THE MEPFOttD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1910. 5 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL W. II. Meeker & Co. will wovo In JIalloy blouk, South Conlral avenue, nbout April 1. Hhorluy Raker of Hun ITiiiicIhoo Arrived Hutidny to look al'tor IiIm IiiiwIiiokh IiiIoiohIh, Coffee at (londfrinnd'n. A. 11. Willlaiim and family have moved from Medl'ord to their oroliard tract want of tlio city. Wear Kldd'a BIiooh. N. K. Bniiolln of WHinurok, N. I)., la In Mudford on u tour of Iuhjioo- Uon. W. II. Moukor fc Co. will niovo to XInlloy block, South Central nvonuo, nbout April 1. Punch troon for huIu at ton contii ooatH oach, II. H. Pnltoron, Naali ho tel. II. B. nud 0. P. Kbh of Kanmm' City, Mo., arc in Modford looking ovor tho Roruu Itlvor valloy with a view to futuro InvoNtmontH. C'eiuiilri ut Goodfriond'H. V. R. I'lttoiiKor Bpont Sunday tiiuht in tho Aahland depot waiting for No. 14. Buy your Insurnnco in tho !!(? companion rcpronontod by It. A. UoImoH, tho IriHiirnuco man. Itooin 10, Jaoknou Co. bank. HOI Charlio InnacH Npoat Sunday in Talent. W. II. Mockor fc Co. will move to Halloy block, South Central avoiuu1, nbout April 1. Civil Knjrinoor, Stockman npont Sunday in Atdilnml If your horo don't ro jiiHt right try Caakoy & Elliott. Thoy will mnke him ro nil right or inako no charge 303 , J. It. Rlttor took n party of frioiidtt to Anhlaud Sunday for an automo bilo rido. Wear Ividd'H SIiooh. A. S. RoRoubnum Sh upending a fow dayx at tho Portland aviation meet, Chinawaro nt Goodfriond'H, II. C. Gnmott left Sunday ovoninpr on a abort bunlno8 trip to Franclitco. W. H. Moukcr & Co. will move to ITnlley block, South Central nvonuc, about April 1. Phone 2091, OoodfriondV. Mm. F. S. ITarriHon of Minot. N. D in among thono who aro looking for n location froo from blir.Knrd; and (Icon Known. W. II. Meeker & Co. will rnovo to Hnilny block, South Central avoauc, About April 1. Roddlui; plant : wo certainly have Uiom. Phnnti flOfl. 302 ITarry Donnott, who will conduct tho financial end of tho Homo.Tolo phono Co., In horo with his family and ban already located for housekeeping cant of Hoar creek. W. II. Meoker & Co. will rnovo to ITalle.v block, South Contra! avenue, nbout April 1. Wear Kidd'a Shooa. J. II. Cochran returned Sunday from n trip to Lob Angele and tho ast. Stationery, office and school bud- plien nt the Morrivold Shoo. Dr. J. M. Keono, who ban boon -ut Portland on n huHinofto trip, return ed home Sunday evening. Every ono nhould go to MoDrido'H to fco tho fincHt oik head thoy will eo in a lifetime. Tho Ico croamn and oandlon aro of tho unmo qunl Ity. aos Dr. A. W, Doan returned to his homo on North Central nvonuo Sat urday from bin protrnotcd visit oast Mm. Polk Ilull and nieco, Mian nul, prominent ladies of Griffin Crook, woro ploauant viaitora on North Central nvonuo Saturday. Roy Stacoy, n ntttdont of Mound dlntrict, camo ovor Saturday visit ing and HightHooIng. ToaH at Goodfriond'H. Mr. Gordan, a biiBinpas man of CrcHcent City, ia n Modford visitor, (net of OwingH brothora of North Central nvonuo. Ho in muoh anr prised and dolightod with tho growth Mr, and Mih. Fred Wlllluinn of Omnia Push sputit Sunday with rein tivuH and friends in Modford, tho KUiihIh of Mr, and Mrs. A, M. Wood ford. It. A. Holmes, tho insurance man, Phono 781, room 10, Jackson County hank. ,'ll)l General .Imiiuh P. Shaw of Port land, department cominaudor for Oregon of tho G. A. It,, will address tho pooplu of Medford at tho Pres byterian church this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Every ono Is invited. Wear Kldd'n Shoes. Itnvivnl meetings aro being hold nt tho M. I'!. church South, corner Oak dalo and Main. Proachlng ovory night. Coma and bring somebody with you. Fine singing. ( -IJ Corsets nt Meeker'H. Tho ladles of tho M. H. church South will hold a cookod food salo Thursday, March 10, from 0 a. m f 3 CHICKEN THIEVES PORK GOING UP ARE IN ACTION SPUDS GOING DOWN MAYOR DELIVERS ROAST. (Continued from Pngo 1.1 Singer Hewing machines, 211 S. G Uroot. Phono 2051. 