Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 07, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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4 4-4-4-4-4 --44-
4-4-4 -
If You Want to to Make a Little Money, Read the Classified Ads
-4 4-4 4-4-4-4-4 4-4-4-4 4444444444-44 4-4-4 444444 4-4 4-4444 4-4 4
(-4-4-4 4-4,4-4-4 4 4-4 4 4-4-4-4 4-4 4
Sncrnmcnto Team Drops Baseball
Player Aliened to Hall From This
City Local Sports Do Not Know
Anytlilnii of Him.
'J'lio Snoramonto Hoo of Sundny'H
ilatu contains llio following infonnn
tlon rognrding an nllogod Medford
RHplrant for baseball honors:
"Tho Hint member of tlio Saora
monto Count league squad to fcut his
release in Catcher Duko of Medford,
Or., wIioho playing at tlio ripp
grounds during tho lant two days bus
electrified Ii!h teammates and fan
who aaw. Duko, nftor n valiant ef
fort to break in ns a backstop, wan
told yesterday Hint his calling did
not appear to lio tho national game,
and rather than Htiuk with tho squad
nnd ultimately loam that ho wan not
wanted, ho had bettor tnko up bin
trndo an a barber or bartender.
"Duko broko into tho training
eqund Thursday with tho promiso
that ho would show them hoiuo Ihiho
bnll. Ho succeeded without a doubt.
IIo in a heavy. not follow about
yearn of ago, nnd all ho bad in Ida
repertoire nn a player was norvo. Ho
had enough of that to distribute
about tho team. Ho wax tho hardest
worker in tho squad nnd nccom
plinhi'd Iohh. Ho kim);o of n fellow
In Aberdeen who "could not knock
.200 or fling to socond."
Although given no encouragement
by tho management, ho concluded it
would bo a cinch to bo tho regular
backntop for tho Senators, and on
Thursday wired for his wifo and
family to como down from Aberdeen.
YoHtordny ho took n torrifio work
out, nliding to hnses in truo Ty Cobb
stylo nnd galloping around liko n
kitten. In hia mind ho was making
n groat hit, and when .Manager Orn
.tiani ndvixed him that there wns lit
tle chance of beating tho other Sen
ator out of a job, IiIh jaw in disap
pointment fall clonr to bin wnlHt-liue.
Graham advised him to go back
north, get work at his trade, nnd piny
Bunday bnll, nn his chances of im
provement at tho ago of 35 wore
Duko docidod that ho would wait
until his family arrived hero, nnd
mnko Cnlifornin bin homo. Ilin
dreams of being a big lcnguor havo
boon given n sad nwakoning, but
Duko is game."
MERLIN, March 7. Tho "intel
lectuals," consisting of M,000 rep
resentatives of tho soioncos nnd nrts,
education, commorco mid trnde, hold
a mooting today to protest against
tho existing Prussian suffrngo and
tho now govornmont bill.
Tlio speakers doolnrod thnt the bill
imply turns tho emperor's promised
deform into n Inughing stock, nnd
leaves Prussia in n worso state than
A resolution demanding oqual po
litical rights for all classes was
adopted unanimously.
A largo numbor of thoso who took
part in tho meeting attempted to go
to tho pnlaco. but wcro disporsod by
tho polico. It was tho emperor's per
sonally oxpressod wish that tho po
lice should not intorforo with tho
demonstrators unloss thoy wont'bo
yond bounds,.
MONTREAL, Mnroh 7. Accord
ing to stntomonts mndo todny by
.prominent railroad officials, tho op
eration of tho Bocallod Lancaster
act of pnrliamont regulating tho
spoon" at which trnins shnll pass lovol
crossings, which boonmo offootivo on
Fobnmry 1, has complotoly domor
Bllzed traffic It is stated that no
'train in tho pnst 2(1 days has boon
blo to mnko sohodulo timo.
Eight thousand crossings on tho
Canadian Pnolfio and fiOOO on tho
Qrnnd Trunk nlono are involvod.
Offiolalfl nnd trnvolors nssort thnt
unless tho lnw is rovokod traffic
must uudorgo comploto rovision.
Writo it as though it woro n tolo
grnm nnd it will mnko n good want
- -;
- f t -f'
Hops, 'Wool and Hides,
HOPS .1908 crop, choice lBo;
(prime to choice, 10c; prime, 16 o;
modlum, lfc! 1000, cholco, 31c;
prlino, 20c; medium, 10 010c,
WOOI Nominal, 1009, Wllla
motto valloy, 20021ci oastorn Oro
Koa, 2 0 iff 23c,
BIIICRI'BKINB Shearing, 10 26c
onchj short wool, 2BpC0ci modlum
wool, COcfl'll each: long wool, 70c
fl.26 oncli.
