- .... i... . . ,. TIIE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1910. SOCIAL AND PERSOMAL Tlio Ilulck. our without rivnl llio Dr. Binylho, who will proncli in thii First Methodist ehimjli, Ih n rn- turnoil mlMHloimry of China, mul wns for i!0 yours proHhlont of tho Metho dic college In Hlngnporo. I In is now oiio of tho Aoorotariim of tlio board of foreign ihImmIoiih of Jfow York. Ilo Ih one of tho groat inon of tho church. HorvlctiH nt 7:30. Strang dw nnd thoHQ not having n church homo (trn cordially luvituil. This junior oIiihh of tlio Modford IiIkIi hoIiooI will proHont "Tho Dmi con," tlio fainoiiH fivo-nct cotnody dratna, nt tho Opora Iioiiho, Friday evoning, March 1. Wonr Kldd'H fihoos. Mrx. II. I. Pollon, who has boon vialtlng in Modford for sovornl days, returned liomo Friday niornitg. Professor P. J. O'Clnra loft Friday morning for IloHchiirg, whunThe will nddroMH a rnort injr of tho liorttrul ttirlntn of Douglas county. You need a Huick. II. IT. HnrriH wuh nt Hold Hill on ' biwincHR Frldny. Nov. V. F. Shields wns nt Grnnts Fans Frldny. J. It. Shnltnti of flrnnd Rnpid.H, Mioh, i rtKlnteri1 nt tho Nash, Major It. C. Wnnhliurn of Tnble Rook wim in Modfor Thursday nilit on hunlncmt. F.xtrnot nt Ooodfrietid'n. J. C. Pendleton of Tnhlo Hook w is. n Mmlford visitor Fridnv. William nil Ilo Wells of Porllnud, tho Runic! Mngnzlno mnn, in in this cllv on buslne. Mrx. V. C. Inmnn of Eukoiio, who fins born vlsltine; her dnnchter, Mr. Arthur Drown, returned to hor homo Fridnv monilnir. Linens on sal cat MMjkor & Co.'s. j r. i Hovh. A. C. Howlott nnd M. DnvlH of Englo Point wont to Ash-i Innd Thnrsdny rvonlnir to attend n mcctlne of tho Congregational i cliurcli. "Tho Deacon" needs nn introduc tion. It is n siiccosh wherever pro duced. At the Opera house Friday -evening, March !. Flower jxitH nt Ooodfriond'H. J. F. Hopkins, proprietor of the ' Bnrnett nurxorio nenr Centrnl Point, rhns just complotcd the delivery of flOOO ponr trees, which will bo plnnt fd in n now orchnnl nonr Tnlunt. Mr. Ilopkin report nn cxcolluut ' liuslncss in nursery stock. Stationery, office nnd school suo plioH nt the Morrivold Shoo. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Norcross yf Central Point, who nro spending the winter nt Long Pencil. Cal., nro hav ing tho timo of their lives, nccording to n letter written to n friond hero ' by Mr. Norcross n few dnyn ago. "V. II. i mnking snmelhlng of n Tenord n n fishennnn," sny the letter. "Ilo goo fishing ovory day, nnd beonuso tho wntor is something les Ihnn .1000 mile deep ho is nblc to cntch ns mnny n- 17 fish nt n siu Ho haul, tho fish being so far bolow liitn thov cannot sco what mnnncr of n mnn is nt tho other end of tho pole." Mr. and Mrs. E. E. EmorHon of the vnlloy nro living nt Long Pencil this winter. Wnslitubs nt Goodfrioud'tt. Evor popular "Tho Doncon," full -of genuine humor, combined with abuudnuco of comical incidents. J. h. Donunor wns nt Ashlnnd Thnrsdny on a luminous trip. D. F. Clark nindo Ashlnnd n busi ness trip Thuradny afternoon. Oner Murphy was nn Ashlnnd vis itor on Thurdny. Colonel F. L. Ton Vollo wns in .ARlilanil Tnurfldny nttomoon on n short buslnoss trip. A child can run n Duiok. " Mnyor Canon rotuniod Friday from hiti trip to northern points. "Tho Doncon," oomody-drnmn. Tho interest in thin piny in kept up to tho very end. At Opora houso, Fridny ovoning, Mnroh 4 Ton-uoro tracts, fivo miloa south of Modford, froo soil, good viow of vnlloy; $1-10 nn noro; good torms. Siskiyou Land