Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 06, 1910, FIRST SECTION, Image 7

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t t
An ordlnitnco vaniitlriw nnrtloiiH (if
Honrd Htrcot, IMiIpiim Htriiot, Roddy
nvoniio, Queen Anno uvi'inid ti ml cor
tnlii ullnyH In Qiic'ii Anno nddltlon to
tlio city of .Modford.
Vlinnmn, petition Iiiih Ihmiii MUul
for tlin vnriitlon of wtiiln pottlonH
of wt renin iiml nlloyM In tli Quoon
Anno ntlilltlon to tho city of Mod
ford, iiml wlicroiiH duo notice of tho
Intnullou to vncnto tlil miuiu wnti kIv
jii an by law required, und III" tliuo
for prolcMlliii! iiKitliiitt, or objecting
to hhcIi vricutloim linn expired, und no
inch protonlM, or ubjuolloim, havo
id.'Dii filed, mid whorenn mi mncndud
pint of tliu mild Queen Anno nddltlon
bIiowIiir tho mruiiKoiiiuut of loin,
blocks mid ntrcotH In accordance with
mioh vacation has boon npproved liy
tho city ouKlnccr, mid tho city coun
cil of Hits city of .Modford,
Now, therefore, tho City of Mud
ford dotli oritnlii nu followu:
Tlmt Hoard Hlroot, Phlppit ntrcot,
mid all Hint portion of Queen Anno
avenue mid lluddy avenue, lying nt
or tlio omit lino of I'lilppH atreot, mid
tlio iillM HiroiiKli Queen Anno nddl
tlon to tlio city of Modford, na Known
mid Indicated upon tlio orllnnl pint
of mild Quoon Anno nddltlon, record
ed In Vol. ono (1) at pnipi flfty-ono
(CI) of tlio rocordd of plnta of Jack
eon county, Oregon, ho nnd tho immo
are hereby vncnlod, Und tho ninondod
pint of mild Quoon Anno nddltlon this
dny prevented to tho city council for
approval, toKothor with tho chanco
In tho iinmea of tho iitroots thoroon
Indicated la horohy ratified mid np
provod. Tho foregoing ordlnnnco wn pnaa
d hy tin city council March 2d, ID 10,
Klfort voting nyo. ,Morrlck nbiiont,
Worttiinu ubisent, JCinorlck voting nyo,
Doiuuior votliiK nyo, Wolch voting
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
Do It roaolvcd hy tho city council
of tho city of Modford t
Section 1. That thoio la horohy
propoaod to mid aobmlttod to tho lo
Kit! volora of tho city of Modford, for
approval or rejection, tho following
propoaed miioiidiuonl to tho chnrtor
of anld city, to-wlt:
A charter ninendinont to tho char,
tor of tho city of M oil ford, Oregon,
amending atilcaoctlon 12 of aoctlnn 25
and Hcctlou 100 of anld chnrtor, giv
ing tho tliuo for which contractu tuny
ho entered Into nnd frunchlaoa bo
granted hy natd city,
Tho pooplo of tho city of Modford
do ordain na followa:
Suction 1. That auhaoctlon 42 of
eeetlon 2C of tho chnrtor of tho city
of Modford bo amended bo na to road
ai followa;
42. No franchlao or contract
hall ho granted for a longer pe
riod than tou yonra, oxcopt atrcot
railway frnnchlaoa, nnd franchliea for
, tlio purpose of uupplylng gas to tho
city nnd Ita Inhabitant, which may
bo grunted tor audi period na tho
council or lognl votora of aald city
may aeo fit.
Section 2, That aectlon 100 of tho
charter of tho city of Modford bo
amended ao na to road na followa:
Section 100. No contrnct ahall ho
onterod Into hy tho city or any frnn
chlaoa granted by It for a longer pe
riod than tou yonra, oxcopt frnnchlaoa
for atreot rallwaya, and for tho pur
poao of supplying gna to tho city nnd
Ita Inhnhltnnta, which may bo grant
ed for audi periods aa tho council or
legal votora of aald city may boo fit.
No franchlao alinll grant any oxclu
alvo right or rlghta.
