( "3 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE UN1TL1) IMtESS ASSOCIATION Full LeiuiedVIri Vejiott. The only paper in tlio world publlahod In u city the aim of Madford navlng a longed wire. FIRST SECTION PAGES 1 TO 8 FOURTH YEAR. MISDJVORT), ORJOdON, SUNDAY, FlflBRUARY 27, 19.10. No. 293. 249,000 PAID FOR HARGADINE TRACT STEEL 10 G0i EAST FOR , AID Assistance of National Government Will Be Asked liy Will G. Steel, Who Leaves Soon for Waslilnnton un Behalf of Crater Lake Road. AFTER HEIDEL'S REPORT Committee Confident of Raising Suf flclcnt Funds With Which to Carry on Work of RoaiL Fioin vnrioliH Kitetions nf llm hIiiId woi'iIh of encourage- 4 t muni nin drifting in, priiiKinj? f tho Medford Mpiril in dolor- ' mininc to Imilil (In (Valor Luke roadl despite nil ml- vorjo doeiidnu. in Hut supremo T court. Nt only nrc oiioour- 4 " aging words being received, lint 'money i being pledged; i Ono of tho Inliml pontons "outside. Iif llio county to ' 4 4 ptftlKU $100 town id I lie build- ing of llio ronii in Frank M. f Wuite of Roschurg. Or., who 4 4 was in Medford lux! ove- " ning. 4 "I ndiniro Ihe Medford spirit," Minted Mr. Wuilo, "and I believe Hint in no bet- tor wny can Ihul ndinirntion ho shown lliiin ly pledging $100 Inward tho building of tho road, And limit are olh " ors In my mvtioii who do 4 likewise." Tho rrnlt'p Lake highway com mllti'o of tho Modford Commercial oliili held tin oulhusiuslio mooting Saturday evening nnd outlined plans for conducting n most nggiossivo campaign for llie popular suhsorip t in ii to build the road to Prater Lake. All nieinlierti of the eoiniuittee were present mid pledged Iheniselvt'H to nelivo Hiippail of 'the effort lo mine $100,000 l.y Huhflcriplinus of $100 each. An a preliminary move, (he com milleo will Head Will O. Steel to Washington at onee lo nocure from the liurenu of foroHlry the money up- (Continued on Pago 8.) REDDY'S PETITION HEARD BY COURT Judge Catkins Takes Matter Under Advisement Until Next Thursday A. A. Davis Protests. Tho potilion of Dr. J. F. Roddy thai lio ho allowed n Too of .$(1000 and $1000 nxpnuHdri for Ida services an receiver of tho Medford & Orator Lake railroad, oumo up in tho eireuil iiourt hoforo Judge Oalliina for hoar K Salurday, tho judio taking liin piitilinu and that of Attorney A. M. IloaiiuiH for .$7300 attorney foo uii dor adviHoiuoiil until next ThurH day. y Tho hoariux waH leimlhy, iih Hie olaim of Dr. Iteddy uiih opponod h,v A. A. Davin, nu unpaid erodilor of tho company. Dr. Hoddy put on Koveral wIIiiohhoh to hIiow tlial Id polltioii wiih roiiHonaldo. Colvin; & Purham appoarod1 I'm Nv, Davit, whilo A. W. ItoamoH appeared for Dr. Jloddy nnd hhuaulf. Whisler to Washington WiU Fight the La FeanBill . I Uln It-r mil eue on nevl Mond i to appiiir hi-loie Un ennj;nMiiiiiil ciuiiiiiii lee till llMlieulluie, when it uieetM on iMareh 1', lo consider the l.a I'Viiu apple hox l.ill. Mr. U'hihlfr will tueel llio pre uli'iil and hi'iMi'larv of the WiihhiiiKlou I lot I n I turnl iiMxoeiation aid oilier men from Ore Kou in I'orllaud and will eouliliiie cam with them. On a leeeut tup to WaMhiiiKtoii Mr. Win er tlid Mplcudid work on hehalf of the frail Krowerrt of the ie, and hi trip at tin time is of Kcat mi porlnuee. The com notice will near .ill tide of Ihc 4iu-.oii, ami it in doiihlfu! it il will he pilled uillnoil the elimimitioii of it nhiioxiniiH IValuiett Jfr. Whixlor is one of the iiiohI 'ulluiHia tie workerx for the eaiiHe ol Hie l ruts - grower in the vallev. and il in at no hiiuiII acrifice th l he airrced lo relani to kWunhiiiKton lo fight the I .a lVau liill. ' The hill wax lo have come up m committee on I'Vliruarv l!l. hut was STRIKERS AND POLICE CLASH Streetcar Is Attacked ami Burned by Rioters Police Reserves Or dered Out and Pitched Battle En sues Fence Ufcd as Fortress. lMIlLADUU'lllA, 1VI. 20. The Htriko Hilualion tonight in llio mo it Htrnineil nineo tho trouble bewail. The Contra Mm dim: TrmluH coun- oil. whilo denvini: that tltero h n poKitihility of a f-enernl strike, has held Hovera secret eontcrencoM iiutl il in a foiVL'one