Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 24, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Classified Ads Find Employment For Many Work -Seekers I
Swift's New Plant on Peninsular
Near Portland, Will Start In
Operation on March M '
500 to Bo Employed.
PORTLAND, Or.. Fob 24. Tho
now parking I it it 1 (if tlu Hwlft In
terims on tlm Peninsula In oxpeeUM
tit NtAH operation tin Mnreh 11. Ile
oanal' of tint uiMKiiltiulc of tlm work
otnlirncuil In tlio Swift plans, them Iiiih
been a delay In Hid original project
of ni'urly a yunr In Kiting ready for
packing- liut tho ilnnt Im now prac
tically coniiliito. Tlio opening of tho
plant HH'iuinn Hint TiOO people will bo
employed at the Htiirt with tlio pro
bability that tlio number wilt lio tit
leant doubled within the coming year.
It will furnish ti hi i? llvtintock market
for tint farmers and Htock raisers of
the Pitelllc Northwest ami other unck
liig plant nnil factories for tlio utll
ItliiK ulilo proilnctH of Hid packing
l,otin will ho ofltnhllHhod.
Work on what will ho tlio tallest
'building In tho state, If not tlio tall
out In tho Pacific Northwest, will ho
begun March 10, when construction
of tht now Yeon building will stnrt
Tho iitnicliiro will be hullt at tho cor
nier of Fifth and Alder streets and
will ho fifteen stories In height. Llko
(ho now HkyHcrapporn now koIiik up
In Portland It would ho u credit to
any city In tho country.
VanHcriRor service on 25 miles of
coniplotod road at tho went und of
tho Southern Pacific' Tlllmook ex
tension will ho begun, It In expected,
on April 1. Train will ho run to
"illlmook from Voshurg. Riving nor
vlco to Hay City, Hohnonvlllo and
other Intortnodlnto points. Moan
whllo work In steadily going on across
inn Const mountains and hy next fall
It In oxpectod that trains will bo run
through from Portlnnd to Tlllmook
Oregon will bo glvon another con
croMtnnn. and poNslbly two, It la bo
teivod, aftor tho coming census Ih ta
ken. According to tho bnsls of ropro
nutation expected to ho fixed by tho
new census, one congronMimin will he
allowed for ovory 224,000 of popula
tion. Tho ImiilB at proaeut Is ono ropre
scntutlvo for ovory 192,182 of popu
lation. It la expected that tho coming
census will show a population of tho
state- of S00.O00, TIiIh would glvo
threo congressmen and If tlm hnpou of
aomo uro realised nnd tho stnto 1b
found to havo 1,000,000, then four
congressmen wilt bo allowed,
Washington's birthday was colo
orated In Portland by tho planting of
rono hushes In tho parka and public
squares of tho city with appropriate
xorclses. ThoiiHands of huahca woro
act out throughout tho city and now
plants will be bloomed In time for
tho annual Itoso Fostlval In Juno.
'City and State officials, together with
roprosontntlvos from foreign nations
that contributed their rosea for tho
affair participated In tho rose plant
ing exorcism), This has become nn
annual event In Portlnnd and tho cus
tom Ih growing In favor each year.
Tho planting ofvroscs nt u tlmo whon
-many othor sections of tho country
.aro wrappod up In hiiow Id also an
other splondld ndvortlsoment of Orp
,gon's climate.
Advortlsomonta nro being plncod
'by tho Portland Commcrclnl club In
( no loading Swedish nnd Norwoglan
Dnnlsh pnporfl of tho country, call
ing attention to tho ninny opportuni
ties horo' for Industrious pooplo who
soak homos In tho country districts.
A largo Inqulro In coming to tho Port
land offlco from Scandinavians nil
over tho country nnd lottors nro an
swered hy spoclnl correspondent, who
lundorstnnds tho language This In hut
,ono phnso of 'tho Commercial Club's
vwork but It Is bringing Inquires, Tho
pooplo nro thrifty nnd Industrious nnd
settlors of this kind will holp do
volop tho vncnnt lnnds of tho stnto.