8octlon 3. Ho It furthor roaolvod,
tlmt anld chnrtor amendment bo bo
propoflod and aubmlttod to tho votora
of anld city na nforoanld, at a apodal
oloctlon called and to bo hold In aald
city on tho 21at day of Mnrch, 1910,
and that tho rocordor of aald city
cauao aald propoaod chnrtor amond
mont to ho printed, published and
posted In conformity with ordlnanco
No. 134 of aald city.
Tho foregoing roaolutlon wna paia
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Modford on tho 2d day of March,
1010, by tho following voto: Wolch
ayo, Merrick nbaont, Kmorlck ayo,
Wortmnn ayo, Blfort ayo and Dommor
Approvod Mnrch 3, 1910.
W. II, CANON, Mayor.
nonr. W. TELPBIl.
City Itocordar.
Tho following la tho form In which
said moaauro will npponr upon tho
Spoolnl Hloctlon, March 21at, 1910.
MnVk botwoou nunibor and nnawor
votod for.
Rubmlttod by ordor of tho city
council; chnrtor anioudmout. Voto
yea or no.
A chnrtor union din on t to tho chnr
tor of tho city of Modford, amondlne
Biib-soctlon 42 of uoctlon 26, nnd boc
tlon 100 Of enld charter, fixing tho
tlmo for which contracta mny bo on
torod Into mid frntichlsoa bo grantod
ly Bald city, nnd oxtondlng tho tlmo
for which frnnchlaoa for tho purpoBO
of flupplylng gas to tho city nnd Ita
Inhnbltnntu may bo granted by said
Ilo It roaolvod, by tho city council
of tho city of Modford:
Sootlon 1. That thoro ho and Ib
horohy ordorod n apoclnl oloctlon In
anld city, to bo hold on tho 2 1st day
of March, 1010, botwoou tho houra
of 0 o'colck n, 111. nnd 5 o'clook p. m
for tho purpoBo of Hubiulttlng to tho
lognl votora of nnld city nt Bald oloc
tlon for tholr npprovnl or rojoctlon,
.a propoaod chnrtur amondmont to tho
charter of said city, ontltlod na fol
lowa: A charter nmondmont to tho char
tor of tho city of Modford, Orogon,
amondlug aub-aootton 42 of Boctlon
25 nnd Boctlon 100 of aald chnrtor,
fixing tho tlmo for which contraota
may bo ontorod Into mid frflnchlaoa
grnntod by enld city, which chnrtor
amondmont hna horotoforo boon pro-
f -f f -r i
IiomoiI hy mid ordered mibinlUod to
tho IokiiI voter of mild city, hy tho
city council of mild city.
Hoctlon 2, Tho following placoM
aro horohy doHlKiiutoil na tho plncoa
In tho hovoral wiuiIm at which auld
election will ho hold.
Klrat ward Coniinorolnl cluh
Second wnrll llolol Ninth aamplo
Third wardCity hull.
Heetloii !l. Tho following mo horo
hy doiilKuatod mid nppolntod n
judges of nld oloctlon:
For tho Flmt ward
h. h. Damon, Judgn.
(Joo. I1. Mndloy, who ahall nlno net
na clorlc.
Chna. W. Havla, who ahall nlao act
ii h clerk.
For tho Hocond ward
I,. II. Wnrnor. JuiIko.
Win. Ulrlch, who ahull nlao net na
elork- . .... .
John nolllHBor, who ahall nlao net
nfl clerk.
For tho Third wnrd
M. F. McCown, Judge.
if. H. Cudy. who ahall also not na
'clerk. ... .j
I Bcott V. Davla, who ahnll nWo net
aa clork. , ,
i Hoctlon 3. Tho recorder la hereby
dlrcctod to kIvo notlco of anld oloc
Hon In tho name nlannor na la pro
vided hy tho chnrtor In tho enno of
annual election In anld city.
Tho foregoing roaolutlon wna pnaa
od hy tho city council of tho city of
Modford March 2d, 1010, by tho fol
lowing voto: Wolch nyo, Morrlck ah
aont, Urnorlclc nyo, Wortmnn absont,
Klfort nyo nnd Domnior nyo.
Approved March 3d, 1910.
W, H. CANON, Mayor.
