THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MtiLWOKU,. OREGON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, J!)10. Medford MailTrirune l UVV1IL OIUIU IIVMIOU 111 lllU Vll., UIUl 1W18 UVl UWll IVl year's. The increase tails below the demand. Hero is a field worth the attention of men of means in which to make investments. PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT SATUIIDAT. A consolidation of tnv Medford Malt, established 1J8; tha Southern Oregon la. ntubllshed liOz; tha DemoortUlc Times, established 11715 tha Ashland Trlb twe, established 189, and the Medford Tribune, eatabllahed 10(. official Paper of the City of Medford. AMERICAN APPLES ABROAD. I Proiluoo Journal ) GEORGE PUTNAM. Editor and Manager. entered as necend claaa matter November 1. 190I. at the poatofttce at Medford, , Oregon, under the act of March i, lt't. -SUDSCRIPTI ON RATES: ) year, by mall 15.00 Ono month by mall or carrier....! .SO LL . PURIFY THE SOURCE. A FAVORED REGION. The Portland Oregouian in answering the Mail Tri bune's query as to when a constitution is not a constitution in the eyes of the Oregon supreme court, remarks as fol lows: iliil "It is not the Oregouian s business to explain for the supremo court. "The Oregouian has questioned the constitutionality of all these acts. More, it has shown and proven all of them to be without constitutional warrant. But the tribunal of! last appeal can make the law what it wishes the law to be. "Right along, .for many years, there has been legisla tion that has distinctly violated the constitution. But the supreme court has upheld it, even as to the salaries of its own members. .2LJ IV "The supreme court, being supreme, decides as it wishes. It lavs down the law, and there is no real need either of legislature or of constitution except as sources "of supply of material for the supreme court to work upon. The supreme court is the real and ultimate lawmaking power. And it denies the people even the referendum." ."What the Oregouian says is true. What a hollow farce constitutional law has become, veering like a weather cock according to the political winds that blow. Still, like child ish minded, idol worshipping savages, we clothe it with sa- dun guru aim uuw m reverence. I "When told thnt her husband. The courts reallv rule the land, unsettimr the work of T,,on'as A. Brooks, hnd been killed ai :i ,3 - iY i jvi..i. ,n Seattle, whore he was being .pcuiu aiiuiuiaiutuiira, uc-uiiixi wuiie is uiilCK auu UUlCK pouKht on n charge of having nt- is wlnte according to whim. Precedent is more sacred , tempted to murder her. Mrs. Brooks, li.on inoHnn In if nmm-nn nA . (employed at the Turner hotel ui juuniv, villi Mipikb null JJitJltlllVit; CUlUUgUl IUUU pit- cedent. The best. that can be done is to place liberal, big minded, just men upon the bench. Those who prove other wise should be retired to private life as unworthy of trust and honor. Yesterday the cast was in the grasp of the ice king and nearly all of Oregon under a blanket of white, but sunshine showered the Rogue River valley and tho balmy air of spring was swelling tho buds. in Portland it was rose planting day, and roses wore planted, despite snow and cold. At Salem there- was half a foot of snow with the thermometer below freezing. At Pendleton and all over eastern Oregon, the temperature ranged close to the zero mark, while snow fell steadily. At Hood River the thermometer fell to 1( above zero, heavy snow fell, and the famous fruit belt experienced some of tho worst weather of the year. Are you not glad to live in the Rogue River valley, where the thermometer ranges about 42, whore sunshine and cloud chase each other athwart a blue sky. away out of the snow and cold? The Mail Tribune was in error when it said the salary of a supreme court justice was $3000 a year. Tt is $4)00, although fixed by the constitution at $2000. SUICIDED TO ESCAPE CLUTCHES OF THE LAW SEATTLE. Wash.. Feb. 23. It became more evident today that Thomas Brooks, who knelt beneath a streetcar and was killed last Wed nesday here, tried suicide to escapo the police. A special dispatch from .Topl'm, Alo.. says: surviving, Webb