Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 06, 1910, SECOND SECTION, Image 9

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Full Lcnaoil Wire Iteport.
Tho only paper In tho world
published In ft city tho size of
Mcdfocd having a lensod wire.
No. 299.
An Old Adage Applied to Growing and Marketing Commercial Fruit
Medford Mail
How the Orchardists of the Rogue River Valley Are Working It Out
rinilK old ndngo, "III union thoro i
Btrongth," ban come to huvo an
lidded incntiititr to tho orchard
ists of tho Rogue Rlvor vnlloy, who
are applying tho principle therein to
tho growing and marketing of com
inorolnl fruit from this nootion. No
longor will each orchnrdist work for
1i!h own Rood, to tho detriment, if it
so obtain, of his neighbor, but
through tho medium of tho lingua
Hlvor Fruit & Produce nsHocintion
all will work together for tho com
mon Rood.
Tho movement for tho formation
of tho association wuh started bov
' ornl inouthu ngo by local orchardists
who realized that in order to obtain
txjreonal, to any other offico or position, in tho
employ of tho Rogue River Fruit &
Uon' projxsrty, real and
Hocnrc tho same.
0. To make and execute contracts (Produce aBaoclation other than
in ftirthoranco of tho business of prcoidont, vice-prcBidcnt, auditing
thiH corporation committco man, sccrotnry or treas-
10. Tofdo and perfonn generally urcr; nor shall tho manogor hold any
nny and everything noceHHnry, prop- other offico or position with this
cr or convenient to carry into of- corporation other than that of mnn
fect tho objects and piirjoscfl above nger.
ntatcd. Section 7. No officer or director
of this corporation shrill hold any
offico or position in tho employ of
Artiolo III Tho duration of this
corporation Hhnll he porpetunl.
Article IV Tho principal place of
JuiHincBH of thin corporation shnll
bo nt tho city of Mcdford, Or.
Article V
Section 1. Tho enpitnl stock of
thin corporation Hhnll Uo $.rj0,000.
tho highest roHtilts co-operation wuhI, bJ,"n.A. C"P, H,oc77
.be divided into C000 shnres of the
At a rocont nicotine of tho Roguo
Hlvor Horticultural society n com
mittco of 16 was nppointcd to draw
Incorporation paper and by-laws
for such an organization. Tho com
mittco represents all sections of thq
Horuo Hlvor valley from Merlin on
tho north to the California lino. Its
personnel follows:
J. W. Merritt, Central Point; 0.
A. Hovor, Phoenix; II. E. Galo, Mer
lin; George A. Hamilton, Grants
Pass; C. 13. Selleck, Murphy; Hor
ace Poltou, Gold Hill; L. K. Hunk,
Englo Point; J. A. WoHtorlund, Mod
ford; C. E. Whislcr, Mcdford; C. 1).
Knelt, Ashland; Y. A. Sumnor, Mcd
ford; Gordon Voorhics, Portland;
Chostor WriRhl, Ashland; F. H.
Cowles, Mt-dford; E. V. Curtor, Ash
Innd, and H. II. Parsons, Mcdford.
Aftor being in session somo time
tho committeo succeeded in complet
ing its work and on April 10 nt 11
a. m. a mnss mooting of tho stock
holders will meet to perfect tho or
ganization by tho election of officers.
In tho meantime Dr. J. F. Hcddy
has been employed to tnko charge of
tho subscriptions to (ho capital stock
of tho association. Ho will bo as
sisted by each member of tho com
mitteo. , Tho completo articles of incoqvo
rntion and by-laws of tho nssocin
, lion follow:
Articles of incorporation of tho
Rogue Hlvor Fruit & Produco nsso
ciution :
Know nil mon by those presents,
that wo, tho undorsigncd, C. II. Gil
lotto, Ashland, Or.; O. A. Hover,
Phoenix; W, A. Sumner, Mcdford;
G. A. Hamilton, Grunts Pass, and II.
E. Galo, Merlin, do hereby nssocinte
ourselves as n corporation undor the
gonornl incorporation laws of tho
stato of Oregon, and wo do hereby
ndopt tho following nrtiolos of in
corporation: Articlo I Tho nnmo of this cor
poration shall bo tho Rogtio River
Fruit & Produco association.
