Classified Ads in The Mail Tribune Constitute Real Salesmanship ; WE ARE ON THE JOB The Principal Ingredient of Harnan Goes Down to 20 Cents Per Doz. Poor Man Can Get i:i Again. Eggs are quoted at 20 cents la the market and a fellow can Indulge In "ham and" or "two In de shell" now without feeling that ho Is wast ing his subsiano. jne southern Ore gon hen has come nobly to the res cue of an eggless community by com ing back on tho Job. Spuds have also taken a drop from $1.50 to $1.25 per cwt. There Is no change In tho price of pork locally, although the prlco north Is still coins up. Pure leaf lard Is actually hero In five and ten-pound palls at less than it can be bought from the Jobbers In 1000-pound lots. NEW SYSTEM RETIREMENT PROPOSED IN NAVY WASHINGTON'. D. C, Feb. 28. Embodying Secretary Meyer's her nlded plan for increased efficiency of the navy, in n spocinl message to congress President Tnft recommend ed the newly proposed system of re tirement of nnvnl officers nt ccrtaiu ago limits instead of after they reach n certain grade in the service. The message showed thnt the nvcr age age nt which a captain of navy retire- is "i years while the rear nd mirai retires at GO', 2 years. Com menting on this thejiresident snys: "This is the direct result of nn nb sured system which allows nearly nil officers, provided they retain health, to pas through various grades and retire as rear admirals. HALLEY'S COMET WILL SOON BE VISIBLE BERKELEY, Cnl., Feb. 2S.HnI ley's comot will soon bo visible with out the nid of a glass ,according to W. F. Meyer, of the faculty of the 'department of nstronomy nt tho Uni versity of California. The tailed star already can be seen through opera glasses. The sky waudoror may he found by sighting Algoncb, known is Gamma of tho star Pegasus. Tho comet now approaching the sun, will pass it Mnrch 25, according to Meyer and probably will then be come invisible until it emergos on the wegteni side of tho sun. Meyor stat ed that no "dinstrous" results nro 'o he feared with tho approach of the comet toward tho earth. OREGON C0-ED8 BEST liLEJjOMPANIONS Out of 600 Students in Liberal Arts Only 15 Failed to Make Necessary Number of Hours. EUGENE, Or., Feb. 28. Tabulat ed results of the final semester exam inations recently held at tho Univer sity of Oregon have been prepared by the registrar of tho univorsity and show that the women students, as n class, have secured higher grades than the men. Tho average sorori ties is almost exactly the same as the average grade of those living with private families. The woman's fra ternity with the highest average in scholarship obtained a grade of 00 per cent, which was four per cont liighor than the highest average ob tained by a man's fraternity. All of r the seven women's fratenities and . dormitories had averagos ranging from 87 per cent to 90 per cent. The ton men's fraternities and dormitor .. ios ranged from S2 per cent to 8" per oent. The average grade of woman not living in fraternities or dormitories was SO per cent and the raeji S5.C per cent. None of the wen on the football team failed to make the required work and their average was S3." per cent. Out of the 600 students enrolled in the colleges of liberal arts and engineering, only fif teen failed to make the required num ber of hours necessary 'or continu ing the work. 1170 Registered. The annual report of President Campbell of the University of Ore ' gon shows that the total registration in all departments of the university is now 1170 students, of whom 620 are enrolled in the colleges of liberal arts and engineering. Even- county in Oregon, with three exception-, is HENS ONC represented, Multnomah leading with 171 students. The freshmen class in arts and engineering numbers 225, representing prnoticnlly every four yoar high school and academy in the state. Among the freshmen are also graduates of 31) high schools and academies located outside of the state of Oregon, an indication of tho large immigration into Oregon during the past year. