THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, APSDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, 3?Jj)BRUARY 25, 19.10. Medford MailTribune : PUBLISHED DAlliT EXCEPT SATUllDAT. A consolidation of tin. Mcdfonl Malt. established 138; th Southern Oregon ' mno, established 189. and the Medford Tribune, established 1806. Official Paper of the City of Medford. THAT BALL AND CHAIN. OEORQE PUTNAM, Editor and Manner. ISntemd aa second clam matter November 1. 109. at the postofftce at Medford. Oregon, under the act ef March I, 1ST. Ian, eiUbltahed 1901; the Democratic Ttmea, eatabllohed UTS; the Aahland Trlb-1 -T r t t tttttttt To the Editor: In your editorial of lust evening you dispose of the mnn with the ball and chain most likely. If it wore hut this one person who is so hnudy with the beer, bottle, it would not bo Worth serious discussion, but un derlying this little episode is n prin ciple that effects tho entire human rnco. For untold centuries one-lmlf of mankind 1ms been trying to mend the morals of the other half by the fear of punishment. There was u time not so long ago when there was a rear, br mall. SUDSCKIPTI ON HATES: , $5.00 One month by mall or carrier....! .80 HAWLEY AND THE WEATHER BUREAU. SISKIYOU. - - (Chicago Record Herald.) If you were a of this coun try nnd wore asked whore you lived nnd you wore compelled to say, "Yrokn, Siskiyou." would you like it or wouldn't you? Now, thoro are some misguided persons in Northern California who think thoy would like it, nnd they are going to havo n convention in March to talk all about it. But are not tho rights nnd wishes of other luuonenkis entitled to ho consulted, l AT THE CHURCHES. l -r fl-r Christian Science. Sorviuos Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Subject of losson-Hoimon, "Christ Joans." Sunday school ut 10 o'clock. Testimonial meetings Wodnosdny ovoning at 7:110. The public is cordially invited to these Borvicos. 112 North Grape street, north SliormunCliiy music house. Baptist Church. Services at tho usual hours In the Baptist church next Sunday. Ser mons by tho pastor. Sunday school, 10 n. in.; preaching, 11 n. in. nnd 7:30 p. m.; Young People's meeting nt 6:30 p. m. A cordial welcome is extended to nny nnd nil to attend thoso services. It is now nearly two years since the horticulturists! of the valley began an agitation to secure a weather bu reau for Medford. Memorials have been sent to members of the Oregon congressional delegation by the horticultural society and by the commercial club, and well signed pe titions have been filed at Washington. Still there is no weather bureau. This week, princi pally as a result of Mr. Whisler's visit, Forecaster Beals of Portland has visited the valley, looking into the situa tion. Probably after another year or two of mature de liberation and after several more investigations, the de partment may act. There is no section of Oregon that needs a weather bu reau as much as the Rogue River valley. With G0,000 acres of planted orchard, it is essential that the growers be warned during the late spring months of the probabil ity of frost in time to make adequate preparations for preventing damaged Weather bureaus are scattered throughout the northwest, but not one of them is really needed in its locality as much as one is needed at Medford. In this matter, as in nearly everything else, southern Oregon is without representation at the national capital. This, section does not ask much, but does 'not secure any thing that it does ask. If Oregon's congressional dele gation has any influence at all, it is directed into other channels. Members are so busy running errands for Port land that they entirely forget the existence of this portion of Oregon. Congressman Hawley, in the exploration of his dis trict last autumn, discovered this region, and was met by a large , delegation of the inhabitants and informed of their needs. In a five-minute speech, stretched into 