10 THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1910. IMITATIONS ALL DIRE FAILURES Attempts to Provide "Just as Good as Bltulithlc" Is Not a Success Anywhere, From Experience. "ns Rood ns" bitulithio, nnd in tliu April issuo to othor pavements of the stitno sort laid nt Elmira, N. Y., nd St. Mary's, Pn., all showing that theso pavemonta laid by exporimunt- al contractors with what was repro- .. ..A... I 1 1. - .1 tt 11? isciucu iu uo -as goou ns" warrens bituhtmo pavement, and patterned 'after the bitulithio construction, had ouiiiuuimy failed. Sinco thon it has been reported that tho "Asphalt Trust," represent ed by tho Barbor Asphalt Pavinj company, had mado some experi ments in making repairs to its do- Ieotivo asphalt pavements in New Every good thing has had firtt its S"9!11.1 "V1 f 8tv . , , , ,. , , . bitumen in its attempts to duplicate traducors nnd skeptics and then its bitulithio pavement. unscrupulous imitators. When its A representative of the Muuicipat morits havo becu established beyoud Joumal called on Mr. George It. nil doubt and it has created a do- Olney, chief engineer of the Bor- niand, tho imitators leap into tjie ough of Manhattan, to ascertain IioIU and by spurious substitutes ot iacts in the matter, aud was told tho genuine hope to profit by offer-( by Afr. Olney that in tho year 1902 ing something "just as good" at Mr. Clifford Richardson, chemist of slightly reduced prices. Tho expert- J tho Barber Asphalt Paving com enco of tho bitulithio pavement has pany, told him that ho could lay a been no exception to this general close mixture of bituminous mac rule. Its trnduccrs first spent thou- ndam eoual in all resnccts to War- sands of dollars in villifying its in-jreu's bitulithio pavement, and that venters nnd in fruitless attempts to j sinco that time Mr. Richardson had, convince city officials that the bitu-to the personal knowledge of Mr. 01 lithic pavement had no intrinsic ney, laid three pieces of such pavo merit; that it was an experiment, tin ment in Now York Citv, ono ut exploded theory under a new name, Eighth avenue, ono at Twenty-ninth ana oy countless other tnlse, malic- street and Broadway, in front of tho ious and libelous statements tried to Hotel Breslui, and ono at tho inter- discredit it. section of Seventeenth street and The inventors of Warren's bitu- Broadway. Tho Eichth avenue uavo- lithic took no notice of these attacks, ment quickly went to pieces and was contident that the superiority of replaced by asphalt. The section in their pavement would manifest itself front of tho Hotel Breslin, laid less beyond all doubt, nnd they pursued than a year aeo. was on Am-il tho oven tenor of their way, laying replaced by asphalt by tho Barber Hundreds of thousands of square Asphalt Paving company. Its "as yards of their pavement to the entire good as" bitulithio experiments havo satistaction everywhere of citv off 1-.utterly faded. cials, taxpayers and houseowners. It should be hero noted that all of The people directly interested in the places referred to, where the good streets were convinced that in , "Asphalt Trust" had experimented the bitulithio pavement they had ( with something supposed to be as found the idenl roadway, and the good as bitulithio pavement, wore unfair attacks of jealous business 'made in connection with repairs to rivals were without effect. its regular asphalt pavement, which Hoping to profit by "the demand had previously failed. Ono of two of city officials for the bitulithio conclusions is self-evident: pavement imitators entered the pav-j First, the "Asphalt Trust" pur ing field with "something just as posely laid theso experimental pieces good ns bitulithic," and nt slightly, of pavement in such a way that it lower prices succeeded in securing n knew they would fail and in order few small contracts. The disastrous 'to throw discredit on the bitulithio results of their" unsuccessful .nt-1 pavement; or, second, tho Barber tempts to imitate bitulithio are best , company was experimenting and did described in the following extract not know how to lay a successful from the Municipal Journal and En-'pavement of this character that is, Eineer: J a pavement of stone and bitumen In the January number of tho Mu- similar to tho bitulithio. Whether nicipal Journal reference was made the Barber company laid tho best to the failure of pavement laid at pavement it know how, or whether it Paris, Ky., with whnt was said to be purposely laid something which SOUTHERN OREGON IS 60IN0 BACK? Preponderance of Divorce Suits