TOE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1930. n UIJU IV I LLh.ll. I HllllliH III II ....... . 1 t,M i i Keeping Lent SAVED MANY LIVES HI'OKANH, WiimI,.. mi. 20. - Church Music TIiIh vi-nr Hot-lutv Ih """""'"'." '"'" 20 inmiilin n Molf-np- wllh oiio of (ho ourllcHl Loiilun .on. ,ol,"(,,, i:"'"1"'"' "' 'In. N'crtliurn Pi. hoi.h in HumoihlnK Hko forty yonrH ' c,,,c r"'1 TK V B,n',"" "v"' Wu.liiuH.lay inllitiK cm i'ohrtmry j tif Himlwum, whom tlio anlinnl hvi.1 II mul KiiHlcr Bimdiiy, Mnrcli 27. tliu IIvch of ncciri'M of udiillH npl lit- v .... 1 . . .... J'iVoii iii ii Hinnll oltv tlio lino of ho- 110 ciiiltlrcn, Ih ik'iul. Tlio noliio milium clnl dlvorHloiiH Ih climiKod. nt IoiihI outwardly, mid whllo thoro arc oluim mid tonH mul limcliooriH and dinnorN, H oxocutoi: by tlio iioiiiiiiii..Mtor aft or liltltiK a Htriot car conductor. Tim lcK, a tram- of iiioiiki-oI orl;lii, Kaln- m niitloinil roiiowii ii year ago wlion thoy nro not coimldorod fonmil, nuti!"" muw" ,l yr n' w,l" whllo (h roi.1 ..l...r,.i,i,.r t.r ii... r lu aftVcrt u woman, carrying a bnbo and whllo tlio real oharaotor fif tlio finm tlon may not ho cBHontlally altered, !'' tl Klit of conforming to high ohnrcli oiihIoiuh mav sorvo to rolax ovorHtrunc no mm mid nilmiiilntir BooUiiiiK balm to tlio eonBoioiieo. .Some women claim to (IhhiiIho or livo ahovo a round of calling, mril ItlayliiL', danciiiL'. dlnuor-mvlnir. at- IttndiiiK thoatorH, lumiilon giving tlio noi'OHNnry attention to tlio varioiiH doartmontM of woihiui'h work in hur oIiohoii church, an well nn oxlond ing froj-hcartod hoHpitiility at all liourn in hor own homo. Howovor, ll.,. .W.U....I 1 III... I i.iu ikiiiiiiii, iit'iiiwiy, iiiii.y woiiuini. with Homo loamiro onjoyn llio whirl-, e' ing of antomoliiloM, receiving In pretty dromioK and tho wonring of pretty hatH; nho onjoyH Hipping ton and chatting about tho weather or lending a child, from dnnth undor tlio wht'oln of a locomotlvo by tugging at lior nklrtn and dragging tier out of harm'n way. Another ovont which gained for It tho reputation of being "tlio only union do: In town," won at tho beginning of tho awltchmon's titrllto on tlio Hill llnea Inut Uocom bor, when "Hoornor" doiiortod the crohHliiif liecniiMo Un railroad friend woro not thoro to greet him. Aftor wnrd, It Ih nald, tho animal fell In with naloon lounRorn, who taught It bad trlckn, IncludliiK biting utrcet car men whon thoy approached tlio croon- The inoreiihud iuleruHl Innnifiml in all tho chiirelicM in tlio imnioveineut of the church munlo Iiiih a value to the community iiHiilo from i t h right ful nlnco a h wornhip in tho rimno morvieo. If tho uiiuic in of an ox-1 alted and worthy natiiie, as church, uuiHici often Ih there can ho noi ouoMtlou an to ilH benufieial inilti-l I onco upon tho mimical (iihIo of the jliutonorH, whijo tlio ubo of meaning .Iohh tuncH cloudy allied to tho Hpti lar Bong or oven rngtimo in Htylo, Ih 'to bo deplored. With tho Btandnrd .hyinnalB of ovcry church filled with out oxcontion with chornln. mid the .fine old hymns of tho church that navo onuurod lor gonorationn, in it not a ahnmo that cheap Sunday Kchool books filled with tho grosBOHt miiHical tranh Bhould bo used in pub lic wornhip to tho oxcluBion of that which han miiHical and educational valuof Lot tho children and voung people have tho populnr song of tho aioouy a tjnnkoy variety, if .thoy DRAW A CHECK On tho Farmors' & Fniitgrowora' bank for tho amount of your bills and note how much moro yonr cred itor will respect you. They at once claRB you as a man who docs busi nciiB in, a busincBB way. Ilavo an account nt tho bank and your credit will bo bettor, your money aafer. Don't think you have to Btart big. Small accounts arc as acceptable as big ones. MORTGAGE. LOAN Money on hand to loan on Real Estate. City and County Warrants bought. Fidelity and Indemnity Bonds Furn ished. Fire Insurance. JAMES CAMPBELL t Phono .Main ,1231. 