55, the statesman from the moss-laden banks of the Willam- at-i-a i-nPntrmaA no y-ip jmnAitinio of Vin' no-Hvnol nnrnfnl i wilt be a better man Ut noon thlUl i nnntlin an1At T) T. .1 i v v ' f ... .. ... '",u! First Pronhvtnrlnn olnirrh. n. V. unn treatment with Fur-Don 'h Kx- and would not theso other Americans I believe, more than n hundred ) bo unanimous against having a Sis- crimes on tho cnminnl calendar of England punishable by death, nnd yet tho crime of theso days exceed ed by far the criminal list of our own time, whore our statutes con tain but one offence for which n mnn mny forfeit his life. The doctrine of hell firo is now ob solete, and more honored in tho breneh than the observance, nnd yet the true character of tho Mnn of Sorrow is nearer and denrer to the , million hearts than it has been since the dawn of Christianity. You speak of those who sympa thize with the man of the ball and chain as unpractical, sentimentalists. Let me tell you, this man who sweeps our streets has some pride, some sentiment, soma self-nispcct and soma imagination, and some good emotions, bo they ever so dwarfed, and upon the fragments of theso shattered elements wo must build, nnd to humiliate the mnn with a ball nnd chain upon the public strcots is kiyou as n sistor state in the Uniont Yrokn is surely an excellent nnmo. It is indeed n famous one, since without Yrokn wo novor would havo heard of that two ways from tho contor institution, tho "Yrokn Bak ery." So is Siskiyou an excellent nnmo. It does noble sorvico as the nnmo of n county in Northern Cali fornia. No one begrudges it a long life in tho modest obscurity of thnt position. But a state of Siskiyou I That is nn entirely different thing. Tho peoplo of the Pacific coast region nro generally in n ferment on tho statehood question. Thoso enter prising men who know thnt "You'll liko Spoknno" havo visions of n fino new stnto of Franklin chopped off from surrounding states nnd with Spokane, of courso, as its capital. Los Angeles periodically tolls San Francisco that it is time to out Cnl First Methodist. Sunday service at the First Meth odist church, Fourth and Bartlett streets Suudny school, 10 it. m.i preaching by tho pastor nt 11 a. m.; Epworth league, 0:30; preaching at 7:30 by Dr. Smytho, ono of the mis aionnry secretaries of Now York. A cordial invitation is extended to theso services. Christian. At tho Christian church, corner of Ivy nnd Sixth streets, Sunday serv ices ns follows: Biblo school at 10 a. m.; "Tho Lord's Suppor," follow- CONSIDERABLE COMMENT ON MARVELOUS ABILITY proofs ol Benefits Brought About by Fer- Don's Medical Experts PID LIVER IS MADE WELL ed by n sonnon nt 11 n. m.: C. K. nt ifomin in two in the middle; nndi0:30 evening song service nt 7:30, only horriblo thoughts of her condl- followed by n sonnon on "Stumbling tion if tho sonrcos of hor water sun- Blocks." Everybody welcome. W. but to embitter him nnd widen tho ply wore in Snn Francisco's power jTheo Mntlnok, pastor. gulf that separates hun from ro-1 kcop hor from being vory noisy on spectnblo society. I spoko to this! the subject. Nevada is not saying Phoenix Christian, man nnd took him by the hand, and anything, but hor neighbors nroj A ",0 Christian church tho pns ns I looked into his eyes I could see I looking nt her. And now comes or announces for next Sundny's tho hunger for humnn lovo thnt heiYrckn with this scheme for slicinc' service " follows: 10 n. m., Suudny hns so unfortunntely forfeited by a off pieces of Southern Orccon nnd school, closing with ten minutes' talk wnywnrd life. He is cnpable of love i Northern California. ns well ns hnto; then why not build Decidedly tho line must be drawn upon the better elements of his nn-) somewhere, nnd Siskiyou is the turef Whnt would von dot 1 1 place. would say: "My friend. I hate to see you wearing these shackles upon the public streets; I am going to trust you. uo, do your worK nna come( , back to mo nt noon." I