Over Applications for Marriage Licenses, Eight to Five. Tho records of tho office of the county clerk shows that while eight misfitted couples havo asked relief from tho "tie that binds" during the month of Fobmary, only five pair havo applied for a legal right to take each other for better or worse. The preponderance of the number who wish to let go, as against tho num ber who wish to tnko a chance in tho matrimonial game is remarkable, especially as there is no divorce cott ony in Southorn Oregon, nnd the di vorces, liko tho mnrriagos, are, as said by ono of Oregon's earlv or ators, "tho spontaneous production of our nntivo (and adopted) sons and daughters." There arc, however, several "pros pects," and Clerk Coleman hopes to make tho record more nearly tfven. "Tho Deacon" .needs no introduc tion. It is a success wherever pro duced. At tho Opera houso Friday evening. March 4. would fail, in order to throw dis credit on the bitulithio pavement, it is very evident that municipalities cannot afford to deal with such peo ple on this class of construction. - 4.4 44 4 4 4.4.4 -4-4-4-- 4 Wherever you sec a roofing advertisement remember that its words of self-praise and description came from the original advertisements of the Malthoid Roofing makers. Twenty-six years ago we said of our roofing all the nice things that arc now said of every other roofing. These "others" have stolen our words imitated our methods but they cannot duplicate the tmality of Malthoid Roofing it always was the best and always will be. Whenever you see a roofing advertisement think of Malthoid the original. Made by The Paraf fie Pamt Ce. Saa frwdstt ui fr&ywtat J K. NNYA'ltT, Problem JOHN S OKTII r,,.., J. A. IMUtltY, Vina.ProNlilo.it. W. 1. JACKHON, Amh'I CnMhior. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK JAFITAL $50,000 SUnPLUS JIO.OOG Sntoty boxes tor rent. A general Dnnklng Business transacted Wo solicit your pntronnuo. 4 . 4 4-4-4 4-4 V4-4 4 4-4-4-4.4 4 4 4-4-4 4 4-4 4 4 4 4-4-4 4 4-4 4 4 4-4 4 4444-44. It's free 1 Imi ! (r It. I A Mw 4 iitatklt book M ItM "Cr ot Hooting." N nutfrr k CutirWo.- Nfn or W birt ml, i Ihll book wilt A ttbl yo to m bltbttttr ctr ol It. lin lit. I GARNETT-COREY HARDWARE COMPANY For the Best in harness, saddles, whips, obes, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and tall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. White 3D. Trowbridge If you wish ono of those 10-ncro tracts of the Porry Sub-division (No bettor in Roguo Rivor Vnlloy) nt tho prosent prices. Soo as soon. White & Trowbridge PLUMBING SUAM AND HOT VVATEK HEATING All Work Uunmntoud l'ricon Koiiaomiblo COFFEEN & PRICE 11 North J) St.. Mod ford, Ore. Phone 303 1 Shur-On Wo can fit most any kind of a noso with Shur-On Mounts. Dr. GOBLE Optical Parlor 18 Wost Main Stroot. We have no other business. Now is the Time TO GET OUR FIGURES ON WIRING, ELECTRICAL FIXTURES, ETC., ON THAT NEW HOUSE. DYNAMO REPAIRING A SPE CI ALT Y. FLYNN BROS. 3? WEST MAIN STREET - 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 Wm. E. STACEY & CO. REAL ESTATE AND EMPLOYMENT. District Agent for ALADDIN' LAMP Local nconta wnntod. Lamp on exhibition and for tmlo nt tho following plnccx: Mmlfcnl OarnRn. AUcn A HotiKnn'B, Wnpnor, Wortnun A Goro'a, Ilusaoy'a Cnah Storo uml Medford Furniture, Co.'a atoro. ADDRESS BOX 028. MEDFORD, OR. I in tifti 'Pom Moffat We make anv'kitni ami style if wiikIowh. W o earry irlnH tf any w " liand. Medford Sash 6c Door Co. ipringtime Housecleaning Time A Good Time - - a good time to look over your home and see what ciHMijMwwb meuttstuzi'Tramnurr mm youlare Jgoing toneed in the - Hoosefurnishing Line 4 4-444 4-4 4-4-4 4-4 4 .4 4-4-4-4 4 4 4-4 4-4-4-4 4 4 4 4 4-4-4-4-4 4 4-4 - - The Medford Furniture Co. 4--4-4 4-4-4-4-4-- 4 4 4 4-4 4-4-4-4-4-4 4H 4 4 4-4-4 44-4-4 4 4 4 4 4 4- ) t Have their spring items all in, marked and put on display. You are cordially invited to call and inspect our mam . moth stock of Carpets, Rugs all kinds, Linoleums, Mat tings, Art Squares, Burlaps, Etc. Wall Paper all the latest fads. The largest stock in Medford to select from. Just Received a carload of mixed furniture, consisting of Par lor, Dining Room, Library, Bedroom and Kitchen furni ture, and say, don't overlook our Hardware department. We have sold over 100 Real Estate ranges and not one "kick". Remember we take pleasure in showing you through our different departments. The Medford Furniture Co. THE COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHERS MMMttHMtMMmiMMtMMIHHMmMtMtMMtMit M M I