THIS I,EEDFO.RD MAIL TRIBUNE, ALEPyQUD, OREGON, SUNDAY, atAROH G, 1910. I I IRAN AND TOMMY MCCARTHY 10 FIGHT Fans Speculation as to Outcome of Battle Will Meet In AprilBoys Must Make One Hundred and TMrty-two Pounds. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., March 5 Fi$ht fans today are speculating on the probable outcome of tho 20 .round fight between Chvcn Moron, tbo little English scranper, and Tommy McCarthy, a local lad, who nro matched to fight in April be fore the Broadway Athletic club. Jimmy Griffin, who matched the youngsters, has not set the exact date, but it is expected that tho clash will be scheduled for April 15. It is quite probable that Moran "will take on Matty Baldwin in Kan sas City for a ten-round nb-decision fight is the meantime. He has a lentathe offer from Kansas City promoters to meet Baldwin some time this month. According to the articles for the Moran-McCartliy go, the boys are to make 132 pounds at 7 o'clock on the night of the bout. 1 1 T T AT THE CHURCHES. Baptist Church. All of tho regular services will bo held in tho Baptist church next Sun day. Sermons by tho pastor; Sun day school, 10 a. in.; preaching, 11 n. in. and i :au p. m.; loung Peo ple's meeting, 6G:30 p. m. It is re quested that all nicmbors who have not received the hand of fellowship will be present at tho morning serv ice. A. A. Holmes, pastor. Christian Church. At the Christian church, corner of Sixth and Ivy streets. Biblo school at 10 iu n.; communion service nnd sermon, 11 a. m.; C. E. at 0:30 p. m.; evening service, 7:30; sormon on "The Great Teacher." Good music, large chorus. Everybody welcome. W. Theo. Matlock, pastor. CONGRESS SAYS TO PEARY; SHOW ME RESOLUTION. Ho It resolved, by tho city counctl of the city of Moilfortt, Oronon: ' That It Is tho Intontjon of tho council to lay a 4-lnrli wntor nmln on Klovonth atroot from Hamilton Rtroet .to Plum Rtroot, nnd to rbhobb tho cost thereof upon tho property fronting on said portion of snlil stroot 'In proportion to tho frontngo of said . property. Tho council will turot nt thn rnun Commander Must Produce Proof That Ho Reached North Polo" 5.?"!l.c"w "1?.. ?. ..V1?!!!1: I via v ii in uv 111 iuu viij ntui iu mi hi Ua Uftlllfl DaaaIija UnMA iL.teltl on March 15th. 1910. nt 7:30 n, ..uu.u ,.wv...y ..u..u. a, ",m., at which time nil protostsnKalnst Hands Of Connress. tho laying of said wntor main on said portion of snld street nnd tho nHHONS' incut of the coat thoroof upon thn property fronting thereon will ho hoard, , Tho foregoing resolution wnti pnim oil by tho city council of tho city of Mcdfnrd on the 3d tiny of March,' 1910, by thu following vote! Woleh , nyo, Merrick absent, Hinorlclc aye,' wortmnn absent, Klfort nye nnd uom Approved March 3d, 1010. V. H. CANON, Mayor. AttcBt: UOUT. W. TRM'-KU, City Kecordor. o'clock. "Man." Christian Science. Services Sunday at 11 Subject of lesson-sermon, Sunday school at 10:00. Testimon ial meoting Wednesday evening nt 7:30. Tho public is cordially invit ed to theso services. 128 North Grape street, north Sherman-Clay music house. M'KINLEY'S COUSIN IS WOULD-BE MURDERER PITTSBURG. Pn., March 5. Ed ward C. Miller, formerly a society saan of Canton, O., and who claims to bo a cousin of tho late President "William McKinley, is in jail here today awaiting the result of a bnllet he fired into the neck of Mrs. Alex ander Wright of Sewickley, Pa. "Thi3 is the end of two has fceens," Miller declared when he drew lik revolver and shot tho woman. The bullet was imbedded in her seek. Physicians at the hospital to which she was removed feared she would not recover from the wound. Miller was denied bail. No cause is known for the shooting. Ovtralf Off to Train. ' YISALIA, Cal., 3fareh 5. Orval Overall, one of the star pitchers of the Chicago National league base ball team, will leave here this evening for New Orleans to join the Cnbs. Overall announced that he had come to terms with President Mur phy on the Chicago team. Presbyterian Church. Preaching at 11 a. m., subject, "Steadying Power"; preaching in the ovening at 7:30, subject, "According to Faith"; Sunday school at 10 a. ra., C. E. society at 6:30 p. m. Tho Men's club meets Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. in the church. An interesting program is prepared by tho commit tee. One part of the program is a debato on the "Direct Primary." A fnll attendance is expected. WASHINGTON, D. a, March 5. Tho movement to socuro tho thnuks of congress for Commander Robert j E. Peary for discovering tho north polo created a new and purzling sit-' untion today. ! Representative R. B. Mncon, a member of tho sub-committeo on naval affairs, which is considering tho matter, has demanded that Peary produce tho proofs that ho reached the north pole. Teary refused to do so. Representative Macon declared! that ho did not behove any member of the committco would consont to' legislation to secure a vote of thanks for Peary without seeing tbo grounds for it. Professor Gannett of tho const and geodetic survey and n member of tho National Geographical soci ety, told the committee that Peary objected to submitting tho proofs where they might becomo miblic property, as Peary desired to use them in newspaper and mngnzino ar ticles. At the time Professor Gannett was speaking ho had a copy of the proofs in his possession, but refused to surrender it to the committee. ; 9 ' Davenport to Oregon. