0 TEDS MEDEQRD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1910. The FOURTH ESTATE NoveUxcd by Frederick R. Toombs Prom the Creat Play of the Same Name by Joiepli MedilJ Pattei on and Iltrriet Ford. CmwrrHUt, 1000. by Jowph M(MM Ptlltrton mil Harriet rrd. CHAPTER IX- r a IT 0 o'clock In tlio mnnaslnR I f I editor's room Id the. Adrn&c hviA bulldliifr Wheeler Ilrnnd and VrJfv&l three other men, Howard Hartley, Jeff Tlionie, HtaS reporters, ml JUI1I, tlielr much jrowrenlen tin. deratudy, were IndUHtrlonnly nt work. At one sltlu of the olllce diagonally Troin tlio tnitniiKliiK alitor' desk was high tnahoKiuiy denk which backed cnliiHt a woxkn imrtlttoti which cut off n Hinnll room lined nil n "morgue,"' the nlnce where nowBjinjH!r nnd nmga due cIlpplriKH nro kept for reference. Through tlio partition n round nolo Imiiu Ave Inches In diameter hnd been cut with n linndNnw, mid on u table In the morgue n ciunvra hnd been rested 'with tlio toleHcojilc protuberance con taining tlio lens projecting through the hole In the partition Into n prirnte mull box directly above the desk. The door of thlu box, Into which placed hitters arriving for tho manag lnjf editor (luring IiIh ubnetice, had been tiulockel. A lino of shoo thread had been tautened to the door of the box mill extcuded down behind tho flnnk to tho floor and across to the left hnnd slilo of Ilrand'u desk. A light tug on tho thread would caune tho door of tlio uinll box to open, ex porting to the Iciih llriuid'H ilcHk, hlu i chair ami another chair which had "Good evening, "Mr. Urand," he Bald weakly. Durkln, who had summoned him, followed faltn in. "Well, Joe, what la itr "Walt a minute, Durkln. 3ot a tory for ua, Joe 7" queried Urand ym PAthetlcally. Dillon nUggered forward. "Rotter sit down," cautlonod Brand, "Satn old atory, eh?" "So. I'm hungry." "Durkln, go got un hot Tonut beef eandwlch and a big jxit at blncl; cof fee and aeo that he gets them," "i"en, air." The lad aped away after dexterously catching n fjunrter -which Brand loaned him. begait to show In the lawyer's -visage, (publication for a period of six sue-' complaint to you at your residence The young editor noted this and re solvod to temporize with and exasper ate this man whom be despised above ceoelvo weoks In the Medford Mall Trlhuno, and for mailing a copy of ( th n m ft tnnnthn. vllh n (Vn all other, .Teu .above Utarteluiy him- I self. Ilarteltny, believed Brand, even ! t 7VTTT.TTY t VTiT If lie man u ncouiolrel, actually bad i x . . . . i ..J... . i n , i . i i auinrnur lueuwu uuiuiy, whs u uruuaui thinker and acted 'boldly Jn many of j his dishonest transactions on the bench. But Dupuy he was to Brand the hang er-on, thn skulker, the vandal Jackal that devoured corpses In the iilght that l braver .animals had fought and killed by day. Ills eyes blinked in the light, ' did Dnpuy's. It was In' the under- I ground irunways that 'he .coursed the ' wlftcst. And as these thoughts sped i and postofflco address. H. D. NORTON, Attorney for Plaintiff. In Case of .Sickness PHONE 3641 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Olfice All Night Service Free Delivery "I wish I wan etilnir In 'there to work with the boys Instead of .eating char- I through his brain the -odltor looked j Iry grub." began Dillon plaintively. "I i away Absently. , know you mean all right, Sir. Brand. Dupuy -came hot on his trail. I've tried and tried again to -fight It "Shall I make an appointment -with off, but It's uiielcsa. I can't. It's too him for you, say, tomorrow morning?" late. I'm a dead one. The hard stuff, i he anxiously queried f the newspaper tli Ave cent whisky, lias got me. You man. never heard how this thing started, ' "I don't care." did yoo, Mr. Brand? If It hadn't i "Then I'll do ltr be aM -decidedly been for my wife" j and moved .away from the desk. "And Oh, cut it outn cried Brand, and Dillon shambled out of the room. Downs hurried in. He had become night editor when tho shakeup oc curred at the tlnio of Brand's promotion. Voting Bobble Doollttle pinched again for Hpeedlng," he rattled off Three ahow girls In tho auto. All of 'em lit up. Bobblo weeping because , tho glrhi had to in Inn the theater, and . hla