Ilo It resolved, by tho city council
of tho city of Modford, Oregon:
Tlmt It la tho Intention of tho
council to lay a 4-Inch wator main on
Wolch atreot from Jnckaon atrcot
to ond of atroot, nnd to nasoaa
tho coat thereof upon tho proporty
fronting on aald portion of anld atroot
In proportion to tho frontngo of aald
rirnnitrl V.
I Tho council will meet nt tho cou'n
icll chnmbor In tho city hall In aald
Icltl on March 1 nth. 1010. at 7:30 p.
I m., at which tlmo nil proteata ngninat
the Inylng of said water main on anld
'portion of aald atroot and tho nascaa
'mont of tho coat thereof upon tho
1 property fronting thereon will bo
Tho forogolng resolution wna pns
od by tho city council of tho city of
Modford on tho 2d dny of Mnrch,
1010. -by tho following voto: Wolch
nyo, Morrlck absont, Kmorlck ayo,
Wortmnn nbaont, Klfort nyo nnd Dom-
Approvod March 3d, 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
nonr. w. tki-frii.
City Recorder.
Ilo It roaolvod. hy tho city council
of tho city of Modford, Oregon:
Tlint It Ib tho Intontlon of tho
council to lay n 4-Inch wator main on
Park Placo No. 1 from Pruno atroot
north to ond of atroot nnd to assess
tho coat thereof upon tho proporty
fronting on nnld portion of said atroot
In proportion to tho frontngo of Bald
Tho council will moot at tho coun
cil chnmbor In tho city hall In said
cltl on March 15th, 1010, at 7:30 p.
m., at which tlmo all protests ngalnat
tho laying of aald water main on aald
portion of aald atroot and tho assess
ment of tho coat thereof upon tho
proporty fronting thoroon will bo
Tho foregoing resolution wbb paas
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Modford on tho 2d day of March,
1010. by tho following voto: Wolch
nyo, Morrlck abaont, Kmorlck ayo,
Wortman abaont, Elfort ayo and Dom-
Approved March 3d, 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
City Ilecordor.
no It roaolvod, by tho city council
of tho city of Modford, Orogon:
That It la tho Intontlon of tho
council to lay a 4-Inch wator main on
Pruno atreot from Plum atroot to
Park Placo No. 1 and to nasoaa
tho coat thereof upon tho proporty
fronting on aald portion of anld atroot
In proportion to tho frontago of said
Tho council will moot at tho coun
cil chnmbor In tho city hnll In aald
cltl on Mnrch 15th, 1010, nt 7:30 p.
in., nt which time all protosta ngalnat
tho laying of said wator main on aald
portion of aald atroot nnd tho assess
ment of tho cost thorcot upon tho
proporty fronting thoroon will bo
Tho forogolng roaolutlon wna pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Modford on tho 2d day of March,
1010, by tho following voto: Wolch
nyo, Morrlck absont, Kmorlck nyo,
Wortmnn absont, Klfort nyo and Dom-
Approvod March 3d, 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
City Rocordor,
Bo ll roaolvod, by tho city council
of tho city of Modford, Orogon:
Thnt It la tho Intontlon of tho
council to Iny a 4-Inch wator main on
Plum Btreot from Elovonth street to
Pruno stroot, nnd tp asBoss
tho coat thoroof upon tho. proporty
fronting on antd portion of natd atroot
In proportion to tho frontago of aald
Tho council will moot nt tho coun
cil chnmbor In tho city hnll In said
cltl on Mnroh 16th, 1910, nt 7:30 p.
111., nt which tlmo nil protosta against
tho laying of said wntor main on said
portion of anld atroot and tho aasoaa
tnont of tho cost thoroof upon tho
proporty fronting thoroon will bo
Tho forogolng roaolutlon waB pnaa
od hy tho city council of tho city of
Modford on tho 2d day of March,
1010. by tho following voto: Wolch
nyo, Morrlck absont, Kmorlck aye,
4-4- -f---f - 4 j
f f 4 f 4 i- -f 4
Wortman nhaont, Klfort nyo nnd Horn
Approvod Mnrch 3d, 1010. '
W. II. CANON, Mayor. '
City Ilocordor.
