Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 07, 1910, Image 3

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oiidinanoio no, nor..
An nrdlnnm-n iihhobbIhk tlio prop
oily fiiljucunt l "'"I bonofltted by
tho Mix mill olglit-liicli Inlorul wiwr
coniitriietod itl""K "'' ' IV3f """'i1
for Dm noHt of constructing Iho sumo
ami providing tlto iiwmnur of rnrry
I UK Hittil iiHHimitiiionlH Jnto full of fiirt.
Tim Oily of Modford doth onlnln
nn follows:
Hootlnu 1. Wlioronii, tho council
did heretofore provide by ordlnnnco
for tho nerving of tho owncrn or prop
qi ty ndjncont to nml bonofltted by
tlio construction of tho Intornl sower
lioroluuflor dmwrlliod lo npptmr bo
foro nnld council find nhmv cnuso, If
nny, why properly uliovld not ho nit
BOHiutd for tlio construction of wild
sowor, nnd did fix n tlmo for hearing
nny nuch protesta, which notlco wnn
Itlviiu In accordance with mild ordl
nunco moro thnn lm dnys hoforo tho
uoglmilnK of llio,couit""ctlon of imld
sower, tint no protests nRcilnni wild
construction or iiBumBinunl of tho
cost thereof wiim mndii by anyone nnd
n!d newer wnn, by unlit council or
dered conntructod.
And whoronM, tho coat of tho con
fitruclloii of mild sowor hns boon nnd
lioroby Im determined to o tho bum
of $1452.15. ,
Now, therefore, eld city doth or
(In I ii nnd dwlnro tlmt end. pnrcol of
property dwrllid below Ih ndjncont
to nnd benefitted by Hint certain, Int
ornl sowur nix nnd olsht Inchon In
size, conntrucled m Bot' Ivy street
between Ninth nnd Thirteenth ntrcotn
nnd thnt tho proportion of tho cohI of
mild sowor whlrh ench or : nld pnrcols
of Innd should bear bimM on the ben
nfltn derived n'opcdrtlly by Htild uv
ernl Irnrln of lnnd In th r-r.intinl net
oppoHlto Die dwrlptlou of each nuch
parcel below, thnt ench of nnld p.T
celn In iictunlly benefitted In tho
ntnoiint net opposite It n ileKcrltlon b
below by the construction of
nnld newer, nnd that nnld Movnrnl
niiioiintH represent the proportional
benefits of nnld several pr.rools from
Hnld sower. And onch of nnld pnrcolB
Ih hereby niiieioted t amount Met op
poHlte Its dewrrlptlon below for tho
conntrnctlon of nnld Bower.
AmienHUient No. 1 A. ClerneiiM, n
pnrrel of land op the northeast cor
ner of South Ivy and Thirteenth
streets, frontage 35 feet on the onst
nlde of Booth Ivy ctreot and deitcrlbed
In Vol. ,. pace... county rccorder'n
records of Jncknon county, Oregon.
35 feet: rnto per foot, 03 cent:
amount due, $32. OB,
ArnieMnment No. 2 A. It. Rhodes,
lot 8, block 70, orslnnl townnllo of
the city of Medford, Oregon, front
ngc fiO feel on tho enst nldo of South
Ivy lit reel and decrlbed In Vol. 72.
pngo 47, county recorder's record of
Jnckxon county. Oregon. R0 feet:
rne per foot, 03 renin; rmount duo,
$9 1. no.
AnsrtSRment No. 3 A. It. ItliodeB.
lot 9. block 70, orlRlrnl tnwnnlto of
the cllv of Medford, Oregon, frontnuo
CO feet on tho enst aide of South Ivy
Mtroet and ilencrlbed In Vol. (50, pnge
54C, county rccorder'n records of
Jncknon county, Oregon. CO feet;
rnte per foot, 03 rents; nniount diio,
ABBiMiiment No. 41). n. SoIIbb, lot
10. block 70, orlKlnnl townslto of tho
Glty of Medford, OroRon, frontnno
r0 feet nn the end nldu of South Ivy
ntreot nnd doBcrlbed In Vil. 76, pno
SRfl. county rocorder'r records of
JnckBon county, Oregon. GO feot:
rnto per foot, G3 centB; nmount dun,
ABBeBBinont No. 6 Lillian 8.