Co., 200 Phippa build ing. 207 Qranitownro nt Qoodfriond's. Samuel Drndbury, formorly of 3Iodford, diod nt Napa, Cal,, Febru ary 10. Mr. Dradbitry during hi rosidonco in Modford mado mnny friends who will rogrot to hoar of Iuh death. Miss Emma Rood of Jiioksonvillo wns n Modford visitor Fridny. Goorgo II. Durham of Grant a Pass wns in Modford on professional bus inuBs Thnrsdny. O-B CorsotH nt Mookor's. Your inonoy's worth gunrnntood, and wo solicit your pntronngo Friday ovoning, March 4. Tho Juniors. T, A. Tnit of Quinoy, III., is in Modford on it buslnoss trip. Mookor's for spring Skirts. C. W. MoICoarn of Eugono is in Modford today looking nftor busl noss matters. Guy E. Motonlf of Portlnnd is in Modford on buslnoss today. Goorgo M. Flint of Grants Pass npont Thnrsdny night in Modford on 'buslnoss. A, C. Howlott, the votornn nowspa- por correspondent, ly whoso facllo pencil tho doiiiKH of tho ICnglo Point noluhhorhooil huso bson chronicled for tho piiHt two docadoH, wan In Modford ThurHilay on his way to Ashland. Of tho hundreds of pooplo who will rond ii particular classified nd today, probahly not ono, oxcopt yourself, will hoo IIh poculiar Hlgnifionnoo. It may "moan moro" to you than to any ono Iho, CharloH II. Diorloln, who recently Nojil liiri holdings just south of tho Dillon Hill orchard, consisting of 25 acres, to A. K. Ware of Northfiold, Minn., wan in Modford Friday. From nn oriKinnl invoHtmout of .$18,000 for M noroH, Mr. Diorloln linn roallzod $32,000 clonr. Not ho had for two yearn nnd n half. Mnrk Applcgnto nnd hi corps of mlnoro loft Fridny for tho Duzfard group of initios in tho Elk crook dm- tnct. Considerable work will bo done during tho spring on tho mine, with n view to developing tho sov- oral oro bodies. Tho now nnd uuiiHiinl things in tho stores nr advertised rely upon it.; If it woro not no, our merchant would ho poor advortiHcrs and thoy'ro not. Dr. F. K. Pago was nt Tnlcnt Fri day afternoon enritig for tho cnrlond of trees shipped him Thursdny from tho Kdou Vnlloy nursery. J. E. Enynrt returned Fridny from n business visit to Snn Francisco. E. C. Shnrp in in Sfcdford nfler n husinoss trip to tho north. Willinm MeMurniy, Kcncrni pns ROiiRor nunnl of tho Southern Pncific linoH in Oroon, wns in Mcdford Fri day on official business. Virlov Oabrcnl, formerly of Enclo Point, where his parent have n fruit farm, i now fi rinir nn enirinc on the North Dank rond out of Portlnnd. J. Y. Holme nnd C. C. Cnthey of Portland nre registered nt the Mooro. Mrs. E. L. Muhm of Roseburff is n Mcdford visitor. Will O. Steci of tho Crntor Lnke company arrived in Mcdford from Portland Friday morning. The Crn- ler Lnko compnny nro preparing to miiko extensive improvements in the nccommodntions to bo nfforded nt the Lnko, next season. Look around you in your home nnd sco how mnny things wero bought beonuso thov wore ndvortised. Then look in todny's store nd nnd find tho prices of the next things you menu to huv for the home. A. V. Hubbs of Albnny. formerly n resident of Modford nnd Ashlnnd. i in this city on n visit. F. S. Townsend of Portlnnd wns in Mcdford Fridny looking nfter bus ines matter George W. ICenni of OrnnN Pass is in Mcdford on n business mntter, Mr. Ienni is extensivelv engaged in promoting mining nnd timber denls in Southern Oregon. COMPANY REFUSED RIGHT OF EMINENT DOMAIN COEPR D'ALENE. Idaho, Feb. 25. Tn the district court horo today Judgo Dunn held thnt tho Washing ton Wntorpowor compnny ennnot, nndor tho Idnho lnw, oxorciso the right