Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 07, 1910, Image 1

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Full Leased Wire Report,
Tonight nml Tuesday -Clear
niul wiinu, '
Hiinilny'M tuiiipoiiittlro II lull
ftR; lir.", Hi range, G8,
Tho only paper In tho world
published In a city tho slxo of
Medford having a lonsod wire.
No. 300.
Medford Mail Tribune
Dnnucrous Possibility of the Strike
Spreading Is Causing Alarm To
dny Situation Resembles a Mine
Awalllnn n Lighted Fuse Author
ities Are Most Vigilant.
$5,000,000 TO DATE
Strike Leaders Claim That 200,000
Men Will Be Out by NIatitfnl!
Would Keep Government Troops
Out of the City.
lo (he vlgilnneo of tho police, till
city 1 comparatively ipiict today nml
tho (iiitltorilicH nrn confiilcnt thnt or
der enn ho maintained.
Ocnornl utrlko
Tho dnngcroiis possibility involved
In tho general utriko Is Hpronding to
day. , f "
Pressure Im hclng Itrouclit to hear
upon tho Americnn Fcdorntlon of
T.nlior, according to n report, for the
purpose of petting the sanction of
tho nntionnl body to n strike of nil
employes connected with tho trollov
enterprises of the Widener-F.lkins-Dolnn
Thin would menn the wnlkout of
union men in nil sootinns of tho
country whoro enterprise1' controlled
or financed hy the oomhinntion hnvo
men in thoir employ.
Although tho city today has been
compnrntivoly quiet, there in ovidcut
n vngtio feeling of unrest. Tho
thrent to nrrost the strike lendors
nrouscd ugly response in covert
threats, and tho situntion rosombloH
n mlno ftwftltlnp n IJghted fuse.
Car Dynamited.
A enr cnrrylng twenty pnsongors,
n licnvy pollco guard nnd crew of
Btrlko-bronkors, was dynamltod today.
Two ntlcku of tle explosive lifted
tho car from tho tracks, hurling tho
occupants In ovory direction.
Although somo woro cut by flying 1
glniiR nnd sovoroly bruised, no serious
Injury wnu sustained.
As Boon ob tho shock of tho oxploi
lion passod, tho pollco charged upon
tho laborers who had gathcrod near
by, bollovlng that thoy woro rcaponol
blo for tho dynmnttW.
Bhota Fired.
Sovornl shots woro flrod and n bat
tle onsuod. Tho laborers hold their
Ing squadron ' of mounted pollco,
Tho pollco woro mot with BhoworB
of bricks, building matorlal nnd re
fuse Only uf tor a stubborn fight,
In which thoy swung thoir riot maces
upon tho heads of tho lnborors, woro
thoy successful In disposing tho mob.
Two of tho nllogod ringleaders woro
Tho attompt to blow up tho car, on
dangorlng tho lives of nearly two
Bcoro of poraons nroiiBOd IntonBO fool
ing. Detectives Hub.
Every effort Ib bolng mado by do
toctlvoB to gain doftnlto ovldonco ns
to bdw tho dynamlto was obtalnod.
Tho arroat of tho mombors of tho
"commlttoo of ton" on chargoa of
conflplracy In connoctton with tho
Btriko wnu ruomrod to bo probnblo to
day. Tho ftrrost' of tho loadora would
bo but ft tomoprary aotback for tho
Btrlkora howovor, ns It was said 'that
Bcoroa of labor loaders thoughout tho
country would gladly voluntoor to
carry on tho fight.
It Ib undorstood thnt tho unionists
iiivu ninuo ovuiy iirummiwun uir micu
& contingency ana mat mo wnuora
would bo roloaaod almost Immodlato-
(Contimtod o,n Pago 4.)