314 Peach trees for sale cheap. An entire carload at 10 cunts each. II. H. Paterson, Nash Hotel. Wear Kldd's Shoos. A fresh lot of Whitman's candy at Tho Morrivold Shop. 300 When you want fancy horHeshoo- jlng try Cuskoy & Elliott. 303 John II. Carkin, attorney at law, over Jackson County Hank. Soo tho Morrivold Shop for books, Hpdaklni; of tho "jiolfloncd prcsfl" ho Rata; ' I "A great nnd Influential magazlno ' of tho east haa sent a wrltor to this aoven rowis iaKe num uric t,oup m ueni io iwo ucnis mse in rnce on tiy to gather matorlal for a story Are Wrunti Owner Vlll win Bo Glad to Meet Them. Cattle and Hogs In Local Market , cn,Iotl 'Tho '" Pro".' 1 "Tho wrltor, I understand, Is -Muttons Takes a Drop. .1 Priino beof cows bring 4 to A1 to (J p. m. nt tho Wardrobe, 210 Wost j proprietors. V. Kluffnnt. nt 323 Knifht ntrnct is looking for tho sncakthicf who centa n u,0 ocai mnrkct nnd Btcers lilted seven laying Mens irom h. . o 5y ccnt chicken houso Saturday night. , . Q t Q1 e Incidentally, ho offers a reward,' nK" bnn 8 to 8V Bn fldv,,nco of not for tho arrosf of the thief, but cent a pound over former quota- t....i i - i.: . f r. -naKa7.lnes and fine cnirraving. M., , .. , i , , . V "ir;1wo"0-. , For wood of nil klndo. soo the Shafnor says thiit ho will do tho rest . Mutton, however, nnd potntoos Hquaro Doal Woodynrd. Phono and that after ho gets through the n I n j i WCP mut0n tfointr at 2001. Kir Dtreot, between Becond ! 8troct denartnicnt may clean up the , lower, mutton going at and Third streets. Gould & I.lndloy.i oepariniciii .1Ca up uie y d t $1 Main, Fanners' & Fruitgrowers' building. Washtubs at Onodfriond's. General James P. Shaw, depart munt cominaudor, G. A. It., will bo in tho city Monday, March 7, and wishes to moot tho old soldiors, sons of velornns, ladles of the W. It. C. and especially all patriotia citizens nnd young pcoplo nt tho Prosbytorinn church at 7:30 p. m. Admission free. Como nud hear tho general. Spices at Goodfriend's. W. A. Schwa n of Kaglo Point waB a Modford visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Westfall of Kaglo Point spent Sunday in Mod ford with friends. General James P. Shaw of Port land, department commander of tho O. A. It., nrrived in Modford Monday as tho iru'ist of Chestor A. Arthur Post. Ho lectures at the First Proa bytorian church Monday night. F. V. Deckorhnck of Salem is a Modford visitor. C. nackman of Marshfiold is in Modford, looking after busiucris mat tors. Lauronco Card well of Gold Hill was in Modford Monday on buninoss. C. F. Cook, tho nurseryman, is again on the job, after having been gnu laid up with grip for several days. Shoriff Jones was in Medford Sun day from Jacksonville 201' Irwin of Stanford a skilled and sea soned newspaper man, a gifted maga zine writer, and ono of tho young men of tho present tlmo who havo added luster to Callforna s fame In tho world of Iotters. Scurrying for Cover. "I am amused to seo what Irwin Is going to wrlto, for I know him to bo truthful and ono who knows a spado for a spado It occurs to me that thero may bo a acurylnc for cover on the part of a few wealthy owners, and wero In office. that tho oast will, gasp nnow as th latest aenndnt Involving 8cm Francis co Is presented for their coastdorit tlon. "Tho polsonod press will neror stop mo, however, In my offorts to help theso schools, nnd put thorn upon a proper basis. I know am right and Justified, and I am going to win this tight for you, fathers and mothers." The mayor flayed members of the Taylor board of education "who, by obtaining a perpetual Injunction, hnv restrained him from seating his own appointees. Ho also designated certain officials. In tho city government aa "roptlles" when tho question ot forming a now street railway employes' union wa broachod. Tho mayor said It would bo too hazardous while "reptile It. A. Holmes, tho insurance man, roproscuts the big companies. Room 1(1. Jackson Co, bank. 301 If you vunt satisfaction try a iaclc of Mt. Hood 8now-Fall Flour For salo at tho Iluss Mill, itomom hundred, do that one can nave' night, nnd the artist who did the 'mutton stow, and if the Southern ' work was no amateur, as not a sound 'Oregon hen continues to act prop- . . -r it . ' . r t . n ' 1 . .. 