T11K MEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE, MflPFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 1910. VERNON TO MAKE SOCIAL AND PERSONAL - Mookor's for spring Bklrts. Dun J. Mulurkoy of Portland was In Modford Saturday cm ,1 bummmH Ha, H.jan ,naUpUra!M Coa8t Baso mi') Coffee nt Qoodfrlond'H. U. It. Wilton, H. M. Hawkins ami GutiiK'o 1 Trll'fort of Lou AiikoIoh, prominent capitalists of Hoiitliurn Cullforiiiu, aro in Modford looking' ovur tho valloy with a vluw lo In- VOHttllOlit. WW Kldd's Shoe. Major II. C. Washburn of Enlo Point wan a Madford bunluoHH visitor Saturday. M. M. Oboneliuln of Oakland, Cul., Is in Modford on a vlnlt. Poach troun for sulo at ton oontu CoiiU uach. II. H. PattorHon, NuhIi ho tel. A. W. IIiihhM of Albany, Or., is Mr. and Mrs. J. II. IIohhIr of Port ' bM .f ... . ... I nalnfl Mifi Klamath aro viHitliitr In Modrord. John Whorton of JJutto Falls was a Modfotd businoKS visitor Saturday. h. A. Vostnl of 1 Hittto nviih in Mod ford on business Saturday. Cui.inla nt Ooudfrlond's, Huy your itiHiiranco in tlio big companion roprosoutod by It. A. Holinofli tlio insurance man. Hoom 10, Jackson Co. bank. .'101 If your homo don't jjo just right try CnHkoy ft Klliott. They will tnako him o all riht or mako no charuo. 303 Woar Kidd'a Shoes. Charles W. Ilnmill of Chicago, law partner of Governor Dcuccn of IllinolH, and a brothor of T. W. Hnm- III of Modford, arrived Saturday to vinit his rolativoH and moo tlio Rogue nivor valloy. Chinnwaro nt Qoodfriond's. Marshall Hooper of Sonttlo has boon appointed gonera! manager for Southoni OroRon of tlio Mutunl Benefit Life Insurance company of Newark, N'. J., with headquarters at Jfcdford, and has arrived to open of fice hero. Colonel R. C. Washburn of the Table Itock orchard Hpont Saturday in Modford. Phono 2001, Ooadfriend'h. C. C. MoClondon of Gold Hill has rotumod from upending tlio winter in Southern California. Mr. H. D. Held of Gold Hill is vinitliiK in Modford, the fjuout of Mr. and Mr. C. P. Young. Wear Kidd's Shoes. Mw. Nollio Newbury of Jackson villo was a Modford visitor Saturday ovenlng.- W. O. Ooffo of Contrnl Point was a Modford visitor Saturdny. S. T, Smith and John Hanks of Hosohurg aro in this city on busi ness. Stationery, office and school hud plies at the Merrivold Shoo. Qrovcr Co ruin and P. T. Emoriek havo purclmBod tlio Emoriok lodging House and will run tlio some Tons nt Goodfriend'a. 250 fool, cast frontago, closo in, price $20 por foot, good terms. This fa a splendid location for cottngo or apartment houses; investigate. J. 1Y. Drossier Agency. W. Main. 305 Linen on sal eat Hniiatr ft Co. 'a. Kxtrncts at Goodfriend's. The Valley Auto Co. reports tho ale of four mnchlnos tho past week. V. II. Dally of Eagle Point was in Hertford on business Saturday. Georgo N. Lowls of Jaoksonvlllo was a Modford visitor Saturdny. Thomas Itlloy, ex-county commis sioner, was In town from his farm 8aturday. Flowur pots nt Goodfriend's. Joseph Kolly, retired railroad man. was In town from his farm wobI of the city Saturday. "Tho slmplo Hfo for mo horoaftor," says Joo. "I nm raising good crops and a pair of husky boys on tho ranch, and both Ides of tho situation looks good to ball Season by Predicting, Vernon Will Win Ran This Year. VEHNON, Cal., Mnrah 0 Hogau inaugurated tho local hnso hall soasou today with a modost nu iiouncomont that Vernon would win tho pounnnt, or coma near doing so. "It's only a question of how far wo aro going to finish in front of tho other follows," said Hogau. "Tho Vornon mnuagomout bus spout a lot of inonoy to sccuro now players, and from whoro I nm Hit ting I can't soo whoro any other club in thu Pacific Coast lenguo bus any best of us. I asked tho boosters and knock ers alike to havo patienco with mo, and I would put- a real bull team hnok of tho sonrlot "V". Now I havo kept my word, and wo aro ready to go before tho public for judgment. "I am giving tho fans a brand-now infield- Pisher, Hrnshor, Lindsay, Durroll and Wardall now