THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 3910. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Tlu llnrvoy auclion hhIii Saturday on North Con t nil avomiii mill Clink Ht root was well iittoudud mitl nin factory prices realized. Wear IChld'H Shun. Mr. Stewart, tlio estimable wife of ,1. I). Stownri, of North Court Btroot, who underwent tlio trying tlmu of hor lift) Siiturdny by having hor fool aiii)iitat(j(l by Drs. Clnlo and IMokle, Irt Hlovvly recovering, rosliiitf easy at this writing. Meokor'rf for spring Skirls. Tlio youngoHt Hon of .Mr, and Mrs. Alva Haniinond of North Central nv omii!, hud tlio mhiI misfortune of fnll iiiK and breaking IiIh right arm while playing at thu north Hohool Friduy. Ornnltownro at Qoodfriond's. William Vincent returned from Portland Thursday whom hu ban been taking lessons in painting. His wifo returned from Yrokn yesterday. Wear Kidd's Shoes. ' Then. A. Glass of GIuhs Ilros. of Antioehi 1 on ImihIiihk in the elly to day, CoiwuIh nt Ooodfriond's. Mm. C. C. Taylor of North Bontty street, visited liur sister, Mrs, Joe Kodor of Kitglo Point Friday and Saturday, roturniiiK homo Sunday iu P. & K. Chlnnwnre nt Ooodfriond's, Mis Alberta Stacy, assistant tenchor at Mound district, iiccom-J pnnied by her sister, Miss Flora of Antioch, cnmo over Saturday night nod is the guest of her aunt, Mm. Scale of thin city, returning to Agnto j Sunday cvoning over tho P. & E. Miss Akin, principal of Mound din-' trict hcIiooI, wns among tho buny shoppers lu tho city Saturday. j Phono 2001, Goodfriond'.. K. It. Cleveland and family, who have occupied tho Denton rosidonee on North Pino Btroot for the patit nix yeara, moved to tho cant side of Hoar Crook Friday. Wear Kldd's Shoes, AlA Hammond nnd family moved from North Ccntrnl nvonuo Sunday to their nowly acquired proporty on Went Jackson Btroot. Stationery, offico nnd school bud pHnft at the Morrivold Shoo. Mm. Nellie Newbury of Jackson ville. waB in Madfonl on Wednesday. I. lnun ou sal out Mtnuur & Co.'s. ' II. It. Tronson of Engl a Point spent Monday night in Mcdford. Extracts nt, Qoodfriond's. Wolborn Huron of Tnlont was in Medford on business TuoHdoy, Flowor jx)ta nt Goodfriond'H. P. Donegaii, Sr., returned Monday evening from a visit of several months with rolativct) and friends in Cnlifoniia, Wear Ktdd'o Shoes. Mm. II. K. Ilannn, who has boon BufforiiiK from paralysis for the past Boveral months, has ho for recovered that she could bo taken to California. Sho loft thin morning for Oakland, 'Accompanied by her son, Herbert. r-H ComoIs at Meeker's. Mr. nnd Mm. James Owons of 'Ilrownshoro, woro Modford visitors "Mondny. WnHhtubs nt Goodfriond'H. Simpson Wilson, who was sovoroly Injured by falling through a cntttla (Runrd nt Tolo, is now in n convnlo. cent couditioit. Cutlory nml jfloBswaro at Good friend's. Father Van Clnronhook, who has 'boon seriously ill in n Portland hos pitnl, is reported .much bottor, being out of danjeor. J. M. Pottor of Ashland was in Modford Tuosday on business. Tho city council will moot this ev ening in rogulnr session. A. W. Silsby of Ashland wns. a Medford visitor Tuosday. Mr. nnd Mrs. K. E. Cook of Dick inson, N. D., are registered nt the Mooro. J. M. Pottor was in Modford Tuos dnv from Ashland on a business visit. A. W. Wolls and family of North "Dakota aro among tho rocont nrriv .nls in Mcdford, II. L. DoAnnond of Grants Pass is ;n business visitor in Modford today. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. MnoDnnald of ;Eugono nro registered nt tho Nnsh. R. C. McMillan of Portland is in Modford on a business trip. ALL HONORS 10 DUE MEDFORD DECISION OVER MORAN References In noscbttrn Mcctlnu Point Toward Mcdford as Lcadlnu In Work. Professor P. J. O'dnnt, who ril ilroMHod tlio meeting or ilio lmrMoul turliits of Douglas county at KoMobiirg Friday, was Impressed by tho fro ((iieut reference to the lingua lllvor valloy lu gunurat and Modford In par ticular by sovoral sponkont whoa tboy bud occasion to make comparisons. "Tho .Modford people do thus," "It Is thu custom lu tho Hoguo Hlvor val