THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDJfORD, OEKflON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1910. FIGURES IN NAVY ROW; FAMOUS EDUCATOR ILL; NOTED AUTO 1ST SERVING JAIL TERM. - -- .M MODELS 16 AND 17 PL U MBING Steam and Hot Water Heating. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. j I. F. MOORE AND E. E. SMITH J Old Tribune Building. Phono H931. I t i-- . - r-i i i i SECRETARY Tin' Illicit rnv In ihf imvy ilcimrttm'Ht Involve tin ri'lntloim of the hotim navy coimiittti'i' M.tu Siri'inry CtiifkV vim I.viii;itI.h Mi')t r add awliliik'tot) I I'u.ip. who lien rn tlic liiipotliiK tltli'it of clilcf constnu Inr and cliU-t f the linn-Hi nf i-iiiiru Him itiul repair ittitl iiclltij l ief of Hit- bureau of nam viiKlnccrliiK with th rank or rwir niliiilrnl Kri'titry Me.viT I rrniitc(l to m tiiicry- v it It Admiral (.'iippi for Kjienklm: tinfnvornlily licforo flip coin mitt or Mr Mt'.vri N rc.ntly iiuiiiitiuiMil plan for ilu- roirj:itii1itloii or the navy I'uy uiHHier (enural llngcro lias iiIhm fHllnii nntlcr i ln lMp'fiHim of Mr. Meyer. .MoMtMKiie ItotiertM. ilie fmiiiiu autoiiiolilllHt wlin won tin- International race from New Vort; to Paris. In nerving it thirty ilay term In Jail In llartfonl, Conn., for ri Menu driving The otTeace iwih coiniiilitiil Sunt. IT, and Itol nrlM wmn tried and eonvkteil In IiccomiImt. (Hie of Hie eouniry'M niot fainoim eiltientoni, lr. Janini II. Anjjcll, retired prenldont of tlu -University, of Mich Iknii, l In ill health lie Iimn l.eeii mdereil to t'lutida hy hit pli)fcli-laiu oil .ituoiint of hronchlal trouble. Dr. An- M Iw I l(lri MLMltM ....,(.. I ADMINISTRATOR FILES sun E. B. Hartley, as Administrator da Donisnon, Files Suit for Cnrdwcll Heirs. After ovor fonrtiHMi yor of po gagioii of tltu property J. Xunaii i unlleil upon to tlofuml hi title to what in known iih the Cimlwelt plnuu nnr Jnoksoiivillu, ncoonliiiK to tltu com plaint filed iiKiiintit him in (lie circuit court Tiitmilny. The (liiiuplaiiit witU out tlie fact ot (lie appointment of K. H. Ilanley n inliiiiuiMtriitor do hois noli of the o. tate of .laiuoM A. Ciinlwull, with will itnno.xed. Tlutt tliu dueudont wnti thi! owner in fuu minplo of (torlnin run I entitle ilf Herilu'il in tho oomplaint iiiiioiiuliiiK to 121)2 norcH. Tluit tlio Htiiil property IioIoiiuh to mid iB now tint proporty of nntil oh tntu iinil that tlio iuliniiiintnitor in en. titloil to iniinudiiilo poHHenMon there of. That defendant wrongfully witli- , IioMh Ha id poHHt'HHion mill Iiiih done bo to tliu tlmniiKO of .f 1(1,0110 In plain tiff. Wlicniforo judgment in HHked for $10,000 anil poHHCHRiun of tlio real properly mid eostH mid (UhIhu'hu montH. 'BERGER GETS WALLOP IN HIS P0CKETB00K SAN FRANCISCO, Mnreh 2. Sam Horror, Jeffries' sparring jmrt nor mid iniiniigor, in in excellent fighting trim hut he rceeived a wal lop, today in mmi'n wuukuHt Hpot tlio pookothook when his Imidliird ontorod tlio ring. Tho landlord, Abraham AroiiKon, routod a Htoro to Horror who h n lmhordiiHlior whun not fighting, The storo was to ho roady hy March 1 mid tho indiuotioiiH roeontly were that it would not ho inshnpo until March fi. Ilorgor wagod that llm Htoro would not ho roady hy Mareh 1, and Haiti lio would pay tho land lord $100 a day for ovory day up to tho Htli of tho mouth, providod the landlord would pay him a like amount for ovory day nftor Maroh 1 that tho Htoro whb not randy for oe ottpmiy. ArotiHou agreed, oomplotod tho Htoro fittitiR on Folnimry 58, mid now Ilorgor in paBHinff out $100 n day for four days. LOU AND JESSIE. Oy M. QUAD. (Cop) rlcht, Itio. ty Aaoolatd Utoritry Mm. Hponcer had dropped In on tho lirlde of four inonthn. She hud hud hr oj'ij on youiiK Mm. Oruy for nouie time mid whm now preparet) to shutter her Idol. After olwnrrlitK that there were live oti.Hi. of uiarrlml coupler eemratlni: re enrded In the wpir (IiIn uuirnluK hIic went on to Mild Unit the vny hiisldiiuU were carrying on tliemi diiyn wiismiiiio thhiK perfectly awful. "I never' read about thoo thliiKS," replied tho yoiiui; wife. "Of couro there are kkih! and Iwd hiiNhandu, but my Hilly N ouo of the very bout." "Y w-h," said Mr. Speiuer BnidRln;: ly nad with a look of pity In her eye. "I thought my luwlHtud wm almost r.n nusol for nevurat venrs. nml Hum hu ) wan arrcMted fur havlni? flvo wlven." j "Hut Hilly In different, you know." "Perhaps. On .'