20H Fruitgrowers! Dank IJalldJngJ nESOLVEO Th best resolution for you to inako is to eomo to ub for your noxt suit, if you want something out of tho ordinary. We do tho best work and charge the lowest pricon. W. W. EI37ERT TUB PSOOKUSSIVE TAJLOK Tho Servant Girl Question. Tho Hcrvant girl question is no (lUCHtlon nt nil in llm linim. in cnimtlcHH mnttorH of Htrictest feini- thoroughly equipped with electrical nine intercut while hIio puts countkwH Hlcillful HtilchoR into dainty or use fill garments for (Iiobo Icbh fortun ate than horHi'lf. It is just poHslblo in tho life of .eager driving that wo undervalue the unnonHcioUH infliieneo of ehnnce tiUMitiiiir with our follows. At best wo know but little of tho real "mo" nnd "thee" in thopo about us and it may bo that wo boo moro real iter Honnlity in informal greetings than in bourn of tiroHomo and labored at temptH nt conversation. If woman could relax to tho easy amenities of Kocial existence nnd censo this rest loss atrivlng for that which i just beyond reach, there might be no ne cessity for ke-ping Lent in order to gain needed rest, and it would re main a season of meditation with leisure for daily dovotioiiR ns intend ed by tho church. BUTTE FALLS MAN WINS YOUNG GIRL 0, K. Cowdon, nged 31) years, and Miss Ornco Smith, of 17 Hiunmors, have been granted a license to marry. Itoth are residents of Hutto Falls and the nnnllrntimi for llm Ii. ecnc was accompanied by tho con- In the back part of the house. font of the drl's parents Don't fail to invet?inte the e'e" devices. Even n homo that is half equipped Iiiib littlo trouble in keep ing tho BcrvantH. Tho reason is ov- idont Any girl would prefer to work in a hoiiRo where hor work was not only syHtomatircd bv mechanical contrivances, but minimized. The old-time drudgery is eliminated and when a domestic Bccurcs a place .if thifl kind there irf no driving her nwny. Just consider this from all entries. yo who hnvo Buffered, and dctor- mino if it is not tho nhsoluto truth. ou will nerco with uh that tho electric flatiron. tho eloctrio kitchen. tho eloctrio wnshing mnchine, tho oloctric boating doviccs, tho electric Hwcenor and enrnet-beator have Holved tho cervant problem. Tho olectnc kitchon is fast be coming popular. Its advantages nro boinir rccoir- nired daily, and scarcely a modem homo !r beim: built without tho in stallation of ono of these labor-saving electrical doviccs. Tho joy of livinir. which is manv times synonymoufl with tho iov of cooking, is increased manifold by tho absence of smoke, soot nnd smell UV I must, but givo thorn an opportunity i . niSO to hear. Hinir mil nnm Mmein.H imasterpicccB of hvmnoloL'V. "Dnn.i dee," "Hamburg," "Coronation" and a long list of others that in them selves inspire devotion. Do not imagine that when the child begins to tnko regular instruc tion of tho teacher that this is tho first Btart in his musical education. Thnt began long ago. Whon wo con sider that music la a lamruaco and honco a natural method of express ing fcohnir. wo nt onco uniWHfnnrf that tho effect of musical Imnres-i flionB received during early years, must bo very fnr-roaching. Tho mu- j Bicm part or tlio church sorviccs may bo made, nnd should bo mndo, an im portant factor in creating thnt in tmimblo but von' desirable condition known ns "musical atmosphere," up on which defends nil Inch culture in music. DRIVERS that know the country RIGS that cover the country Ql'ICKLV AND WITH COM1" Ujr TO VOU AHK AIAVU'8 TO UK FOfJ.SO A I THE FAULOW & DOWKIXG, I'ltOPHIETOnS. WEST SIDE STABLES IMIOXK 2131 B. GltAJ'E 8TKEET Medford, OrcKO"' ThU eertiflo thnt wo hnvo sold Hall's Tows Won- dor for tho euro of all kidney, blad der nnd rheumatic troubles for ton years, and hnvo never had a com plaint. It circa quick nnd permanent roller". Sixty days' treatment in each bottto, Medford Pharmacy. W. II. Humphrey was at Ashland Thursday on n business trip. trie kitchen if you hnvo not ono. Wo shall bo pleased to demon' strnto its worth to yon at your ow: GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medfoid, Ore. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED G RAIN IT E WAAilED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. i MEDFORD - - - - I Office in JacJioon county Bank Upstairs R L UMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. T XI T trr r-i n n w , Old Tribune Building. Phone 931. t notice: I will show the people of Medford and Jackson county the largest assortment of loose Diamonds ever shown in southern Oregon, in ali sizes and prices, and fine quality. Martin J. Reddy The Jewler Near Post Office 202 ""iiBMBWHM m "Nothing Just Happens" j& there IS ALWAYS A CAUSE lillln That is why we happen to have such an Enormous Stock of SPRING SUITS FOR MEN AND CHILDREN i and why we have taken such an important step this season in having as fine an assortment of suits on hand as we can possibly handle and make room for. You are cordialy in vited to drop in. You will then be convinced that we did'nt happen to have these Suits in. We Have a Cause To Please Everyone The H. C. KENTNER CO. MISSION- BLOCK MEDFORD, OREGON