THE AfEDFORD MAIL Tftf.BUN'B, MED FORD, OlfKQQy, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 1910. - 4 -. Classified Ads in The Mail Tribune Constitute Real Salesmanship SNOW BLOCKS ALL NORTHERN ROADS Not a Train Will Pass Over West End Missoula Division Before Tomorrow, Owlnn to tho Storm. SEATTLE, WmhIi., Feb. SR. Nol a trnln will pas ovnr Mm west ntl Of Urn MIIIoiimIii division of tin Chi cago, Milwaukee & Pugst Hound rail way lieroro Into toulgbt or tomorrow. Almoin tliti entire lino from Hiigaii to A very lit blocked with u nolld iiiiihx Of HIIOW, It (IlKtltlH'H of 00 mil"-. Av nlnnohon continued to t li mid or down the moiintaliiMlili'H today. Charles Nelson whh struck by 1111 nvnlnnelm near Ailnlr. Mout.. on tin Dltter-root (IIvImIoii and burled under 300 foot of snow. A few hour later another slide nt Adnlr killed two nicn named Hoe nnd tho wife of one of thn men. Among tli.' trains stalled In tho mountains Ik tho fnst trnln loaded with raw Mll with whlrh tho Mil waukee exported to mnkn n record run to Now York. Only ono over land trnln reached. Honitlo yesterday tho North Const Limited, on thn North 4'rn Pacific, breaking through hlorkndo after being stalled 20 hours nnd nrrlvliiK hro nt 10:. 10 p. m. Tho Northern Pnclflr lino Ik ! most clear this mornliiK a nil tho Onmt Northom will ho hoforo night, the rnltiN nnd nnnwH having stopped. 'KING EDWARD TO BE ROOSEVELT'S HOST LONDON. Fob,, 2C ICs-l'roHlditnt Iloontvolt v 1 1 1 deliver tho Romanes lecture nt Oxford University, Mny IS. Thin I tho only engagement definite ly arranged for IiIm vlidt to Englnnd littt ho will bo kept busy If ho nc coin nil tho Invltntlonn extended. King B '.wnrd I J grenlly Interested In Col. Hootovult'H romlnr nnd be aide entertaining him nt Rucking hnin palace, prohnbly will attond itoir.o of tho futiLtlonH nt which Mm distinguished American will be RlK'St. Hotel Arrivals. Tho Nash M, Morass, Sun Fran cisoo; K. K. Davi. W, S. Zimmcr man, Portland; (1. O. Milieu, Minim npolin; H, L, Podge, Akron; It. K. Hitchcock, Now York; F. Hcmnn, Se attle; M, P. Powers, Snn Francisco; J. It. Flynn, Portland; ,1. P. Crnn lnll, Snn Frnneico; John V. Per noil, Applcgntn; A. S. Vomifr. Port land; T. S. Cramlull, Fort Dodge; Harry Starr, F. Woodnrd, J. It. Lain, Portlnml; A. O. Jowott, Snn Fran cisoo; A. II. Crowoll, Spoknno. Tho Monro C. M. MoArtlitir nml family, Mcilford; I.. II. JiiooIih, Port lnml; John Ho wen, Jacksonville; C .A. Ponnny, Loh AiikoIod; W. II. Towi, Now York; F. Ilormnn, Son! tip; K. Holdomiuin, Snn Francisco; Q. J. Seliiokloman, MisK A. Kolicrt non, ChionKo; It. P. rnssidy, San Frntifiseo; J. Y. Shorias, C, II. Slio rinp, Wostfield, N. J.; J. P. llrown, Knulo Point; Mr. nml Mr. J. L, Gardner, Oold I?ny; It. I. Stuart, Ashland; C. A. Mallioonf, Portland; Edmund Hurke, Portlnml; R. .Clnn--ton, GrnulH Push. Wear Kidtl's Shoos. fV - 4" MEDF0RD TIME TABLE. f ""NdrtlilMniiid" Mo. 20Portlnnd LocnlT. . 8;0 n. m. o, HOrogon KxprosB. . , 6:24 p. m. No. 14Portlnnd Express.) 8:39 p. nt. j gon t liT)d n i ul f "No. 1RCnllfornla KxproaB10:3G n. m. "No. 138. F. BxproBH..,, 3:32 p.m. 'No. 19Ashlnnd Locnl. . . . 1 1 1 : 2 2 p. m, Mcdfonl to Jacksonvlllo. 'Motor enr lo.ivos 8:00 a.m. 