Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 28, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Preliminary Steps Taken for Hortl- Warner, Wortman & Gore Plennlng Weakened Bridge at Thomas Grove Reduced Rates Aro Given on Rail
cultral Society on Same Plan as1
the One Now Flourlshlno In Med-,
to Eercct New Four Story Brick,
In Near Future on East Main
Holds up R. R. V. Train Motor j
With Trail Wagon Brings In the.
Passengers. j
roards In Order That Everyone
Many See the "Man-Bird Fly in
the Air.
machines to take part n the contest
ore several well-known Portlnnd bus
iness men who have made recent
purchases, and it is certain that the
'dntcs of the meet will contain many
interesting features of what has been ,
accomplished with the last few years,
in the manufacture of flying machines.
At a meeting of the fruit growers 1 T,l flr,n of Warner. Wortman & weaken! Uridne ovor Griffin j The people of Oregon, Washington
. Horn nrn rontnmnlntlnr nitnniitee nd ........ i. m,m- ifcn Ttuitiinn nlnro hold lit) nnrl Ihn PnnifiK imrlliivnt will luivo
nf tho mine, valley noiu ni Am.innu . " - - - ,
finturday preliminary step were tak- dltlons to tnolr prawnt quartof on ,,. MKtbound connonball on tho It. an opportunity to see a mnn-Diru
on to orgiinlw a horticultural socle-1 Moln atrcoU ! n. V. railroad Monday morning. I"' "lt. of us have read
. . . ., nnnn fh . . . . , . ... .about flyinir machinos and it is the
ty for educational Prpo.. upon ho The fm Me AD0Ml tfy. The l)r,,,K0 w ,m8(iabk,( however, q on(j of
"Tt whlchidone so much good , lnB 0Ut thclr ,,,an" b"1 ,,mllte,, for the motor car. and the 20 or more these soarinK across in the heavens
work d'udnr th' past few years. ! tlmt tD0 Improvement wore w4r pnwounor were brouKht to Medford ( with the clouds, and making speed
A committee whs appointed, con- connldorntlon, wjth the addition of tho "trailer.
nlstlnB of C. H. llartow, C. H. Pierce Rumor has M that tear-story, xtila trnllor Is an unlqi.e In rall
nnd 0 A. Goudy, to draft a constl- modern building of a fronURC of 7R rondlng as Is tho balanco of tho road.
tutlon and bylaws for tho govern- foot was to be ereeie. This ru- u !g built on the Irish Jaunting car i"1, .V11'. Z'"1''-' " '
meat of tho body. This committee mor was nelthar Affirm! nor de-1 9tvl0i wheru you t back to back I"" w" bo the fit chnnco thnt has
will report on tho oCond Saturday , ..led. an bang on by your eyelids, or any ; J"" va 1 10 0 of h,f! "rtrt ,f
In March, at which time tho organlsa- otllur I)0,.tIon 0f your anatomy that u ry "I '''T'"1 T'"'
. TWENTY-SIX STUDENTS FALL can find a resting place. 17" weTored
ai linn, imiu iimu iiiu ilium.-, mum inc. u. . u. nuuuo tho ur.ugo is oeing repaired unu
noils and fertilizers will bo discuss-j ,n(. regular trains will bo In commis
si. Twontv-six students hnvo bcon slon soon.
dreaming, but it is Ktinrnnteed by
the business men of Portland who
are buck of tho flying machine meet
that unless there nre genuine cross
country and high altitude flights
It Is tho Intention to have tho reg- ,iroI,I)ed from the mils of the Ore
ulnr monthly meetings of Urn society B0, .Agricultural College and forty- REPORT ROOSEVELT
on tho second .Saturday in enrn f Vo others hnvo been paced on pro- IHIIIRFn IS flFNIFn :i.i ;Vi i -...i.i
, , . .: , Muikui. uiuiiuj wm uu luiuiiuuii. Willis.
but.on hocauso of to satisfy ,K iIftnliUoni tho dnrinl, nvintor w,10i
the scholastic requirements during LQNDOK, Feb. 28.-A false rumor operating n Curtiss biplane, holds the
m. , ., was circulntoil Here lor several Hours, world's records for high speed wit!
hid Miv im ii .i..uu nun iikch tlnt ijoosovclt una met with nil ae
ter this year than over hotorc. Hie c;(ent,
faculty is determined however, to Iinnprs
When you lean. hi" t" !- a- t
nd. ofre.ively, you can when you
will bring about cLcgo nnd im-
your homo life.
p. tn'll T-k TT.. T Alr Than. If T
p. ovcts in your business nnd in It Will rtLV IOU IU JiUUtt JLJUtOt J Di
15 ncrcs, close in, $400 per acre.