loy to bundle this condition as fol lows"; "In tho Rogue Hlvor valloy they do so and so,' woro remarks fre quently made by such speakers ns V, K. Nowoll, prosldont of tho ntato board of hortlculturo, Commissioners Cnrroui and Parks and others nt tho nicotine. "It was somewhat of a surprlso to mo," said Professor O'Gnra, "to soo such an universal acknowledgment of tho work being done by the horticul turists of tho Koguo Hlvor valley. I was Introduced to tho audloiico as Professor O'Oura of Modford,' and don't know but that I am a llttlo proud of tho designation as I am greatly so of tho city and tho country. "Tho Douglas county fruit mon nro going to organlio on the same lines as the Hoguo Hlver peoplo havo done, and havo asked for coplos of tho constitution and bylaws of tho Hoguo Hlvor valley association." : BUSINESS LOCALS : Draw Would Have Suited Crowd Bet ter However as Flht Was Most Evenly Waned. , HAN KHANCIflCO, Cnl., March 1. Though Harlem, Tommy Murphy was awarded tho .decision ovor Owen Mornn after .20 rounds of fighting at Dreamland Inst night tho concensus of opinion today Is (lmt Hoforoo Kd dlo (Smith erred In declaring tlio Kng llHhman tho losor. About ton per cent of tho specta tors bollovcd tho doclslon to bo a good ono, but tho romnln 90 ptr cent favored Moran or a draw. Mo ran lod In nearly overy ono of tho first H rounds, and whoro ho did not load ho broko ovon. Ho wns tho ag gressor throughout tho ojionlng rounds, Murphy contenting himself with backing up against tho ropes and sliding around tho ring. Ho did not wako up until tho 15th round, and from then until tho fin ish ho in ado things interesting. Ho showed surprising speed ond strength and nover dodged tho slugging In mld-rlng with his lighter opponent. Tho 19th was his host round, a right swing to tho head staggering Moran. Murphy tried to follow his advantage, but tho Englishman ro covered quickly nnd camo back with right and loft. They woro closo together and fighting lko bulldogs at tho ond, Ih tho final round Murphy again slowed Moran with a right to the head, but Owen carao back. Tho bal anco of tho round was mado up of florco rallies, with Murphy having a slight advantage ELKS PLAY 10 A E got along with hor mothor-ln-lnw. ! When askod If sho vas not nnx ' us to C9 hor throo small children, sho said: "No; they aro too much llko my husband, and ho rcsomblos his moth er a good doal, I would willingly rhooso Jail In proforonco to a homo shared hy hor." Tin: iiomkhuiijWKU's optohtu- NITV. naturally, tho most boautlful and ar tistic resldonco section of Hoguo Hir er valley. Tho houses will bo built, In so far as wo can arrango It. so as to bo in tegral and beautiful parts of a com-j pleto dnd perfect wholo. AH plana and specifications which wo will pro-1 sent for your adoption, approval or aid, will bo In conrormrcy with thin Idea, and rcasonablo restrictions wilt bo enforced sufficient to maintain, this perfection of plan and product In this addition do Luxe Siskiyou Holghts. OHECJON ORCHAHD3 SYNDICATE. If you vant satisfaction try a snek of Mt, Hood Snow-Pall Flour For snlo nt tho Huns Mill. Homom Jbor tho plnro. Polk Hull & Son "WANTED To buy, a flrst-clnss sec ond hand piano; prefer mission fin .lab. Soo .Too Loggltt, Mooro Hotel. 298 WORKING TO SAVE VICTIM. ( Coil tinned from pago 1.) dron havo boon rosouod by tho horole minors from tho Mnco Bllde and tho mon aro working dosporatoly In shifts In nn offort to succor thoso who' may possibly bo allvo bonoath Uio crush of enow and timbers, Minora from all the groat producing mlnoa are now on the scono of tho disaster and It Is bellovod that if human effort will ac complish anything moro of tho llr- Woar Kidd's Shoos. SiiiRor sowing machines, 214 S. G treot. Phono 2951. 314 Full nasurtment of Whitman's can dies nt Tho Motrivold Shop. " John II. Cnrkin, attorney at law, ovor Jackson County Hank. Sea tho Morrivold Shop for books, magazines and fine cntrravine. Tens at Goodfriend's. For wood of nil klndo, see tho 8quaro Deal Woodynrd. Phono 2001. Fir ctroot, between 8ocond and Third streets. Gould & Llndloy, proprietors. 