,liriw SE THIS MBDlTOJtD MAIL TRIBUNE, A1I3D.FORI). OREOON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 19m 3 TAR MACADAM .SCHOOLS MAKE AS A PAVEMENT GREAT STRIDES BANKERS TO MEET 'O'GARA GOES HERE MARCH 10 TO ROSEBURG CITY NOTICES. Asphalt Mnenilam Tried In Numerous Eastern Cities anil Found to Dc a Failure Experience of Various Other Places. 'Dm (in iiiiiciiduni ami iilmlt iiiiicudiiiu pavement Iiiih been laid in tlio following cltios PnriM. Ky.; J)u liilli, Minn.; Ou-omhm, Mich. : Toronto, Out.; Hamilton, Out.; Jlotno, N. Y. : Nearly Every District In County Shows Improvement Over Two Years Ao Many New Dulldlnus. following in a JUt of tlio school in Jneknoii county that liavo mudc hiiliHtaiitial iiiijn (ivciin'iit during I ho litH't two yoaiM, uitliur in (ho erection of now Huhoul htiiiiiiniH. addition to or iinnroveuient of old biiihlingH, or subject of "I'ostnl Savings HankH," llarrihon, K. .1.; I'ori Huron, .Mieh.;j (10 oxtuutdoii of their coiirHO of at its meeting in Medford on Mnrch Carlisle, Pu nnd Kl. Mnryw, I'u. jHtudy, including Mcvernl projected (). .1. h. HnnuncrHley, cashier of Joo Hammcrsley Will ncad a Paper on "Postal Savlnns Banks" Is Unique In Its Fitness. He Will Deliver a Lecture There on Friday Evenlnu to a Larue Gatherlnu State Offi cials Present. With peculiar filnohw th Southern Oregon Clearing House iiHHoelntion him requested one of itH members, who in hoth fi hanker and a pout- nniHter, to deliver nn address on the Turin, Kentucky. Ill April, 11105, in tlio ense of Sei bort, vm. tlio City of IndianapoliH, in llllt Ullllflllllll .t.hllt'f llf Mlll'lfltl ,flttlltV. the .mcHtion '.ih to tho condition ol , hWi-wlmol 'inrH aad one addition. the tar inacadam pavement in Pari,( "ener emj.iojeu. Ky., wan brought up and Mr. B. H. I bohool DiHtrtct No. -I. January, a witness on hchalf of the!' uMr. li!,00 defendant, tenlificd that he wan a " ur " uf htl1,V merchant living in Parin, Ky., who,"'"1 additional teaeheru employ. ikliutii ti lnikiiiiuu tu uitlllltflfl Mil Mlll'l . wired, which is paved with tnr iiiih improvcinenlH! tho Gold Hill bank, and postmaster School DiHtrict No. 1, .Jacksonville j of Gold Hill, is tlio member in iies Nrnv brick building, Meiim heated, ' (ion, and ho is preparing a thoughtful mint AlD.OUIh (inn ven i- milled to the liiml exhaustive natter on the subject that is nttriicling H' niueh earned linen togeinor. attention from our country's fore most statesmen. It 'ih also announced that ( ( Hpckman, Southern Oregon's pioneer banker, will read a short account of 'bunking i" thin section. His bank Ki.luinl l)!uiriii Vii f. AhIiIhihI t itii' limine nl .Jnelt son villo in one of Htrcct, wiiicii is pavcu wiin tar mai- , .' , , , . r .i . . i ' adam. When rcucsled by couiihcI . Coiirno in manual training and do. j he oldcnl banks in the Mate, having murine nviiiiicv ijueivu. ; nrrii iTMiiiiiirinTu hi , n .,.,.- School District No. ih Central Jtalircd at .$50,000. The owner oc Point New brick building, steam rupies tho unique jKifcition in com hcated, comI .f 18,000; two additional mcrcial circlcH of beiiur president. teacherK employed. vico-prcnidcnt, caHhier, director and School Dihtriel No. JO, Lone Pine miIp xtockholder of hi- bank school Improvc;neut to I'rof. O'Oara left tint, morning for IHeburK where ho will deliver a lecture hefor a reprcHotitntivo ath. criiiK of (he horticulturist of Umiz laH county. At leat three rncin bor of tho Htnte board of hortiuul turc will ho prcnent, viz.: P. K. New ell, president, and Chnrlen A. Park and A. U. Carsniin, cornmihuionerH, This will be the first of a hcri'-s of meetings to bo held in DoivI.ih for tho jiurj'ot-o of KottmK the frtut- lo Mtatc tho condition of tho pave incut, the witness testified that in (ho middle of (he driveway in Main Htroet, between First and Second MtreotH, there in a very larc hole, mid between Third and Fourth htrcets there arc numerous holes and places showing where the pavement had run from the heat of tho sun at (17 donrcn Fahrenheit. When asked us to tho uoiicral condition of the pavement, the witness staled that it was his opinion that the pavement that is now laid there 1 Avorfe than the one it repla I. The witness hinted furthermore, thai there is no heavy traffic on the street, as Paris is a fanuiui: district and has a pop. ulatiou of only 5800. lnllnnilllN. The National Hitumeu company of Indiaunisilis has been pven it last notice by the city that tho repairs on Main street must be made within two weeks or the city will make them and