coueliiAiou tliat all union moil will he out within 'IK inurM. Two fii'litH took nlaco toiiiultt. fhree wore injured. Dariair llio uf- teriioon 110 pornoim were injured, iu eludiiiK four policemen, three filially. IMIILADKM'IIIA, la., IVh. 12(1. A Hlroolear wiih allaeked anil hiirued by u molt of rioters in front of llio Allen millH Huh al'lornoon. " Thn po lice, answering a riot call, niHlieil lo tho Kcoiiu and a pitched luittlo oc curred between the offioorn and tho mob. Ono man wan shot in llio fdiouldor and tho riotoiH woro driven bank and forced into tho mill yard. Usinu' tho mill fonoo as a fort, thoy hurled miflHiloH of all klntk at tho police, and Hovoral'woro snKhlly injured. Tbu ear wan stopped in I mnl of the mill whore the mob bad piled dirl oil llio I racks ho iih lo make lis piiHHiiKO impoHHible. Tho rlolom onlorod llie ear, hoik od both tho motoriiuiu and tho con ductor, whom limy Hiibinitled to ho- voro boatiiiKH Itefore llie police could interfere. Unserves were soul lo the hccuo from two police hlalious and after a fit;ht which laslcd pevoral ininiiloH and for llio lime Ihroatoaed to he llie nioHt HorioiiH euootiutor of tlio )ioh ent Rlriko, tho riotorrt were dinporsed. The newH of the trouble Kpreatl rapidly lluoiiuli Hie city and there wiih a feeliiiK of ureal anxiety Ibis afternoon for fear Hint further act of violence would bo attempted. You'll iiHiially find stoma "tjoinpo tilion1' In niiHW'orlnc want udaso i;ivo youmplf a fair uliaueo by boinjj widli'RWnlCQ. , po Ipoucd in order that the ndvn cateii of each Hide could lie prutiont Itcccnl dinpatcheH have lieeu to the etleet Hint llie lull will . lie n drafled. TO PAVE 47.000 FEET OFSTREETS Harry E. Foster, City Engineer, Completes Description of Streets to Bo Improved hy Laying Hard Surface Pavement. City Knuincor Harrv K. Foster bns compleled hiw descriptions of Hie proposed atreel improvcuieiits for the city which are to be lot by contract on March 8, MHO. and they ate com plete in every, detail. The streeU ordered improved by pniiig total 17,051 linear feet, ami the total area to be paved is .0!t,0i!7 atpiare yards. The Hitmen of the streets and the linear dmliineo they are to be pa veil follow: Alley off Sixth -Hfl Marllelt U00 Conlral avuniui Norlli,,. I,8H.' Central aveuiio Koulli 'J,-!B0 D'Anjou j 1,837 KiKblb 4.. IWII Fir ' vA- -e,:,n Koiirlb '-',801 floncMsee ...... . ,v.rt. t ... . 1,1-0 Orape -. 000 Holly North 1,080 tr,.n.. o .'..ii. o s'i;-. iioiij niiuiii .......(.... Jackson v..,.... -1,581 l.nurol l.-i'i Main d.p Orange North 7.r.) OraiiKO South .............. HIS Poach 7, l.UII'l Queen Anna 1,0011 Itivorsido North . . J.-JOIl Hiverside South 1 .7T-I Sixth ' 800 Sixtli 1,000 Suimnit 7.'i!) Tenth 2,(ili:i Tolnl I7,!lf) I CHARGE OF UNCHASTITY IS REFINED BRUTALITY OLYMITA, Wash., l-'eb. 20.To id in rue an iuuoeenl, Kensilie wife with uueliUHtity coiiHlilule a cruelty compared with which the iuoh brutal phynical assaull would bo a soothinu halm, miid tlio Hiipremo court yostor day afleruoon, and today Anna Mor ris possossoH an aliHoluto divortto from Mylott C. Morris on urounds o,f cruelty, nltbonh alio failed lo prove pbysioal violenco. WIFE PLANT ACRES L. D. Cole of Portland Buys Large . Tract of Land Three Miles East of Ashland anil Will Plant, Subdivide and Cultivate. IS WORKjFPAMPHLET ' Is Largest Single Tract of Land Left in Valley Has Been Used Many Years as a Sheep Ranch. ,. 1). Cole of I'oitlnud. who last December purehnHcd ol Mayor Jo nupli Simo'ii and Men Pellinu tif l'oi t land llui' HarKiidiiic tract, three miles east of Ahhlnnd, has sold il for fj lO.OOOTohfi I.inctdiiJl'riist Co. of Now VorkuGity, wlm will plant, sul- divido anuVt'olouize the 40S0 acres in the traut. This is llio largest' siuule traut ofbuid left in Hie valley. Mr. Colc arrived in Modford Sat urday evening on the way home from New Yoi-k. -'Hnidj "Medford's fine literature and Kounc Hiver tipple and pears made the sale. I bad with me samples of the soil, a report upon the proierty by an enuineor Mid a panoramic view of it. I displayed prir.e Spitz cnberu nnplc