City, fainted. On she declared: "Well, ho tried to kill me. I'd never have lived with him again." Hen Pays Her Rent In Eqqs. rrn, n , , .,, i OKEENWOOD, Del., Feb. 23. Ev- The Oregoman does not answer, neither can anyone, ery morning a hen beiontine m Ed. else answer why in the eyes of the supreme court there is j wnrd Hastings, ntes to tho kitchen one law for northwestern Oregon and the Willamette val- Q"Z lltHZ 'IV 8T, Th? ., m , w,ndow being opened, tho Intelligent ley, and another law for southern Oregon. There is no val- biddy takes possession of a long wood box at ope side of the stove and, hovering down In the darkest corner for a short tlmo, reappearing with a Joyous cackle, which announces that a freshly-ald egg is In tho box. id reason why one section should be favored, and another frowned upon, why measures tending to the development of one district should be encouraged and pronounced legal, while a similar measure tending to the upbuilding of other sections be knocked in the head as illegal. The supreme court, which openly violates the consti tution in its own membership and salary, violates it again for the development of a favored locality, but throws the mantle of its protection about it to retard the development of another section, has by its decisions on one side of the j question one day and on the other side the next, done more to shatter public confidence in its body among the people than all other efforts combined could have accomplished. The only way to restore the supreme court to the con-, fidence it formerly inspired in the minds of the public is to elevate to the bench broader, bigger men . BRIGHT PROSPECTS AHEAD. In the consular reports rognrdlng tho apple market nt tho principal illn trlbutlng points In Oroat llrltaln and Ireland suggestions are mndo -which aro worthy of careful consideration by tho fruit growers of tho United States. Perhaps the most Important fact noted Is that American apples, when honestly graded, packed and labeled are preferred In English nnd Scotch markets to any othors, Tho trade has become sufficiently ac qunlntod with tholr good qualities to appreciate their excellence and to make thom favorites, and alt thnt remains to give them a staple market Is adhoronco to quality nnd to form In packing. Unfortuntoly, this dm- portant fact his been lost sight of by numerous shippers who seem to Imagine that British receivers nro so gullible that Inferior fruit can bo palm ed off on them at top prices, and that the gamu can bo prolonged Indefi nitely, Some dealers may argue that tho foreign public has become so used to American bad packing and grading, so accustomed to being cheated by having Inferior goods foisted upon them after contracting for fancy grades, that they havo como to expect that kind of treatment as a matter of courso. This Is a mistake Neither tho English nor the Scotch consum ers havo yet been convinced thnt 14 ounces make a pound or that five Third Week Of The Great Fer-Don and the Euro pean Medical Expert in Medford, Offices Are Crowded Daily. Wonderful Bloodless Surgery ItciiMikithle Cute Is Effected by 1'er Don's Expert HHt-htIlst After All Other Physicians Had Pulled. Made Biscuits nt 116. BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. Feb. 23.- Alnbnum is getting a reputation for ' n-unrt8 of anything can bo taken out long-lived people. A few dnvs ngojof a RnUon measure. American shlp Eliza Hell died at Russelvillent tho !'"'"' anoM"l kll0W better than to loud ago of 11(1. Aunt Eliza wns a slave ' themselves to such sbnllow devices in tho Harris family. She was sold ' for hoodwinking the British public, to hor last owner 'for $1800 ivhenlA w,Hor mt)n tMnn n".v of them laid she was n young girl. Her age is 11 down as nn nxlom thnt you cannot a matter of trustworthy record in ro01 nu ,M0 P,,1'" tlmo, nnd the history of the family. She was the ilay has gone by whon painted n famous cook up to tho time of her ni'es 'ma be passed off on tho cltl death. Her hot biscuits were fa-izen8 of Oroat Britain ns zobras. mous hereabouts. In the same part Il-ls ensy to understand tho Batls- of tho stnto lives S. H. Holt, wIioMncln