Moore, lot 11, block 70, orlglnnl
townnlto of tho City of Medford, Ore
Ron, frontage 60 to t on tho cunt nldo
of South Ivy street nnd described In
Vol. 48, pnjso 602. county recorder's
recordn of Jnckson county, Oregon.
60 feetj rnto per foot, 03 centB;
nmount due, $31.60,
, Amendment No. 0 I.llllnn B.
Moore, lot 12, block 70, orlKlnnl
townnlto of tho City of Medford, Ore
iron. froutnRO 60 feot on tlio ennl Hide
of South Ivy street nnd described In
Vol. 46, pnj'o -til, county rccordor'n
records of Jncknon county, Oregon.
60 feet; rnto por foot, 63 cents:
nniount duo, $31.60.
AscBBii)cnt No. 7' Flrflt Freo
Mothodlnt Church of Moilford, lot 7,
Idbck 71, orlglnnl towtmlto of the
City of Medford, Oregon, frontngo 60
feet on tho unst nldo of South Ivy
Btreet nnd described In Vol. 08, pngo
490, county recon'er'M recordn of
Jncknon county, Oregon, 60 foot;
rnto por foot, 03 conts: amount duo,
$31.60. v
AHHeHHineut No. 8 Blha J, LowIh,
lot 8, bloek 71, original towiiHlto of
tho City of Medford, Oregon, front
age 60 feet on tho onst Mldo of South
Ivy i treot nnd doBcrlbed In Vol. 73,
pngo 388, county rccor-lo"'H locordH
of Jnckuon county, Oregon, 60 foot;
rnto por foot, 03 cents; r.mount duo,
AHHeMHinont No. 9 V. I, Vnwtor,
lot 9, block 71, orlgltinl townnlto of
tho City of Modford, Oregon, front
ngo 60 foot on tho onnt nldo n' South
Ivy Btreet nnd dencrlbo'; In Vol. 73,
pngo 389, county recorder's rocorda
of Jockaon County, Qrogon. 60 foot;
rnto por foot, 03 contBj nirount duo,
AecB8inont No. 10, block 71, or
Iglnnl towiiHlto of tho City of Mod
ford, Orogon, frontngo 60 foot on tho
onHt nldo of South Ivy Btioot nnd do
Borlbod In Vol, 66, pngo 118, county
recordor'a rocords of JnokEon county,
Orogon. 60 foot; rnto por foot, 03
contn; nmount duo, $31.60.
ABBOBBmont No. 11 Vnwtor ft
Pnlm, lot 11 block 71, original town
alto of tho City of Modforl, Oregon,
frontngo 60 foot on tho tr.Bt nldo of
South Ivy Btroot nnd doscrlbod In
Vol. 73, pngo 389, county rocordor'n
recordn of JncltBon count, Oregon.
60 loot; rnto poi foot, 03 coiUb;
nmount duo, $31.60,
AfiBOBBinont No. 12 Vnwtor &
Palm, lot 12. block 71, original town
slto of the City of Me
frontngo 60 foot on tho onat sldo of
South Ivy Btroot nnd doacrlbod In
Vol. 73, pngo 376, county rooordor'u
rocords of Jnokaon county; Oregon,
60, foot; rnto por foot, 03 conta;
amount duo, $31,50.
H. 4..f4.4.4-4-"f
.f 4. .H- -f4
AMMeiiMinent No, 13 I'nlm-l.owlH-Vnwter,
lot. 7, block 72, orlglnnl
tmviiMlto of the flly of Medford, Oro
i:on, rrmilnt 60 feel on the oust Hide
of Koulli Ivy Htreet mid. described I"
Vol. .., pngo .., coii'ity rocnrder'H
reconlM of .Iriclwon county, Oregon,
no feet; into per foot, 03 contH;
jnoiint due, $!l 1 .60-
AhmohiiihoiiI No, 1 1 Pnlm-I.ewlB-Vnwter,
lot 8, block 72, original
townMllo of tlio City of Medford, Ore
gon, frontnuo CO feot on Do oawt aide
of South Ivy ntroot nnd described In
Vol. ... pngo .., county recorders
recordn of Jnckson county, Oregon.