and tho pears that sold in Now York for $7 a box wholeMilc. "The oast is apple e.raz.y, and the Itouuo River tin the eduo on all the fruit districts. Thoy no longer talk Hood K'iver or Wenatcbec, but Itogtie River. As Ibis was the only large tract loft in the valley, there was i ureal demand for it." Tho land has been used for many years as a sheep range. Much of it is excellent fruit land. .U also con tains deposits of coal. Mr. Cole, who has been prominent in ixditics in Qi't'gon for years, and is a well-known business man of Portland, contemplates other invest ments here, lie leaves for Portland Sunday evening. DOMESTIC SCIENCE GIRLS GIVE DINNER Young Ladles of High School Enter tain Friends at Dinner of Their Own Preparing. Tho young Indies of Hie domestic scieiico class of the high school gave an elaborate course dinner Friday evening to a number of guests. The diunor was jlcsigned and served by the young ladios themselves, ami nothing could bo asked in the way of service. Klahorato salads and dainty dessorts were prepared iih well as tho more substantial dishes. Tlio dining hnll (west basement) was tastily decorated with ever greens draped with college banners and colors', nnd cut flowors adorned tho table. In ovory way the event was most successful. Those who prepared and sorved tho menu were: Misses Citrdolia Ooffe, Isolo F.w- bank, Leolu F.wbanlc, Grace Mitchell, Ivy Moeck, Wray Curry, Lillian Pierce, Mable Thomas, .lcanelt Os good, Mary Deuel, Ethel Eifert. Mil- tireti AWlo, Ainnuo awnn, iuutireu Gorig, Josopldno Riley. Tho guests woro: Misses Cum mings, I.awpon, MoPormolt, Foster, Ulricb, While; Mes'dames Stein, Smith; Messrs. Smith, Hall, Putnam, Wutther, Stuln. Senator Tillman Is Better 7 j7 j JZ? j? Is Again Able to Speak I WASHINGTON. Feb 'JO. Senator Tillman is considerably improved in health and Iioih? is how being held out for his ultimate recovery, but. Ids SNOW BLOCKADE 8 WORSE OROWIN Great Floods Are Expected in All .Southern Pacific Engineer Makes Parts of Northwest Heavy Snow) Ready for Coming of Contractor Is Followed by Warm Rains; Work on New Depot Is to Start In Traffic Is Demoralized. EVERETT, Wash.. Feb. 20. The snow blockade on the Great Northern mUmml wows worse each hour, in stead of better. A heavy snow fell all 'night in the mountains, complete ly wiping out what little work has been done to clear the tracks. The :iv stalled nasseiicer trains , are standing today in the same spots they have been blocked tor three dnys. Whilo tbo snow was stopping all traffic in the Cascades, heavy, rains were laying havoc with the coat lines. Two trains wore wrecked last night botween Seattle and Rell'mg hiim. Northbound passenger N. 278. duo in Everett at 7:20 p. m, ran into a washout south of Mnkil teo, tho engine turning over and the mail ear leaving tho tracks. Firo nmn Milled iiiumed and was injured. but not seriously Passengers walked to Mukilleo nnd took a boat to Mel linghnm. The next train nlong ran into a washout south of llelliuglinin and was ditched. , Tbo lino will be cleared at noon. Floods Kvpcttctl. SEATTLE. Wash.. Feb. 211. Tho weather bureau here issued Hie fol lowing warning today: "Conditions are favorable for dis astrous Hoods in streams draining the Cascades in Western Washington and Hie coast ranges." Thoro is more snow in tho moun tains now than there has been al litis season for many yoars, and with the prospect of warm weather and more rain, Hto outlook is sorions. Tucson Paper Sold. TUCSON, Arir.., Feb. 20.