men, and thoy cost us n lot of money. I tell you, wo aro going to mako a big fight for tho pennant, nifd I want the support of every man, woman and kid who will como out and mot forj us." I FUNDER FIVE FEET YOU CANT BE A "HELLO" GIRL BIS. Ornnitewnro nt Goodfriend's. n. A. nolmes, tho Insurnnoo mnn. Phono 781, room 10, JackBon County tank. 3oi Chnrlon D. Ilnnolrigg loaves to night for Soattlo to nrrnngo his bookings for noxt sonson with John Cort, wostorn roprosontatlvo of Klaw & Erlangor. Mrs. Hnzolrigg accom panies him, Wear Kidd'a Shoos. CM Corsots nt Mookor's. J. W. Millor of Trail was in Mod ford Saturdny on business. Miss Honry of Jaoksonvlllo was a Modford visitor Saturday. Wnshtubs nt Qoodfriond's, MIbs Stolln T.ovy of Jacksonville nun n Modford business visitor Sn orday. PonJ. Collins of tho JnokHonvillo bnnk spout Friday night in Modford. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jnokson of Jnoksonvillo woro in Modford shop ping Saturday. Cntlory and glassware at Good friend's, Phono 000 and havo G. E. Piorco of tho Modford groonhouso call around and holp you In laying out yonr grounds nround your homo. 302 Boddlng plants wo cortainly havo them. Phono 000. 302 Full ansortmont nf Whitman's cho dies at The Merrivold Shop. WASHINGTON, March G. She Is not a telephone girl If sho Is undor flvo ?ot. Tin rompanlofl employ only girls who can reach to tho top of their switchboard and a reasona ble dlstnnro sldowlne. Conditions existing in tolophono ox luuu;ei) throuKhotit tho country aro wit forth In tho roport recently sent to tho mmnto denting with tho Inves tigation made by tho burcnu of la bor. Tho height Is often detormlnod without the applicant's knowlodgo by n ycung woman who engages tho for mor In conversation whllo eho com pare! the lovol of tho othor's oyes with her own. "osm lor leiopnono girls vary from n highest monthly average of MC V' In Now York city to $22.40 In rsnihvlbo, Tenn. In eomo of tho smaller rftlcs tho arorago goos oven lower, particularly Jn tho south. Hfflclcni tervlco la poislblo up to 225 cal". nn hour for each girl. Sho cnnn'r niHwor more thnn that with oat mini- ro horaolf or Injuring tho sorvlco. Singer nuwing machines, 214 S. O trcot. Phono 2051. 3M Poach trees for snlo cheap. An entire carload at 10 cents each. II. H. Paterson, Nash Hotel. Wear Kidd'a Shoes. A frituli Inl nf Wliilinmi'H inniv nt "JIfI" i Titf Merrivold Shop. 300 When you want fancy horsoshoo Ing try Caskoy & Elliott. 303 John II. Carkin, nttonioy at law, over Jackson County Dank. " Soo tho Morrivnld Shop for books, magazines and fine onuraving. For wood of nil klnda, sco the Ban aro Deal Woodyard, Phone 2001 . Fir ntrcot, botweon Second and Third streots. Gould & I.lndley, proprietors. 2C1 McCall Patterns. Mookor's. " H. A. Holuios, tho insuranco man, represents tho big compnnios. Hoom 1(1, Jnokson Co. bank. 301 If you vant satisfaction try a tack of Mt. Hood Snow-Fail Flour For snlo nt tho Russ Mill. Remem ber tho placo. Polk Hull & Son Slngo and Wheelor & Wilson sow ing machines for sale and rent. Sup plies and repairs for all kinds. Ad droBs 211 8. Grapo. Phone 2054. Spring skirts. Meeker's. Spices at Goodfriend's. " Whitman's marshmallows, choco- lato maraschino chorrios, chocolate almonds, otc, nt Tho Merrivold Shop. 300 Wo havo just received a fino lot of table ferns. Modford Greenhouse 302 Call and sco us about that sclf wntoring flowor and cemetery box Water them onco in two weeks is all that is nccotmry. Mcdford Green house, 023 East Main. 302 Ton acres fino foothill land, V2 acres fino 8-yoar-old Nowtown ap ples. This will produce a nico crop this year; 2' acros Nowtown ap ples just planted, 0 acres brush land, all good, tillable land; fine building site, ono milo to good school, fino orchards all around. Price $2500. J. W. DrosBlcr Agency, West Main. 305 L0NGW0RTH WILL NOT RUN FOR GOVERNOR WASHINGTON, March 5. Nicho las I.ongworth will not bo tho candi date of tho republicans for tho Ohio governorship this fall. This