Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 23, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Siskiyou Heights Opening
March 1 marks the opening to the public of the sale of this great sub-division
Sewer, City Water, Telephones, Electric Lights, Grading, Sidewalks will be rushed to completion.
Oregon Orchards Syndicate
titi.t I
Mr. Lake ami II. II. . linker of
North llnrtlutt Htroot lian moved Mr.
Low!' hoiiHchold goods to his
newly acquired fann on Knne'n
cnu'lr Monday.
Tho our without n rivnl the
Wear Kidd'n SIjoob.
G. V. Stncoy, Glass .brothors of
.Autiuch mid John Rodgers nnd sons
of Engle lint wore in tho city Snt
urdny laying in Miipplicrt.
Flowur M)tH nt Goodfriend's.
Alhort Wnlkor of Hly wns in Med
ford Tuosdny nllit on business.
Goorgo W. Mock of Cruybrook, U.
C, is in thin city looking ovor the
country with n view to locating. ,
Wear Kidd'e Shoes.
C. W. Anderson was in Med ford
from Jacksonville Tuosdny evening.
Tomorrow (Thursday) will ho the
rogulnr mooting day of tho W. C. T.
U. All whito-rihboncrs nro request
ed to bo present.
Full nuHortment of Whitman's orfn
dle nt Tho Mnirivold Shoo.
Tho Medford Gun club will hold n
mooting nt tho Commercial club
rooms Friday evening, Fobrunry 25.
mioiucoo mono
MILL I j --4- 4- --
About 200 Medford citizens irnth-iMo,nl,orB ftro n" pcccd to ho pros-
-ered nt tho city racetrack north ot ""
tho town Sunday to witnoHH tho rid
ing of two wild horse by n Texas
hoy nnd n Medford hoy, tho latter
proving tho mont during, skillful
' buokuroo ridor, which wuh protty in-1 among tho rocont nrrivnlH nt tho
teresting and exciting for a time, i Mooro.
Carl Von dor ITellon of Wollcn
was in Modford on business Wed
nesday. h. A. Ilnlcbrigo of Portland is
Opera House Well Riled With Indi
anans Who Gather for Their
Yearly Meeting.
Tho sons and daughtors of Indi
ana, tho iloosier stnto, mot Tuesday
evening in tho Opera houso for the
purposo of celebrating their annual
mcoting. A splendid program was
rondorcd nnd a vory cnjoynblo time
wnH bad.
There aro n largo number of IIoos- Square
Wear Kidd's Shoes.
You need a Buick.
Extracts at Goodfriend's.
Linens ou sal eat Meeker & Co.'i.
Stationery office and school sud
plies at the Morrivold Shoo.
Aro you in to rested in a strictly
modorn home, good location, streot
to be paved, taxes paid! Address
"D, "care of this office 292
Meeker's for spring Skirts.
Cutlery and glas&wnre at Good
friend's. For wood of all kinds, see the
Deal Woodyard. Phone
Moro sold than all others put to-
.gcthor tho Huick.
McCall rattoniH. Moekor's.
E. J. Eastman and family of Bun-
41cor Hill nddilion, went to Anhlnnd
Saturday for a few dnya' sooial
visit with relatives and frionds.
Tho car that does tho work the
rolinble, durable, powerful Huick.
Washtubs nt Goodfriond's.
Ed nnd ThomnH Rniny of Central
'Point cnuio up, Monday for supplies.
Slngor sowing machines, 211 S. G
- Htroot. Phono 203 1. 311
Honjnmin Vincent, n prominent
"pioneer fanner of Tnhlo Hook, camo
ovor Monday with eggs and poultry
Tho oar thnt delivers tho goods
'tho nuiok.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Cool Goor of West
Tvy Htroot nuido n business trip to
"Control Point rocontly.
John II. Carkin, nttornoy at law,
ovor Jackson County Hank.
C. F. Cuthbort loft Tuesday for
' Snn Frnnoisco. ITu will roturn in a
few days, accompanied by his family.
Tho lndios' favorite car the
'Huick Whito Streak.
R. G. Smith of Grants Pans wns
-In Modford Wednesday on profos
aionnl business.
A child enn run n Buiok.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Day of Port-
i land nro registered nt tho Mooro.
Grnnttownro nt Goodfriend's. '
J. C. Aitkon of Wondvillo wns in
V Medford Wodnosdny on business.
Wonr Kidd's Shoos.
C. F. ICincatd of Tablo Rook wns
' in Modford Wodnosdny on a busi
Hess trip. Mr. Kinonid hns chnrgo
or tno uonnor orchnru in tho Tn-
bio Rook distriot.
