UN1TKII I'ltlCMH AHHOOIATION Full Leaned Wlro Kopnrt. Medtord Mail Tribun THE WKATHKIt. Tonight And Snturdoy Pnrlly cloudy. Thursday's Tompornturo High fi5, low 39, range 60. Tlio only ninr In tlio world ImiIiIIhIiuiI In a city tlio nizu. of Mddfnrd IimvIiik ft leased wlro, MBDFOKh ORECION, FRIDAY, FJDBRUAKY 25, 1910. No. 292. am Jack Johnson, Colored Fighter, Called to Answer Assault Charge. Most Powerful Figures In Packing Industry of United States Must Faco Serious Charge In-State of New Jersey. CHARGED WITH INCREASING AND DECREASING PRICES Only One Man Escapes Follows At tempted Bribery of Federal Prosecutor Garvin. lu'ixim.v . JHItSKV (MTV, N. Feb. 2.1.- The grit ml Jury heiv Unlny returned lmll tinrniK iigitliit nil the officer nml itlirtiiirM of the National Pnrlc lug (oniMiuiiy with I lie exception of Ketiuctt Meruit In, ilio rcMdcnt 01 rec tor of till' rniilKin)- here. Tim trim hill charge Ilio big park ing .concern with Increasing nnd do- preying the price of fiMHMtiffii con- frnry to tho Inws of tlio stale. Hit' men Indicted by tlio grand Jury nro: J. Ogricn Arnionr, A, XV. Armour, h. It. Swift, K. Ii. Bulft, 13. II. Swift, Kilwnrtl Morrii, A. Meeker, Kdwnrd Tilden, Aainiicl MrltoltcrtA, T. J. Con. now, Ii. A. Cartons, Thomas Wilson, Ji. Ilryinmi, A. Fowler, James ltnfli gate, Jr., Oorgo Kdwartl, Fred Coop er, !. II. llartwell, Irn M, Morris, Henry Darlington, IxMimel Patterson, A. A. Fuller. Tho men represent tho most iow. crful figures In tho packing IndiiNtry In tho United Htntcs. Tho indictment follow intimations Secretary of Washington State Hor- on mo pan or iricmii or l'rosecutor 500 PERSONS STALLED BY LATEST BUST OF LINCOLN, WITH MAN WHO HAS CniSELED IT. Great Northern Road Is Unable to IK T ! M ...... 0..l. PIIJ. I muvc u nam NCdi QLtini; onuc Kills Two Wires All Down-No Communication. PASSENGERS HELD UP, BUT ARE NOT HUNGRY Oriental Limited Starts East From Seatle, But Is Forced to Lie Over In Everett. Pugilist Jack Johnson, matched to meet Jim Jeffries for the honvvwelcht I ciiniiipiormiiip or tin? worm nml enlled Uhhi In New York to stand trlnl on the charge of assaulting n negro miivli Ninnller thnn lilinat'lf. Is very happy lu his homo life In spite of the engagements that call him iiwn.v most of tlie time. Tho picture of the lighter with his need mother was tnlien recvtitlr In Chi- enco In the new 11.000 homo which he presented to her Johnson's defomio to the charge or assault In the second decree, innde nfter his nltercntloii with Normnn l'Inder In n New York saloon. Is tlmt he acted In hcif defense WANT FIVE PECKS NSTEAD BUSHEL tlcultural Association Tells Why Commission Men Want the New Box . Onnnii that certain Interested per sons had promised to "make It right" with flnrvan if no personal Indict incuts were returned by the IiujiiImU tors. SPOKANE, Wash., Fob. 25. "Of- VALE ADOPTS SLOGAN. fleers nnd members of tho 'Notional "VALE, LAST FRONTIER" Applo 81ilpi)orB' nssoclntlon nro bnck l.of tho fllit for tho Introduction of VALh, Or., I' ob. 20. At tlio rep- ft substltuto packaKO for tho north iilitr mootiiij; of tho Vnlo Commoroinl WCBt atandnrd nnnlo box. adontod by club tho oontoHt for tho Boloctlon of Browora ,n Montnnn Wall0 0rogoni l J i.. I1,H moKau xor vaio was conciuuod mm WnflhlnKtou. California and tho nrov tho prizo Of ?5 awarded to Hnrrv n.f.nCo of nrmB Columbia, nml tho nrl- uarroii, a roni estnto donlcr. Tho mnry rt,Hon for 80oklnB tho change Blonn adopted wna "Vnlo, tho Lust B that thoy want fivo pocks of fruit Frontier." . iui uiu miiitu utuuvf uiu iiuw I'iiy lur a bushel." L. O. Monroo, socrotnry of tho Washington Stnto Horticultural as- soclatlon, gavo out tho forogolng In announcing that W. K. Nowoll, prosl dont of tho Orogon stato board of hor ticulture, and ho will loavo Spokano for WnBhlngton, D. 0 on March 3 to lopposo tho Lafoan bill, which will I como boforo tho congressional com mlttoo on Mnrch 0. Aftor doclarlng that groworB In tho northwest nro dotormlnod to fight tho Lafonn and otlior Biibstltuto nions urea to a finish. Mr. Monroo snlrl In "TllO ilnoU88lnK tllO merits of thn nrnannl onargo nine tlio sonntorlal InvostlKH packagp; tlon of tlio cnusoB for tho high cot '"OrchardlBta and packora all ovor of living Is moroly a "framoup" Is 1,10 northwoBt hnvo oxporlmontod for nmdo by Senator LaFollotto's Weekly r , . 