TALLOW Prlmo, por 11. 3flMc:
No. 2 and grontio, 272MrC.
MOIIAIIt 1000, 2S0tMc ll).
1110158 Dry blilos, 170180 lb; j
green, 80c; bulls, green salt, J
7o lb; kips, 10310'4c; calvos, greon.j
toqjf 18c por lb. ' j
' IJuttor. ICggs nnd Poultry.
1300B Lucal, candlod, soloct, j
2Sc; local storage, 28c; ; can torn
storage, 17c. )
IJUTTKR Extra creamory, 37;
30c; fancy, 26 f 37c; store, 24c.
POULTRY Mixed clilclcono,
17 l-2c; fancy lions, 18c; roosters,'
old, 10 l-2c; geese, 12c for llvo. 14,
EMGc for dressed; ducko, 22 l-2c; I
turkoys, llvo 10c, drcssoj 23c; plg
oons, squabs, 12.60 ft 2 doz; dressed
chlckon, 12o pound higher than
flmln, Flour nnd Hay.
DARLKY Producers' prtco 1900
Food, S3. 30; rollodfl 33; browing,
wiihAi-irncK ciuu, ,i.u,; ,
tom, $1.12; rod. $1.08; forty fold,'
$1.10; Wtllnmotto valley, 91.04.
forty fold, $1.10; Wtllnmotto valloy,
M1LL8TUFFS Soiling prlco 1
Bran, $27; middlings, $34; shorts.'
$27.60; chop. $2229; nlfaUa moal,
$21 por ton,
FLOUR Now crop, pntonts, $G.
16; straight. $4.90; baker's, JG.95
0.16; Willamette valloy, $6.80 bbl; '
export grudos, $4.60; grcham, l-4s, '
.$5.76; wholo whont, $6.76; ryo,
$6.76; bales. $3.16. '
HAY Producers' prlco Now tim
othy. Willamette valloy, fancy,
$20; ordinary, $19; eastern Oregon,
$20CT21; mixed, $16; clovor No. 1,
$16.60T1C; wheat, $1CC17; cheat.
$10017; alfalfa. $17.
OATS Spot doltvory, now, po-,
ducoro' prlco Track No. 1 whlto,
$31$32; gray, $3031.
I'Yultn nnd VrgrCablffl. j
FRESH FRUITS Oranges; Now,
nnvols, $203; bananas, 6 06 V4c
lb; lomons, $3.76 04.60 box; grnpe- FOR SALE Choico business prop
fruit, $4; oars, $1.26; grapes, $1.-; erty at a bargain, on long timo;
76. onsy torras. Address Condor Wa-
POTATOES 8olllng, now. $1.16 tor Power Co.
01.26; buying, oastorn Multnomah -R-V(mfWn ,ota lfi ,n
and Clackamas. 760 80c; Wlllamotto;
, ww. r
ONION8 Jobbing, $1.60 por cwt; i
garlic, 10012c per lb. i
APPLES $1.26 03.
I1EANS Small white, $6.60; large
whlto, $4.60; pink. $4.86; bayou,
$6; Ltmas, $6; reds, 88.
CATTLE Dost steers, $6.0006.
80; good stcors, $6; common steers,
$4.26; medium, $4.36 4.60; fancy
heifers, $4.00; modlum cows, $4.00;
poor cows, $3.0003.50' bulls, $2.50
03.76; stags. $2.6003.00.
HOGS Dost oast of the mountains,
$9.0009.25; fancy, $8.5008.75;
stockors, $7.00; pigs, $8.00.
SHEEP Debt wethers, $6.00; r.
dlnary, $6.50; spring lambs, $6,500
6.75; straight ewes. $5.25 5.60;
mtxod lots, $6,50.
CALVES Dost, $O0C.3G; ordi
nary, $5.0006.25.
Fralta and VrgoUblra.
(Prices paid by Medford merchants)
APPLES 8 0 4o lb.
Potatoes, $1.35 cwt; onions, $2
cwt; cabbago, 2 02 He; turnips,
mo; parsnips, 1 to lc
Putter. Eggs and Poultry.
(Prices paid by Modford merchants)
Ranch buttor, 32 He; fancy cream
ory, 40C,
Fresh ranch oggs, 20c.