'Trnln lonvoa 10:45n. m. Trnln lonvoa j 3:35 p. m. Trnln lonvos 0:00 p. m, Motor enr loaves 9:30 p.m. Jacksonvlllo to Mctfford. Motor lonvos 7:00 n. mi Trnln lonvos j 8:45 n. m, Trnln lonvos j 2:30 p.m. Trnln lonvos j 4:30 p.m. Motor car lonvos j 7:30 p.m. "PACIFIC sf HA8TKRNnAnVAYr R. lLonvos Modford ... 8:10 a. m. No. 3Lonvos Modford . . , 3:00 p. m, Ko. 2Arrivos Modford . .(10:10 a. m. No, 4Arrtvos Modford ,. 6:00p.m. Ho. lArrlvos Englo Polnt 8:45 a. m, No, 2LonvoB Eagle Polntj 9;05a, m, -No.8 Arrives Euglo Polntj 8:45 p.m. o, 4Loavea Eagle Point! 4:00 p.m. PORTLAND MARKETS. llopN, Wool mill IlldcN, IIOI'H-IOOS crop, cholco 15c; prlmo to cholco, lfic; prime, niodlnm. li'c; 190!), cholco, 21c; prlmo, 2 0c; medium, 1 0(1' 19c. W()OI Nominal, 1909, Wllln motto valley, 20f2lc; onutern Ore Kon. 2023c. HIIHEPflKINB BhonrliiK, 1O0-25C! each; short wool, 2fiC0c; medium wool, fiOc ll each; long wool, 7Gc(l I1.2TI ench. TAI.I.OW Prlmo. por lb. .T4c; No. 2 nnd Krenno, 2Cf2,4c. MOIIAIH 1009, 23ft 24c lb. Ill DBS Dry hides, 1718'c lb; green, 9V6tfM0'4c; bulls, green salt, 7c lb; kips, 10 G lO'c; cnlvos, green, I G 01 8c pni lb llullcr, I'.uu nnd Poultry. BOOS Local, candled, soloct, 28 27c; local Htorogo, 28c; enstern torngo, 17c. JIUTTBIt- Extra cronmory, 37 39c; fnncy, 3Cc?f37c: storo, 25e POUIiTUY Mixed chlckons, 10c fnncy hens, 18c; roosters, old, IGc Kooso, 12c for live, 14Q lGc drosscd ducks, 22'jc; turkeys, llvo 20c, dresned 25c; Jlgeons, squnbs )2.50 dozen, dressed chicken, Iff 2c pound higher than nllro. Ornln, Flour nnd liny. 11 Alt IjBY .Producers1 prlco 1 909 Food, 3; rolled, 33; browing C30.C0. WHEAT Track, club, 11.00 1.07; blue stein, $1.10; red, $1.08 forty fold, $1.10; Wlllnmotto vntloy, $.00. MII.LSTUFFS 8olllng prl limn, $27; middlings, $34; shorts $26 0 27; chop, $22 029; alfnlfn mcnl, $21 por ton, FLOUR Now crop, patents, $6. 15; strnlght, $4.90; bnkor's, $5.95 G.15; Wlllnmotto vnlloy, $5.80 bbl; oxport grades, $4.60; grcliim, Ms $6.76; whole whont, $5.75; rye $5.75; bnlcs, $3.15. MAY Producers prloo New tlm- othy, Wlllnmotto vnlloy, rnncy, $20; ordlnnry, $19; eastern Oregon, $20021; mixed. $15; clover No. 1, $15.50010; wheat, $16017; cheat, $10017; nlfnlfa, $17. OATS Spot dollvory, now, pro ducers' prlco Track No. 1 whlto, $310132! gray, $30031. Fruits nnd Vegornblcs. FRESH FRU1T8 Oranges: Now nnvols, $203; bnnnnns, 505c lb; lemons, $3.75 04.50 box; grapo- fruit, $4; .icars, $1.25; grapes, $1.- 76. POTATOES Soiling, now, $1.15 01.25; buying, onstorn Multnomah and Cineramas, 75 080c; Wlllnmotto vnlloy, 70c. ONIONS Jobbing, $1.50 por cwt; gnrllc, 10O 12c por lb. APPLES $1.2503. DEANS 8 mall whlto, $5.50; largo white, $4.50; pink, $4.85; bayou, $G; Limns, $5; rods, $3. CATTLE Dost steers, $6.5006 75; good stoors, $5; common steers, $4.25; medium, $4.35 04.60; fancy holfors, $4.00; medium cows, $4.00; poor cows, $3.0003.60' bulls, $3.50 03.76; stags, $2.5003.00. HOQS Dost cast of tho mountains, $9.00 09.25; fancy, $8.50 08.75; stockors, $7.00; pigs, $8.00. SHEEP Dokt wothorB, $0.00; or dlnnry, $5.60; spring lambs, $0,500 G.76; straight owes, $5.26 06.60; mlxod Iota, $5,60. CALVES Dost, $5.75 00.00; ordi nary, $6.0006.25, f4--f4----f -f-f--4-4---4--f-f-f " m ED FORD MARKETS. f4--f4--f-f---f-f-f -f--f-f -f-f Fruits iuid Vegetables, (Prices paid by Modford merchants) APPLES 2 O 4a lb. Potatooa, $1,50 cwt; onions, $2 cwt; cabbngo, 2 03l&c; turnips, lMic; parsnips, 1 to l'jc. Duttor, IJggs nnd Poultry. (Prices