THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MARCH G, 1910. 10 1'' Ft H - 44 SPRING HAS CAME ! 1 I CALL ISSUEO Ed M. Andrews Issues Statement as to Pregrawlon of the Work of Committees to Secure Mere Hotel AccommsiatJsns. E. M. Andrews, chairman of the Commercial club committee in charge the matter of secorine more hotel accommodations, has issued the fol lowing statement: "The ladies of the Greater Med ford club, with the assistance of a -committee appointed from the Com mercial club, have gone into the question of taking care of the over .flow of homeseekers who are unable to find accommodations at the hotels -tad boarding houses. Arrangements faave been made for tents and bedd ing in ease the eecessity arises for jaore rooms than can be furnished by private citizens and one or two rooming houses, just about to be opened. The committee feels that with a little immediate assistance from the citizens of Medford in the way of offering rooms that could be spared in case of emergency, will take care of tho overflow for the next few days, and by that time they hope to have permanent quarters provided. It is the wish of the com JBiltee that anyone having rooms to spare will send their namo and ad dress and tho number of rooms available to tho secretary of the Commercial club, and there will be person in charge whose business it will bo to see that no objectionable people aro assigned to any rooms that are tendered by tho citizens. The partie sowning the rooms will receive pay for the same at the same rate charged by the regular rooming houses. We hope that the people of Medford will respond at once, as we will only need to use these rooms for a few days, but we are in need of diem immediately." Electric Frost Alarms For fruit orchards. Our Electrio Aneroid Thermometer and Alarm -Cabinet will irive the alarm at any ifccM of heat or cold desirod. Price . . M V . ' 3 1 fJO, Bend in your oruur in once. Doa't wait; do it now. Electrio Thermo Alarm Co., Hovoy bldg., Eu gene, Or. I fOR MORE ROOMS AND 'TIS TIME TO BUY THAT AUTO. YOU CAN'T GET THE MOST OUT OF LIFE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY UNLESS YOU HAVE A MOTOR OAR, AND THE BUIOK OFFERS THE MOST FOR THE MONEY. MOTOR CARS COST TOO MUCH TO PERMIT OF EXPERIMENT. YOU CAN ONLY JUDGE THE FUTURE BY THE PASTAND IT IS UNI VERSALLY CONCEDED THAT BUICKS HAVE FILLED THE BILL MOST SATISFACTORILY IN THIS LOCALITY. IN BUYING AN AUTO, CONSIDER THESE THINGS First Cost Maintenance Cost Repair Cost IF YOU TAKE ALL THESE THINGS INTO CONSIDERATION, YOU WILL BUY A BUIOK THE CAR WITH A RECORD THE CAR WHICH HAS DELIVERED THE GOODS IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. Medford Buick Company (BUICKS EXCLUSIVELY SEATTLE MEN AT SENATEJIEARING Attorney for Balllnger Asks That Subpoenas He Issued for Two Men In Seattle To Testify In Re gard to Letters. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 5. Attorney Vertrees, representing Bol linger in the congressional investi gation into the interior department's affairs, today requested that sub poenas be issued for federal attorney Todd and special agent C. A. Parks of Seattle. It was intimated that Vertrees hopes to prove by Todd's evidence that the testimony of Todd that the evidence of Louis Glavis and Jones was false in connection with the reason given for not instituting crim inal prosecutions in the Alaska eoal land cases. Jones' testimony was supplementary to that offered by Glavis previously. Parks will be called to the stand to testify regarding the letters "found" in Glavis' private bo'x in the federal building at Seattle. Tho let ters in question hod been taken from the government files and were in connection with the Cunningham claims. After Glavis' box had been broken into and tho lotters discovered, Gla vis asserted that they had been placed there to discredit him. Cummins Amendment Lost. WASHINGTON, D. C, March fi. The Cummins amendment to the pos tal savings bank bill was defeated in the senate today by a vote of 40 to 18. The amendment sought