Articlo II Tho objocts nnd pur
poses of tho Roguo Hlvor Fruit &
Produco association shnll bo:
1. To piok, grado, pack and to
buy nnd sell, direct or on commis
sion, frosh and prepared fruits nnd
othor farm products of all kinds.
9 Tn I..... a.ll .l' .1l !.. tl
w uwj, nun llliu UUUI( III 11111
ana othor fnrm products packing
material, orchard supplies, spraying
material and machtnory.
' 3. To buy, rent, lonso, ncqulro
nnd improvo such roal estate ns mny
be roquircd in tho business of this
4. To buy, rent, lonso, build, ao
quiro and oporato packing houses,
warehouses, offioos nnd other build
ings, rnilrond trnokH and wngon
ronds, and to lonso or soil tho snmo.
5. To buy, rent, loaso. aonuiro.
build and oporato prooooling plants,
ico tnotorios, oold-storngo plants,
dryors, onnnorioa and by-produots
faotories, nnd to lonso qr sell tho
0. To mnnufnoturo nnd soil loo
nnd distilled wntor, spray materials,
boxon nnd all kinds of fruit, nnd
produoo suppllos.
7. To fix such ohargos, tolls and.
commissions on snlos and oporntivo
work in tho business of the associa
tion ns may bo roquirod to moot tho
oxpoiiBos nnd othor financial noods
of tho nssoointlou.
8. To borrow money on bonis,
not08 or othorwiso, nntl to mortgngo
or plodgo nny cr nil of this corpora-
par valtio of $10 onch.
In witness whereof wo hnvo here
unto sot our hands nnd penis, nnd to
two others of liko tonor nnd date,
this 10th day of February, A. I).
1010. (Signed.)
(Seal.) C. H. GILLETTE.
(Seal.) O. A. HOVER.
(Seal.) W. A. SUMNER.
(Seal.) H. E. GALE.
Stato of Oregon, Jackson county
This is to certify thnl on this 10th
day of February, 1010, before me
tho undersigned, n notary public in
nnd for said county and Btntc, per
sonnny appeared tho witinn nntnec
A. Sumner, G. A
nny other fruitgrowers' association,
or othor similar organization en
gaged in tho samo lino of business as
this corporation, provided that this
section shnll not npply to tho offi
cers of any such organization now
existing in the Roguo River valley.
Section 8. No porson shall be
eligible to hold offico as an officer
or director of this corporation who
jthnll be directly or indirectly engag
ed in or a representative of nny fruit
or produco commission business, and
nny officer or director engaging in
such business or ncccpting such po
sition shnll thereby become disquali
fied as such officer or director, nnd
the board of directors fhnll there
upon declnrc his office vacant.
Article II Salaries.
Section 1. The directors of this
corporation shall bo paid a compen
sation of $2.50 for every day or part
of a day that each is in attendance
at a meeting of tbo board of direct
ors, nnd they shall each be paid a
further remuneration of 6 cents per
mile for the distance one way by the
usual nnd most direct route of
trnvel from their respective places
of residence to tho plnce of meeting
of the board of directors.
Section 2. No officer or director
of this corporation shall haro in
nny profits or commissions earned
by this corporation other than regu
lar dividends which mny bo declared
for the benefit of nil stockholders.
Article III Duties of officers.
Section 1. The board of directors
shall hnvo full nnd exclusive control
of nil business transactions of the
Rogue River Fruit & Produco as
sociation, not otherwise specified in
these by-laws, nnd they shnll also
have full power to fix the duties of
all other officer and employes of
tnis corporation.
Section 2. Tho auditing commit
tco shall have all books and ac
counts of the Rogue River Fruit &
Produce association audited once
each three months, employing expert
accountants to do the work, if they
sec fit, or are so ordered by the
board tf directors.
Articlo IV Penalties.
Section 1. Any director who is
absent from two successive regu
lar meetings of the board of direct
ors shall be considered to have re
signed and to have forfeited his of
fice, unless at the next regular meet
ing of tho board of directors he shall
present an' excuse for such absence
satisfactory to the board. The sec
retary shnll state in the minutes of
the meeting the action of the board,
and the secretary shall also keep a
roll of attendance, at each regular
nnd special meeting, noting the di
rectors present and those absent.