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned will apply to the crty coun-: ell of tho city of Mcdford, Oregon,' at the meeting thereof on March , 2, 1910, for a license to sell spirit-1 ous, vinous and mnlt liquors In quaur 1 titles less than a gallon, for tho pe-. rlod of six months, at his place of business at No. 31 Front street South,' In said city. ' B. S. RADCLIFF & CO. Dated February 17, 1910. PORTLAND MARKETS. Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS 190S crop, chotco 15c; prime to choice, 16c; prime, 15Vc; medium. 15c; 1909, choice, 21c; prime, 20c; medium, 16 19c. WOOL Nominal, 1909, Willa mette valley, 20 21c; eastern Ore gon, 20p23c. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 10 25c each; short wool, 26350c; medium wool, 50c $1 each; long wool, 75c $1.25 each. TALLOW Prime," per lb. 3 4c; No. 2 and grease, 22',c MOHAIR 1909, 23 24c lb. HIDES Dry hides, I718c lb; Kreen, S(&9c; ball"), green salt, 7c lb; kips, 10 10 14 c; .calves, green, 16 18c per lb. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. EGGS Local, candled, select, 25c; local storage, 2Sc; ;eaitern storage, 17c. BUTTER Extra creamory, 37 39c; fancy, 25(0 37c; store, 24c. POULTRY Mixed chickens, 17 l-2c; fancy hens, ISc; roosters, old, 16 1-2?; goose, 12c for llvo, 14 15c for dressed; ducks, 22 l-2c; turkeys, live 19c, drossoj 23c; pig eons, squabs, $2.50 3 doz;. dressed chicken, 1 2c pound higher than alive. Grain, Flour and Hay. BARLEY Producers' prlco 1909 Food, $S.30; rollodfl $33; brewing, 730.50. WHEAT Truck, club, $1.04; bluo stem. $1.12; rod. $1.08; forty fold,' $1.10; Willamette valley. $1.04. forty fold, $1.10; Willamette valley, $.06. MILLSTUFFS Selling prlco Bran, $27; middlings, $34; shorts, I $27.50; chop. $22Q29; alfalfa meal,1 $21 per ton. FLOUR New crop, patents, $6. 15; straight, $4.90; baker's, $5.95 6.15; Willamette ' valley, $5.80 bbl; export grades, $4.59; graham, l-4s,i $5.75; whole wheat, $5.75; ryo, $5.75: bales, $3.15. HAY Producers' prlco New tim othy, Willamette valley, fancy, $20; ordinary, $19; eastorn Oregon, $2021; mixed, $15; clover No. 1, $15.5016; wheat, $1617; cheat, $16 17; alfalfa, $17. OATS Spot deltvory, now, pro ducers' price Track No. 1 white, $31$32; gray, $3031. , Fruits and Vegetables. 1 FRESH FRUITS Oranges: New navels, $2 3; bananas, 5 5 He lb; lemons, $3.75 4.50 box; grape fruit, $4; ears, $1.25; grapes, $1. 75. POTATOES Selling, new, $1.15 1.25: buying, eastern Multnomah and Clackamas, 75 80c; Willamette alloy, 70c. ONIONS Jobbing, $1.50 per cwt; garlic, 10 12c por lb. APPLES $1.25 3. BEANS Small white. $5.50; large white, $4.60; pink, $4.85; bayou, $6; Llmas, $5; reds, IS. CATTLE Best steers, $5.60 5. S0; good stoers, $5; common steers, $4.25; medium, $4.354.50; fancy heifers, $4.00; medium cows, $4.00; poor cows, $3.003.50 bulls, $2.50 93.75; stags, $2:5093.00. HOGS Best east of the mountains,' $9.0009.25; fancy, $8.508.75; stockors, $7.00; pigs, $8,00. SHEEP Best wethers, $6.00; or dinary. $5.50; spring iambs, $6.50 6.75; straight ewes, $5.255.50; mixed lots, $5.50. CALVES Best. $6 3 6.25; ordl- t.ary, $5.00 C 5.26. MEDFORD MARKETS. Fruits and Vegetables. (Prlefts paid by 'Med ford merchants) APPLES 2 9 4o lb. Potatoes. $1.25 cwt; onions. $S cwt; cabbage, 22Hc; turnips, l?c; parsnips, 1 to IMe. You Face Forward When You Read the Ads The NEWS In tho paper represents a history, or record of things that HAVE HAP PENED within a few hours. Tho advertisements In tho paper are a forecast of many things that ARE TO HAPPEN, WITHIN A FEW HOURS. An item of news tolls of something that is past. An advertisement tells of something that is to bo. Koading tho news, you look BACKWARD which Is usoful, necessary, help ful. Reading tho ale, you look FORWARD which Is Inspiring, exciting, profitable. You put yourself In touch with things that aro to bo with tho Immediate activities of llfo lnx this city. Tho ads holp you to find YOUR PART In theao activities busy hurley-burley of tho town's llfo. Read tho nows for history the ads for opportunity! Butter. Eggs nnd Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford merchants) Ranch buttor, 32 Mc, fancy cream ery, 40c. Fresh ranch eggs, 20c. Mixed poultry, 10 14c; spring chickens, 15 18c; turkoyo, 17c. (Prices paid producers.) Hay Timothy, $16; alfalfa, $16; grass, $14; grain bny, $16. Grain Wheat, $1.20 bushel; oats, $36 ton; barloy, $30 ton. Beef 3 1-2 to 4 l-2c; pork, 7 lc; mutton, 7c; lamb, Fc; veal (drsi.l) 7 c. (Selling prices.) Rolled barley. 