mother's at mo all evening to keep It out. Whnt'll I do'" Brand leaned back and smiled. i "Well, It waa'on her account we kept ' out hlu partial elopement with her . French maid and the time be klsKod tho head waiter at the St. Houoru hotel were j ln 1-cu of a tip, and I guess well, print 1 una ono. u may neip urace mm up. "Oh, nnd that disappearance caBe," rctniuuea Downs. "Ttio girls come back old gag, visiting her friends In Jersey, but hIio'h been off on tho suit can circuit nil right." "Homo now?" Jerked tho mauaglng editor. "Yep." "Think she'll Htny there?" "She might." Well, she can't If wo print this, so 4 MM' been placed nt the right of tho desk next to the telephone. ' forget It." For several niliiutos tho mystcrlouH "Hut wu'vo had a mini on It two preparations went on. Just what they dnys." jK-rHlsted Downs. "We'ro the meant no one but Ilrnnd could tell, , ""'r Pper that's got It." and ho was Mningely silent, extent uh i "Well, wo won't bo tho one to kick to directing what should bo done. Hartley was nnxlmm to make cer tain that the lens aimed directly nt Brand's detdc. lie measured the line with his eye. "Oct It?" culled Jeff. "No, not yet. Walt n minute," How ard answered, dodging around quickly toward tho little "morgue." "I haven't got the focus right jet. Hold out" Jeff lighted n iiiuteh, held It up uud stood between the two chairs. "How's that?" he cried. Tho answering tnlco came back. "Yes; that's tho very thing. It's nil right now." Brand stepped forward from a cor ner of the room fioin whence he had been winching the II mil preparation for the slrangi- event that wns to occur. "Aro you all net now, Imys?" lie asked. "Is your fitment In tho right placo for the HwnIiIIkIiI?" "Yes, sir!" erled Jeff and Howard si multniicoiLHl.v. "The llaslillglit Is planted hero, sir," aid Ilownrd, pointing ton narrow pan her down," pronounced Ilrnnd, turning , i fill bond uwity to end the conversation. 1 "All rliflit. Just ns you say." J ! TIm t(lepliouo bell rang. Ilrnnd look ' l i.tr !.,. it..- 1 "Hello! Toll .Mr. Dupuy I'm busy!" ho erled after taking tho message. "What? Send him in. That's nil. Downs. See that thoy tnko euro of Dillon, will you'" The night editor nodded In the af firmative and gazed rather curiously at Mnind as ho went out. Dupuy came Into Brand's olllce with a most circumspect nnd deferential air. Dressed In evening clothes, carrying His silk lint In Ills hand nnd with n houtoiiuloro of hothouse violets In hN lapel, ho gave every Indication of be lug the society figure that his name and wealth bad made possible for him The lawyer lobbyist walked direct); to tho desk at which UAml wiih seal il. In reply to tho managing edltorV unlutntlou lio bowisl sillily and leaned fnrwanl ovur tho desk. Korenil tiioiuenta elapsed before Du At puy s(Kke. He was trying to put hi.. Innd; opening wonis in tho most Judicious ; language, and well he might hoMltnle when one considers tho nature of his evil el rami, i "The gentleman who was coining t i sie you tonight," at last ho said care fully, "has had to go to the operu with r" Ue aw that Brand wai etlll Indifferent He returned to the desk. "ThlugB will remain sta tionary until hen?" he asked. "Things never remain station ary ln a newspa per office," re sponded the man aging editor la conically. "What I mean If that there would bo no story er about him until you see him." UA luinct icol." "t ,j0n't know what you are talking about." "Can we let It go over for one day?" "I don't know what you aro talking about." "You Insist on his coming here per sonally?" "Of course I don't. I don't Insist on anything." "How much time have wo got?" "He knows all about that." Dupuy was immeasurably relieved at this last remark. It was tho llrst time that Ilriinil had Indicated that Ilarteltny and he had had an engage ment. "Mr. Ilrnnd, I can almost assure you thnt my client will keep his appoint ment." Tho lawyer's voice rang out firmly. Tho editor nodded carelessly toward tlio speaker, who spun on his heel and speedily strode away. The telephone boll hounded. Ilrand bent over quickly. . "Hello! Who oh, yes, Mr. Nolan, , No, sir. not yet. but I think we'll have him lauded all right In about half an ' hour. Please don't worry about It. . It'll be all right. Just go away and ' hide somewhere, for they'll be doing 1 tho txihy net as ipilt-k ns 1 trap him, ; nnd you'll be squeezed to dentil he f nro we get to press. You promised me this chance. You want to know what's go ing on? Well, where will you be? Triple 3 Plaza. (Jet off the wire. Miss Stowe. Yes, Mr. Nolan, they cut In , ou us. I ll call you up Inter." (To Bo Continued.) HOTEL ARRIVALS. tlio Moore Kd (onell. Port Ilptt Seymour, Manhfiold; I) ' "I'm Iiuh in" ' in n slmdowiMl mim il top of the nut- I hogauy iltwk uud do to tUe leu. "Have you twted this?" asked Ilrand "Yo. sir." w,"fle tareful. t. vMt yuu'U tuulodo tho Hash," warned Jeff Ms HinuJ Mht- , til a uuttcii t ascertalu tho hacatio i of the xtwdir. "(Jo Into n xnii I, Uiyn, wud hWU ttO I nd for ou." dlrivtstl HmmiI. Jeff and )lm ant wwt vMl. Urand went to Ids tlotk mm tl utile m boy, llurkln, tmteretl. "Joe DUkiu'u berti," Mtlil lb lad. "Driiukr "Jut out) iiVW." "Ilroke?" "Sure!'' Th boy (rtantsi. Dillon, one of the - h tfii rtr actorWtie f the ijik' that pciy ra tho newsuMpor mi"i at night in tlitf tig clUtM, would idinarily have ivrvivwt hurt nUrlH fr..m busy tmn Nk Urand, but I!ll"ii an M-newsuaptr reirtr. had .u o gita Brand. bvn a IxtMlnnw, aom vnluabtw poteiM. which th now uua-ttuj iltur bad nuvr forgottuu. "TU hlu tu come tu." uiib-rwl Vrattd. He rem lie, l f : , .(ti .- I, i, (ilium- Hid . I . I I . . I i'a'r. i li' W Ml grou d l -1 r I his daughter. Ho bus asked me come In Ids stiiitl." , An expnsslon if eoinplete bewilder motit spread over the other's facu. i "A gentleman? What nonileninu?" hr Interrntguied. Dupuy wmm moiiiontiiiily nonpluse.1. "Why. the gentleman who alt. wli'i whom you imide nil nppolutnieiit for '. ovi.iek tlil eveiiliig-lnin'-nt your i f 1 , Ore " ' Urand still refused to show his hand "I should lie very find to hear whin you have to tmy, Mr. Dupuy. Int I frnukly. I don't know what you an driving at." f The tlsltor was nnnoved. 1U wn' f iMMlilre that Itartoltny would not wi.u hlui on a wild gooo erraud. Surelj . 'be JwIkc and Itrtuid hail coihm U ternw nHanIlug the hlloitce of the Ad ! xuiwe ns to il Ijtnstng IrxHt casdw f i-hrioti. The islltor whs playing with linn now, he knew-dnugllug lillii ou H vrlml lunik to tautallie hlui Hi. I. Wilson, city; L. T. Huberts, St Paul; C. Pnrkcr, San rrnnciiico; II Iiwronco, Sun Frmicico ; X. Hogo way, Albnny, Or.; C. A. Mamtul Portlnnd; T. T. Newport. Portlnm! H. K. Holingor, l'oitlttnd; H. J Meats, l'ortltuid; 0. C. Vothor, Glon- ilnle; ('. H, Sidewiek; Hicliitril Her Two Hivers. Win. At the XhIi W. A. Seliwarz, Kat Portlnnd; K. I.. Union, I'oitlnml; S V. Wood. AUdl'ord II. H. Hughe. ( Iiiw.go: A. h. Johnson, Sim Fran Cisco; W. A. Johnson, Snn FniuoU eo; II. F. Hart-old, Onkliiml: 0. W Ihliutg. 1'orllanil; Ono. II. Fitxtrib . I. 11 .1. . W I I , 1 - tl urn, loiuiuioi . ii. .voiiius, roil- In ml; C. II. Waters, Portlnnd; C. II rTuonmu, Portland: A. W. Stone. Huffalo. X. V.; J. H. Uw, Portlnnd. J. E. Stneey. Cincinnati; F. II. Gray, Chicago ; II. II. Juno, Chicago; F. S. Townsend, Portland. rwtU SUMMONS. In tho circuit court of the Btate of Oregon for Jackson county. Albert V. Schmltt. plaintiff, vs. come, you know who' i mean- i L"plIa Schmltt. dofendnnt. to i.uenu it. sennmi, tno auovo nnmtHl defondnnt: In tho nnmo of tho state of Ore gon, you nro horeby summoned nnd required to appear In tho nbovo en titled court" nnd cause nt tlio court house at Jacksonville, In Jackson county. Oregon, on or boforo lx weeks front tho dnte of tho first pub lication of this summons, nnd answer) , tite complnlut filed against you In nld court nnd auiso. and In case you fall to nppenr nnd nnswor or otUorwUo plwtd within the tlnio hcro- Uurteltnvf sunipei the Judge's dnpl . W ti.d. "Judge Itartolmy!" exclalnusl Hntud In surjiriMe. "Well, what ntxiut him?" Huiw.v pnslueod a card, which tlie editor glauciMl lit. "Wltal'a thin?" he aske.1. Ttiuii he 'Dupuy will repre.ent me." In i to put the card In hi He rte.l u ket "lflM ytm woulil better let in bavii that m I ean rwtuni It to liliu " Dupuy rvHrb-ml ongorly for the card. hirh Hnnul slowly exteud! to hlui "ThW refers tu that trauaaalou of i wba h ru and he were stMaklng ttilt. aftrism," continued tho lawyer iHnwi Hngi,,si loudly. "Well. impu). I'm a poor hand at piwUig rMdlas. I give It up. What's tu n us war r T1m btwyar bwauM luUtit. Ta tmNnactiou luvolvUig th-sb-ill lutiMtUMMl of a .ertnln nutu of luie.