will lny you , port TOWNSEND. Wnsh., Feb a wager rani no wm ao u, anu uo ,15. With tho finding of tho body of SECOND SOLDIER CORPSE FOUND NEAR FT. W0RDEN This tttltnonlnl will nppenr very strongly to women who nro hIcIc ailing ami despondent, as tho symp toms nro those no frouuently ex perienced by women who havo n gen eral tired, run-down, oxbnuHtod fool ing; nnd coming from hiicIi n pro mlnont nnd woll known lady nn Mrn, J, UolthnttHo of 1317 C street, Sncrniuonto, It will of conrno have a great deal of weight, not only with hor Intimate acquaintances, but with tho public In Kciiornl, Mrs. IlolthoiiHo, In sneaking of her affliction and trouble tho other day nnd of what to hor doomed nlmost n miraculous euro, mild: "I really didn't know what wan tho matter with mo, or'whero I felt tho worst. I jtntt Doomed tired nnd worn out nil tho time, and had nn awful pain In my right ldo; my cir culation was poor, nnd It nemod nl moiit Impossible for mo to keep wnrm I could wear tho heaviest kind of clothes, but nil to no avail, ns I wait continually cold. "For year I doctored with vari ous physicians, one would tront uio for ono thing nnd qnothor for some thing different, but until the 23rd. dny of hint Noviunber I didn't ox- SKATTLE, Wash.. Fob. 25. For porlonco any rolb-f. On that dny, nt breaking up a prayer mooting nt tho J tho earnest solicitation of frloudu, I bo to tho children; 11 n. m., prenchiug nnd communion, subject, "What Thont"; evening 7:15, Endeavor; 7:45 p. m., prenchiug. subject. "The Treo of Life." BROKE UP PRAYER MEETING: IS JAILED and how much he had done to make the sun shine on Ore ne wns wnen ne stnneu om in uiu nenrbv Fort Wore nn nrn morning, lie might tool you, uutloxcjted lo(jnv . j. i , . ternln Is In tho city Jail today. gon. After explaining how he made the wheels go round, nine out of ten men of his cinss win Th0 b0(1Vt lh0 nosh lorn from tho i snny w o investigated, he promised, to secure a weather bureau and to .lorl5:rUbjf.ii5; a federal buildmfr and a Crater Lake nark appropriation, I ncree with von that cvory tramp !wnnr p.. ni,( n meeting in Dr. Matthew Ills pert Specialists, and since then my condition has Improved every day, shouted until now (January 1, 1KI0) 1 nm prnyor.n well woman. For-Don'a Doctors church wns ; treated mo for n torpid llvor, ond ,1 4- i,,.i, ; l, ;,l and crim nnl should bo mndo to wurk.i,nc . .i:. .i i. i "shion insi nigai. no nan nocn.uiu more ior mo in uvo wookb tiinu ' b , ' ... , 'but nt the same timo they should be, Durinir tho venr nnd n lmlf . Ing (-u,ot' ,n hls Bat P l this all tho other physlcnns had nccomp- auj ouvu "".wuhq, o xwouo w owvi,mn(Je t0 leol mat society is tnetrisoidiorj, ,nve repentedly disnppenred on performance. But fte has supported Uncle Joe and i friend and not their enemy. Eight- jn few honr8 nfter pnvtiny nn(1 hnyo of eourso that is more important than weather bureaus1 .Btt7Sirur23r- itlint nil tne goou tnni uas neen uone ond body, there nro marks of vin rack, the pillory the thumbscrew nnd tho whipping post made the dark ages what they woro. You say enmo is increasing in this country. True, tion is vearly increased by tho steer age passenger from those countries in Europe that are ruled by force nnd cruelty. The ball and chain should bo Inid aside with the pillory and the whip ping post, as souvenirs of cruel agos that are past. "Father, forgive them, for thoy know not what they do." E. M. ANDREWS. NORTH DAK0TANS1 ELKS BUY SITE HOLD REUNION Ex-North Dakotans Hold Reunion at Angle Hall Last Evening Banquet and Talk. Some 175 oxpatriats from the Ia,ud of blizzard and sundogs met in tho Anglo hall Thursday evening nnd proceeded to tell each other how glad they were that thoy had settled in the Rogue River valley. It was a feast of reason nnd flow of soul, with tho tide ever setting in the direction of praise for the Rogue River valley, its climate, its pepple especially as represented by the ex-Dakotans and its