11.. . was nonru. xn tno raomuiK .nr. ouoi-ny, un kk u;ubiuiiuiij, uu nuiuc ner found ho was aeven hens shy. A ( thing less than a millionaire's in short distance from the coon he. come. hnr (tin nlnrn. Pnllr Hull t, Rnn I lOUHd UlO IieUdfl 01 II1C 10SI SCVCn, Btn.,..i w!i. whoro tho thieves hnd coolly wrung One renson why tho most desir- If fnJll. t! "e1" of th owl Tt ,ienB wore able houses, apartments nnd rooms phes nnd repairs for all kmds. Ad- . most desirable tenants never take tho iff ac a OAX H flrnrirt Pfinnn Ofll.1 1 I Cutlory nnd glnsswaro friend's. at ir l ti.n I' an!1 ' Irrmliln tn 1mn( tin n1flrr (lint nrn UOO'l-i,T Qi... i,f T M !!!, tint nAvnvt'tncA. MUUillVl, UU, "WUIU fc W . ' meet up with tho fellow that stole them." Whilmnn'B mnrshmallows, choco lato maraschino -cherries, chocolate almonds, etc.. nt The M""",'1 . EIGHT HUNDRED MEN AT WORK u.',' WANTED Man with team wanted to haul lumber. Big PInea Lumber j Co. 301 ; (Continued from Poge 1.) of Seattle, who was in charge of the train. Thp body fount last week was not that of For and is now in tho unidentified list. The second body was that of Charles Ladue, a mail clerk. lho smoker, containing Don't forgot tho want ads. EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS. CHANCES 300' Wo have just recoived u fino lot of tnblo ftms. Medford Greenhouse. 302 Call and see us about that self watering flower nnd cemetery box. Wnter thejn onco in two wcoks is all that is nocesnry. Medford Green house. 023 East Main. 302 Ten acres fino foothill laml. HA mail clerk. FOR SALE OR TRADE ntrm finn R.vinr.nM Knwlnwn nn. Tho smoker, containing 30 Ital- 840 acres for sale or trade. plos. This will produce n nice crop inns, has been located and one um- j 10 acres for sale or trade, iand in this 3car; 2V acres Nowtown np- ' identified corpse taken out. More California. nlcs Just nlantcd. 0 acres brush will probably be uncovered before FOR SAXib. land, nil good, tillablo land; fino night. 2iy2 acres, 2Y2 miles out, $375 nn building site, ono milo to good school. 1 For tho first time since the slide, fino orchnrds nil nround. Price tho Wellington depot contains aero. nn ' 240 acres Yellow nine. etc. V .4 1. . V. II ( II1UU1IU. I IUU -" . . m " - I " .f2500. J. W. -Drosslor Agency, West dead. Tho body of Engineer Osborne 40 acres timber land. Main. 305 has been taken cast to Leavenworth. 0" acres, fivo miles out. Tim limlv nt C W. Ron r.lo nn t 9 ncros. 8-room honse. S9000. MIc. 'PI.. j.... -1 tl... I .. i . " ' ... I . ....... ,,,.,,,,-,,. ..i. uUMuii- j JUDGE HANFORD S SON press messengor, and an unidentified acres, a-room nouse, auuu. villo wns a Modford visitor Saturday, eunncui v iuouc -ictim nro beinir hauled to Scenic. Il2 acres, close in: a snap. uuuo nuuuLiiu i inonifL. - 7 - ------- . - - i Today there is n warm chinook 18 ncres, 3 miles from Medford, SEATTLE, Wash., March 7. wind blowing and the snow is melt-1 $225 an acre. Harry IJ. Han'ord. youngest son of The dcad rotnrics east of Wei- 1 acres, improved. v.i..ri.t Tinier n ii iin..frH .. 1'iigton will bo fired up beforo night. 4-room house, $600. Federal Judge C. H. Hanford. occu-.The rotarics workin(r the eflst Q Bmroom house, bath, etc., $2300. plea a padded cell at tho city Jail to- of .i;..;,,. Rnnifi r(,n-i, (i, nna, B-room house. lot 100x100. must sell. .710UU. 1 acre, 5-room house, close in; bargain. evening. Kddio Kiuir is onco moro at his old position in tho Nash bar. CALIFORNIA OBSERVES BURBANK'S BIRTHDAY Two Good Bargains Strictly modem 5-roora house, just finish ed, south front; terms. Also vacant corner lot, 50x162, sewer' and water, good well, ce ment walk, all taxes paid.. See owner. W. G. Davidson 1022 West Tenth Street. " 1 illit hh,I Itt tn tlinM