44' 44 44-f 444t44
enn ejAi f 4
lfU U44444
FOIl HA1.K- A fine farm horao,
1200 poutida at 1009 W. Main at.
FoTrSAiTK Wlno Mowollyn aoltor
pupa, 5 montha old. 110 Houth Ivy
atroot. 300
FOR 8AM2 Now rour-room houao
nnd two Iota, $1200. Addroaa C,
care of Tribune. 302
FOIl BALK llooalor hay prewa, bug
gy nnd n two aontod wagon. H. T.
Hull, Central Point. 304
FOIl SALE Now modern hoUBO,
atrcot to bo paved All laxoa paid.
D caro Mall Tribune. 300
FOIl BAMS Full blood Plymouth
Itock cockorolB and egga; hay.
Phono Farmer 703x3.
FOR SALE A tiumbor of good work
teams, with or without hnrncaa and
wngonB. 800 O. L. Schormorhorn at
tho Weal 8ldo Stablea. 299
FOIl BALE I can deliver 3 gallons
nibornlnc'a milk from grain fed Jcr
aoya dall ut 8 to ono party wanting
milk, wholcaalo. Pox 738, Mcdford.
FOR BALE Egga for batching, 11
per setting, from puro laying atrnln
of Uarrod Rock. Phono Modford
Fnrmor 180. Addroaa Box 19C, Con
trnl Point. 321
FOR BALE About 80 ncrca; 20 ncroa
In 4 nnd 5-ycar-oId apples and pcara,
bearing nprlcota; under ditch; throo
mllos from Modford. AddrosB II,
caro Mnll Trlbuno. 299
j FOR SALE Choice buainesa prop
1 orty nt a bargain, on lone; time;
I enay tonus. Address Condor Wn-
I tor Power Co.
I FOR" SALE Soventeon lota, 1 6 fn
j ono block, cloao In, cheap If takon
I nnn Adiiresa P. O. Box 14C. Mod-
ford, Or.
FOR SALE Muat soil 5-room houao,
lot 50x120, flno location. Addroaa
Owrior, 24, caro Trlbuno.
FOiTl 3ALE 1000 cedar fence poata,
a lot of fonco plekotB. F. Oacnbruggo,
Studobakcr Broa. Co. Wnrehouso,
FOR SALE Modern bungalow, 5
rooms, bath, pantry, two porches,
wired, partly plumbed, tinted walls,
waxed woodwork, corner lot 50x
120 foot, In ono of choicest Eaat
Modford districts: houso and lot
could not now bo duplicated for
prlco asked, $2000; $1500 will han
dle. Address P. O. Box 172, 324
FOIllSAlLBhorouglibred Rhode Is
Inud Rod ogga for setting, $1.50 for
16. Mra. A. N. Hlldorbrand, 204
Rooaovolt avonue. 305
FOR SALE Wo aro recently from
tho onat und hnvo a number of east
ern buyers for an orchnrd or raw
land proposition that ia good. List
your proporty with us and glvo us a
trial. Huntloy-Kromor Company, 214
Fruitgrowers Bank bldg., Medford,
FOR SALE Ono-balf of my 80-acre
tract near Modford on main road to
Phoenix; 75 por aero loss than
prlco of sanio land adjoining. Call
or addross 3334 W, Sixth at 399
FOR SALE $200 cash will buy a
good building lot on North Front
stroot. Huntloy-Kromor Co., 214
Fruitgrowers' Bank bldg. 299
FOlTSALE $7000 buys a two-story
brick building In business center;
must bo cash and quick monoy. Sis
kiyou Realty Co., 22 Jackson Co.
