6 THE MEDITORD MATT, TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1910. i 1 ft- The FOURTH ESTATE . Novcllted by Frederick r. Toombs From the Great Play of the Same Name by Jotepli Mcilill Patter ion and Harriet Ford. CwrUht. 10OP. by Joicnh McdW Pilltnon and Hirrlct Ford. B CHAPTER VII. RAND and Nolan canto cat of toe library after tbetr smoke and were surprised to fflHwf flud Judge Bnrtclmy nod L)u .pnjr Id tbe drnwluK rootu. Brand did ' aot appear enthusiastic at tbe circum stance and. nodding stiffly In tbe gen eral direction of the two men. proceed ed to circle around tbetn toward tbe f. door leading to tbe ball. Judge Barieluiy advanced pleasedly .toward tbe newspaper owner, who erected blui courteously. "Judge, this Is an unexpected honor." "An honor to come believe me, Mr. IColan, an honor to come." Nolaa - saw Brand's dexterous ma seaver toward tbe door, and on calling to falta not to go be hatted, turned to s "ward the center of tbe room and stood .watching tbe strangely assorted group el mea. Nolan next addressed Dupuy, who expressed bis thanks at tbe granting S his request for an Interview. , Jadge Bart el my. always quick to no ' iilce crery detail or phase of what' was transpiring in his Immediate presence, saw that Brand was ill at case. He 'Wiled to him cheerily: My daughter and I Were Just speak Jg of you. Wheeler. The reformer ails a treacherous sea." ' Thc port Is lu slKbt, Judge Bartel wy," was tbe calm answer. Bartelmy would buve made a suc ttss'on the stage. In fact, he had been mctiaga part most of his life1 and .proved tbe truth of Richard Mans field's a'phorlHin that "tbe best actors -Jtre' never seen ou tbe stage." At ; Wheeler Brand's slgnlflcaut reply. which smote as ominously on" the ears efth Judge us It did on those of Du- fmj, the Jurist gave an Inward shiver ' AHlte Imperceptible to the eye and re j,:r.Ued'ln tbe most Jovial of manners: ' So? So! That's good. That worth . while. Stick to the helm, my boy," be ianghed. . "Brand ain't at sea. Judge." put In Kolan good naturedly. "He's in the ijctoads. The air up there makes your sose oleed: but. oy the Kternal, you Tsee all thafn going on down nere." There wan mucb "going ou down Tere" that Uartwthy 0j all means pre ferred to nave remain unseen, yet I i the Oak Door club. Wo need you there. We should bave a man In all our discussions of public questions we should have a practical man of affairs who knows what reformers like our young friend here are really try ing to get at. Shall I propose you for membership?" Dupuy wntched the effect of nartel ray's words ou Nolau wltb tutense eagerness. It was an anxious moment ( for both Dupuy and Bartelmy. if Nolan accepted they felt that they were safe. As for Nolan, he was I greatly perplexed He wanted to ac- ( ccpt the proffer. Itoth for his own sake and for his family's. Membership In ! the Oak Door club was equivalent to a ticket or admission into tbe rasnion able circles of the city. He would be able then to put bis wife and daugh ter In tbe way ot gratifying tbetr de sires. Sylvester, too. would be bene Oted lu wbatever business career tie sbould take up. and tbe roembersbip you've mnde the paper stand for, but you dou't kuow what It menus to put people that you love on the altar and cause .tliem suffering for the nuke of Miese these general principles." "Don't I." exclaimed the young ed itor. "Well, that's exactly what I've done. I gave up the girl 1 leveu. who bad pVomlsed to be my wife, so that I might write the truth." in spite of the emotion which his words had aroused In blin Braud's voice uever faltered as he spoke. "You did!" exclaimed Nolan nmaxed ly. "Well, my boy, I don't understand you. I couldu't do that." ho coufesaed. "Don't think that It was easy for me to do, I've tbuugbt ot ber every hour ot every day since, but she" uow bis voice wavered -"well, sba'a forgot ten, so It doesu't matter. Mr. Nolan, do you remember what It was that Urst brought us together?" "Yes; that story about Judge Bartcl- WILBU RWRIQHT SEEKS SUITABLE GROUNDS would enable him to meet aud make ! ,ltjJ ,l wtt9 K011 oue auU 'ou ve bis personal frteuds the most prouu neut men of tbe city tbe men be nat urally craved to associate with-ou terms ot equality. Then bo spoke: "Really, Judge.' be said warmly "that's something that I never uxpcv-i ed to bear from your tips." "Not at all; not at alt: 1 