl- cultural and horticultural conditions, Whllo DC per cent of tho fruit In the Itoguo valley la produced without Ir rigation, a Bystem Is being arranged nnd will bo completed within a year which will carry water to any part of tho valloy. This will bo another sub ject about which I will bo able to get valunblo first hnnd Information.' " Mr. Trigg hns arrlvod In tho vnlley and will reside near Contrnl Pplnt. G0MPERS DECLARES THAT PROHIBITION A FAILURE CHICAGO, Mar., 9.--"Prohibition 1b a failure" declared President Gom- You can stop a cough or a cold ns It by magic by Just breathing sooth- porn of the Amorlcnn Federation of Ing, healing Hyoinel ovor tho sore, ready acquired by the Government south of Pennsylvania nvonue bo tween Fourteenth nnd Fifteenth streets. Tho site cost 12,600,000. Ono mammoth structure or two modern buildings aro Intended to provide new homes for tho Dopnrt mont of State, Justice, Commerce and Labor. It wnR orlglnnlly Intended to approprlnto $10,000,000 for the now homes. IIUICAK UI THAT COLI IS A DAY Labor todny. "I am not In Bympa thoy with tho movement," declared Mr. Gonipora to tho illsHapolutment of tho local prohibitionists who hnd hoped for n doclarltlon supporting their cause. GomporB' remarks followod nn In vitation oxtondud him by local op tlnlosta to 1 ddresa a mooting and tho labor londor refiiBod nnd IiIh rotusnl effectively blocked an attack by tho optlonlstH to get him to doclnro him self In hopo that organized labor rnw and Inflamed membrane This Is from a man who knows: "Mrs. Mnger and mysolf hnvo usod your Inhaler faithfully whenever need od nnd It has always given Instant rollof and saved uso from mnny-so-voro colds. Tho nbovo Is voluntarily given nnd if in your cstinmtion its uso ns n tes timonial would help to got others to uso it, I will gladly hnve you do so, as wo consider it n wondorful discov ery nnd rocommond it whonover op "'" .mm. ory nml rooommonci tt whonover op would bo Induced to indorno tho crl'" j portunity prosonts itsolf," P. W. Mrr sndo for a "dry Chicago". or( Contrnoting Freight Agent, 'C. II BODIES OF WELLINGTON VICTIMS REACH SEATTLE SEATTLN, WiihIi., Jrnreh 0. Six bodioH, Iho liiHt of Iho f.l roeovorcd. nt Wellington, nro in Sonttlo today, brought in by train from Seouio. Tho bodies nro thoso of G. W. Honglo, J. Lnduo, John Tuokor, J. D. Vox nnd two unidontiTiod inon. The body of oxpross inessongor Ponglo will bo tnkon to Tncomu for bnrinl. The bodies of W. r. May nnd tho Starrott children wore taken to Victoria todny. JH-s. M. A. Cov ington will bo buried in. Olympia this afternoon. k uy. uo., uincinimu, umo. uoi. 1000. Don't fool wtib stomneh nostrums; try mngtcnl Ilyomei nt onco; it ro lioves n stuffed up bond in two min utes. A complete Ilyomoi outfit, includ ing inlmlor nnd ono bottle of Ilyomoi, coBtB only $1.00 at druggists ovory whoro nnd nt Cbns. Strang's. It is gtmrnntood to euro entnrli, orOup, coughs, colds, soro tbront nnd bron chitis or omnoy back. Kxtrn bottlos of ITyomoi, if afterward needed, cost but 60 conts. Tbo nds. lmt you ought to nnswer todny- will be easy to find. a reel below, that each of said prr- cels Ih actually benefitted In tho amount set opposlto Its t'cscrlptlon be- below by tho construction or said sower, and that Bald sovoral nmounts represent tho proportional benefits of said sovoral parcels from said sewer. And each of Bald parcels Is hereby awsesscd th amount set op poslto Its description below for the onstructlon of said sower. ASSRSBMBNT FOR A SIX AND BIGHT-INCH LATERAL SEWER ON SOUTH IVY STREET FROM NINTH 8TREET TO THIR TEENTH STREET. Assessment No. 1 A. ClcmenB, n parcel of land on tho northeast cor ner of South Ivy nnd Thirteenth streets, frontage 35 feet on tho east side of South Ivy ctroot and described In Vol. .. page.., county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 3fi feet: rnto por foot, 03, conts; amount due, 122.05. Assessment No. 2 A. R. Rhodes, lot 8. block 70. orglnnl townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon, front ago 50 feet on tho cast sldo of South Ivy street and described In Vol. 72, pngo 47, county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. CO feet; rnto per foot, C3 cents; r.n:ount duo, $31.50. Assessment No. 3 A. R. Rhodes, lot 9. block 70. original townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on tho cast sldo of South Ivy street and described In Vol. CO, page 54 6. county recorder's records of Jnckson county. Oregon. 