which British mnrkotn give is in his 90th year and who is ono'Cnnn,"an Krowcrs. Tho latter aro of tho best riflo shots in the stnte. nn'o to maintain, far better than A week ago he bagged ten squirrels American shippers, tho same propor in half a dn.vVith an old-fashioned . tlonnte level of prices throughout the cap and bnll rifle. year because they tnko pride In hnv- An Invalid for ten long years, pro nnuuued incurablo by half a dozen doctors operated upon at one time for tumor, and. after tluitlly giving up all hope, thinking u horrible cancer wns slowly hut surly vntlrty away her very life Itself; then, In a short tlmo being fully restored to health and happiness, doing all her own huuse work such Is tho truly remarkable experience of Mr. John 8lovers, liv ing on n ranch five miles southeast of Winters, On I. Tho sudden change In hor condition was duo to tho, fact thnt sho finally found physicians who know what wns the matter with hor and tho treatment required. Each and ovory case, ho It uteioly a cold, or any other disease affecting hu mnnklnd, Is given tho most careful nttentlon by these masters of the medical profession. If, after a rareful about the treatment oft hose speolat- charge $1 for consnltntlon. to touch It, 1 hnd begun to think I wns afflicted with cancor nnd Just nbout given up nil hope of over Bet ting well when 1 heard of tho many cures being made by Fur-Don's Ex per Specialists at tho Monro Hotel, Medford, Oregon, I ciuub In to ueo them, and ono of tholr export ding nostlclaus, aftor carefully examining me, said that thoy could euro mo. It coined almost too good to bo truo, as only temporary relief was all thnt I hnd exported, and If I could get even thnt I would have been sals- fled. However, they treated me, us ing no knife, and today I am almost perfectly cured; tho palnH hnve all gone. I do all my own housework. and feel belter than 1 hunt tor ten years. "The cure they mndo on mo Is very remarkable to my mind, because of tho fact thnt I wns so very III nnd hnd tried so tunny other physicians with such little success. "If there are nny people In my neighborhood or nnywhero else, for thnt mnttor, who would like to know exnmlnatlon. they think n patient In curnblo (which rnroly but sometimes happens), they promptly toll tho af flicted one the facts, and refuse to tako tho case under nny circum stances. This U one of tho Inviolate rules of Fer-Don's Expert Medical Specialists, and has, In n ureal meas lire, contributed so Inrgoly to their - i Ing It snld in Liverpool. London. BATTLE IN BULGARIA; j Glasgow nnd other places that tl i PUfntnm'nnl muccom.i. Just rend whnt MANY SOLDIERS KILLED oam1 nr aPPI,,!, bearing tnoir names, ' " m nn; and mnrked No. 1 nro sailing undori "''"H" tho past ton yearn I havo suf SOFIA. Bulc-nrin. Feb on. true labels and must bo sold nccord- rious crash between frontier trnnrw '"K'y. becauso they realtzo that com- of tho Turkish nnd Bulgarinn armies mPrco 0UK,,t to ,,onoflt ,)U'or ftnd wns reported today in dispatches ' tM'"rH n"Kff' u,oy Know wmu ino from Tnmmsli. Afnnv sni.i;nM ! nmrket wants, and they havo learned both sides were killed, accordiiiR to to ""PP'J 11 ln the bight way, thus news reaching tho wur office i,oroi maintaining the confldenco of pur- Tho Bulgarian e-nvnrnmnnr bn ennsers insteail or nhusing It an investigation into tho cause of th- fighting. isis, ir tney win call or write mo I will gladly toll whnt they did in my ense. I know of nothing thnt com pares with It In the euro of disease." How About Yourself? Stop and consider your own health. Aro you enjoying life or havo you some nllmeut thnt Is supping the vt tnllty from your system? Hnvo you whnt you consider only a slight cold, to which yon attribute your run. down feeling? llownre! Thousands of cases of consumption nnd pnoomonln hnvo ' - ,'..... ..iviimjim wmrvn nrij ui was opernted upon by ono physician. Hotel nt tho head of sta who thought I had n tumor. At times hours, from 10 to 12 n. A Story and a Half Bungalow. Desitfn 860, by Glenn L. Ssxton, Architect. With real estate transfers exceeding $1,000,000 for one week, breaking the record of any single week in the val