Bank. 299
FOR SALE $1800 buys a aix-room
houao, two lots 50x100, gas onglno,
2 wolls, 5 poach troea, bonrlng, 2
a'pplo trees, 2 poar troos, 2 plum
troes, 25 rhubarb, 300 strawborrlos,
25 grapo stumps, all boarlng; city
wator and sower; half cash, balance
3 yonra, 0 por cent. Siskiyou Realty
Co., 22 Jackson Co. Bank. 299
FOR" SALE 2000 acres of black
loam land 2 miles of town and somo
small tracts of fruit land noar Butto
Falls at $20 por aero. Small and
largo tracts of timber on railroad
nonr Butto Falls running from $20
to $25 por aero. Adams & IUggs,
Butto Falls, Or., roal ostato, 299
FOR SALE An oxcollont Invest
ment. 4 aeros Insldo city limits In
North Modford, with 805 foot front
on S. P. R. R. right of way; halt
aero bonrlng fruit, 3-room houso
and othor outbuildings; prlco $3500,
oaBy torms on $1000. Plorce-Shop-hord
& Co., Modford, Orogon. 299
FOR SALE Chonp, whlto bull tor
rtor dog, coming 2 yoars, twlco blue
ribbon by Judgo Mortlmor, 1909
S, F, show. G3 Qroshnm st Ashland,
Or. 300
FOR SALE Why pay ront? Twenty
dollura a month buys a now 5-room
bungalow and tho prlco Is only $800.
Throo of those aro now complotod,
bo you can movo right In, others aro
bolng constructed and will bo Bold
on tho eamo oasy torma, Bonson
InvoBtmont Co. 301
Want Ads Will Retain Your Luck
4.444 4444f444444
4444444444 4-44444
POTT' HATE WhTfo" :,eghorn7 "thoF
oughbrod ogga. Addroaa 587, Mod
ford, Or. 300
FOIl BALE Tho Palms rooms; thla
la tho beat paying buslnoaa proposi
ti 11 In town. lionaon Investment Co,
FOR SALE 5 nnd 10-ncro tracts
jimt within and adjoining city lim
itH, nt n bnnrniii, on 5 nnnual pay
montH. Addross Condor Wator
Power Co.
FOIl SALE nT5" acres, under Flah
Lako ditch, 1 1-4 miles from poat
offlco. Splendid location for homo;
flno for berries and garden; ?350
por aero. Seo owner, No. 20 S.
Poach atroot, of P. O Box 842. 30C
FOiT'SALE 40 acroa of good timber
flvo miles from Modford; all down
hill. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Oro
goa FOR SALE About 05 tons baled
hay; nil first and second cut al
falfa. Inquire of II. T. Hull, Cen
tral Point. 209
FOR SALE Mimeograph for dupll
catlng Iottora. In good condition,
cheap, at offlco of Condor Water &
Power Co. 283
FOR SALE A socond-hand type
writer for sale at a very reasonable
figure. Tho Merrivold Shop, 134
W. Slain at.
FOR SALE 40 fine acttlng turkey
hens for sale. Inquire of John An
derson, managor Wcsterlund Or
chards. Tolophono Farmor 83. 299
FORSALE Good lot In Bplcndld
rcaldenco section tor less money than
a amallor lot will bring a greater dis
tance from business section. Ad
droaa Y, caro of thla office.
FOR SALE: Nfnety aens. 30 in one
year old applo and pear troca, 100
inches of wator, 2 1-2 miles from
railroad station. For terms write
"Owner," caro Mall Tribune. 261
FOR SALE CO acres, finest building
Blto In tho alloy. Includli c 30 acres
good fruit land; cheap and terms
right. II. C. Maltby, Palm Bldg..
Main and Front.
FOR SALE Modern 5;room bunga
low, close In; small payment down,
balance terms to suit; also cottago
and 4 good lota. Address L, this of
FOR SALE On North Rlvoralde
Avenue, 5 room house, barn and
,ono-half acre of good garden lajirt
all for $1500. Addross P. O. box
878. Medford. Or. l
FOR SALE Or trade. Having dis
posed of my implement, vehicle and
automobile business, I offer for sale
my Tourist demonstrating auto;
will trado for realty. D. T. Lawton.
FOR SALE Four larso lets, 58 l-2x
12b, South Front, $1300; two largo
lets. 58 1-2x127, North Front $400;
u5 acres alfalfa land, three mllos
from Medford, $300 an afro Slskl
Land Co.. 206 Phlpps bldg. 301
FOR SALE A beautiful homo In a
good locality; a well flnishod nine
room houao; nice lawn, Email or
chard, ahudo trees, good barn and
windmill; pipeline on one corner.
