1; 11 V I I 8 THE HED1T0RD MAIL TRTBUNE, MEDEORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, EEIIRTTARY 27. 1010. P. masBmomawatMimm r ---- t -4t J Stupendous Removal Sale We Are Forced to Move From Our Present Location as You Can See From the I; 4 Fl 1- '1 Following Notice --- - --- 4 ----- -- -- t- - -'t --' To W. II. Meeker & Co.: You are hereby directed and notified to quit that certain building occupied hv you ay a drv goods store and which is known as Meeker's Sioro in 1 the lower floor of what is known as the Stewart Hook in the city of Modford, Jackson county, Oregon, within thirtv davs from i he, service of this notice upon vm., and lo ! vacate the said building entirely removing therefrom your personal property and to deliver over to the undorsituod the passopsion of the same. Dated Ibis HNh day of Feb ruary, 19.10. . " ' . ' 01 1 AS. STRANG. - - - 4- - - - - - -- -.- - t- "We will locate in tlie. PALACE HOTEL BUILDING as soon as it can bo svnde "emly for us. The building will bo remodeled in evorv particular, including the insln,"nlion of Ul,; u' iiiuuurii irums lo m; i'muiu hi any cuy? uius we win oo in a ooner position lo care lor our trade tban ever before, We do not wish to enter this new building witn any old stock, so we are going to make the greatest cut in prices that has ever been known in the citv of Hertford. We are going to slaughter new goods as well as old: ei'ervfhing in our entire stock goes. "We are going to place more orders for new goodh immediately with which to stock live new building Wlieu we placed our large orders for snrinr merchandise we did not know we wuro minr fn m'l.- n liu-jio-i iJTiiijjLUSTlJUAll-Kl'illKiNbLV.h JUNJi; UH' WASH tiUOUS, SlITS, DRKSS (OOl)S, HITS LIN W.13AIJ. ( 1 1 0 " ICS , .1 1 OS I VAIY, hAOIW, ; ETC., that you have ever had the privilege of inspecting. lOMRK'OinKlv'IIW, t SALE OPEN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 THIS SALE BEGINS WEDNESDAY, MAECH 2. WE ARE OUSTING- OUT THE BARGAINS, AND IF YOU ARE NOT ON HAND YOU ARE GOING TO MISS ONE OP THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS THAT WILL BE PULLED OFF THIS SEASON OR FOR MANY YEARS TO COME. We Are Making' The Prices Remember that we do not, consider a sale complete until the customer is completely ..atisfied. If at any time you make a purchase at "t his s'lnro with which you should became dis- satisfied, return the goods and. we will satisfy you. We guarantee complete satisfaction or no sale. . 1 f -- --- -- i '--- - ---444444ttt4t MUSLIN UNDERWEAR FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN mi. 1 i. r i. I year in the special prices I of the Removal Sale at fact forcefully exemplifi-1 ed in the following extra- ordinary numbei's just go-1 mg on sale: Lot Xo. 1 Corset Covers, Draw ers, etc 29c Lot No. 2 Gowns, Skirts, Corset Covers, etc 59c Lot No. 3 Gowns, Skirts, Corsetj Covers, etc 79c --- -- -- -- SHOWING OF WOMEN'S SPRING SUITS IN POPULAR FABRICS. y- -- i TABLE LINENS REMNANT SALE. Especially low prices on the following articles insure :. these values with quick selling: Table Linens, in bleach ed and cream.; Crashes, Grass Toweling, Centerpieces, Doylies, Scarfs, odd and mussed pieces in Tea-cloths, Tray-cloths, m lace and drawn-work. 2 1-2-3'ard 'Table Cloths, linen. 72-inch: regular $3.75; sale : $2.75 '; 31-2-yard Table Cloths, linen, 72-inch; regular $5.7.": sale '. ; $3.50 NEW EMBROIDERIES JUST RECEIVED. We feature our latest lines in attractive displays at price markings unmistakably below common. Exqui site colored embroideries at prices much below regular. Dainty and distinctive effects now in great demand for making colored waists, dresses and all kinds of trim- t mins hundreds of different designs, select patterns in tne new color combinations. . NEW STYLES IN CB CORSETS $1.00 to $3.50 SILK AND SATEEN PET TICOATS The low prices in this event are especially attractive in the following items: i $7.50 Silk Petticoats. sale $5.00 $1.50 ireathcrblooin SkirtH; sale $2.49 Sateen Skirls j WOMEN'S NEW SPRING COATS Advance models in excellent assortmentnew Spring coats in black, navy, mustard, tans, represent iilg the season's newest fabrics and designs. There are many handsome models in pongees and Rajahs, and the smart lines in these garments strongly commend them to fashionable dressers. On sale : $8.50, $12.50, $15.00 till 3MJ3AL.nut.il .11 lU. in '. tt4t t .ilk Serges, diagonals, fancy worsteds, and men's suit ings. Distinctive styles in short and medium-length coats. The skirts are pleated or with tunic effect. Hany of the best models are strictly plain tailored, otheifj are handsomely trimmed with braid, buttons and hand cm broidery. Color range is wide black, navy, tan, gray and the new shades of blue,rbrown, lavender and green A variety of mixtures and novelty cloths. $25.00 values ,...$18.50 P3D.00 values $25.00 ---- i --- -i JUST A WORD TO THE MEN There's no telling how long thin stock of Suits, Over coats and trousers is going fast; but we know you'll bo sorry when they're all gone if you don't gel in on the deal. $15.00 Suits $7.50 $10.00 Suits : : $5.00 SILK AND COTTON WASH NOVELTIES An important showing of late novelties in wash fab rics that correctly portray latest achievements in 1010 designing. This display embraces a range of distinct styles, each being shown in a color range of the newest, shades. These charming new fabrics are delightful to weaivas they are vnv light in weight and still of as sured durability. All Winter Raincoats and Cloth Coats on sale JUST ONE-HALF. Ladies' and children's. SPRING'S SEPARATE SKIRTS We feature a complete stock of Spuing models that accurately convey ideas of the distinctive style features in fashionable Skirts. $0.50 and $7.50 values $5.00 $.15.00 voiles, black $10.00 H. Meeker & Company -- - i -- -------- ----- I