I a iiKAatniitAil n i it. A 1 1 SANTA HOSA, Cel., March 7. ' , """'"" " " . "" ol lue lunncl J bunuown. , , , 'his homo following tho sudden glv- : . :. n. .,a."11 S?."".:!!" of y.nnR Hanford's mind People have to bo told as well as G. L. DAVIS, President L. E. NEIDERMEYER, VIce-Prcs. L. E. WAKE MAN, Cashier L. L. JACdDS, Asst. Cashier Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank CAPITAL STOCK 950,000 MEDFORD OREGON of Medford in his fivo yoars' ah en oc. 2(50 foot, east frontogo, close in, price $20 por foot, good torms. This k a splondld location for oottago or ftpartmont housos; investignto. J. W. Drosslor Agonoy, W. Main. 305 Full nasortmont nf Wliltnian'a can dles at Tho Morrivold Shop. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robort Doarman, prominent rosidonts of Antinoh dis trict, woro shopping nnd noting Mod ford's rapid improvements Rnturdnv. Linens on sal oat Mh)u.or & Co.'b.' V. C. Brown of n Mod ford busiiiosa visitor. Extracts at Goodfriend's. S. R. WillinmB and wifo of Minot, N. D aro in Modford looking for a location. Flower pots nt Goodfriond's. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. II. Wobor of Ash land woro Modford visitors Sunday. J. R. Pruott of Oakland, Cnl., is In Mpdford on n businoss visit. W. R. Coleman and R. B. Dow woro Modford visitors from JaokRou villo Sunday. MisH Molll6 Towne vlsitid frionds Jn Modford Sunday;' Qranitowaro nt Goodfriend's. today .uihor wicard, Is being coolbmled tlroughout California. Ill honor of tho fuino. s horticul turist, children In tho public schools of California planted trees, flowers, shrubs, whllo tho man bo honored, passed most of tho day In his office, attending to routine business prepar atory to rls doparturo tomororw for Fresno whoro ho will Jollvor sovoral locturoa. oFr tho post two days Durbank has rocolved hundreds of congratulatory telegrams and lottors from all parts of tho world. Iiurliank Is In tho best of health, and expects to continue his work creating now species ot plants for a nuinbor of yoars to como. Ho is experimenting with lnrKe numbora ot plants with tho vlow of originating now spcclos, which hu said today would take several yfir before many of thorn would bo completed. in which ho enRaged wtih an oldor1 store must bo advertised in direct Houses in all parts of tho city aud, j Couldn't Call the Chink. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., March 7. Judicial procoduro in tho hall of justice was interrupted today when court bailiff Sullivan was ordorod by Judge Shortnll to call n Chinese wit nosH, Ah Hu, into court. Tho oustom of tho bailiffs is to call aloud tho niuno of tho witnoss threo times. Whon Bailiff Sullivan advanced to tho door nnd vtllod through tho crowdod corridors, "Ah Un, Ah Ua, Ah Ha," smiles became chuaklos, chuokles bubbled into Inughtor nnd laughter broko into guf faws which filled tho corridors. Nono know tho oauso of Sullivan's ,hoarty "Ah Ha", but nil rcspondod irrosistibly nnd wnvos of infectious inughtor swopt through the building, destroying courtroom decorum for n timo. Married. brother at tho Hanford homo. The , proportion to its importance. JudRO himself fell heavily during tho; struggle to overpowor tho insano NOTICE. man nnd is tiday suffering sevoroly from norvous shock. Notice Is hereby given that the un- Young Hanford, whoso mind is derslgnod will apply at the meeting fired with tho delusion that ho has,0 tho city council March 16, 1910, committed a crime of somo sort, was' fr retail liquor liconse at his place overpowered and arorsted by two ' ot business, lots 1! and 13, block 20, pollcomon who found him rushing c,ty ot Modford. wildly upand down tho streot near1 k J. W. SLINGBR. tho Hanford homo. Edwin C. Han-' ford, an oldor brother, recolvod a cut YOC GOING HAST? on his hand during tho struggle in! Have you a frlond coming weet? tho rosldouco to subdue Harry. ! You ought to bring ono to Med- Young Hanford, moro than six' ford, feet In height and athletic, was near-! Call and see us. ly a match for tho two policemen and ! The colonist rates will be effect thoy hod much difficulty in gottlng' ahortly. him Into tho pollco automobile Let us talk routes and rates with Harry Hantord's condition is said . joa. by a relativo to bo duo to cxtrome, Informatlo . cheerfully furnished, nervousness superinduced by an nf- j Phono, address or call on Southern fllctlon from which ho ha:j boon suf- Pacific Company, A. S. Rosonbaum. forlng for yonrs. at Medford. lots. Shcepherdcr wanted at once; must be n man who understands herd ing; $35. 