Inquire of F. X. Musty, Tolo. Or.304
FOR S ALB 75 acres beat fruit land
In north ond of valley; 4 mllos from
railroad; 1-2 mile from school;
about 15 acres cleared; some fruit
In bearing; Irrigating dltoh runs
through middle of It; plenty of wa
ter; with house, barn, well and
spring and 1000 cords of wood on tt;
a No. 1 road In all directions; $3600.
Buy of ownor. Soo Coleman at cig
ar factory. 268"
FOR SALE Read this special bar
gain. 10 acres of fruit, boarlng,
2 1-2 miles oast of Ashland; good
six-room houso; upstairs not fln
ishod; good well, wind pump, tank,
with water piped into the house; 1
good cow, 1 good horso, 1 hack and
harness, 1 buggy and harness, all
farming tools, spraying outfit and
pruning tools, with furniture in
houso, Includod In prlco of $4350.
Addroaa or soo .Yockoy & Boaver,
Ashland, Orogon. 300"
FOR SALE somo good buys"; 3D
acroa just outsldo Ashland city lim
its, soli deop black, sood orchard,
alfalfa or garden land; has good
Improvomei.ts; nlcoly located" to cut
In aero traits; this is n bargain at
$14,250. Also
300 acres host soil and tost Irri
gated tract In southorn Oregon; can
not bedupltcatod na a fruit or alfalfa
vonturo; will pay 20 por cont on In
vestment na an alfalfa farm.
Wo havo other tracts, both large
and small, with prices to suit any
purse; alao aomo good buys in Ash
land city proporty. For particulars
call on or address II. L. White & Co.,
No, 25 North Main atreot, room 7,
Ashland Imp. 'olcck. 321
FOR BALE Good, rich black top
dirt, Just the thing for gardens. Soo
A. Slovor.
FOR BALE For tho beat dry oak In
town call on C. F. RelehBtcIn, or
phono to 491; $8 por cord and fir
$750. 300
FOR BALE Upright boiler with 8
horao power cngiso attatched. Com
pltot for hoisting of stump pulling,
also 300 to 600 foot of wire cable,
uaed only 2 montha. Addrena P. O.
Box 29, Mcdford, Oregon. 290.
4 44444t444444444
WANTED -Gordon press reodor.
Mall Trlbuno offlco.
WANTED First-claas gardener. Ap
ply Condor Witer & Power Co.
WANTED Competent stenographer,
man preferred. J. M. Root, Jackson
County Bank bldg. 300
WANTED Teams for plowing; con
tract work near town. John M.
Root. Phono Main 3111. 299
WANTETF Man to clear 40 acres of
light brush and smuli rock, rnrju.rc
at Nash Hotel for A. R. Morgan.
WANTED Experienced stone cutter
and quarry man. Call at Condor
Wator and Power Co's. offlco.
WANTED Capable orchardlst to
caro for 50 acres of bearing trees.
Inquire for A. R. Morgan, Nash Ho
tel. WANTED Horse for lady to drive;
will pay $75 to $100; also second
hand buggy. Address H, care of
this office. 302
WANTED A good fruit land propo
sltlon that a first payment of $5000
will handle. Give description and
terms. Muat be close to station. Ad
dress Z, Mnll Tribune.
WSNTEDilari aneTwlfe, man for
gardening and wife for general
housework. Apply Condor Water &
Power Co
WANTED A man experienced In the
handling of Incubators and turkey
raising. Apply at offlco of Condor
Water & Power Co. 283
WANTED Wo have tho cash to pay
for bargains In land. Michigan Land
Co., 6 S. Fir st, 300
WANTED Four horso team for
freighting, also single team. Good
work. Craig & Fuller. Eagle
Point, Oregon.
WATJTED Patriotic citizens, willing
to rent rooms for the accommodation
of thoso crowded out of hotels. List
them with tho secretary of the Com
merclal club. 300
WANTED Young man to learn gen
eral office work: must be iblo to
take dictation and operate typewrit
er: ono living with parents preferred;
small' salary to start. Addiess Box
232, Modford, Or.
WANTED -An Investment. What
havo you? I have from $5 to $15,000
cash. Will consldor No. 1 apple and
pear dirt, raw land or set to trees,
any age; also Medford property. Ad
dress" Englnoer, Box 863, Medford.
