THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MAROH G, 19.10, 8 WITNESSES MAY I NOW SEE PAPERS! NGLAND FACES JAMES, LEADING HUGE DEFICIT ACTOR IS DEAD , - Chairman Nelson of Balllnner Inves tigating Committee Reverses the , Ruling Which Prohibited Wit nesses From Examining Papers- Great Britain Will Find Her Funds (Theatrical Profession Loses One of i $150,000,000 Short March 31, Ac cordlnQ to Prominent Statesmen, Due to Non-Passage of Budget. Its Greatest Interpreters of Shake spcrean Roles Had Been Snow bound for Some Time sc." WASHINGTON, D. C, March 5. Chairman Nelson of tbo Hallinger congressional investigation commit tee today reversed the ruling which liud prohibited witnesses from exani ii.injt papers filed in the case. Here after the- witnesses for both sides will go over the papers with the Attornev Vertrecs devoted some Jimo today to questioning Pinchot LONDON. March 5. An unpreeo-i SPOKANE. Wash., March 5, dented deficit in times of pence will Louis James, the Shnkcspowan no be shown nt the end of the fiscal Jor, died this mornmR at 8:30 o clock- year March 31, according to politi-," "eienn. James, wucn ue u ins hero todav. Spokane Tuesday morning, seemed m It is estimated that through the , the best of health. His death is sup failure of parliament to pass thesed to have resulted from an at w hnr will bo a deficit of tack of heart failure. $150,000,000 in the funds necessary, Jnnics and his company were snow for the operation of the government, bound m the Cascades for two days. n.nnH from taxes on tobacco, me ncior was lanon m wuuo um Pnin hill, xrhieh Pin- i j : inMiUr of reach of medical assistance. He cbot alleges wus to protect the Cun-Ij,!, revenues from saloon licenses, (was too ill to play last night at Hel- singham claims. The attorney was innt0mobile licenses, death duties nndienn, oui jmor 10 ma whom Bn.M in Rhnfce the witness in hisw,., cnm., will h Inst to thoieral impromptu performances in the contentions regarding the measure, jpovernment, baggage car of the stalled train for v.rtmfl Rtated that Pinchot con- tj,. .nn in h no indention the nmusomcnt of other passengers. Ridrred anv misstatements made byMiinf , hWt will be nnssed at the I The death of James robs tho the Ballinger upon information furnish- jprcsent session of tho parliament, atncnl profession of id him wero "outrnceous." At tho same timo ho said Pinchot consid ered "misstatements made to the president by Pinchot upon informa tion famished to him by others were simple little mistakes." Senator Flint objected to Ver trees arguing the case, aud the at torney resumed his interrogation of the witness. Vcrtrees asked Pinchit why he wrote the letter to Senator 'Dolliver which caused bis dismissal fcy President Taft. Pinchot replied: "Becanso it seemed to me wise, sight and fair that the cases of For ester Prico and Law Officer Shaw sboali be presented to the senate at lie mmo time that AttornevrGeneral "Wickereham's defense of Bnllingcr was pat before that body;tWlso for tie reason that Dolliver asked me tu "Yon anticipated that it would maka trouble for the administra Uml' suggested Yertrces. "No," replied Pinchot, "but I thought it was about an even chance rhether I was to be removed or not." The cross-examination of Pinchot was ended today. owing to a legislative deadlock. ono or us greatest Shakespearean nctors of the old school. James had appeared in support of many of tho greatest I Too Late to Classify yOR KENT S. C street. -Furnished rooms. 205 302 COYOTE COMES TO TOWN TO SEE WHAT'S GOING ON LOS ANGELES, Cnl, March 6. Xooking to the right and left as if "with surprised interest at his new -surroundings, a coyote appeared in the streets of Los Angeles and pa traded tho thoroughfares until caught ad led to a police station at the end f a lariat, which had been throws .about bis gaunt, long neck by Patrol aaan IL B. Harris. Jt is seldom that a coyote leaves lehind him the mesa land, and con "JDictiag statements have been made .as to why he came into Los An " "Steles. Several declared ho followed a, dog. Others said he "just appeared te be curious." Howevor, a timid -woman who lives in the neighborhood af 2018 Magnolia avenue telephoned ie the University police station of the preseace of the coyote. Patrolman R. B. Harris answered Iter call for help to catch the wild .er, and he pursued it to Nbrmandie avenue and West Adams street, -where he succeeded in throwing1 a lasso over its head. MEW ROYAL FLUSH; SHOCK KILLED HIM SCRANTON, Pa., March 6. "I'm the unluckiest poker player