pntd by Modford merchants) Ranch butter, 32Mic; fancy cronm ory, 40c. Fresh ranch oggs, 25c. Mlxod poultry, 10O14e; spring chlckons, 15 0 18o; turlcoys, 17c. (Prlcos paid producers.) liny Timothy, $16; alfalfa, $15; gnus, $14; grnln hay, $10. Grain Whont, $1,20 bushol; oats, 30 ton; bnrloy, $30 ton. Doof 3 12 to 4 l-3c; pork, 7 1-Vc; mutton, 7c; lamb, Fc; vont (drcsisj) 7c. (Selling prices.) Rolled bnrloy, "a cwt., $38 ton; bran, $1.07; middlings, $1.85 01,90; shorts, $1.8001.85. FOR SALE. F0RSAi7E 10 acres flno soil, flvo ncros peara nnd npploa In benrlng; rost plnntod; would oxohnngo for Siskiyou Holghts property, Addroas Q, enro Trlbuno, 2"95 You Face Forward When You Read the Ads Tho NEWS In tho paper roprosonts a history, or record, of things thnt HAVE HAP PENED within a few hours. Tho advertisements In tho paper are n forecast of many things that ARE TO HAPPEN, WITHIN A FEW HOURS. An Item of news tells of something that Is past. An advertisement tells of something thnt In to bo. Road ng tho nows, you look DACKWARD which Is useful, necessary, help ful. Rending tho ale, you look FORWARD which Is Inspiring, exciting, profitable. You put yoursolf In touh with things that aro to bo with tho Imrncdlnto activities of llfo In this city. Tho nda holp yoti to find YOUR PART la theso activities busy hurtoy-burloy of tho town's llfo. Read tho now for history tho ads for opportunity! - FOR SALE. FOR SALE Modorn 5-room bunga low, closo In, small payment down, balance to suit:; also cottage and 4 good lots. Address L, this offlco. FOR" SALE Seventeen lots, 10 In ! ono block, closo In, cheap If taken, soon. Address P. O. Dor 14G, Med-' ford, Or. I FOR SALE 200 Newtown and Splt zonberg npplo trees 2 years old. Mc nnnmicb. N. E. Cor. D street and Fifth stroot. 292 .- !.nil (1 11 V til. nti-iinp WA iftrAH -IMP , w.v ,j .a Medford, CO acres under plow; good Improvements; 3 acres In fruit:. price M-o per acre, uu, lermn. .iu- dress r. u. hox js, jiuioru, jr. 293 FOR SALE Splendid new 0-rootn bungalow, closo In, modorn through- J nit itnnln ftntl-a jifiat fpftnf OhD. u.. .... ...... v-v terms. Plerco, Shepherd & Co,, 12S E, Main. 29 S FOR SALE Good steam wood saw.1 Address L, O. Van Woven, Modford, I Ore. 293 I TOR SALE 5 and 10-acre tracts just within nnd ndjoining city lim its, nt a bargain, on 6 annual pay-, morts. Address P. O. Box 418, FOR SALE--Cholco business proper ty nt a bargain, on long tiino; easy terms Add-ess P O Rox 418. FOR SALE Mimeograph for dupli cating letters. In good condition, cheap, at offlco of Condor Wnter & Power Co. 283 Wm !Al.r.nn Nnrth Riverside , Avenue, 5 room house, barn and .ono-hnlf ncro of good garden la:,d all for $1500. Address P. O. box 878, Medford. Or. mn RAl.K Two 20-acrs tracts, choice land, i 1-4 mllos northwest of Central Point. Address W. J. Harvey, R. F. D. No. 1, Central Point, Or. 306 FOR SALE Cow and driving horso, prlco $100. No. 20 North Rlvorsldo avonuo. 293 FOR SALE Full blood Plymouth Rock cockerola and eggs; hay: Phono Fnrmor 703x3. FOR SALE A socond-hnnd typo- writor for Balo nt n very ronsonnblo ; F0RSALE oTtradel 10b"acro figuro The Morrivold Shop, 134, rnnch wUh rght to wator for 5 t0 W. Main St. tin no K nillna fmm mll.iiil AH. rua Biud oo acres, i uinuui and poar land; 260 in cultivation; 65 In nlfalfn: 60 not cleared: ox-i client mrlnc! 