60 feot; rnto por foot, 03 cents;
nniount duo, 31,60,
AHtiosiiuiont No 16Pnlm-howlB-Vnwter.
lot 9, blo"lt 72, orlglnnl
towiiHlto of tho City of Medford, Ore
gon, frontngo 60 feot on tho oust silo
of South Ivy ntreot nnd doncrlbed In
Vol. ... Piuso ... county recorder's
records of Jnckson county, Oregon.
60 feot; rnto per foot, 03 centn;
amount duo, $31,60.
AiiMOMBtucnt No, 10 Palm-LowlB-Vnwtor,
lot 10, block. 72, orlglnnl
towiifllto of tho City of Medford, Ore
gon, frontngo 60 feel on tlio enat side
of South Ivy ntreot nnd doncrlbed In
Vol. ... pago .., ':ounty recorder's
records of Jnekwon couyiy, Orogon.
60 feet; rnto per foot, 03 cents;
nmount due, $31.60.
AOHnmoiil No. 17 Piilm-I.owln-Vuwter.
lot 11. block 72, orlglnnl
towuulto of the City Of Medford, Ore-j
gon, frontngo 60 feet on tho euat
Hide of South Ivy Btreet and described
In Vol. . .. page . ., county recorder's
recMila of Jnckson co'inty, Oregon,
60 feet; rnto per? foot, 03 cents;
nmount due, $31.60.
ABMidMitient No. 18 Palm-Lewis-Vnwtor,
Jot 12. block 72, original
towiiHlto of tho City of Medford, Ore
gon, frontage 60 feet on tho ennl xldo
of South Ivy Btreet nnd described In
Vol. .., pngo ... county recorder's
records of Jnckson county, Oregon.
CO feet; rnte per foot, 03 cents;
nmount due, $31. CO.
ABHeHinont No. 190. O. Shirley,
a parcel of Innd on the KouthonRt cor
ner of South Ivy r.nd Twolfth Btreets.
frontngo 00 feet on the CP.Bt side of
South Ivy Btreet nnd doscrlbod In
Vol. .,, pngo.., county recorder's
records of JnckHon eovnty. Oregon,
on. feet; rnte per foot; 03 cuntn;
nniount due. $37.80.
ABHCBHiiient No. 20 (3. O. Shirley, i
a parcel of land on tlio east side of !
South Ivy street botwicn Twolfth and
Tllrteenth Btreetn, frontni;e 00 feet,
on f'e ennt clde of South Ivy street
nnd described In Vol. ... page ...
county lecordor'a re orJa of Jnckson,
county, Oregon. 00 'cot; rnte per
foot, 03 centB; nmount de, $37.80.
ABxesMmont o, . r, van oe
Cnrr, a parcel of Innd fronting 60
feet on the enHt Bl.'o of South Ivy
street between Twolfth nnd Thir
teenth Btreetn, described In Vol. ...
pngo .,, county recorder's records of
Jnckion county, OrVgon. 60 feet;
rnto per foot, 03 ce itn; acount due,
"AHHennment No. 22 -A. Do Lnrr, a
parcel of 'and fronting 60 feet on tho
east nldo of South Ivy wtreet between
TwelfU nnd Thirteenth Btreets, de
scribed In Vol. .., pngo.., county re
corder'B records of Jakron county,
Oregon. 60 feet; rnto rr foot, 03
cents; amount due, $31.60.
Assessment No. 23 P. La Itnuche,
n pnrcol of Innd fronting CO feet cn
the ennl -.Ido of South Ivy street bo
tweon Twolfth nnd Thlr.eonth atreots,
described In Vol. .., pngo .., coun
ty rccordor'n rocords of Jnckson coun
ty, Oregon. 50 foot; rato por foot,
03 centB: nmount due. $31.50.
A'seaifinent No, 24 Alice Signs, n
pnrcel of lnnd frontla 100 feet on
tho weal side of 8outh Ivy street bo
tween Twelfth and Thirteenth ctroota,
foacrlbed In Vol. .., pngo .., county
recorder's record of Jncknon county,
Qior.on. 100 feet; rato per foot, 03
cents; nmount due, $G3.00.