of eminent domain. Tho ruling wns mndo in tho enso oi mo compnny ngntnsi wntor. n fnrmor Hvinc on th, Pnn.ir un , rivor, whoso Innd is overflowing bvlr.oun f'K,,t witU "Guoat" Smith at tho dam nt Post Falls, for tho pur poso of storing tho wntors of Lnko Coour d'Alono. Tho compnny sought to condomns Waters Innd nnd tho Inttor resisted. Attoniovs for tho company gave notico of immodinto npponl to tho supremo court. FIRST CASE BROUGHT FOR CORRUPT PRACTICE BAKER CITY, Or., Fob. 25.Tho first enqo undor tho Oregon corrupt prnotico net hns boon filed in this city. J. W. Isonhofor of Huntington allogos thnt W. J. Woods wns illeg ibly oloctod rocordor of thnt city in tho oloction of March 8, 1009. Ison hofor nllegos thnt illegal votes woro polled nnd nnmos tho nlloged illegal voters. JURY GIVES $4000 FOR LOSS OF FOUR FINGERS WHITE PLAINS, N. Y Feb. 25. A Jury In tho uuprotno court horo hns docldod thnt tho flnRors of n work man's loft hnnd nro worth 11006 aploco. It awnrdod n vordlct of $4000 to rotor Mnndy of OsalnnhiB for tho 1088 of four flngors which woro cut off In n plnnor nt tho fnctory whoro no wns omployod. ' Cleveland at Tokyo. TOKYO, Fob. 25. Tho bur steniu- or Clovolnnd, with moro than 700 persons from nil pnrts of tho United otntos, nrrivod horo on hor return trip from Snn Frnnoisco to Now York. Tho tourists woro woloomod to tho oity nnd nro boing shown the sights. A fow linos Of olnssiflod ndvnrtla. ing-iusod about ovory dav will mako it worth whllo to koop a good uonroing houso or a good rooming touso. LIMITED IS HELD UP BY GREAT LANDSLIDE Fast Train Unable to Get Through tho Cow Creek Canyon for Many Hours. Tlio Slinstn Limited, which Booms to bo rnnnliiK In linn luck of late, hav Iuk been wrecked three times In tho pnst two wooks, did not nrrlvo In Modford until Frldny afternoon ow Iiik to n Inndslldo on Cow crook can yon Tli u rod ny night. A Inrgo forco of men woro rimhod down from nosoburx nnd tho track was clcarod nftor n throo-hour wait Handcuff Kind Escapes. HOT 8PKIN08, Ark.. Foil. 25. U'hllo tho utato authorltloR woro senrchliiK for Claude Alexander "As tro" Conklln. tho "handcuff king," lilo brother, C. D. Conklln, was plac ed on trial horo today charged with aiding Astro's escape. Delia Martin, "tho spook child," Is being tried on n similar charge. As tro cscapod two nights age with bov ornl other prisoners and Is now be llovcd to bo hcadolng for Oklahoma. Conklln's arrest followed tho es cape of his brother. Bhor'tly after As tro was convicted n remark was mado, attributed to Conklln, that ho would spend SCO, 000 to prevent Astro's re turn to California. I DAYTON IS TOWN AFTER TEDDY'S OWN HEART SPOKANE, Wnsb.. Fob. 2G. Col onel Theodore Itoosovult will bo more than deljgbted upon his return from the wilds of Africa when ho reads tho report prepared by officials of Dayton, Wash., n thriving city In the Touchet valloy, southwest of Spokano. TIiIb shows that whllo many men have mndo fortunes In orcharding, stock- raising nnd general farming, they havo alio roared largo families. Hep rcsontatlro It. A. Jackson, called "the nheop king of tho Tukanon." heads tho list as tho father of 12 children, all living. Hor. W. II. Harris has six; Row II. E. Mason, flro; Charles J. nroughton, banker, eight; A. P. Ca hall, bankor, sovon; J. A. Mulrhoad, mayor, eight; W. W. Ward, postmas tor, olght; Chester F. Miller, supe rior court Judgo, six; J. W. Holman, Judgo of pollco court, olght; J. L. Du mas, ex-presldcnt Washlntton Horti cultural