.iondny I wn In tho telephone booth at Oildcr'n drut; Htoro to talk with my diuiKhtcr. It'a n double booth, you know. Just nu 1 was ready to rlnj; tip, your hiiKbnnd entered tho other booth aud called tip n youtiK woman and had a conversation with hen" "Hut ho didn't nay nnythlng to mo nbout It," replied tho wife. "What tiamo did ho call tho lady byV "Thoro woro two of them beforo ho got through, uud ho called them Lou and Jessie. Ho snld ho'd have moro money for thorn soon. Mrs. Orny, don't so on deceiving yourself an I did." "Hut-but I don't hlnk ho knows any ladlca by those names," faltered tho wlfo as her oyea filled with tears. "You mean ho husn't told you that ho docs. Of course not My huibnml didn't tell mo that he hnd four other wives. Husbands nru slock, slick and sly. You hnvo cot to bo crafty to Hnd them out, llowovor, If you want to sit horo and do nothlns I'vo uo objec tlons." "Hut whnt cau I do? I don't know who Lou aud Jesslo aro." "What can you do? You can bo in tho telephone booth at noon today; you ran hear hlin talk; you can get sight of him; you can go homo and pack your trunk; you can stand right up to htm and toll him that his portldy Is discovered." At noon young Mrs. Gray was In ono of tho telephone booths at Calder's. Up to tho moment sho started from homo sho had said to herself that sho wouldn't go. Hlio had boon waiting lu the booth only flvo minutes when a step sho know entered tho Btore, Thou somo ono sat down In tho other booth. Ucr heart was throbbing as central was rung up and a volco called: "Ulvo mo saill Jackson." Tho number wont down on a Blip . ofapcr In tho booth at tbo man's hficC. " "Hollo! In thnt you, old man? Well, how sro Lou and Jcnle today? I didn't sleep two hour last night for thinking of 'em. Haven't moved yet. eh? Oh. no. I'm not going to throw up my handx. I'll rend you n check by inensonger at 1 o'clock. I picked I,ou and Jotwlo. aud I'm going to stand by 'em. Ooodby." At the uhuiiI hour of 0 o'clock Wily Gray came home whistling. Ho was happy, almi hungry, also longing for tho kiss that always greeted him. He entered the sitting room to find a wo man seated on a trunk. Kho hnd her hat on, and some things sho had failed to And room for In tlio trunk woro piled on a chair. The wo man was his wife, and sho looked up at him with a cold stare. "lo It you, Ituby? Good lands,' but whnt does this mean? Is your moth er dead?" "Stand back, sir!" sho replied as she motioned him off. "I am neither Lou nor Jesslol" "Hut what Is It? You aro pale. You have been crying. You havo packed your trunk. Tell mo what 1ms hap pened." "Sir," sho snld as sho rose from tho trunk and extended a piece of paper, "hero aro tho proofs. I don't think you'll want to ask any further ques tions." "No. 2013 Jackson," ho read aud then asked; "Hut what Is It? What does this mean?" "It means Lou and Jessie, sir! I was right tbero In tho telephone booth this noon when you conversed with them. You picked Lou and Jesslo and you'll stand by thoml Will you have the kindness to got mo aud my trunk to tho depot? I am going to mother. If you think Lou and Jceslo will object I can find n cab myself." Hilly didn't rush forward and try to throw his arms around her. Ho didn't try to explain, no simply got down on tho floor and laughed and rolled over and kicked about until tho stern faced wlfo wondered If tho sud den blow had taken nway his reason, flho had almoHt decided to send for a doctor