Mixed poultry, lO014o; spring
chlckons, 15018c; turkoys, 17c.
(Prices paid producers.)
Hay Timothy, $10; alfalfa, $15;
grass, $14; gcaln hay, $10.
Grain Wheat, $1.20 bushel; oats,
$30 ton; bnrloy, $30 ton.
Doof 3 12 to 4 l-3o; pork, 7 l-?c;
mutton, 7c; lamb, Fc; real (dn ftiM)
(Selling prices.)
Rolled barley, 2 cwt., $88 'ton;
bran, $1.07; middlings, $1,85 01.90;
short, $1.8001,85.
FOR BALE Why pay rontT Twonty
dollars a month buys a now 6-room
bungalow and tho price is only $800.
Throo of thoso nro now completod,
so you can movo right In, othors are
being constructed and will bo sold
ou tho samo easy terms, Donson
Inyestmont Co, 301
4MM 4--4-4 4-4-44 4-4-4 4
The Best Work
For tHe Worker and
The Best Worker
For the Work
Tho useful want nds nro CURING a good many business Ills nowadays In this city.
For tho business office that Is suffering from too many
might bo very usoful In bo mo offices, but more bunglors
bring quick relief, PROFITABLE RE-ADJUSTMENTS!
In nil lines of builness tlio classified ndu are helping, and are to help, employers to sen
sibly nnd wlsoly reorganize tho holplng forces. They are helping to fit personal efficiency
to tho work to find tho best worker for tho work, and tho best work for tho worker!
Classified uds Ono cent a word.
FOR SALE A flno farm horse,
1200 pounds at 1009 W. Main st.
i FOR BALE Wino Llowcllyn setter
pups, 6 raonths old.
' 1 '
119 South Ivy
FOR SALE Now four-room houso
nnd two lots, $1!
caro of Tribune.
Address C,
FOR SALE Hooslor hay press,' bug
gy and a two scatod wagon. H. T.
Hull, Central Point. 304
FOR SALE Now modern houso,
st root to bo paved All taxes paid.
D caro Mall Tribune. 300
FOR 'BALE Full blood Plymouth
Rock cockerels and eggs; hay.
Phono Farmer 703x3.
FOR SALE I can deliver 3 gallons
mbornlng's milk from grain fed Jor
soys dall at 8 to ono party wanting
milk, wholesale Dox 738, Medford.
FOR SALE Eggs for hntchJns. $1
por sotting, from puro laying strain
of llarrod Rock. Phono Modford
Farmor 180. Address Dox 190, Cen
tral Point. 321
on(j block n chcJip f taVf)a
on. Address P. O. Box 14C, Mod-
f d Qr
' .
(FOR SALE 1000 cedar fonco posts,
a lot of fonco pickets. F. Oscnbruggo.
Studcbakor Bros. Co. Warehouse.
FOR SALE Modern bungalow, 5
rooms, bath, pantry, two porches,
wired, partly plumbed, tinted walls,
waxod woodwork, corner lot 60x
120 foot, In ono of choicest East
Modford districts; house and lot
could not now bo duplicated ' for
prlco askod, .$2000; $1500 will han
dle Address P. O. Dor 172. 324
FOR BALE-Thoroughbrod Rhode Is-
lanu ilea egga lor buiuuk, fi.uo iui
15. Mrs. A. N. Hlldorbrand, 204
Roosevelt avonue. 105
FOR SALE Wo aro reconily from
tho east und havo a number of east
ern buyers for an orchard or raw
land proposition that Is good. List
your property with us and glvo us a
trial. Huntloy-ICromor Company, 214
Fruitgrowers' Dank bldg., Medford,
Or. v
FOR SALE $7000 buys a two-story
brick building In business contor;
must bo cash and quick money. Sis
kiyou Realty Co., 22 Jackson Co.