EUGENE,, Or., Feb. 24. Tho nt
1ompt to closo nil places of nmuso
mont In Springfield on Sunday fail
ed, nnd while- Eugono will ho olosod
horonftor on Sunday, Springfield's
cignr storofl, bowling nlloys, lilllinrd
rooms nnd olootrio tlien(orf) will ho
runnlnff. Ab tlio oitios nro only throe
milos mmrt nnd connootod hy nn
olootrio rnilwny, U is prodiotcd Hint
innny Euk'oho oltizons will mnko tor
wlnr trips to Springfield to spend
The oounoll of SpriiiRfiold propnr-
el uu ordinance Hiinilar lo tho one
piiHHed in Eugene, but u longlliy ro
moiiKlrmiee, wiid to have boon Hignud
hy tlio majority of Springfield roni
clouts, wiik presented mid tho onli
iiiinco wub tabled iiidufinitely.
4-444 4-'4-t4-f4-t
Hop", Wool and Widen.
HOPS 1008 crop, cholco
prlmo to choice, 10c; prlmo, 15 'jc;
inoilliiiii. 15c; 1009, cholco, 21c;
prlmo, 20c; modlum, ldM9c.
WOOIr Nominal, 1909, Wllln.
mctto valley, 20 5T21o; eastern Oro
gon, 20ff 23c.
SHEI3PBICINS Shearing, 10 025c
onch; short wool, 2r,(O'C0o; medium
wool, 50c $l each; Ions wool, 75c
1.25 onch.
TALLOW Prlmo, per Ih. 3 04c;
No. 2 and grease, 2G2ldc.
MOIIAIIt 1909, 23Q24o lb.
IIIDIC8 Dry hldos, 17Zf 18VjC lb;
green, OHOlOVic; hulls, green salt,
7c lb; kips, 100104c; calves, green,
t OCT J 8c pci lb
Mutter, Igg nm! Poultry.
KOaS Local, candled, soloct, 28
27c; local storogo, 28c; eastern
storage, 17c.
HUTTBIt Kxtra crcamory, 370
39c; fancy, 3Gc37c; storo, 2Bc.
POULTUV Mlxod chlckons, lCc;
fancy hens, 18c; roostors, old, 16c;
gooso, 12c for llvo, 14 16c dressed;
ducka, 22 He; turkeys, llvo 20c,
dressed 25c; Jlgeons, squabs 12.50
doion, dressed chicken, l.2c pound
higher than allvo.
Ornln, IHour and Hay.
11AULKY Producers' prlco 1909
Feod, 3; rolled, 33; browing,
WHEAT Track, club, $1.00
1.07; blue stem, fl.16; rod, $1.08;
forty fold, $1.10; Wlllaraotto valloy,
MILL9TUFF8 Soiling prlco
nran, $27; middlings, $34; shorts,
$20 27; chop, $2229; alfalfa
men, $31 per ton.
FLOUR Now crop, patents, $0.
1G; Btralght, $4.90; baker's, $6.95
0.15; Wlllamotto valloy, $5.80 bbl;
export grades, $4.50; Krcliam. 1-4b,
$5.75; wholo wheat, $5.76; ryo,
$5.76; bales, $3.15.
HAY Producers' prlco Now tim
othy, Wlllamotto valloy, fancy,
$20; ordinary, $19; eastern Orogon,
$2021; mixed, $16; clover No. 1,
$15.501C; wheat, $IC17; cheat,
$1C17; alfalfa, $17.
OATS Spot dollvory, now, pro
ducers' price Track No. 1 whlto,
$31$33; gray, $3031.
FrultN nnd Vegetables.
FHI38H FRUITS Oranges: Now
navels. 120 3: bananas. 6EHc
lb; lomons, $3.76 4.60 box; grapo-
trult, $4; oars, $1.26; grapos, $1.