50 foet; rnto per foot, 03 cents; amount duo, $31.60. Assessment No. 4 D. Tt. Sollss, lot 10, block 70, original townslto of tho City of Medford, Oregon, frontngo 50 feet on tho east sldo of South Ivy afreet and described In Vd. 76. page 35C, county rccord.or'r records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rnto por foot, 03 cents; amount due, $31.50. Assessment No. 5 Lillian S. Moore, lot 11, block 70, original townslto of tho City of Modford, Oro gon, frontngo 60 fa t 0:1 tho onst sldo of South Ivy street and doscrlbcd In Vol. 4 8, pago 692, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rnto por foot, 63 cents; amount due, $31.50. Assessment No. 6 Lillian S. Moore, lot 12, block 70, orlglnnl townslto of tho City of Modford, Ore gon, frontage 50 foot on tho oast sldo of South Ivy street and doscrlbed In Vol. 46, pngo 411, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Orogon. 50 feet; rnto por foot. 63 conts; amount due, $31.50. Assessment No. 7 First Free Methodist Church of Modford, lot 7, block 71. original townslto of tho City of Medford, Orogon, frontngo 50 feet on tho onst Bloo or soutn ivy stroot and described In Vol. 08, pngo 490, county rocordor'a records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 60 feet; rnto per foot, 03 conts; amount duo, $31.60. Assessment No. 8 Ellr.a J. Lewis. Vol. ... pago .., county recorders' , rate por foot, 03 cents; amount uuo, records of Jackson county, Oregon. $31.00. 60 feet; rate por foot. C3 centB; Assessment No. 33 E. H, Molse, amount due, $31.50. nnd C. W. Palm, lot 5, block 73, or-, ABsessmont No. 14 Palm-I.owls- Iglnsl townslto of tho City of Med- VftWter, lot 8, DIOCK it, original ioru, urvgun, irwmuKu u leow townslto of tho City of Medford, Ore- west sldo of Bouth Ivy street and, gon, frontage 60 foot on t'.o east sldo described In Vol. C9, pago 601, coun- -of South Ivy Btroot nnd do-.crlbod In ty recorder's records of Jackson ir..i .nuniv rMnrii..1, 1 -niintv. (Irdi'nn. SO font. Rate ncr ' records of Jackson county, Orogon. foot, C3 conn; amount due, $31.50, 60 feet; rato por foot, 63 cents; Assessment No. 34 E. H. Molso nmount due, 31.60. nnd C. W. Palm, lot 6, block J3, or- Assessmont No io J'aim-i.ewis- iginni lownsuo oi wi v,ny oi ieu O. L. DAVIS, Prcsldont L. E. WAICBMAN, Cashier L. E. NEIDERMEYER, Vico-Pros. L. L. JACOD3, Asst. Cashier Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank CAPITAL STOCK $50,000 MEDFORD O It E O O N Vnwtor. lot 0. blo'lt 72, orlglnnl townslto of tho City of Mettford, Ore gon, frontngo 60 cot on the oast silo of South Ivy street nnd described In Vol. . ., pago .., courty recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon, 50 feet: rnto por foot. 63 conts; nmount due, $31.60. Assessment No. lo I'nim-Lowis- Vawter, lot 10, block 72, original townslto of tho City or Medford, Oro Ron. frontngo 50 foot on tho east sldo of South Ivy street nnd described in Vol. .., pngo ... county rocordor's records of Jackeon coua'r, Orogon. 50 feet; rato por foot, 63 cents; amount duo, $31.60. Assessment No. 17 Palm-Lowls- Vawtcr, lot 11, block 72 original townslto of tho city or Meuford, Ore gon, frontage 60 fcot on tho cast sldo of South Ivy street and dcscrlbod In Vol. . .. pago . ., county recorder a records of Jackson county, Orogon. 