nows camo as tho result of a tliroo-hour conforonco hold at tho White House today by President Toft, Wado H. Kills, tho now chairman of tho Ohio statu republican oxocutlvo commlttco, and Mr. Longworth. Mr. Longworth has Just returned from a tour of Ohio. Ho roportot to tho prosldout that the outlook for re publican success Is unusually bright, but doclarod ho had no deilro to run for gorornor, proforrlng to stay In congress. President Toft oxprossod a doslro that tho opinion among Ohloans that ho Intends to tako any part In tho fight for the gubernatorial nomina tion bo dinslpatod. Tho president wants a froo-for-all contest for tho nomination. Ho has no cholco. Tho proBldont thinks tho republic ans should hold tholr conventions bo foro tho domocrats hold tholrs. MEXICO COLLECTS DUTY ON IMPORTED MEXICAN PESOS LAREDO, Tox., March 5. Moxl- onn customs offtcors aro now confis cating Moxionn dollars undor a ro cont ordor of tho govommont estab lishing n duty of 10 por cont on Mox ionn Bilvor dollars brought into thnt oountry. Many morohnnts in this city hnvo takon Moxican money nt 40 cents on tho dollar since tho duty wns ostnl lisjiod nnd havo boon in tho hnbit of Bonding it to tho opposito flido of tho Rio Grande nnd soouring for it 40 nnd 40 nonts. Tho customs author ities this wook npprohondod ono of thoso moRsongors and confiscated his silver oargo. GERG0RY INVESTS IN LARGE CIRKUT PANORAMA CAMERA Lawrouoo A. Gregory has puroh- nsod a largo olrkut panorama, cam era, which is tho third owned In tho stnto, ono being owuod by Kisor of Portland nnd tho othor by Gfford of Tho Dnllns. Tho mnohino will tako 11 panorama photo ton foot long and Is n splondid 0110 for orchard and soonio work. HER 'DEAD' NO. I REAPPEARS AS HER NO. 2 GOES TO JAIL tha Stark-Scarborough Is having great annoyance with hor husbands. No sooner Is sho rid of ono thnn an other pops up. Sho Is tired of this nnd now asks tho courts to dlson- tnnglo hor. Sho says that in May, 1907, sho met and was wedded to Lehman Stark. For a tlmo all wont well, but ono day Lehman disappear ed. Aftor many months thoro came a lcttor from n sister of tho missing bridegroom saying that Stark was dead. OIn duo tlmo Mrs. Stork b oca mo Mrs. Scarborough. Last month Scar borough was sont to dwoll in tho workhouso. Thon who should appear but tho supposedly defunct Lehman. Ho was wolcomod'by Mrs. Scarbor ough, who today asked tho courts to sovor tho knot that tied hor to Scarborough. ELLIS TO CALL ON TAFT ON MINOR BUSINESS CINCINNATI, O., March 5. Fol lowing his social repudiation by President Taft, Wado U. Ellis, chair man of tho Ropublicdn state central committee, today departod for Washington. It was announced that ho intonded to confer with tho pres ident In tho capital on "minor busi ness details." wo Guaranteed Hosiery In our Hosiery Department havo always carrlod Indies' and chil dren's hosiery. Wo aro Just Jn receipt of ladlos GUARANTEED equaro doat hoslory, a wrltton guarantoo signed by oumolvoE goes with each box of six pairs for $1.50; six pairs guaran teed six months, or now stockings; price for slnglo pair, 2Go, although tho factory will not furnish a wrltton guarantoo whoro loss than six pairs aro purchased at ono tlmo. Tho hool, too and solo Is doublo light wolght llnou. Examlno thoso stockings and youu will buy thorn. 1 The Wardrobe V 210 West Main Formers & Fruitgrowers Building Alfalfa, Fruit and Vine Land $75 per acre in tracts to suit. Three lines of transportation; near three good towns with S. P. Station on property. Abundance of Water For Irrigation See D, Vreeland, Hotel Nash, Medford, Oregon, about the Mc intosh ranch that is located on the following lines of transportation in the great Sacramento valley Shipping On tho Southern Pacific and Northern Electric railroads and bordered on tho cast by the Sacramento river with its boats ply ing batween San Francisco and Red Dluft this land has the best possible rail and water transportation. Electric Power Nearby are located two of