living," declared Frank Constantino last night at Mayficld, a. small town near Jiere, when a game was proposed. f The third pot had passed around several times and been duly "sweet ened" boforc it was finally opened Constantino looked ovor his hnnd. He had tho ten, jack, queen and ace sf spades and four of diamonds. Discarding the four spot he drew eae card. It was the king of spades, waiting bun a royal flush. Ho started and then swayed in his ehair. Tho others took tho tip and aropped out. Constantino laid down his royal fkteh and managed to rnko in tli -pet. Then bo went homo, but he Iiik' t be assisted to his room. Tim Morning ho was found dead in bed Deputy Coronor J, W. Grant per- dfermcd an autopsy which revealed 11m t death was. duo to overexertion tho heart. If, looking backward, you're sorry ym didn't advortiso mora about tin iMMt last year, try, now, tho oxpori it of doing the thing which always ROY OF FIFTEEN GETS LICENSE TO PREACH stars in the history of tho Amoricnn stage, lie has appeared in me sup- WATERDURY, Conn., March 3. .port of Mrs. John Drew, Lawrence Francis Rollins, 15 years old, who Barrett, Joseph Jefferson, Frederick trudges ten miles every day back and forth'from hts studies at the Torrlng ton high school, has been licensed to preach by the quarterly conference of the New Haven district of tho Meth odist Episcopal church. Probably tho youngest parson In tho United States, ho Is th eson of Warde and others, and in later years appeared with Kathryn Kidder .is co-star in Shakespearean repertoire. James was born nt Trcmont, 111., in 1842. He joined the famous McAu ley stock company of Louisville, the starting place of many famous act ors. Later he went to the famous the Rev. Edward Rollins, pastor of, Arch btrect theater in ISoo, when the Methodist church at Bakeravllle, Mrs. John Drew was tho idol of the and has frequently filled his father's , country. pulpit i Under the management of Angus- "I don't know much about theolo- j tin Daly in New York, Jntnea npi gy," said the boy preacher today, peared with such stars as Ada Rc "but I believe I know what God wants ( han, Mrs. Gilbert, John Drew. Fay us to do and what he'll do to ua lTempleton and others. He also np we dont's do It." , peared nt McGuirc's theater, San The Bakeravllle church has had .Francisco; Ford's theater, Balti dlfflculty In getting a pastor at tho more, and nt the Boston theater, small salary It Is able to pay $300 , For five years James was leading per year. man w'n Lawrence Barrett. He be- "They needn't pay me anything on-fCame a star in 1S8C. In 1891 ho np tll I am out of school," says young, peared with Joseph Jefferson, Inter Rollins. ins n star under the management of . agenhals & Kemper, and since NEBRASKA APPREHENSIVE .1904 has been starring with his ABOUT ITS NEXT CORN CR0P;damihter APh,e Jnraes n Shake- 'spearean plays. Washington Town Burns. OMAHA, Neb.. March 5. Accord ing to grain men hero and seed ex-J perts, a loss of from $10,000,000 to $15,000,000 an enormous loss, the' WINLOCK, Wnsh., March 5. result of poor and Imperfect seed, Fire early today destroyed a block threatens the next corn crop of Ne-'of buildings in the business section braska, and reallilng the conditions, of this place, with an estimated loss they are sending out thousands of of nbout $50,000. Tho total insur lettors to Nebraska fanners, urging nnce is only $0000. The fire was them to make tests of every ear of discovered in A. W. McFce's ment mm tht imt heen saved for seed market and the cause is unknown. for this season'B planting. Men who have made a scientific studty of corn stato that owing to the unusual quantity of moisture last fall before tho corn was gathered, and the bard winter, accompanied by an un usual amount of freezing weather, and bad housing after being gather ed, the grain, has been rendered ster ile or weakened. From tests they say that, of tho corn generally that has been saved for planting this season, at least one ear out of every sis Is bad. vrff'rt CANNING FACTORIES OF MIDDLE WEST UNITE rrK I ' CHICAGO. March 5. A combina tion of interests of all tbo packing and canning factorieu of the middle west on a co-operative basis and un der control of the Western Packers' association will be effected next Monday. "It will require about $1,000,000 to perfect this combination," said George "Williamson of the Western Packers. "There are several hun dred factories in the association, which hns a membership of 1250, In diana alono hus 120 factories and Illinois half that many. Wo