2 cwt.. $38 ton; bran, $1.07; middlings, $1.85 1.90; shortr, $1.80 1.85. r FOR SALE About G5 tons baled hay; 11 first and second cut nl falfa. Inquire of II. NT. Hull, Cen tral Point. 290 FOR SALE Now 8-room modern 2 story house, lot 53x108, a beautiful homo; $1000. Address E. W. Bruiu erd. Medford. 204 FOR SALE Choice business prop erty at a bargain, on long timo; ensy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Power" Co. FOR" SALE Seventeen lots, 16 In ono block, close In, cheap If takon soon. Address P. O. Box 146, Med ford, Or. FOR SALE 4-room houso with closet and pantry, 2 lots each fiOv 100; n snap at $1100. Address J. ' tit T- J 1 r. 1 i' 1 on 1 W. Brainord, Medford. 294 FOR SALE Modern 5-rpom bunga low. close In, small payment down( balance to suit:; also cottago and 4 1 good lots. Address L, this offlco. FOR SALE Lot 80x100, with two-J room house, nt the end of Tenth st.; rents for $7; price $000. dress i v. nrainoru. .ieoiom. -:m FOR SALE 5 nnd 10-ncre tracts just within nnd ndjoining city lim its, at n hnrgnin, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Powor Co. Water FOR SALE Scotch Collie puppies, 5 months old, sired by Heather wood Princo of Denver, Colo.; no better blood oxists; beautifully mnrked; it would ho well to buy n dog that has some class whilo vou have n chanco; fcmnles, $10. Box 245. Ashland, Or. 293 FOR SALE Grocery stock, build- ings and lot 80x100, in tho suburbs ;i a. good opening. Address W. E. B., caro Mnil Tribune. 294 FOR SALE Full blood Plymouth Rock cockerels and Phono Farmer 703x3. eggs; hay. FOR SALE 4-H. gasoline wood saw outfit, fine shape, at first houso east of school building, Central Point. L-Box 186. 296 P6TTSALrc A 16x18 house tent, with 1 1-Inch duck Joor compute with fly, $25; also one milk cow, $45. No; 20 North Riverside. 296 FOR SALE SOOO acres of black loam land 2 miles of town and some small traoU of fruit land near Butta Falls at $20 per acre. Small and large traeta of timber on railroad. near Butte Falls running from $20 to $15 pr aore. Adams & Rlggs, Butte Falls, Or. real estate. 299 , FOR SALE Or exchange. If you j know the value of timber and want an Investment or dslr to trade Medford or Rogue River vallsy land for 1C0 acre cruising about ssren million ft. address C. R. L., Box 17. MsdfonL J9JLL ! fofi BA I. J A a excHnt In rest" mat. 4 acres laalds etty llmiu In North Msdford. with SS6 fMt front on S. P. R. R. right of way; half bearing fruit 3 -room bouse and other outbuildings: price $2500; easy terms on $1000. 299 FOR SALE. 4- FOR SALE Grapo cuttings, the kind that grows premium fruit. W. O.. Gaffe, Central Point, Ore. 296, FOR SALE S flno dry lots, 50x140, e.i8t, well located, $350, easy terms. Wright & Allln, 128 East Main. 292 FOR SALE 40 acres of good timber fivo miles from Modford; all down hill. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Ore gon. ' FOR SAE 1909 WInton auto, com plete equipment; will trado for a Siskiyou lot. Address Q, caro Tri bune. 295 FOR SALE Alfalfa straw for sale; one mile north of Jacksonville, $5 per ton. L. Noldoruieyer, Jackson ville, Or. 296 FOR SALE Mimeograph for dupMl catlng letters. In good condition, cheap, at office of Condor Wntor & Power Co. 2 S3 14 FOR SALE 100 bushols of yellpw corn for seed. Apply at once as It Is going fast, to Young & Hall, Med ford, Oregon. 