1 acre, till planted to fruit and well
2 acres, close in, $500 per acre.
Vfe ncres, close in, improved, $1500.
0 acres, close in, all in fruit; $9000.
Vfe ncre, 5-room house nnd barn;
$1500, terms..
Vi acre, 4-room house, $1250, terms.
2 lots on Onkdale avenue, $2500.
2 lots on West Main.
2 lots on Oak street, $1G00.
Private water system, motor pump
and tank; bargain.
7- room bungalow, $2500.
8- room bungalow, $2300.
5-room house, $1000.
Tho report was denied oy take tho high altitude record at the
Which Printed tho StorV. I Pnrtlnnil mnnf Ilninnen nf llm cllll.
keep the grade of work up by drop- ,,OOHevclt.s pnr(y lcft Oondokoro foi'lnoss of tho nir currents around
ping those students who fall behind MoM(rnlft today. Mrs. Hoosevelt and I Portland, ho believes ho can do this.
lroad rates of one and one-
ffifk ltrii-f linsiti l.' n i i A a i nil
, , t - ... . . . " ' - - - " wit it iu V I1IHI ill ill nvt IULU Vll till
IdallO Miner r-ailS OUU l-eet into IIIC mm guanuaiiH win oe nsKeu to en- tlloy nre t0 leot (1P coionp
.. . . , , , , operate. At tuo close i oaei. semex-
uraicr oi An extinct iinu ibuuiiuu
in.rnnin linnen. olneo in.
a muo in lour minutes, will try to terms
fi-room house, close in $3500, terms.
12-room house, close in, $4000.
Other properties of nil kinds.
100 men wnnted.
15 ranch hands.
Crater South of Boise.
because of failure to mako the propor,her ,nUKhtcr arrived at Naples yes- Rnilro
application. To this end tho parent tcr,lnv on ro,e to Khartoum wlmr- third fa
1 1! Ill 1 1 1 1 ' . .... !
nnu iruurum.m wm c unmm. w, , nre to neot , coonPi. Tny ; rnilron,lH PmVmP into Porllnnd. Pntna 1 ,
operate. At the , clos of each seme,- PXpoct to ,cftvo Xa,)les Wodnsday. ' extolll tu Mcflfl on the south and Prm lrZti Xtb
terarepor of the MaMdings of each Tho lncssnK0 rocciv0(1 from .he Tho DnPS 0 le cn. Every per- 00 "Lch " r
student w.ll be sent d.rectly to the Hooscvclt pnrty ,0(lny rcm1s )IS f(ll. I . fa wi, ,mvo 3 1 ' -000 peach trees cheap.
parent or gnurdiun.
. ,,, ()B . nmi AMERICANS REACH T0KI0
,. 1,0 SI- J' " con- 0N WAy AR0UND WORLD
f.nniil.o.i of the report of tho terrible
death of C. K. Hell, an Idaho miner,
who fell 500 led inlo the or "t
tin extinct and isolated volcano umir
lows: "Preposterous, never was in ':,.. t wit!.n- this i.ront event. E. F. A. BITTNER,
beter health. Thoro hits been no no-1 Among those who will have flyin g208 Taylor & Phlpns Big. Phone 4141
c.dont of nny kind."
TOKIO. Feb. 28. Tho seven hun- Tho organization of nil association
dred American tourists who are mi of C01Intv frlljt inspc..tors fr the
tho headwaters of the Hninonu re-, , "V """""" state of Oregon was one ot the mot
Hcnc. 100 miles south of Koine, l c,mn8'"',f C,HV0J ",.'nV" I"k": i.nporlant results of tho work of
reached hero today 1 ,otl"J lMn?i,r 0z,lkl "in,, ,,Iui UrM farmers' week at tho Oregon Agrie.,1-
The accident occurred lut Mon- ''" Io r" to ' ,""-v tural College. It means better pro
day. Hell and tu,. companions were c!,,,r . :" "10 Japanese me.- tcction nn(1 Rrcnlcr opportllnitiPS fr
walking at the time. The former , ;,",."ts , America and expressed the tho Orogon frit grower.
.... i ,1 . .1 i .iidesire thoy should enjoy theinsolvoH
ouioiniiiiii;i:o iiiu io iiuivin m i in- , ., , rtM .mi: i. .
1IIO pi cum oi I iimii nil.
' while liere.
LI llll'l. IIIB IIIVII1IH. ,111,1.1 . , . ., .
,. l, ii i i i . i . it arranged a soiree to bo given tho v.s
warn hun Hell had Ht.nieil to walk ? .
over the brideo of snow at tho wide
nf the voIoiii.o'h o.iuilh. lie failed
to hi'i.r the shouU of his conipniiio.m
nnd walked over the edi;e into the
cm I it. At lliit his fool
, ilors today.