Tons at Goodfriend's.
Seo tho Morrivold Shop for books,
magazines and fino onirrnving,,
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Cnrlton of
Anhlnnd wero Medford visitors on
" Wodnosdny.
Spring skirts. Moekor's.
J. F. TInle, who until rocontly enn
- duotod n piano store in Medford, has
removed to Snn Joso.
f'-B Corsets nt Moekor's.
Jeff Hoard nnd Court ITnll woro
nmong tho Modforditos who saw tho
Nolson-Wolgnst fight.
Phono 2001, Goodfriond'b,
F. C. Routlodgo of Ashland flpont
' Wodnosday visiting in Modford.
Buioks cost leas.
Mrs. Vnnco of Jnoksonvillo was
.. a Modford visitor Wodnosday.
Spices nt Goodfriend's.
Mrs. Jnucon of Gold Hill wns n
Medford visitor Tuesday.
J. W. French of Portland is reg
istered nt tho Nash.
J. C. Biggon of Portlnnd is in
Modford on u business trip.
B. F. Brivor of Los Angeles is in
this city on n tour of investigation
A. E. Jopp of Eugcno is' in Med
ford looking nftor business interests.
Chancing possibilities to probabil
ities nnd probabilities to nlmoHt cor
tnlntloa nro among tho dally tasks of
tho classified ads. Wouldn't you llko
to make n fow such changes?
O. W. Bonnoll of Montnguo was in
Modford Wodnosdny looking nftor
business interests.
John P, Gordon of Jefferson City,
Mo., is in Medford looking ovor tho
country with n view to Investing.
ThomnH F. Pnttorson of Rosoburg
is in Modford on n business trip.
Frank Kowalski wns in Medford
Wodnosdny from tho P. & E. extension.
II. D. Qrny of Pendleton is In
Medford on a businoss trip.
D. I. Bnrtlott of Sontllo is spend
ing n fow dnys looking ovor tho vnl-
A. E. Jopps of Eugano is n busi
noss visitor In Modford.
John P. Gordon of Jofforson, Mo.,
is n rocont nrrivnl in Modford. j
Shoriff Jonos roturnod from
Portlnnd Tuosdny evening.
O. G. Smith of Omnhn is nmong
Medford's business visitors.
unnnoB K. urny of rnrtmnd s
nmong tho rocont nrrivnls nt tho
A. IT. Crowoll of St. Louis Ih reg
istered nt tho Nnsh.
II. N. Cookorllno of Portlnnd is
n rooont nrrivni In Modford.
T). C. Loomla is In Modford from
Portlnnd todny.
L. A. MoFarlnno and E. A. Me-
Farlano of Suthorlln vnlloy nro "in
Modford on a short businoss trip.
T. F. Pnttorson of Rosoburg is
registered at tho Mooro.
R. J. Rutlodgo. Wostorn Union
olootrioinn nt Anhlnnd, was a busi
ness visitor In Medford Wodnosdny,
John Ryan of Butto Fnlls spent
Wodnosdny in Medford.
C. W. Conway of Talont was n ro
cont Modford visitor.
John R. Wlllouby of Ashlnnd spout
Wodnosday with frionds in Modford.
If n real estate nd lmprossoa you
favorably, nnawor It; for some nds
novor need appeal more than once,
lorn in this section nnd tho Opera ' 26?1 . Fr streot, between Second
hm.nn wna well fillml. nhnnt 1 7tt lw. omi. " ru OU'O & umaiey.
; " proprietors. 26 !
ng present. . ,
Tho old officers wore re-elected.' Bmck3 nro lurable.
They nro: L. F. Lorier, president; U.f Queen Anno is coming into its own.
O. Smith, vice-president; E. E. Wil-'Tho unmos of the host of buyers iu
Hon, secretory; J. McPhorson, trons- tunt addition during the past two
weoks spell exclusive homes. Don't
let someone else get the lot you
wnnt. 289
Buicks do the work.
j Grnniteware nt Goodfriend's..
Buicks win tho races. '
Tho want ads can serve you only If
you uso them.
' Ceienls at Goodfriend's.