Officials Kept Busy by Big Strike;
Soldiers and Scenes In Philadelphia Streets.
illllWt . rrjT--'"- ' . .V " . " ..Tl. M "7TT-f HiT i -r- itiMrTTliM K
Tim burning of ciun tu Philadelphia, assault u Mrlke breakers ami other forms of lawlessness led to vigorous
action by the uutnorltli'M, especially Governor. Edwlu 8. Stunrt of Pcnnsylvaiita, who Is a Phllndelphlan; Mayor
Jtcyburu, District Attorny Samuel P.Itotnn and Pi it-tor of Public Safety Clay. One of the pictures shows tho um
made of tho American ling by some of the sympathizers with the Btrlkora. The, dumpeg n heap of rubbish on the
track and then Btuck a Dug upright Into the pile In order to stop tho progress of a car. The picture also show
soma of tho State fenclblcs who proved powerless to check the mob.
Quiet Services Will Mark Burial of
Former Powerful Politician Was I
Leader for Many Years In New
NEW YORK. March 7. A throng
of political "co-workors nnd bonefi-
ciiiricm of tho Into Sonntor Thomnn
C. Plntt visited tho homo of Frank
JI. Plntt, ft eon, today to express
Tho body of tho famous Now York
politician Inw in tho principal room
of tho Plntto rosidonco. Tho remains
will bo tnkon to tho sonntor's old
homo at Oswego, Tioga county, for
No public funornl will bo held bore.
A simplo sorvico at tho old villngo
church, whoro Piatt onco was a dea
con, will ho hold noxt Thursday.
Piatt's donth oamo suddenly yes
tordny, Although ho had boon in
failing honlth for tho last four
yoara. It was not known that ho
was in immodiato dnngor of donth.
Nearly all tho mombors of his fam
ily woro prosont whon ho pnssod
His Speech at Delivering of Corncr
Stono Develops Into Bitter Attack
on Prominent Men, Officials and
"the Poisoned Press."
tracts from, n speech delivered by
Mayor McCarthy yesterday nfternoon
at tho laying of tho cornor stono of a
local school houso, make Interesting
rending today for several, prominent
Foremost of those lu Andrew Car
ncgh whom tho tnnyor somewhat
elegantly termed a ((fowol soul of
phllanthrophy." McCarthy declnred
thnt Carnegie Is endenvorlng to onso
his consclenco by giving away librar
ies, "Hut tbnnk God, his offer to glvo a
library to San Francisco has not been
nccopted nud novor will bo" ho said.
Tho mayor's remarks envaod com-
imout boro lu vlow of tho approaching
visit of tho laird of SUlbo to this city.
Fling at NowsNipers.
McCarthy tool: a fling at tho news
papers and announced thnt ho rond
his speoch boeauso of the danger of
dUtortlng by Imnglnntlvo roportors
and bluo poncll editors.
(Coutinuod on Pa'.o 5.)
Beginning With Tonight, Telegraph
Company Will Transmit Telegrams
of 50 Words at Night at. 10-Word
Rates. '
Tho Postal Telegraph and Cable
company announces that beginning
Monday night, March 7, It will ren
der night lottor servlco between all
oficos on Its ow telegraph lines and
tho lines of ltd dlieit connections in
tho United States, Messages of this
class will bo known as "night letter
telegrams." They wll lbo nccopted
at Postal tolegraph offices over tho
countor or tolophone in tho usual way.
Tho chargos for night lottor tolo
grnpnis of fifty words or less will bo
tho rogulnr day rate for ton words or
loss. Thoy must bo written In plain
English, codo or cypher will not bo
They will bo nccopted for trans
mission at night and delivered at des
tination on morning of tho noxt on
suing buslnoss day by mall or mos
songor nt tho option of tho company.
Tho oPstal Tolegraph company coup
les tho foregoing nnnouupomont with
a roltltlon of tho stntomont recently
mado by Prostdont Clarenco II, Mnck
ay to the otfoct that tho company baa
Freight Situation Is Being Relieved
as Much as Possible, But Motive
Power Cannot Be Found to Pull
Passenger Trains, to Say Nothing
of Freights.