ley's history, and with over $500,000 worth of new build ings in Medford already contracted for erection during the ! coming year, there is every indication that both the Rogue River valley and Medford are entering upon their most prosperous year. February is usually one of the dullest months, but this year it has been one of the liveliest. Valuations are higher than ever before both in orchard and city properties, yet orchard valuations are far beneath those in the Hood River, Yakima, Wenatchee or Colorado fruit districts and are des tined to climb still higher, because this region has supe rior climatic conditions to those enjoyed by the other fruit belts of the continent. 1 Medford values will naturally increase with the"crowth ! of the city. Medford is destined to be the largest city between Portland and San Francisco, and no investment can be made in city property today that will not make money for tho investor in the near future. With all this growth and prosperity there is no boom and has been none. Both city and county have grown stead ily for the past five years. Medford 's average increase for each of these years has been in the neighborhood of thirty ye ucjut, uuu. iuio ruuu win uo inainrainea ana pernaps sur passed during the year 1910. Tho principal handicap Medford suffers from and al ways has suffered from, is lack of accommodations for the strangers within her gates, the new arrivals coming to make this country their future homo. Two new .hotels .have been planned, which will relieve the situation, but there is a great dearth of- apartment houses, flats and of grading nnd packing apples. Tho tlmo Is rlpo for nn ontlro reorganiza tion of tho system. Thoro In no doubt whatever that many growers hnve boon cnrcloss ln, grading nnd i'KUSPECTlVE VIEW FROM A PHOTOGRAPH. This plan of a bungalow contains everything thnt the average family would desire In a complete and model home. All the rooms located on one floor. The plnzza In front Is of ample sizo and can be readily screened In. From this the entrance Is into u sinull reception room, opening up with Hie living room, which Is mndo unusually inviting by Its large open tlreplace. In case one desires tho partition between tho reception room and living room could be omlttHl, thus making this one Inrge room. There are two bedrooms, nnd there is ample space In the second story so thnt two largo rooms could be finished on tliM Moor. If desired, and a stairway lending to the same between the dlulng room and bedroom. The size of this bungalow la tweuty-elgbt feet wldo and thirty-eight feet deep, nirch floors and birch finish through out. The height of the first story Is nine feet In the clear Tho basement is twenty.flvo by twenty-eight feet and seven feet deep. These plans can be blue printed reverse without any extra expense. Cost to build, exclusive of plumbing ami heating. 11,880, I EEEj j PORCH Lj Jdf m""" ' I I DINING ROOM BEDROOM I R If-J'Jtll-ir ffij ft f UV1NOR00M 1 JL tt-O'iiJ-o" KECEPT.RH II PIAZZA I I lacs ai fored untold torturo nnd ngonv with mnmncn. uunng an i ins tlmo I started with only n slight cold, and hnvo hnd nt least a half dozen differ- tho victims, Instead of securing enrly ont physlclnns, but none of them nttentlon nnd proper treatment, now seemed to do mo nny good. I hnd so- fill our graveyards nnd cemeteries. vero iiomorriinges. griping pnlns nnd Medford offices nro at ho Mourn stairs. Offlco in.. 2 In 4 If Amerlcnn npplo shippers deslro! ' w"ld Just cry with pain ns It seem- nnd 7 to 8 p. m. Sunday from 10 to to maintain the plnce they desorvo ,J" lt nnendurab'e. I hnd burning. 