WASHINGTON, Fob. 23. Illlla In-'
tended to reserve Alaska coal lands!
and providing a plan for lenslnt; them
out for dovoloptuent, woro lntroduc-j
ed todny In tho houso by Senator Bov
crldge. Tho measures wero referred ,
to tho commltteo on lands. i
Senator Iloverlduo In Introducing
tho balls cdtled gonoral nttoatlon to FCm SALE Rooming' houso, clear
tho vast value of tho lands under con- lnG 300 monthly. Bonson Invest
Eldorntlon and quotod from tho ro-! mont Co" office ovor Frultgrowors
cent statements as to tho value of the bnnk- 292
SPOKANE. Wash., Feb. 23.Bas
Ing the cost of mere existence at a
standard lower than paid by the city
of Spokane for the feeding cf Its
prisoners, allowing each c.n'iinon la
boring man a family of but four mem
bers, and figuring monthly icntals
or Installments towards the purchase
of a homo at only $12, Mayor N. S.
Pratt w'll show the city council to
night thnt the average man has about
?G7 a year left from his errnings.
With this sum he might cloth him
self and lamllj, .furnish tbem with
medical retention, educate thvm and
pnrcDaso an ojner necessities .Mayor and ahouId havo a ,1tnK of
i-raii acq.uroa tneso incta inr.mgn a approximately 60 pounds to the thou
poronal campaign of conditions made sand cubic feet,
necessary bv proposed raise in the! Ther expect ;o start Frldar when
city's wage scale. He vlll urge the the wlnd from the 80llthwest nrv
adoption o: a now wasa scale, glv- dieted. Harrison stated that In his
ing common laborers 25 centi moro opinion the wind would carry toward
per day. The present wale is $1.76 tho great lakes at a rate of about 40
per day. Trr teamsters ho urges that miles an hour
tho scale be raised from $5.50 to $6,
the teamsters furnishing their horses GENERAL LOGAN'S DAUGHTER
MADE NEAR PENDLETON Louise Logan, granddamrhter of
General John A- Logan of civil war
fame, was married today to Henri
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 23.
George B. Harrison, a balloonist, who
took a prominent part in the recent
tryottta here, is en ronto today
for San Antonio, Tex., whero ho will
meet Clifford Harmon, the million
aire aeuonaut of New York city
aviators intend to make their second
attempt to break tho long distance
flight record In spherical balloons.
Tho trip will be made in Harmon's
balloon "New York."
At San Antonio a special quality
of gas is being manufactured for
them. It Is almost nuro hvdrocen
ALBANY, N. F., Feb. 23. Jetk
am P. Allds, who is charged witk
having accepted a bribe of $100t
while he was floor leader of the as
sembly, resigned today as presideat
pro tern of the senate.
Allds announced that he took this
step because he wished to be on tba
same footing as Senator Conger,
who preferred the charges against
him. He said also that he desired
to relieve the Republican organiza
tion or any embarrassment on his
account during the investigation.
Rumors of further disclosures and
the expectation of a general inves
tigation following tho Allds trial,
have intensified the situation here.
There is much speculation this af
ternoon regarding the possible effect '
of Allds' move.
PENDLETON, Or., Feb. 23.--
News reached here today of a most ntTe K aTcton of
grewsomo discovery at Echo, with n nrnm!n(,nt Rin fm;i .
prominent Belgian family of Brussels.
The ceremony took place in the
dog in tho principle role. Ycsterdav
a canine owned by C. A. Chat came
Alaskan conl fields nuido by represen
tatives of tho Morgan-Guggenheim
Tho lands roforred. to by tho sona-
tor woro withdrawn by President
KooBovolt In 1900. Senator Bevor-.FOR SAE
Idgo seeks to have tho withdrawal1 Plotc, equipment; will trade for a
mndo pormanont. Ho declared that' Siskiyou lot. Address Q, core Trl-
hnd Biich action been taken years ago1 buno. 295
Harvard Banks Close."
BOSTON, Mass., Feb. 23.-As the
result of an alleged shortage of
$144,000 in tho individual deposits,
the National City bank of Cam
bridge, in which many Harvard stu
dents havo accounts, was closed to
day by tho order of the comDtrolIer
of the currency and a federal bank
examiner in a statement was given
the responsibility for the shortage,
and it was expected that nothing
further will be done until the exam
ination lias been completed.
Aged Couple Burn.
SANTA FE, N. M., Feb. ZT. Johsi
F. Davis, aged 70. and his wir
htuldinc formerlv occumcd bv a sn- Tho merchant whn furnish re vniJcs t.,..j '
urimnn . . . . . . .' - - - --- - uuiucu vo uuuiu in a lira
, ...t(4u a nurse maia tor young loon known ns the "Bucket of ms "store news" regularly, faithful- which destroyed thir -
unby; must ho experienced and havo Blood." The building had not been U". through his ads in these columns ton, N. M . today Tho fire l hHr
references; wages $25. Mrs. neddy. nsod for two or throo years, hut the earns your good will. ed to havo been f ,ncendIar ll.T"
32C Onkdalo avenue. S. 289' appearance of tho foot indicated that eg to nave been or incendiary orlgia.
ioao wi., 1 ' 'in(l ,lot Deoi buried moro than a
1909 Wlnton auto, com- few mantuR
Sheriff Taylor has boon notified
and an investigation is being made.