wonderful possibilities. The banquet was one of tho best ever. Tho ladies of the society spread it, and any one who has ever eat down at the table of any of thoue Dakota ladies will realize what the banquet was. The meeting was adjourned late in the evening until the next annual meeting. If you haven't made your compet itor wonder (1) "who writes your ads," and (2) "how you manage to afford so much space," then yonr adverttoinfr Is not yet good or big enough. FOR FUTURE HOME Medford Lodge, B. P. 0. E.t Buy Property of Mrs. Tlce, Corner Fifth Street and Cen tral Avenue. CAUSE OF POISONING DOGS BY EATING SALMON ets of tho newost find nnd officials nt tho fort nro trying to identify the uniform today. Private 'Rcnnntt i still in M.n guardhouse as n suspect in tho Dunn I ,nf ' . case. 1 Trko off your glassoa, you hypo- . icrltea." GERTRUDE ATHERT0N SAYS SHE PREFERS ENGLISHMEN t NEWS FROM CAPITAL OF NICARAGUA CONFLICTS tlmo. Ho poured forth a volume of llshcd In ns many years, and I will scriptural quotations, boasted of his begin tho New Year now by fooling physical strengths nnd denounced ' liko n now woman. I cannot nny too Presbyterians In gonoral. much In prnlso of Kor-Dan'a 'exports, William Drcslmck, Dr. Frank , as I consider tholr euro In my case eso oin I tlo men, undortook to put tho mnn ! nont specialists aro unllko all other out. They had tholr hands full but! cathartics or laxatives. Thoy coax won tho first fall and woro sitting 1 tho liver Into activity by gentle inoth on his prostrnto flguro whon tho po- ods, nnd do not scour, grlpo or weak llco arrived, and Kestorsln was shout- en; but thoy do start nil socrctlonB outside the Willamette valley. The Bogue River valley has earnestly matched press or hrani s5nc?.ftha ,time J?Vneo nnd officers nt the fort beiievo, "f"' SS," , yxxau, w.wowiiu '"i ' " tock, me pinory, me lumuunurow , There was no money in the pock ley s own modest proclamations, telling now, like little Jack Horner, he put in his thumb, pulled out a plum, and said: "What a great man ami" in order to discover what' but it is in districts whoso popuia- he has done to make good his promises, but the watch has been in vain. Southern Oregon might as well have no representation at all as to have a congressman who cannot secure a little thing like a weather bureau for a fruit region whose out put runs into the millions the greatest fruit belt in the northwest. of tho llvor nnd stomach In a wny that soon puts these organs In a healthy condition and corrects con stipation, which Is tho direct ctuso of most, human ailments. An Interesting rnso Is that of a young woman living nt Cnnllupn, Cal. Hor nnmo Is Mrs. J. I. McKlttrlck. Hor casu had been given up by phy sicians; physicians cried: "Opera tion; lino tho knife." "No wonder this woman on mo lo our oxperts." said FrDoii. Hho had been scared to ib'ath by doctors who wanted to opo rnto on hor. 8ho was troubled with cancers. She lumrd of our bloodless surgery, whereby our exports used no knife, Sho traveled tulles to seo us. My experts put her under treat ment and my experts removed can cers from this young womnn's faco. No knife was used." A committee called nnd was more than sntlsfled after Investigating our romnrknblo cures nnd complimented Fer-Don and bis Hxperts, The crowd In tho offices became so largo that many stood In tho hnllwny, Many prominent men nnd women of Mod ford mid vicinity am calling nt tho Mooro hotel daily to consult tho nurupenn medical export. Tho above testimonials nro only a few of tho many hundred rocolrod dntly from grateful women from Sac ramento, Iteddlng nnd Medford and vicinity, ns woll ns other portions of tho country, each of whom aro loud In tholr pralseH for thoso experts Wherever theso learned physlclnns havo remained for any length of tlmo Los Angeles, 8nn Francisco, Oak Innd ami all tho largo cities In tho onst thoy havo brought stitishlno nnd hnpplnofs into tho lives nnd homes of hundreds of