12 THIS MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MAROH 6, 1910. MEDFORD LIBRARY LYCEUM COURSE 'BEDFORD BEST RECEIVES BOOKS CLOSES MAR.il KNOWN CITY Library Has Trouble Keeping Pacc'Laurantl the Mafllc,an' to AP')car ,n Lyceum Course for St. Mark's Guild Other Attractions for the Month of March. With tho Demand for Good Read ing MatterOne Thousand Books .Issued Need More. Tho library report for February eliows a substantial increase in the number of patrons, 55 having been added for that month. The whole number of patrons is now 1205. The number of books issued was 1000. This would scenr.as 'though tho li fernry wore doing n booming busi- aess, but when one considers that tho number of books in tho library w about 1200, tho difficulties to supply tho public with-good reading is partly realized. An installment of new books has just been ndded to tho library for .general circulation. Amonp them arc some raro books of travel, biog raphy, as well as fino dramas and fiction. Thoy nro as follows: Memoirs of Motor Hujro; Life of Alice Freeman, aimer: Correspond nce of Henrik Ibsen; Memoirs .f Mario Antomctto, Campau; Six Years at the Russian Court, M. Ea r; Life of tho Bee, Maeterlinck; Tho Blue Bird, Maeterlinck; Poeti al Works" of Browning: Through Nature to God, Fisko; Health and Happiness,' Fallows; Law of Psychic Phenomena, Hudson; Villago, Town and Jungle Life in India, New- combo; The Frozen North, M. Doug las; North American Indian Fairy Tales; American Masters of Paint ing, Coffin; Old Love Stories He told, Lo Gallicnc; Plays of Motiero; Salambo, Maid of Carthage, Raga- . TV ' T" r . uij uiyuic nre, amciair; Arizona This City and Roguo River Valloy Known All Along Line Informa tion Wanted Everywhere Over tho Entire Known World. March Attractions. "Lauraut" March 11 Maud Powell March 15 "As the Sun Went Down" March 10 "St. Elmo" March 17 "A Stubborn Cinderella".. March 23 "The Red Mill March 30 For tho last number of the Ly coum course, tho ladies of St. Marks Guild announco an attraction slight ly different from tho ordinary lec ture course. This is au evening de voted to magic and illusions, as pre sented by Lauraut and his company. In presenting this attraction the ladies feel that thoy have tho most novel and artistic attraction of its character now before the public Laurant, the man of many mysteries, enjoj's an enviable reputation only constant practice and continual re search and study of his mystic art Seats on sale at Haslan's Tucs day, Maroh 8. Maud Powell, tho world's 'greatest lady violinist, is tho underline at traction. Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. Notice. To fhn UJnns nf Mni1fnr1 nnil vt. Nights, S. E. White; It Nover Can cinity: General James P. Shaw, de- xinppen Again, uo Jlorgan; Betty partment commander of Oregon, G Wales Series (six) Margaret Warde; A. R., will bo in the city Monday, March 7, and wishes to meet all old soldiers, sons of veterans, ladies of W. R. C, and especially all patriotio citizens and children, at tho Pres byterian church at 7:30 p. m. Ad mission free. Como and hear the general. Post members will assem ble at their hall at 6:30. By order of O. W. EIGHMY, Commander. it. L. Pellett, who sold his orchard near Talent two years ago and was "ill. ! -1 ' 1 I.. i'wio ursi man io sceuru uru'siiui ra- tor in the valley, returned from oL Angeles, where lie bus boon spoiul- iug tho winter, Fridny evening. Mr. Pellett still has extensive in- tercsts in the Rogue River valley f .ami is more enthusiastic than ever over its future, notwithstanding tho flfact that ho has invested heavily in Bnja, Cal., just across the Mexican line. "Medford." said Mr. Pellett, "is tho best-known of any city of its