He f-hnll, when he notes the absence
of n director from two successive
regular meetings of tho board, re
port the same to the board of di
rectors, and tho board at their next
regular meeting shall take action,
the secretary notifying such delin
quent director of tho proposed ac
tion. Articlo V Meetings.
Section 1. The annual meeting of
the stockholders of this corporation
shnll be held on the second Tuesday
in February of each year, and spe
cial meetings of the stockholders
Section 3. At all meetings of
stockholders a majority of the sub
scribed capital stock shall constitute
a quorum for the transaction of bus
iness at such meeting, and every de
cision of the majority of tho stock
represented at such mooting either
by stockholders in person or by
written proxy, shall bo valid as an
act of such meeting, with tho excep
tion of tho amendments of these by-
mnf Tift nnltif? hv nrftftiiTflTif. Inwu.
president or by a majority of the di-1 Section 4. At tho annual meeting:
rectors or by stockholders holding at, of the stockholders the following or
least one-third of the subscribed . der of business shall be followed:
capital stock of this corporation.
Section 2. Notice of the annual
meeting and of all special meetings
shall be given by tho president or
secretary of the corporation at least
30 days prior to the date of such
meeting, which notice shall state the
time and place of such meeting, nnd
shall be published in three newspa
pers in Rogue River valley one in
Ashland, one in Medford and one in
Grants Pass once each week for
four successive weeks prior to such
unle, to me
identical persons
who executed the
G. A. Hover, W.
Hamilton and II.
known to bo tho
described in nnd
foregoing nrticlcs of incorporation
nud acknowledged to mo. Hint they
oxcoutcd tho snmo freely nnd volnn
lamy, lor mo uses ana purposes
tlioroin mentioned.
In testimony whereof I have here
unto set my hnnd nnd affixed my
notnrinl scnl, tho day and year last
abovo written. (Signed.)
Notnry Publio for Oregon.
Stato of Oregon, Jackson county,
This is to cortify that on this 21t
day of February 1010,. before me,
tho undorsigned; n notnry publio in
nnd for snid county nnd stato, per
sonally appeared tho within named
C. IT. Gillette, to mo known to bo the
identical person doscribod In nnd
who. executed tho foregoing articles
of incorporation, nnd acknowledged
to mo that ho executed tho snfo free
ly nnd voluntarily, for the usos nnd
purposes thorritt mentioned.
In toRtimony whereof I hnvo here
unto sot my hnnd nnd nffixod my no
tnrinl sonl tho day and yonr last
abovo mentioned. (Signed.)
Notnry Publio for Oregon.
My commission oxpiros Soptcmbor
11, 1011.
Suggestod by-lnws for Roguo
River Fruit Produco association
Artiolo I Directors nnd officors
Soctlon 1. Tho board of directors
shall consist of fiftoon stockholders,
who shnll bo eloclod at tho first
mooting of stockholders, nnd nt
onch nnnual mooting thereafter, nnd
who shall hold offico for ono yonr,
nnd until tholr successors nro elected
nnd qualified,
Soction 2, Tho officors of tho
corporation shall consist of n prcsi
dont, vico-prosidont, sccrotnry,
troasuror nnd nn auditing committco
of thrco mombors, Those officors
shnll bo oloctod by tho bonrd of di
rcotors, from ninone tholr number,
nnd shnll hold offioo at tho plcnsuro
of and for such timo as mny ho fix
ed 'by (ho bonrd.
Soction 3. Vncnnolos in nny of
fioo, however occurring, Hhnll bo
fillod by n majority voto of tho
board of dirootors, lyid nny stook
holdor olootod to fill a vnennoy hi
tho bonrd of directors shall hold of
fico for tho moxpirod torm.
Sodtion 4. A bnnk or bnnks may
bo dosignatod ns tronsuror or cub
todinn of tho funds of this corpo
ration, Soction 5. Tho tronsuror shnll
givo bonds in such amounts ns tho
board mny roquiro, unloss n bank
shall bo choson ns tronsuror, In
which ovont no boiids shnll bo ro
quirod, Sootlon 0. No dirootor of this
oorporntion shnll bo nllowou to hold
are wiser
Some men
than their duy and gener
ation. In this category
may bo classed the late
nurseryman, O. Coolidgc,
of Ashland, who, during
his long lifo in this val
ley, did much to advance
horticultural .'jtcrcsts.