3 seta of hillldlnn! ' . " i 7 miles from town; good rond; this Is Idonl trnct to suhdlvldo; a bargain for 30 dnys only. Soo Townsond, 721 Donnott avonuo. 292 FOR SALE Homestead rollnqulsh- monta. Wo hnvo an oxport timber cruiser In tho flold nnd can locato you on a tlmbor clnlm. Donson In- u"nK I FOR SALE Rooming houso, clonr-j Ing $300 monthly. Bonson invest-1 mont Co., offlco ovor Frultgrowors' bnnlc. 292 FOR SAE 1909 Wlnton nuto, com- ploto equlpmont; will trado for n Siskiyou lot. Address Q, caro Trl buno. 295 FOR SALE Modorn 5-room bunga low, closo In; small payment down, bnlanco torms to suit; also cottago nnd 4 good lots. Address L, this of flco. FOR SALE Ton ncroa good fruit and borry lnnd noar Grants Pnss; cov ered by tho Irrigation ditch. For particulars addross No, 511 South O stroot. 295 FOR SALE Alfnlfn straw for snlo; ono mllo north of Jncksonvlllo, $5 por ton. L. Neldormoyor, 'Jackson vlllo, Or. 296 FOR SALE. FOR SALE 75 acres best fruit land In north end of valley; 4 miles from railroad; 1-2 mllo from school; about 16 ncrcs cleared; some fruit In bearing; Irrigating ditch runs through mlddlo of It; plenty of wa ter: with house, barn, well and spring and 1000 cords of wood on It; a No. 1 road In nil directions; $45 pot ncro;- buy of owner. See Cole- mnn nt cigar factory. 268 i FOR SALE A beautiful homo In a good locality; a well finished nlne- room n0UBe; mco lawn, email or- chard ghudo trec, ood bani and wlndmm. proline on ono corner. . jnquro of F X Musty, Tolo, Or.304 FOR SALE 40 fine setting turkey hens for salo. Inquire of John An derson, manager Westerlund Or chards. Telephone Farmer 83. 299 QR SALE40 ocres 0, g00d Umber five mllos from Medford; all down hill. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Ore gon. " FO li SAGE Good lot In splendid residence section for less money than a smaller lot will bring a groater dis tance from business section. Ad dress Y, care of this offlco. FOR SALE A flno neat new moiurn bungalow In East Medford; fireplace and bath, hot and cold water; Mice $2100. Pierce, Shepherd & Co , US East Main. 3 FOR SALE Nfnety acrss. 30 tn one year old apple and pear trees, 100 Inchos of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For terms write "Owner," caro Mall Tribune. 261 " . . T o tn the vc,ley. Includl, g 30 acres good fruit land: cheap nnd terms right. H. C. Maltby, Palm Dldg.. Mnln and Front. " ai-,o acres very oesi near creek sediment soil, 60 acres set to commercial peara and apples 1 yoar old; good Improvements; only 2 1-2 mllos out; must sell quick; want money to build apartment houso; torms if desired. Humphrey, 815 East Main street. Phone 115 Main. 292 FOR SALE 2 largo lots, $10 down, $5 por month. Humphrey, 815 East Main street. Phono 115 Main. 292 dress Owuor," Box 623, Medford. 292 FOlt SALE 100 bUBholS Of yellow corn for socd. Apply at once as It Is going fast, to Young & Hall, Med ford, Oregon. 295 FOR SALE Grapo cuttings, tho kind thnt grows premium fruit. W. G. Gnffo, Centrnl Point, Oro. 296. FOTTSAlTE Ono now aTC-Tncirsiu"- dobnkor lumber wngon. Dig Pines; Lumber Co, 293 FOll SALE One now 3 I.S.Ineli SMi. dobnkor lumbor wagon. Dig Pinos Lumber Co. 293 FOR SALE Ono now 3 1-2-Inch Stu dobnkor lumbor wagon. Big Pines Lumbor Co. 293 FOR SALE Good pnpor, cecured by ron! estnto, drnwlng 10 por cont In torost. Address N. I. v., enro of this offlco. 