size in tho United States, and if a bunch of the Commercial club litera ture was kept on tap in Los Angeles it would do n whole lot of good. Many of tho ornngo growers down thero are selling out for big prices per acre and they wnnt to go some where. A good many of them would come here if they wore given tho right steer. Besides thnt, thore nroi hundreds of eastern peopl with all kinds of mony landing there every day, ann many ot them innuiro about Medford and the Rogue River valley. Of course they don't got a whole lot of information from thoj Californians. but a bunch of those booklets in places where the tourists could get hold of them wouldn't bo n bad idea. Tho Roguo River valloy has the goods that's tho thing thnt counts." Medford, Oregon TTil certifies that we have sold Hall's Texas Won der for the euro of all kidney, blad der and rheumatic troubles for ten years, and bavo nover had a com plaint It gives quick and permanent relief. Sixty days' treatment In each feottle. Medford Pharmacy. Spring The whole world smiles Its heart with good will beating; And it bears to all A happy Springtime greeting. For that tired-of-winter feeling take one of our New Spring Suits and a New Spring Hat and, perhaps, a few doses of fresh Spring Haberdashery, They make you look like a new man and our prices make you feel like one. You'll get satisfaction, and the "col lateral" here is money back if anything goes wrong. For a tip on-1910 Spring Suits, see our West Window. Haberdashery East Window. Probate Court. Guardianship of. Herman Levy Simpkins Report of guardian ap proved. Estate of Clans Kloinhammer Order made of final settlement and executrix discharged. Estate of Almirn Sturgis Will admitted to probate; Gus Newbury appointed administrator; John Ortlt. H. H. Parker and Y. J. Williams ap praisers. Estate of Ellen Jaquirt Jennie! rnncctt appointed administrator. I Knox Hats $5.00 'JMedojrdtr Corx-&crt Clothiers SfcSQSEES OREGON BEDFORD Wilson Brothers' Shirts $1.25 to $3 Here'sFurther Evidence For You Of Where Our Eagle Point Orchards Are Located aid. ft ' 1 - tot, , 'A Our lands In Black. Noto the distance between our property and that of Tronson & Guthrie, who won the Grand Sweepstakes Prize at the National Apple Show with the finest exhibit of apples ever grown. SIGN YOUR NAME TO THIS COUPON AND MAIL IT TO US AT ONCE WHAT THE APPLE KINGS OF THE WORLD SAY ABOUT OUR LANDS: 'Eaolk Point orchards tm.n . w. . II ut Uitrr4, 0't niuy i, mo, Tn 1lu fclfr (VOJi.rl ,tn4 CfiAyt t Kid fort. Origin, I Oont'l. In r.plr to yur l.tttr .iltln tor ur rUUt f tn 'HuttUA trt it lil Folnt J.ilr to My, vi.t riftrt : uv at.t of wit irMt 4i MrtinU7 d.tlrl. ttr u 'tmlnj of til flntit Tkrl.tl.i of rrl nd fitrt. j you douttl.ii Vno our ImIi rint 0rcnr4 in.rt tlittoi f rw yourt o.pljfid in a-uid a.i tk rrli. tt in IttlinU I s ll i . Vpl oi n4 XJ! H'.'P'n"n iKt Jrrjr I ni lll irt frwlt ajiijr rt. Tm ptl if luf .f.n.rd M itrln ul4 nit nil tr J500' n tori, Tronson & Guthrie picked 2700 boxes of Spltzcnborgs from five acres, which averaged them $3 a box net, or $1620 an acre, in addition to tho prizes captured at the exhibits. thlMtfrnT Stay where you are, stiqk by your taak, let us plat an orchard for you and care for it until ready t o.bear. ROGUE RIVER ORCHARD LAND CO., INC., MEDFORD, OR. Gentlemen: Please send me full description and particulars of your Eagle Point Orchard Tracts. Our tracts are planted to apples and pcara of the finest varieties. The trees are now 1, 2 and 3 years old. We will take care of your land for you . , under a specific contract and turn over to you a bearing orchard. THE ROGUE RIVER ORCHARD LAND CO. 10 North Front Street Medford, Oregon A v A ff MMMM ft 4tM , tHMMfm , v