75. POTATOES Selling, now, $1.15
fM.25: buying, castorn Multnomah
and Clackamas, 76 80c; Wlllamotto
valloy, 70c.
ONIONS Jobbing, $1.50 por ctrt;
garlic, 10 12c por lb.
APPLES $1.26 3.
I1EAN8 Small white, $5.50; largo
whlto, $4.60; pink, $4.85; bayou,
$G; Limns, $5; reds', $8.
CATTLE Dost steers, $5.60 06.
75; good stoors, $5; common stoors,
$4.25: modlum. $4.3I4.60: fancy
holfors, $4.00; modlum cows, $4,00;
poor cows, $3.0003.50 bulls, $2.50
3.76; stags, $2.503.00.
HOGS Dost oast of tho mountains,
$9.009.26: fancy. $8.5008.76;
stockors, $7.00; pigs, $8.00.
SHEEP Dokt wothors, $0.00; or
dinary, $5.50; spring lambs, $G.50
C.75; straight owes, $5.2505.50;
mlxod lots, $5.60.
CALVES Best, $5.75 COO; ordi
nary, $5.00 5.25.
4--f 4 ;4- 4--f -fv
IVults ami Vfjjetablcs.
(Prlcos paid by Modford morchanto)
APPLES 2 4a lb.
Potatoos, $1,50 cwt; onions, $2
cwt; cabbago, 2 02 Mi c; turnips,
lMio; parsnlpB, 1 to IVjc.
Hotter. Kggs and Poultry.
(Prlcos paid by Modford morchants)
Ranch buttor, 32 He; fancy, croam
ory, 40o.
Fresh ranch oggs, 25c.
Mlxod poultry, 10 14c; spring
chlckons, 15 18c; turkoys, 17c.
(Prlcos paid producors.)
Hay Timothy, $10; alfalfa, $15;
grass, $14; grain hay, $10.
Grain Wheat, $1.20 bushol; pats,
$30 ton; bnrloy, $30 ton,
Root 3 1-2 to 4 l-2os pork, 7 l-Vc;
mutton, 7c; lamb, Fes veal (drt-siM)
(Soiling prices,)
Rollod barloy, 2 cwt., $88 ton;
bran, $1.07; middlings, $1,86 1,90;
shorts, $1.8001.85,
You Face Forward When
You Read the Ads
Tho NEWS In tho pnpor represents a hUtory. or record, of things that HAVE HAP
PENED within a f w hours. Tho advertisements n tho paper aro a forecast of many
An Item of news tells' of something that Is past. An advertisement tells of something
that is to bo. tho news, you look BACKWARD which Is useful, necessary, holp
ful. Reading tho ale, you look FORWARD which Is Inspiring, exciting, profitable. You
put yourself In tou?h with things lhat aro to he with tho Immediate activities of life In
this city.
Tho ads holp yo.i to find YOUR PART la thesq activities
busy hurloy-burloy of tho town's life.
Rend tho now for history tho ads for opportunity!
Notice Is horoby given that tho un
dersigned will apply to tho city coun
cil of tho city of Modford, Oregon,
at tho mooting thereof on March
2, 1910, for a llconso to soil spirit
ous, vinous and malt llquora In quan
tities less than a gallon, tor the pe
riod of six months, nt his placo of
business at No. 31 Front stroct South,
In said city.
Dated Fobruary 17, 1910.
wis wrw
FOR SALE Modern 5-room bunga
low, closo In, small payment down,
balance to suit:; also cottago and 4
good lots. Address L, this offlco.
TOR SALE 6 and 10-acre tracts
just within und adjoining city lim
its, nt n bargain, on 5 annual pay
ments. Addrehfl P. O. Box 418.
FOR SALE Choice business proper
ty nt n bargain, on long time; easy
terms Address P. O. Box 418.