295 FOR SALE A second-hand type writer for salo nt a very reasonable figure. Tho Morrivold Shop, 131 W. Main st. . FOR SALE 40flno setting turkey hons for salo. Inquire of John An dorson, manager Wostorlund Or chards. Tolenhono Farmer 83. 299 FOR SALE Good lot In splendid 1 rosldonco section for less monoy than a sniallor lot will bring 0 greater dls-1 . - . . . . . . tanco from business sectlc Ad- dress Y, care of this offlco. pon-sALEAflne neat "new mown bungalow In East Medford; fireplace and bath, hot and cold water; ilco $2100. Pierce, Shepherd & Co , 1?S East Main. 3 Ad-!FOI qai.k Ninety aens. 30 In nni yoar 0,d npplo anJ ponr tro0Bi 100 Inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For terms wrlto Owner," care Mall Tribune. 261 .poR'SALE 60 facroa, finest building I Klin In the ollnv. Includli f 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and terms right. H. C. Maltby, Palm Bldg., Main and Front. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bunga low, closo In; small payment down, balanco terms to suit; also cottago l and 4 good lots. Address L, this of- FOR 8ALE Ten acres good fruit and berry land near Grants Pass; cov- ored by the Irrigation particulars addross No. C street. dltch. For 511 South 295 FOR SALE- 10 acres flno soli, llvo acrog pearfl app)ea j bearing; r0it planted; would exchango for Siskiyou Heights property. "7," care Tribune. Address 295 20-acrs trr.cts, mlloa northwest Address W. J. No. 1, Central 296 FOR" SALE Two cholco land, . 1-4 of Contra) Point. Harvey, R. F. D. Point, Or. FOR" SALE On North Rtvurstd i Avenue, 6 room hnuso, barn and I ,oae-balf acre of t;ood garden laid au for jisoo. Addross P. O. box 1 878. Medford. Or. l PtiU SALE Or trade. Having dls- I posed of my Implement, vehicle and ' automobile buHlness, I offer for sale my Tourist demonstrating auto; will trade for realty. D. T. Iwton. FORSALK 76 acres best fruit land In north end of vallsy; 4 miles from railroad; 1-2 mile from school; about 15 acrss cleared; some fruit In bearing; Irrigating ditch runs through middle of It; plenty of wa tor; with house, barn, well and spring and 1000 cords of wood on it; a No. 1 road la all directions; $45' per acre; buy of owner See Cole man at cigar factory. 268 in tho FOR SALE. 4.4.4. FOR SALE Six heavy farm horses at Nash Stables. 205 , FOR SALE A benutlful homo In a , good locality; a well finished nine room houso; nlco lawn, small or chard, shade trees, good bam and windmill; plpollno on ono cornor. Inquire of F. X. Musty, Tolo, Or.304 WANTED. 6 4- -- WANTED Gordon press Mall Trlbuno office roedor. WANTED First-class gardener, ply Condor W iter & Power Co. Ap- WANTED Bargains by tho Michi gan Land Co., No. G South Fir street. 20S WANTED Japaneso boy wants vobT Hon ns cock'. Addross It, P. O. Box 264, Medford. 294 WANTED Competent girl for gen- ! oral housework for family of three P. O. Box fi87. WANTED Experienced stono cnttor nnd "quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co's. offlco. WANTED Agents to handlo terri tory for ono of tho best articles on tho mnrkot. Apply room 205, Phlpps bldg. 294 WANTED Man and ' wlfo, man for gardening and wife for gonornl housework. Apply Condor Wntor & Powor Co I WANTED" "Dressmaking promptly and nontly dono by Mrs. R. R. I 1 1 .. ii.t.i nn.. r Hotchklss, 206 Cottns;e streot. Sat isfaction guaranteed. 297 , WANTED Housokeopor nnd cook, mlddlo-ngod lady preforred; seven In family. Address or apply to S. G. Van Dyke, Phoenix, Oo. WANTED A man oxporlonced In the YOUR opportunity ' handling of Incubators and turkey raising. Apply at office of Condor wator & rowor co. joj j WANTED From owners, income or- churd tracts. Give full particular, location, prico and tonus. Address "Investor," Box 803. Medford. tf FOR EXCHANGE. - WE WILL" EXCHANGE $20,000 worth of Modford city property, tilso $10,000 worth of scoured pa por hearing 8 pur cent intorost, for fruit laud suitable for subdivision; we will pay some cash. Benson In vestment Co., over Fruitgrowor' Bank. Phono 541. 