Dank. 299
FOR SALE $1800 buys a six-room
houso, two lots 60x100, gas onglno,
2 wollB, 5 poach trees, bearing, 2
applo trees, 2 poar troos, 2 plum
troes, 25 rhubarb, 300 strnwborrles,
25 grapo stumps, all bearing; city
wator and sowor; half cash, balanco
3 yoars, 6 por cont. Siskiyou Realty
Co., 22 Jackson Co. Dank. 299
FOR- S ALE ChoapTVh Itb " buirtor
rlor dog, coming 2 yoars, twlco blue
ribbon by Judgo Mortlmor, 1909
S. F. Bhow. 03 Qreshnm st Ashland,
Or. 300
FOR SALE Modern 6-roora bunga
low, close In; small payment down,
balanco terms to suit; also cottage
and 4 good lots. Address L, this of
fice FOR SALE On North Rlvorsldo
AvOnuo, 5 room houso, barn and I
.oiio-hntt acre of good gardes land'
all for $1500. Addross P, O. box
878, Modford, Or. I
FOR SALE Ono-half of my 80-ncrol
tract noar Modford on main road to
Phoonlx; $75 por aoro loss than
prlco of samo land adjoining, Call
or addross 334 W. Sixth st. 300
FO'lCSAD3 Wblto Leghorn, thor
oughbred eggs. Address 587, Med
ford, Or. 300
FOR SALE G nnd 10-ncrc tracts
just within and "adjoining city lim
its, at n bargnin, on 5 unnunl pay
meats. Address Condor Water
Powor Co.
FOR SALE -T to5 acrt-a, under Fish
Lake ditch. 1 1-4 miles from post
office. Splendid location for home;
flno for berries and garden; $360
por aero. See owner, No. 20 8.
Poach stroot, of P. O Box 842. 300
FOR SALE 40 acres of good timber
five miles from Medford; all down
hill. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Ore
FOR SALE Mimeograph for dupli
cating letters. In good condition,
cheap, at office of Condor Water &
Power Co. 283
FOR SALE A second-hand type
writer for enle at a very reasonable
fimire. ' Tho Morrivold Shop, 134
W. Main st.
FOR SALE Goodlot In "sp'londld
residence section for loss money than
a smaller lot will bring a greater dis
tance from business section. Ad-
dross Y, caro of this office.
FOR SALE Ninety acrw. 30 in one
year old apple and pear trees, 100
Inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from
railroad station. For terms write
"Owner," care Mall Tribune. 261'
FOR SALE 60 acres, finest building
elto In the ollcy, lncludli g 30 acres
good fruit land; cheap and terms
right. H. C. Maltby, Palm Dldg.,
Main and Front.
FOR SALE Four largo lots, 68 l-2x
:2S, South Front, $1301: two large
'.its 58 1-2x127. North Front $400;
35 acres alfalfa land, three miles
from Medford. $300 nn acre Slskl
Land Co., 206 Phlpps bldg. 302
FOR SALE A beautiful homo In a
good locality; a well flalshod nine
room houso: nice lawn, email or
chard, shade trees, good earn and
windmill; plpollne on ono corner.
Iaqulre of F. X. Musty, Tolo, Or.304
FOR SALB 76 acres beatTrutt laal
In north end of valley; 4 miles from
railroad; 1-2 mile from school;
about 15 acres cleared; seme fruit
In bearing; Irrigating ditch nias
through mlddlo of It; plenty of wa
ter; with house, barn, well and
spring and 1000 cords of wood on It;
a No. 1 road In all directions; $3500.
Duy of ownor. Seo Coleman at cig
ar factory. 268
FOR, SALE Road this special bar
gain. 10 acres bt frutt, bearing,
2 1-2 miles east of Ashland; good
six-room houso; upBtalrs not fln
tohod; good well, wind pump, tank,
with wator piped Into tho house; 1
good cow, 1 good-horso, 1 hack and
harness, 1 buggy and harness, all
farming tools, spraying outfit nnd
pruning tools, with furniture In
houso, Included in prlco of $4250.
Addross or seo Yockey & Boavor,
Ashland, Oregon. 300
FOTP Somo good buys" 3TJ
acres Just outsldo Ashland city lim
its, soil doop black, good orchard,
alfalfa or gnrdon lnnd; has good
Improvomouts; nicely located to cut
In aero tracts; this Is a bargain at
$14,250. Also
300 acres best soil nnd best Irri
gated tract In southorn Orogon; can
not bedupllcatud as a fruit or alfalfa
venture; will pay 20 por cont on In
vestment us an alfalfa farm.
Wo havo other tracts, both large
and small, with prices to suit any
purse; also somo good buys In Ash
land city proporty. For particulars
call on or address II. L. Whlto & Co.,
No, 25 North Main streot, room 7,
Ashland Imp. block. 821
"miscast" employes people who
In others tho want ads will
FOR SALE Good, rich black
dirt, Just the thing for gardens.
A. Slovor.
FOR SALE For the best dry oak In
town call on C. F. Relchsteln, or
phone to 491; $8 per cord and fir
$760. 300
WANTED FIrst-ciass gardener. Ap
ply Condor Witer & Powor Co.