201 McCall Pntterns. Mookor's. Singo.' and Wheelor & Wilson sow itifc machines for snlo and rent. Sup plies nnd repnira for all kinds. Ad dross 24 1 S. Grapo. Phono 2054. Spring skirts. Meeker's. Fifty acres free soil, fivo miles south of Mcdford; above frost lino; $85 nn ncro; terms. Siskiyou hnnd Co., 200 Phlpps bldR. 297' Coffee at Goodfriend's. Spices nt Goodfriend's. Toii-naro trnats, five miles south of Modford, froo soil, koo& view of vnlloy; $140 nn ncro; pood torms. Siskiyou Land Co., 200 Phipps build ing; 2d7' Ing will bo rescued. At Hurko, whoro tho socond slide occurred, a fow hours after tho ono at Maco, five aro known to bo dead and two bndly Injurod. Such Is tho chaotic condition In tho opiall mining town, howovor, that tho list Is uot boltovod to bo comploto. Tho saddest ovont nt this placa Is tho death of tho two chlldron of Al Nowman, who with his wifo and two llttlo ones, without a socond's warning woro bur led .by tho groat sliding mass. Jamos Hogors, attor working dos poratoly for sovoral hours aiding tho workers to oxtrlcato hlmsolt from tho snow, waB rescued yesterday, but IiIh Injuries caused his doath a fow hours nttor ho was takon from tho buow. At Caronato IIIH, whoro tho third Bltdo occurrod, two aro doad and halt a dozon mou mon nro Injurod. It Is not known how ninny moro aro bo nonth tho wreckage Tho Carbonnto hill sltdo was not so groat In oxtout as tho othors In tho Coour d'Alono district, but Its forco was as groat nnd It swept everything boforo It. TOO LATEjTO CLASSIFY. WANTED Stenographer and typo wrltor nt Mooro Hotel, 294 WANTED Wp havo tho ca8h to pay for bargains In land. Michigan Laud Co., 0 S. Fir st. 300 FOn SALE For tho best dry oak In town cnll on C. F. Holchstoln, or phono to 491; $8 por cord and fir ?7G0, 300 FOH SALE Whlto Loghorn, thor oughbrod oggs, Addross 587, Mod ford, Or. ' 300 .WANTED To rout, small houso, good soli, closo In. Phono 2511, 297 DETECTIVEHERE. (Continued from Pago 1.) they would lot mo. I renllrod that this moving around stunt wasn't what It's said to be. I will go back now, ami when I get through with this 1 am coming back to Mcdford, and I expect to seo you boys soonor than you think." During his 18 months' resldonco hero Jack Hoaclto has been strictly "on tho lovel." Ho has attended to business and tho many frlonda ho has mado hero woro very much surprised at his arrest, and will bo glnd to hear of his gottlng out of his troublo hon orably. Roache was accused of using his position as a policeman to his own advantage After being nrrestod thero ho was roloasod on 13000 bond, which ho Jumped. Ho later got Into troublo In Portland, but squared thts up. G. T. Wilson. Tho Klkfl Peerless Minstrels, given under the auspices of tlio Klks, wns in overy way a success. The house wus crowded to its capacity, and the , local comedian did not crack his joke ' in vain. Tho ballad hinger was rc-j warded by liborol applause, and tho j farce at tho end of the performance j was n decided hit. Mr. Wilson un- derstnnds his business whaa it comes j to putting on a show, and he possess es a beautiful tenor voice. He hnsi won tho esteem of nil with whom he hns como in contact during his stay in Mcdford. Wilson is n gentleman and a good singer, ond best of nil he hns bought property near our town ond enn bo added to the list of mu sical talent for which Medford is fa mous. From every indication the house will be packed tonight, nnd the per formance will be changed from last niirht mi ns to make it thoroughly in teresting to those who witnessed the fiMt performance. Every ono did their part so well that it would be but just to go down 1 the lino nnd give .eneh porformer special mention, but this would make ' nn article so long that it would be out of proportion to the notices of this kind. Suffice it to say, tint ' every performer did his part with Tonight the general admission will bo only 50 cents. E. M. ANDREWS. ( PREFERS JAIL TO LIFE WITH MOTHER-IN-LAW , Quito a number of our leading citizens, allvo to the beauty and de sirability for residences