nsooclatlon, three; C. Mor row, merchant, five; F. M. Weathor ford, rancher; M. Woodwards, com missioner, nnd J. Swart, county clerk, fivo each. LANGF0RD IS TO MEET JIM BARRY SOON SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Feb. 25. Promotor Louis Blot nnnounced to dny thnt ho will stage Snm Longford, tho Boston terror, nnd Jim Bnrry, tho Itnlinn henvyweiRht, as his first attraction. Blot proposes tho pair in a 20-round bout on tho night of Mnrch 31. Tho locnl promotor nlo nnnouncod thnt Bnrry will mako his firflt publio nppenrnnco in a ten- tho Oakland wheelmen's show, on Mnrch 9. Bnrry is now training nt the Seal Rock house, nnd tho big follow is vory confidont thnt he cnu down nny of tho heavyweights, with tho excep tion of Joffrics, Johnson nnd Knuf innn. KILLS HIMSELF AT SIDE OF SLEEPING CHILD PBESCOTT, Ariz., Fob. 25. Robort Fitrmnurice, n wealthy pio noor of this city, shot nnd killed him self todny ns ho stood by tho bed whoro his littlo grnnddnuRlitor lay nsloop. An illuosa which ho novor fully rocovorod from is supposed to have cnii8od FiUnmurico's deod. Ilo stood by tho bed whoro tho sleoping hild ny, nnd, placing u riflo barrel against his bond, pulled tho trigger cnaTr aaalUHX "P- Tll norso gnth with his too. orod for n BnrInB. uut nt thnt Instant Tho littlo girl wns not nwnken'ed by tho shot. Sho wns nsleop when rolntivos enrriod tho man's body to nnothor room. J. M. Klino of Rochoster, N. Y., is registered nt tho Nash. Savoy Theatre TONIGHT BAD MAN OF RILEY'E GULCH One long laugh. THE SURPRISE PARTY Full of fun. " 'J2 miS JUST DESERTS Thrilling. COURTSHIP OF MILES STAND ISH. EXCELLENT MUSIC ONE DIME SAM DIEGO RAPIDLY Spreckels Gives $100,000 to Fund Delnu Pledged With Which to Get Panama Exposition. BAN DIEGO, Cal . Feb. 2Gfl Ban ulogans Bro oloted today over tho prospects of raising tho $1,000,000 necessary to socuro tho exposition planned to colobrato the completion of tho Panama canal In 191G. It was announced today that John D, Sprock ets has subscribed $100,000 to tho fund. Tho amount now pledged Is $7GG,000. Tho promoters of tho pro ject aro confident that tho remaining money will bo forthcoming. They say that sovcral corporations hayo been waiting- to note tho slzo of Sprcckols' donation beforo announc ing their own gifts. Tho managers bollovo tho entire sum will be pledged within a week. SEAT RESERVATION OPENS ELKS' PEERLESS MINSTRELS Tho scat reservation opened this morning to holders of $1.50 exchange tickets, which were the only kind which tho members of the Elks lodge sold in advance. As previously an nounced in tho columns of this pa per, tho public might buy these ex change tickets nnd reserve this morning, and the lino of people nt Ilnskins' drug store proved thut mnny had availed themselves of this opportunity to secure good scnts. Reservations of the $1, 75 cent nnd whnt are left of tho $1.50 scats will begin nt 0 n. m. tomorrow, Snturdny, Fcbmnry 20. There will bo plenty of good sents for all for tho two nights of tho porformnnccs, but the seats will go fnst, and it will be no ccssnry to reserve early. Ono performance will be just ns good ns tho other. With the excep tion of tho Florndora sextette bur-! I.CS?.t,.,0p1,p1,"8,Zel "ICoOCPhippsbldg. 297- iiiiu me (iiierjiiucc, ine ureni ihi- nnpmg aud Brcnch of Promise .:n t. i! t I vimu, uiuiu "ill i iv nil umuu 11111111" ; of program for tho second nip;ht Public Dance by Hazelrigrj Orchestra ' BU " There will bo npnblic dance by! Ilnzelrigg orchestra of fivo pieces nt Anglo Opera houso Saturdny night. Dancing will commonco at 9 o'clock shnrp, nnd tho best music in this section will bo assured all patrons. Everybody invited. 