THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH. 2, 1910. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Will thu While Hlbbonors pIoiihu iviiitjiiihtir tlio ImihIik-nh iiiooIIiik' In. 1 morrow afluriioou at the Baptist church, at tlio iiHiinl hour. Mouthers nml 1'iioudn of tlio work itro urKOd to nltond. Vmr Kldd'n HIiooh. 0. Admns, prominent nml estate dottier of Itutlo KuIIn, Ih In Modfoid on biiMimms ooniiiicti'd with thu now llutto KnllB-l'iuspoot (ronJ. Meeker's for spring Skirts. Mr. ami Mr. Clms. II. Dim lion lofl Wednesday numiiug on n short tri north. ,, Oruiiltowiiru at Goodfrioud'H. P. V. Hookot wn In town from Phoenix on n business trip Wodnos day. Wear Kidd's Shoes. Hon. C. H. Watson of Ashland w.ih in Mod ford on business Wednesday. CiMvalrt at Goodfriwiid'H. 0. A. Knoblauch of Ashland, fore Milan of tlio Southoni Pacific round ' lioii'o at that place, watt in Modford Wednesday on routo to Grants Pass on n business trip. Clilnawnra nt Goodfricnd's. I). 0 Knruos is spondinir tlio win 'tor ut Lour Pencil, California, having loft Inulowood. Phone '201)1. Ooodfriond'h. Mm. Pnlmor, tlio fiold nocrotnry of tlio prohibitionists, will speak nt tho Presbyterian chtiroh Tliursdny cvnnini; nt 8 o'oloalc. Admission will bo free. Wear Kidd'N Shoos. Those Intondlnjf to fro to Porthtn' thin week to soo tlio airships, flying 'machines, oto., should lonvo word nt tho dopot mo arrangements can ho Hindu for nil extra deeper or two, Regular npnoo linn nlroady boon tuk- n Stationery, office nnd school suo plion nt the Morrivold Shon. " Jtivouilo Dancing Club party will moot nt tho Anglo opora houso thin evening. Mnonn ou sal est Mtsuttr & Co.'i. Mrs. Goo. T. Wilson, Mm. Chnr lottt ItoynotdH nml Miss Lnwrcnoo of Ashland woro Modford visitors Tucs--day. Extract nt Goodfriond's. Goorgo Mnmhnl of Croscont, City, Calif., in n Modford business visitor. wnH ii Modford IjiihIiiohh visitor Wod nosdny. Wear Kidd's HIiooh. Mr. (i lid Mm. 13, 13. Cook of Dick Iiimoii, N. I)., n ro In tho valley looking lor a Hiiitahlo locution. Tens at Goodfriond's. 0. I). I'Voou of hynchburi', Vn., Ih among those who nro looking for a Homo in tho Iloguo river vnllov. If you vnnt satisfaction try nark of Mt. Hood Bnow-FnII Flour For Rtiln nt tlio Runs Mill. Itomorn bor tho plnco. Polk Hull & Bon Mm. L, Knynrt has Hold to C, 13 Kirk of Arizona, two Jot nt Thin nnd A sli-onls for $2,100. Poach trees for unto at ton cents cents onch. II. H. Patterson, Nish ho- tol. Thluly-flvo contu tonight will rivo you n doiightrm iiour: w onooimim tho First M. 13. church and provide Worn with nmplo funds for onrying on uinir church work. D. .1. R. Ponrco linn n lottor from his son Dnn. who id in Elk comity, In tlio northeastern corner of Novndu, whoro Nevada, lrlnh nnd Idaho stating that recent developments in Hint section indiento the discovery of some, of tho richest mines over known, even In Hint section of sensational discoveries. Oro running worth thou snnds of dollnm n ton hns been din covered nnd more now finds nre he intf mnde dnily. Mr. Penrce and his ion hnve n prointsinsr prospect nenr t..- r!., . ' ... 