Assessment No. 25 Mrs. Ellta
both Smith, a rnrccl of land fronting
50 feot on tho west side of South Ivy
Htreet between Twolfth nnd Thir
teenth Btreetn, described In Vol. . . ,
lingo .., county recorder's records of
Jnckson county. Orenon. 50 feet;
rnto per foot, 03 rentn; nmount due,
ABBeBBinont No. 2G Mrs. Elizabeth
Smith, n pnrcel of Innd fronting 50
feet on tho went aide of South Ivy
streot between Twolfth nnd Thir
teenth BtroetB, U'Bcrlbed tn Vol. . .,
pngo . ., county recorder's rocorda of
Jnckson county, Oronou. 50 foot;
rnto per foot, 03 conts; nmount duo,
Assessment No. 27- Dornlco Cam
eron, a pnrcol of lnnd fronting 50
feet on tho went nldo of South Ivy
Btroot between Twolfth nnd Thir
teenth BtreetH, dCBcrlbed In Vol. ,.,
pngo . ,, county recordor'a records of
Jackson county. Oregon. 50 foot;
rnto por foot, 03 couts; nmount duo,
ABBOBBmont No, 28 Ucrnlco Com
oron, a pnrcol of lnnd on tho south
west comer of South Ivy nnd Twelfth
strootB, frontngo 50 feot on tho woat
sldn of South Ivy Btroot nnd described
In Vol, . ., pngo . ., county rocordor'H
records of Jnckson county, Oregon.
GO feet; rato por foot, 03 centB;
amount duo, $31.50.
. AHBOHHinont No. 29 12, II. Molse.
lot 1 block 73, original townslto of
tho City of Modford, Oregon, front
ngo 50 feet on tho west Bldo of South
Ivy Btroot nnd dOBcrlbofl In Vol. ..,
pngo . . , county rccordor'n rocords of
Jncknon county, Oregon. 60 feet;
rato per foot, 03 conts; nniount duo,
ABBeBBinont No, 30 K, II, Molso,
lot 2, block 73, orlglnnl townslto of
tho City of Modford, Orenon, front
ngo 50 foot on tho vent Bldo of South
Ivy atreot nnd described In Vol. ...
pngo . , , county recorder's rocords of
JnckBon County, Oregon. 50 foot; rnto
per foot, 03 couts; nmount duo,
Trunx, lot 3, block 73, orlKlnnl town-
ABBOBBinont No, 31 Wosloy
Trunx ( lot 3, block 73, original town
Mlto of tho City or Medford, Oregon,
frontngo 50 feot on tho woBt Bldo of
South Ivy Btroot nnd dencrlbod In
Vol. 03, pngo 30, county rocordor's
rocorda of Jncknon ctui)y, Orogon.
50 foot; rnto por foot, 03 conts;
nmount duo, $31.50.
ABBossmont No. 32 A. J. Wllks.J
ioi 4, uiocic .73, orlglnnl townslto of
tho City of Modforl, Orogon, front-
ago 60 feet on tlio wjbI Hdo of Booth
ivy Htreet and dencrlbod In Vol. 73,
page 308, roiuity rocordor'H records
of Jnckson county, Oroon. 50 foot;
rule per foot, 03 cents; nmount duo,
AnsosHin en t No, 33 B. H. MoIho,
and (!. W. Palm, lot 6, block 73, or
iginal townslto of tho City of Med
ford, Oregon frontage 60 feet on the
west nldo of South Ivy ntreot nnd
described In Vol. 00, pngo 001, coun
ty recorders record of JnckBon
county, Oregon. CO feet. Unto per
foot, 03 centH? amount di'o, $31. CO.
AHHCHBmont No, 34 B. II. Molno
and C. W. Pnlm, lot 0, block 73, or
lglnnl townslto of tho City of Med
ford, Oregon, frontngo CO foot on tho
west aldo of South Ivy street nnd de
scribed In Vol. CO, pngo 001, county
recordor'B recordB of Jnckson county.
Oregon. 00 feet; rnto por foot, 03
cents; nmount duo, $31. CO.
Aimosmont No. 3G-Oroon & Cnl
Ifornla Lnnd Co., lot 1, block, 74, or
lglnnl townBllo of tho City of Med
ford, Oregon, frontngo 60 foot on tho
wcbI aldo of South Ivy atrot nnd de
scribed In Vol. 51, pngo 348, county
recordor'B rocordn of Jnckcon county,
Oregon. 50 feot; rnto per foot, 03
contn; amount duo, $31. CO.