FOR SALE Mimeograph for dupli
cating letters. In good condition,
cheap, at offlco of Condor Wator &
Power Co. 283
FOR SALE On North Rtvorstdo
Avenuo, 5 room houso, barn end
,ono-half ncro of good gardon land
all for $1500. Address P. O. box
878. Modford, Or. l
FOR SALE Two 20-acrs tracts,
cholco land, i 1-4 mllo3 northwest
of Central Point. AddrcsB W. J.
Hnrvoy, R. F. D. No. 1, Central
Point, Or. 296
FOR SALE Cow and driving horse,
prlco $100. No. 20 North Rlvorsldo
avenuo. 293
FOR SALE Nlco lon-iicro ranch;
half In cultivation: 3 acres In nlfalfa,
small box houao, good well, plenty
wood, odgo city limits of Woodvllle,
Idoal locntion. Address Box 517,
Woodvlllo. Oro.
FOR 8ALE Full blood Plymouth
Rock cockerels and eggs; hay.
Phono Farmor 703x3.
FOR SALE A socond-hnnd typo
writor for snlo at n very reasonable
figuro. Tho Morrivold Shop, 131
W. Main at.
FOR "BALE 320 acres, No, 1 apple
and pear land; 2 GO In cultivation;
06 In alfalfa; GO not cleared; ex
collont springs; 3 seta of buildings;
7 miles from town; good rood; this
Is Ideal tract to subdivide; a bargain
for 30 days only. Soo Townsond,
721 Bonnott avenuo. 292
FOR SALE Homestead relinquish
ments. Wo havo nn oxport tlmbor
crulsor In tho field nnd can locato
you on a tlmbor claim. Bonson In
vestment Co., over Fruitgrowers'
bank. '
FOR SALE In Jacksonvlllo, closo
city hall, two lots, with six-room
houso, only $760 'If sold quick. Goo.
F.Dyor, Tol 3204 Modford. 291
FOR SALE 10 sharos of United
Wireless Tologrnph Btock for $200.
Address O, caro of this offlco. 291
FOR SALE Rooming house, clenr
lng $300 monthly. Bonson Invost
mont Co,, offlco ovor Fruitgrowers
hank. 292
FOR SAE 1909 Wlnton auto, com
ploto oqnlpmont; will trndo for n
Siskiyou lot. Address Q, enro Trl
buno. 295
FOR SALE Modern 5-room bunga
low, closo In; small payment down,
halanco torms to suit; nlso cottago
and 4 good lots, Addross L, this of
flco. FOR SALE Ton ncros good fruit nnd
horry land near Grants Pass; coy
orod by tho' Irrigation ditch, For
particulars address No. 511 South
C street, 295
4. . 4--f4--f-f4-4--f-f-f
I' FOR SALE 75 acres best fruit land
In north end of valley; 4 miles from
railroad; 1-2 mile from school;
I about 15 acres cleared; some fruit
J In bearing; Irrigating ditch runs
, through inlddlo of It; plenty of wa-
tor; with bouse, barn, won ana
spring nnd i000 cords of wt od on It;
a No. 1 road In all directions; $45
poi acre; buy of owner. See Cole
man at cigar factory. 268
, Tz-vri OAT' C . a KstMtiHFttt Virtmo In n
i good locality; a well finished nine-
room houso; nlco lawn, email or
chard, shade trees, good barn and
windmill; plpoltno on one corner.
Inqulro of F. X. Musty, Tolo, Or.304
FORSALE 40 fine setting turkey
hens for sale. Inquire of John An
derson, manager Westorlund Or-
chnrds. Telephone Farmer 83. 299
FOR 8 ALE 40 acres of good timber
five mllos from Mcdford; all down
hill. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Oro
gon. FOR-SALE Good lot In splendid
residence section for less money than
a smaller lot will bring a greater dis
tance from business section. Ad
dress Y, care of this office.
FOR SALE Good steam wood saw.