205 - f-f FOR RENT. A . FOR RENT Furnished "or " nhfur- nlshod rooms. 322 South Newtown streot. 294 FOR REN'. - Modern furnished housekeeping rooms; no tmall chil dren. 222 Couth Holly st. FOR RENT Furnished or" " unfur nished rooms, with or without mals 16 Ross Court, West Mal-j st. 295 POItTtHN'r New"live.7oombunKa low In West End, $10 per month. Benson Investment Co., over Fruit growers' hank. 294 POlOtWNT Nicely tlirn tsboTTooTris for rent with hoard; transients ao oommodatiMl by the day or week. No. 10 North Grape streut, next to Fruit Growers' bank. FOR RENT Tracts of land "from one to forty aeros; with water for irrigation, suitable for raising po tatoes and garden truck, also suit able for chicken and turkey raising. Owner will furnish n reasonable amount of lumber and poultry und other fencing for improvements if Isttsee perform labor of erecting same. Call at office of Condon Water and Power company for particulars. -"- FOR RENT. -- FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 4B . North Bartlott. 29T ,FOR RENT - Modern furulsv.l rooms at 601 West 10th or 14 KIdk street. ' FOR RENT Room with board for gontlemon, 411 S. New. town st 294 FOR RENT Only hotel ia town of 1000 population. Call nt Condor Water and Powor Co., 209 West Main street. FOR RENT A fivo-roora houso fur nished comploto, Including piano, to parties without children, $25 por month. F. A. Smith, 60a West 11th st. 204. -f -- 4- LOST. LOST Gold cuff button, ntte 3-4 Inch squaro. Flndor pleaao leave at UiIb offlco. Reward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. -f4-f Tea and Coffeo Houses. GRAND UNION TEA CO. Any va rioty of ton or coffee grown can be hnd from their agent, 8. Kenip thornc, 237 Riverside nvenue. Phono 3871. Tickets given with every purchase. Restaurants. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES will euro rhoumatinm, asth mn, paralysis, soroH nnd private din eases. Theso remedies may bo pro cured at tho ntoro of Wnh Chung; on A' streot, Ashlnnd, Oregon, where they will ho sold by tho proprietor, Chow Young. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and shectiron wnro on hand and made to order. 128 North G street. Attorneys. WITIIINGTON & KELLY Lawycni. Palm Building. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law. No. 0 I) street, gTeiuyl floor. COLV1G & REAMES W. M. Coi vig, C. L. RonmoB. Lawyers. Of fice Modford National Bank Build ing, second floor. B, F. MULKEY Attornoy-at-Law, Offices Room 30, Jackson County Bank Building, ModfonL ' Transfer and Drayaie II. S. BRUMBLE Draynge" and transfer. Baggage atored. Office C.nnd Sovonth. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, Loans and Fire InsuniiK i Office, Hiiito 205-200, over Fruit growers' Bank. Phone 541. ADAMS & BRIGGS O. Adainn, O. P. Briggs, real estate, insurance, farm und city property, timber. Butte Falls. Or. AS A MATTER OF BUSINESS, wo would suggest thnt you call at our offico in search of real estate bar gains. Wo rofuso to list any prop erty for which ownor nnk more than wo think it is worth. We do not caro to mako sales at extr&va gnnt nnd unreasonable prices. You will not find us tngging you 011 the street or annoying you at the hotel, hence this invitation to call at oar offico, No. 128 E. Main at. Picroe, S h epherd & Co. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. haB tho host equipped job office in South ern Oregon; Portland n.Icee. 37 South Contrnl nve. Opticians. DR. COBLE Tho only eiclusive op tioinn between Portland and Sac ramento. Offico on WeHt Main st. and railroad. FJrlck Comnanles. G. W. Priddy. J. T. O'Brien. O. I). Nagle. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers nod contractor; also lime, commit and plaster in any quantity. Offico, Medford NatioiiAl Bank bldg. Phono Main 545. Undertakers. MI2DFORI) FURNITURE CO.