believe the interests of the industry will bo better conserved in a co-operative combination. The association will have control of tho operations on the entire industry." William Roach of Hart, Mich., is president of tho organization, which is mnde up largely of fruit and veg etable ennnors. Eugene Men Buncoed. VANCOUVER, B. C, March 5. Charles II. Chapman, recently a real estate agent at Tacoma, who told the court that he had been in trouble nt Portland and Salt Lake City, was sentenced to two years by Judge Mclnnes today for uttering a docu ment forged with the name of Goo. Willoughby on the Eugene Snvings company, Eugene, Or. Chapman in Vancouver went under tho name of Campbell. An evening of profit as well as pleasure at tho First Methodist church. Dvnamite was used to check the progress of the fire, and in this man ner the destruction of tho town was prevented. EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE OR TRADE. 840 acres for sale or trade. 10 acres for sale or trade, land in California. FOR SALE. 21 acres, 2Vi miles out, $375 an acre. 240 acres yellow pine, etc. 40 acres timber land. 07 acres, five miles out. 0 acres, 8-room house, $0000. 0 acres, 8-room bouse, $8000. 12 acres, close in; a snap. 18 acres, 3 miles from Mcdford, $225 an acre. Vz acres, improved. 4- room honso, $000. 5- room house, bath, etc, $2300, 0-roora houso, lot 100x100, must sell, $1800. 1 acre, 5-room house, closo in; bar gain. 5-room house, bungalow, $2500. Houses in all parts of tho city and lots. Sheephcrder wanted at once; must be a man who understands herd ing; $35. 20 ranch hands. Man and wife, no, children. Girl for housework, 3 in family. Have you any land to clenrt Have a man. WANTED. Girls for genornl housowork. Ranch hands. Carpontor. Hauling, by contract or day. Party who cleans and docs all kinds of housework has his orders loft at employment office. Suits cleaned, carpets and nigs cleaned, looking-glasses replatcd. NEW DEPARTMENT. Scouring suits, 2; bponged and pressed, 75c; French dry cleaned, $1.76. E. F. A. BITTNER. 208 Taylor & Philips BIq. Phone 4141 1 in 4. : Our Suit and Cloak Department It now beautifully stocked with exquisite shades and colorings, which gives euith garment an irresistible ptt-scnte. Tho desire of every well dressed woman. ' GUARANTEE Every suit and coat new styles for this spring, 1910. They are unnmtchable in' style, quality and price. The coats are tho new hip length. The skirts are pleat ed, flaring gracefully tit the bottom, CHOICE SELECTIONS are being niAdc and laid aside each day by our patrons. Why not drop in. Wo know you will be pleased. The H. C. KENTNER CQMP'Y MISSION IH.OCK .Mi:nix)iu, oiiko'on QUALITY FIRST I have the goods and the prices are right. Pear, Apple Peach, Apricot, Cherry, Grape, Rose Bush es, Shade Trees, a nice stock of Berry Plants, and thousands of Tree Protectors. Eden Valley Nursery 1201 North Central Ave. Phone 3222 Heading snd whou it seems uu do hotter, and i:i which you enn cum iwcriiig help wanted afis, I more thnn in doing his vrork, you it to him and to yourself to fnut j . . ploycr. For, if there's work you'enn K. Your Paint and Your Painter's Paint r ... . . If you employ a modern progressive painter, you wl 1 find that no a lust as much Interested In economy In tho uso of pa nt, and In tho beauty and wearing quality of tho paint after It is applied, as you aro. For tho houses ho lias painted that show paint-quality as woW as painter-workmanship aro his best advertisements. Tho modern painter has noithor tlmo nor desiro to mix hl own : I TT ' .1-1.1.. nHAA ulili tril tlint puimu. uu win quium; oucu ni" O. L. DAVIS, President L. E, WAKI3MAN, Cashier L. B. NEIDEUMEYEU, Vlco-ProB. h, L. JACODS, Asst. Cashier Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank CAPITAL STOCK $80,000 t M 13 I) P O It I) O It E .G O N 4 Lowe Brothers High Standard" Paint Ci-Ves Ticst "Results because It contains lust tho materials required for perfect paint cm cleyTmixed und ground by powerful, perfect y adfriMl much nory, until there Is a perfect union of solids and llquids-moro purticleB to tho gallon than any other paint. in alr-tlght cans -always fresh and good, . it. . -.hIh. niMnlah.nnn1 aja The jjowo Brothers lino supplies vur yum- uu ,um-w.i NICHOLSON HABDWARE CO. -I Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor Foundry and Machinist All fc'.-M' of Enolnes, Spraylno Outfits, Pumps, Rollers and Ma chinery, Agents In Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, M0P8E & CO. rigfyt in retrospect, , i