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., March S. Homer Davenport, the cartoonist, expects to leave Snn Francisco to- Railroad Official on Coast. SAN FRANCISCO. f!ni Mw dal for his oId home in Oregon Ruler of S000 miles of railroad ' nmvea nero yesiemny TTnW n r..o Mc:f r u.Jlrom ml Loma, Southern Cnhfor Rock Island road, is here today for a brief tour of the coast. The Rock Island magnate denied that there was any railroad significance in his visit. It is likely that he will visit all coast cities before returnng to Chicago. Mudgo became vice-president of tho Rock Island road five years ago when he resigned as general manager of the Santa Fe to accept the posi tion. A few months ago he became president when B. L. Winchell re tired from the presidency. nin, where he hns been recuperating at the home of A. G. Scalding for two months. Weston Well on His Way. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., Mnrch 5. Edward Payson Weston left Springer todav for Ralon on his , walk across the continent from the Pacific to the Atlantic ocean. Yes- j terdny he walked from Shoemaker to Springer, a distance of 42 miles. The aged pedestrian arrived there last night at 7:30. lie expects to spend Sunday at Trinidad, Colo. FOR SALE $12,525 -Eleven acres in Cornice pears, 10 yoars old, nine acres in Bartlett and Anjou pears, 1 to 3 years old; close in; good soil. Toxins. $12,000 Eleven acres in Cornice and Bosc pears, 14 years old. Tiiese trees are in full bearing apd will pay a good income on tho prico asked. $24,000 Thirty-two acres in 3osc and Anjou pears; trees arc from 4 to 7 years of ago. Complete not of buildings. Close in. $7000 Thirty-five acres of black sticky, three miles from Medford, all under the ditch and can bo irri gated. $13,000 Thirty-two acres, close to Medford; oight acres in Nowtowns and Spitzenbergs 5 to 7 years of age; 14 acres in alfalfa; three acres in peaches; cu uuiua hi ucrnus, lrrigaiea; ouiKiings. $13,000 Twenty acres; 16 acres in 7-ycar-old New towns and balance in 3-year-old Bartlett pears; no buildings. $7500 Ten acres, all planted to Newtown and Spit- zenberg apples, 7 to 11 years old. $14,000 Thirty-five acres; buildings; exceptionally line place lor a nomo; twelvo acres in apples m d pears 3 yoars old; about an aero of bearing orchard: 11 acres in alfalfa; all fine deep free soil. $150 to $200 per acre Stewart acre tracts; two miles from Medford; tracts are from 10 to 25 acres in size. Fine building spots on all; can all be irrigated; cheapest tracts in the Medford neighborhood; easy terms. $300 per acre Finest five and ten-acre orchard and garden tracts in the valley; easy terms $35,000-270 acres; buildings; 26 acren in bearim; Spitz, Newtowns and Cornice pears about 60 acres in one and two-year-old apples and pears; fine or chard land. SELLING AGENTS FOR SNOWY BUTTE ORCHARD TRACTS. W. T. YORK & CO J K. HNYA'K'I, iWriniu JOHN 8 OKTII, niNn.M J. A. IM-JUHY, W II. JACKHON, AhhH CnHhinr THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK UANTAL . $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted, Wo solicit your patronage. 1 WAJSilED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FUKKISIIED. B. H. Harris & Co. MFDFORD - - - - OREGON Office in Jaokouu uoutity Bank Upstairs REAL ESTATE Farm Land Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building ; fa ' . 4. V A', ..V EDEN VALLEY ORCHARD THE ORCHARD THAT HAS SHIPPED MORE FRUIT TO THE MARKETS OF THE WORLD THAN ANY OTHER IN SOUTHERN OREGON. THE ORCHARD THAT IS ALL IN BEARING AND IS A GUARANTEED INCOME PRODUCER OF THE FIRST RANK. THE ORCHARD THAT FOR IDEAL SOIL, SIGHTLINESS OF LOCATION, NEARNESS TO SHIPPING POINT AND CONVENIENCE OF SCHOOL, CHURCHES AND SOCIAL LIFE OF MEDFORD LEADS ALL OTHERS. THE ORCHARD THAT FOR THE LOCATION OF CHOICE HOMES, WHERE A MAGNIFICENT VIE W OF THE ENTIRE VALLEY IS TO BE HAD, MAKES IT DOUBLY DESIRABLE. THE ORCHARD THAT CANNOT BE EXCELED AS A DIVEDEND PAYER WHEN PURCHASED IN TRACTS OF FROM 30 ACRES UP. THE ORCHARD THAT SHOULD INTEREST YOU IF YOU ARE SEEKING AN INVESTMENT IN THE ROGUE RIVER, VALLEY. THE ORCHARD THAT FOR PRICES AND TERMS WILL PAY YOU TO SEE. i, , - .'' i i i JOHN D. OLWELL EXHIBIT BUILDING u t. it- v