Ho so c6rftfahiiysscrtod''r!r
(that the Bucrrc do Anjou
represented n fortune to
the man wro grew the
trees in this favored vnl
ley, that his friends hu
morously cnllcd him "Do
Anjou" Coolidgo. Many
n mnn in this vnlloy re
grets todny thnt ho did
not heed tho old gentle
man's ndmonitioii nnd
plnnt lnrgely of this va
riety of pear.
Tho trco is remarkably
healthful nud vigorous
bore, and Is a porsistent
and at timo a phenom
enal benrer of a grado of
pears which is only ex
celled in price In tho mar
kets of tho world by tho
fnmoiiB Cornice, Tho np
pcuded illustration is
from n photo tnken in
1003 of tho tree which of
nil fruit trees in the world
mlds tho record ns tho
lenviest individual bear
er. It stands on tho old
Soliss plnco, southwest of
Medford, oji Griffin creek,
and when" tho tract was
bought by Mr. Soliss, 33
years ago, tho trco was
then bearing good crops,
and during nil tho inter
vening years it hns never
once fnilcd to bear a
good crop.
In tho yonr 1007 every
nvnilnblo inch of bearing
spneo on (his wonderful
trco wnB occupied by n
cluster of fruit, nnd ar
rangements woro mndo to
hnvo n photo of tho tree
with its enormous crop
This famous old treo is growing near Griffin creek and has borne con
tinuously for movo than 30 yenrs. In 1007 it netted ifs owner $226 the
prico paid for 47 boxes of fancyfniit.
that year. Through neg
ligence, however, the crop
was gathered and shipped
and aggregated 47 boxes
sold in New York City for
pf fancy fruit, which
a sum which netted the
if to rob the tree of its
Medford shipper $226. As
renown, a huge limb -was
broken while the fruit
was being gathered, de
stroying fully five boxc
of fruit, which should
have been credited to its
yield that year. Last
year, when tho photo was
secured, tho crop was not
nearly so .heavy, but th
present season bids fair
to eclipse the record
made in 1007.
An orcnaru ot pear
trees like the Soliss tree
would bo a money-maker
not equaled by any othor
investment of 1 i k
amount of capital. Nt
oven a bank or a rail
road could pay such big
1 mi
dividends, ine average
uumber of Anjou pear
trees to tho acre is 60,
For each tree to cloar
not profit, as did the So
liss tree this past season
would mnko an immense
profit for the acre. To
have an orchard of which
all the trees would boar
like this famous tree is
not possible in the pres
ent state of horticultural
knowledge, for no mat
ter how well an orchard
is cared for somo of the
trees will be shy bearers,
while others will only
bear heavy crops on ul-
teniato years. But it can
bo dopended on thnt fully
75 per cent of the treos
will bo henvy and regular
bearers, provided thoy
are on tho right soil and
woro vigorous, healthy
trees nt plauting and
have had proper care.
Tree Planting' Crusade Starts in Near Future
Noxt Wednesday tho city ongin-iif healthy trees are sot out thov
cor's offico will tnko up tho matter should do well nud got a splendid
of placing stakes nt uniform (lis
tnnces nlong tho Btroots of tho city
for tho purposo of planting shade
treos, nnd the ladies of tho Grontor
Medford club will bogin tholr cru-
sudo In earnost toward making Med
ford "Tho City Beautiful." Tho city
offioials nro louding their nid to tho
movomont nnd ovorything augurs
well for tho undertaking.
"This Benson of tho year is espe
cially woll ndnptod to tho planting
of shndo troos," statos Professor P,
J, O'Garn, pathologist of tho do.
pnrtmont of agriculture-, who is lond-
ing his oxporionco to tho ladies, "and
start." '
Tho ladies of tho club hovo enlist
ed tho support of nearly ovory resi
dent nnd within n short timo tho
stTeots of Medford should presont
a most plonsing offoct.
Tho treos to bo planted, may bo
obtained nt the Hotel Nash from II.
R. Pattorson, with whom tho ladios
hnvo mndo arrangements to hnndlo
thorn.' Thoy woro choson by tho In
dies and purchased fronf a northorn
nursory company.