sutTorlng moth ers, wives, sisters nnd sweethearts by tholr wonderful cures. A chargo of 11.00 Is made for ex amination nnd consultation . Offlco hours from 10 n. m, to 12 noon, 2 to I nnd 7 to 8 p. in. Sunday 10 a, in. until noon, Offlco upstairs at tho Mooro hotel, Medford, Oregon. WILL TURN DANCE HALL INTO A TABERNACLE NEW YORK. Feb. 25. American I men Inck subtloty nnd finosso; if l BLUEFTELDS, Nicnrngun, Feb. wore to marry again it would be nn '25. (Vin Wireless to Colon.) Ro Englishmnn," wns tho declaration of ; ports from Mnnngtm today nro oon Mrn. Gortrudo Atherton today while j flicting. Mossngos from'Ln Libor discussing the "old mnid" Btigmn.'tar woro received horo saving thnt irAth.erlon 58 a widow I groups of Btrngglors from' Gcnornl i ino American woman lins stir- j Kstrndn's roport fighting nt Aco , passed tho American mnn." sho con- vnnn. Snn Vinnn In regard to the poisoning of d g3 j tinued. "Sho has lenrned things nnd! em points, 'with results not entirely Medford Lodge, No. 11G8, B. P. O. E.( have lnid the foundation for a future home for the order by the purchase of the property of Mrs. M. A. Tico at the corner of Fifth street and Central avenue. Tho property is 100x100 feet in size and is one of tho desirable properties to be found on Central avenue. When tho now Southern Pacific depot is constructed the Elks home will be only a block east from the depot. The price to be paid is $10, 000. It is tho intention of the lodge to orect a homo on the property, per haps not at once, but within a short time. "Yes, woro I to marry (although I shall not, for my profession makes my habit nnd home unpormnnent, it wouia bo nn Englishman, for ho b far and nwny tho most interesting typo or tho genus homo." HAULING FOOD ON SLEDGE TO RAILROAD WORK CREW Don't try to take so many tasks from tho want ads but let the want ads take a lot of yonr tasks from you. Suoh tasks, for example, as servant hunting, furnished room hunting, tenant hunting, steno grapher hunting. Full assortment of Whitman's can dies at The Merrivold Shop. by salmon, the following facts may forged ahead with tremendous men t i 1 1X ine oi interest to uog owners ana inn-itni speca, wnile nor Husband has ut- ciers. Dr. John IJ. "Uohler, chief of'torly failed to do this in other than the pathological division, bureau of business ways. animal industry, United States de partment of agriculture, states that salmon and other fish, particularly during the spawning season, aro sub ject to various bacterial infeotions which may produce fatal diseases in nnimals eating such fish. Of the bnpterial diseases affecting fish, and which are known to bo harmful to man and animals, may bo mentioned the infections with the bacillus pro tons and with the bacillus piscicidus ngilis. It is also known that the meat of healthy fish a short while after their death may becomo infest ed with proteus and other putrefact ive organisms, and when thoy arc eaten in a raw state by animals, will cause severe disturbances which may result fatally. Of courso, in cooking, these organisms are destroyed. Be sides tho bacterial diseases, the roe of many of tho fish contains poisons during the spawning timo, which, whon enton, frequently produce death in nnimals. A successful pre vention against such infections nnd poisoning of dogs can only bo ac complished by withholding this kind of food from them. If thoy becomo affected a thorough purging with castor oil followed by three-grain doses of salol three times a day will prove beneficial. Some one of today's want ads is going to change the whole face of the world for somebody. TACOMA, Wash., Fob. 25. Northorn Pacific Jaborors are haul ing food on hnndsleds today to n work crow of 150 men with a big rotary snowplow, marooned on tho Milwaukee rond about a milo and n half west of Kcocholus. Tho crow is without provisions. A largo supply wns sent to Easton this morning on tho Northern Pa cific nnd token from thoro by sled. Fined for Drlnkfnrj on Train. EVERETT, Wash., Fob.. 25. F. W. White is in jail hero today charged with drinking liquor on a tram. This is tho first net on h this part of tho stato brought under the now law. Whito was nrrostod at Arlington after refusing to' quit drinking on the train. lie was fined .