the great stations of the Valley Counties Electric Company, which Is ono of the greatest power transmitting concerns In the United States, and which by Its won dorful system is capable of conducting electricity thrco hundred miles. Light Two of tho transmission lines of this company pass over our property, thus affording opportunity for the obtaining of lights and power at a very low cost. Six Trains Daily Flvo trains each way dally on the electric railway, and one passenger train dally on the steam railway pass Mcintosh Ranch. Rich, Deep Soil Tho soli is rich and deep and affords opportunity for tho growing of a great variety of products, but is particularly suitable for producing peaches, pears, oranges and grapes, while alfalfa Is grown here luxuriously and yields a crop quickly, affording forago for llvo stock, anu when rnoro Is raised than can be con sumed at home it is always salable at good prices. An Inland Empire Of all tho rich valleys In California none is richer no soil Is more fertile than that of tho great Sacramento Valley, and of all of the tracts comprised In this great inland emplro none Is more delightfully situated than Mcintosh Ranch in Glenn County. D.eposit of Uncounted Centuries The soli Is a mixture of alluvial and gravel formation and perfectly adapted to the growth of oranges, nuts, olives and all tho semi-tropical fruits, and especially alfalfa the richest and most nuptritlous forage tor the live stock. This splendid soil is tho deposit of uncounted centuries left by tho flow of the great river gathered from the watersheds of tho mountains. An Evidence of Faith An evidence of faith In this location Is given by the invest ment of extensive capital In the building of an electric railway, and tho orcction of a sugar manufacturing plant at Hamilton City, ono and ono-half miles from our land, at a cost of $1,500, 000. Beet Sugar Ono of the greatest industries in the United States today is that of making boot sugar. In 1907, 7,150,010 tons of beet sugar were refined in the United States. The Factory At Hamilton City, one and a halt miles from our property, tho beet sugar factory Is already" established, and employs 400 hands. Tho factory pays out one Quarter of a million dollars a year to Its men, besides large amounts for necessary supplies. Hamilton City Hamilton City already has a hotel, bank, school, church, busi ness I1011803, dwelling houses, Ice plant, water works, electric lights, cement sidewalks, fino streets one hundred feet wide, river, steam, nnd oloctric transportation, park, pleasure grounds, and is located In ono of the most delightful countries on earth. Market for Ranch Products. Hero you will find a growing western community, full of ltto and prosperity, a market for many of tho small products of tho ranch and tho contor of amusements and. pleasure and educa tion and refinement. Rainfall The nvorago rainfall In this country for the past sixteen years has been 21. ISO Inches. Temperatures The average mean tomporature during tho same tlmo has been ns follows: January ... .46,53 May 67.44 Soptembor .. .72.49 February ... .49.02 Juno 75.53 October 68.02 March 53.09 July S2.48 November ...55.85 April 60.24 August 79.90 Decomber ...48.66 Orland Orland is flvo and one-halt miles from Mcintosh Ranch, on tho main lino of tho Southorn Pacific from San Francisco to Port land, Orogon. It Is a prosperous, growing city which oftors many advantages to thoso who buy at Mcintosh Ranch. There are schools, churches, sploudld storos, bank, hotel, opora house, and It Is tho ceutor of tho Govommont Irrigation Project, whoro thou sands will bo spent in tho experimental plant which is to bo es tablished hore. 1 "Where the Profit Is Made The development of this rich region lies before you. Tho profit made is in tho early purchase of the land, and not after It has been planted to a variety of fruits and alfalfa, when It will be sold for several times the prices now asked. Largest River in California Our property lies along the