All Trains Are Running From Six to
Twelve Hours Late The Situation,
However, Is Gradually Clearing
Spasmodically, as' best they can,
tho Southern Pacific company is re
lieving the local freight situation.
Tho local went north Sunday nnd ran
(both wnys Monday, taking care of
imuch of tho freight. Two through
freights passod. Medford Sunday,
The situation is gradually clearing,
but traffic will bo more or less
blocked for several days, or until
the roads in Nevada are cleared nnd
ready for use again. .
Tho freight situation grew most
serious for a time, and even now tho
yards ia Ashland, a divisioa point,
arc congested with long strings of
local cars waiting for motive power
to move them onw.ird. Tho few
'freights which have been forwarded
'consisted of perishable goods. One
j train of stock was delayed two days
I in Ashland, getting north Saturday
The passenger trains are frequent
and each train is carrying 12 to 15
coaches. On Sunday 1C passenger
trains passed through Medford.
The regular trains aro badly off
their schedules. Sunday, No. 15,
due from Portland nt 10:30 a. m.,
arrived at 4:50 p. m. The Shasta
limited wns six honrs late, while 13
was annulled.
Sunday night No. 1-1, duo at 8:-9
p. m., did not arrive until 3:50 a. m.
No. 16 passed through over 12 hours
late. No. 14 was pulled by two huge
freight ongiiios nnd considerable
timo was lost in Ashland' getting n
crew to pull hor.
Congested conditions will probably
continue for ten days or two weeks
PITTSBURG, Pa., Mnrch 7. The
Pittsburg police today aro nwniting
tho next movo on tho part of Emmn
Goldmnn nnd a bnnd of hor follow
ers, whoso proposed meeting yester
day was broken up by .tljo timely nr
rival of a sound of officers.
Miss Goldman nnd hor ndhorents
declared nftor tho gathering had
been disporsed that thoy wili rcmnin
in Pittsburg until thoy hnvo deliv
ered their message to tho people.
Tho police woro informed that
Miss Goldmnn and Aloxnnder Bork
man, who recently sorvod a term in
tho state prison for nttompted mm-
dor. Intended to bold nn nnarnhtftt ,
meoting in tho intorosts of tho Philn
dolphin miliionnros.
Tho crowd thnt had gathered in tho
great hall whoro tho meeting was to
bo hold dispersed siillonly whon or
dered to loavo by the officers.
' ' i i""
always boon indopondont and line no
Intention of onterlng any c,omblnntlon
with tho Wostorn Union and Poll Tol
ophono companlos, and that It Intonds
to rotnln Its Independence and main-
tain actlvo and aggressive competition
In tho tolegrnpli field.
Introduces a Kill Fixing Size of Apple
and Tear Boxes ns Substitute to to
Fcan Hill Which Is Objectionable.
WASHINGTON, D. C, March 7.--Representative
McCrcdie of Wash
ington on Saturday introduced n bill
fixing the size of apple boxes to be
used in Oregon, Washington and
Idaho at 18xllxl0V inches, in
side measurement, and pear boxes at
This is proposed ns a substitute
for the Lafean bill.
The above bill provides for an ap
ple and near box of the same size
now used in the northwest.
"The size is all right," was the uni
versal opinion of the fruitmen of
Medford, inasmuch is it does not
change the present size.
If Representative McCredie can
play a little inside ball with congress
nnd score with that bill, he will earn
the everlasting gratitude of the fnit
growers of the northwest.
Tho meeting of the committee on
agriculture to consider the La Pean
bill is to be held Wednesday.
Infuriated Japs and Slavs- Pursue
Foreman They Blame for Land
slide Disaster.
VANCOUVER, B. C, March 7.
Compelled to seek safety from a
mob of Slavs and Japanese who
thought he was to blame for mak
ing, the victims of the snowslide dis
aster at Rogers Park work at night,
in a dangerous time, on.e of the road
foremen barely yescaped with his
life at Glacier by jumping into a
cabooso nnd being hauled away by
the - cngino attached. The. story-
reached here today when the first
train from the neighborhood of tho
avalanche arrived.