Tilo null nuninsl tho company for the amount of damages. This com pany hns made faithful promises from time to timo to have these needed repairs made, but imthiiik' has over come of them. Klmlrn, New York. The following detailed report of the William Street tar macadnm was made after a careful investigation. Tho tnr inacadam mtvement laid in Willinrn street, this city, was alluded to In April. lDOfl, issue of the Mu nicipal Journal nnd Kntrinecr as be ing at least a partial failure, but it mny now be referred to safely as licinc a total failure, as there is al ready a largo number of holes in it, worn through lo the foundation, al though it was extensively repaired last year before the snow enme on the ground. William streot is sub jectcd to very light traffic, and what little it does get is confined to tlio center, so it is not a great wonder that tho pavement on both side.', three or four feet from the curb, does not show much wear, except hi n few spots where horses have been allowed to tnud in the gutter. Dulutli, .Minnesota. Suhsctiucut to tho laying of hitu- lithio pavement in Dulutli, Minn., an effort was Hindu to got something as good as bitulithio without tho assist ance of Warren Pros, company. Tho oily engineer drafted specifications nnd called tho pavement "tar mac adam" in tho drafting of which spe cifications ho has since testified in court, ho followed closely tho speci fications of Wnrron Pros, company, oxcopt as to tho chnractcr of tho bi tumen. Ah a matter of fact, tho con Htrnction was mndo ns closely ns the contractors and city officials know how to follow tho construction of tho bitulithio puvomunt, mid it infringes on a number of the patonts of War ren Pros, company, on account of which infringements tho city of Du lutli Is now involved in litigation, That the pavements laid have prov ed quite unsatisfactory. Toronto, Ontario, Toronto, Out., is likewise a victim of tho false impression Hint stono nnd tar thrown togother in "any old way" will mako a durable pavement, Tho experience of this city again demonstrates that tlio construction of a pavement requires both tec hnical knowledge and practical skill, Ah the traffic on no two thorough faros is exactly alike, it requires long oxporioiico and thorough knowl edge to construct a pavement that will iuopMIio conditions in every par ticular case. Hamilton, Ontario, At Hamilton, Out,, tho tar inne ndam pavements hnvo all gone to plooos and thoy nro resurfacing thorn with other materials. Kvon tho res idence streets, nro full of holes and in torriblo Bhnpo, Thoro is not a wtrotch 15 foot long without n holo HOTEL BURNS; GUESTS OUT IN 15 BELOW VICTORIA. H. C, Feb. 25. -Four men are suffering from serioiif in juries today and others arc recover- NOTICB TO CO.NTItACTOItfl. ! Tho city council of tho city of Mod-1 ford, Oregon, will receive nonJod pro-' IiohuIh for tho corintructlon of all l.it "rnl Hewers which will hi required constructed by gnld city during the year 1010. All bids mtmt bo filed with the city ! recorder on or before 5 o'clock p. rn. March 8th, 1910. and accompanied by a certified check, payable to the city treasurer of imld city, equnl to five per cent of tho amount bid for. Dated at Medford, Oregon, thin 2lBt day of February, 1910. JIODT. W. TBLFEH, 292 City Recorder J E. ENYA'FtT, President J. A PEHIIY, Vice-President. , JOHNS OHTH ..-I,. W. H ACKSON, Ass't Cnshier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $60,000 SURPLUS $16,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. NOTICB TO CONTRACTORS. Tho city council of tho city of Med ford, Oregon, will receive sealed pro posals for tho construction of all wa ter mains which will bo required con structed by said city during the year 1910. All bids must bo filed with the city recorder on or before 5 o'clock p. m. March 8th, 1910, and accompanied by) rf certified check payable to the city treasurer of said city equal to five! per cent of the amount bid for. ' Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 21st j day of February, 1910. ROBT. W. TELFER, j 292 City Recorder. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN a PRICE 11 North D St . Medford, Ore. Phone 303 NOTICE TO PAVING CONTRAC TORS. I Tho city council of the city of Med ford, Oregon, will receive sealed pro- thc,tlieir night garments. Angus Mc school only instance of tho kind in Oregon, Lean, Dick Jones, Peter Kno and the ing from 'exihiire to l' below zero 'posals-for the paving of certain streets' temperature as a result or tlio burn ing of the Hazolton hotel at Hazel ton. U. C, yesterday. All the guests were completely cut off from exits and jumped from upper windows in building, cost $'-'J0. School District Xo. 1(1, Agate school New two-room building, i cost jfJlot); two year high school j aihlcd and one mlilittonal employed. School District No. Talent One year added to course of study and one additional teacher employ ed; high school and .'J0,()()0 building projected. School District No. 'lit. Pock Point Improvement to building, .f 518 mid perhnps in the country. Chinese cook were injured, the lat ter fatally. The hotel was n thrce- NOTICE. .story wooden structure and the lo.s To whom It may concorn: All oldi;H j cxcchS 0f $25,000. tcat.,er! prices on my Medford Viow orchard j withdrawn. Prices and terms win bo kczkma cukaih.k glvon upon application. ; TROOP NOW AT 25c 291 E. BURTON WATERMAN. t4 , (1 4 11 '8 usually very costly to consult a specialist in any tuseape, nut ror 5 cents, on a special offer, we can OUAUDIAN'S SAIiE. Notice Is hereby given that the tin-1 now give to those suffering from ec i,,rif i?nnrl!nn of tho norson nnd zema or nny form of skin disease ab- jestato of Charles Lloyd Hockcrsmlth 'n',""tcllcf' w,th I,rosPect School District No. Woo.lvillo I" Henry Hockcrsmlth. mln- A Bpecnj trnJ Bzo bottle of oil of - Now building, cost $15,000 ; one orB virtue of nn order of tlie wlntergrccn, thymol and glycerine, additional teacher employed. : county court of Jackson county. Ore- etc. as compounded In the Chicago School District No. -ID, Applegate j Kon duly and regularly given school- District hoiidcd for ?a00 j maao "nu wnieruu ui nturu on mu cja, 2c-cent offer. This one bottle will for two-room brick building District No. 12, Lost Creek Plnns submitted for now building. District No. 10, Afbohtos New building, cost $531. District No. -17 Now building, cost $D00. District No. H, Medford New high school building, cost f 33, 000; courses in domestic scleuco and mniiunl training introduced; six or seven additional teachers employed; now building on east side projected. District No. 50, Hannah School New building. District No. 52, Chnpnrral New building, cost $030. District No. 53, Pound Top, noar Hutto Kalis Now building. District No. 50, Wagner Creek Addition to old building, cost .S00; additional teacher emploved. District No. 57, flold Hill District bonded for $1-1,000 for new brick building. District No. 50, Prospect Now two-room building, cos( $11000. District No. 01, Galls Creek New building. District No. (12, Wimor Addition to old building, $-100. District No. drove school, near Medford Now hriok: building, cost $11100. District No. 72, Anderson Creek Addition to old building , cost about $300. District No. 73, Hollviow. New heating plant installed, and one ad ditional teacher installed. District. No, 01, Hutto Kails. New school building, cost $S00(), one year added to course of Btudy, and ad ditional teaehor employed. District No. 03, Hear Prospect. Now building erected. District No. 1)5, Noidcrmcier school. New building, cost $2150. SEES ANNIHILATION IN HALLEY'S COMET'S TAIL HEHKHLKY, Cal., Fob. 25. "If tho nHtronomorH aro right in their cstimato of tho amount of cyanogen gnB in tho tail of Ilnlloy's eomot, and if tlmt body's vapors do ouvolop tho oivrth, wo mny hnvo a chanco to feel tho BoiiHiitionfi of (ho hugs and in BoetH killed by tho uho of this deadly gas," said Profewsor Edwin Pootli of tho dopavtmont of chemistry at tho Univorsity of California, "We'll nil ho snuffod out if sufficient quan tity of (his gas unitoB with the hy drogen of (his pluuot'H atmosphere. "Their union would form tho dead ly gas known ns hydrooynnio acid, tho moBt dondly poison known to Koieneo, which monna doath to all animals." 2Sth day of January, 1910, will on or convlnco you we know It wo vouch nfter tho 0th day of March, 1910, of- for It. for for snlo nnd sell at prlvato salo Ten years of success with this mild. , . , , . .... . soothing wash, D. D. D. Prescription. to tho highest nnd best bidder for ,nnB convnced UP( nnd we hopu you cash In hnnd, tho undivided two- wll accept the speclnl 25-ccnt offer thirty-fifths (2-35) Interest of said on D. D. D. Prescription so that you minors In and to tho following des- J"o ho convinced. crlbcd real property, situated In the Medford Pharmacy. county of Jackson and state of Ore gon, to-wlt: Tho south half (1-2) of section sixteen (10) and tho southeast quar ter of section soventeen (17), In township thlrty-coVcn (37) south of rnngo one (1) west of the Wll lametto morldlnn. Dnted Modford, Oregon, February 4, 1910. J. N. HOCKERS.M1TH, Guardian of tho Person and Estate of Charles Lloyd Hockcrsmlth nnd Ivan Henry Hockcrsmlth, minors. W. E. PIIIPPS, Attorney. Date of first publication February 4. 