01 U0X08' nml thoy liavo docldod that our standard pnekago 10 1-2x11 1-2x18 Inches, con mcuoB, or MANY COMING SAYS MMRAY General Passenger Agent of South ern Pacific Pleased With Evi dences of Prosperity Mani fest In This City. EVERETT. Wash., Feb. 25. Ru mors ronched hero today of a slide on tho Great Northern near Scenic) InBt night in which a cook nnd waiter lost their lives. All wires nro I down nnd the report cannot be con imncn. A fresh slido 200 feet long and 10 feet deep this side of Scenic, block nded tho tracks this morning. Last night's Onenlnl Limited out of Sc nttle pot os far as Skykomish and returned to Everett during the night This coining's train nlso got to Skv komish, but is expected back this af tcrnoon. Three railroad trains with 500 passengers nro still stalled in -the mountains, but hnvo plenty of pro visions and fuel. . Tho two men reported Idlled lost their lives in a bunkhonso at the west portal of the Cascade tunnel winch was swept away bv tho avn lanche. The .lino from Skykomish t Scenic is blocked this afternoon nn irum ocenic to Wellington is one great slide. Loaded with every availabl bridge worker nnd wrecking mnn, special trnin was sent into the mountains todny to follow the snow plows. Two carloads of provisions were taken nlso to prevent any suf foring among the passengers on the stalled trains. At the hendqunrters hero it is believed . most of tho bridges in the mountains have been torn out by tho slides. NO MORE LONG FIGHTS FOR EX-CHAMPION SAYS INVESTIGATION IS ONLY A FRAMEUP La Follctto Declares Public Senti ment Is Against Republican Ma chine Herolo Methods. MADISON, Wis., Fob. 25, William McMurrny, general pns songor agent of tho Southern Pn- cifio linos in Oregon, is spending the day in Modford nnd is greatly pleas ed with tho many mnnifostntions of prosponty nnd improvements to bo scon on every side of the citv. Ho Btntos that there will bo a gront in flux of new pooplo soon nnd that Modford will got hor sharo of thorn "Modford looks bettor onch titno I como down," stnted Mr. MoXrur- ray, "nnd ono cannot como hero without wishing to stny. Tho growth during tho past year has been wo'i derfnl. nnd tho outlook for tho future is cortnmly splondid. "Tho Southern Pacific in deciding to givo Modford a $50,000 depot is building against tho noxt fivo years. Wo nro planning to givo you some thing worth while." Mr. McMurrny is ncoompnniod by William Biddlo Wells. published today. An odltorlal anyo that tho Invoatlga- talnlng 2,150 3-4 cubio tlon 1b doBlgnod to furnish material to 2173 "u, Inches with tho awoll, bo tiacd In dofonfio of tho so-callod ,noro l,inn a w,noP3tr bushel, Is Aldrloh-Cannon alliance. Tho paper nu ,niU,.,,tod fr, t'oIr1 rT, Th. Ann,no tl , , 11 California special, 10x11x20 Inchoa, b doclaroB that public aontlmont has nlfl0 sod to advantngo for four-tlor turned ngalnst tho ropubllcan mn- fruit. Tho Lafoan bill provldoa for cmno andtnat tho Aldrlch- Cannon ft paokago of 12x12x20 luchoa, whllo managomont la adopting ( monatiroa another, monsuro anyB tho now box that aro liorolo, if not doapornto. slmll contain not loaa than 2342 cublo Inchoa, which means a box of nearly fivo pocks. "Colorado orchardlsts use a larg er box than ours, but thoy do not grndo or tlor-pack tholr opplea, It rqakoa llttlo or no dlfforonco to thorn. Howovor, thoy and tho growers In Utah favor our box, as it moans uni formity in fruit and scientific pack ing; and, want Is moro Important, tho consumers know JuBt whnt kind, site and numbor of apples ho receives for hia monoy, No other stato, whoro ap plo growing la followod aB an indus try, uses boxos, and, ns growors say no aquaro box will pack right, tho adoption of the northwoat standard box sooms to bo tho logical solution of tho problem." SAN FRANCISCO. Cnl.. Feb. 25 