Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 07, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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    TILTS MtiDMHU) MAl.Lt T1UBUN MliUXbOttl), OREGON, MON. DA . MAKUll ?;iK)7
"j 1 1 . I. ii
Novelized fey
Frederick R. Toombs
From the Great Play
at the Same Name fey
Jetcph Mcdlll Fitter
on and Harriet Ford.
C9rr1(ht, 1009. br JcMeafc Mdtt
Patteraon and Harriet Ford.
BRAND and McHenry beran
cnecrlx to Inspect tbo final
proofs ot the Bartelmy story.
Two figures suddenly stood
Ja the doorway of the composing room.
Sd Dupny's telephone call was begin-
sing to bbow results. Judge Bartelmy
aad Judith, ready for a Inst effort to
prevent the publication of the con
demnatory article, quite unobserved,
glanced to where Brand and his asso
ciate editor were at work. "Don't
cerae la yet- Walt a few moments,"
"whispered the judge,. The girl slipped
down the ball luto the managing edi
tor's little office, the coign of vantage
from which she had previously been
able to bear all that took place in 'the
composing room. Bartelmy proceeded
-directly to the form before which the
two editors were working, and Brand
aw that he must undergo another un
pleasant encounter before the presses
can tp yhirl off his story, lie
what ho Is to me. Ton must spar
him for mer
i "Judith, It's Impossible."
"But It Is the human thing to do.
i Oh, forget these ideals. Be Just
i man a man who loves a woman and
j protects her. You do love me, 1 know,
j In splto of everything that you're
"Yes, 1 love you!" he cried fervently
"And Wheeler, dear. I've notv. chang
ed." she told him fondly. "1 can see
how right you mean to be lu what
you are trying to do, but In this you
are wrong. Whatever my father miy
have done, his Intentions were honest,
lie had been Involved by others and
when he tried to extricate himself It
was too late. They, not he, were
guilty. It was for their sakes, not hi
own, that he offered you that money,
ao yoa see you are wrong. Why,
Wheeler, If you belonged to me and
committed a crime 1 would dls to
shield you from tho penalty."
Brand answered her quickly.
"That is wrong reasoning."
"No. no; It Is right That must al
ways be," she cried. "It is ltk-Uk
a law of life. Can't you see that too)
I belong to you. Yes, I belong to you,
and you should shield me. You must
feel toward my father as he were your
own because ho is mine. It's not pos
sible that you would do this thing to
your own father. Think of him that
way your own father! You'll not re
gret It. IH make It up to you with all
my love for all th rwt of llfel Wheel
or, say you will do what 1 ask." She
broke down completely and sobbed
brokenly, leaning across the form.
"Oh. say you will do what I aakr
Brand tried to raise her, but she
clung to him frenxledly.
"Judith, for God's sake, don'tr tw
Yea, yes; you must, you shalir She
The judge turn urawn a few tw
ii way from the pair during the scene
between them IU viewed with cal
culiitlug a t Is f tut Ion the battle that
Judge Uitrtetmy aw the girl's strut
glo to decide between the father who
had dishonored her namo and th
his daughter was waging so valiantly 1 lover who meant n life of hnpnlnetw
danced impatiently at tho clock and was losing all control of herself in her
'Taiscd his brows questioningly to the desperation.
.jaflge. I "Judith, listen to me," be said h
ji spirally. "I'm not the man who loves
s"Mr. Brand, has Mr. Nolan been Jaa or L, ,oved by T0. y.Ve no right
ere tonight?" asked Bartelmy. to thlnU ot yo or of my8c)f. Vm an
"Yes." ' j instrument to an end In tho history of
"Have you received instructions, - -V ci rw An m. thw
About this story?" . s
What were those instructions? Is
3fce story to be printed?'
I am not nt liberty to discuss with (
vsj outsldo person the communications
1 receive from the owner, but I will i
dd for your information that tho
story will be on the pits in a rj
fw minutes."
At this latest declaration of Brand's
Judith could restrain herself no longer.
Bhc rushed through the doorway,
acroBa tho grimy floor, regardless of
tbu flowing train of her silk gown.
Brand rubbed the hack of bis hand
"cross his eyes as though they were
Aecelvlng him.
"Good God, It is Judith V he eiclaim
ad. Then be turned to his assistant.
Tlere, Mac, hurry take this form
Tho girl's face and eyes were aglow
-with the effects of tho nervous straw
wrier which she labored on thafc
epoch making and epoch breaking
sight before the startled night shift
atf the Advance.
Wbeeler, you're not going to uso
-bat picture?" she pleaded.
"Take the form away," again order
Brand, his voice almost failing
"No? no; don't send ItJ Walt, wait!"
Mho threw herself over the inky form, '
,3er arms outstretched.