292 - WANTED. --- .. WANTED To rent, n fruit farm near tho foothills In tho Roguo River , vnlloy, Address Clydo E. Hnrt, Yn colt, Wash. 293 WANTED A team of horsos for hauling heavy londs, D. II. Harris, ovor Jackson Co. Dank. WANTED Japanese boy wants posl tlon ns cook. Address R, P. O. Dox 264, Medford. 294 -- YOUR opportunity In the WANTED Agents to handle terri tory for one of tho best articles on tho market. Apply room 205, Phipps bldg. 294 WANTED Garden work by the day, Address C. II., caro of this office. 291 WANTED Gordon press Mall Tribune office. reeder, WANTED First-class gardener. Ap ply Condor Water & Power Co. WANTED Man and wife, man for gardening and wife for general housework. Apply Condor Water & Power Co WANTED Experienced stone cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co's. offlco. ' WANTED Competent girl for gen eral housework for family of three. P. O. Box 087. WANTED Housekeeper and cook, middle-aged lady preferred; seven In family. Address or apply to S. G. Van Dyke, Phoenix, Oo. WANTED A lady solicitor to sell electric heating, cooking and light ing dovlces. Apply ut tho Condon Wnter and Power Co. WANTED Man for general orchard work only, at Veritas Orchard, or write P. O. Dox 797. 292 WANTED A man experienced In the hnndling of Incubators and turkey raising. Apply at office of Condor Water & Power Co. 283 WANTED Man with team to plow about 12 acres and plant to wheat; land 3 miles east. H. C. Maltby, Palm Dldg. Phone 1071. 292 WANTED Competent woman to do housework; good wagtA Mrs. B. H. Hr.riln, 236 S. Oi'Malo avenue. WANTED A nurse maid for young baby; must be experienced and have references; wages $25. Mrs. Reddy, 326 Oakdnlo avenue, S. 289 WANTED Anyono having 40 acres of levol land or 80 acres, wishing to sell, will do well to write me, giving full description of same and surrounding lands; also prlco and torms. Roguo river land preferred. Address Milton Boylan, Pondleton, Or. Dox 74. 293 4- FOR RENT. FOR RENT Nicely lurnlsbed rooms tor ront with board; transients ac commodated by the day or week. No. 10 North Grapo street, next to Fruit Growers' bank. FOlt It EN'i Modorn fiirnTs'hed housekeeping rooms; no email chil dren. 222 Couth Holly st. FOR RENT FurnUhod or unfur nished rooms. 322 South Nowtown street. 294 FOR RENT Now five-room bunga low in West End, $10 per month Donson Investment Co., over Fruit growers' bank. 294 FOR RENT A five-room house fur nished complete, Including piano, to pnrtios without children, $25 per month. 609 West 11th st. 294 FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished' rooms, with or without moals 10 Ross Court, Wost Mala st. 295 FOR RENT Trnots of luud from ono to forty acres; with water for irrigation, suitable for raising po tatoes and garden truck, also suit able for chicken and turkey raising. Owner will furnish a reasonable amount of lumber and poultry and othor feuoiug for improvements if lessoe perform labor of erecting same. Call at offico of Condpn Water and Power oompany for par tioulars. FOR RENT Ono room, nowly fur nlshod, to gentleman with good hab its, 518 South Oakdnle. 292 , FOR RENT. FOR RENT - Modern fiirnlsvd rooms at 601 Veit 10th or 124 King street. FOR"RENT 6-room house on Jack son street. Inquire at 106 North D street. 