Sacramento river, the largest river In California, in which flows at all seasons an abundance of water for tho purposes of the many Industries of the rich valley which carries its name, as well as for Irrigation on such of the fine lands as require that aid to nature. The Sacramento river is navigable for a distance of about 200 miles. Water Transportation Water transportation wherever you find it Is the least ex pensive, and enables the producer to market his products at low cost, and keeps down railroad rates by an inexpensive method. Sacramento river compels reasonable transportation charges through the rich country north and south. Besides this valuable service the river distributes large quantities of merchandise and Insures cheap and effective transportation between the cities and the country. The Sacramento river affords water transportation direct from San Francisco to Red Bluff. It Is to this great inland empire what the Mississippi Is to the middle west. Semi-Tropical Fruits The land we are selling and al! the adjoining properties are capable of producing the semi-tropical fruits in luxurious abund ance, but thoy have been devoted ever since this country has been settled to growing wheat, and It is only through our purchase of this large body of land, and dividing it into small tracts, that he farmer who wishes 10 produce a variety of products has an op portunity to do so. Alfalfa, Live Stock The ease with which the frequent and abundant crops of al falfa grow affords opportunity for the dairy farmer, and tho development of this industry will yield a large profit for the. in vestment and labor expended. Stock animals live out of doors all the year round in the equable climate of Glenn County. Oranges, Figs, Almonds, Olives The orange, almond, tig, olive and cherry trees grow luxu riously and yield abundantly in this rich soil. Tho growing of these fruits Is very profitable. Compared With Italy Eastern visitors wonder at the orange trees heavily laden with their golden fruit used as shade trees along tho avenues and streets of the towns throughout this section. The soil of Glenn County produces nearly every commercial fruit found In the state, and this is not true of any part of Italy or of any ot tho countries around the Mediterranean. Winter Months Our so-called winter months are months of active plant growth, whllo the warmth ot the summer perfects the fruit. Intel ligent endeavor In such a climate with such rich soil to work upon Is sure to yield abundant reward for the energy expondod. The Good Mother of Egypt Our land on tho Sacramonto river lies midway In tho groat valley which extends from Mt. Shasta on -tho north to tho bay ot San Francisco on tho south. The molting snow from Shasta affords a never-ending supply, ot water which flows down to the plains, bringing with It the richness ot a thousand mountain rills, like the grand old Nile, the good mother of Egypt, which has maintained tho productive qualities ot tho ancient valloy slnco the period before the history ot man. Building Material Those who wish to build on their land will find all kinds of building matorlal on hand, as the Diamond Match Co., which op erates one of tho largest planing mills In the state, located at Chlco, only seven miles away, will establish a branch lumber depot at Hamilton City, with a complete line of lumber supplies. Chico Chlco 1b ono ot the most rapidly growing and prosperous little cities In California. Chlco is known as the city ot roses, and Is the seat of the Stato Normal School for the training ot teachers, whoro twenty-four Instructors and six hundred pupils are engaged la preparation for their work. Hore also Is a now High School, com pleted nt a cost of $26,000, besides threo Grammar Schools. Tho total enrollment In tho city schools Is 2300. Good Roads This County is noted for Its oxcellont roads particularly tho main County road which borders our land for five miles on tho south, connecting tho towns of Chlco, Hamilton and Orland.-