20 ranch hands. Man and wife, no children. Girl for housework, 3 in family. Have you any land to clear f Have n man. . WANTED. Girls for general housowork. Rnnch hands. Carpenter. Hauling, by contract or day. Party who cleans and docs all kinds of housowork has' his orders left at employment office. Suits cleaned, carpets and rugs cleaned, lookinc-classcs repluted. NEW DEPARTMENT. Scouring suits, $2; fcponged and pressed, 75c; French dry cleaned, $1.75. E. F. A. BITTHER, 203 Taylor & Phlpps Bin. Phone 4141 r Medford Iron Works 1 E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Prafrtfcter. Foundry and Machinist All kr,' of Engine, Spraying Outfits, Pumfs, B&Kers and Ma chinery. Agents In Southern Orefefl for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. In Case of vSicRness PHONE 3641 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Otfice All Night Service Free Delivery CROW-CAREY At tho residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. R. P, Morino, in Grants Pass, Or.j Sunday, February 27, 1010, Claronco C. Crow and Ellzn Truo Caroy, Rov. Robort Mo- Loan of Rothnny Prosbytorinn church officiating. JOIINSON-F.RIOKRON At tho homo of tho bride's parents. Grants Pass, Mr. and Mrn. R. Erinknnn, on Thursday, March 3, 1010, Ervin II. Johnson nud Miss Redn P. Eriokson, Rov. r, H. Loooh officiating. WANTED Man with team wantod to haul lumbor, Rig Piuos Lum or Co, 301 Opportunity of a lifetime For someono to secure one of the finest stock ranches in Oregon, consisting of 180 acres, eight miles from good railroad town, two and one-half miles from store. Unlimited water, splendid soil, woll improved as to buildings, nearly five million feet of timber, onry one and one-half miles to sawmill and the en tire tract easily accessible to unlimited outrange. If you do not care for the entire 480 acres, will subdivides as follows: 200 acres, 2 good houses, 2 barns, 12 acres in orchard, 30 acres in cultiva tion, balance pasture and timber land. Plauty of water. .160 acres, fair house, 2 bams, small family orchard, 50 acres in cultivation, 10 acres timbor, well watered. 120 acres, good house., etc., S acres in bearing orchard, good agricultural land, woll watered. , acre. This land is located in Linn county, Oregon, near Albany. Price $30.00 per Will sell for casli or trade for property in or near Medford. For full particulars regarding price, location, etc., seo Owner 0. V. MEYERS TO AND THE COLONISTS RATES OREGON GREAT NORTHWEST The management of the Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon) takes great pleasure in an nouncing that tho low rates from Eastern cit ies, which havo done so much in past seasons to stimulate travel to and settlement in Ore gon, will prevail again this Spring DAILY from March 1 to April 15, inclusive. PEOPLE OF OREGON The railroads have done their part; now it's up to you. The colonist rate is the greatest of all home-builders. Do all you can to let east ern people know about it, and encourage them to como here, where land is cheap and home-building easy and attractive. PARES CAN BE PREPAID at homo if desired. Any agent of the road named is authorized to receive the required deposit and telegraph ticket to anv noint in the East. REMEMBER THE RATES From Chicago, $33; from St. Louis, $32; from Omaha and Kansas City, 25. This reduction is. proportionate from all other cities. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent ' Portland, Oregon i,