Brand tried to draw her away.
"Judith, please!" he protested.
Thcy can't have" She was hys
terical. "Go to lunch, boys." ordered Brand
to the typesetters.
"We'll miss the mall." protested Mo-
Henrj'v I
"1 don't enre. Go to lunch" 1
The compositors ennfd vtjrk at the ,
IliuiiyiH'a uiiil. winiilfiltiK W svIjihijit
teg, slowly tiled out.
"Judith," Brand besought her, "won t j
you"- i
"listen to me, Wheeler," she broke j
ta. "1 know everything. Father has
te4d mo everything about his guilt 1
gundwwtuud. what it means to mo ;
as I do?"
"I can't, reason,
can only feeL"
I can't, argue. I
in his behuir, and he had felt that not
even the young stud Brand could ie
Blst this powerful and Dual appeal ot
the girl he loved. At his daughter's
last outcry he drew near to the editor
f "Brand, are yon human?" he dts
manded strongly, pointing to the pros
tratcd girl with Ills walking stick.
"Human, human. Judge Bartelmy!"
he exclaimed. "Yon are true to your
self to tho end. You bring your daugh
tcr here so that by torturing mo with
tho sight of her suffering you may e
capo the penalty of your thievery. I
was witling bIic should think me heart
less to spare her the greater pain of
knowing you as you nre. But uow you
bring her here In her lnnoconce to re
peat to me your Ilea. You're degnul
lnr her. dracclnc her down to your
own level, Just as you did her mother
before her. If she lets you go on using
her It will bo with her eyes open."
Judith raised her head nmacedly.
"What arc you saying?" she asked.
Brand turned to her and then to tlm
Why, he's lied to you Just as he's
lied all his life. He told you he was
trying to shield others He lied. He
uevcr shielded any oue but himself.
Judge Burtclmy, the ower of men
like you must be destroyed. When
Justice Is corrupted the nation rots. If
I keep silent about you and your uictli
ods I become your accomplice; 1 b
tray my trust Just as you have betray
ed yours."
Bartelmy raised his hand deprecat
Ingly. Brand, however, drew a deep
breath and went resolutely on. lt-
spoke to both the girl and the Judge
"Judith, if nt the cost of my life I
could spare you this grief I would de
It gladly. But even that would do u
good. You would always despise im
for falling when my test cam and a
ways despise yourself for having caus
ed me to fall Can't ou ttt jou ami i
are nothing In all IM'f The Mtrldi4i
dart not exttt. onj the cauc Judyt
R artel my, that xtary yor to jtrr.w." h
cried, raising his eyes to meet those ot
Judith's father.
Bartelmy saw that be had played
bis last card. It was his hlgheK
trump, hut It had failed to win Whu
Judith could not do he surely, undr
the existing circumstance, could no
do. Nolan, the only man who coul
save til in If he would, had gone h
knew not where
And It was now press time All wu
over Bartelmy took a single Mtep ti
ward his daughter
"Brand, that story Is my nhttunr)
Jie said lu low tones.
"Oh. no." was the response In sod
dened voice. "Men like you don't tli
ish that way. You'll have about l
hours. Judge, before that storj Is reit
by the public."
Judith, too, was ready to admit tim
ber last and culminating effort ha
been In vain. Wearied and unstrung
she raised herself from the fatal foru
that was to besmirch the name aiu
the father that had been her source
pride. She crossed over toward liei
father, who stood silent and despair
ingly in the shadow of one of the lliio
type machines.
"Goodhy, Wheeler. I am going on
of your life forever. I am sorry It ha
to end like this all our plans, all
The thought of the happy moment
that she had spent with Whoi-h r
building air castles for their futur
when they would be man. and wlfi
came over her. It swept down tl
wall of reserve and determination wit'
which she had deemed It necessary t
surround herself She halted ni
gazed steadfastly Into her father'
face. Slowly she raised her bands n:i
pressed them against her cheeks r.
though horror stricken. Then sh
turned, rushed Impulsively back t.
Wheeler Brand, and. bonding tense:.
toward him. she searched bis strcus
young face as bist tier tear dimmed
eyea would let her lie returned In
trpo iinfllnbtnalv
purity, succesw and Inspiration Ii-1-
"Six hotrra, did you oi, Jfr. BrandT
was wlso enough In tho ways of ths
world to know that again was Brand
to prove a victor over him.
The girl stood Innuovablo a moment
Then sho extended her arm toward
her lover. Judith tlartelmy had made
her choice.