14 acres, Newtown and Spitz, in
full bearing, nico houso nnd modern
iiodtt ivn n oq n.......... . . . .
nlij)io.l he tll limriuiir with " i oiivoiuoiicob, n paying invostment
terrible sere..... into the volcano. A )V Um' f?r ,,m!!v v,:nrs '' ,nt $12,000; good tonus.
rescue party let f it ....... down ' fK"rn ,1,u ";,,,"n;, -""truplin,, 88 noro trnct30 ncros 5-
200 feet into the crater. When pull- lv,"'k "f "," '"'1,wt,i'- 18 ',t"''! nu' year and 20 acres 1-yonr-old pea.
lour MMirs coiuiiiriiu-iii io om oru n Nn. 1 fr nn,i nmi , r Kll.ll
ed buck the reported no Nign of
Hell. Hell was uell known in Hoixe
iiiining circles.
with pernicious
Hunt was bom in Now York in 1S42.
Lnko ditch, 3j miles out; $20,000.
ensy tenus.
lie came lo Uregon ... lie 7.r,1(lm illmi?low. modorn. olage
BURGLAR PHONES TO POLICE ' filHt '''""wo: in freighling busine ,0 Mnin gtroot( ronts for .l0 por
TO RELEASE HIS VICTIM ,IPW,"" tw n"1I,,H- I,0'HO ,,,,,, month; a good invostmont; $3000.
do... IHter ho constructed ...ore than
fiOO mile of railroad for tho Orwon
easy tonus.
Ml'AT'PIl- )H A " niiiriiiui mr uiu urw.iii 7. room ninpn ow. now ami str e -
wholelephomHltothHlieclogoio ilnHd and Navigfltion company, j ,y ul0(leni( hif?h lot and fine view,
the roicue, after binding and I rthern Paeif.c and other railroad.. , (ho ,l0 ,,y i town for $4000;
i in himi iiiiiii ri njnii'iii ,,i ii.iiiiii.ii inoo iftniiw
inenr whiiii aiia, win. ins own oapi-
,1a). lit litis made l.U home in Port
land for twenty year. lie is sur
i vived hv a widow and four children
ging h man, is m badly WHi.ted char-1
ncler nt lioadiiiiiulei todav.
"1 hnvo jiihl iitltWd n grocer on
Dawson ntrt.fl. It is a cold night and
1 don't wnnt him lo suffer. Please '
go and roln him." Thi fn.m .in Tm no.MHni'lI.DUlf.s OI'POltTl
uiiMiown voire ntr wi pnotie lo lite
cMitrnl lUtmi InM nihl. They iu
M'liiyriitnil and found th mesaire
true. The officem released Robrt
Aaiin, pntprieiof of (he More, and
d. cinuicd he lin.l lost $,10 in ,nh
i il rhei'ks. lt ili-Hi'iilird the robber
n IK or 20 onr ol nye mi, I (reed
r n loborer.
Dr. .1. W. Andrew, of MitnUto,
Mum., brother of I'd. M. Andre wx,
and A. Conm rWo hitwi purchased
the NvwIawh tract of S'J ncivs in 18 er 10-yr-old Spi.xen
betg Hpvlw and 30 iiervs of two.
year-old pour. Th orchard lien
n.-rewi the county rod from the
Quito a inimlnr of our leailltiK
cltlifin. ullra to tho beauty nnd de
slrablllty for renblenres purposes of
Rlsklyou Ilelnt.ta addition, aro now
planning will, their arclilterts the
buiUIing of fine bouwes, nnd In rrdr
to facilitate the efforts of all who
ileilr to i.nulRto this okI example
j the Oreitou Orchanla Syndicate will
' ilace at the illnposal of all so In
' ellnMl a largrt collection of plnns of
artlatlc aud comfortable houses of
th beat kind, description anl prtie
Th btMt Hrohlttota In Medford and
' the uorthweat will be Interested tn
i produclun (lie moat artistic effects,
i dlvrflifld plans and harmonious
combinations for tha benefit of the
1 S fine high lots. .10x110, east
front, for one week or while they
last. $:ir0; easy tenns.
Pine lot, 1S."1I0; n bargain at
fPI'.O ca-h
128 East Main.
! Wright 6 Allin
r,'s Mnln Street.
Nf T
The General Electric
Radiant Toaster
produces crisp, delicious toast, on the dining room tabic. It makes
toast by radiant heat the correct way. The center of the bread
becomes heated before the outside is browned over, thus allowing
.he necessary chemical changes to take place, without which toast
is soggy in the middle and hard on the outside.