4ir urniKc nenr ine center of this district and Mr. Penrce will leave in n few davs for Hint nlncw. Thos. Hoss of efntrnl Point wns in Medford ednednvou n hiiiinos trip. I'eneli trees for snle cheap. An entire cnrlond nt 10 cents each. H. M. I'nterson. Nnsh Hotel If. V. Penll of Pentrnl Point wns in Medford Wednesdnv. Fncle Vint ftntes that his Innd is steadily ris Inir in price. "I nm-er looked to n city like Medford built in n chnnner. nl pntch, when I first enme to the valley. At that time- it wnn n wnvinp iiein or cniss ni Iiitrlt n n horses nun mo irrnnoes( vnney i ever nw. It hns lost none of its prn mi nor, but with the wny urices nf Innd nre trrowinir I nm nfrnld I enn't hold out much longer. When some fellow comes ntoncr nnd offers me $1500 nn ncre for mine its Roini: to mnko me study awhile." With time Medford spirit give the r i t cttirM v:u,lrnlc of church music n hoost hv iroro in Medford from tho rnnch I nJ ,wl";n!l , cnntnln toniKht Wodnosdny. nt!,,u ir church. Wonr Kldd'H Shoos. ! . ,0 PIo nmplo tuiuU for pur- C. II. Miller of Klnmnth Fnlla in f,,,n"0. f .miw,1e f iitnl.Io for n choir Jn Medford on n business visit. 1 JJ,Bt 0,"F tM"K , Is tho object ct (-B ComotH nt Meekor's. ' r0'1.10' I"1 cho,r "vir On"'3 Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W, Murphy of J1"' C,,tv toinKlit nt tin First M. Enilo Point spout Tucsdny nlKht in illii; , f t BUSINESS LOCALS Shifror mwnx machlucH, 211 S. 0 troot. Phono MM, 31 4 Full nnsortmont of Whitman's chii dioH nt Tho Mot ri void Khop. John II. Curkiii, attorney at law, ovor JnckHon County Hank. Hco tho Morrivold Shop for books, mnjuizincH and fine tnirnivini;. " For wood of nil klndo. noo tlio Sfiuaro Uonl Woodynrd. Phono 'JflOl. Fir ntroot. botweon Socond and Third atroots. Oould & I.lndloy, proprlotors. 20 ! McCalt PnttoniH. Mookor'B. SiiiKO nnd Whcolor Si WilHon fiow- iiiK machines for salo and rant. Sup plies nnd rcpnirn for all kinds. Ad' drosH 211 S. Ornpo. Phono 2051. Spring skirts. Mookora. " Fifty ncros frco soil, fivo milcH Houth of Modford; above front line; ' nn aero; terms. Siskiyou Land Co., 200 Phipps bldj;. 297 Ton-acro trncts, five miles south of Modford, frco noil, good view of vnlloy; $1-10 nn ncro; Rood tornm. Siskiyou Land Co., 200 Phipps build ing. 207 Splcon. at Qoodfriend'n. GILT EDGE INVESTMENTS 14 ncrcfl, Nowjown nnd Spitz, in I full homing, nice houso nnd modern I conveniences, n pnyiiiff investment li 41 n nnn . 1 i ni iyj,uuu, goou lunim. 88 1-3 ncro tract 30 acres it year nnd 20 ncres l-yenr-old pears, all a No. 1 fruit innd nnd under Fish Lnko ditch, miles out; $20,000, cnBy tflrmB. 7-room bungniow, modorn, close to Mnin ntroot, rents for $40 por month; a good investment; $3000, I easy torms. ' 7-room bungalow, new nnd fltrict ly modorn, high lot nnd fine view, tho best buy in town for $4000; good terms. 8 fine high lotn, 50x140, cast front, for one wcok or whilo they Inst, $350; easy terms. Fino lot, 185x140; a bargain at $1350 cash. LET US SHOW YOU. 128 East Main. Wright 6 "Alii ii 128 Ea. Main Street. Savoy Theatre TONIGHT TESTING TIIKIH LOVK Rolling ball of mirth. THE USUUPKK Thrilling drama. VISIT TO IIOMnAY Colored travelogue. EXCELLENT MUSIC ONE DIME HUNTLEY-HREMER Co. REAL INSURANCE 214 Fruit Growers Bank Building 'Medford. Vnnhtnhn nt Goodfrioiift'i. Dr. J. M. Koono in in Portland on n businoHH trip. Cnilory mid glnsf.wnro at Qood