Address L. O. Van Woven, Medford,
Ore. 393
FOR SALE N'noty aens. 30 In ono
year old applo and pear trees, 100
Inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from
railroad station. For torms write
"Owner," caro Mali Tribune 261
FORSALE GO acres, finest building
silo in tho volley, Includh e 30 ncfes
good fruit land; cheap and terms
right. H. C. Maltby, Palm Bldg..
Main nni Front.
FOTTSALE 1 to 5 acros, under Fish
Lnko ditch, 1 1-4 miles from post-
ottlco. Splondld location for home;
flno for berries and gardon; $350
por aero. See ownor, No. 20 S.
Poach street, or P. O. Box 842. 291
FORSALE 70 acres very best Bear
crook sediment soli, 50 acres set
to commercial poara and apples 1
year old; good Iraprovomonta; only
2 1-2 miles out; must soli quick;
want money to build apartment
houso; torms If deslrod. Humphrey,
815 East Main streot. Phono 115
Main. 292
FOR SALE 2 largo lots, $10 down,
$6 por month. Humphrey, 815 East
Main street. Phono 116 Main. 292
FOR SALE Plunor, flno most now,
heavy 16x26 single planer, shafts,
pulloys, knives and belting complete,
cost $450. Will Bell for $125. A snap.
Box 517 Woodvlllo OrogDn. 291
FOR SALE Or trade, 100- ncro
ranch, with right to wator for 5 to
10 acre's, 6 miles from railroad. Ad
dress "Ownor," Box 623, Medford.
FOR SLE 100 bushols of yellow
corn for sood. Apply at onco as It
Is going fast, to Young & Hall, Med
ford, Oregon. 295
FOR SALE Household"good8, two
horsos, cow, chlckons, carpontor
tools, two now Incubators. Inquire
corner O and Clark streets. 291
FORSALE Grape cuttings, tho kind
that grows promlum fruit. W. G.
Gaffo, Central Point, Oro. 296.
F OTTSL" E O n oli o w " 3P2"H ncTT'S fTT
dohnkor lumbor wagon. Big Plnos
Lumber Co. 293
FOR SALE Ono now 3 1-2-lnch Stu
dobnkor lumber wagon. Big Pines
Lumbor Co. 293
FOR SALE Ono now 3 1-2-lnch Stu
dobakor lumber wagon, Big Plnos
i Lumbor Co. 293
FOR SALE Good paper, cocured by
real estnto, drawing 10 por cont In
torost. Addross N. I.' V., tare of this
offlco, 292
-YOUR opportunity In tho
FOR SALE Seventeen lots, 1G In
ono block, closo In, cheap If taken
.Boon. Address P. O. Box 146, Med
ford, Or.
FOR SALE 10 acres fine soil, five
a acres pears and apples in bearing;
rest planted; would exchange for
Siskiyou Heights property. Address
Q, caro Tribune. 295
WANTED Agents to handle torrl
tory for ono of tho best articles on
tbo market. Apply room 205, Phlppa
bldg. 294
WANTED Garden work by the day.
Address C. H., care of this office.
WANTED Gordon press
Mall Tribune office.
WANTED First-class gardener. Ap
ply Condor W-iter & Power Co.
WANTED Man and wife, man for
gardening and wife for general
housework. Apply Condor Water &
Power Co
WANTED Experienced stono cutter
and quarry man. Call at Condor
Water and Power Co's. offlco.
WANTED Competent girl fon gen
eral housework for fBmily of three.
P. O. Box 087.
WANTED Housekeeper and cook,
middle-aged lady- preferred; seven
In family. Address or apply to S.
G. Van Dyke, Phoenix, Oo.
WANTED A lady solicitor to soli
electric heating, cooking and light
ing devices. Apply at the Condon
Water and Power Co.
WANTED A position on a farm by
an experienced lady cook, to take
charge of .ho culinary department;
also tor a practical man to do farm
work. Address N, care Sunnyside
Hotel, Eagle Point, Or.