WANTUli Man and wife want pc-
sltlon on farm or fruit ranch, fruit
ranch preferred. Address V, care
of this office. 299
tttt 4 4 4 44444
4 Pfm RFHT 4
4-444 4 4 4 4 4 444444 4-44
FOR RENT Docirablo rooms by
tho week or month. 322 South
Nowtown street.
FOR REN'i Modern furnished
houBokeeplng rooms; no email chil
dren. 222 Couth Holly st.
FOR RENT Nicely tarnished rooms
for ront with board; transients ac
commodated by the day or week,
No. 10 North Grape street, next to
Fruit Growers' bank.
WANTED I would llko to commu
ntcato with tho ownor of any good
land that a first payment of $1500
or $2000 will handle. Must bo close
to station. All correspondence troat
od confidentially. Address A. Mall
FOR RENT New nnd ntcoly fur
nished sleeping rooms, charges rea
sonable. Mrs. J. F. Hutchaaon. Dl
recttons: Go wost to Oakdalo, then
north to Fourth street, then wost
to Olson street, tho first atroet on
north side of Fourth streot as you
go wont. Phone 3207. 297
FOR RENT Traota of land from
0110 to forty acres; with water for
irrigation, suitable for raising po
tatooa and garden truck, also suit
able for chicken and turkey raising.
Owner will furnish a reasonable
amount of lumber and poultry and
other fencing for Improvements if
lessee perform labor of erecting
same. Call at office of Condon
Water and Power company for pax
44444444 44 44444444
4444444444 44444444
TO RENT Four-room cottago. 412
S. King at. 299
FOR RENT Furnished honickeop
lng rooms. 143 North Qrapo at. 300
FOR RENT Farm for rent. Inqulro
of C. II. -Corey, at Garnott-Corcy
FOIl RENT A ground floor room
under a windmill; good wator and
a ran go for cooking. 11133 South
Oakdalo avenue. 299
FOR RENT Modern furuts'
ropms at GOt Vest 10th or 124 King
street. "
FOR RENT Only hotel in town of
1000 population. Call at Condor
Water and Power Co., 209 West
Main street.
44 4444444444444444
FOR EXCHANGE Will take a team.
wagon and harness an part payment
on a lot. Address J. E. S care Mall
Tribune. 299
FOR EXCHANGE Good work horse
to exchange for a driving horse, suit
able for a lady. Address P. O. Box
4 44 4 4 444444444
Tin Shops.
J. A. SMITH Tin Bhop. Tim and
sheetiron ware on hand and made to
order. 128 North G street.
Palm Building.
LEY Attornovs-at-law. No. 9 D
street, ground floor.
vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of
fice Medford National Bank Build-
intr. second floor.
B. F. MTJLKEY Attorn ey-at-Law,
Offices Room 30, Jackson County
Bank Building, Medford.
Transfer and Orayajg.
H. S. BRUMBLE Drayage and
transfer. Baggage stored. Office
C and Seventh.
Real Estate.
Estate. Loans and Fire Insuram
Office, suite 205-206, over Pruit
growera' Bank. Phone 541.
would suggest that you call at our
office in search of real estate bar
gains. We refuse to list any prop
erty for which owner asks more
than we think it ia worth. We do
not care to make sales at extrava
gant and unreasonable prices. You
will not find ub tagging you on the
street or annoying you at the hotel,
hence this invitation to call at our
office. No. 128 E. Main st. Pierce,
Shepherd & Co. .
Brick Companies.
G. W. Priddy. J. T. OTJrieu.
O. D. Nagle.
manufacturers and contractors;
also lime, cement and plaster in any
quantity. Office, Medford National
Bank bldg. Phone Main 545;
dortakers. Day phone 351. Night1
Phones: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H.
Bntler 3571.
Mackey and die with joy." Over Al
len & Reagan's store; entrance on
Seventh street.
344 South C at., Modford, Or. E.
W. nisoy, Matron. Official hospi
tal P. & E. R. R.
ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block.