The General Electric Radiant Toaster lightens breakfast tasks and
(uicLly pays for itself by saving time and bread. Conic and see a
demonstration of this electrical convenience.
Rogue River Electric Company
Piem. fornwrly Mser orohord. which 'fW8t f Ukl'",1 "" ""'J'
told laat Hummer tor 1000 an uw 4 mma vm wo w'"
nnd adjolna the Xor- r,,, or,ha",l'" ,,rran", " ,hBt th ,ervlc"K "f
that Hold for H100 u ,. a vear ,hM MprU W,U b at tlu' ,on"n,,l,
JJfll of each and Try houao builder wi .i
Th purehas. price w, f.WH.OO ",r ,0 VU him,U of the 0,,,,,,r-
A year and a half ago (I ts on hard ,U!,tr, , , .
was uurebaaed for fK.OOO. and 1 Wt t0 Br p",n"
held by (ha new ,.i..r .u Moo. nor BUklyou
MelahU archltctuarlly, as we'l
The Juvwiile Uaneitiu n.b v, ,i( na'"Mr. th moat beautiful and ar-
thair rwiMlar daneiiif partv m Ai
hall on Vdnda.V. March J I In !
Hkk' orflliwatra will furnili H mu
.luu.ea U. Kll Uitd friemK at
Oaklandi Oragon. "w-r Suiidny.
i'..'ona wloi
iu - II toli
illte-. t-li itf .'
neas mhe
f.iin-; i id In -I
uinin . Ilnii- i
1 lid
i1 lli'W-I
. ' 1 1
, i. -t ii
i i nriTt n j
i !i'i t in
tu'. i.Mnc tlon of ltoaue U'v
er v rtllpy.
the hou will b built, to so far
tt we an arraai It, so as to be In iiiii) leautlful part of a com
t'lf.i' and itarfeet whol All plan
.ii' l i i ifteatlona wMeh we will pro
' f." your adoption, approval or
I' l i" b 'o eauformltv with tt k
' J raaoaabl restriction
' red sufficient to maintain
rfwtlon of plan and product
.l addition da I.uxa SUklvou
Peach Trees
Not a carload, but all you want, and
the prices are always right.
Five-room house in Benson addition, facing east; house
EMPLOYMENT AND' juSt comPleted; price $800, $ ' balance $20.00-
111 o n tli 1 y
BUSINESS -CHANCES Pive-room buncralow on West Tenth street; south front:
price $1350, half cash, balance in one year at 6 per cent
Tenth street will soon be paved.
Five-room modern house and good lot on South Fir street;;
a snap for a close-in home. We have this for a short,
time only at $1800; terms.
We have three five-room bungalows, just completed, in.
the West End, for rent at $11 per month.
Lot, 100x100, on South Orange, with small house. The
street will be paved this year. This is a close-in prop
erty and is a splendid location for a home. It is cheap
at $2200; terms.
Twenty-acre orchard; 16 acres in 7-year-old Newtowns;.
4 acres in 2-year-old Bartlett pears; four feet black loam'
soil; three miles from Medford; price $13,000, half cash.
Best orchard buy in the valley.
Nine and fifty-four one-hundredths acres, within four
miles of Medford: near railroad station; 19-1 20-year-old.
Spitzenbergs: 40 4-year-old Newtown grafts; 175 4-year-
old Boso pears; So 1-year-old Uomice pears and lol 1
y ear-old Bosc and Coniice pears; should produce $4650
1 in 1910; price $9540, one-fourth cash, balance in three
, years at 1 per cent.
Thirty-two aores within two miles of Medford; 27 acres
5, 6 and 7-year-old Bosc pears; 4 acres 2-year-old d'An
jou pears; good buildings and about $2000 worth of per
sonal property; price $24,000: terms.
Do You Realize
That Medford is one of the fastest growing cities in the
country, and that in a year or two any good residence lot
is going to be worth from $1000 up?
Do You Know
That we are selling good residence lots, in the best resi
i dence section of the city, surrounded by beautiful homes,
where water and sewer mains will soon be laid, at prices
that are within the reach of the smallest investor??
Whether you want it for a home or as an investment,,
why not get in on the ground floor and reap the benefit of
the rise that is bound to come?
These Lots Run From
$250 to $500
Come to our office and we will be pleased to show you.
Do it Now
List your property with us. We have agents in all parts
of the country and can furnish a buyer. We write fire
and automobile insurance, sell surety bonds and rent
houses. We are properly equipped to handle your busi-
Give us a trial.
It is a pleasure to
watch the toast
become crisp and
brown, and then re
move it from the G.l?.
at the
it is done
N. S. Bennett
PHONE 3222