1910. with a hard surface pavement and for the placing of cement euros on both sides of said streets. Plans and specifications on file in tho office of the city engineer. All bids must be accompanied by a cer-' titled check or bond for two thousand' dollars (S2000.00), made payable to the city treasurer, and bids to be filed with the city recorder of the city of Medford on or before 5 o'clock p. m. 1 on tbo 8th day of March, 1910. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 21st day of February. 1910. ROBT. W. TELFER, 292 City Recorder. Shur-On We can fit most any kind of a nose with Shur-On Mounts. Dr. GOBLE Optical Parlor 18 West Main Street. We have no other business. Coffee nt Goodfricnd'a. A. L VROMAN PLUMBING- & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years', i practical experience. OFFICE 1 13, SOUTH FRONT STREET, i Wm. E. STAGEY & CO. REAL ESTATE AND EMPLOYMENT. District Agent for ALADDIN LAMP Local agents wanted. Lamp on exhibition and for sale at the following places: Medford Garage, Allen & Reagan's, WArner, Wortnian & Gore's, Hussey's Cash Store and. Medford Furniture Co.'s store. ADDRESS BOX 826. MEDFORD, OR. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medfoid, Ore. EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS;GHANCES Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE Now is the Time TO GET OUR FIGURES ON WIRING, ELECTRICAL FIXTURES, ETC., ON THAT NEW HOUSE. DYNAMO REPAIRING A SPE CIALTY. FLYNN BROS. ' 'A'FST MAIN RTPFfTT Medford Iron Works I E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All v.-.- of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-J chlnery Agents In Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. Tho cur thai (Iooh tlio work tho reliable, ilnrnhlo, powurfnl Tluiolc. in it; streets nro in wretched sljnpo; far worso than ordinnry macadam would liavo boon, Tho city has on tlroly discontinued tho use of nina For sale S lots on Oahdul i avenue $2500. For rent 9-room and C-rooin Hutu. Wanted Three nnch hands. Wanted Two girls nt onc: no houc work. Wanted Woodc!n!iier3, I'l f.O per cord. For sale 4-roo'.n houw. half acre $1250. , For snlo 7-room houo, 1-10 acre, ( $2500. For salo 5 acreu noar Phoor.Jx, 1 1750. For salo 5 acres, SC00. I can furnish you holp to work by tho hour or by tho day at odd Jobs. Wanted Ranch hnnd, $45 per month no board. Wnntod Ranch hand, $1.25 and board. Wanted Ranch hand, one that can handle tour horses. WnntodJQlrls for gonornl housework. For sale 7-room house, lot 90x200, $3000. For snlo Two houses, lot 52x126, $1100. For snlo 12 ncros In bearing, fur snlo half acre, houso nnd hnru, terms; $1500. For salo 9 ncrda In fruit; $9000. For snlo IS ncros improved, 10 ncros Irrigated, 8 In nlfalfn. For snlo Lot 83x100, wntor ninln; good locnttnn. For Balo Lot, 50x100; Mlstlctoo; flno locntlon; $900. For snlo G-room cottngo, moxiorn, on Onkdnlo nvonuo, $3500. For snlo 2000 poach trocs, cheap, E. F. A. BITTNER, 208 Tnylor & Philips Big. Phone 4141 riioit) Mi1, It is a pleasure to watch the toast become crisp and brown, and then re move it from the G. E. Radiant Toaster at the precise moment itisdone The General Electric Radiant Toaster produces crisp, delicious toast, on the dining room table. It makes toast by radiant heat the correct way. The center of the bread beepmes heated before the outside is browned over, thus allowing the necessary chemical changes to take place, without which toast is soggy in the middle and hard on the outside. The General Electric Radiant Toaster lightens breakfast tasks and quickly pays for itself by saving time and bread. Come and see a demonstration of tin's electrical convenience. 1118 ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. RESOLVED The best resolution for you to make is to come to us (or your next suit, if you waut something out of the ordinary. We do the best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT TOE PEOQRiiSSrVE TAILOS DRIVERS; that know the country RIGS that cover the country QUICKLV AND WITH COM' MIT TO YOU ARK ALWAYS TO iWi FOUND A I THE FARLOW & nOWMNfl, PROPRIETORS. WEST SIDE STABLES PHOXK 2131 S. GRAPE STREET WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co, MFDFORD - - - - OREGON Ofllce in JackDui county Bank Upstairs Jt