shall be delighted to put you up, and Dupuy will second me." followed It up wltb a lot ot good ones since. Why, Wheeler, there ain't a man in tbe couutry that cau work up a series like you can. lint, do you know, I'm begluulug to tbtuk that tbe judge Is not all uad. Miud you, I'm not forgetting old scores, but" bo seated himself "did you ever think ot it, perhaps we baveu't all the facta ot that affair? Some things have bap- MONTGOMKHY, Ala., Feb. 24. Wilbur Wright surprised tho offlcors of tho Cominorclal club today by drop ping In casually and asking It lie could bo supplied wlthMiltuhlo grounds for vxporltuontH with some now inuehlncs which ho hopes to try out before spring, ' "I heard yesterday that you had ninny largo level plains aud could take caro ot us," ho siihl. "So I am hero." Up to nightfall ho had found no place to suit him, Mr. Wright said: "Thero are many things yot to bo developed before airships are n 'success in n practical way. It wltl take ninny years for the flying ship to tnko anything away from tho rnllroad or boat linos. In tho nature ot tho case they must bo used for special service, Tho advertising of tin Important, m storo should look Important and lie linpoi-tiuit. And this iuuUuh "elbow room" lu tho mutter of spncu Important. Singi'.' niul Wheeler & Wilson now tug machines for sale nntl rent. Sup plies timl ropntnt for nil klnilH. Ad-dress- tM4 S. drupe. I'lionu UM 1. SOUIt STOIMAni. Ml-o-tm lnits the Stomach in I'lue Ii.iiy. In l.'lvi. Minute. 1 ' I fyoiir fllonmch Is continually Melt ing up n ll8tu. banco! you feel bloat ed and distressed; Ifyou belch gns nud sour food Into tho mouth, thou you need Ml-o-nn Stomnch Tablets, tho best prescription for Indigestion ovor written. Mt-o-na stotnuch tablets give- -n-' Mnnt relief, or course, but thoy do! more; thoy drive out tho poisonous HUNTLY-KRAMER Co. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 2X4 Fruit Growers Bank Building In Case of vSicKness P 11 O N E 3 (5 .1 1 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Pottt Olficu All Night Surviou Kroo Delivery gases thnt cause fermentation of food quick dispatch and things ot this char- and thoroughly clom, renovate and1 actor.'' Wo nro getting nlong rapidly. 'strengthon the stomach so that It can hut thoro Is yot much to learn." , readily digest food wlthoi.t artificial With pleasure," bowed tbe lawyer pe"l' -ro Ju ur Xbai b0' a" . 1 . . . u . ' Srcwl irmnt-T" Nolan hesitated over bis Uuai reply lie remembered what Brand bad stut edregardlug tbe attentions ot Judge Bartelmy and bis daughter, rrouauiy tbls offer was u trick, a bribe, ana it did not Improve tbe sltuatlou to bave Dupuy brought Into It by tbe Jurist us seconder ot bU nomination. Still, tbe idea came Into bis head U be accept ed It be did It wltb bis eyes open; tie need not necessarily change tbe pol icy of tbe Advance toward certain pub lic men. Thus be reasoned, and still there lingered within him an Insldlou desire, even a prompting, in view ot the advantages for himself and bis family, to accept at all hazards, under any circumstances. Thank you. gentlemen, thank you," be said, temporizing. In an endeavor to gnlu .time before actually committiui: bimselt He glanced across tbe room fired wrong 7" "Mr Nolan, tbe bait hasn't been told about Judge ttarteiiuy.' cried Brand. ( "Well, this is getting to be a pretty 1 serious affair. We can't be too sure ; about our facts." "Mr. Nolan., Judge Bartelmy is not only a dlsbouest Judge, but be seems to have a destructive influence, on , every one uear htm. lie's corrupt ana The had weather of tho Carolina drovo tho aviator south to look for open ground aud sunshine. Ho camo hero from Florida and will go oast If such as ho wants be npt provided. corrupting, not only lu bis public but ' nnd communion, Phoenix Christian. At the Christian church the pas for announces for noxt Sunday's service ns follows: 10'n. in,, Sundn.v school, closing with ten minutes' tit lk to the children; 11 n. m preaching in nis private iue. - . , 'i hen T"; evening :H, Kiulenvor: Wasn't-wasu't It bis daughter that 7. jr. nr.lchinir. snhieet. "The yo"v V. K K . h . , k . . Troo of Life." "Yes, It was. aud be s using her Just ! subject. "What 15, Endeavor; as be did ber mother before her." "You amate me. What do yon mean?" Brand took a deep breath. "Why, he surrounded ber mother with machine politicians