Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 06, 1910, SECOND SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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l '.-.lain .
Snowy Butte Orchard Tracts
Now on Sale. Easy Terms
1 f ' 1 " " " ' MJ.J- " ; AtuLe.5ZZ
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I 18 N. Main Street, Medford
307-9 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Oregon
Politicians Opposed by American
Federation Plan to Form Hew Al
liance to Drive Labor Leaders
From Politics.
WASHINGTON, D. C, March 5.
Sovornl Now York oapltnllsts and
coiiKro88mon who have hoon opposod
in tholr distriota for ro-olootlon hy
tho Amorloun Federation of Labor,
nro roportod today to ho behind tt
now organization formod for tho
purposo of driving tho labor faction
from politioB. Tho now organization
will ho callod tho National Labor Al
liance Utmost floorooy was mnlntalnod in
tho formation of tho nlllanob, and
only last evening, following a moot
ing of its sponsors did its oxistenco
become known,
' A gonoroiA campaign fund is said
to havo beon promiso dand tho co
operation of oortnin "indopondont"
politicians seourod.
Ono of tho plans of tho nllinnco, it
was reported, was to provido cam
paign fundB and speakers in oaoh
district where tho olootlon of n Ho
publioan congressman was dosirod.
John W, Uoy8, grand master of tho
Knights of Labor, is said to bo in-
torostod in tho movemont.
Have you a frload coming went?
You ought to bring ono to Mod-
Call and boo us,
Tho colonist rate will bo effect
Lot ub talk routes and rates with
jou. I
Information choorfully furnished.
Phono, addross or call on Southorn
Pacltlo Company, A, S, Rosonbaum
at Modford,
If thoro nro n lot of worth. nnswnv.
Ing nds, in today's papor, thon this
s posuivoiy your "luoky tiny 1" ,
Imperial Yacht Is Closely Guarded
and These Precautions Give Rise
to Report Empress Is Traveling In
tho South.
PAWS, March 5.Tho Russian
omprcss is roportod today to ho
aboard tho imporial yacht Stnndart,
whloh is at Villo, .Franco. Tho
Standnrt is closoly guarded and
thpso precautions havo given riso to
tho boliof that tho ompross loft Kua-
Bia for a orniBO in tho Moditorranoan
to regain hor hwilth,
For raoro than a yonr tho oznrlun
nnd ,'czarovitoh havo ,ondoavorod to
porsuado tho czarina to tnko n son
voyngo. Hor hoalth booamo under
mined through constant fear of at-
taoks by nihilists upon members of
tho royal family.
Tho empress hitherto has refused
to leavo Russia unless nooomnaniort
oy hor husband aud children. That
sho may have ccusentod to leavo in
dicates that tho
sorious a condition that physioians
compoiieu hor to make tha vovnpo in
search of health.
County Court.
Tho potition of T. J. Parton for
county road continued until April
Potition of John Cadzour, same.
Plat of Siskiyou Heights. Mod-
ford, approved.
Plat of Croscont Addition nn-
Road notitioned for hv f!. IT.
Piorco ot al. Frank A. Grisez, II.
L. Gregory nnd Jaok Truo appointod
viowore to moot March 25.
Road petitioned for bv P. f
Homos et al. Frank A. Grisez, W.
F. Holbort nnd L. A. Noil appointed
viowors to meot March 18.
Potition of J. M. Achor for ohaneo
of road granted.
Potition for chnucro of mml hv w
D. Mooro continued to April term.
West and East-Bound Trains From
Ogden to San Francisco Are Run
nlngby Way of Medford Strange
Trains Call In.
cisco are now being detoured over
the Oregon Short Line tracks. This
arrangement will continuo until the
bridges and tracks washsed out by
the floods in Nevada are repaired.
Local traffic between Ogden nnd
Cnrlin, Nev.. and Snn Francisco nnd
Bnttlo Mountain, Nov., will be han
dled by local trains.
OGDEN, Utah, March 5. Traffic
today over tho main lino . of tho
Southorn Pnoifio continues to be
complotoly tied up ok account of
washouts in Nevada.
Indications nro that tho Hue will
not bo cleared for ton more doj's at
least, according to railroad officials
The wostbound overland limited.
which left Ogdon Monday afternoon,
roturnod hero today and was imme
diately started for San Fraribisoo'by
way of Portland.
All through trains to San Fran-
Eftch dnv nnvr saar onmn f!v
SIX DaSSflncer trninn nncainn- tlirAimli
, fl - ,'HVW MW..4,
Medford to tho north on their way
east. As a consequence, the regular
trains are running late.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply at the meeting
of the city council March 15, 1910,
for a retail liquor license at his place
of business, lots 12 and 13, block 20,
city of Medford.
Ono of the peoplo you passed on
tho street tddav had a lot tor from n
businoss house appointing an inter
view writton In answer to a want
District Court Judge Upholds Direct
Primary Law In Nevada Case
Will Now Go to the Supreme
CARSON, Nev., March 5. The di
rect primary law of tho stato of Ne
vada is valid, according to Judtro
Lnngnn of tho district court, today.
The law was declared constitutional
by tho court in sustaining the attorney-general's
demurrer to a petition
-1 -1 IL. . 1 ...
iu uouiure me aoi not consmutiotuM.
In handinc down his decision.
Judge Langan said:
"All acts of the legislature are Ikn
supremo will of tho people and r
valid and oonstitntional unless de
clared invalid and unconstitutional
by the eouit,