$50 and costs, which ho failed to pay. The Indies' favorite Buick Whito Streak. car the Phone 2001, Qoodfriend's. fnvornblo to tho provicionnl govern' ment. Tho strngglors, howoyer, hnd been cut off from tho mnin command. Thoy unofficinlly confirmed tho death of Cnptnih Godfroy Fowler, formorly of tho Unitod Stntos nrmy, who wns uirooung milttnry opora tions in Estrada's nrmv. Nown of further fighting arrived hero after tho city had epont n night in jubilation ovor what was believed to bo n comploto victory for tho in surgents. LEAPS FROM FOURTH STORY; BREAKS HER JAW SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Fob. 25, bunonng from a brokon jaw re coivod whon alio leaped from a fourth story window of a local hotol, Mrs. Charles Johnson is believed to bo dying. today at tho Contrnl Iiosnitu. Surgeons at tho hospital havo sought iu iinu omor injuries, out woro uiu nblo to discover any injurios savo the fractured jawbone Although tho phyeicinns doolarod it possiblo that sho sustained a frao turo of tho skull, thoy could not find such nn injury. Tho patient has boon unconscious Binco sho mndo tho loap early and no motivo for her notion could bo ns-cribed. "Fivo acts full of fun for fiftv cents." Friduy evoning, March 4. "Tho Deacon." MoCall Patterns. Meeker's. 1 SEATTLE, Wnsh., Fob. 25." will turn Dronmlnnd dancing pavil ion into n big church, charge 5 conts admission, hire a minictor nnd goo clean vnudovillo nets nnd run in op position to Dr. M. A. Matthews," to day dcclnrod Michael Fishor, indict ed yostorduy by tho grand jury for operating n dance hall. Dr. Matthews is pastor of the First Prosbytorian church nnd has been ncciiHod of using soncntionn methods to nttrnct crowds to his ohurch, which is crowded every Sun day. Fishor is in earnest and bo lioves he could combino ploafluro am tho Gospel, "Dreamland always has boon n perfeotly conductod dnnco hnll," ho Bald today, "and if thoy bar tho dnnco hnll foaturo I will continuo to mnko it an attrnotivo placo for tho young peoplo to moot in the ovoniiigs, keeping them out of tho cafos and tho chop Hiioy nnd noodlo pnrlors." MOTHER KILLS SON BY ACCIDENTAL SHOT LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Fob. 25. Lowollyn Cushmnn, 14 yoars of ngo, diod today from tho offoots of n shot fired by his mothor, Mrs. E. L. Cush- mnn. Mrs. Cushmnn is a widow. Mrs. Cushmnn and hor son woro hunting in tho Antolopo Valloy, nonrly 100 miles from Los Angolos, Into yestordny. Tho lad was walk ing in front of his mothor, whon tho gun sho earned wns dischnrgod na oidontnlly, The chnrgo ontorod his oft leg below tho ltnoo, Singer to Wed American. NEW YORK, Fob. 25. Madamo Lina Cnvaliorl today told tho story of tho dashing courtnhip of Robert Winthrop Clinnlor, tho millionairo grando of John Jacob Astor, who was roportod to havo secured hor oonsont to becomo his wifo aftor wookfl of porsistont wooing. Tho singor donidd that hn ongngo- raont oxists botweon hor nnd Chan- ler. She ndmittcd, howovor, that she onturtnitiH more than n passing ad miration for tho wenlthy American nnd thnt some timo in Mny she will givo hor nnswor to his suit. Spring skirts. Mookor'tt. WcHU Sfioes 3 V-l "Oottor 6nea ntan devcr tTTado' Tho shoes that is right is tho sjioo that satisfies the wear er m every particular has tho wearing quality, the do sired stylo or shape fits right and is easy on tho foot. bucli is our WEBER SHOES, or HONORBILT SHOES In our 'gents' furnishing de partment wo aro showing a fino lino of dress, golf an3 neglige shirts of tho Elk lioad brand, and stacks of men's twork shirts, ovoralls. etc. "The Wardrobe" Farmers and Fruitgrowers' BanK Building. . ;