The Judgo's features showed but lit
tle of the storm luto which his emo
tions had becu plunged, lila years of
practiced self control had come to
his aid and enabled htm to face the
rum of his carver and his life and his
name without the frenzied demonstra
tion in which most men In his posl
tlon would have Indulged. To the
last he wns tho cool, polished, suave
hypocrite that ho had been In the be
ginning, when those
7. Sovim injured aurvivoi'H of (ho
Wellington uvnlnncho left lioio totlny
,for livorott. Accompanied by four
jKuiduH, tlioy tuado thuir way down
; tho trail from Wellington yesterday
I afternoon. Tho hovoii nrus Train-1
muster Harrington, Kvorutt; Con-'
duotor XL 0. White, Kvorott; LuoIiih
Andorson, negro porter; Adolph"
buuth, negro porter J. K Korleo,
firomiui, Everett ; II. II. White, of the,
American Pnpor company, Scuttle. '
With their bnudaged nrius until
bonds, they mudo n queer upeotnolo,
slowly pnssinjr along tho trail. At j
Windy Point they looked upon a
winter bcoiio of wonderful Inspirit-1
, tion. Tho sun wnu shining brightly, i
tuo trooB covered mountnitiH with 1
thoir caps of snow standing out gor-
KOouBly and bolow tho trail lay a val
ley 1000 foot of ulieor drop.
Heading and whoi; it seemn ad
"iworiiifr help wnutod nds.
ilinloyulty to your miw
ploycr. For, if thoro'n work you fun
do better, nml t:i which you can eutu
,tnoro tlmn tu doing 1.4rt -rock, you
, owo it tu him und to yotttult to find
BY Bit, T. WAH
J. K. ENYAItT, ProHidont
JOHN 8 OKTU, Cashier.
J. A. PKRKY, Vltio-Prosldcit.
W. 11. JAt'KHON, AsM't Cashlo-
UAPITAL 950,090
SURPLUS ' $16,000
Safety boxM for rerri. A general Rnnklng Ruslneji transncleo
We solicit your patronnyo.
Sacramento, Cat., Jan., 30, 1010
I wish to state to tho public for tho
j benefit of my followmon and women
thot are suffering from asthma, com
plicated with kldnoy troublo, that
for years ray wlfo was In a fright
ful condition could not sleep only
who sought to ! as sho sat up In bed or a chnlr, and
Timber and Coal Lands
B. H.. Harris & Co.
Office in Jackoou county Bank Upstairs
loot ttm public for prtvuto gain found I C0Uld not bo rollovod by nny of tho
him a wHB ooL four doctor9 thnt , ca,,C(, , ,
"Hi 1m right," Bartelmy sa d to Ju ....,, , , ,, , .
dlth. "He has told you the truth to- located Doctor Hlng. Ho not only
nlght-the absolute truth." He looked i gavo hor "raodlato rollof, but In nix
at his watch. "Six hours, did you say. : months cured her, and sho has not
Mr Brand?" ho nski-d. j had an attack or ahowod any sym-
Brand had gathered Judith In his j toms slnco. This was. In August,
arms. She sighed contentedly as shb igng. Ami Hint ti i nit
laid her head upon his shouldsr
"Yes." be auawvred the Judge.
Judge Bartelmy stood watching the
united couple for a tnomcut before ha
turned uud' walked uwuy. muttering
as he went: "Six hours. One may
travel far tu these da;s tu that tlmo."
The great ship beared and lunged
through the glnut seas that swept over
her bows, out of tho freezing night, out
of the cold northeast The captulu and
tho first olllcer. lashed to opposite
ends of thu lofty bridge, choked in the
flying spume of wind riven mldoccan.
Somewhcru a di-ep toued bell told ot
tbn hour In the sailors' accustomed
fasbloa From soniuwhero out of tin
depths of the rant groaning fabric
tumbled the men of tho watch who
were now to go on duty to relluvn
their storm beaten fellows.
And somewhere down In the shiv
ering, rearing hull a gaunt faced, hol
low eyed man lay on tbo saffron bued
velvet cushions of a narrow couch at
the sldo of a luxurious stateroom. Hi
was fully dressed In spite of Us late
ness of the hour and of tho fact that
he was sleeping Just as he had been
the night before. Ho (ossed uneasily.
Sometimes he thrust his bauds out
convulsively as though to wurd off a
threatening danger lie begnu to talk
incoherently. The ship rolled, and a
tray containing dtuhea and an evening
tneul that had gone untouched crashed
to the floor. "The press the printing
press has started." be muttered dls-
jolntedly as tho sound of the breaking
dishes penetrated into bis wearied
brain. Ills band instinctively crept
under one of the cushions. It grasped
and for a moment fumbled with a blue
steel object, which It drew weakly
forth a revolver. The shock of the
cold steel roused tbo sleeper, lie
opened bis eyes and gnzed fascinatedly
at the Instrument of death. With a
cry of terror be relaxed bis Angers,
and the object dropped to the floor.
n groaned thu groan of a lost soul In
the anguish of Its never ceasing tor
turf Hi' turned Ills face to the wall
and tried lu vain to closo bla eyes In
Judgment bad been pronounced In
the case of "JUDGE BARTELMY
Till EKD.
ty, which can bo proven to anyone
who will tnko tho troublo to call at
G01 1-2 K stroot.