to pre vent the romoval of money from tho banks for the purchase of govern ment bonds, except in the event of war. An amendment offered by Senator Borah, providing that these funds of the banks should not bo invested in state bonds or other securities pay ing less than 2 1-4 per cent interests wns carried. Of the hundreds of poople who will read a particular classified ad today, probably not one, except yourself, will see its peculiar significance. It may "mean more" to you than to any one else. DEMONSTRATION BY APPOINTMENT S TO CONSOLIDATE Instructions Sent Out That All. So licitation ef Business Must Cease May Have Effect on Interna tional Business. CHICAGO, 111., March 5. The amalgamation of the National Rail way of Mexico with the Mexican Railway company, Ltd., was fore shadowed today by the withdrawal from active business of the freight and passenger officers of the Mexi can Railway company. Instructions were sent out from Chicago recently to the effect that all solicitation of freight and passen ger business should cease. This or der is believed to bo a preliminary step in a plan for tho combination of the roads. There is considerable speculation here as to the probable effect the proposed combination would have on international business between Mex ico and the United States. It is known that the National Railway of Mexico is opposed to a continuance of the present schedulo of rates. Advertised Letter List. The following list of letters remain uncalled for at the postoffico at Medford, Or., March 2: P. H. Barber, W. H. Barlow, Mrs. Ruth Barfieeld, Wm. Balse, Miss E. M. Brown, Mrs. Eliza Conrad, Fred II. Cook, J. M. Cummings, II. E. Decker, Henry B. Dotraz, Mrs. II. L. Eaton, Joseph Eller (2), Mrs. Burnett Frazier, Paul Franklin (2), A. C. Grindley, C.'S. Harrison, Mrs, E. nariston, L. Hatfield, C. F. nutchinnon, J. II. Messnor, D. C. Miller, John McGlynn, Maedo Minn, Mrs. J. E. Monte (2), Freda Pelton, Price, Josephine and Richardson Land & Timber Co., Miguel Primo, L. S. Ratcliff, P. A. Seinbech, Clar ence Jasper Shotwell, Rose Som mers, Mrs. Flora Strever, Mrs. B. A. Stono, J. F. Sullivan, Roger J. Sweet, Robert T. Watkins, Mrs. Rob ert Wnshbuni, N. J. Wininghatn, J. W. Wooden. Parties calling for the above let ters will pleaBe say "advertised." A charge of 1 cent will bo roado upon delivery. A. M. WOODFORD, P. M. HEX AN ROAD Power Speed Performance MS. lllllllllllHlflllllllllllllflllllHflMiE liksmSsSA ppppppppppppppKSvif vjE&ppV Warm weather will soon be here. Why not cook with an electric range this summer? Complete outfit on display at our office. We are mak ing especially lov; rates on electric cooking. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY Wm. E. STACEY & CO. REAL ESTATE AND EMPLOYMENT. DUtrict Agent for ALADDIN LAMP Local agents wanted. Lamp on exhibition and for salo at tho following placoa: Medford Oarage, Alien & Iteagan'B, Wornor, Wortmon & Oore'e, HuBsoy's Cash Storo und Medford Furniture Co.'a store. ADDRESS BOX 828. Shur-On s TOU'VELLE MANAGER HODSON'S GARAGE ' MEDFORD, OR. Wo can fit most any kind of n noso with Shur-On Mounts. Dr. GOBLE Optical Parlor 18 West Main Street. Wo have no other business. Reliability Durability Dependability How Are These For Bargains 5-rooin houso on Cottngo avenue, East Sido, lots 100 xl20 $1500 1 lot o.n Grape street, East Side, lot 50x120 $400 2 lots on Palm street, 3 blocks from now depot, 56x 124, each $450 ' lots on Hamilton street, 06x124, each ., $600 2 lots on Fourth street, 2 blocks off Oalcdalo, 56x 100, each $650 Fine residence lots in Orescent subdivision, closo in. 1 Call and look over our list some or the nest in the SISKIYOU REALTY CO. ROOM 22, JAOKSON pOUNTY BANK BLDGt. PHONE 3311. We Are Agents For - - - Sunny Crest Orchards Perry. Sub-division (Ten Acre Tracts) Queen Anne Addition Snowy Butte Orchard Tracts THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Fire Insurance No. 1 1 North Central Ave. 4 ' -3 f, if; - ! , , 2 blocks from now depot, I in fruit land. They aro I valley. I J