Stonographia work done quiokly and
BRICKLAYERS Charlos Kutin, at
Smokehouse, first-class bricklayer,
stoneworker, cement stopping,
stucoo and moulding, fireplaces and
tile work a speoialty, European
planjdny or contract.
CINES Will ouro rheumatism,
nsthmn, paralysis, sores and pri
vate diseases. Those remedies may
be procured at the Sing Lee laun
dry, 123 S. Riversido nvenuo, Med
ford, Or., where thoy will bo sold
by the proprietor.
Dr. Chow Young 1ms treated sev
eral sovore cases with his remedies
sinoo coming to Modford and has
for roferonoe some of the bost
kiovn and most intelligent citizens
in Southern Oregon. Call on him.
4 44 4444444444 44 444
44444444444 4444 444
Printers and Publishers.
bent equipped job office In South
ern Oregon; Portland p.iccs. 37
South Central ave.
Piano Instruction.
instruction and musical history.
Studio, No. 8 S. Orjiugo St. Pbo
Main 2491.
HARMONY, sight reading, muaiemi
form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitaa
College of Music. Miss Flora Gray.
Studios, 144 South Central ftVesan.
Phone 493.
Civil Engineers.
WILL take by contract, on reason
able terms, all kinds of work; Je
irrigating, planting and cultivating,
etc. Landscape gardening. First
class references. William Peters,
Civil Eniner, Phone 1801, 322 K,.
Main street, Medford, Or. '
Bill Posters.
VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster aa
Distributor. All orders promptly
filled. Room 7, Jackson Coaaty
Bank Building, Medford,. Or.
BiWari Partes.
S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiard, Ci
gars and Soft Drinks. Up ttsten.
Young & Hall building. A nice eeel
place to spend the hot afternoowi.
J. K. A. BILES Architect and
Builder. P. O. Box 486, Medford,
Or. Your building respectfully ae
licited. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects anSd
Builders, office 7-8, 235 Mak.
Phone Mala 3471. Residence pboa
2471. . 1
Carriage and Auto Palatini.
WORKS High-dass work guaran
teed. Signs. Riverside aveaa.
Phone 801.
H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new
and second-hand furniture aad
hardware. Agents for Mound City,
kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st.
Corner 8th and Holiy sts., Medford.
Mission Furniture made to order.
Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial
order solicited.
and Ranges. New and Second-Hani
Furniture. Kids' old sUnd, 18 W.
F Bt. 8onth. Phone 91, Medford, Or.
are budded, not grafted. Our stoek
is set irrigated. We guaraatee sv
erythmg put out. We are Hot in tiu
trust. EL B. Pattersoa, office is
Hotel Nash.
Growers of higk-er&da nursery
stock. C. F. Cook, Prop. R. R. V.
depot, P. O. Box 841. Phone liWlt
MRS. E. E. GORE Piano kstruette
Metropolitan College of Musie. Mia
Flora Gray. PJrou 493. 144 Sosth
Central iveew.
BttltiHrHi and tew Asstdatle,
Boggs, Acting Secretary, 126 Zaaft.
Main street.
DR. W. M. VAN SCOYQC, Dentist
Office in rooms 203-264, Farmers
& Fruitgrowera' bank building, weat
of the tracks.
Physklara ane! Stwp&Hs.
R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite
Jackson County bank. Night eUfl
promptly answered. Office and resi
dent phone Main 3432.
Offic-ea in HaEkins' bailding. Phone,
Main 1001.
Stewart Building Physicians and
Surgeons. Office phone Main 341l
private phono Main 612.
8. R. SEELY. M, D. Physician Mid
Surgeon. Modem equipped operat
ing rooms. X-Ray. Office hours j
10-12, 2-4 p. m. Offioo in Jacksos
County Bank Bailding.
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathle
Physicians. Mission Block. Poott
201, Medford.
Cttars and Tobaccee.
IRELAND & ANTLE Smoke Hoojm,
dealers in tobacco, cigars and smok
ers' supplies. Exclusive ageata ol
Lewis Single Binder, II Merito and
El Palencia. 212 West Main atrse t.
Messenger Service.
gers furnished at all IiOhtb of day
and till 9 p. m. to any jurt of elty,
from 10c to S5c Phoa Mala 1S11,