50 feet; rato per foot, 63 cents; amount due, $31.60. Assessment No. 18 Palm-Lewls- Vawtor, lot 12, block 72. original townslto of tho City of Medford, Oro gon, frontage CO feet on the east side of South Ivy street and described In Vol. ... pngo ... county recorder's records or Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rate per foot, 63 cents; nmount due, $31,60. Assessment No. 19 G. G. Shirley, n parcel of land on the routhenst cor ner of South Ivy r.nd Twelfth streets, frontngo 60 feet on the cast side of South Ivy street nnd described In Vol. ... pago.., county recorder's recorda of Jackson county. Oregon. 60 feet; rato per foot, 63 cents; amount due, $37.80. Assessment No. 20 G. G. Shirley, n parcel of land on tho cast side' of South Ivy street between Twelfth and Thirteenth ctrecta, frontaco 60 feet on tho onBt cldo of South Ivy street nnd described In Vol. .., pago ... county recordor'a rosorJs of Jackson county. Oreson. 60 'ect; rate per foot, 63 cents; amount due. $37.80. Assessment No. 21- D. T. Van de Cnrr, a parcel of land fronting 50 fcot on the east sl.'e of South Ivy street bctweoa Twelfth nnd Thir teenth streets, described In Vol. ... pago . ., county recorder's records of Jnckson county. Oregon. 50 feet; rnto per foot, 63 coits; amount duo. $31.50. Assessment No. 22 A. Do Larr, a parcel of 'and fronting 50 fcot on tho enst sldo of South Ivy street between Twolft' and Thirteenth streets, de scribed In Vol. . ., pago. ., county re corder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 60 feet; rato rcr foot, 63 routs; amount due, $31.50. Assessment No. 23 F. La Rouche, a parcel of land fronting 50 feet on tho east .Ido of South Ivy street be tween Twelfth and ThlrJecnth streetB, doBcribod in Vol. .., pago . ., coun ty recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon. 50 'cot; rato por foot, 63 cents; amount due, $31.60. Atsessmont No. 24 Allco Signs, a parcel of land frontln 100 feet on tho west sldo of South Ivy street be tween Twelfth nnd Thirteenth ctroets, described In Vol. . ., pago . ., county recorder's rccorJa of Jackson county, Otegon. 100 foot; rato per foot, 63 cents; nmount due, $63.00. Assessment No. 25 Mrs. Eliza beth Smith, a rarcel of land fronting 50 feot on tho west sldo of South Ivy street between Twelfth and Thir teenth streetB, described In Vol. . . . pngo . . , county recordor'a records of Jnckson county. Oregon. 50 feet; rnto por foot, 63 cents; amount due, $31.50. A canon.. ... V'n O C f n dll.nWk fltimiint fllia ft 1 Hit Smith, a parco! of land fronting 50 ' Assessment No. 45 Patrick Dally,' feot on tho west sldo of South Ivy J lot 5, block 75, original townslto of street between Twelfth and Thlr-, tho City of Modford. Oregon, frontago toonth stroets, Icscrlbod In Vol. . . , 50 feet on tho west sldo of South Ivy pngo .., county recorder's rocords otistrcot and described In Vol. 42, pagei ford, Oregon, frontago CO feet on tho, west sloe or uoutn ivy street ana de scribed In Vol. 69, pago 601. county I recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregop. 50 feet; rate por foot, 63 f cents; amount duo, $31.60, i Assessment No. 36 Oregon & Cal-; Ifornla Land Co., lot 1, block 74, or iginal townslto of tho City of Med ford, Oregon, frontago 50 feot on the west sldo of South Ivy stret and de scribed In Vol. 51, pago 348, county rocorder'B records of Jackeon county, Oregon. 60 foet; rnto per foot, 63 cents; amount duo, $31.50. Assessment No. 36 Oregon & Cal ifornia Land Co., lot 2, block 74, or iginal townslto of tho City of Mod-, ford, Oregon, frontage 60 fcot on tho1 west side of South Ivy street and de-, scribed In Vol. 61, pago 348, county j recorder's rocords of Jackson county, , Oregon. 