Tho road boss, whose name has
not been learned, together with n
gang of men, had arrived at tho
smnll station a few minutes after tho
Rogers Pass slide occurred, nnd just
bofore tho Vancouver train Dulled
out. Gathered at the station were , through Crow's Nest, Nolson, Arrow
sovoral hundred foreigners, relativos head and Rovelstoke.
of tho men lost in the slide, who bo- weather in tho Selldrks is re
lieved their friends hud been com-iported co,d and n0 more 811383 luivaL
polled to work nt night by the rail- been reported thus far. (
road officials. In their excitement , ...
tho foreigners mado a nish for the Sonw ,s M"U,nR-
foreman, who sought safety in n WELLINGTON, Wnsh., March 7.
cabboSe. Tho engineer, taking in theThree hodies were found early to
situation, rushed the cabooso dovnidn in the wreckage of the mail
the track until other Canadian Pa- train. One was that of John O. Fox
cmo officials pacified the mob
WASHINGTON, D. C, March 7.
Tho fight over tho Taft-Elkins rnij-
road bill onened in earnest- todnv,103 BUUJect 10 ln PP"vai or WO
when tho majority of tho senate com-
miHnn .:nla
. """" ".must mao a report to uto commis-
brought m n report defending tho sion within 20 days aftor such nn.
moasnre and replying to tho sovero 1 ngreomont has beoa made,
criticisms offered by tho minority re-j The minority report contended that
port Inst week. ' " tho Ropublicau platform plank meant
This oamo shorlly aftor tho action thnt tho agreements chould be snfe
of the committQcft on commerce in . jected to the approval of the cotn
striking out that section of tho nd- mission boforo thoy wont into effcot..
ministration moasuro which permit- Tho vigorous dofonso of tho. raena
tod a railroad, to buy nil the stook ( uro indicntos thut tho freinds of the
of n competing line if it alrendy own- prcsidont have agreed to support tho
od more than half of it. bil vigorously. Those opposed to
Tho roport holds that tho hill tho proposed law as reported, how
meots tho renuirements of tho nlank evor. show sitnis of battle, which will
j the Republican platform which
liota that railroads ought to be al-,
800 MEN AI
Clearing of Canadian Pacific Track
Progressing RapidlyTwenty Ad
ditional Bodies Have Been Recey
ered Weather Reported Cold re
More Slides Reported.
For First Time Since the Slide, Wel
lington Depot Contains No Dead
Smoker With 30 Dead Has Been
VANCOUVER, B. C.,. March K
With an army of over 800 men, the
work of .recovering bodies and clear
ing thfc tracks near Rogers Pass is
proceeding today, and the line is ex
pected to be free again by midnight.
Reports early,vtoday stato that 20.
additional bodies have been recov
ered. Among these are eight whites
and twelvo Japanese. The remains
of the latter are being brourht tc
Vancouver, a party of local Japanese
going to meet tho train and take
charge of thoir bodies. Tho relative
of the whites who lost their lives are
being communicated with and their
bodies will be shipped to their re
spective home towns or interred ac
cording to the wishes of their kin
folk. Train No. 07, westbound, held
since Friday, snowed in at Rogers
Pass by slides on both sides. Men
have been working night nnd day to
release it. Although Foreman An
derson is supposed to have been bur
ied with the rotary crew, a report is
current among local railroad men
that he was seen after the nvalanohe
walking as one distraught, having
miraculously escaped the death
dealing slide.
Passengers on the delayed train
No. 07 will arrive hero late this nft
ernoon, having been conveyed over
the company's lines and steamers
(Continued on page 5.)
lowed to make certain agreements
jregurding freight nnd passenger
intorstato commerce commission.
' ... 1 ',0 ", Pv,ueB n 10
mi. in i ,1 i j i . t .
moan delay and bard fighting for th