and barty financiers and crooked lawyers, lie at Wheeler Brand, wondering how ne sent her to tbe state capital when be took a quick step forward, straight- possible; to Washington when he want- etml himself stllliy and shot a glance . ed to be minister to Something that you ought to bo wearing bjtoiuorrow Is probably ad vertised in todny's paper. OK t'fee managed to reply, wltb an .attempt :t.iilBcerlty: -More power to you. Wheeler! More ' P?Hr toryou:' 'Solan stepped toward tbe jurist "You're a generous foe. Judge Bar telmy," he mM warmly, deceived by 'lbe smooth tactics ot tbe Judge. "Koe? That's burdly tbe word.' re uponded Bartelmy. and with defer cnf : "Wbeeier and 1 merely energize 'differently. lie is dynamic; 1 am stat- 'ic. and that is because be Is young and J m old." He'll outgrow that. Judge. You nev er will," remarked Dupuy, crossing to Nolan's side. "But under every system of free gov '.tr-menf." pronounced Bartelmy lu his 'best Judicial manner, "there bave a! ways been conservative and liberal parties, whose leaders, while they dlf nered perhaps In method, have been .stimulated by an equal love of coun- .try." "That Is true. Judge Bartelmy." said Urand, "but 1 can't concede that you belong to the conservative party." The Judge showed surprise. "But 1 don't understand you," he i stammered, when Brand went on de- .'termlnedly: Aro. you not seeking to Introduce to our country methods of govern ascot undreamed of by our forefa thers?" Tbe Judge laughed as though in agreeable tolerance. His skill at ver 1 parrying was standing him in good ctead. .-"Oh, 1 bad as mucb enthusiasm my self la my youth," be said, "but my tegal training has forced upon me a certain unfortunate exactitude of thought. But come, come. We old lawyers have long since learned that we cannot carry our quarrels out of court For instance, of a morning my et friend. Judge Culver, may be at drawn swords wltb mo over some point of law, but tbe same evening will d us ball fellows well met. exenang stories before a club fire." Kolan nodded bis bead understand tagly. Yes. Judge, that's llfe-that'a life." lis commented. "Half the laws of our country nre framed up in clubs," interjected Du uy. Bartelmy raised bis band and made .mjsesture of disapproval. "I wouldn't suy that." Xtraud.saw an opportunity to score, "Likewise the safest methods of rad lug the laws are framed up in clubs." be shot ut Dupuy. Uartolmy pretended to sldo wltb .Brand. That's neat. Wheeler." he laughed. He scored off you that time. Dupuy." Sartelmy paused lie hud now reach ed a point where he was about to jMkc- his supreme effort to enpturo KbIau and the Advauce, to make them friendly to him. Ho was about to jrtay what Dupuy bad truthfully term .Ml "tho trump card." "By the way, Mr, Nolan, Judge Culver aud I unuully tine two or three times u week at of waruiug over tbe shoulder ot Bar telmy. wbee back was turued to nlni, Nolan nodded bis bead slightly to sbow that be understood. Dupuy caugbt tb (Interchange ot signals, and be glared malignantly ut the youug mauaglug editor, tie saw that Brand would do 'his utmost to swing Nolan away from' tbe subtle snare. Nolan addressed the Judge, "I'll think it over and thank you once more." Bartelmy and Dupuy started toward a door. "Now. if you will excuse us, Dupuy and I will Join the ladies." said the Jurist. "Wbeeier, you're not going away yet, eh?" be added. Brand moved toward tbe ball door and ignored the query. "Whufs your hurry. Wheeler?" ask- ed Nolan as Bartelmy and Dupuy dis appeared. "Ob. it's time to get back to tbe office." "H-m! What's tbe trouble?" "What's the use ut talking about ItT "Come, get it off your chest" "I don't nave to tell you. Mr. Nolan." Be drew closer to bis employer. "You think Mike Nolan Is going back on you-lsn't that It?" The young man's voice rang out in bis deep disappointment that Nolau was lingering on the verge ot an ac ceptance of Bar tel ray's offer, wblrh could mean only two things if his em ployer yielded, and these were the tuiu zllng of the Advance aud tbe silencing of Brand as long as he remained oil tbe paper. Be blamed Nolan bltterlv for falling to spurn the offer outriglr on the moment. "Do you think you cau accept fuvr from Bartelmy with one uand." n cried, "and knife blm with the other'; Nolan gave a spirited but uludly re Ply: "Bold your horses. Wheeler. You know l don't care anything about ttil social' stunt for myself. It dou't til into my life, but remember I've got n family, and nothing comes ahead ol them. Mother and 1 may have a Jan gle now and then; but after all. we bare been side partners for a good many years. And my girl! There ain't a finer educated or a prettier girl in New York, and she ought to be uble to go anywhere, but she cun't in tblx town -this cold man's town. Then, ot course, there's Sylvester. 