ABHCBHinont No. 30 Oregon & Cal
Ifornln Land Co., lot 2, block 74. or
lglnnl towiiBlte of tho City of Med
ford, Oregon, frontneo 50 feet on the
west aldo of South Ivy Btreet nnd de
scribed In Vol. 51, pngo 348, county
recordor'B recordB of Jnckson county.
Oregon. 50 feot; rnto per foot, 03
cents; nmount due, $31.60,
ABBeBBinont No. 37 Oregon & Cnl
Ifornla Lnnd Co., lpt 3, block 74, or
lglnnl townslto of tlto City of Med
ford, Oregon, frontngo 60 foot on tho
wont side of South Ivy street nnd de
scribed In Vol, 51, pngo 348, county
recorder's records of Jnckson county,
Oregon. 50 feet! rnto per foot, 03
cents; amount due, $31.60.
ABgesHment No. 38 Oregon & Cal
ifornia Land Co., lot 4, block 74. or
iginal townslto or tho City of Med
ford, Oregon, frontage uO feet on the
west side of Bouth Ivy atreot nnd do
Bcrlbed in Vol. 51, pago 348, county
recorder's records of Jncknon county,
pregon. 50 feet; rnte per foot, 03
contn; amount due, 3 1.60.
Assessment No. 39 Oregon fc Cal
ifornia Land Co., lol 6. block 74,
orlglnnl townnlto of the City of Med
ford, OrcKon, frontage 60 feot on tho
wost side of South Ivy street and de
scribed In Vol. 61, page 34 8, county
recorder's records of Jncknon county,
Oregon. 60 feot; rate per foot, 63
cents; amount due, $31.60.
ABBossmont No. 40 Sarah A.
Harvey, lot 0, block 74, original town
site of tho City of Medford, Oregon,
frontage 50 feet on the vest side of
South Ivy atreot and described In Vol.
50, page 014, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon. 50
feet; rnte per foot, 03 cents; amount
due, $31.50.
ABHCRamont No. 41 A. W. SturglB,
lot 1, block 76, original townslto of
tho City of Medford, Oregon, frontngo
CO feel oa tho vrcst Bldo of South
Ivy street nnd described In Vol. 53,
pngo 429, county recorder's records
of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 feot;
rnto per foot, G3 cents; nmount due,
AHNOBBiuent No. 42 A. W. Sturcls.
lot 2. block 75, orlglnnl townslto of
the City of Medford, Oregon, frontage
60 feet on tho west sldo of South Ivy
Htreet nnd described In Vol. 53, pngo
4: n, county recorder b records of
Jnckson county, Oregon. CO cot;
rnto por foot, 03 cents; nmount due,
AsBCBimont No. 43 Geo. II. Hen
dricks, lot 3, block 75, orlglnnl town
alto of tho City of Modford, Oregon,
frontngo CO feot on tho west aldo of
South Ivy street nnd doacrlbed In
Vol. 03, pngo 20, county recordor'a
recordB of Jnckson county. Oregon.
50 feot; rnto por foot, G3 cents;
nmount duo, $31.50.
Assessment No. 44 Elizabeth
MoenkhouBo. lot 4, block 75, orlglnnl
townslto of tho City of Modford, Ore
gon, frontngo 60 foot Yn tho west
aldo of South Ivy streot and described
In Vol. 20, pago C32, county record
er's records of Jnckion county, Ore
gon. 50 feet; rato por foot, 03 cents;
nmount duo, $31.50.
ABBOBBmont No. 45 Pntrlck Dnlly,
lot 6, block 75, original townslto of
tho City of Medford, Orogon, frontngo
50 feet on tho west elde of South Ivy
street nnd described In Vol. 42, pngo
60S, county recordor'a recordB of
Jnqkaon county, Orogon. 50 foot;
rnto por foot, 03 cents; nmount due,
Section 2. And It is hereby ordered
nnd ordnlned thnt said aovornl assess
ments and tho liens thereof bo en
tered In tho lien docket of snld city,
nnd thnt thoroupon notlco bo given
tho owners or roputcd ovners of said
property, nnd that tho snmo bo on
forced and collectod In tho manner
provided by tho charter of said city
for the collections of nBsocamentB for
tho improvements of streets thoroln.