friend'. Dr. J. F. Noddy is in Snn FrnnclH co nn biiRinoR. J. M. Pottor of Afdilnml wns a Medford vinitor Monday. Judgo .C. H. Wntson of Anhlnnd epont Wodnosdny in Medford. Those who attended tho locturo do livorod by Dr. Frank Ferris at tho "Propbytorinii church Tuoadny evening woro givon n ronl tront. Tho Hiibjoct -of tho locturo wns "Tho Face of Jo ntiH." It was vory intorcHting nnd iiiBtruntive. It in hoped by Uioho who attended that tho daotor can bo ficourcd to deliver tho looturo again 'boforo long. Mm. J. D. Stownrt of North Court ptreot who had her foot ainptitatcc Saturdny is not improving oa rapidly an oxpoctod. Dorn February 20, n ton-pound bnby to Mr. and Mre. Lawis Owings in South Modford Mrs. J. Nunnn, wifo of tho ploucor morchunt of Jnoknonvillo, npout Sun day in Modford tho guost nf Mrs. H P. ThoisH. Yj. J, KaBman ia laying tho fnundn ilon for a now cottngo jon North Rlv- rsido nvonuo. Rov. Mr. Dorrnnoo of Ashlnnd Is in Modford ntonding tho laying of tho flomorstono of St. Mnrk'u church r nishop ChnH. Sondding nrrivod thin moniing in ordor to pronido nt tho ooromonioa of laying tho onmorstono .of tho now Fpiscopnl church. Ad Ilolmnn of Ashlnud was In "Modford on business Wodnosdny, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry Ilonnott of Ban FrnnoiHoo urrivod horo Tuosday. Ir. Ilonnott is oonnoatod with tho Homo Tolophono oompanv. S. M. Whnrton of Kodding, Calif., Is in Modford on business, D. B. Rodfiold of Glondnlo wns in Modford Tuosdny. W. W. Cardwoll of Itosoburg wns in Aiodrnnl wodnosdny in the mnttor of tho Hottlomont of tho Cnrdwoll oh tato. Judgo W. E. CrimoH of Sonttlo who in roprosonting tho Cnrdwoll hoirs in tho suit for tho rooovory of tlio os tato of tho Into James A. Cnrdwoll, loft Wodnosdny ovoning for tho north, Judgo Crowes is coming back this spring to tako enro of tho invoat monts ho linn mndo nnd will bring others with him. Coffoo nt Ooodfriond'a. 8, P, Do Itobonm of Jnoksonvillo EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS GHANCES FOR SALE. 40 noros nenr York's ranch ..91700 9 ncro, S-room house, E ncres In bearing nooo 210 noroa tlmhor, yollow plno nnd fir, n bargain, 1 1-2 acres Improved, closo In 91300 9 ncros, linprovod, closo In ..90000 2 6-acro tracts noar Pliooulx, a snap. 2 lots on Oak streot 91000 1 lot on Oakdnlo avonuo, 75 1-2, rear 120 dopth 371. 3 lots on Twolrth 9iaao 2 lots on Wost Mnln st. 5-room houso, modorn 92:100 C-room bungnlow, modora ...2700 7-room now houso ..91000 10-room now house, closo In.. 90500 C-room now houso, cloao In . .9)1.100 Wnntod Ranch hands. Wanted Dining room girl, $25, room ana board, Wnntod Two girls "for positions In town. Wnntod Qlrls for gonoral liouso wqrlc. NEW DEPARTMENT. Clothes cloanod. umbrollas ronalr-. od, carpets clonnod, nil kinds of work dono by tho hour, day or wook. Loavo ordorH nt 208. E. F. A. BITTHER, 200 Taylor & Phipps Dig. Phono 4141 y It is a pleasure to watch the toast become crisp and brown, and then re move it from die G. E. Radiant Toaster at the precise moment it is done The General Electric Radiant Toaster produces crisp, delicious toast, on the dining room table. It makes toast by radiant heat the correct way. The center of the bread becomes heated before thp outside is browned