50 foet; rato per foot, 63 cents; nmount due, $31.60. j Assessment No. 37 Oregon & Cal-; Ifornla Land Co., lot 3, block 74. or-i Iglnnl townslto of tho City of Med-' ford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on the. . i .. . . r. . . . . . WCBl B1UU OI DO U III IT BllCd auU UC scribed In Vol. 51, pago 348, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 feot; rato per foot, 63 cents; amount duo, $31.50. Assessment No. 38 Oregon & Cal ifornia Land Co., lot 4, block 7-S, or iginal townsite of tho City of Med ford, Oregon, frontage u0 feet on the urnaf alrfn nt Smith Iw -t4rAA, nnrf f?A scribed In Vol. 51, page 348, county If ecorder s records of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rate per foot, 63 cents; amount due, ,31.50. Assessment No. 39 Oregon & Cal ifornia Land Co., lot 5, block 74, original townslto of the City of Med ford, Oregon, frontngo 50 feet on the west side of South Ivy street and de-j, scribed in Vol. 51, pago 348, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rato per foot, 62 1 cents; amount due, $31.50. I Assessment No. 40 Sarah A. j Harvey, lot 6. 'block 74, original town-! site of the City of 'Medford, Oregon.: frontage 50 feot on tho west sldo of South Ivy street nnd described In Vol. 50, page 614, county recorder's rec-1 ords of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 1 feet; rate per foot, 63 cents; amount' due. $31.50. j Assessment No. 41 A. W. Sturgls, ; lot 1. block 75, original townsite of! tho City of Medford, Oregon, frontage j 50 feet oa tho west side of South 1 Ivy street and described In Vol. 53, pago 429, county recorder's records', of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rato per foot, 63 cents; amount due,, $31.50. ' Assessment No. 42 A. W. Sturgls.' lot 2, block 75, original townsite of the City of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on the west sldo of South Ivy street nnd described In Vol. 53, page, 429, county recorder's records of. Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feet; j rate per foot, 63 cents; amount duo, i $31.60. Assessment No. 43 Geo. H. Hen dricks, lot 3, block 75, original town-, sito of tho City of Medford, Oregon, frontago 50 feet on tho west side of , South Ivy street and described In ; Vol. 63, pago 20, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. ! 50 feot; rato por foot, 63 cents; ) amount due, $31.50. ; Assessment No. 44 Elizabeth' MoenUhoitse, lot 4, block 75, original townslto of tho City of Medford. Oro gon, frontngo 50 feet on tho west) side of South Ivy street and described ' In Vol. 26, pago 632, county record er's records of Jackson county, Oro gon. 50 feet; rato per foot, 63 cents; GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 Went Maio St., Medford, Ore. Operating Quarry at Gold RayOregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE PL U MBING Steam and Hot Water Heating. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. I. F. MOORE AND E. E. SMITH Old Tribune Building. Phone u931. RESOLVED The best resolution for yon to make is to come to ns for your next suit, if yoa want something out of the ordinary. We do the beat work snd charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFEE.T THE FXOaXfcSSTVTE TAXLOX MORTGAGE LOANS Money on hand te loan on Heal Estate, Warrants bought fidelity Ished. Fire Insurance. City and CetMty and Indemnity Bonds Fwn- JAMES CAMPBELL Phono Mala 8231. 208 Fruitgrowers' Bank ItailcUag Jnckson county. Orogon. 50 feet; rnto per foot. 63 cent's; amount duo, $31.50. Assessment No. 27 Bornlco Cam eron, a pnrcol of land fronting 50 feot on tho weot sldo of South Ivy street botweon Twelfth and Thlr-1 monta and tho llena thoreof bo on-1 teenth Btreot8, described In Vol. ..."tored In the lien docket of said city, 508, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rnto per foot, 63 cents; amount duo, $31.50. Section 2. And It Is hcroby ordered and ordained that said sovoral assess- lot 8, blok 71, orlglnnl townslto ofipngo .., county recorder's recorda of and that thereupon notlco bo given the City of Medford, Orogon, front ngo 50 feet on tho cast sldo of South Ivy wtreot nnd described In Vol. 78, pngo 3S8, county rocordor'B rocorda of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 feot; rato per foot, 63 conts; amount duo, $31.50. Assessment No. 0 W. I. Vawtor, lot 9, block 71, original townslto of tho City of Medford, Oregon, front ngo 60 fcot on tho onst cldo of South Ivy street nnd doncrlbo', In Vol. 73, pngo 380, county recordor'a rocorda of Jackson County, Orogon. 