Section 3. It ,1s further ordered
thnt tho notlco abovo provided for bo
published tlireo times In tho Dnlly
Mnll Tribune, a nowspnper published
nnd of' general circulation In Bald
city, In tho manner provided by ordl
nnco No. 250 of said city.
Tho foregoing ordlnanco was pnssed
by tho city council of tho City of
Medford, Oregon, on tho 2nd dny of
Mnrch, 1910, by tho following voto:
Emorlck, nyo; Woloh, nyo; Elfort,
nyq; Merrick, nhcent; Dommor, nyo,
Wortmnn, nbaont.
Approved Mnrch 3, 1910.
... . Mayor.
Uo It rcsolvnil lv llin plfv Miin.11
of tho city of Modford:
section 1. That thoio Is horoby
proposed to nnd submitted to the lo
irnl votnro nf Mm nltv nt Mmlfnr,! tn
nppjovnl or rejoctlon, tho following
iiiuiuauu luuuiuiiiium 10 1110 ciiartor
of snld city, to-wlt:
A chnrtor nmondmont to thochar
tor of tho city of Medford, Orogon,
amending oub-soctlon 42 of soctlon 35
and eoctlon 100 of enld chnrtor, giv
ing tho tlmo for which contracts mny
bo ontorod Into nnd franchises bo
t4. 4.. .t4- -t
I V 4-4
icrnnlod by said city,
Tho pooplo of mo city oi Moarora
do ordnln tin follows;
Section J. Tiint
hot fliib-aoct on 42 of
o chnrtor of the city
section 25 of th
of Medford bo nrnondod bo bb to road
nn follows:
1 42, No frnnchlso or contrnct
I Bhnll bo grnnted for n longer pe
! rlod thnn ton years, except ntroct
railway franchises, and franchises for
I tho purpoKO of supplying gan to tho
I city and Kb Inhabitants, which may
bo grnnted for sucii period nH tlio
council or legni vuir oi nam cuy nf tno cty of Mcdforn, Oregon:
mny see fit. -rnnt it In tho Intontlon of tho
Section 2, Thnt nectlon 100 of the ro,,nci to lay a 4-Inch water main on
charter of tho city of Medford bo pnrk pjaco No, 1 from Pruno streot
amended bo n to 'read as follows: 1 n0rth to end of street and to assess
Section 100. No contract shall bo tno c0t thereof upon tho property
entered Into by tho city or nny fran- fronting on wild portion of said street ,
chlsoB granted by It for n longer pe- proportion to tho frontage of said
rlod than ton years, oxcopt franchises i property.
for street railways, and for tho pur-j Tne council will meet at tho coun
Pobo of supplying b'as to the city andicj chamber in tho city hall In Bald
Its Inhabitants, which may bo grant- clt on March 15th, 1910, at 7:30 p.,
od for such periods ns the council orimj ai which tlmo all protests against
legal voters of Bald city may bco fit. lno laying of said water main on said
No franchise shall grant any exclu- portton of Bald atreet and tho asscss
slvo right or rights. ,ment of tho cost thereof upon tho!
Section 3. Do It furthor reflolved. ' Droncrty fronting thereon will be '
that said charter amendment bo so)llcar(j j
proposed and submitted to tho rotors' Tno foregoing resolution was pass-1
of snld city as aforesaid, at a Bpcclal ny thj city council of the city of'
election called nnd to bo held In said i Medford on tho 2d day of March,
city on the 21st day of March. 19.10, ijgio, by tho following vote: Wolch ;
nnd thnt tho recorder of said city; irrtnv n,ont RmoHrk hvo.
cause said proposed charter amend-1
mcni to oo prinieu, jiiiuiibiidu ana
posted In conformity with ordlnanco
No. 124 of said city.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed by the city council of the city of
Medford on tho 2d day of March,
1910, by tho following voto: Welch
aye, Merrick absent, Emorlck aye,
Wortman aye, Elfcrt ayo and Denimer
Approved Marcn 3, 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
City Recordor.
Tho following is the form In which
saiu mcasuro win appear upon tno
Special Election. March 21st, 1910.
Mark between number and answer
tfntml (nr
TCB Or no.