WANTED Man for general orchard
work only, at Veritas Orchard, or
write P. O. Box 797. 292
WANTED A man experienced in tho
handling of Incubators and turkey
raising. Apply at office of Condor
Water & Power Co. 283
WANTED Man with .team to plow
about 12 acres and plant to wheat;
land 3 miles east. H. C. Maltby, Palm
Bldg. Phono 1071. 292
WANTED Competent woman to do
housework; good wagi's. Mrs. B. H.
Hf.rrlB, 236 S. Oi'clalo avonuo.
WANTED A nurse maid for young
baby; must bo experienced and havo
references; wages $25. Mrs. Reddy,
326 Oakdalo avenue, S. 289
WANTED Anyone having 40 acres
6t level land or 80 acres, wishing
to sell, will do woll to write me,
giving full description of same and
surrounding lands; also prlco and
ternis. Roguo river land preferred.
Addross Milton Boylan, Pendleton,
Or. Box 74. 293
FOR RENT Furnished or unfur
nlshod rooms, with or without meals
16 Ross Court, West Mala st. 295
FOR RENT Traots of land from
one to forty acres; with water for
irrigation, suitable for raising po
tatoes and garden truck, also suit
able for chiokou and turkoy raising.
Owner will furnish n reasonable
amount of lumber and poultry and
othor fencing for improvements if
lessee perform labor of erecting
same. Call at office of Condon
Water and Power company for par
tioulars. FQR RENT Ono room, newly fur
nished, to gentleman with good hab
its. 518 South Oakdalo, 292
FOR RENT Only hotel in town of
1000 population. Call at Condor
Water and Power Co., 209 West
Main street.
FOR RENT Room with board
for gentlemen, 411 S. Newtown Bt.
FOR RENT Nicely tnrnislied rooms
for rent with board; transients ac
commodated by tho day or woek.
No. 10 North Grapo street, next to
Fruit Growers' bank.
Three rooms and bath;
tor housekeeping; no
small children. Mrs. Joo Thomas,
222 South Holly.
FOR RENT Modern f units td
rooms at 601 Vest 10th or 124 TJn&
street. "
FOR RENT 5-room house on Jack
son street. Inquire at 106 North
D street. ' 292
LOST Gold watch, lady's, picture in
front. Liberal reward. Return to
Harry H. Hicks, Mall Tribune.
LOST Gold cuff button, size 3-4
Inch square. Finder please leave at
this office. Reward.
FOUND Ladles' brooch. Call at
Wright & Allln's real estate office
128 E Main st. 291
- 4- -
Tea and Coffee Houses.
riety of tea or coffee grown can be
had from their agent, S. Kwnp
thorne, 237 Riverside avenue. Phone
387L Tickets given with every
CINES will cure rheumatism, asth
ma, paralysis, sores and private dis
eases. Thcso remedies may be pro
cured at the store of Wah Chang on
A street, Ashland, Oregon, where
they will be sold by the proprietor,
Chow Younr.
Tin Shops.
J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and
sheetiron ware on hand and made to
order. 128 North G street.
Palm Building.
PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law.
No. 9 D street, ground floor.
vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of
fice Medford National Bank Build
in p.secondfloor.
B. F. MULKEY Aiiorney-at-Law,
Offices Room 30, Jackson County
Bank Building, Medford.
Transfer and Drayag;
H. S. . BRUMBLE Drayage and
transfer. Baggage stored. Office
C and Seventh.
Real Estate.
Estate, Loans and Firo Insurance
Office, suite 205-206, over Fruit
growers Bank. Phono 541.
ADAMS & BRIGGS O. Adams, 0.
P. Briggs, real estate, insurance,
farm and city property, timber.
Butte Falls. Or.
Printers and Publishers.
best equipped job office in South
ern Oregon; Portland paces. 37
South Central nve.
DR. GOBLE Tho only exclusive op
tician between Portland and Sac
ramento. Office on West Main st.
nnd railroad.
Brick Companies.