WANTED Competent stenographer.
man preferred. J. M. Root, Jackson
County Bank bldg. 300
WANTED Experienced stone cutter
and auarry man. Call at Condor
Water and Power Co's. office. '
WANTED Horse for lady to drive;
will pay $75 to $100; also second
hand buggy. Address H, caro of
this office. 302
WANTED A good fruit land propo
sltton that a first payment of $5000
will handle. Glvo description and
terms. Must be closo to station. Ad
dress Z, Mall Tribune.
gardening and wifo for
man for
housework. Apply Condor Water &
Power Co
WANTED A man experienced In the
handling of Incubators and turkey
raising. Apply at office of Condor
Water & Power Co. 283
WANTED We havo tho cash to pay
for bargains In land. Michigan Land
Co., 6 8. Fir st, 300
WANTED Patriotic citizens, willing
to rent rooms for tho accommodatiou
of those crowded out of hotels. List
them with tho secretary of the Com
mercial club. 300
WANTED Young man to learn gen
oral office work; must be nble to
take dictation and opemte typewrit
er; ono living with parents preferred;
small salary to start. Addtees Box
232, Modford, Or.
WANTED An Investment. Wbat
have you? I havo from $5 to $15,000
cash. Will consider No. 1 apple and
pear dirt, raw land or set to trees,
any ngo; also Medford property. Ad
dress Engineer, Box 863, Medford.
tft tt -t- i'
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms., 143 North Grapo st. 300
FOR REN'i Modern turnlshod
housekeeping rooms; no small chil
dren. 332 Couth Holly Bt.
FOR RENT Nicely turnlBliod rooms
for rent with board; transients ac
commodated by the day or week.
No. 10 North Grape streot, next to
Fruit Growers bank.
WANTED I would Uko to commu
nicate with tho ownor of any good
land that a first paymont of $1500
or $2000 will handle. Must bo close
to station. Alt correspondence treat
ed1 confidentially. Address A, Mall
FOR RENT Now and nicely fur
nished sleeping rooms, charges rea
sonable. Mrs. J. F. Hutchason. Di
rections: Go west to Oakdalo, then
north to Fourth streot, then wost
to Olson streot, tho first stroot on
north side of Fourth street as you
go went. Phono 3207. 297
FOR RENT Tracts of land from
ono to forty acres; with water for
irrigation, suitable for raising po
tatoes and garden track, also suit
able for chicken and turkey raising.
Owner will furnish a reasonable
amount of lumber and poultry und
othor fenoing for improvements if
lessee perform labor of Greeting
same. Call at office of Condon
Water and Power oompany for particulars.
FOR RENT Desirable
! the week or month,
Newtown street.
rooms by
322 South
FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 206
8. C street. 302
FOR RENT Farm for rent. Inquire
of C. H. Corey, at Oarnott-Corey
FOR RENT Modern furnish d
rooms at 601 VAtU 10th or 124 King
FOR RENT Only hotel in town of
1000 population. Call at Condor
Water and Power Co., 209 West
Main street,
44 444' 4
FOR EXCHANGE Good work horse
to exchange for a driving horse, suit
able for a lady. Address P. O. Box
FOUND A gold locket, Owner may
have some by proving property and
paying for thlz advertisement at the
Mall Tribune office. 1
--4---.- .--4- ---f----
Tin Shops.
J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and
sheetiron ware on hand and made to
order. 128 North Q street
Palm Building.
LEY Attorneys-nt-law. No. 0 D
street, ground floor.
vig, C. L. Rcames. Lawyers. Of
fice Medford National Bank Build
in p. second floor.
B, F. MULKEY Attorney-at-Law,
Offices Room 30, Jackson County
Bank Building, Medford.
Transfer and Drayaje.
H. S. BRUMBLE Drayage and
transfer. Baggage stored. Office
C and Seventh.
Real Estate.
Estate. Loans and Fire" Insurance
Office, suite 205-206, over Fruit
growers' Bank. Phono 541.
would suggest that yon call at onr
office in search of real estate bar
gains. We refuse to list any prop
erty for which owner asks more
than we think it is worth. We do
not care to make sales at extrava
gant and unreasonable prices. Yon
will not find ns tagging yon on tbe
street or annoying yon at tbe hotel,
hence this invitation to call at our
office, Nq. 128 E. Main st Pierce,
Shepherd & Co.
Brick Coffipantea.