- (M Kplului-d Iitltll.:.. "I blU'M( deul mxs going Into ttti t(w JiwlMWr" In NiiiMKt-iiieiit "t'rs-twM)." "If I bad uy buoliietui with the J.tii iu.uy. I Mould irt'fer t.. do i. I. Ml, I il .S pll lllH'tl i I. . i . i gruutts.1 1 r ' l cr-o t itl't r uur" V wcart'sj and hopcli' 'i In lluilted, the plaintiff will apply to th court for tho relief prayed for In tha complaint, vU: A decree dlinolv Idk the boudt of tuntrluiony now nnd 'heretofore exUtlng betwwn the plaln- ( tiff ami defendant, and for n decree of divorce In favor of the plaintiff .and against the defendant. ' The date of the firet publication of this fummoiu is Monday. February II. 1910, and the dnte of the laat publication and the last date for your Mppearauee to Monday, April I. 1910. and this summons U published by or .ler of t e H.n F M O.ilklns rlrcult Uv f ? (' r f -t f! 1'. !;' I rk ' O- - - v m -I- d 'v 'I' l I-rfni'dn'ir-1-'- ipT P IlUe orn d" rg srrv' o rt th's siratnous by i FOR SALE $12,525 Eleven acres in Cornice pears, 10 years old, nine acres in Bartlett and Anjou pears, 1 to 3 years old; close in; good soil. Terms. S12.000 Eleven acres in Cornice find Bosc nears. 14 years old. These trees are in full bearing and will I pay a goou income on tne price asKeci. $24,000 Thirty-two acres in Bosc and Anjou pears; trees are from 4 to 7 years of age. Complete set of buildings. Close in. $7000 Thirty-five acres of black sticky, three miles from Medford, all under the ditch and can be irri gated, $13,000 Thirty-two acres, close to Medford; eight acres in Newtowns and Spitzenbergs 5 to 7 years of age; 14 acres in alfalfa; three acres in peaches; two acres in berries; irrigated; buil diners. $13,000 Twenty acres; 16 acres in 7-year-old New towns and balance in 3-year-old Bartlett pears; no buildings. $7500 Ton acres, all planted to Newtown and Spit zenberg apples, 7 to 11 years old. $14,000 Thirty-five acres; buildings; exceptionally fine place for a home ; twelve acres in apples u d pears 3 years old; about an acre of bearing orchard: "11 acres in alfalfa; all fine deep free soil. $150 to $200 per acre Stewart acre tracts; two miles from Medford; tracts are from 10 to 25 acres in size. Fine building spots on all; can all be irrigated: cheapest tracts in the Medford neighborhood; easy terms. $300 per acre Finest five and ten-acre orchard and garden tracts in the valley; easy terms. $35,000270 acres; buildings; 26 acres in bearing Spitz, Newtowns and Cornice pears about 60 acres in one and two-year-old apples and pears; fine or chard land. SELLING AGENTS FOR SNOWY BUTTE ORCHARD TRACTS. W. T. YORK & CO Savoy Theatre TONIGHT THE BATTLE IN THE CLOUDS War of the future. POLITICS Comedy drama. PARKS AT CASERTA Acme of nature's grandeur. EXCELLENT MUSIC ONE DIME J 0. Hansen. Tom Moffat We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. You Couldn't Head It Off With A Gatling Gun Medford will have 25,000 people in 1912. The point is: the 30-acre tract we offer for a song adjoining townsite now, is the snap of the year. See us at once. We have two good business oppor tunities. THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Fire Insurance No. 1 1 North Central Ave. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All k!n of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers nnd Ma chinery. Agents In Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO.. 'I The Famous Jl U JKiVlvLJU Orchard . is sub-divided in tracts from 30 to 100 acres. This is some of the finest land in the Rogue River Valley, within two miles of the city of Medford. The trees are of the best varities of apples and pears, all in bearing at the present time.f ; The age of the trees run from six to twenty years. We are able to supply people with .whatever hey may desire in the best bearing orchards in the valley, near the city of Medford For full particulars call on -- John D. Olwell EXHIBIT BUILDING MEDFORD T