wonlo Attell, who was relieved o his title of bnntnm-weight champion nt Los Angeles on Washington's birthday by httlo Frankio Conley, re turned homo today accompanied by ins manager, Harry Foley. Foloy declnred that he will not lot his boy go over the Marathon route again. While Attell wants n return mntch with Conloy in tho nenr fn hire, ho mndo it plain that ho does not wnnt to go ovor 25 rounds, At toll soys ho is willing to bet $1000 that ho eon beat Conley nt this dis tance. OF MEN HUNT NEGRO Man Accused of Assaulting Two Year-Old Girl Is In Danger of Lynching. F. W. Cornolius of Wnco, Tox., is ono of tho rocont Modford nrrivnls, DALLAS, Tex., Fob. 25. A mob numborlng moro than 1000 men start ed boforo daylight to hunt Allen nrook8, n negro accused of having aB8aultod Ethel Buvln, a 2-year-old white child. Tho mob surrounded tho local Jail last night nnd demanded the nogro. Later thoy bocamo convlncod that ho was not concealed In tho pall and disponed. Tho surrounding country is being senrchod for a trace of tho negro and ovory offort Is being mndo to learn whoro ho has boon hiddon by tho au? thoritlos. It Is bollovod that ho woa taken to Fo-t Worth, QUAKER CITY : SITUATION BETTER j Sanity Again Prevails in Philadel ' phla and It Is Doubtful if General j Strike of All Unions Will Be Called to Aid Streetcar Men. ARMED MEN HAVE SITUATION IN HAND Only a Few of the Hotheaded Strik ers Continue to Urge General Strike in City. ' ' ' " Putting Into marble some of the compelling greutucyx of Lincoln n.-ti. h: th wonls of Guuon Borglum, was the puriwse of the vulptnr In iihhIcIIii in Imperishable stone his Impressions of the uiviit lllieRiiur IV1H i dlfllcultlcH In forming a conception of tho real I.Iiu dIu. he wrote t hat It un necessary to "wade through mountain oi niat'nm." itiid :t wan .ni w long nnd exhaustive research, embracing pbiti4gpi)lis. palatini: mat th-i material, that he commenced to model hi tutsi of Lincoln The fn.n-i the newest Lincoln has won renown In two nV.'d of art. Not oiilv i of the best known of American sculptors, hut hi caiicae in- teemed by critics and connoisseurs. He exhibited for the tirxt time in Parts salon of ISOt. his contributions being a br"iiz ::roup of a fallen in.li -and his horso and a landscape painting Botti n- 'ti ,.. ti WAS YOUNG MAN PARI OF PLAN? Special Agent Jones Says Govern ment Gave Up All Hope of Win ning Its Case When Sheri dan Was Picked. HALLEY PLANS TO B UILD NEW FRON I PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Feb. 26. i Although a general strike of union men here in sympathy, with tho street railway employes who are fighting the company appeared remote today, tho question will be cettled finally next Sunday at a great mass meeting or unionists. The presence of armed men along the lines of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit company prevented any sem blance of riot and more cars were operated today by tho company than. at any time slnco the strike began. No disturbances of any magnitude were reported and the indications to day are that the authorities will b able to bold the situation in hand with the forces already on duty. The company claims a victory and refuses to arbitrate Its difference with the strikers. Placards are up in the car barns offertng employment to men desirous of becoming motor men and conductors. The claim is made by the company that hundreds , (of men are offering their services. A few of the moro hot-headed strik ers still continue to urge a general ! strike, but a maporlty ot tho carmen W. H. Meeker & Company Are to Occupy Quarters in the Halley Block, on South Central Avenue. WASHINGTON. D. C. February 25. W- H. Hauey nas let tne contract -Special Agent Jones, who worked .tor putting in place glass fronts with with Louis It. Glnvlo on the Alaskan maroio oase m nis io sioru rooms coal cases, sprung a sensation at the! Jst north of the Mail Tribune office, T nllln haii1) MAhA InfAffll MA1 IndnV " ' 1 tral avenue, will be occupied about by declaring Hating tnat Attorney ; AprU l6t by w H . Meeker & Co., who