50 foot;, rnto por foot, 63 conta; nirount duo, $31.50. Assessment No. 10, block 71, or lglnnl townslto of tho City of Mod ford, Orogon, frontngo 50 foot on tho onst sldo of South Ivy stroot nnd de scribed In Vol. 56, pago 118, county recordor'a rocorda of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 foot; rato por foot, 63 conts; nmount duo, $31,50. ABscBsmont No. 11 Vnwtor & Palm, lot 11 block 71, original town slto of tho City of Modforl, Orogon, frontngo 50 feot on tho tr.st sldo of South Ivy stroot nnd doscrlbod In Vol. 73, pngo 380, county rocordor'a rocorda of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 tool; rato por foot, 63 conts; amount duo, $31.50, ABBCBBtnont No. 12 Vawtor & Pnlm. lot 13. block 71. original town- alto of tho City or frontago 50 foot on tho onBt aldo of South Ivy Btroot nnd described In Vol. 73, pago 375, county recordor'a rocorda of JftQkson cov,nty, Orogon, 50 feot; rato por fcot, 63 conts; nmount duo, $31,50, Jaekson county, Oregon. ' 50 feot; rnto per foot, 63 cents; amount duo, $31.50. tho ownors or roputod ovners of said property, and that the same be en forced and collected In the manner Assessment No. 2S Bornlco Com- provldod by tho charter of said city eron, a pnrcol of laud ou tho south west corner of South Ivy nnd Twelfth streets, frontngo 50 foot on tho west sldo of South Ivy stroot and deBcrlbod In Vol. . ., pago . ., county recorder's rocords of Jackson county, Orogon. 60 foot; rato per foot, 63 cents; amount duo, $31.50. Assessment No. 29 B, H. Molso, lot 1, block 73, original townsite of tho City of Modford, Orogon, front ngo 50 foot on the weat sldo of South Ivy stroot and described In Vol. ... pago . ,, county recordor'a rocords of Jnckson county, Oregon. 60. foot; rnto por foot, 63 conta; nmount duo, $31,00, for tho collections of assessments for tho Improvements of streets therein. Section 3. It is further ordored that tho notlco nbovo provided for bo published threo ilmea In tho Dally' Mall Tribune, a nowspaper publlahod nnd of general circulation in said city, In tho manner provided by ordl nnco No. 250 of said city. Tho foregoing ordinance was passed by tho city council of tho City of Modford, Orogon, on tho 2nd day of March, 1910, by tho following voto: Kmorlck, nyo; Wolch, aye; Elfort, aye; Merrick, absent; Domraer, aye, Wortman, absent. Approved March 3, 1910. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Assessment No. 30 E. II. Molso. lot 2, block 73. original townslto of tho City of Modford. Oreron. front-: Attest: ago 50 foot on tho voat sldo of South I R.OHT. W. TBLFER, ivy atreot nnd described In Vol. ... pngo . .. county rocordor'a recorda of Jnckson County, Orogon. 50 foot; rato por foot, 63 conts; amount duo, frunx, lot 3, block 73. original town r8S08Bmont Itccordor. Married. CARTER-PURDY At the homo No. '31 .Woslov W.i of tho bride's parents nt Hntro. Or.. Truax( lot 3 block 73, original town-Ion February 22. 1010, Joseph Aaron slto of tho City of Modford. Oregon. ; pnr0r nnd Ironn Pimlv Rnv T P frontneo RA foot on thn nl,1n of Lnllor nOIiQ I UJ(t, KO, J. I Warm weather will soon be here. Wny not cook with an electric range this summer? Complete outfit on display at our office. We are mak ing especially low rates on electric cooking. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY frontngo 50 foot on tho wost aldo of I aouth ivy stroot and described In Vol. OS, pngo 30. county rocordor'a rocords of Jnckjon ccnty, Orogon. 50 foot; rnto por foot, 63 conta; amount duo, $31,50. ABsessmont No. 32, A. J. Wllks, lot -I. block 73, original townslto of tho City of Modforl, Orogon, front- Kennoy officintinp. Probate-Court. Estnto of J. 1). Evans, insane -Mnggio Evans nppointed gunrdinn. Estnto of Elln Carnoy ChnrloB Carney appointed ndmitu'strntor. iJ O Huiisen. Tom Mnffnt We make unv Uu-.l uul stylo of windows. VV vhvvk gliiss of anv i?.e )ii hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. 1