292 FOR RENT Only hotel in town of 1000 population. Call at Condor Water and Power Co., 209 West Main street. FOR RENT Room with board ! for gentlemen, 411 S. Newtown st. 294 LOST. (LOST Gold watch, lady's, picture in front. Liberal reward. Return to Harry H. Hicks, Mall Tribune. LOST Gold cuff button, size 3-4 Inch square. Finder please leave at this office. Reward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Tea and Coffee Housm. GRAND UNION TEA CO. Any va riety of tea or coffee grown can be had from their agent, S. Kemp thorne, 237 Riverside avenue. Phone 3871. Tickets given with every purchase. Restaurants. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES will cure rheumatism, asth ma, paralysis, sores and private dis eases. These remedies may be pro cured at the store of Wah Chung on A street, Ashland, Oregon, where they will be sold by the proprietor, Chow Younfir- Tln Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sheetiron ware on hand and made to order. 128 North G street. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm Building. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law. No. 9 D street, grennd floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank Build inc. second floor. B. F. MTJLKEY Attorney-at-Law, Offices Room 30, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Transfer and Drayage. H. S. BRUMBLE Drayage and transfer. Baggage stored. Office C and Seventh. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO.Beal Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance Office, suite 205-206, over Fruit growers' Bank. Phone 541. ADAMS & BRIGGS O. Adams, O, P. Briggs, real estate, insurance, farm and city property, timber. Butte Fnlls. Or. AS A MATTER OF BUSINESS, we would suggest that you call nt our oftice in search of real estate bar gains. We refuse to list any prop erty for which owner asks more than wo think it is worth. Wo do not care to make sales at extrava gant and unreasonable prices. You will not find us tagging you on the street or annoying you at tho hotel, hence this invitation to call at our office, No. 128 E. Main st. Pierce, Shepherd & Co. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped job offico in South ern Oregon; Portland p.Ices. 37 South Central nve. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only oxolusivo op tician between Portland and Sac ramento. Office on West Main st. nnd railroad. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. J. T. O'Eriou. O. D. Naglo. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers and contractor; also hmo, cement nnd plaster in any quantity. Offico, Medford National Bank bldg Phone Main 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un- dortnkers. Dny phone 351. Nighb Phonos: C. W. Conklin 3001, J. H, Butlor 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Maokey nnd die with joy." Over Al lon & Reagan's store; entrance on Soventh street. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON H08PITAL 344 South C st Medford, Or. E. W. nisey, Matron. Official hospi tal P. & E. R. R. Stenographers. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm blook. Stenographic work done quickly and well. 4-f ff-f4'4'4- 4'4' BUStNESS DIRECTORY. f-f-f -f-f 4- Plans Instruction. MISS JENNESSE BUTLER Piano instruction and musical history. Studio, No. 8 S. Orange St. Phono Main 2401. HARMONY, sight reading, musical form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Studios, 144 South Central avenue. Phone 493. CIvH Enpjneers. WILL take by contract, on reason able terms, all kinds of work: alae irrigating, planting and cultivating, etc. Landscape gardening. First claso references. William Peters, Civil Engineer, Phone 1801, 322 EL Main street, Medford, Or. Bill Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson Comity Bank Building, Medford, Or. 'Billiard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice cool place to spend the hot afternoons. AreWtecta. J. K. A. BILES Architect &ai Builder. P. O. Box 480, Medford, Or. Your building respectfully so licited. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects ang Builders, office 7-8, 235 Maku Phone Main 3471. Residence pfaoa 247L Carriage and Auto Painting. VALLEY .SIGN AND CAKRIAGB WORKS High-class work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside avenoc Phone SOL Furniture. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second-hand furniture ani hardware. Agents for Mound City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st, MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medfori. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stove and Ranges. New and Second-Hand Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18 W. F st South. Phone 91, Medford, Or. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree are budded, not grafted. Onr stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything pnt out. We are not in tha trust. IL B. Patterson, office is Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. F. Cook, Prop. R. R. V. depot. P. O. Box 84L Phone 1201, Medford. Ceaent Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran teed strictly first-class. Reoidenea No. 400 Beatty street. A card will bring me to you. MUSIC. MRS. E. E. GORE Piano Instruotioa Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Pb-nu 493. 144 Soutk Central avenue. Building and Loan Asseclatlw. JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O.' a Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 Eaai. Main street Dentists. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in rooms 203-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' bonk building, wmi of the tracks. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night alia promptly answered. Office and resi dent phonu Main 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Offices in Haskius' building. Phone Main 1001. CONROY & CLANCY Dffioe is Stewart Building Physicians ana Surgeons. Offico phone Main 341; J1'8!8 phone Main 612. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician as Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Offioe honrai 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jaekaoa Couuty Bank Building. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CAR LOW Osteopathia Physicians. Mission Block. Phoaa 291, Medford. Cigars afid Tobaccos. IRELAND & ANTLE Smoke Hotwe, dealera in tobacco, cigars and ssaek ers' Hupplies. Exclusive agents el Lewis Single Binder, El Merito asa EI Palenoia. 212 West Mala utreet Messengw Servlca. ME8SENGKR SERVIGB gcrs furnished at all hours of day aad till 9 p. m. to any part of eMr (row 10c to 25c. Puoatt Mala 1811.