292 WOMAN WOULD JUMP HORSE TO FERRYBOAT SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 25. Creek routo employes at the Ferry building hnvo herdnly recovored today from palpitation of tho heart brought on by nn nttompt on the part of Mrs. A. S. Mnngrum, nn experienced horse womnn of this city, to leap from tho npron of the ferry slip to tho deck of a noutRoIng boat. Mrs. Mangrum hnd urgent need to cntch tho forry boat. Sho rodo to tho ticket otflco without dismounting nnd purchnsed n ticket. Then sho dashod through a maze of automobiles and wagons to tho freight entranco of tho forry. Tho boat hnd started and was rap Idly receding na tho woman and hor n rorry empioyo souod tho bridle. Mrs. Mnngrum doclarod that tho borso, Lady Trlxlo, comes of tho fin est hunting stock and colld havo made tho lenp with enso. Buioks do tho work. JEFFRIES ADDS ROAD TO HIS DAILY WORK Says His Wind Is Better Than .nt Any Time Since Retiring From Ring. " LOS ANGELES, Cal., Fob. 2G. from now on until the day he goes Into actlvo training for his mill with Johnson, Jim Jeffries will do dally road work In addition to his gymna sium workouts, according to his state ment todal. Jeff Jogged a couple of miles yesterday nnd topped off with n brisk return walk. Ilo said his wind wns In bettor shape than at any time since ho relinquished his title. "This road work will gradually bring mo up to tho point whore I will bo ready for a heavier grind when I begin to train In earnest," tho boll- crmaker said today. "I intend to take a llttlo run each day." Jeffries Is loafing at his ranch near Durbank, It Is believed that he will establish bis training quarters there when Sam Borgcr arrives from San Francisco. Ho Intimated today that he might look far from Los Angeles for a place to do his preliminary work. Hen Berry, manager of tho Los An geles baseball club, and a crowd of local admirers of the "hope of the white race" have pooled S5&000 to wager on Jeffries In tho coming fight, according to Berry's statement to day. Tho money, he said, Is on de posit in a local bank. Berry and his friends want an even money bet. 'I . . . 4- miVJMLVV I II I'M IV UUUIIILUU LUUrlLU Singer sowing machines, 244 S. G street. Phone 2954. 314 John H. Carkin, attorney at law, over Jackson County Bank. Teas at Goodfriend'a. See the Morrivold Shop for books, magazines nnd fine enirravine. For wood of all klndo. see the Square Deal Woodyard. Phone 2601. Fir street, between Second and Third streets. Gonld & Llndley, proprietors. 261 Buicks are durable. Granitewnre at Goodfriend'a. Illustrated lecture by Rev. A. Frank Ferris. "The Face of Jesus." Como nnd enjoy n splendid entertain ment, Monday evening, February 28, nt tho Presbyterian church. 294 Fifty acres free soil, five miles south of Mcdford; above frost line; . The Men's club of the Presbyter inn church hns nrrnnged with Rev. A. Frank Ferris to give his interest ai5st"?tc? Icctnre- "Tho,aco of .Toons" Slonrinv Avninr. Kfllininrv or vrt m-n , u,..;p.:i lecture. Como nnd bring your friends. 