purposes of Siskiyou Holghts addition, aro now planning with their architects tho building of flno houso, and In order to facilitate the offorts of all who desire to unulato this good example, tho Oregon Orchards Syndicate will. placo at tho disposal of all so In clined a large collection of. plans of artistic and comfortnblo houses of tho best kind, description nnd price. ( Tho best architects In Mcdford ana tho northwest will bo Interested In producing the most artistic effects, diversified plans and harmonious combinations for tho benefit of tho residents of Siskiyou Heights addi tion. Not alone this, but wo will so arrange it that the services of these experts will bo at the command of each and every houso builder who cares to avail himself of the oppor tunity. Wo Intend to spare neither pains nor expense In making Siskiyou Heights archltcctuarlly. as well as Its You These Words are Intended for You, who are discriminating, who arc eco nomical, who know style, quality, etc., in shoes, when you see them. We do not mere ly think, we know we can please you on all these points and are very desirous of win ning your future trade. When it comes to price, do not take our word for it alone. Ask some of your friends whom you may know have made some pur chases of us. We know they will tell you: "I found them very reasonable." cm, LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 1. Mrs. Mary Allco Anaya, who Is un der, arrest hero charged with desert ing her husband nnd children nt Snn tn Cruz, Cal., said today that she prefers Jail to a homo shared by her mother-in-law. When Mrs. Anaya was taken Into custody she did no? Jeny tho chnrgo and offered no excuse for leaving her family oxcopt that she could not Savoy Theatre TONIGHT TESTING THKIK I.OVH Rolling ball of mirth. THE USUHPEH Thrilling drama. VISIT TO HOMHAY Colored travologue. EXCELLENT MUSIC ONE DIME HUNTLEY-K1REMER Co. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 214 Fruit Growers Bank Building BPO ELK S MINSTRELS A Snap. Ton-aero full boarlng orchard, commercial varlottos, well Improvod, host soil at Central Polut, 5S00. Aylor & Darnott, noxt to Mall Tri TONIGHT i General Admission for Tonight 50c. who want: SPLENDID PLATTING PROPOSITION THIS 197 ACRES, CLOSE IN ON MAIN COUNTY BO AD. TWO-THIRDS OF A MILE FROM POSTOFFICE. LAYS HIGH AND SIGHTLY. THIS IS A SIMON PURE BARGAIN AND ONE THAT ANYONE CAN CLEAN UP ON IN A SHORT TIME. INFORMATION AS TO TERMS AND PRICE. WALTER McCALLUM, NASH HOTEL. 28ACRES CLOSE IN. A SNAP AND ONE THAT WON'T LAST LONG. PRICE $15,000; $5000 CASH, BALANCE LONG TIME. WALTER McCALLUM, NASH-HOTEL. 680 ACRES 550 ACRES BOTTOM LAND; 580 CAN BE PLOWED NOW; 5 ACRES ORCHARD; SISKTYOU COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THREE MILES FROM YREKA COUNTY SEAT; PRICE $18,000, TERMS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A MONEY MAKER AND A HOME, HERE IT IS. Walter L McCallum Nash Hotel Medford, Ore. !! CALIFORNIA THE MECCA FOR WINTER TOURISTS Its attractive soastdo resorts, famous medical springs, magnificent tourist hotels, picturesque scen ery, delightful cllmato, and opportunity for all kinds of outdoor pastime, such r.s hundreds of mlloa of auto drives through orange groves and along ocean beach boulevards, make this favored region Tho World's Greatest Winter Resort, roached via the SHASTA ROUTE. nnd "Road of a Thousand Wonders" SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Low round trip rates aro In effect from all points In tho Northwest, with long limit, stop-over privi leges and tlrst-clasa accommodations. . Medford to Los Angeles md Return, $47.50. With a final return limit of six months, aud stop-overs In either direction. First class, up-to-date train with tho latest equipment, unexceled dining car service, and everythlsg that goes to make the trip pleasant. Attractive, Interesting and Instructive lltorature telling ot the famous winter rowrts of Callforata can be had on application to any O. R, & N. or S. P. Agont, or by writing to WM. McSIUItRAY, General Passenger Ageat, PORTLAND, OWKJOH