G. W. Priddy. J. T. O'Brien.
O. D. Nagle.
manufacturers and contractors;
also lime, cement and plaster in any
quantity. Office, Medford National
Bank bldg. Phone Main 545.
dertakers. Day phone 351. Night
Phonos :,C. W. Conklin SG01, J. H.
Butler 3571.
Maokey nnd die with joy." Over Al
len & Reagan's store;' entrance on
Seventh street. .
344 South C st., Modford, Or. E.
W. Hisey, Matron. Official hospi
tal P. & E. R. R.
ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block.
Stenographic work done quickly and
Piano Instruction.
instruction and musical history.
Studio, No. 8 S. Orange St. Phoa
Main 2401.
HARMONY, sight reading, mnsieai
form. Mrs. E. E. Goro, Motropolita
College of Music. Miss Flora Gray.
Studios, 144 South Central avSBua.
Phono 493.
Civil Engineers.
WILL take by contract, on reasea
able terms, all kinds of work; ate
irrigating, planting and cultivatkffe
etc. Landscape gardening. First
class references. William Petcrz,
Civil Engineer, Phone 1801, 322 &
Main street, Medford, Or.
Bill Posters.
VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster rbA.
Distributor. All ordore prosafitly
filled. Room 7, Jackson Coamty
Bank Building, Medford, Or.
Billiard Parlors.
S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci
gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs,
Young & Hall building. A nice coaV
place to spend the hot afterapoaa.
J. K. A. BILES Architect aai
Builder. P. O. Box 486, Medford,
Or. Your building respectfully
JOHNS & TURNER, Architects aaM
Builders, office 7-8, 235 Maku
Phone Main 347L Residence phM
Carriage and Auto Patothii.
WORKS High-class work gaxxa
teed. Signs. Riverside aveaiMU.
Phone 801.
H. T. WILSON & CO., dealers k asm
and second-hand furniture aS
hardware. Agents for Monad Cky
kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seven Us sti.
Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford
Mission Furniture made to order.
Cabinet xvork of all kinds. A trial
order solicited.
and Ranges. New and Second-Haai-Furnituro.
Ends' old stand, 18 W
F st. South. Phone 91, Medfcrd, Or.
are budded, not grafted. Our stack
is not irrigated. We guarantee ev
erything put out. We are not in tfca.
trust. H. B. Patterson, office n
Hotel NaBh.
Growers of high-grade nursery;
Block. C. F. Cook, Prop. R. R. V.
depot P. O. Box 8-il. Phone 121
Cement Workers.
B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran
teed strictly first-class. Rsoideae
No. 406 Beatty street. A card wi&
bring me to yon.
MRS. E. E. GORE Piano instrno&Ht
Metropolitan College of Musie. IGmh
Flora Gray. Phne 493. 144 South.
Central avenue.
Building and Lean Asswhttfu.
Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 East
Main street.
DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Deatist
Office in rooms 203-204, Farmer'
& Fruitgrowers' bank building, wtat
of the tracks.
Physicians and Surgeww.
R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Oppesk
Jackson County bank. Night aOm
promptly answered. Office and resi
dent phone Mala 3432.
Offices in Haskius' building. Puob
Main 1001.
CONROY & CLANCY Dffico ia.
Stewart Building Physicians as at
Surgeons. Offico phone Main 341;
private phone Main 612.
S. r7sEELY, M. D. Physioian aad
Surgeon. Modern oquipped operat
ing rooms. X-Ray. Offiee hoars s
10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jacksoa
County Bank Building.
MAINS CARLOW Osteopath!.
Physicians. Mission Block. Phe&f
291, Medford.
Cigars and Tobaocw.
dealers iu tobacco, cigars and saaak
era' supplies. Exclusive agents o
Lewis Single Binder, El Merita a
El Palencia. 212 West Main stoat.
Messenger Service.
gors furnished at all hours ef tor
and till 9 p. m, to any part ef attrV
from lOo to 26 c. Phoae Mala lilt-?