?JttfffSr& SS "SSS"-b
f Ar
.ni,..,,niinn ii ...! or H
Uon 100 LtWu charter fixing the
time for which contracts may be cn-
tered into nnd franchises bo granted
said city, and extending tno tlmo
for which franchises for tho purpose
of supplying gas to tho city and Its
InhnbltantB mny bo granU-d by said
NO '
Bo It resolved, by tho city council
of tho city of Medford:
1 Section 1. That there be and Is
hereby ordered a special election in
si) id city, to be held on tho 21st day
ol' March, 1910, between tho hours
of 9 o'colck a. m. nnd 5 o'clock p. rn.,
for tho purpose of submitting to tho
legni voters of said city at said elec
tion for their approval or rejection.
a proposeu cnaricr amonameni 10 ion
. .. A A
ennrtor or nam cuy, enuuea ns 101-
. .Wr.
35 and section 100 of said chartor, , nB"rha- foreBOne resolution was pass
fixing the time for which contracts SfStAZ cltTot
mny bo entered Into nnd franchises 1 ' :h 9li dftV of March
grated by said city, which charter S?0f SniJs Wkh
amendment has heretofore been pro-; ' a,Mnt jmorIck aye.
posed by nnd ordered BUbmltted to S?, n nhR.nt. Elfort avaandDem-
tho legal voters of said city, by the
cltv council of Bald city
Section 2. Tho following places
are horcby designated as the places
In tho several wards at which said
olectlon will bo held.
First ward Commercial club
Socond ward Hotel Nash sample
Third ward Olty hall.
Section 3. Tho following aro here
by designated and appointed as
judgos of Bald election:
For tho First ward
L. L. Damon, Judgo.
Geo. P. Llndlcy, who shall also act
as clerk.
Chas. W. Davis, who shall also act
as clork.
For tho Second ward
L. B. Warner, Judgo.
Win, Ulrlch, who shall also act ns
John Bellinger, who shall nlso act
as clork.
For the Third ward
M. F. McCown. Judge.
II. B, Cady, who shall also act as
Scott V. Davis, who shall also act
as clork.
Section 3. The recordor Is heroby
directed to give notlco of said olec
tlon In the same manner as Is pro
vided by tho charter In tho case of
annual elections in snld city.
Tho forogolnR resolution was pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Medford March 2d, 1910, by tho fol
lowing voto: Wolch nyo, Morrlck ahr
sent, Emorlck nyo, Wortman absent,
Elfort ayo nnd Dotrnior aye.
Approved March 3d, 1010.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
Bo It rosolvod. by tho city council
of tho city of Medford, Qrogon: herein of date Fobrunry 19, 1910, or
That It la tho Intontlon of the. , , BorvIco o( tnIa 8Umm0ns by
council to lay a 4-lnch wntor mnln 0111 ' , .. , . , . . .
Welch street from Jnckson streot ipuunciuiou u.r u. ...
to ond of Btroot, nnd to assess I cosslvo weeks In tho Medford Mall
tho cost thoroof upon tho proporty
fronting on snld portion of satd streot
In proportion to tho frontago of said
Tho council will meot at tho coun
cil chambon In tho city hall in said
cltl on March 15th, 1910, at, 7:30 p.
m., at wnicli tlmo an protoata ngalnst
tho laying of snld wntor mnln on Bald
portton of said Btreet nnd tho assess
ment of tho coat thoroof upon tho
proporty fronting thoroon will bo
4-4-4--f-f-f-f-f-- -f -f -f -f
Tho foregoing resolution wns pass -
ieu iy tno city council oi mo cuy oi'pr0porty,
iMcdrord on thd 2d day of March, ( Th
1910, by tho following vote: Welch
aye, Morrlck nbrnnt. Emorlck
Wortmnn nbscnt, Blfert nyo and Dom-
Annroved March 3d. 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
City Recordor.
n it rnnnlvflfl. bv tho city council
Wo'rtman absent, Elfcrt aye and Dem-
Annroved March 3d. 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
no It resolved, by the city council I
of the city of Medford, Oregon:
That It Is the Intention of tho
council to lay a 4-Inch water main on
Prune street from Plum street to
Park Placo No. 1 and to assess
tho cost thereof upon tho property
fronting on said portion of said street
In proportion to tho frontage of said
XmbTr -in the city hall in' said ,
CM." .rlV; Voin 7-m
CU1 OU Jiurtll lulu, ..- .-
. . il . n,.,,, nnn thai
, 'a
I ,c fi?$iTv& '
L0' lt? fS2eli J $C 5
1910. by the following voto: Welch
aye. Merrick absent. Emorlck aye.