Hoping that this may bo ot bono
lit (o somo poor sufforor, I am pleas
ed to rotor to and rocommoud Dr. T.
Wah Hlng, at 726 J street, Sacra
mento. Dr. Hlng has cured many of my
friends of appendicitis without tho
uso of tho kulfo. W. W. WILSON.
Mrs E. D. Wilson Is tho daugh
ter of W. 8. Houston, a former pro-1
mlnont merchant ot Woodland, and
lived In Modoc county (or 25 yoara. I
Mrs. Wilson was formerly Mrs W.
D. Morris, whoso husband, tho lato(
Mr. Morris, at one tlmo ropresontod '
Modoc county In tho loglslaturo. Mrs
W. W. Wilson formerly rosldod at
3115 Cyprcwi Avonuo, Oak I'ark.and i
Is now at 601 1-2 K street.
Farm Land Timber Land
Orchard Land
Residences City Lots
Orchards and Mining Claims
Medford Realty Co
Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building
No job too small, none too
largo. Twenty-five years'1
practical experience. i
Tbo job-that-ought-to-bo-yours is
findnblo if you can advortiso "clns-
For the Best
In harness, saddles, whips,
ofoes. tents, blankets, wan
on sheets, axle grease and
vail cure, as well as nil kinds
of custom work, see
J. C. Smith
314 E. Main.
88 1-3 acres fruit land, 30 acres
pears, 5 and 20 aorcs 1-year-old; all
rmswl fruit InrwV tin lnr TIN all T.ntn
ditch; $220 per aero: good tormn;!
you can't beat it.
20 ncrcB, apples, pears, 10 yearn
old; nico houso, packing houso nnd
outbuildings; fino well nnd 21z-h !
gasoline engino for pumping; tho
finest viow jn tho vnlloy, only OMi
milos out; only $10,500.
Two fl-room bungnlowH, epociul
design and strictly mudom, east
front, ono block from Main, fino
homos; for a short timo, $4000
each; good forma.
7-room bungalow, modern, wator,
lights and sowor connoctod, oust
front, one block from Main; rents
for $40 por month; for ono week nt
$3000; easy terms.
Choice corner lot, 180 foot wide,
140 foot doop, in good .locality; for
quick hhIo at $13!0.
8-roorn cottnRO, now, with modem
conveniences, closo in on fino strcot;
n bargain for $2100.
Only 3 lots loft in Itosu Park, f0x
140, oast front, clioioo lots; $3.ri0,
easy terms.
128 East Main.
Wright & Allin
128 East Main Stroet.
$12,525 Eleven acres in Cornice pears, 10 years old,
nine acres in JJartlett and Aujou pears, 1 to 3 years
old; closo in; good soil. Terms.
$12,000 Eleven acres in Cornice and Bosc pears, 11
years old. These trees are in full bearing and will
pay a good income on the price asked.
$24,000 Thirty-two acres in Bosc and Anjou pears;
trees are from 4 to 7 years of ago. Complete set
of buildings. Closo in.
$7000 Thirty-five acres of black sticky, three miles
from Medford, all under the ditch and can bo irri
gated. $13,000 Thirty-two acres, close to Medford; oight
acres in Newtowns and Spitzonborgs 5 to 7 years
of ago; 14 acres in alfalfii; three acres in peaches;
two acres in berries; irrigated; buildings.
$13,000 Twenty acres; 16 acres in 7-ycar-old New
towns and balance in 3-year-old Bartlott poars; no
$7500 Ton acres, all planted to Newtown and Spit-
zenberg apples, 7 to 11 years old.
$14,000 Thirty-fivo acres; buildings; exceptionally
fine place for a homo; twelve acres in apples m d
pears 3 yoars old; about an aero of bearing orchard:
11 acres in alfalfa; all fino deep free soil.
$150 to $200 per acre Stewart aoro tracts; two miles
from Medford; tracts are from 10 to 25 aqres in size.
Fine building spots on all; can all bo irrigated;
cheapest tracts in tho Medford neighborhood; easy
$300 por acrtj Finest five and ten-acre orchard and
garden tracts in tho valley; easy torrm
$35,000270 acres; buildings; 26 acres in bearing
Spitz, Newtowns and Cornice poars about CO acre,
in one and two-year-old apples and pears; fino or
chard land.
. Wft'.-