--The Tucson Evening Citizen, n daily pn por, was sold today to the Tucson Printing & Publishing company, of which James T. Williams, Jr., of Washington, former United Stntes oiviL service commissioner, is presi dent. Tho paper hereafter will be published as a Republican orjjun. It formerly was Demooratio. splendid voice will never be the same again. However, be is able to make bis wants known, and it is thought that he will soon again be able lo converse with friends. M DEPOT SITE IS STAKED OUT ! Immediate Future. An engineer of tbo Southern Pa cific company on Friday afternoon staked out the silo of tho new $50, 000 passenger depot for Medford, and tho work now awaits Robert Wakefield of Portland, who has the contract for its creotion, and who will be here early this week to start the construction. Fred Beagle, tho engineer who staked out tbo site, stntes that tho company has received word direct from Chicago to give Medford 'a good job," ami that nothing will be spared in thoway of expense in fit ting up tho depot in the most ap proved way. Mr. Wnkofield, tho contractor, has advised a number of local contrac tors that ho will call upon them soon nnd ask them for bids on different portions of the w'ork. SAYS THAT BALLINGER DECEIVED PRESIDENT WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 20. Gifford Pinehot took the stand in the Mallinger investigation, wbeu the congressional committee convened after lunch this afternoon and im mediately read a statement in whiok ho charged Secretary Ballingor with being falso to his trust and with hav ing deceived President Tnft. "I desire, boforo being sworn, to give the committee a hriof statoinont of what T shall attempt to prove, fol lowing tho precedents sot in the Glavis p('eedliR8,' " snid Pinehot. There was no objection nntl Pinehot wits nllowod to procoed, no read his statement through and it was heard with intense interest throughout. It was a severe ar raignment of Rnllinger and it caused a slight flutter of excitomont in the nudienco, but thero was no attempt at applause, Pinehot referred In the statement to a loiter he sent to President Taft bn November 4, which roveala the situation. INEW BRICK ON CENTRAF AVENOE Ritfer & Dunlap Buy Court Hall Property From Keenc and Allen Mrs.. Enyart and Mrs. Carnahan to J- Ho.- New Three-Story Brfck. WESTERLUND ISIBUYER Sales Are Brisk Over Valley Flero Buys 160-Acre Tract in the Neighborhood of Talent. Ritter & Dunlap Lave purchased of Dr. J. Kcene and Joint ft. Allen the Court Hall property on South Central uvennc, paying $15,000. Thi sale follows close upon tho safe of the Belle Nickell nrcbortv. atlioin- itig, to Mrs. Ltrcretia Envurt - and Mrs. P. W. Carnahan for $16,000. Both sales wero made by Aylor & Barnett. The new owners of fhis Dronertv propose to erect at once a modern three-story brick block. This will have a frontage of 140 feet on Cen tral avenue nnd will h'e' 100 faet daeu on Eighth street. Tho Ritter &' Dun lap building will cost $10,000 and that of Mrs. Envart and Mrs. Cur- nahan $25,000. Work hi to start in the immediate future. Another deal on adioininsr uronurlv was made by Aylor & Barnett, sell ing Mrs. Krooka' property to Mw. Enyart and Mrs. Comahan for $10, 000. WesU'rluntl Buys. J. A. Westerlund, for tho Western Oregon Orchards comnanv. has pur chased 175 acres adjoining their largo holdings, known as the H. II. Taylor plnce, paying $100 nu ncre. This trnct adjoins tbo famous I fill - crest orchard. This will make 2300 acres in the Westerlund orchards, of which 1200 ncros is planted. Thav are most optimistic rcgnrdiug the fu ture of the Roxv Ann district. This new tract is to ho planted and im proved. Hero lluys Again. A. Conro Fiero has tmrcliased from A. Alford 100 nores adjoinuts Talent on tho east, for $25,000. Tracts "T," "U" and "V" in the Snowy Butte orchards have boon sold to Edmund Burke of Chicago. (Continued on Pago 8.) "HAS ANYBODY HERE SEEN GALLAGHER?" 'opular Song Is Paraphrased by District Attorney FIckert "Big Jim" Cannot Be Found. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal Feb. 20. "Una anybody here seen Jim flal- ughorT" District Attorney Fiolcort finds now meaning today in tho slightly paraphrased words of tho popular song, "Ilns Anybody Here Soon Kelly f" Jim Gallaghor, self-confessed go between of Abo Ruof, fallen Iiohk ol San Francisco, left this city Homo months ago, just after the election of District Attornoy Fiokert and the ending of tbo graft prosecution by tho defeat of Francis J. Honey nt tho polls, Since then Fiekort has charged that "Big Jim" departed with tho connivanca of tier prosecution' le gal force. This the recent proscou tors deufcr.