294 TOO LATE TO. CLASSIFY. FOR SALE 100x100 feet, a corner on West Main street; best location In city to build a home; a small house, shade tree3 and lawn now on tho tract; also a vory valuable Income property 100x100 feet, corner of North Central nvenuo and Second street, nnd 2 good rental houses on this; close In proporty. See Pierce, Shepherd & Co., 12S East Main st. 293 FORSALE 8 fine dry lots, 50x140, east, well located, $350, easy terms. Wright & Alltn, 128 East Main. 2J2 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 45 North Bartlott. ' 29? BPO. elkWHinstrels "I'm Gob1 No String on Me," "Elk's Milk," "Who Do Yo' Lub?" B. P. O. E., "Bye Bye, My Caroline," the Irish monologue, "Michael Casey at the Telephone," and the male quartet, "Bad Little Boy." Reserve your seats tomorrow morning at Ha kins' drug store. GURLEY FLYNN IS FREEU BY JURY Frowns When Verdict Is Announced Is Aftermath of the Spokane Free-Speech Troubles. SPOKANE. Wash., Fob. IS. "Guilty as to Flllgno," "not guilty as to Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Jonea." These were the verdicts returned last night by tho Jury In the famous Industrial Workers of tho World con spiracy cases. Flllgno's case will bo appealed Im mediately. As the first part of tho verdict was announced the girl leader of tho In dustrial Workers of the World sat with her lap full of roses, presented by friends, nd frowned. When the second verdict, which gives her lib erty, was given, tho frown deepened and she shook her head. Flllgno look ed happy over his sentence. Through his appeal to a higher court ho will be able to give the "conspiracy" Issue still wider publicity. Flllgno, one of the Industrial Work ens' leaders. Is convicted of conspir acy to violate the anti-street-speak-ing ordinance.' The penalty Is one year In prison, a fine of $1000, or both. "CRYPTOGRAMS JUST A TRICK," SAYS LANGD0N MODESTO, Cal., Feb. 25. "It is merely another job put up by the defense to be sprung at their leisure, for the purpose of embarrassinir the prosecution. Heaven only knows i what their next coup will be," de- dared former district .Attorney Langdon today when asked for a statement regarding the cryptograms bearing on the graft prosecution, which have stirred np a new sensa tion in San Francisco. "They wore submitted to me about the time' of Honey's candidacy, pre sumabty with the belief that I would nsk that they be held from publica tion until we could investigate them. I did nothing of the kind, however, and I told the reporter who present-- ped them to mo that we were abso lutely independent as to what was done respecting its publication. "I told him that I knew nothing whatever about it, and I referred him, to Detective Bums. He did submit the story to Burns and I know that Burns looked the matter up." THIS IS THE SEASON WHEN THERE ARE A FEW ODD SIZES AND ODD SHOES TO BE CLOSED OUT BEFORE THE OPENING OF THE OX FORD TRADE. TOMORROW THERE WILL BE FOUND REAL BARGAINS ON THIS ODD LOT OF SHOES AT THE POPULAR SHOE STORE Away," "Liza," "Over There," "Auf The Junior Clasa of the Medford High School will present The Deacon The Famous Five-Act C o'm edy - Drama at the OPS E A HOUSE Friday Evening March 4, 1910 Admission, 35c, 50c and 75c. Seats on sale "Wednesday morning at Has kins' drug store. P. S. Your money's worth, guaranteed. Arrav Captain Dead. AUSTIN, Tex., Feb. 25. Relatives of Captain Godfrey Fowler, former ly of the United States army, who was reported killed in a battle at Tipitapa, Nicaragua, today wero of ficially notified of his death. Captain Fowler was grandson of the late United States Senator Rea gan. Are yon interested in a strictly- modem home, good location, street to be paved, taxes paidf Address "D, "care of this office. 282 FEATURING FOR Tuesday March 1st Wiedersehn," "You've cm, v