O. W. Priddy. J. T. CBrieu.
O. D. Nagle.
manufacturers and contractorn;
also lime, cement and plaster in any
quantity. Office, Medford National
Bank bids. Phone Main 545.
dertakers. Day phone 351. Nignb
Phones: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H.
Butler 3571.
Mackey and die with joy." Over Al
len & Reagan's store; en trance on
Seventh street.
344 South C st., Mddford, Or. E.
W. Hisey, Matron. Official hospi
tal P. & E. R, R. '
ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block.
Stonographio work done quiokly aud
BRICKLAYERS Charles Kurin, at
Smokehouse, first-class brioklayor,
stoneworkor, cemont stepping,
stucco and moulding, firoplacos and
tile work a spocinlty, European
plan; day or contrnot.
CINES Will cure rheumntism,
nsthmn, paralysis, sores and pri
vate disenses. Thoso remedies may
be procured at tho Sing Lee laun
dry, 123 S. Riverside avenue, Med
ford, Or., whoro thoy will be sold
by tho proprietor.
Dr, Chow Young has treated sev
eral severe cases with his remedies
sinco coming to Modford and has
for reference somo of the best
known nnd most intelligent citizens
in Southern Oregon, Call on him.
f t
Printers and Publishers.
host equipped iob office In South
ern Oregon; Portland 37
South Central ave.-
Piano InstructlM.
instruction and musical hstery.
Studio, No. 8 S. Orange St PhoM
Main 2401. ,
HARMONY, sight reading, mneteal
form. Mrs. E. E. Goro, Motropolitaa
College of Music. Misa Flora Gray.
Studios, 144 South Central aveaoe.
Phone 493.
Civil Engineers.
WILL take by contrast, on re&sa
able terms, all kinds of work; akte
irrigating, planting and cultivat&av
etc. Landscape gardening. First
class references. William Petera,
Civil Engineer, Phone 1801, S22 R
Main street, Medford, Or.
Bin" Pesters.
VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster as
Distributor. Ail orders prewptly
filled. Roem 7, Jackson Comity
Bank Bailding, Medford, Or.
Illlianl Parters.
S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci
gars and Soft Drinks. Up ataira.
Young & Hall building. A niee eeal
place to spend tho hot aftarBoew.
J. K A. BrLES Axckitect and
Builder. P. O. Box 486, Medfonl,
Or. Your building respectfully so
licited. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects aaM
Builders, office 7-8, 235 Maku
. Phone Main 3471. Residence pfee
Carriage and Ante Palrthw.
WORKS Higa-oiass work guaran
teed. Signs. Riverside evens.
Phone 801.
n. F. WILSON &CO., dealers in new
and second-hand furniture aa
hardware. Agents for Monnd City
kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh at.
Corner 8th and Holly sts., MedfonL
Mission Furniture made to orier.
Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial
order solicited. '
and Ranges. New and Second-H&a4
Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18 W.
F st. South, Phone 91. Medferd, Or.
Miff Sdf tec
are budded, not grafted. Our stoek
ia not irrigated. We guarantee ev
erything pat out. We are not in tfea
trust. H. B, Patterson, office m
Hotel Nash.
Growers of high-grade nursery
stock. C. F. Cook, Prep. R. R. V.
depot P. O. Box 841, Phoae 1241,
MRS. E. E. GORE Piano kstruekioa
Metropolitan College of Masic, Mk
Flora Gray. Pino 483. 144 Soatik
Central a venae.
BuHitet awl Lean Ase latlew.
Boggs, Acting Secretary, 138 Usui
Main street
DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO, Deotwt
Office in rooms 293-304, Farmers'
& Fruitgrovrera' bank banding, wfc
of the tracks.
Pfeystelaiw wl Swieeiw.
R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite
Jackson County bank. Night eUti
promptly answered. Offioe aai real
dent phone Main 3432.
Offices in Haskins bailding. Phoa
Main 1001.
Stewart Building Physician a and
Surgeons. Offieo phone Main 341)
private phone Main 612.
S. Jl. SEELY, M. D. Physician aai
Surgeon. Modern equipped operat
ing rooms. X-Ray. Offioe houM!
10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jaokaott
County Bank Building.
Physioiaus. Mission Blook, Pkeatt
291, Medford.
Cigars and Tetecew.
dealers hi tobacco, cigars aad tmh
era' supplies. Exclusive agent
Lewis Single Binder, El Merito tml
El Palencia. 212 Weet Mak atrtat
gors furnlsaed at all hoar" of
and till 9 p. m. to any part ot city,,
from 10c to 26c. Phoae Kaln