- Uii ilortukora. Day phone 351. Night Phonos: C. W. Conklin 3001. J. II. Butlor 3571. Pholoaraphers. MACKKY'S STUDIO -"Pom with Maekey and die with joy." Ovor Al len & Ruagau'H store; entrance ou Seventh street. iospltjjls. SOUTH ERN" OR EGON HOSPITAL -314 South C st., Medford, Or. K. W. Hisev, Matron. Official hapi tal P. & E. IL R. Stenonraphers. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done quioUy and well. RIISINESS DIRECTORY- r-f--4w Piano Instruction. MISS JENNESSE BUTLER Piano instruction nnd musical history. Studio, No. 8 S. Orange St. Phone Main 2401. . HARMONY, sight rending, musical form. Mrs. E. E. Goro, Metropolitan CoHcro of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Studios, 144 South Contrnl avenue. Phono 493. Civil Engineers. WILL take by contract, on reason able terms, all kinds of work; also irrigttinp, planting nnd cultivating, etc. Landscapo gardening. First olft88 references. William Peters, Civil Engineer, Phono 1801, 322 L Main street, Modford, Or. Cm Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Modford, Or. aiHtorrfParltrsT S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young Si Hall building. A nice eooj place to spend the hot afternoons. Architects. J. K. A. "lliLESIrchitoct and Buildor. P. O. Box 480, Medford, Or. Your building respectfully so licited. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects a.n84 Builders, office 7-8, 235 Main. Phono Mnin 3471. Rcsidonco phone 2471. Carrlape and Auto Paljntlng. VALLEY ;SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-class work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside avenue. Phono 801. rniituro. H. F. WILSON & CO., denlois in now and Hecmid-hand furnituro nnd hnrdwuro. Agents for Mound City !il!cJi0Jic.'',lnoJL 23 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cornor 8th and Holly sts., Modford. Mission Furniture mndo to order. Cnhitiet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves, and Ranges. New and Socond-Haud Furnituro. Ends' old Htand, 18 W F st. South. Phone 91, Medford Or. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree are budded, not grafted. Our stock in not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. Wo arc not in tha trust. II. B. Patterson, offico ia Hotol Nnsh. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Groworo of high-jrr ndo nursery stock. C. F. Cook, Prop. R. R. V. depot. P. O. Bor 841. Phono 1201, Medford. Cement Workers. IL J. A DYLOTT AH work guaran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 400 Beatty street. A card will bring nio to you. MUSJC. Mff S. E. E. GORE Piano instruction Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Floru Gray. Ptnuu 403. 141 South Central avenue. Bulldjng and Loan Association. JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C. Hogg", Acting Secretary, 128 Eaal Main utroot. dentists.. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in rooms 203-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, weal of the tracks. PfiysldaRs and Surgeons. II. WT STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County hank. Night call promptly answered. Office aud resi dent ifhone Main 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D." MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. OfficMH in Buskins' building. Phone Main 1001. CONROY & CLANCY Dffice in Stewart Building Physicians and Surgeons. Offico phono Main 341 private phono Main 012. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Modem equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Office hoars 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson CouRtyBa,nk Hnlldiiig DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physicians. Mission Block. Phone 201, Medford. . Clrjars and Tohaccos. IRELAND & ANTLE-Sraoke House, dealers in tobacco, cigars and smok erw' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, El Merito and El Palonoia. 212 West Main street. Messenur Service. MESSENGER SERVICE Mesiea- gers furnished at all hours of day and MI! 9 p. m. to any part of city, from lCc to 25c. Phone Main 1811.