TT- . 1 i .
I minever, n compieuon oi iue ground
onl amis containing great bodies of l IT; i. K
iron ore. tho government would now P0R SALE-10 acres fine soil, five 1,0 impossible until n thaw sets
. . acres nearo nnd nnnlea in imnrimr. n.
bo nblo to meet most of Its expenses
with rovonuoa derived from tho hoy
ultlcs nnd holders of govornmont
lenses still would havo been nblo to
hnvo mndo n fnlr profit.
Bakers Desert Shin.
IIONONLULU, Fob. 23. Tho
"doughboys" on tho army trnnsport,
Shorldnn, heading today for Manila,
will bo minus their dough, tholr broad FOIl SALE Ten acres good fruit and
rest plnnted; would exchange for1. T,1 1,0,e' f Blood" flourished
Siskiyou Holghts proporty. Address in 11100 nnd 1907, when Ech0 WftS
Q, enro Tribune. 295 I4'10 n,ns' 'nw'css own the eastern
" part of tho state. Gambling, robbor-
FOn SALE Modern 5-room bungn-jies nnd shooting nf frays wero of f re
low, clo8o In; Binall payment down, nuent ocourronco.
Ilfllnnnn tnrttia r .1.. 1
nnd 4 good lots. Address L, this of
nnd cakes for tho remainder of tho
Four bmnkors, all of thorn Teuton
ic, loft tho trnnsport whon tho vossol
arrlvod hero from Snn Frnnclsco. Tho
pollco hnvo boon nskod to search for! TRAINMEN REFUSE WAGE
borry land near Grants' Pass; cov
oroa by tho irrigation ditch. For
particulars address No. 511 South
C street. 295
thorn, but tho eonrch provod unavall
Ing and the boltof horo Is that tho four
Gormnn bakors embarkod on tho
BALTIMORE, M"d.. Fob. 23. Tho
steamship CJovolnnd, tho world-tour-' orisis in the nogotintions for higher
intt vnaanl e9 flirt irnml.liHi.A.MAMfl.n K v
nn0 (wnK08 which hnvo been in proeross
The Sheridan was unable to take In ' H Z, riX?0 Z?h
a vory largo load of broad, although """T " l7 V t '
tho current market hero wds exhaust- Z ftiPT , ? "ml trT',
ed. Sho will arrive at Manila before v S n L 2Z boo .oled
tho Cleveland and may possibly ro- S a re-
.... . . . fusod to accept tho comnnnv's ennn.
..." . . " -
cover tho missing four bnkors. Sus
plclon attachoa to tho Olovoland sole
ly bocauso that vossol Is mannod and
offlcorod by Gormdns,
Mrs. L. E, Whiting of Englo Point
tor proposition unloss it wns mntori
ally modifiod. Tho company offici
nls, it is understood, took tho tnnttor
under ndvisomont.
Tom Carlton of Englo qint wns n
Is expected to arrive homo Saturday, visitor. In Medford TtiMdajr,
DEN VER, Col., Fob. 23. Mrs.
Adolph Mill was killed, Motornian
John Joyce fatally Injured and a
student niotormnn severely hurt this
afternoon when nn electric car col
lided with a train on tho Rock Island
rnllroad near tho stock yards..
Tho student motorman, whoso namo
wns not learned, was driving tho car
at tho tlmo of tho accident. Tho offi
cials have so tar been unable to do
tormlno who was to blamo.
Percy Is Senator. '
JACKSON, Miss., Feb. 23. Tho
legislature today ratified tho elec
tion of Loroy Percy as United States
sonntor. Perfjy announcod thnt ho
will bo a candidate for tho full term
nt tho next election. Former Gov
ernor Vardamnn will bo his opponent
again, Porcy succeeds tho Into Sen
ator McLaurln fpr tho unexpired term.
If you enn't find It advertised, It
may not bo tho host tlmo to buy ltl
New Showing
In the Very Latest Fashons in
Men's Neglige Shirts
in Pongee, White, 'Brown,
Blue and other patterns at
joc to &i.uu each
Van Dyke's