Each trco upon its arrival will be
examined by n compotont inspector
and only tho most honlthy will be
sold to tho residents of tho city. The avenues of trees. Much paving is to
ladies plan to retnil tho treos at cost, bo dono in tho rosidonco sections, nnd
their only object being to mnko Med- soon tho city will be known ns ono
ford a more beautiful city in which! with beautiful, well-kept streets. And
to live. Thoy nro to clos6ly watch .nothing will add moro to tho sheer
tno progress oi tnq worK and oi living,
thnt tho trees nro placed on ovory
resident streot in tho city,
Yes this is n good timo to sell
Tho ladies hnvo many othor plans .real estate but it ought to bo ad-
for tho bonutincation of tho city,
such ns completing tho park on Wost
Main 6treot, but thoro is probably
iiouo of such magnitude, nor ono with
as far-reaching results as this ono,
to beautify tho stroots with uniform
shndo troos. Modford has n multi
tude of long, level, straight stroets,
which will bo grontly beautified by
vortisod, not morely placarded.
This town's store's are biggor, hot
ter, nowor, moro nppoalmg today
tnnn over uororo. Aud tho nds. are
"keeping pace"
You havo business with tho class
ified nds. if you havo property to
rent of any kind.
' 1. Reading the annual report of
the manager and action on same.
2. Action upon proposed amend
ments of the by-laws.
3. Election of directors.
4. Any other lawful business.
And all proceedings at all stock
holders' meetings Bhall bo governed
by Cushing's Manual, unless othor
wiso provided by these by-laws.
Section 5. Regular meetings of
the bonrd of directors shall be hold
on the second Tuesday in each
month, and special meetings may be
called at any time by the president
or vice-president upon two dnys' no
tice, either verbal or written, being:
given to each director by tho secre
tary. Five directors shall constitute
a quorum for the transaction of nlR
business at all meetings of the boards.
Articlo VI Grades of fruit. ,
Section 1. Thrco grades of ap-
pies are established as tho standards
for this association, namely, "extra
fancy," "fancy" and "choice." Ap
ples in boxes marked "oxtra fancy"
shall bo sound, smooth, practically
free from bruises, worms, worm
stings or disease, and have proper,
shape for tho variety, fully matured
Red varieties shall bo 05 percent or
higher red. The "fancy" grado shall?
consist of apples sound, smooth,-
practically free from bruises, worms,
worm stings or disease, and havo
reasonably propor shapo for the va
riety, fully matured. All red varie
ties in this grado shall bo at least 50
per cent red, except Spitzenberg,
Winesnp, Jonathan nnd Arkansas
Black, which shall bo nt least 70
per cent red. The "choico" grade
shall consist of apples sound, free
from any breaks in tho skin or
blnok bruises, also free from worms
or any disease which injures " tha
quality of the applo.
Section 2. The first board of di
rectors, in conjunction with tho man
ager, nro hereby authorized and em
powered to establish permanent
grades on fruit and produco other
than applos, as above provided, such-
grades, when so established, to bo
permanent unloss changed by a ma
jority voto of tho stockholders at
any regular meeting or nt a special
meeting cnllcd for that purpose.
bection 3, Tho manager of the-
association shall be ex-officio in
spector of fruit, with power to en
force conformity to tho established"
grades, and ho shall have power to
appoint deputies to nssist in such
work. Any appeal from his decision
shall be takon to the bonrd'of direct
ors in such manner ns the board
shall prescribe.
Articlo VII Marketing products.
Tho mombors of this association
hall bo permitted to market thoir
produots by salo or consignment,
eithor direct or through the associa
tion; provided, that if any portion
of tho products of a raombor bo mar
keted through tho nssooiation, tho
association shall bo entitled to col
lect from snid morabor a commission
upon tho proceods of nil of tho prod
uct or suoh membor of tho same
kind or class as that marketed
through tho association, however the
remaining portion of such produot
be marketed. In applying this by
law, each season's products shall bo
considered soparatoly.
Artiolo VIII Amendments.
These by-laws may bo amended at
nny nnnual mooting of tho stook-
loldors, or at any spoclal mooting of
tie stockholders called for that pur
pose, by tho affirmative voto of tho
majority of tho subscribed capital
stock, but no nmondmont shnll bo
mndo at any spcolnl mooting unless
tho article nnd section to bo amend
ed, or tho proposed amendment, be
ot forth in tho notice of such moot