over, thus allowing the necessary chemical changes to take place, without which toast is soggy in the middle and hard on the outside. The General Electric Radiant Toaster lightens breakfast tasks and quickly pays for itself by saving time and bread. Come and see a demonstration of this electrical convenience. nis Rogue River Electric 'Company CALIFORNIA THE MECCA FOR WINTER TOURISTS Its Attrnctlvo soasldo rosorts, famous modlcal springs, magnlftcont tourist hoiols, picturesque scen ery, dollghtful cllmato, and opportunity for all kinds of outdoor pastlmo, such ts hundreds of mllos of auto drives through orango groves nnd along ocoau bench boulevards, mako this (avorod region Tho World's drenloat Winter Retort, roachod via tho SHASTA ROUTE- and "ltond of n Thousand Wonders" SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO,. Low round trip rates aro in effect from all points In tho Northwest, with long limit, stop-over prlvl logos and first-class accommodations, Medford to Los Angeles and Return", $47.60. With a final roturn limit of six months, and stop-ovors In olthor direction. First class, up-to-dato train with tho latest oqulpmout, unexcolod dining car service, and ororytblng that goos to mako tho trip pleasant. Attractlvo, Interesting nnd lnstructlvo lltoraturo tolling of tho famous wlntor resorts of California can bo and on application to nny O. H, & N, or H. P. Agent, or by writing to WM, MeMUItHAV, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME FOR SOMEONE TO SECURE ONE OF THE FINEST STOCK RANCHES IN OREGON, CONSISTING OF 480 ACRES, EIGHT MILES FROM GOOD RAILROAD TOWN, TWO AND ONE -HALF MILES FROM STORE. UNLIMITED WATER. SPLENDID SOIL. WELL IM PROVED AS TO BUILDINGS. NEARLY FIVE MIL LION FEET OF TIMBER. ONLY ONE AND ONE HALF MILES TO SAWMILL AND THE ENTIRE TRACT EASILY ACCESSIBLE TO UNLIMITED OUT RANGE. IF YOU DO NOT CARE FOR THE ENTIRE 480 ACRES, WILL SUBDIVIDE AS FOLLOWS: 200 ACRES, 2 GOOD HOUSES, 2 GOOD BARNS, 12 ACRES IN ORCHARD, 30 ACRES IN CULTIVATION, BALANCE PASTURE AND TIMBER LAND. PLEN TY OF WATER. 160 ACRES, FAIR HOUSE, 2 BARNS, SMALL FAM ILY ORCHARD, 50 ACRES IN CULTIVATION, 40 ACRES TIMBER, WELL WATERED. 120 ACRES, GOOD HOUSE, ETC., 8 ACRES IN BEARING ORCHARD, GOOD AGRICULTURAL LAND, WELL WATERED. , WILL SELL FOR CASH OR TRADE FOR PROP ERTY IN OR NEAR MEDFORD. FOR FULL PARTICULARS REGARDING PRICE, LOCATION, ETC., SEE Owner ' WITH CUSICK & MEYERS. P. S. ALSO HAVE 120-ACRE HOMESTEAD RE LINQUISHMENT, THREE AND ONE-HALF MILES FROM GRANTS PASS, THAT IS A BARGAIN. WELL WATERED AND SUITABLE FOR FRUIT. WHO WANT; SPLENDID PLATTING PROPOSITION 197 ACRES, CLOSE IN ON MAIN COUNTY ROAD. TWO-THIRDS OF A MILE FROM POSTOFFICE. LAYS HIGH AND SIGHTLY. THIS IS A SIMON PURE BARGAIN AND ONE THAT ANYONE CAN CLEAN UP ON IN A SHORT TIME. INFORMATION AS TO TERMS AND PRICE. 28ACRES CLOSE IN. A SNAP AND ONE THAT WON'T LAST LONG. PRICE $15,000; $5000 CASH, BALANCE LONG TIME. 680 ACRES 550 ACRES BOTTOM LAND; 580 CAN BE PLOWED NOW; 5 ACRES ORCHARD; SISKIYOU COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THREE ailLES FROM YREKA COUNTY SEAT; PRICE $18,000, TERMS. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A MONEY MAKER AND A HOEE, HERE IT IS. Walter L McCallum Nash Hotel Medford, Ore.