Wortman absent, Elfcrt ayo and Dem-
Approved March 3d, 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
Be It resolved, by the city council
of the city of Medford, Oregon:
That It Is tho Intontlon of tho
council to lay a 4-lnch water main on
Plum street from Eleventh street to
Pruno street, and to assess
tho cost thereof upon tho property
fronting on eald portion of said street ,
In proportion to the frontago of said
proporty. . 1
Tho council will meet at the coun-;
ell chnmbor In tho city hall In said
cltl on March 15th, lsiu, at 7:ao p
, - . h!ch ,. .Brotcst8 against
,nynf. of ud wntcr maln on 8a!d ,
nortlon of said Btreet and the assess-1
the cost thereof upon the;
Annr..,, M.'h 3d. 1910.
Annroved March 3d. 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
In tho circuit court of the state of
Oregon tor Jackson county.
Albert V. Schmltt, plaintiff, vs.
Luclla H. Schmltt, defendant.
To Lucllu H. Schmltt, tho above
named defendant:
In tho namo of tho state of Ore
gon, you are heroby summoned and
required to appear In tho abovo en
titled court and cause at tho court
house at Jacksonville, In Jackson
county, Orogon, on or oerore six j
weeks from the dato of tho first pub-1
llcatlon of this summons, and answer !
tho complaint filed against you In ,
said court and cause, und In case
you fall to appear land answer or j
otherwise plead within tho time here-
In limited, tho plaintiff will apply to
the court for tho relief prayed for In
tho complaint, vU: A docrte dissolv
ing tho bonds of matrimony now and
heretofore existing between tho plain
tiff and defendant, and for a decree
of dlvorco In favor of tho plaintiff
nnd ngalnst tho defendant.
Tho dato of tho first publication of
this summons Is Monday, February
21, 1910, nnd tho date of tho last
publication and tho last dato for your
I appearance 1b Monday, April 4, 1910.
and this summons Is published by or
1 dor of tho Hon. F. M. Calkins, circuit
! Judgo for the First Judicial district
of Oregon, by nn order duly filed
(Tribune, and for mailing a copy of
itho 8nmo tOBother with a copy of the!
complaint to you at your residence
and postofftce- address.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Bo It rosolvod, by tho city council
of tho city of Medford. Oregon:
That It Is tho lutontlon of the
council to lay & 4-lnch water main oa
Eleventh Btroot from Hamilton street
Plum streot, and to asscbb
tho cost thereof upon tho proporty
frnntlntr nn wiM nortlon of Bald Btrcat
, jn proportion to tho frontngo of snld
council will meet nt tho coun-
cImml)0r ,n tho clty htt ,n zM
cm on Mnrch lfith, 1910, nt 7:30 p.
m at which time all protests against
tno laying of snld water main on said
portion of said street and tho assess
ment of tho cost thereof upon tho
proporty fronting thereon will bo
Tho foregoing resolution was pass
Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Oro.
Operating Quarry at
Steam and Hot Water Heating.
All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. i
Old Tribune Building.
Money on hand to (oan en Heal Estate. City and Comity
Warrants Iwuflht Fidelity and Indemnity Bends Furn
ished. Fke laswance.
Phone Main 3281.
Warm weather will soon be here.
Wny not cook with an electric range
this summer? Complete outfit on
display at our office. We are mak
ing especially low rates on electric
1 f Hansen. Tom Mnf fat
We mnke nny ki't Hid stvlp of windows. V, carry
glnw of any siz- on hand.'
Medford Sash & Door Co.
ed by tho city council of tk tih t
Modford on tho 2d day At Murek,
1910, by the following vote:
ayo, Merrick absent, Kmerlck y
Wortman absent, Elfort ayo and D
Approvcd March 3d, 1910.
W. IL CANON, Mayor
City Recorder.
To have that furnished room un
tenanted for ono wook will cost yen
ftB much ns n "campaign", of wnnt
advertising. .
Gold Ray, Oregon
Phone u931.
The best resolution for you
to make is to come to us for
your next suit, if yoa want
something out of the ordinary.
We do the. best work and charge
the lowest prices.
SOS Fruitgrowers' Bank Balldlsg