wliou ho got a hold on himself and roso up and pulled her dpwn on tho trunk bcsldo hlui and Raid: ''No. 2013 Jackson Is tho ottlco of n stockbroker. I can bring you tno telephone book mid show you. Lou and Jesslo aro the names of two coppor mines 1 am Interested In. Tho brokor Is carrying mo on a margin. Tho stock Is dull and down, and I'vo loBt a bit, but I am hoping for a rlso and hanging on. Hero's n circular telling all nbout tho Lou and Jessie nnd sev eral other mines." "And you you" "I nm not a perfidious wretch. Hub- tlo that hnt off and I'll help you got dlnnor." Tho Witch's Track. At Tool, In tho Islo of Man, It la re lated that u witch euld ouCo tho hor rlng tleet would uot return, Uvcry ship was lost, and sho was rolled down tho hill In a barrel set with spikes. Tho glass has nover grown sluco lu the barrel's track. 149 Firsts The BUICK closed the season with the greatest ree oi'ri history of automobile contests b' winning l'J9 firsts 94 per cent of entries thereby defeating tlio highest-priced foreign and American cars in road races, hill, climbs and endurance contests, find ALL THIS .WITH A STOCK CAR JUST LIKE YOU'LL GET A Few of the Big Wins COBE CUP RACE 100 miles at an average speed of 00 miles an hour. YORICK CLUB TROPHY First and second, 150 miles at an average speed ot ol miles an hour. VESPER CLUB TROPHY 212 miles at an aver age speed of 55.5 miles per hour. RIVERHEAD, L. I., CLASS 4-lll3 miles at an av erage speed of 70 miles an hour. ATLANTA 200 miles at an average speed of 72.2 miles per hour. . In winning the Los Angeles-Phoenix Desert Race the BUICK achieved one of the geratest victo ries of the year. This race, run over hills and through fields of sand such as a car seldom encounters, was entered upon with great enthu sim by the manufacturers of high priced cars, because they knew that the "popular-priced" car could not stand the grind. But it was the same old story the BUICK won, defeating its nearest competitor nearly four hours and lowering the record 12 hours, thereby achieving one of the greatest victories for the "popular-priced" car in the history of the automobile. Why Then is the Buick Popular Figure it out for yourself. It won't take you long. You will find moro Buick Cars throughout the west than all other makes combined. It has proven the Best Car for the Rogue River Valley. Ask Any Owner. There will bo n greater shortage of automobiles of nil kinds this year than ever before. Last year's shortage will bo nothing in comparison. Porhaps you havo not noticed it yet, but you will when you buy a car. So ordor NOAY and have it in time for the "Good Roads." Medford Buick Co. (Buicks Exclusively.) HODSON'S GARAGE TOU VELLE, MANAGER Demonstrations by Appointment. RESOLVED Tho best resolution for you to make in to come to us (or your next suit, if you want something out of the ordinary. We- do the best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT TBS FX0afcE88IVZ TAILOR WAA1ED Timber and Goal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MFDFORD - - - - OREGON Office in Jackoum county Bank Upstairs mortgage: loan Money on hand to foan on Real Estate. City and County Warrants bought Fidelity and Indemnity Bonds Furn ished. Fire Insurance. JAMES CAMPBELL f Phone Main 3231. 208 Fruitgrowers' Bank Building DRIVERS that know the country RIGS that cover the country QUICKL) A XI) WITH COM' MJT TO YOU AKE AMV1YS TO lK M FOP-SHAI TUB FARLOW & DOWM.VG, PROPRIETORS. WEST SIDE STABLES PHONE 2431 S. GRAPE STREET GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore. 1 l! Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED CRA'NITE J. B. ENYA'RT, President JOHN 8. ORTI1. UuHhivr J. A. PERRY, Vioe-PreBideat. VT. B. JACKSON, Aus't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK UAPITAL , . $50,000 SURPLUS $8,fiQf Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN & PRICE j 11 North D St., Medford, Ore. Phone 308 I