Sheridan, tho young lawyer appoint- will bo compelled to move from their ed by tho government to Investigate present location at that time to make tho Cunningham wises, had spoiled , room for Charles Strang, who owns tho government's hope of a success-j tho property, nnd is himself looking lor a location, owing to tne recent salo of his present quarters to Nich ols & Ashpole, who wish to establish tholr meat n.arket there. Incidental ly Nichols & Ashpole must move from tholr present location because tho Medford National bank wlahes to ex tend Its building to tho alley between Main and Sixth streets. It's a kind of merry-go-round for tho abovo mentioned firms. Mr. Halloy Intends making exten sive Improvements in hia building this year, and mako it nn ap-to-date busi ness block. E. A. Hofler Is also Improving the building which houses the Mission cafe by adding a kitchen, work upon which began Thursday. are said to oppose the plan. The first semblance of disturbance came shortly before noon, when a crowd of men and boys attacked a car. They were charged by the po lice and state constabulary and ser oral rioters sustained minor Injuries. One policeman was seriously wounded. BRIEF RESPITE GAINED ,, BY SUGAR FRAUD MAN fill prosocution Jones declared that Sheridan re vealed tho ontlre case of tho govern ment at onco. giving tho defendants time to proparo their defense at leis ure. Senator Fletcher asked ttto witness: "Do you mean to say that there never has boon nny serious prosocu tion of theso cases up to this time?" "Just about that," replied Jones. 'Shoridnn was ignorant. I do not chargo him with being corrupt, but I think he tried tho case unwlsoly." Jones testified that former Govern or Mooro of Washington once said that If It had not been for Glavis his people would have had their patents. Tho witness corroborated tho testi mony of Glavis regarding his efforts to got criminal proceedings on tho .charge of frauds started against the Alnskan clnlmnnts. Attornoy Prnndols produced a statomont signed by Glavis nnd Jones rolntlvo to u conversation with A. D. McKenrlo of Alaska. In tho state ment thoy stnted that McKonrlo went into tholr office on June 26, 1909, ,and told thorn ho had talked with Jnmoa R. Garfield, then secretary of tho Intorior, nnd Garfield appeared to bohostllo to tho Alaokan cases. WASHINGTON. Feb. 25. A writ of error was allowe dtoday by Jus tice Lurton of the United States su premo court in the case of Secretary Charles D. Helke of tho sugar trust, Indicted In connection with the sug ar weight frauds. Helko's plea for Immunity was re ceived recently by the New York court, and denied, and the action today brings his case directly before the su preme court. 1000 MISSOURI HENS IN EGG-LAYING CONTEST UNCLE SAM TO BUILD TWO NEWBATTLESHIPS Secretary Meyer and Naval Commit tee Favor Greater Navy Will Cost $11,000,000 Each. T. A. Tnit of. Quincy, 111., is in edford looking over tho country ith n viow to locating. MEXICO, Mo Feb. 25. Moro than 1000 hons will bo brought her next fnll to participate in an egg-laying contest If tho plana of T. E, Qulsson borry, secretary of tho MIsoourl Stato Poultry board, nro successfully car ried out. Tho competition will bo hold nt tho poultry experiment station which will bo built horo and conduct ed under tho suporvlalon of the' Unit ed Stntos department of agriculture and raanagod by tho Missouri poultry board, Tho station will accommodate G000 hons. WASHINGTON, Fob. 25. Two great battleships yearly, ot 28,000 tons, costing $11,000,000 each, may bo recommended to congress by the hoiiBo commlttoo on naval affairs, ac cording to a report current hero to day. Aftor a conforonco with Secre tary Meyer of the navy department, a promlneut member of tho committee said that tho secretary and a major ity ot the committee favor a greater navy. Recommend Bill's Passane, WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. The sen ate committee on interstate commorce today decided to recommend tho pas sage of the Tatt-Elktn bill amend ing the interstate commerco law, I