12 noon. A largo number of peoplo and to which their products aro on-Pn,na '"' "tomnch was so soro' visited tho Fer-Don Hxports yester tltled In fnrefgn mnrkets, It will boltmt 1 t'"1'1 "t "land for anything day In their offices In Medford. They a saving of tlmo and money to thom ' - - - ' ; j to effect some reform In tho method SENTENCED TO GO TO CHURCH; bo completed on tho leo on the C- MAN APPEALS SENTENCE Inmbia river, it being tho plan of tho MOSCOW, Idaho, Feb. 23,-Sen- !,,U,,,!";i "l"'" A ' ' vx. hull if Mm nanii,, (.. II... r I fenced to attend church for six Sun- -j- I packing, nnd It Is also truo that pack- ;,mi? 11 ""occasion nnd to pay n foro tho ico melts. ,Ing N'o. 1 apples on tho top nnd bot- """" Ed Krior, found guilty Mb scheme is to plnno tho bout torn of a barrel, with No. 2 or cldoriof n charge of intoxication, has np- on the ico and, whon tho boot iH fin npplos In thoconter. has been a popu-!.p!n,e1 rnthor t,mn ""uKO tho nun- ishod, cut tho ico from nround" her lnr practlco In many sections of thin i sIm!t,t t nnd allow the vossol to drop easily country. I In sontoncinjf Knor, Polico Judge into tho wntor. Tho boat will oarry All this Is discouraging. Applo, Str1"R 8ft!tl l,mt 1,0 wo"1,, 1)0 lonie"1 nout 30 Ions of freight and n him. growors ln the United States should.." impoH0 ,n f'no jf.3,anl coatsdrod pnHHongors. Cnplnin Arm- reallro thnt they como Into compotl- oruor . K,vo n lcai fllro"K "nfl i numlior of boats tlon with Cnnndlan producers w orrniln. nnrv nnd tnlml llmlr unnlm Mrnr,.iiv nit imnn.e lter readily nvniled himsolf of poso of buyers fixing tho price of tholr fruit ?, 7" . V," "y1H0V(,rn' wiinoHsoH -Alien . Kcod, wir0 of Lioutonnnt on tho basts of Inferior grades, ns Is'thnt lH. ""'"T W. ! u"oatci hm AUo D nu0(1 n ''o U. 8. S. Albany, uuu racoivaa in ino inst tnrea dnyn 25 lottors from hor husbnnd, fifteen the first day, four tho nocond and six tho third day. Lioutonnnt Hoed got hmvo of nbnonco lust full to get married, but immodintoly after tho oorcmony wns ordorod to Contra! America, nt tho boginniiiR of tho Ntc nrngjinn trouble iti- h"" niruiig huh iiiiiii a numlior or boats hoponnlty from which to nppoal if ho in n similar mnnnor in tho Stikiue, losHan .fit lo l0 B0, Yukon nnd other northorn rivors. tho "culls" at homo, thUBlH10 0PPort,,,,ity offc,rml nml filo(1 "-' Wr'te Wife Fifteen Times a Day. ng the chances of English t,co f. n,)ponl .nflor hftln- vnlnly LIBERTY, Mo Feb. 23.-M. ! often done In tho caso of American j WftB ,nifltnko" clm0H' FLOOR PLAN. By nxclal arrangement with me the editor of this paper will furnish one complete set of plans and spccWcatlona of design No. 800 for $10. QLENN L. SAXTON. 'apples. Thoro Is only ono way to ro- movo tho handicap with which Amor- ' lean npplos nro benot In foreign mar kets, and that Is to fallow tho advlco , laid down by Consul McCunn, name ly, to moot tho competition of Can-' ada with a barrol equal In packod weight and In quality to tho standard barrol of that country; to oxorclso' moro enro In tho grading, packing nnd forwarding of shipments; to giro moro attention to tho customers' wants, and to glvo tho consumor moro for his dollar than thoy havo boon j giving hlra ln tho past. Whon that Is dono, Amorlcau npplo shlppora can exact from foreign con sumers of tholr fruit hottor prices and largor profits than thoy now com mand. It looks ns if this must bo dono soonor or Inter, and It would seem tho soonor tho bottor. TO BUILD BOAT ON ICE AND LET THAW LAUNCH IT NEW WESTMINSTER, Fob. 23. A Htonmor intended for uso on tho Columbia rivor ia boing partly built at tho FraBor Rivor millH, nnd will Tho growora of tho Roguo Rivor vnlloy do not como within tho ncopo of tho foregoing nrtlclo, an nowhoro In fruit moro carofully graded and packod than horo. It simply ehowfl tho damagocastorn growora nro doing to tho ontlro applo trade To Check Gambllna. CORDOVA, AlnBkn, Fob. 23.--A dotorminod movo to ohoclc n rovivnl of gambling horo in under way to day, under tho loadornhip of tho United StatoB marflhnl. Sovpntoon men plnying pokor woro nrroBtod in n raid on tho hnflomont of tho Alaska nilldim.' Innt night. Tho ensos will Elk's Peerless Minstrels This is the Elks' Quartet, which will sint? "Evening Hells" and "A Good Little Bad Little Boy" next Monday ovonincr, Fcbrtmrv 28. Enr'li mnmlmr of B. P. O. E. has tickets to sell and thosn wlin hnW nv. change tickets may reserve thom Friday morning, February 23d. General seat sale opens Saturday morning, February 2Gth. If you wish a good seat, buy of some Elk and rcsorvo early, as tho season seat reservation will not apply to tho minstrel perform ances. Prices 75c, $ 1 .00 Sb $ 1 .50 be triod this aftornpon.