1 know be ain't as bright as be mlgbt be, and I've spent-well, more than twice your sal ary trying to get bira through fresh man year at Harvard, and I couldn't, but still he's my son, and if be wants to run around wltb these other sports, why not? I can afford it, and I guess the kid's got to sow bis wild oats any way. My wife and children ought to be happy with tbe money I've got and. as 1 figure It it I Join this Oak Door club I can help them to get what they want. Do you follow me, Brand?" Yes; I understand," sighed Brand "At first you took up the side pf the people, nnd you are continuing ut It But you nnd your family have become ambitious, or, at least, so far oh you aro concerned, you are ambitious for them. When you begin to associate fanilllurly with rich men as, their friend you'll soon find yourself playing golf or billiards wltb one, drinking whisky with another, and your sou will marry tho daughter of u third. You will for get all about the people. Your paper will become decadent nnd feeble. The circulation will dry up." He paused for breuth and udded wnrnlugJy In strong tones, "The Advance Is uow ft r Its zenith, but Its decline begins tin very day that you are elected to the Oak Door club." Nolan reached over and seized Brand by the shoulder. W heeler, you re a decent sort of a fellow, I like you and the thing , France, and sbe failed, and again when be wanted to be Judge, and sbe succeeded, htid when she found out that be was using bis Judicial office to steal and that sbe had only' been a lobbyist for bis rotten schemes" "Well?" "Well, it killed her. Mr. Nolan, and now he's using bis daughter In tbe same way. Be's filling his bouso with corporation Jackals like Dupuy. He sends her bere to muzzle you by work ing on your wife and daughter. Be, bates me. but be would let ber marry roe to bave bis enemy In tbe family and make blm silent" "Why don't you go to the girl and tell ber?" suggested the newspaper owner. "About ber mother and why she dled'r" "Well, perhaps not But 1 hope you won't follow tbe Bartelmy story any further. I'll be Just as well pleaaM." "I've got to follow It, Mr. Nolan. I can't stop." ejaculated Brand. "I've got tbe goods on blm now. I've got a story that will drive him off the bench when we print it." ""What?" half rising. "True; every word of it" Brand paced nervously across the room. "For God's sake. Wheeler, don't go off at half cock!" cried Nolan. "Balf cock! Why. I tell you I've got tbe tacts. I've been working on It for mouths." "Now, listen to me. You're a young man. In spite of what you say about him 1 know that In bis public life he's mighty well thought of by some of tbe most prominent men In this city, and" weakly "well. If they believe In him 1 don't see why" "Don't qqoS at rvalt "Will nothing " convince you?" excitedly. "If be should offer me a bribe . to kill this story would you acknowledge then that he's a crook?" "Why, yes. ot course I would." "Will you let me print that story In my own wny and promise uot to in terfere?" "Yes. But tbe girl," Nolan reminded bim-"bow do yon. think she'll feel II you print that story?" But Brand was not to be swerved from his purpose. "It can't Do helped. I've got to go on. Somehow you know the thought comes to me tbat perhaps (t all tnuy turn out for the best" "Well, I hope so," commented tbe newspaper owner, "but, man alive, this story yuu" Be was forced to cease abruptly, for Judge Bartelmy aud'Ud Dupuy entered the drawing room aud drew near. (To Bo Continued.) Hanna Affirmed. E. M. Albright. Carl Wintjcn nnd Ed Burko, appellants, vs. Martin Browne, respondent, appealed from tho circuit court for Joscphino coun ty, II. K, Hanna, judge, has been af firmed in an opinion written by Chief Justico Moore of tho supremo court. NOTICH OK AI'I'OINTMBNT EXKCL'TOR. Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned has been appointed by tho county conri of tho stato of Ore gon In and for the county of Jnck son as executor of tho evato of Au gust Meyer, lcceaEel, nntl has quail fled. All persons having claims against said esta'o aro hereby noti fied to proicnt them with proper vouclers nnd duly verified to tho undersigned at Lako Creek, Oregon, or to Vawter & Purdln, attorneys for tho estate, at Meilford; Oregon, with in elx months from the data of this notice. Dated and first published Febru ary 25. 1910. HENRY" MEYER. Executor of tho Estate of August Meyer, Deceased. i W. I. VAWTER and M. PURDIN, Attorneys for Estate .ltd. Ml-o-nn stomach tablets aro guar-, nnteed to euro Indigestion, ncuto or chronic, or money hack. This lnenns that horvousm, dlzzlnois, and bil iousness will dlruppcar. Drugglata ev erywhere and Clias. Strang soil Ml-o- na for COa a largo box. Test samplos, free from Booth's Ml-o-nn, Buffalo, N. Y. ' "I was unde; tho caro of four dif ferent doctors during nlno months end was cured of dyspepsia by Ml-o-no." Mr. Jocoph Qrondlno. 197 Fountain street, Fall River, Mass. Booth's Pills for constipation 2Gc. PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Wator Heating. All work guaranteed. Prices roasonablo. I. F. MOORE AND Old Tribune Building. E. E. SMITH Phone U931. GILT EDGE INVESTMENTS 14-ac.ro orchard, 7 acres Nowtown, 4 acres Spltzenborg, 3 acres mixed orchard, In full bearing; nlco 5-room bouso; electric lights; phono; one mile from Oakdalo pavement; $12, 000, half cash, rest easy payments. S3 1-3 acres, 3 1-2 miles from Mod ford; 2C acres In poars and apples and eomo bearing apricots; tlno soil; pbout half under ditch; a bargain at $14,500; easy terms. 7-room bungalow, bath, electric lights; A No. 1 locality a good Invest ment nt $3000; good terms. 5-room bungalow, now, strictly modern, close in; a lovely homo; $3000; roasonablo terms. Good list ot choice lots at right prices. LET US SHOW YOU. Wright 6 Allin 128 Eas Main Stroot. You Couldn't Head It Off With A Catling Gun -cdi'oi'd will have 2f,00() people in .1912. The point is: the 3U-nere tract we offer for a song adjoining townsite now, is the snap of the year. See us at once. We have two good business oppor tunities. THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Fire Insurance No. 1 1 North Central Ave. REAL ESTATE P, C Hansen. Tom M"ffa We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. If not more than a hundred other pooplo in this city rend nnd nnswor more want nds than you do, you've earned "a lot" about how to "make your way" in this city. FOR SALE $12,525 Eleven acres in Cornice pears, 10 years old, nine acres in Bartlett and Anjou pears, 1 to 3 years old; close in; good soil. Terms. $12,000 Eleven acres in Cornice and Bosc pears, 14 years old. These trees are in full bearing and will pay a good income on the price asked. $24,000 Thirty-two acres in Bosc and Anjou pears; trees are from 4 to 7 years of age. Complete set of buildings. Close in. $7000 Thirty-five acres of black sticky, three miles from Medford, all under the ditch and can be irri gated. $13,000 Thirty-two acres, close to Medford; eight acres in Newtowns and Spitzenbergs 5 to 7 years of age; 14 acres in alfalfa; three acres in peaches; two acres in hemes; irrigated; buildings. $13,000 Twenty acres; 16 acr"es in 7-year-old New towns and balance in 3-year-old Bartlett pears; no buildings. $7500 Ten acres, all planted to Newtown and Spit- zenberg apples, 7 to 11 years old. $14,000 Thirty-five acres; buildings; exceptionally fine place for a home; twelve acres in apples in d pears 3 years old; about an acre of bearing orchard; 11 acres in alfalfa; all fine deep free soil. $150 to $200 per acre Stewart acre tracts; two miles from Medford; tracts are from 10 to 25 acres in size. Fine building spots on. all; can all be irrigated; cheapest tracts in the Medford neighborhood; easy terms. $300 per acre Finest five and ten-acre orchard and garden tracts in the valley; easy terms. $35,000270 acres; buildings ; 26 acres in bearing Spitz, Newtowns and Cornice pears about 60 acrea in one and two-year-old apples and pears; fine or chard land.- SELLING AGENTS FOR SNOWY BUTTE ORCHARD TRACTS. W. T. YORK & CO Farm Land Timber Land Orehard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building Best Groceries At Prices Strictly in Keeping with the Quality of Our Stock which is Unexcelled ATrialwilI Convince You Allen Reagan The Square Deal Grocers